Signs of The Time 2ph Lesson 1 Mine
Signs of The Time 2ph Lesson 1 Mine
Signs of The Time 2ph Lesson 1 Mine
Intermediate objectives: By the end of the session, the learners will able to:
- The students should be able to: use the semi-model used to, going to, will-future
Lesson steps
Rubric Procedures/correction Objectives Time
-The teacher greets students , Students respond SWAT 10
Before you read recognize
(p.16) mts
the different
The teacher encourages his/ her pupils to elicit an sectors of
interpretation of the image in their textbooks. economy
Students' answers may differ depending on their cultural identify/cate
backgrounds. gorise the
Suggested answers to pre-reading stage: within the
Primary sector: production (agriculture). Pics.1,4 montage
Secondary sector: transformation (industry). Pics.2,5 past to
Tertiary sector: services. Pics.3,6 present).