Music Critique
Music Critique
Music Critique
6 “Music Critique”
Writing effective criticism of musical performances relies on:
When reviewing music, note that nothing is either ‘right or wrong’, or ‘good or bad’, let alone ‘nice or ugly’… that’s not
objective for critiquing purposes.
I. Match the expressions with their corresponding adjectives or terms. Follow the example.
II. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions in the box below.
requirement for early jazz arrangements - aesthetic – move away – unfree and planned - forms of jazz
The primary technical feature peculiar to jazz is syncopation. Syncopation was a 1)_requirement for early jazz arrangements_- it
distinguished jazz music from other, ’straight’ forms of music, and persists as a chief feature of today’s jazz. Syncopation is the
common thread that runs throughout all 2)______________________, and its importance should not be underestimated.
In syncopation, individual players are allowed the ’freedom’ to 3) __________________ from the governing beats of the
measure. Such a movement, in Armstrong’s idiomatic characterization, is a ’swinging around’: ’the boys are "swinging around",
and away from, the regular beat and melody you are used to, following the scoring very loosely and improvising as they go, by
ear and free musical feeling’.
Given the privileged role assigned to syncopation, both by jazz musicologists and, within jazz, by musicians such as Armstrong, it
is not surprising that Adorno directs much of his critical energies towards this technical feature - in both its ’ragtime’
(mathematical) and ’blues’ (spontaneous) forms. According to Adorno, both forms of perpetual syncopation are not simply
4)________________ techniques or innovative styles that express ’free musical feeling’, but rather the embodiment of an
emergent network of arbitrary social controls. Therefore, syncopation is not about ’swinging around’ freely and improvising as
one goes, but of recapitulating the congealed nature of an 5)____________________________ society.
2. Band / Ensemble / Performer Name: Barnet Schools Choir – The London Philharmonic Orchestra
- Voices: Boy-soprano.
7. Function (social and cultural purpose) of the piece: Religious, movie soundtrack.
8. Other features:
- Other technical features: It seems that the voice and the pan flute make pitch-bending at times.
Choose one of the following songs or music pieces and listen to it. Then make your own music critique by sticking
to the parameters shown in the form below.
- Oye mi canto (Gloria Estefan & The Miami Sound - Alleluia (From: Exultate Jubilate – KV165 – Wolfang
Machine) - Amadeus Mozart) -
- Neon (John Mayer) - - Simple Gifts (From: Appalachian Spring – Aaron
- Don’t get around much anymore (Nat King Cole) - Copland) - - Minuet in G major (BWV Anh. 114) Johann
Sebastian Bach -
a. Tone:
b. Technique:
Note accuracy
c. Expression:
d. Melodiousness (Musicality)
Appropriateness of style.
Sensitivity to phrasing.
Appropriateness of dynamic
Appropriate observance of tempo.
Demonstrates musical
e. Others: