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SG - 159

Seat Total No. of Pages : 3


Final Year B. Tech. (Chemical Technology) (CR)

(Semester - VII) Examination, November - 2017
Sub. Code : 64374
Day and Date : Saturday, 11 - 11 - 2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 02.30 p.m. to 05.30 p.m.
Instructions : 1) Question No.1 is Compulsory.
2) Attempt any four Questions out of remaining.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) Assume suitable data if necessary.
5) Draw neat sketches and diagrams wherever required.

Q1 ) A) State whether the sentence is true or false. [5]

i) Soluble components such as salts and low molecular organic
substances can be retained with ultra - filtration membranes.
ii) The separation mechanism used in liquid - liquid extraction is
separation by phase creation.
iii) Ultra filtration membranes are able to retain oils, fats, waxes, resins,
non -polar organic components, as well as solids such as sand,
grinding residues and metal hydroxides.
iv) The separation mechanism used in distillation is separation by phase
v) Zone melting is used for purification of aluminium ingot.
B) Fill in the blanks. [4]
i) ______ is a fixed bed adsorption operation used in final purification
of proteins.
ii) Salt - effect distillation is a method of _________ in which a salt is
dissolved in the mixture of liquids to be distilled.
iii) The membrane process in which a phase change takes place is
known as ______
iv) Divalent salts can be separated by ________ membrane.
SG - 159
C) Answer the following.
i) What is the use of entrainer in azeotropic distillation? [2.5]
ii) Give the types of chromatography. [2.5]
iii) Give the advantages of membrane separation processes over other
separation technique. [3]
iv) State the principle of reactive distillation and give an example. [3]

Q2 ) Answer the following.

A) What are the advantages of supercritical fluid separations over
conventional solvent based separations? [6]
B) Define chromatography. State different types of the same. [6]
C) A liquid containing dilute solute A at a concentration C1 = 3× 10-2 kg
mol/m3 is flowing rapidly past a membrane of thickness L = 3 × 10-5 m.
The distribution coefficient K' = 1.5 and DAB = 7 × 10-11 m2/s in the
membrane. The solute diffuses through the membrane, and its
concentration on the other side is C2 = 0.5 × 10-2 kg mol/m3. the mass
transfer coefficient Kc1 is large and can be considered as infinite, and
Kc2 = 2.02×10-5 m/s.
a) Write the equation to calculate the steady state flux NA and make a
b) Calculate the flux and the concentrations at the membrane interfaces.

Q3 ) Answer the following:

A) Explain basic process principles involved in Reverse Osmosis. State the
industrial applications. [10]
B) What is downstream processing? Explain it in detail. [10]

Q4 ) Answer the following.

A) Define an azetrope. What is the difference between azeotropic distillation
and extractive distillation. [10]
B) Define Crystallization. Explain theory of crystallization. Enumerate
advanced types of crystallization. [10]
SG - 159
Q5 ) Answer the following.
A) What are the different types of membranes available according to their
physical form? Explain different membrane modules used for these
membranes. [10]
B) Write in detail about biochemical separation. [10]

Q6 ) Write short notes on (Any four) [20]

a) Selection of separation processes.
b) Types of distillation.
c) Raoult's law deviations from ideality.
d) Electrodialysis as a separation technique.
e) Rotary drum filter
f) Materials of construction for membranes and membrane fouling.


SG – 177
Seat Total No. of Pages : 2

Final Year B. Tech. (Chemical tech.) (Credit System)

(Semester - VII) Examination, November - 2017
Sub. Code : 64375
Day and Date : Tuesday, 21 - 11 - 2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 02.30 p.m. to 05.30 p.m.
Instructions : 1) Solve any five questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.

Q1) Solve the following questions.

a) Brief note on hydrocarbon and classification of crude oil. [6]

b) What are the rheological classification of fluids. [4]

c) Write down any three quality control of petroleum products. [6]

d) What is organic and non-organic theory? [4]

Q2) a) Write the details of drilling equipment. [10]

b) Explain the vacuum distillation column with operation of fractionating

column. [10]

Q3) a) Explain the thermal cracking process with process variables. [10]

b) Briefly describe the atmospheric distillation. [10]

Q4) a) Write down the flexicoking process [10]

b) Explain the ketone dewaxing process with neat flow sheet. [10]

SG – 177
Q5) a) Explain the distillate hydrodesulphurization process with neat flow
sheet. [10]

b) Production of acetylene from methane. [10]

Q6) a) Details on the threat and challenge before petroleum industries. [12]

b) Explain the udex process. [8]


SG – 178
Seat Total No. of Pages : 3

Final Year B. Tech. (Chemical Technology) (Semester - VII)

Examination, November - 2017
BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING (Elective - I) (Credit System)
Sub. Code : 64376
Day and Date : Tuesday, 21 - 11 - 2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 02.30 p.m. to 05.30 p.m.
Instructions : 1) Question No.1 is compulsory.
2) Solve any five questions out of remaining.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) Assume suitable data if necessary.

Q1) a) State whether the sentences are true/false. [5]

i) In RNA, Thymine is replaced by cytocine.
ii) The increased growth per unit time called growth rate.
iii) Induced fit model used for the immobilization of enzymes.
iv) In enzyme kinetics, substrate concentration is increasing as
compared to enzyme concentration.
v) Prosthetic group is non-protein part of conjugated proteins.

b) Match the following : [5]

i) Enzyme kinetics 1) Immobilization
ii) DNA structure 2) Substrate-strain theory
iii) Prokaryotic cell 3) Lock and Key model
iv) Microencapsulation 4) Double stranded
v) Proximity effect 5) Bacteria

SG – 178
c) Answer the following : [5 ×2 = 10]
i) Define bioreactors.
ii) Draw the neat sketch for growth curve with labelling.
iii) Name the components of nucleotide.
iv) Mention the characteristics of cell.
v) Draw neat sketch for induced-fit model.

Q2) a) Classify the proteins on basis of their nature and functions. [8]

b) What is inhibition? Explain in detail. [8]

Q3) a) What are yeast and moulds? Mention industrially important moulds. [4]

b) What are classification of enzymes? Explain. [6]

c) Explain TCA cycle. [6]

Q4) a) Give structures of DNA and RNA. Explain in detail. [8]

b) Derive Michaelis-Menten equation for single substrate single enzyme

reaction system. [8]

Q5) a) What is enzyme? Explain its various industrial applications. [8]

b) What is nutrient media. [4]

c) Mitochondria are called as power house of cell. Give reason. [4]

Q6) a) What is metabolism? What are main categories of metabolism. [8]

b) What are factors affecting enzyme kinetics. [8]

SG – 178
Q7) Write a note on following (Any 4) : [4 × 4 = 16]

a) Immobilization.

b) Polysaccharides.

c) Stirred tank bioreactor.

d) Simple lipids.

e) Fermentation.


SG – 179
Seat Total No. of Pages : 2

Final Year B. Tech. (Chemical Technology) (Semester - VII)

(Credit System) Examination, November - 2017
Sub. Code : 64377
Day and Date : Tuesday, 21 - 11 - 2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 02.30 p.m. to 05.30 p.m.
Instructions : 1) Attempt any five questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) a) How does the classification of polymers have been done? [10]

b) What do you mean by pearl polymerization? [10]

Q2) a) How does the light scattering method helps to determine the molecular
weight of the polymers? [10]

b) Explain in detail the emulsion polymerization. [10]

Q3) a) Explain the spinning method. [10]

b) What is suspension polymerization? [10]

Q4) a) What is the GPC method for the determination for the molecular weight?

b) Why reinforcement does is required? [10]

SG – 179
Q5) a) Describe in detail the coordination polymerization with the Ziegler-
Natta catalyst. [10]

b) Explain the mechanism of electrochemical polymerization. [10]

Q6) a) What is the difference between Tg and Tm? Also give the difference
between the thermoset and thermoplastic. [10]

b) What are the properties of the fiber after the processing is done? [10]


SG – 180
Seat Total No. of Pages : 2

Final Year B. Tech. (Chemical Technology)

(Semester - VII) (CR) Examination, November - 2017
Sub. Code : 64378
Day and Date : Tuesday, 21 - 11 - 2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 02.30 p.m. to 05.30 p.m.
Instructions : 1) Attempt any FIVE questions.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Assume suitable data if necessary.
4) Draw neat sketches and diagrams wherever required.

Q1) Answer the following :

a) Discuss the drug development aspects of organic therapeutics agents

with respect to classification, requirements and precautions during drug
developments. [10]

b) Give brief review of the Pharmaceutical Industry and state the role of a
chemical engineer in a Pharmaceutical Industry. [10]

Q2) Answer the following :

a) Differentiate between pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. [10]

b) Discuss the importance of mixing, blending and coating in Pharmaceutical

manufacturing units. [10]

Q3) Answer the following :

a) What is the concept of GMPs? How is it implemented in Pharmaceutical

Industry? [10]

b) Describe different dosage forms used as drugs and explain their

manufacturing processes and applications. [10]

SG – 180
Q4) Answer the following

a) Classify and brief about various analytical methods available for the drugs
and Pharmaceuticals. [10]

b) Explain the importance of Quality control in Pharmaceutical industry.[10]

Q5) Answer the following :

a) Write a note on Vitamins and their classification along with their functions
in the body. [10]

b) Write detailed notes on Metabolism and excretion. [10]

Q6) Write short notes. (Any 4) : (4 × 5 = 20)

a) Clean Room Concept in Pharmaceuticals.

b) FDA role and importance in Pharmaceuticals.

c) Granulation.

d) Classification of Drugs.

e) Classification of Dosage forms.


SG - 171
Seat Total No. of Pages : 4

Final Year B.Tech. (Chemical Technology) (CR) (Part - IV)

(Semester - VII) Examination, November - 2017
Sub. Code : 64380
Day and Date : Thursday, 16 - 11 - 2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 02.30 p.m. to 05.30 p.m.
Instructions : 1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.
2) Attempt any five questions out of remaining.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) Assume suitable data if necessary.
5) Draw neat sketches and diagrams wherever required.

Q1) A) Answer the following objective questions.

i) Chemical kinetics can predict the ________ [Fill in the blank and
rewrite the sentence]. [1]
ii) For the irreversible elementary reactions in parallel
o o
A K2 B, A K1 C , the rate of disappearance of A is equal to.
A) (K1 + K2)CA B) CA (K1 + K2)/2
C) CA.K1/2 D) CAK2/2
[Choose the correct option and rewrite the sentence] [1]
iii) For the reaction SO2 (g) + O2 (g) YZZZZXSO3 (g) . The equilibrium
constant Kp has units of ________.
[Fill in the blank and rewrite the sentence] [1]
iv) For the reaction following ______ order kinetics equal size CSTRs
are the best for determining best system for a given conversion.
A) 1st B) 2nd
C) Zero
[Choose the correct option and rewrite the sentence] [1]
v) For constant density system space time equal to the mean residence
time of flowing material in the reactor.
[State whether true / false] [1]

SG - 171
vi) Fluidised bed / fixed bed reactor is used for catalytic ceacking of
petroleum fractions.
[Retain the correct option and rewrite the sentence] [1]

vii) For an irreversible gas phase reaction 2A ¶¶l 3R , starting with

50% A and 50% Inerts, the value of EA is ½.
[State whether true /false] [1]
viii) For RTD studies, the spread of the distribution is commonly
measured by the ________.
[Fill in the blank and rewrite the sentence] [1]
ix) Gases and thin liquids are microfluids / macrofluids.
[Retain the correct and rewrite the sentence] [1]

x) Tank in series model is a ________ parameter model used to

represent non-ideal flow.
[Fill in the blank and rewrite the sentence] [1]
B) Answer the following :
i) Define Recycle ratio and give its significance. [3]
ii) For the parallel reactions. [3]

A ¶¶l R , r = 1

A ¶¶lS , r = 2C

A ¶¶lT , c = C T A

with CAo = 2 gmol/Lit. What will be the fractional yield of 'S' with
respect to 'A' when fractional conversion of A is 0.5?
iii) Differentiate between fixed bed and fluidised bed reaction. [4]

Q2) Attempt the following :

a) How are equilibrium constants obtained from experimental measurements?
b) Explain non-adiabetic operations of flow reactors. [5]

SG - 171
c) For aqueous reaction : A + B ¶¶l Product
rA = (500 lit / mol. min) CA ¸ CB is to take place in an experimental
tubular reactor (assume plug flow) under the following conditions. volume
of reactor = 0.1 litre.
volumetric feed rate = 0.05 litre/min.
Concentration of reactants in feed, CAo = CBo = 0.01 mol/lit. What
fractional conversion of reactants can be expected? [6]
Q3) Attempt the following :
a) The concentration readings in table represent a continuous response to a
pulse input into a closed vessel which is to be used as a chemical reactor
for a liquid decomposing with rate
r A= K CA , K = 0.307 min 1
Time t, min 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Tracer output concentration 0 3 5 5 4 2 1 0
C pulse, gm/lit fluid
Find the fraction of reactant unconverted in the real reactor and compare
this with the fraction unconverted in a plug flow reactor of the same size.
b) Derive the expression of conversion in non-ideal flow reactor for first
order irreversible reaction A ¶¶l product. [8]
Q4) Attempt the following :
a) Name two kinds of temperature effects encountered in solid catalysed
reactions, explain briefly. [8]
b) Calculate the amount of catalyst needed in a packed bed reactor to achieve
80% conversion of 1000m3/hr of pure gaseous [8]
A [ C A O = 100 mol/m3] for

A ¶¶l R,  r  1 50C
A mol
(h.kg cat) .

Q5) Attempt the following :

a) In a laboratary investigation ethanal is esterified to produce ethyl acetate
and water at 1 atm. according to the reaction on.
CH3COOH(l ) + C2 H5OH(l ) ¶¶lCH COOC H
3 2 5(l ) + H2O(l ) what is the
equilibrium constant for the reaction at 100°C. What is the composition
of the mixture if initially at 1 mole of acetic acid and 1 mole of ethanal
were present? [8]

SG - 171
Data : DG° at 298K for the reaction = 1160 cal.
DHR at 298 for the reaction = 1713 cal.
b) The following conversion data on a gaseous reaction A ¶¶l R are
obtained in an experimental reactor. [8]
Find a rate equation to represent the reaction using following data.
Plug flow, C A O = 60 mol/m3, vo = Volumetric feed rate = 3l/min.
W, g 0.50 1.0 2.5
CA, mol/m3 30 20 10

Q6) Attempt the following :

a) Consider the constant volume batch reactor.
The reaction is A ¶¶l
B [second order reaction with respect to A].
Show that the heat balance equation is
 KC A o2 (1  X A )2 (%H) V +UA [Tj  T] . [8]

b) Estimate the equilibrium constant at 600K for the reaction

C2 H 4 (g) +H 2O(g) ¶¶l C H OH
2 5 (g)

At 298K : DG° = – 2030 cal/mol.

D H of for H2O (g) = –57798 cal/mol.
C2H5OH(g) = –56240 cal/mol.
C2H4(g) = 12496 cal/mol.
What are the factors which affects the equilibrium conversion in chemical
reaction. [8]

Q7) Write short notes (any 4) : [4 × 4 = 16]

a) Effectiveness factor.
b) Optimum temperature progression.
c) Tank in series model.
d) E, F and C curves.
e) Slurry reactor
f) RTD in PFR and in MFR.

SG - 186
Seat Total No. of Pages : 2

Final Year B.Tech (Chemical Technology) (Part - IV) (Semester - VII)

Examination, November - 2017
Sub. Code : 64381
Day and Date : Thursday, 23 - 11 - 2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 02.30 p.m. to 05.30 p.m.
Instructions: 1) Question 1 is compulsory.
2) Solve any 4 from remaining five questions.
3) Draw neat sketches wherever necessary.

Q1) a) Answer the following :- [4 × 3 = 12]

i) Write a short note on : plant growth regulators.
ii) What are the applications of biotechnology?
iii) Explain : Galvanizing.
iv) Describe fragrance and flavours.
b) What are composite woods? Explain in detail. [8]

Q2) a) Explain different herbicides used in agricultural industry. [10]

b) Explain in detail all the processes involved in leather manufacturing with
flowchart. [10]

Q3) a) List different paint additives and explain any four of them. [8]
b) List different number of products derived from wood. [12]

Q4) a) Write a note on : Biofertilizers. [8]

b) Explain in detail physical drying and chemical drying for paints. [4]
c) What is resin? Write a short note on essential oils. [8]

SG - 186
Q5) a) What are pesticides? Give classification with production method. [10]
b) Write in details about cosmetics industry from the stand point of chemical
engineering problems. [10]

Q6) Write short notes on. (Any 4) [20]

a) Agrochemical industry
b) Manufacturing of wine
c) Powder coatings
d) Vinegar and citric acid
e) Compound and complex fertilizers.



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