199582558 كل مذكرات السنة الأولى في الانجليزية
199582558 كل مذكرات السنة الأولى في الانجليزية
199582558 كل مذكرات السنة الأولى في الانجليزية
The project
Internet Project Poster
CV writing
Sequence 1: Listening and speaking pp. 4-7
The aim of this sequence is to develop the listening and speaking skills with reference to the following
functions: instructing and expressing purpose, and related language forms (e.g., sequencers and
Aim: To interact the learners to what will come next in the listening and speaking sequence.
Steps of the lesson:
Timing Steps Input / Output Aims
10mns Warming -« T » asks questions -To introduce the topic
up What does the picture show? by interpreting pictures
-The students look at the picture and answer.
35mns Task 1+2 -« T » asks questions about the computer? -To interact and identify
(P 4) Have you a computer at home? the different parts of the
What do it consist of? pc.
-The student answer
-« T » asks pps to listen and to identify the
parts of the computer -To get new vocabulary
-« T » reads the words in the box loudly. items.
- « T » checks ,corrects
- Pps write on the bb
-« T » asks pps to find other words related to
computers and write them on the copy book
15mn Task 3+4 -« T » asks pps to listen then say the e mail -To know how to ask for
(P4) address written and give information in
-Pps read aloud the address. relation with e-mail
-« T » asks the pupils to invent their own e- addresses.
mail. - To work in pairs :
-Pps tell each other their e-mail address. Ask for and give the e-
mail address.
Steps Solutions
Task 3+4 Yacine two thousand and five at yahoo dot com
(P4) ahmed@maktoob.com
Streams: First Year Classes (SE) Source: The Crossroads
Unit I: Getting Through
Input: Listen and check p.5/17
The Aim:
task 2 P17/5 First, the teacher Simulates the spoken - learners check their answers
15 MN interaction (the listening script) on page (i) at to the question in task one
the end of the textbook. - train the learners to speak
The teacher must stress only the key words from notes or memory with
(e.g., sequencers).since learners will listen to reference to the function of
key words in order to pick out the sequencing instructing and related language
order of the instructions. forms.
_then the teacher asks the students to
sequence the instructions using
sequencers:first,then,next,after that and
Steps Solutions
Task 5 P5/17
Streams: First Year Classes (SE) Source: The Crossroads
Unit I: Getting Through
Input: Listening and Speaking
Say it clear p.6/18
The Aim: - learners will revise the intonation pattern in requests and get familiar with the comparative of
superiority of adverbs.
Presentation - Each time they answer your prompts, -To interact with the
15mn simulate misunderstanding or mishearing learners about the
and ask them to repeat what they have sentences.
said using the requests in task 1. -To make them interpret
the contexts in which the
-When you speak, you communicate different sentences can
information both verbally i.e., by using occur.
words and non-verbally, i.e., by using
gestures, facial expressions, etc... So hold
your hand close to your ear to indicate
mishearing). -To derive rules.
10mn Oral drill -The teacher asks the pupils to give1 or 2 -To check the pupils
examples. comprehension.
-Students give examples.
-the teacher checks and corrects.
Refer the learners to samples of requests
10mn in task one. If necessary, illustrate what
the learners are required to do by
transforming one of the statements into a - make requests out of
request information provided in
Practice Read aloud the request and mark the the form of statements
Activity two intonation pattern. containing comparatives
key to the task: of superiority.
a- Could you type more quickly, please?
Streams: First Year Classes (SE) Source: The Crossroads
Unit I: Getting Through
Input: listening and speaking
The Aim: The aim behind this lesson is to recognise stress patterns in two syllable words related to
Steps of the lesson:
Timing Steps Input /Output Aims
Key :
Your floppy contains a virus;
remove it from my computer
10mn Task four - The teacher copies the table on board - learners will check
P6/18 and to have the learners correct their their answers to task
answers on their own. three as you read
-then he must Give some time for the aloud the words in
learners to analyse the stress pattern in the box
the two columns to draw the rule for
accentuation/word stress in two syllable
browser - cursor - connect - protect -
pointer - window remove
floppy - icon - erase - escape -
keyboard - display
5mn Produce -Pupils try to give examples of two -To drill the rule of word
syllables words either verbs or nouns and stress(two syllables).
identify the stress patterns.
Streams: First Year Classes (SE) Source: The Crossroads
Unit I: Getting Through
Input: Listening and speaking
Streams: First Year Classes (SE) Source: The Crossroads
Unit I: Getting Through
Input: Listening and speaking
Say it in writing p.7/19
The Aim: - The learners will re-invest what they have learned in the previous tasks in terms of functions
and related language forms in order to produce an argumentative paragraph defending a point of view
about the usefulness of the Internet.
Steps of the lesson:
Timing Steps Input /Output Aims
10 mn Warming -The teacher brainstorms the topic with -.To brainstorm the topic
up the students and jot notes on board. -to jot down ideas
-TS: What do you think about/of the - to elicit what the
Internet? learners think about the
TS: Is it useful or not? Why ? Internet
TS: Can you give other reasons?
Practice -Teacher asks the pupils to make mini- - to check if the students
15mn presentations about the usefulness of the understands the task
Internet’on the work sheet. -to make them learn
-Pupils think then do it. strategies of writing.
-T checks.
-Pps correct.
15mn Produce -the students read their paragraphs and -Error correction
identify errors and correct them -feedback
The teacher chooses the best paragraph
and asks the students to copy it on their
copybooks as an example of paragraph.
Streams: 1 st year classes Source: The Crossroads
Unit I: Getting Through Input: Reading and writing pp. 8-11
Sequence two: Reading and writing pp. 8-11
Aim: The aim of this rubric is to help your learners read icons in a computer screenshot. This is a very
useful social skill in our modern technological world. This social skill will be developed in relation to
functions covered earlier. It also aims to create a lead-in to the reading tasks proper on page 9.
10 min Task 1 -the teacher sets the students to the task -To interact and identify
(P 20) key the different parts of the
a-3b-1c–6d-4e-5f–2 pc.
10mn Task 3 - Direct the learners’ attention to the second - learners will learn to
(20) screenshot and interact with them in order make predictions about
to elicit an interpretation of the information what will come next in
contained on the screenshot. an e-mail message on
-The screen shot is used for sending e-mails the basis of information
contained in an e-mail
box screenshot.
Read and check P21 :
10mns Task 1-2 P - Make sure the learners understand what - The learners will
21 is expected of them in this task. They do check the predictions
not need to read the whole message. they have made in task
Indeed, they can check their predictions three of the Anticipate
by reading only two or three sentences of rubric.
the e-mail message. But note that the
process of making predictions keeps -collect information
going all along the reading of any text.
Therefore, you can ask your learners to
try it again by making other predictions
just after they have checked those they
have made earlier. (e.g., ‘what will Kirsi
write about just after the two
introductory sentences?’)
10mn Task 3 - the teacher draws his students attention to - Identifying reference
(21) the words written in bold words
he takes the first word as an example
I have found your address
Then he asks them to tell him which address
we are talking about
then he tells them that your refers to I I
mean my address
your is a reference word to I
-then he asks them to do the same with the
other words in the text
Streams: First Year Classes (SE) Source: The Crossroads
Unit I: Getting Through
Input: Reading and Writing
Discover the language pp.10-11 frequency adverbs
The Aim: - Skill building in this rubric is treated at different levels: the word level, the sentence level,
and the paragraph level.
Steps of the lesson:
Timing Steps Input /Output Aims
10 mn Warming - The teacher refers the learners to -In order to pick out
up paragraph three. It is this paragraph, examples.
which talks about Kirsi’s regular
then he asks the learners to pick out the
sentences which contain the frequency
_the teacher writes the sentences on the
board as examples
the examples
1-Igenerally get up very early
2-I always go there by bus.
3-I rarely go out at the weekend
4-I often visit my grand parents on
5-I sometimes watch TV
Presentation -The teacher discusses the examples with -To interact with the
15mn his / her students. learners about the
-“T” explains sentences.
-Pps derive rules
-Pupils fill in the rule. -To derive rules.
10mn Oral drill -The teacher asks the pupils to give1 or 2 -To check the pupils
examples. comprehension.
-Students give examples.
Practice - Direct the learners’ attention to the - The learners will use
10mn Activity questionnaire and ask them to identify questions included in a
four P22 what it is about questionnaire to conduct
- interact with them (in open class) an interview about
simulating a sample interview. Show the regular activities.
learners how to make notes by jotting
down the responses of your
informants/learners on board.
- The learners will make notes on rough
pieces of paper when it is their turn to do
the task in pairs
10mn Task five -the students use the information and use - write/produce a short
follow-up them to write sentences as regular report
activities using frequency adverbs -use and identify
frequency adverbs.
Write it right p. 11
This task aims to make the learners re-invest what they have learned in the Disover the language rubric to
write a reply to the e-mail message that they have read in the Read and check rubric.
10mns Task 1-2 P -refer your learners to Kirsi’s e-mail on page - The learners are
23 9 of the textbook, and have them take it as a ‘taught’ how to build
parallel or model of building and organising and organise paragraphs.
the paragraphs of their replies
Provide them with a topic sentence for the
first paragraph.
-The learners can check whether they have
organised their paragraphs correctly by
referring to the same letter).
Streams: First Year Classes (SE) Source: The Crossroads
Unit I: Getting Through
Input: Stop and Consider
The Aim: -To consolidate grammar notions Expressing purpose
- To make them consider these notions in context both deductively and inductively.
Steps of the lesson:
Timing Steps Input /Output Aims
10 mn Warming -T asks the pupils some questions related -In order to pick out
up to the text given. examples.
E.g.:-Why does Omar use the internet?
- Why does he download pictures?
-The pupils skim the text then answer.
Presentation -The teacher discusses the examples with -To interact with the
15mn his / her students. learners about the
-“T” explains sentences.
-Pps derive rules -To make them interpret
-Pupils fill in the reminder. the contexts in which the
different sentences can
-To derive rules.
10mn Oral drill -The teacher asks the pupils to give1 or 2 -To check the pupils
examples. comprehension.
-Students give examples.
Practice -Teacher asks the pupils to do the -To be able to use to, in
10mn Activity one activity 1 on the work sheet. order to, so as to and its
-Pupils think then do it. negatives.
-T checks.
-Pps correct.
10mn Activity two -To be able to link
-Teacher read the instruction. sentences with their
-Pupils do the activity. appropriate purposes.
-Teacher checks the pps answers.
-Pps correct on the board.
10mn Activity Pair Work: - To motivate pupils to
three -Pupil1 reads the first part of the sentence practice the rules more
written in the card. The other pupils and more.
check for the completion in their cards -To use correct sentences
then read the best completion using the expressing purpose.
appropriate linker.
5mn Produce -Pupils try to build up sentences of their -To build up correct
own expressing the purpose meaningful sentences
expressing purpose.
Steps Solutions
Warming - He always uses the internet to research
up - He downloads a lot of pictures from there in order to use them in his work
Presentation The Reminder
* We use to, so as to, in order to to express purpose.
* To, so as to, in order to can be used in the beginning or in the middle.
* The negatives are not to, in order not to, so as not to.
* After to, so as to, in order to and their negatives we use a verb (stem)
Oral drill
Activity 1- so as not - a
Two 2- in order to - c
3- to - d
4- in order not to - b
Streams: First Year Classes (SE) Source: The Crossroads
Unit I: Getting Through
Input: Stop And Consider Reflexive pronouns
The Aim: -To consolidate grammar notions
- To make them consider these notions in context both deductively and inductively.
Steps of the lesson:
Timing Steps Input /Output Aims
10 mn Warming -T asks the pupils some questions -In order to pick out
up related to the picture given. examples.
E.g.:- What does the picture show?
-How many parrots/birds are there?
One or two?
-The pupils skim the text p 9 then
Presentation -The teacher discusses the examples -To interact with the learners
15mn with his / her students. about the sentences.
-“T” explains -To make them interpret the
-Pps derive rules contexts in which the
-Pupils fill in the reminder about different sentences can
reflexive pronouns occur.
-To derive rules.
10mn Oral drill -The teacher asks the pupils to give1 -To check the pupils
or 2 examples. comprehension.
-Students give examples.
Practice -Teacher asks the pupils to do the -To be able to use reflexive
15mn Activity one activity 1 on the work sheet. pronouns
-Pupils think then do it. himself,herself,itself,yourself
-T checks. ourselves, themselves
-Pps correct.
10mn Produce -Pupils try to build up sentences of -To build up correct
their own using reflexive pronouns meaningful sentences
expressing purpose.
The Keys :
Steps Solutions
Warming -There is one parrot only. The parrot in the mirror is just a reflex ion of
up the parrot perched on a stick
- The parrot is talking to itself
Presentation The Reminder
Reflexive pronouns usually refer back to the subject of the clause or sentence.
However, the –self-particle can be used to give emphasis to the noun phrase or
pronoun subject (e.g., I cooked it myself).
Oral drill
Practice A/yourself
Activity B/himself
One C/herself
Streams: First Year Classes (SE) Source: The Crossroads
Unit I: Getting Through
Input: Stop and Consider
The Aim: -To consolidate grammar notions Expressing obligation
- To make them consider these notions in context both deductively and inductively.
Presentation -The teacher discusses the examples with -To interact with the
15mn his / her students. learners about the
-“T” explains. sentences.
-Pps derive rules. -To make them interpret
-Then the Pupils fill in the reminder the contexts in which the
about expressing obligation and different sentences can
prohibition and lack of necessity and occur.
their negative forms -To derive rules.
10mn Oral drill -The teacher asks the pupils to give1 or 2 -To check the pupils
examples. comprehension.
-Students give examples.
Practice -Teacher asks the pupils to do the -To be able to use to, in
10mn Activity one activity 1 on the work sheet . order to, so as to and its
-Pupils think then do it. negatives.
-T checks.
-Pps correct.
5mn Produce -Pupils try to build up sentences of their -To build up correct
own expressing the obligation and meaningful sentences
prohibition. expressing purpose.
The Keys :
Steps Solutions
3-we use need not and does not have to to say that there is no obligation to do
Example: you need not send a message just phone them.
Note there is no past form of must we use had to and did not have to to
express obligation and absence of obligation in the past.
Example: we had to switch off the computer before leaving.
Oral drill
school rules:
Practice 1-you must respect your teacher
Activity 2-you must not eat in the classroom.
One 3-you must not smoke in the school.
4-you must study all the subjects.
5-you must practice sport to stay healthy.
6-you must wear uniform.
7-you must switch off your mobiles in class.
8-you must do your homeworks.
Streams: First Year Classes (SE) Source: The Crossroads
Unit I: Getting Through
Input: Stop and Consider
The Aim: -To consolidate grammar notions Definite and Indefinite articles
- To make them consider these notions in context both deductively and inductively.
The Keys :
Steps Solutions
Presentation The Reminder
‘A’ and ‘an’ are indefinite articles. We use them only before singular countable
‘The’ is a definite article. We use it before common nouns singular and plural
countable and uncountable.
Streams: First Year Classes (SE) Source: The Crossroads
Unit I: Getting Through
Input: Stop and Consider
The Aim: -To consolidate grammar notions prepositional and phrasal verbs
- To make them consider these notions in context both deductively and inductively.
verb+preposition=phrasal verb
Streams: First Year Classes (SE) Source: The Crossroads
Unit I: Getting Through
Input: Stop and Consider
The Aim: -To consolidate grammar notions ‘from …to…’ and ‘until
- To make them consider these notions in context both deductively and inductively.
10mn Oral drill -The teacher asks the pupils to give1 or 2 -To check the pupils
examples. comprehension.
-Students give examples.
Practice -Teacher asks the pupils to do the -To be able to use ‘from
10mn Activity one activity 1 on the work sheet . …to…’ and ‘until/till’.
-Pupils think then do it.
-T checks.
-Pps correct.
5mn Produce -Pupils try to build up sentences of their -To build up correct
own expressing time using ‘from …to…’ meaningful sentences
and ‘until/till’. expressing time and
The Keys :
Steps Solutions
(past) (future)
It will take from now to next March to finish the work.
From…….to are used with:
-years(from 1954 to 1962)
-months(from May to July)
-days(from Saturday to Thursday)
-dates(from May 1st to July 5th )
-parts of the day(from dawn to 5 p.m)
-hours(from 8a.m to 5p.m)
I waited for the message until 9 o’clock and I left.
Until is used with:
-years(until 2OO5)
-months(until December )
-days(until Monday)
-dates(until July 5th )
-hours(until 5 o’clock)
Practice It is just a note to tell you that the tower of London will be open for visitors
Activity until 31 October the timing is like this
One p33 from Tuesday to Saturday it is open from 10.00 to 18.00
the timing will remain like this until 1st of November
when the timing will become like this
from Tuesday to Saturday it is open from 9.00 to 17.00 and from Monday to
Sunday it is open from 10.00 to 17.00
Streams: First Year Classes (SE) Source: The Crossroads
Unit I: Getting Through
Input: Stop and Consider
The Aim: -To consolidate grammar notions double conjunctions
- To make them consider these notions in context both deductively and inductively.
15mn PRODUCE the students give examples -to ensure that the
students best understand
after the task
The Keys :
Steps Solutions
Streams: First Year Classes (SE) Source: The Crossroads
Unit I: Getting Through
Input: Developing Skills
The Aim: -Develop social skills like writing letters/Business letter
Steps of the lesson:
Timing Steps Input /Output Aims
10 mn Warming -Ts asks the students of the different
up types of letters they know
business letters
- The teacher refers the learners to the -The aim is to produce a
layout of the letter of enquiry in task one. reply to a letter of
This will help them visualise how to enquiry by ordering
present their replies. then he refers them jumbled sentences and
to the correction of task two for the re-investing what is
organisation of ideas in the body of their learned in tasks one, two
reply letter and three.
Task 4 -the teacher sets the students to do the
25 mn P34 tasks in pairs to encourage peer
-the teacher makes sure the learners place
their replies in appropriate formats:
Thank you for your enquiry about
our summer courses. Please find
enclosed here our latest information
prospectus, which we hope will be of
interest to you.
We are permanent, we are
professional and we offer you a warm
welcome here at a our school.
We look forward to hearing from
you soon
Your address:
Streams: First Year Classes (SE) Source: The Crossroads
Unit I: Getting Through
Input: consolidation and extension
Write it out
The Aim: -To consolidate and extend the range of writing skills
5mn Task two - - The aim of this task is
follow-up to make the learners
aware that we do not
write to ourselves but to
particular readers.
The teacher :
Steps Sollutions
Warming up
Oral drill
Activity One