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METHOD FOR INCREASING THE sulfur dioxide to sulfur trioxide, the sulfur trioxide is reacted
PRODUCTION CAPACTY OF SULFURC with water to form sulfuric acid in an SO absorption Zone,
ACO PLANTS AND PROCESSES which is typically a tower packed with 3" ceramic saddles or
less commonly a Venturi scrubber. In either one, the absorp
This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent 5 tion media is a strong sulfuric acid solution (96-99.8%
application Ser. No. 08/495.396 filed Jun. 28, 1995, now HSO).
U.S. Pat No. 5,593,652. While reaction of SO with the water portion of the
concentrated sulfuric acid is rapid and virtually complete,
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTON SO is removed from the gas phase less well and is repre
1. Field of the Invention 10 sented by the equilibrium reaction forming sulfurous acid
(HSO) in concentrated sulfuric acid media as follows:
The present invention relates to a method for increasing SOHOsHSO
the production capacity of sulfuric acid processes without
the requirement of additional equipment that produces a Of course, the extent of reaction is dependent upon the
pressure drop in the plant and without significant additional reaction medium, and in particular, the concentration of
energy consumption. The process also allows an increase in 15 sulfuric acid in the reaction medium, as well as the tem
the production of concentrated sulfuric acid solutions by perature of the reaction medium. In practice, those skilled in
producing more sulfur trioxide without an increase of sulfur the art may refer to solubility charts, tables, or diagrams to
dioxide emissions. determine the amount of SO that dissolves in a given
2. Description of the Prior Art concentrated sulfuric acid solution at a given temperature.
20 Since at least some of the sulfur dioxide does not dissolve,
Sulfuric acid is the highest volume chemical manufac those skilled in the art will also recognize that the gas
tured in the world. Its production volume has been histori leaving the absorption tower therefore primarily contains
cally used to measure the industrial development of nations SO as the active sulfur compound.
and societies. Current worldwide capacity is estimated at In most countries in the World, Sulfuric acid plants are
about 570,000 tons per day. About 30%, or 170,000 tons per 25 nowadays limited by the amount of sulfur dioxide that they
day, of the world capacity is located in the United States. are allowed to emit to the atmosphere. The U.S. Environ
Most of the sulfuric acid produced is consumed to pro mental Protection Agency currently limits sulfur dioxide
duce phosphoric acid in integrated fertilizer complexes. emissions to four pounds per short ton (2 kg per metric ton)
Typically, several sulfuric acid plants will be co-located in of sulfuric acid HSO produced. This is equivalent to a
such industrial complexes. For example, several large 30 minimum of 99.7% sulfur dioxide conversion to sulfur
United States fertilizer complexes hostimultiple sulfuric acid trioxide in the catalytic conversion step. Accordingly, this
plants which generate over 10,000 tons of sulfuric acid per condition represents the limit of maximum practical plant
day. capacity, and most plants operate at this limit or as close as
The principal raw materials used to make sulfuric acid possible to it, because this is the most economical, permis
are, first, an oxidizable sulfur-containing material, such as 35 sible operating condition.
elemental sulfur itself, iron pyrite or other sulfide ores, and It is well-known to sulfuric acid plant engineers and
hydrogen sulfide, and second, a decomposable sulfate such designers how the capacity/conversion relationship will be
as calcium sulfate or spent (contaminated and diluted) observed in each sulfuric acid plant. This relationship will
sulfuric acid. In addition, an oxygen-containing oxidizing depend on the amount and condition of the catalyst beds in
gas such as air or oxygen and also water are necessary for each plant and on the heat exchange capacity of the ancillary
the processing. In most types of plants, the first stage of the equipment, i.e., the equipment that provides temperature
process has the objective of producing a reasonably control to the catalytic beds. The exact response will vary
continuous, essentially contaminant-free gas stream contain from plant to plant depending on catalyst loading (ratio of
ing essentially sulfur dioxide, oxygen, and nitrogen, by amount of catalyst to the amount of sulfur dioxide required
oxidation of the sulfur-containing feed material in a kiln or 45 to be converted) and catalyst condition.
other suitable thermal combustion Zone. When spent sulfuric A typical plant response to burning more sulfur is an
acid is used as a raw material for producing the desired increase in the sulfur dioxide emissions from the stack. This
sulfur dioxide and/or trioxide, it is injected as a liquid spray is because an increase in the amount of sulfur dioxide to be
into the combustion Zone and there mixed with a carbon oxidized catalytically results in a shift of the equilibrium in
aceous material such as fuel to provide the heat necessary for 50 the reactor or converter such that the efficiency of the
evaporation of the water content of the spent sulfuric acid catalytic reaction from sulfur dioxide to sulfur trioxide is
and for decomposition of HSO into H2O, SO3, SO2 and O2 reduced. As a result of the shift in the equilibrium, more
when the mixture is burnt. unconverted sulfur dioxide remains in the effluent. Thus,
A vanadium/potassium sulfate catalyst supported on a when a sulfuric acid plantis pushed to exceed the limit of its
diatomaceous earth carrier is typically used in the next stage, 55 capacity by burning more sulfur, the sulfur dioxide emis
a catalytic oxidation stage, to convert sulfur dioxide and sions through the stack will eventually exceed the 4 Ib?ton
oxygen in the process-gas stream to sulfur trioxide in a legal limit. As a result, the plant must reduce its rate or risk
heterogeneous-type reaction (gas phase bulk reaction with legal action.
adsorbed solid and molten salt phase intermediate steps). In cases of higher than desirable sulfur dioxide emissions,
However, other catalysts also well-known in the art are the prescribed emission requirements are sometimes met by
likewise potentially usable in this catalytic oxidation reac the use of tail-gas scrubbers added for this purpose, espe
tion although only the vanadium-type catalysts are used cially in conjunction with low-conversion, single-stage SO
commercially. If the initial oxygen concentration of the absorption plants, and most commonly in existing plants
process gas is low, additional air or oxygen is added prior to rather than in new plants. The gas treated in such SO
or during catalytic oxidation to ensure that there is an excess 65 tail-gas scrubbers subsequent to SO absorption does not
over stoichiometric needs for conversion of gaseous sulfur contain any measurable amount of sulfur trioxide under
dioxide to gaseous sulfur trioxide. After conversion of the normal conditions.
3 4
A number of SO2 tail-gas scrubbing processes are avail In one embodiment of the present invention, sulfuric acid
able. These known tail-gas scrubbing techniques variously is made in an otherwise well-known manner by spraying
depend on ammonia, sodium hydroxide or hydrogen perox molten sulfur and adding an excess of oxygen in the form of
ide as the scrubbing liquid, but each suffers from certain air into a non-catalytic sulfur burner or combustion zone to
disadvantages. For all such tail-gas scrubbing techniques, a produce sulfur dioxide; converting a major proportion of the
separate scrubbing tower to convert unwanted sulfur dioxide sulfur dioxide in the resulting gas into sulfur trioxide in a
emissions must be installed at the tail end of the plant. In catalytic conversion zone such as an adiabatic catalytic
addition, when a base such as ammonia is used, a side stream converter; introducing the resulting gas mixture comprising
of ammonium sulfate is produced, requiring the marketing sulfur trioxide and residual sulfur dioxide to a single-stage
of a chemical material which may or may not be easily sold. 10 SO absorption Zone containing aqueous sulfuric acid and a
Further, the reaction of ammonium salt solutions with sulfur peroxide compound as an oxidizing agent to produce sul
dioxide results in submicron aerosol fumes which require furic acid by absorption of sulfur trioxide therein while also
sophisticated and expensive mist eliminators for efficient absorbing sulfur dioxide and sequentially converting the
emission control. Scrubbing with sodium hydroxide in a relatively small amount of resulting sulfurous acid to addi
separate tower accomplishes substantially the same result as tional sulfuric acid and removing a stream of sulfuric acid
scrubbing with ammonia. However, the by-product sodium 15
sulfate is less salable and less usable than is ammonium and a stream of emission gas from the absorption Zone.
sulfate within the production and marketing confines of a In another embodiment of the invention, sulfuric acid is
fertilizer manufacturer. made in an otherwise well-known manner by producing
Oxidation with peroxide compounds to eliminate sulfur dioxide in any convenient manner; introducing it into
unwanted sulfur dioxide emissions has been described in the 20 an otherwise well-known adiabatic catalytic converter to
prior art, e.g., U.S. Pat. No. 3,917,798. This prior art convert a major proportion of the sulfur dioxide into sulfur
describes the removal of sulfur dioxide from sulfur dioxide trioxide; absorbing the sulfur trioxide from the resulting
containing combustion gases by scrubbing them with sul mixture by means of water or aqueous sulfuric acid in a first,
furic acid solutions and a peroxide compound, subsequent to SO absorption zone to produce sulfuric acid; subjecting the
a previous removal of sulfur trioxide therefrom by absorp 25 unconverted sulfur dioxide gas again to catalytic oxidation
tion or otherwise. The peroxide-based scrubbing solutions in another catalytic conversion zone; introducing both the
disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 3,917,798 vary in concentration resulting additional sulfur trioxide and all of the remaining
between 0.01% and 25% HO and between 30 and 60% unconverted sulfur dioxide to a second, SO absorption zone
sulfuric acid, but are thereafter further concentrated up to in which concentrated sulfuric acid containing added per
90% by heat and evaporation, whereby residual HO is oxide compound is recirculated; and removing a stream of
decomposed. In other words, these prior teachings only deal sulfuric acid product and a stream of purified emission gas
with sulfur dioxide abatement, and are not concerned with from the second SO absorption zone.
the sulfuric acid production capacity of sulfuric acid plants, In yet another embodiment of the invention, sulfuric acid
much less with any debottlenecking of their basic plant is produced by introducing a gaseous mixture comprising
design. According to such prior art, the SO2 scrubbing is 35 sulfur dioxide and sulfur trioxide from any convenient
performed in a terminal scrubbing tower, essentially inde source into an existing absorption zone, which could be the
pendent of the sulfuric acid production plant proper. No free SO absorption tower, a packed tower containing a down
sulfur trioxide is present in the gas phase in this stage, as it wardly moving concentrated sulfuric acid solution admixed
was substantially completely removed in the SO absorption with an amount of a peroxygen compound sufficient to
stage of the plant proper. remove a predetermined amount of sulfur dioxide from the
In each of the prior SO2 scrubbing techniques described system by conversion into sulfuric acid, and convening the
above, expensive equipment which takes up valuable space introduced sulfur trioxide and predetermined amount of
is necessary and, in the case of scrubbing with a base, sulfur dioxide into sulfuric acid in the tower while main
produce a usable but generally unwanted by-product. taining the emission of sulfur dioxide from the tower at or
Besides these disadvantages, the additional scrubber equip 45 below the legal limit which is currently 4 lbfshort ton of
ment necessary causes a significant, additional pressure drop sulfuric acid produced. Of course, the legal limit may vary
to the overall gas system and thus a decrease in the gas over time or particular plants may have self-imposed lower
handling capacity of the system. limits. Such limits may be lower than the current EPA limit,
The present invention makes it possible to increase and for example, as low as 2 lb/short ton, 1 lbfshort ton, or 0.5
readily vary sulfuric acid production capacity in new or 50 Ib/short ton or even lower. Alternatively,itis possible for the
existing plants withoutrequiring installation of separate SO limit to be higher than the current EPA limit, for example,
scrubbing equipment and without exceeding sulfur dioxide because of grandfathered rights. Such higher limits may be,
emissions. for example, 5 or 6 lbfshort ton of sulfuric acid produced.
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The sulfur dioxide fed into such processes may first be
55 made, for instance, in a sulfur burner, in a pyrite ore roaster
It is, therefore, a primary object of the present invention or in a furnace where spent sulfuric acid is dehydrated and
to provide an improved method for increasing and/or vary decomposed into oxides of sulfur when mixed with fuel oil
ing the production capacity of sulfuric acid processes by the and air under combustion conditions. Hydrogen peroxide or
internal use of a relatively very small amount of an oxidizing other peroxide compound such as peroxymonosulfuric acid
agent, which converts dissolved HSO to H2SO, thereby is introduced into the SO absorption tower where SO
allowing, according to the chemical equilibrium, more SO removal is also effected, and is added in a sufficient amount
to be removed from the gas phase, and serves to keep sulfur to convert sulfur dioxide to sulfuric acid in the tower to the
dioxide emissions within the required limits. This invention desired extent. By use of such processes, even when the
provides a method for burning more sulfur in a sulfuric acid conversion of sulfur dioxide to sulfur trioxide in the adia
plant than is otherwise legally permissible, thereby increas 65 batic catalytic converter is below 99.7%, emission of sulfur
ing sulfuric acid capacity without increasing sulfur dioxide dioxide from the absorption tower can be maintained at or
emissions beyond prescribed limits. below 4 lbfshort ton of sulfuric acid produced. It should be
5 6
emphasized that the invention does not require the removal FIG. 7 illustrates an absorption tower according to one
of all or even a major part of sulfur dioxide from the embodiment of the invention wherein the peroxide com
emission gas, but only requires removal of the incremental pound is introduced into the absorber in a mist;
amount of sulfur dioxide which is present in the emission FIG. 8 illustrates the top of an absorption tower as
gas because of the increased combustion of sulfur earlier on illustrated in FIG. 7 further showing an upright mist elimi
and which would cause the SO emission to exceed the nator; and
prescribed limit.
Catalyst deterioration is another situation common in FIG. 9 illustrates the top of an absorption tower as
sulfuric acid plants which can cause the plant to be unable illustrated in FIG. 7 further showing an inverted mist elimi
to meet emission requirements, and can force the plant to natOr,
reduce its production rate substantially. Catalyst perfor DETALED DESCRIPTION OF THE
mance can deteriorate for a number of reasons, which
include aging, poisoning, salt migration, or just plain getting PREFERRED EMBOOMENTS OF THE
dirty. Sometimes the timing of such deterioration is such that INVENTION
a shut down for catalyst replacement is not desirable. For 15 The following description of various embodiments of the
example, there may be a need for product in the market. Or, process of the presentinvention are merely illustrative of the
the weather may be too cold for a shut down. This is present invention and they should not be considered as
common in cold climates, where a plant shut down for limiting the scope of the invention in any way, as these
catalyst cleaning and replacement is only conceivable in the illustrations and other equivalents thereof will become more
late spring or summer. In such case, the present invention apparent to those versed in the artin the light of the present
could be quite useful to allow the plant to continue to operate disclosure and the accompanying claims.
in order to meet emissions even with a deteriorated catalyst The process of the present invention may utilize any one
until a convenient time for shutdown and catalyst cleaning of a number of conventional sulfuric acid producing pro
or replacement can be arranged. It is understood that in such cesses. These processes include but are not limited to
case the objective is simply to keep the plant running, at any 25 single-absorption sulfur-burning plants and double
rate, and not necessarily at a rate which exceeds the plant absorption sulfur-burning plants both of which are described
rated capacity. in Kirk-Othmer: Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology,
While hydrogen peroxide and peroxymonosulfuric acid Volume 22, 3rd Edition pp. 190-232, the contents of which
(also known as Caro's acid) are the preferred peroxide are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety.
compounds used in this invention, other peroxide com 30
FIG. 1 shows a typical flow scheme for a sulfur-burning,
pounds such as peroxydisulfuric acid, persulfates, four-pass catalytic conversion, single SO-absorption plant,
perphosphates, perborates or permanganates may be used
similarly, inasmuch as any extraneous compounds thereby modified according to the present invention. Plants of this
left behind in the sulfuric acid product are usually insignifi designbum sulfur to generate a process-gas stream contain
cant in view of the small proportion of peroxide addition 35
ing sulfur dioxide. While the description below provides
required relative to the large volume of sulfuric acid pro various temperature ranges and concentrations, those skilled
duced. Also, as disclosed in, for instance, Patentschrift in the art will recognize that other process parameters may
be utilized.
670966, British Patent Specification 930,584, and Auslege
schrift 1234912, each of which are hereby incorporated by As shown in FIG. 1, dry air, preferably with a dew point
reference, anodic oxidation in an electrolytic cell or elec of from -40°F to -70°F, and more preferably a dew point
trolysis of sulfuric acid may be used to generate hydrogen of from -50 F. to -65° F., from the drying tower 15 is
peroxide or persulfuric acid (peroxydisulfuric acid) for the introduced into the sulfur burner 20.
process. Process air in sulfur-burning plants may be dried by
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS contacting with preferably 93 to 98 wt %, and more pref
45 erably 96 to 98 wt %, sulfuric acid in a countercurrent,
The features of the present invention will become appar packed drying tower. Dry process air is used to minimize
ent from the description. The drawings are added merely to corrosion problems, especially to reduce corrosion problems
aid in explaining the process and the examples, and neither in downstream equipment of the plant and stack emissions
the drawings nor the examples should be considered as of sulfuric acid mist. Air is fed to the drying tower 15 by
limiting the scope of the invention in any way. 50 means of the main blower 10 which provides sufficient
FIG. 1 illustrates a process for producing sulfuric acid pressure to convey the process gas stream through the plant
containing a single absorption tower; and out of the atmospheric stack.
FIG. 2 illustrates a process for producing sulfuric acid Sulfur is injected in moltenforminto the sulfur burner 20
containing an interpass absorption tower and a final absorp from a sulfur source 25. In the sulfur burner20, an extremely
tion tower; 55 exothermic reaction occurs producing a gas stream contain
FIG. 3 is a graph illustrating the practical conversion ing sulfur dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen and trace amounts of
efficiency achieved in a four-pass adiabatic catalytic con sulfur trioxide, carbon dioxide and water. Preferably, the
verter with indirect interstage cooling; stream exiting the sulfur burner contains 4-16%, preferably
FIG. 4 is a graph illustrating the rate of evaporation of 6-13%, even more preferably 8-13%, and most preferably
sulfur dioxide from a sulfuric acid solution; 11-12% by volume sulfur dioxide.
FIG. 5 is a graph illustrating the removal of sulfur dioxide The heat of combustion from the sulfur burner 20 is
from a sulfuric acid solution with a peroxide compound and removed in a boiler 30, which reduces the process-gas
the evaporation of sulfur dioxide from the sulfuric acid temperature to the desired converter 35 inlet temperature.
solution; Preferably, the inlet temperature range to the first converter
FIG. 6 is a graph illustrating the oxidation of sulfur 65 pass is about 380-450° C., and more preferably 400-430
dioxide in a sulfuric acid solution with a peroxide com C. Sulfur dioxide gas is catalytically oxidized to sulfur
pound; trioxide in converter 35 which operates adiabatically in each
7 8
catalyst pass. The heat of oxidation raises the temperature of from the process gas. The hot product acid exiting the sulfur
process gas in the first converter pass to preferably about trioxide absorption tower is cooled in a heat exchanger (not
580°-650° C., and more preferably 600°-630° C. The shown) before being recirculated into the inlet leg 75 of the
temperature of hot gas exiting the first pass is lowered to the tower or pumped through line 73 into storage tanks 95.
desired second-passinlettemperature, preferably 390-470° Make-up water 70 is added to react with the sulfur trioxide
C., and even more preferably 410°-450° C., by removing the introduced into the tower 60. Sulfur dioxide, if present, is
heat of reaction in a steam superheater or second boiler 40. emitted from the tower through the stack 90 to the atmo
In converter passes downstream of the first pass, exit sphere.
temperatures are limited by thermodynamic equilibrium In the United States, sulfur burning plants are required to
conversions to a temperature of 550° C. and more likely 10
limit sulfur dioxide stack emissions from the absorption
500° C. or less, a level at which materials of construction tower. As discussed above, sulfur dioxide stack emissions
limitations are not a significant problem. To obtain desired have been previously reduced utilizing post process scrub
reaction kinetics and sulfur dioxide conversions, the tem bing techniques. In contrast to such post process scrubbing
peratures in the succeeding converter passes are controlled techniques, the present invention employs the use of oxi
by dilution with additional air at 45 and 50 and a final 15 dizing agents in the absorption tower allowing for an in-situ
“economizer" or gas cooler 55. It should be noted that the reaction which reduces sulfur dioxide emissions. By in-situ
temperature rise of the process gas is directly proportional to reaction, it is meant the reaction within a principal sulfur
the sulfur dioxide converted in each pass. trioxide absorption zone within the sulfuric acid production
Commercial vanadium pentoxide catalysts do not show 20 plant.
sustained catalytic activity at temperatures below 390° C., As shown in FIG. 1, oxidizing agent introduction to the
although it is well documented that new catalysts may have absorption tower 60 may occur in the recirculated stream of
initial-reaction ignition temperatures as low as 375°C. The sulfuric acid at any point after removal of the product stream
catalyst ignition temperature represents an operating condi 73. Alternatively, the oxidizing agent may either be added
tion below which substantial catalytic conversion of sulfur 25 directly to the absorption tower, to the outlet line of the
dioxide cannot be sustained in any given bed or pass. absorption tower, to the make-up water to the absorption
FIG. 3 illustrates the practical conversion efficiency tower, or to any portion of the recirculation loop 65,70, 75
achieved in a typical adiabatic four-pass catalytic converter and 80 either prior to or after removal of product sulfuric
with interstage cooling for process-gas streams containing acid 73. To facilitate addition to tower 60 at the proper rate,
8%, 10% and 12% sulfur dioxide. As shown in FIG. 3, the 30 the oxidizing agent may be premixed with some of the
conversion of sulfur dioxide increases in the first pass from sulfuric acid, and a correspondingly larger volume of liquid
zero to above 50%. As conversion proceeds, the temperature is then introduced to tower 60.
increases from about 450° C. to above 550° C. in the first New sulfur-burning acid plants are required to limit sulfur
pass. As the temperature further increases, the maximum dioxide stack emissions to 2 kg of sulfur dioxide per metric
equilibrium conversion is approached. Between the first and 35 ton of 100% acid produced (4 lbfshort ton), which is
second passes, the temperature is reduced. This allows for equivalent to a sulfur dioxide conversion efficiency of
greater conversion efficiency in the second pass. Likewise, 99.7%. This high conversion efficiency is not achievable
in the second, third and fourth passes, conversion proceeds with conventional single SO-absorption plants with current
until the maximum practical and economical equilibrium catalyst performance but can be attained in double SO
conversion is approached with cooling between passes. absorption plants when the catalyst is not seriously
Referring again to FIG. 1, process gas leaving the last degraded. However, even with double-absorption plants,
converter pass is preferably cooled to 100°-230° C., more when the plant is pushed to exceed its maximum design
preferably 120°-210°C. prior to sulfur trioxide absorption, capacity, sulfur dioxide emissions are increased above the
the heat being recovered in the boiler feed-water heater allowable emission standards. The present invention may be
(economizer) 55. The process gas is not typically cooled to 45 utilized to increase sulfuric acid capacity without exceeding
a lower temperature, so as to minimize corrosion problems sulfur dioxide emission limits.
associated with condensing sulfuric acid originating from Typical double-absorption plant design includes a first or
traces of water in the gas stream. intermediate sulfur trioxide absorption stage after the second
The gas leaving the economizer, in a single absorption or, more commonly, the third converter pass, whereupon all
plant, comprises typically 4-15%, more typically 7-12%, 50 of the treated gas from this absorption stage is treated in a
and even more typically 8-9% by volume SO. Also, the gas subsequent, or fourth, catalytic conversion step, followed by
typically contains 1000 to 5000 ppm, and more typically another SO absorption step to remove additional sulfur
1500 to 3000 ppm by volume SO. The remainder of the gas trioxide produced. Modem double-absorption plants usually
stream contains oxygen, nitrogen and various impurities. contain a total of four catalyst passes.
Gas leaving the economizer or gas cooler 55 flows to an 55 FIG. 2 presents a typical flow diagram for a modem
absorption tower 60 where sulfur trioxide is absorbed to sulfur-burning, double SO-absorption plant. Approximately
produce sulfuric acid by reaction with free water contained 80-98%, and more preferably 90-96%, of the sulfur trioxide
in recirculating concentrated sulfuric acid. produced by the double-absorption process is absorbed in
Concentrated sulfuric acid circulates in the recirculation the interpass absorption tower 105; the balance of sulfur
loop outlet 80 and inlet 75 legs in the tower 60. The acidinlet trioxide produced in subsequent converter passes is
temperature at 78 for 98.5% sulfuric acid absorption towers absorbed in the final absorption tower 60. Sulfuric acid
is preferably 50°-100° C., and more preferably 70°-80° C. circulation rates are adjusted so that acid temperatures
The sulfuric acid exits the absorption tower at 79 at prefer exiting the absorption tower of single-absorption plants and
ably 75°-150° C., and even more preferably 100°-125° C., the interpass absorption tower of double-absorption plants
depending on acid circulation rate. Acid temperature rise 65 are preferably 80°-140° C., and more preferably 100°-125°
within the absorption tower is attributable both to heat of C. The relatively smaller amount of sulfur trioxide absorbed
hydration of sulfur trioxide and to absorbed sensible heat in the final absorption tower of double-absorption plants
9 10
typically raises its circulation-acid temperature only to pref A typical plant response to such an increase in sulfur
erably 105° C. or less. Interpass tower 105 and final absorp burning rate may be illustrated as follows. A given plant,
tion tower 60 of double-absorption plants are very similar in which is designed to produce a maximum of 1,994 short tons
size since tower diameter is dependent on total gas per day operates at a sulfur burning rate of 2,000 short tons
throughput, not sulfur trioxide concentration. HSO, per day, a burner gas strength (amount of sulfur
Another difference between single- and double dioxide in the gas exiting the sulfur burner) of 11.5% and a
absorption processes is that the process gas stream intro conversion efficiency of 99.7%, which is the minimum
duced into the final absorption tower in double-absorption legally allowed. However, if, for example, a 3% increase in
processes typically contains 0.2 to 1.5%, more typically 0.6 acid production capacity is desired (i.e., the plant is pushed
to 1.2%, and most typically about 1% by volume SO. Also, 10 to bum sulfur to an equivalent sulfuric acid rate of about
the gas typically contains 200 ppm to 800 ppm, more 2,060 short tons/day), a burner gas strength of 11.845%
typically 300 ppm to 500 ppm by volume SO. The remain sulfur dioxide equivalent and a conversion efficiency of
der of the gas stream contains oxygen, nitrogen and various 99.65% would be observed. As a result, the sulfur dioxide
impurities. emissions would be raised from 3.9 lbfton HSO to 4.7
Another difference between single- and double 15 Ib?ton HSO, i.e., to an amount higher than current E.P.A.
absorption processes is that, after interpass absorption, the legal limits. In other words, for an increase in production
process gas is desirably reheated from about 60° C. to about capacity of about 60 tons/day sulfuric acid, the concomitant
incremental sulfur dioxide emissions or stack losses would
460° C., more preferably about 80° C. to about 425 C. be about 0.8 tons/day of sulfur dioxide. This is the amount
before reentering the converter. Reheating the process gas is 20 to be oxidized by peroxide to yield 1.2 tons/day of sulfuric
accomplished in gas-to-gas heat exchangers 46 and 52. acid produced by peroxide oxidation.
These exchangers simultaneously cool hot gas streams leav
ing the converter passes 2 and 3. Most other plant operations According to the invention, the oxidation of the incre
are very similar to the corresponding single-absorption mental sulfur dioxide takes place in liquid phase in an SO
process. absorption tower with the aid of hydrogen peroxide or other
In all of the above processes, the addition of the oxidizing
25 peroxide compound earlier described herein. Sulfur dioxide
agent to the final sulfur trioxide absorption tower will enable is sufficiently dissolved in a medium of concentrated sulfuric
the plant to be operated above maximum rated capacity by acid and then readily reacts with hydrogen peroxide or
burning more sulfur and producing more sulfur trioxide as similar peroxide compound that has been added to the acid.
well as sulfur dioxide, while converting the incremental To achieve the desired purpose, hydrogen peroxide or the
30 equivalent amount of Caro's acid or the like may be intro
amount of sulfur dioxide to additional sulfuric acid, and duced into the absorption stage in a ratio equivalent to at
while keeping sulfur dioxide emissions within legal limits. least about 0.53 part HO per 1 part of SO to be removed.
An important process characteristic is that, depending upon Thus, for instance, between about 0.53 and 2 or preferably
current demand for additional sulfuric acid product above between 0.53 and 0.75, part HO per part of SO2 to be
the maximum rated capacity, the production rate of the plant 35 removed may be added.
can readily be varied by simply increasing or decreasing the
sulfur burning rate and adjusting peroxide compound addi The weight ratio of added peroxide to concentrated acid
tion to assure removal of excess SO present in the stack flowing through the absorption zone may be in the range of
emissions. 1:1,000 to 1:200,000, preferably 1:10,000 to 1:100,000. The
In conventional processes, a maximum production capac concentration of free hydrogen peroxide in the recirculating
ity of sulfuric acid is achieved in a given plant for given sulfuric acid flow will vary from point to point in the
operating conditions consistent with plant design. The maxi absorption zone. At the point of entry into the absorption
mum capacity is normally limited by the converter which is zone, the concentration by weight of free hydrogen peroxide
typically operated at its minimum current legal conversion may be in the range of 0-150 ppm, preferably 1-100 ppm
efficiency of 99.7% in double-absorption plants. If, however, 45
and more preferably 1-25 ppm. The concentration of free
the sulfur burning rate is increased above the maximum hydrogen peroxide at the end of the absorption Zone will
design burningrate (dictated by the amount of sulfur dioxide preferably be zero since all peroxide desirably reacts.
that is permitted to be emitted from the stack), an additional In one embodiment of the present invention, hydrogen
amount of sulfur dioxide is introduced into the catalytic peroxide may be introduced into the absorber by means of
converter and a decrease in converter conversion efficiency 50 a mist or spray. By mist or spray, a mass of free droplets
below the minimum legal results. Consequently, while the containing the peroxide compoundisintended. As illustrated
sulfur trioxide production in the converter is increased, and in FIG.7, the mist may be introduced into the absorber 150
thus the sulfuric acid production is also increased, the above the sulfuric acid inlet 155 through the peroxide inlet
amount of unconverted sulfur dioxide is simultaneously 160 such that the peroxide is introduced as a mist 165 into
increased. This additional incremental unconverted Sulfur 55 a vapor space 170.
dioxide is emitted from the stack and would exceed emis At the bottom of the absorber 150, the gas inlet 175 and
sions limits in the absence of a suitable method to contain it. acid outlet 180 are located below the packing 185. The gas
Accordingly, by use of preferred embodiments of the enters the absorber 150 and moves in an upward direction
invention, the sulfuric acid production rate of a manufac and sulfuric acid moves in a downward direction. As the gas
turing plant may be increased by at least 1%, preferably moves upward, the SO concentration is reduced such that
3-20%, and more preferably 20-50% and higher above its the exit gas leaving the gas outlet 190 has an SO concen
rated capacity and the additional incremental SO generated tration below the legal limit.
(which is not convened to SO in the catalytic oxidation The peroxide compound, preferably hydrogen peroxide,
zone) is counteracted by the addition of the peroxide into the may be introduced into the absorberthrough inlet 160 in the
absorption zone. The peroxide may be used in these 65 form of an aqueous mist mixture containing concentrated
instances to effectively reduce SO plant emission to less sulfuric acid. The peroxide used to prepare the mixture may
than 4 lb SO per short ton of HSO produced. have a concentration between about 5 and 75% by weight,
11 12
and preferably between 50 and 70% peroxide. The sulfuric
acid used to prepare the mixture may have a concentration (IV)
between about 90 and 99.5% by weight, and preferably
between 93 and 99% by weight sulfuric acid. The ratio of In the above example of a plant designed to produce about
peroxide to concentrated acid in the mist at the inlet 165 is 5 2000 tons HSO per day, the 0.8 tons per day of incremental
preferably 1-40 parts acid per one part peroxide. The sulfur dioxide emissions would consume 0.425 tons of
peroxide and acid may be mixed at a temperature between hydrogen peroxide, corresponding to a weight ratio of
ambient temperature and 100° C. If necessary, external 0.53125 part H.O. per part of SO. Such reaction would
cooling may be provided to reduce the temperature of the bring the plant emissions essentially back down to the
mixture prior to introduction. 10 original level. In doing so, the 0.425 tons or 850 lb of
At a point immediately above the absorber packing 185, hydrogen peroxide consumed, worth about $800-$900,
the particle size of the mistis desirably smaller than 100m. would allow the incremental production of about 60 tons of
The amount of the peroxide containing mixture desirably sulfuric acid, worth about $3,000, in a plant otherwise
does not exceed 500 mg per actual foot of vapor space 170 producing 2,000 tons of HSO per day, showing a high
and is even more desirably limited to 250 mg per actual 15 leverage for the use of the peroxide compound. Any extra
cubic foot of vapor space 170. In conventional absorbers, neous residue left behind by the peroxide compound if a
there is typically 6-12 feet of free vapor space 170 over compound such as ammonium persulfate or peroxymono
packing 185. The absorber 150 preferably allows about 1-15 phosphoric acid is used, should amount to under 0.1% by
seconds, preferably 3-6 seconds of gas residence time in the weight of sulfuric acid product and would be of negligible
vapor space 170. 20 significance for most end uses.
In yet another embodiment of the invention, the mist Because the introduction of the oxidizing agent does not
generated in the vapor space may be directed into a mist change the volumetric gas flow and because no additional
eliminator. The mist eliminator may be either aligned or process equipment is required, the plant gas side pressure
randomly and densely packed glass fiber beds containing drop or the blower loading are not changed. Therefore, a
glass fibers of 10-30 um diameter, and about 3-4 inches 25 unique facet of a preferred embodiment of the invention is
thick. If the reaction between the peroxide in the mist phase that the oxidation of the incremental sulfur dioxide gener
and the sulfur dioxide in the gas phase is not complete in the ated will keep emissions below the prescribed limits without
vapor space 170, it will be completed in the fiber bed zone. requiring additional absorption towers or other equipment
The presence of the packed fiberbed results in an additional 30 which would represent an additional pressure drop to the
opportunity for contact between the peroxide in the liquid system as well as an extra capital expense. Moreover, since
phase and the sulfur dioxide in the gas phase. BRINKS the and
selected oxidizing agent form no extraneous by-product
no significant contaminants, no by-productis required to
HE-type and ES-type fiberbed mist eliminators are available
from Monsanto and are suitable for use in the present be removed from the product acid for separate marketing or
invention. Other candle fiber bed-type mist eliminators, 35 disposal.
either inverted or upright, are also available from other Another unique feature of the invention is the discovery
manufacturers. FIG. 8 shows an upright mist eliminator 195. that the reaction or reactions that take place in the final
FIG. 9 shows an inverted mist eliminator 200. absorption tower take place in concentrated sulfuric acid
The acid withdrawn from the absorption zone may con between (above 90%, preferably above 95% and more preferably
tain 20 to 200 ppm sulfur dioxide. This sulfur dioxide will relatively96-99.9% sulfuric acid concentrations) and at the
react with the peroxide very readily and thus both will (between 50° and 150° C.). present
high temperature
in the absorption towers
course, lower concentrations
preferably disappear and become non-detectable, and undis of sulfuric acid may be utilized, for example, concentrations
tinguishable from the sulfuric acid media. Thus, in some as low as 70% HSO.
situations in which the desired gaseous sulfur dioxide reduc It has also been a surprise that the rate of SO2 absorption
tion from the stack is minor, say, 50 ppm, when peroxide is
injected into the absorption Zone, it may be impossible to 45 by the sulfuric acid absorption medium and the concomitant
detect any peroxide, i.e., the resulting concentration will be been foundoftothebeSO,
oxidation by the added peroxide compound has
sufficiently high and sufficiently efficient
zero. When larger SO, reductions are needed, peroxide may under the high temperature and acid concentration condi
be detected.
tions normally prevailing in SO absorption towers of con
The process of the present invention includes the absorp ventional sulfuric acid plants, to allow the invention to be
tion of sulfur dioxide in concentrated sulfuric acid solutions used in existing or standard SO absorption equipment of an
where it forms sulfurous acid with the free water present otherwise conventional sulfuric acid manufacturing plant,
according to the following reaction: without requiring the installation of any additional external
SO-HO-)HSO (I) 55
Furthermore, increased sulfur burning which is made
Oxidizing agents of the present invention such as hydro possible by the present invention also increases the amount
gen peroxide readily oxidize the sulfurous acid to sulfuric of energy which can be extracted from a sulfuric acid plant.
acid by the following reaction: Since the blower?turbine which normally drives the sulfuric
acid plant gas side is not necessarily affected by the modi
fications to the process according to the invention, the
incremental heat energy generated by the additional sulfur
Hydrogen peroxide may be injected directly into the final combustion can be usefully extracted largely as a net energy
absorption towerfor this purpose. Alternatively, Caro's acid gain.
(peroxymonosulfuric acid, H2SOs) may be prepared sepa In short, additional advantages of the invention over other
rately from hydrogen peroxide and sulfuric acid and then 65 systems include not only increased profits through increased
injected into the tower as the oxidizing agent, to accomplish sulfuric acid production capacity and energy production, but
the same result according to the following reactions: simultaneously also the avoidance of any significant need
13 14
for additional gas scrubbers or other equipment or extensive stirring bar was added. The beaker was placed on the stirring
re-engineering, the avoidance of by-products generated, plate and the stirrer started. The sample blank was taken at
such as ammonium sulfate, which may or may not be that time by withdrawing 10 ml of the acid solution with a
desirable to the plant. Another advantage is that it allows for glass syringe equipped with a Teflon plunger and delivered
into the flask labeled blank.
an extended production campaign under deteriorated cata Hydrogen peroxide (30% withwt) was added by volume to
lyst conditions which would otherwise require a shutdown the solution in the beaker using a one cc plastic syringe. The
for catalyst cleaning or replacement. At the same time, remaining three samples were then withdrawn in quick
unlike in the case where tail-gas is separately scrubbed for succession from the beaker using a 10 cc glass syringe and
SO, removal, the system of the invention allows changing delivered into the remaining tared Erlenmeyerflasks labeled
production capacity on demand, virtually by the push of a 10 10, 20, and 30 seconds.
button. The four Erienmeyer flasks were re-weighed to obtain the
The engineered system of peroxide compound injection weight of each sample added to the flasks. One ml of starch
may be totally automated, integrated with the sulfur dioxide indicator was added to each flaskand the flasks were titrated
emission measurements and with the burner temperature with the standard thiosulfate solution from a brown solution
measurements, and should not require operational assistance 15 to a clear end point.
The blank solution was defined as Zero time. The results
beyond the normal, existing plant operating staff. Also, the of these runs are shown in Table 1.
technology can be engineered so that no safety concerns or
other deleterious effects exist. TABLE I
The following three sets of examples are offered to
illustrate various runs conducted to verify certain aspects of 20 AMBENTEMPERATURE EXPERMENTS IN OPENBEAKER
the invention. Sulfur dioxide or sulfurous acid were reacted
EXAMPLE 1. 2 3 4.
with hydrogen peroxide or Caro's acid in strong sulfuric
acid media under three sets of progressively more complex HSO, ADDED 186 1.76 186 93
conditions. The first set was done in an open beaker at room MMOLES OF HO, ADDED O 0.2 0.6 2.13
25 96 OXDATION IN 10 SECONDS 23 22 38 99
temperature. In order to obtain more accurate material % OKDATION EXPECTED O 12 33 100
balance data, the second set was done in a closed round
bottom flask at 90° C. The final set also done in a closed
round bottom flask at elevated temperature, including an air Table 1 is arranged in the order of increasing concentra
purge which was vented to a scrubber flask. tion of hydrogen peroxide added to the reaction solution. In
30 Example 1, hydrogen peroxide was not added to the acid
EXAMPLES 14 solution, so that the rate of loss of sulfur dioxide by
evaporation from the open beaker could be determined. An
Reaction of Hydrogen Peroxide with Sulfurous evaporation rate of 2.32% per ten second interval was
Acid in Sulfuric Acid at Room Temperature observed. For a 30 second experiment, a 7% loss of sulfur
The first set of runs were carried out in an open beaker 35
dioxide should be expected through simple evaporation from
which was stirred with a magnetic stirring bar using a the open beaker. See FIG. 4.
magnetic stirring plate. In this series of tests, the reduction in concentration of the
sulfurous acid during the first ten-second interval is the
These runs were completed with a sulfurous acid solution reaction of the hydrogen peroxide with the sulfurous acid.
which was made by adding 20 cc of 6% HSO to 500 grams The continued reduction during the remaining time of the
of reagent grade HSO. The resulting solution is about test is the loss of Sulfur dioxide from solution due to
one-half the saturation concentration of sulfurous acid in evaporation. See FIG. 5.
sulfuric acid at 90° C. The saturation concentration of sulfur In Example 2 shown in Table 1, the amount of hydrogen
dioxide in concentrated sulfuric acid at 90° C. is about 0.5 peroxide added should have produced a 12 percentreduction
g sulfur dioxide/100 g HSO or 0.65 g HSO/100 g in the sulfurous acid content. A 22% drop was observed in
HSO. 45 the experiment during the first 10 second interval. The larger
Four sampling flasks were prepared by pipetting 25 ml of than expected reduction is consistent with the expected
standard iodine solution into each of the flasks. 100 ml of
evaporation loss and within the experimental error of this
type of test.
water was added to each along with a stirring bar. Each of The amount of hydrogen peroxide added in Example 3
the flasks was then weighed and the weight recorded. The 50 should have produced a 33% reduction of the sulfurous acid.
water was added to control the amount of heat generation The amount of reduction observed was 38% which is well
caused when concentrated acid was added to the flasks within the expected evaporation loss and the experimental
during the sampling procedure. The flasks were then labeled error associated with this type of work.
blank, 10, 20 and 30 seconds. The amount of hydrogen peroxide added in Example 4
An iodine solution reacted with the remaining sulfurous 55
should have produced a 100% reduction of the sulfurous
acid in the sample by the following reaction: acid. The amount of reduction observed was 99%. This is
again within the expected experimental error for this type of
The excess iodine in the solution was titrated with stan This set of tests shows that even at room temperature the
dard thiosulfate by the following reaction and the sulfurous
reaction takes place in ten seconds or less in substantially
acid concentration back calculated:
60 stoichiometric quantities.
Reaction of Hydrogen Peroxide with Sulfurous
This is a standard analytical method for dissolved sulfu Acid in Sulfuric Acid at Elevated Temperatures in
rous acid. 65 a Closed System
The sulfurous acid solution in sulfuric acid was then This set of runs was carried out in a closed system at
weighed into the beaker on a top loader balance and the elevated temperatures using a three-neck, round-bottom
15 16
flask having each of its necks sealed with an adapter. The
flasks were stirred with a football-shaped magnetic stirring TABLE 2
bar using a magnetic stirring plate. Samples were withdrawn REACTION OF HYDROGENEROXDE WHSULFUR.OUS
with a syringe through a three-way syringe valve mounted ACDIN SULFURCACDAT90° C. NACLOSED FLASK
through the top of the center neck of the flask. EXAMPLE 5 6
The first run of this set was completed using a sulfurous MMOLES HSO, ADDED 2.96. 4.14
acid solution which was made by adding 20 cc of 6% HSO MMOLES OF HO, ADDED
2.09 1.83
to 500 grams of reagent grade H2SO. This solution was % OXDATIONEXPECTED 67 44
added to the flask from a tared beaker. The beaker was then O MMOLESLOST TOEWAPORATION 2.2
re-weighed to obtain the weight of acid solution added to the
flask. A football shaped stirring bar was added to the flask There were only two examples completed before the
and the flask was sealed. The heating mantle and stirrer were apparatus and procedure were modified to obtain more
then turned on to heat the acid solution. complete information on the reaction.
When the acid solution reached 90° C., a sample blank In Example5, the sulfurous acid solution was added to the
was taken by withdrawing 10 ml of the acid solution with a round bottom flaskand heated to 90° C. before the hydrogen
glass syringe having a Teflon plunger through the three-way peroxide was added and the reaction solution was sampled.
syringe valve mounted on the top of the round bottom flask Due to the length of time that it took to heat the acid
and delivered into the first sample flask labeled blank. It was 20 solution, very little of the sulfur dioxide remained in the
solution. Due to the small amount of sulfur dioxide
observed that even in a closed system losses by evaporation remaining, the amount of hydrogen peroxide added was in
are very high at elevated temperatures. excess of that needed for complete reaction.
The hydrogen peroxide solution (30% wt?wt) was added In Example 6, sulfuric acid was added to the round bottom
by volume to the solution in the flask using a one cc plastic 25
flaskand heated to 90° C. When the solution had reached the
syringe equipped with a 12 inch needle. The hydrogen desired temperature, the sulfurous acid was added to the hot
peroxide was delivered below the surface of the acid solu sulfuric acid. The addition of the sulfurous acid increased
tion to minimize possible loss of the peroxide. The remain the temperature from 85° C. to 105° C. The hydrogen
ing two samples were then withdrawn in quick succession peroxide was then added to react with the sulfurous acid. As
from the flask using a 10 cc glass syringe and delivered into 30 shown in Table 2, the amount of reaction of the sulfurous
tared Erlenmeyer flasks. acid was greater than that expected indicating that a loss of
sulfur dioxide could have occurred during the addition of the
The results of this run listed as Example 5 are shown in sulfurous acid. This would have been facilitated by the high
Table 2 below, temperature of the sulfuric acid and the extra heat generated
The second run of this set was modified to compensate for 35 during the addition.
the large loss of sulfur dioxide seen in the previous run. This The last two examples indicate that the amount of sulfur
run was carried out in the same equipment as the first. dioxide lost from solution by evaporation at high tempera
ture was too high for obtaining good data in this kind of
Example 6 of this set started with sulfuric acid which was setup. The apparatus was then modified to capture the sulfur
added to the flask from a tared beaker. The beaker was then dioxide lost from solution.
re-weighed to obtain the weight of acid solution added to the EXAMPLES 7-10
flask. The football shaped stirring bar was added to the flask
and the flask was sealed. The heating mantle and stirrer were Reaction of Hydrogen Peroxide with Sulfurous
then turned on to heat the acid. Acid in Sulfuric Acid at Elevated Temperatures
When the acid reached about 85°C., the sulfurous acid 45 with Recapture of SO
was added by weight with a tared 5 cc plastic syringe Accordingly, this set of runs was also carried using a
equipped with a 12inch needle. The syringe was re-weighed three-neck round-bottom flask at elevated temperatures,
to obtain the weight of the sulfurous acid added to the similar to the previous set, each of the necks again being
sulfuric acid. The sulfurous acid was delivered below the sealed with an adapter to provide a closed system. As before,
surface of the solution to minimize the loss of sulfur dioxide. 50 the flask was stirred with a football-shaped magnetic stirring
The temperature rise caused by the addition of the sulfurous bar using a magnetic stirring plate, but in this set of tests the
acid resulted in a final temperature of about 105 C. system was equipped with a thermometer adapter equipped
The hydrogen peroxide was added by weight to the with a side arm to deliver an air purge into the system and
solution in the flask using a tared one cc plastic syringe with another side arm to vent the airpurge for analysis. More
equipped with a 12inch needle. The syringe was re-weighed 55 particularly, the airpurge stream was scrubbed and collected
to obtain the weight of hydrogen peroxide added to the acid in a flask filled with water and the water was analyzed.
Samples were withdrawn with a syringe through a three-way
solution. The hydrogen peroxide was delivered below the syringe valve mounted through the top of the center neck of
surface of the acid solution to minimize possible loss of the the flask.
peroxide. Two samples were then taken in quick succession These runs started with sulfuric acid which was added to
by withdrawing 10 ml of the acid solution by the glass the flask from a tared beaker. The beaker was re-weighed to
syringe with the Teflon plunger through the three way obtain the weight of acid solution added to the flask. The
syringe valve mounted on the top of the round bottom flask football shaped stirring bar was added to the flask and the
and delivered into the tared sample flasks labeled 1, and 2 flask was sealed. The heating mantle and stirrer were then
and analyzed. 65 turned on to heat the acid.
The results of this run are shown in Table 2 as Example An air purge flask was prepared by placing 100 ml of
6. water into a 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask. This flask was used to
17 18
collect the sulfur dioxide which escaped the solution in the ratio of hydrogen peroxide to sulfur dioxide in parts by
round bottom flask. weight. As seen in FIG. 6, it would take a ratio of about 0.6
When the acid reached about 80° C., hydrogen peroxide to get complete destruction of the sulfurous acid in sulfuric
was added to the solution in the flask using a tared one co acid under these conditions, which is close to the stoichio
plastic syringe equipped with a 12 inch needle. The syringe metric ratio within experimental error.
was re-weighed to obtain the weight of hydrogen peroxide Although the laboratory tests are carried out in a very
added to the acid solution. The hydrogen peroxide was small scale, when compared to the scale of commercial
delivered below the surface of the acid solution to minimize sulfuric acid manufacturing plants and although the tests
possible loss of the peroxide. were, per force, carried out in a batch mode and in the
10 absence of free sulfur trioxide, as compared with commer
The air purge vent tubing was then placed into the air cial sulfuric acid plants which operate on a very much larger
purge flask below the level of the water in the flask. scale, in a continuous mode and which have free sulfur
The sulfurous acid was added by weight with a tared 5 cc trioxide present in the SO absorption towers, the laboratory
plastic syringe equipped with a 12-inch needle. The syringe tests nevertheless convincingly demonstrate the validity of
was re-weighed to obtain the weight of the sulfurous acid 15
the essential reactions and operating procedures on which
added to the sulfuric acid. The sulfurous acid was delivered the present invention is based,
below the surface of the solution to minimize the loss of In sum, one of ordinary skillin the art can easily ascertain
sulfur dioxide. The temperature rise caused by the addition the essential characteristics of the instantinvention, from the
of the sulfurous acid resulted in a final temperature of about foregoing description and can make various changes and/or
100° C. Two samples were then takenin quick succession by 20
modifications of the invention to adapt it to various usages
withdrawing 10 ml of the acid solution by the glass syringe and conditions without departing from the spirit and scope
with the Teflon plunger through the three-way syringe valve thereof. As such, these changes and/or modifications are
mounted on the top of the round bottom flask and delivered properly, equitably and intended to be within the full range
into the tared flasks. of equivalents of the following claims.
What is claimed is:
After sample collection was complete and all of the 25 1. A process for removing SO from a gas mixture
weights recorded, the air purge vent tubing was removed comprising SO in an amount greater than Zero and less than
from the air purge flask. Ten milliliters of standard iodine or equal to 15% by volume, SO in an amount greater than
solution was pipetted into the flask and one ml of starch zero and less than or equal to 5,000 ppm by volume and a
indicator was added. The flask was titrated with the standard volume ratio of SO to SO greater than 1 which process
thiosulfate solution from a brown solution to a clear end 30 comprises introducing said gas mixture into an SO absorber
point. at a temperature between about 50° and about 150° C.,
The results of these runs are shown in Table 3 below. contacting the gas mixture with aqueous sulfuric acid con
taining more than 90% by weight HSO and also with 1 to
TABLE 3 25 parts of a peroxide compound per million parts based on
35 said aqueous sulfuric acid; converting SO to HSO in said
ACDAT 90° C. NACLOSED SYSTEMWTHAN AR PURGE absorber; converting SO to HSO in said absorber; remov
ing a stream of purified gas from an upper portion of the
EXAMPLE 7 8 9 10 absorber; and removing a stream of sulfuric acid from a
MMOLESHSO, ADDED 4.11 4.18 4.14 4.16
lower portion of the absorber, wherein said peroxide com
MMOLES OF HO, ADDED 3.7 5.9 4.82 4.94 pound is introduced into said absorber in the form of a mist.
% OXDATION IN 10 SECONDS 4 O6 90 101. 2. The process according to claim 1, wherein said gas
OXDATIONEXPECTED 92 OO 100 100 mixture comprises nitrogen and oxygen in addition to SO
%. So WAPOR RECOVERED 10 3.54 3.68 605 and SO.
3. The process according to claim 1, wherein said gas
Since the hydrogen peroxide was added before HSO, it 45 mixture comprises about 4 to about 15% by volume SO and
was not possible to obtain an initial (time zero) sample. The about 1,000 to about 5,000 ppm by volume SO
initial sample values in this set of were calculated based on 4. The process according to claim 1, wherein said gas
the quantities of the reactants added. mixture comprises about 0.2 to about 1.5% by volume SO
As seen from Table 3, a mole ratio of about 1.2 hydrogen and about 200 to about 800 ppm by volume SO.
peroxide (H2O) to sulfurous acid (H2SO) is required for
50 5. The process according to claim.1, wherein the peroxide
complete reaction. Some bubbling is seen when the hydro compound is either HO or peroxymonosulfuric acid and is
gen peroxide was added to the hot solution indicating some supplied to the absorber in an amount corresponding to
possible hydrogen peroxide decomposition. This may between about 0.53 and 2 parts by weight HO per part by
explain why some excess hydrogen peroxide seems to be weight of SO to be removed
required to get complete reaction under these test conditions.
55 6. The process according to claim 1, wherein said mist
introduced into said absorber comprises 1-40 parts acid per
Some loss of sulfur dioxide was also seen from the one part peroxide.
solution. This was evidenced by some bubbling of the 7. The process according to claim 1, wherein said mist
solution when the sulfurous acid was added. The greater the comprises aqueous particles having a size less than 100 m.
rate of addition, the greater the bubbling rate. The sulfurous 8. The process according to claim 1, wherein said mist is
acid was added at a higher rate of addition in Example 7 introduced into a vapor space in said absorber in an amount
shown in Table 3 than the rest of the runs and gave the which does not exceed 500 mg of mist per cubic foot of
highestrate of loss of sulfur dioxide from solution. Even in vapor space.
Example 7, the loss was less than eleven percent of the 9. The process according to claim 1, wherein said mist
sulfurous acid added to the reaction solution. 65 contacts an SO containing gas in a vapor space in said
The results of all of the runs are shown in FIG. 6. The absorber and the treated gas is subsequently introduced into
percent of reduction of sulfur dioxide is plotted versus the a mist eliminator.
19 20
10. The process according to claim 9, wherein said mist 26. The process according to claim 22, wherein said mist
eliminator is a fiber bed mist eliminator. contacts an SO containing gas in a vapor space in said
11. A process for the commercial manufacture of sulfuric contacting Zone and the treated gas is subsequently intro
acid in a sulfuric acid manufacturing plant in which a sulfur duced into a mist eliminator.
dioxide containing gas and an oxygen-containing gas are 27. The process according to claim 26, wherein said mist
reacted in a catalytic oxidation Zone into a mixture com eliminator is a fiber bed mist eliminator.
prising sulfur trioxide and sulfur dioxide having a volume 28. A process for the manufacture of sulfuric acid in a
ratio of SO to SO greater than 1, which process comprises Sulfuric acid manufacturing plant, which process comprises:
introducing said mixture of sulfur trioxide and sulfur dioxide introducing a sulfur-containing feed material into a reac
into an SO absorber containing an aqueous sulfuric acid 10 tion Zone maintained at conditions suitable for produc
medium possessing an HSO concentration greater than ing gaseous sulfur dioxide;
90%, introducing 1 to 25 parts of a peroxide compound per
million parts of said aqueous sulfuric acid medium into said introducing at least a portion of the gaseous sulfur dioxide
SO absorber, absorbing sulfur trioxide in said medium to in the presence of an oxygen-containing gas into a
produce H2SO; dissolving and oxidizing the sulfur dioxide 15
catalytic conversion Zone maintained at conditions suit
in said medium to produce additional sulfuric acid and able for converting the gaseous sulfur dioxide into a gas
reducing the SO concentration in said mixture such that the mixture containing sulfur trioxide and sulfur dioxide;
Sulfur dioxide content in the remaining gas phase is main introducing the mixture of sulfur dioxide and sulfur
tained at a concentration of less than 41b SO per short ton trioxide into a lower portion of an SO absorber con
of HSO produced; and removing a stream of sulfuric acid taining a downwardly moving sulfuric acid absorption
and a stream of emission gas from said absorber, wherein medium maintained at a temperature above 50° C. and
said peroxide compound is introduced into said absorber in up to about 150° C.;
the form of a mist. introducing 1 to 25 parts of a peroxide compound per
12. The process according to claim 11, wherein the gas million parts of said sulfuric acid absorption medium
from said catalytic oxidation zone contains unconverted SO into said SO absorber;
in excess of 4 lb SO2 per short ton of H2SO produced and 25
removing a stream of purified emission gas from an upper
said unconverted SO is reduced by addition of the peroxide portion of the absorption Zone, and removing a stream
into the absorber in an amount which effectively reduces of sulfuric acid product from a lower portion of the
SO plant emission to less than 4 lb SO per short ton of absorption Zone while keeping SO2 emissions from the
H2SO produced without an increase in the pressure drop of process no more than 4 lbs SO per short ton of HSO
the plant. 30
13. The process according to claim 11, wherein catalytic
conversion efficiency is less than 99.7%. wherein said peroxide compound in said SO absorber is
14. The process according to claim 11, wherein said introduced in the form of a mist.
peroxide compound is hydrogen peroxide, 29. A processing according to claim 28, wherein the
peroxymonosulfuric, peroxydisulfuric acid, or peroxymono 35 peroxide compound is hydrogen peroxide, peroxymonosul
phosphoric acid. furic acid or peroxydisulfuric acid and is added into the
15. The process according to claim 14, wherein said absorber to provide therein the equivalent of between about
peroxide compound is hydrogen peroxide. 0.53 and 2 part by weight of HOperpart by weight of SO
16. The process according to claim 11, wherein said to be removed therein.
sulfuric acid in said SO absorption zone is recirculated 30. A process according to claim 29, wherein the peroxide
through a recirculating loop. compound is introduced into the SO absorption zone in an
17. The process according to claim 11, wherein said amount to maintain SO2 emissions from the process at no
peroxide compound is premixed with sulfuric acid before more than 4 lb SO per short ton of sulfuric acid produced
introduction in the SO absorption zone. when the catalytic conversion Zone is not capable of pro
18. The process according to claim 11, wherein the 45 viding 99.7% conversion efficiency.
concentration of sulfuric acid in said SO absorber is above 31. A process according to claim 29, which comprises
95% by weight. only one SO absorber.
19. The process according to claim 18, wherein the 32. A process according to claim 31, wherein the gas
concentration of sulfuric acid produced in said SO absorber mixture introduced into the SO absorption zone comprises
is between 96 and 99.9% by weight. about 4 to 15% by volume of SO and about 1,000 to 5,000
20. The process according to claim. 19, wherein the ppm by volume of SO, plus oxygen and nitrogen.
temperature in said SO absorber is above 50° C. and up to 33. A process according to claim29, which comprises two
150° C. separate SO absorbers and in which process:
21. The process according to claim 11, wherein said the gas mixture containing sulfur dioxide and sulfur
peroxide compoundis introduced directly into said absorber. 55 trioxide from a first catalytic conversion step is passed
22. The process according to claim 11, wherein said into a first SO absorber containing sulfuric acid for the
peroxide compound is introduced into said absorber in the absorption of sulfur trioxide therein in the substantial
form of a mist comprising a mixture of peroxide and sulfuric absence of any peroxide compound;
acid. a stream of sulfuric acid and a stream of sulfur dioxide
23. The process according to claim 22, wherein said mist containing gas are removed from said first SO
comprises 140 parts acid per one part peroxide. absorber;
24. The process according to claim 22, wherein said mist said sulfur dioxide-containing stream is passed through a
comprises aqueous particles having a size less than 100 pum. second catalytic conversion step under conditions suit
25. The process according to claim 22, wherein said mist able for converting a majorportion of the sulfur dioxide
is introduced into a vapor space in said contacting zone in an 65 present into sulfur trioxide;
amount which does not exceed 500mg of mist per cubic foot passing the resulting mixture of sulfur trioxide and
of vapor space. residual sulfur dioxide into and upwardly through a
21 22
second SO absorption Zone, said second SO2 absorp 38. The process according to claim 37, wherein said gas
tion zone containing a sulfuric acid absorption medium mixture comprises nitrogen and oxygen in addition to SO
maintained at a temperature above 50° C. and up to and SO.
about 150° C. and comprising sulfuric acid having an 39. The process according to claim 37, wherein said gas
HSO content greater than 90% by weight; mixture comprises about 4 to about 15% by volume SO and
introducing 1-25 parts of a peroxide compound per about 1,000 to about 5,000 ppm by volume SO.
million parts of said sulfuric acid absorption medium 40. The process according to claim 37, wherein said gas
mixture comprises about 0.2 to about 1.5% by volume SO
into said second SO absorber so as to keep SO and about 200 to about 800 ppm by volume SO.
emissions in the tail-gas from the plant no greater than 10 41. The process according to claim 37, wherein the
4 lbs per short ton of sulfuric acid produced; and peroxide compound is either HO or peroxymonosulfuric
removing a stream of purified tail gas from an upper acid and is supplied to the absorber in an amount corre
portion and a stream of sulfuric acid product from a sponding to between about 0.53 and 2 parts by weight H.O.
lower portion of said second SO absorption zone. per part by weight of SO to be removed.
34. A process according to claim 33, wherein the gas 15
42. The process according to claim 37, wherein said
mixture introduced into the SO absorption zone comprises stream containing hydrogen peroxide introduced into said
about 0.2 to 1.5% by volume SO, and about 200 ppm to 800 absorber comprises 1-40 parts acid per one part peroxide.
ppm by volume SO, plus oxygen and nitrogen. 43. The process according to claim 37, wherein said
35. The process according to claim 34, wherein catalytic stream containing hydrogen peroxide is introduced into the
conversion efficiency is less than 99.7%. 20
absorber as a mist comprising aqueous particles having a
36. The process according to claim 34, wherein said size less than 100 pm.
second SO absorber contains a mist eliminator. 44. The process according to claim 43, wherein said mist
37. A process for removing SO from a gas mixture is introduced into a vapor space in said absorber in an
comprising SO in an amount greater than Zero and less than amount which does not exceed 500mg of mist per cubic foot
or equal to 15% by volume, SO in an amount greater than 25
of vapor space.
zero and less than or equal to 5,000 ppm by volume and a 45. The process according to claim 37, wherein said mist
volume ratio of SO to SO greater than 1 which process contacts an SO containing gas in a vapor space in said
comprises introducing said gas mixture into an SO absorber absorber and said SO containing gas is subsequently intro
at a temperature between about 50° and about 150° C., duced into a mist eliminator.
contacting the gas mixture with aqueous sulfuric acid con 30
46. The process according to claim 45, wherein said mist
taining more than 90% by weight HSO and also with 1 to eliminator is a fiber bed mist eliminator.
25 parts of a peroxide compound per million parts based on 47. The process according to claim 46, wherein the fiber
said aqueous sulfuric acid; converting SO to HSO in said bed allows for additional contact between said peroxide and
absorber; converting SO to HSO in said absorber; remov said sulfur dioxide.
ing a stream of purified gas from an upper portion of the 35
48. The process according to claim 45, wherein a reaction
absorber; and removing a stream of Sulfuric acid from a between the peroxide in the mist phase and sulfur dioxide in
lower portion of the absorber, wherein said peroxide com the gas phase is completed in the mist eliminator.
pound is introduced into said absorber in a stream separate
from another stream which introduces aqueous sulfuric acid. sk k - k sk