Pengelolaan Alokasi Dana Desa Add Di Des
Pengelolaan Alokasi Dana Desa Add Di Des
Pengelolaan Alokasi Dana Desa Add Di Des
Based on the background of the phenomenon that occurred in the field is still a
lack of development that occurred in the Village District Tanjung Koto Kampar such
as the construction of post ronda which until now not ready to build, and semenisasi
unfinished roads, public services provided by the village government is still not
satisfied According to society and society still not prosperous because society still feel
difficult emndapatkan service from government which exist in Desa Tanjung
Subdistrict Koto Kampar. The formulation of the problem in this research is how the
Village Fund Allocation Management (ADD) in the Village of Tanjung Koto Kampar
Hulu Sub-district of Kampar District and the factors that influence the Village Fund
Allocation Management (ADD) in the Village of Tanjung Koto Kampar Hulu
Subdistrict, Kampar regency. The type used in this research is qualitative with
descriptive survey technique. The location of this research was conducted in Desa
Tanjung Koto Kampar Hulu sub-district, Kampar regency. The informant is the Head
of Tanjung Village, the Secretary of Tanjung Village Head, and the community. The
results of the implementation of Village Fund Allocation (ADD) management in the
physical development of the Tanjung Village can be seen from the results of the
research interviews, that the management carried out is in accordance with the
planning discussed, but the problem is the lack of supervision by the village government
to the people who commit the fraud so that Hampering the management of Village Fund
Allocation (ADD) in the physical development of Desa Tanjung. And the factors
affecting the management of Tanjung's village funding allocations are that the lack of
finances owned by Tanjung villages is exacerbated by the sluggish assistance from
local governments in providing village allocation funds, the lack of village community
participation in village development that is part of village financial management makes
it even more difficult for successful financial management, Supporting factors and
constraints to village financial management are on the internal and external side of the
village organization. These factors greatly affect the performance of Tanjung village's
financial management while the inhibiting factor of village financial management is
the limited availability of funds so that managers the difficulty of determining which
programs should be precedence.