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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,728,979 B1

Robert (45) Date of Patent: May 4, 2004

(54) PATIENT TRANSFER DEVICE 5,210,887 A 5/1993 Kershaw

5,327,592 A 7/1994 Stump
(76) Inventor: Byron Robert, 120 Greg Dr., Sunset, 5,651,149 A 7/1997 Garman ..................... 5/81.1 R
LA (US) 70584 s: f : 2. islets - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5/81.1 R
24-12 opp
( c: ) Notice: Subject tO any disclaimer, the term of this 6,496,991 B1 * 12/2002 Votel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5/81.1 HS

patent is extended or adjusted under 35 * cited b

U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. cited by examiner
Primary Examiner Michael F. Trettel
(21) Appl. No.: 10/277,644 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Kean, Miller, Hawthorne,
(22) Filed: Oct. 22, 2002 D'Armond, McCowan & Jarman LLP
(51) Int. Cl. .................................................. A61G 7/10 (57) ABSTRACT
(52) U.S. Cl. ...................... 5181.1 R; 5/83.1; 5/81.1 HS A device for transferring medical patients from one table,
(58) Field of Search ........................ 5/81.1 R, 81.1 HS, bed, or gurney to another is disclosed. The device includes
5/83.1, 85.1, 88.1 a slide board which is slid beneath the patient while the
patient is on the gurney. The Slide board is then connected
(56) References Cited to a winch which rests on a cart and can be activated in a
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS controlled manner. The action of the Winch pulling the slide
board in a horizontal fashion makes the transfer of the
2,174,434 A 9/1939 Beaufour patient Simple and easy. The cart is designed to be mobile,
2,665,432 A * 1/1954 Butler - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5/88.1 but includes hooks for fixing the cart to the floor so that it
3.259,922 A 7/1966 Fischer may withstand the stress induced by the retraction of the
3,403,411 A 10/1968 Steinemann et al. winch cable
4,372,452. A 2/1983 McCord
4,747,170 A 5/1988 Knouse .................. 5/81.1 HS
5,022,810 A 6/1991. Sherrow et al. 11 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets


58 9 -c. 55


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U.S. Patent May 4, 2004 Sheet 1 of 4
U.S. Patent May 4, 2004 Sheet 2 of 4 US 6,728,979 B1

FIG. 2
U.S. Patent May 4, 2004 Sheet 3 of 4 US 6,728,979 B1

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U.S. Patent May 4, 2004 Sheet 4 of 4 US 6,728,979 B1



F.G. 4
US 6,728,979 B1
1 2
PATIENT TRANSFER DEVICE devices are usually structurally and mechanically complex,
thereby requiring advanced machining and/or production of
parts and increased maintenance activities, which increases
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED the costs associated with their adoption. Further, Such
APPLICATIONS mobile devices are integrated into the gurney/mobile bed.
Not applicable. While Such an arrangement offers the advantage of poten
tially minimizing the number of times patients must be
STATEMENT REGARDING FEDERALLY transferred between beds, it also limits the use of the device
SPONSORED RESEARCH OR DEVELOPMENT (and its incorporated transfer apparatus) to a single patient.
Accordingly, facility-wide use of Such devices requires the
Not applicable. purchase of multiple units and the replacement of existing
gurneys, which can result in Significant expense.
1. Field of the Invention SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
The invention relates to an improved device for transfer It is an object of the present invention to provide a device
ring medical patients, and Specifically, to a device comprised that will assist medical perSonnel in the transfer of patients
of a motorized winch mounted on a Support frame that from gurney to bed and Vice versa.
generates a force which to assist medical perSonnel in It is another object of the invention to make the device
transferring patients. mobile and accessible in modern hospitals and clinics.
2. Description of Related Art It is another object of the present invention to utilize a
Non-ambulatory patients are routinely transported mechanical Winch, or Similar motorized power, to provide
throughout hospitals and clinics via gurneyS/mobile beds to the power and force necessary to transfer patients with only
undergo diagnostic tests and/or Surgical procedures. Once one or two medical perSonnel and with limited physical
the patients are transported to the appropriate location, they 25 effort.
often must be transferred from the gurney/mobile bed to a It is a further object of the invention to place the motor
permanent bed or table (e.g. X-ray exam table, imaging exam ized power on a height adjustable Support frame that can be
table, catheter lab table, Surgery table, etc.) to undergo quickly Stabilized for effective operation.
treatment or diagnosis. Transferring patients from gurney to It is another object of the invention to avoid the risks
table often requires the assistance of multiple medical asSociated with using motorized power for lifting.
perSonnel, especially if the patient is large or overweight.
Transferring patients is an especially awkward task because It is another object of the invention to provide a patient
the patient is typically located directly adjacent to the bed or transfer device of Simple design and materials that can be
table to which he is being transferred. This arrangement manufactured at a reasonable cost.
prevents medical perSonnel from grasping one side of the 35 It is a further object of the invention to make the device
patient unless they extend themselves acroSS the bed or Safe and Simple to use.
table. Such actions expose both patients and perSonnel to the These and other objects, advantages, and features of this
risk of injury. As a result, various devices have been devel invention will be apparent from the following description.
oped and patented to aid the process of transferring patients. The present invention incorporates the advantages that are
These devices generally consist of modified gurneys (that tilt 40 inherent to the mobile and permanent devices, while mini
or extend to assist in transferring the patient), overhead or mizing the disadvantages associated with those general
detached-frame cranes (with motorized or manual winch designs. In the preferred embodiment, the device will be
drives that attach to flexible patient-encompassing sheets or independent from existing gurneys and utilize a motorized
pads), or portable slide boards. Further, Similar devices have winch to provide pulling, rather than lifting force. Further,
been developed for home use that are designed to transfer 45 the device is mobile and complements, rather than replaces,
disabled patients from bed to wheelchair, etc. the use of existing gurneys, etc. within a facility.
Inventions utilized in the home are typically installed In an alternative embodiment, the winch cable is passed
permanently, while those used in the hospitals are generally over a pulley attached to the ceiling. Depending on the
mobile. Inventions that teach the use of a crane, winch, or placement of the pulley relative to the patient and the Winch,
other motorized mechanical device require the device to be 50 the force generated will have varying amounts of lifting and
permanently mounted or installed and typically require the pulling components. This potential for variation may be
attachment or fitting of Some device to the patient. These helpful due to the many different qualities of patient which
requirements limit the mobility and utility of such devices require transfer.
by restricting their use to a single location, which increases In either case, the winch is fixed in place So that it will
costs associated with wide-spread facility use. Attaching 55
resist movement no matter the level of force generated by
harnesses and Straps to the patient is time consuming and
Sometimes impractical depending on the patients injuries or the winch. The manner of fixing is described below, but it
infirmities. Further, devices that make use of a winch are preferably is not permanent, facilitating the use of the device
usually mounted overhead and thereby make the patient in various places throughout a facility.
prone to twisting or rotating when they are lifted. 60 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
Accordingly, additional mechanisms are necessary to reduce
these conditions, which increases the complexity and costs FIG. 1 shows a three-quarters view of a portion of the
of Such devices. invention.
Conversely, devices that do not make use of motorized FIG. 2 is a front view of an embodiment of the invention.
devices typically incorporate hydraulics or make use of 65 FIG.3 shows an embodiment of the complete invention as
Archimedes' lever principle to provide medical perSonnel it appears prior to use.
the power necessary to Safely transfer patients. These mobile FIG. 4 is a top view of an embodiment of the invention.
US 6,728,979 B1
3 4
FIG. 5 is a view of an embodiment of the invention as it plane of slide board 70 to help prevent pinching during the
appears when fixed in place. movement. Of course, this may make placing slide board 70
beneath the patient more difficult. Therefore, it would be
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE preferable if lift handles 71 could be adjusted to either
INVENTION position.
FIG. 1 and FIG. 2 depict two views of a representative In one embodiment, cable 61 is a wire rope that is
embodiment of a portion of patient transfer device 10, approximately five feet long and is folded at its midpoint
including winch 50, Support frame 20, remote control unit over wire thimble 63. Cable 61 is permanently fastened at
55, cable 61, and hooks 62. In its preferred form, patient the base of wire thimble 63 by wire clamp 64. Further, clip
transfer device 10 is utilized in a hospital or clinical envi hooks 62, which are connected with wire thimble 63, are
attached at each end of cable 61 and cable 61 is fastened
ronment to transfer patients back and forth between gurneys back to itself with wire clamp 64. The embodiment as
and stationary examination or operating tables (e.g. X-ray described is illustrated in FIG. 3. Alternative embodiments
exam table, imaging exam table, catheter lab table, Surgery might make use of differing materials. Such as Straps and
table, etc.). 15 Velcro rather than wire cable and Snap hookS. Regardless of
Patient transfer device 10 is shown in its entirety in FIG. the embodiment, the object of cable 61 is to connect winch
3. The device is generally comprised of winch 50 mounted 50 to slide board 70. In the present embodiment, winch hook
on Support frame 20 that assists medical perSonnel in 60, which is attached to winch 50, hooks to wire thimble 63
transferring patients. The patients are placed on a slide board located at the midpoint of cable 61, thereby connecting Slide
70 and pulled from gurney 150 to stationary bed 100 or vice board 70 to winch 50.
Winch 50 is attached to the surface plate 40 and support
The device has wheels 29 placed at the bottom of support frame 20 using nuts and bolts of the appropriate size.
frame 20 that enable the device to be utilized in multiple Surface plate 40 is preferably covered with a rubberized
positions within a room and in different rooms throughout a Surface to minimize the movement of any items Stored on
facility. Each wheel 29 may include a brake latch to prevent 25 surface plate 20 as the device is transported. Further, fair
Support frame 20 from rolling. In one embodiment, each lead 42 is preferably anchored on the Surface plate in front
location where the device is used requires floor anchors 33, of winch 50, as shown in FIG. 4, to ensure that the motorized
which are located approximately two feet apart, to properly winch 50 cable is operated smoothly. As illustrated in FIG.
Secure the patient transfer device from unwanted movement 5, motorized winch 50 is powered by electricity from a
or tipping. The details of floor anchors 33 are illustrated best Standard electrical Socket (not shown). Remote control unit
in FIG. 3. 55 is attached to motorized winch 50 via a cable and allows
The desired embodiment makes use of floor anchor 33 on medical personnel to control motorized winch 50 to extend
either side of Support frame 20 and independent tie-down and retract cable 61. Emergency stop button 59 allows
straps 35. Each tie-down strap 35 contain hooks 36 that medical perSonnel to immediately interrupt power to the
attach to the surface plate 40 on the Support frame 20 and to 35 winch whenever necessary and is mounted on Surface plate
the floor anchors 36. The tie-down straps 35 anchor the 40. In an alternative embodiment, remote control unit 55 and
patient transfer device once the Straps are tightened using emergency stop unit 58 might be wireless, which would
their respective binders 37. Straps 35 are shown attached to Significantly decrease the amount of wires and clutter asso
support frame 20 by hooks 36, but any number of means ciated with the present embodiment.
known in the art would suffice. 40 The patient transfer device uses Support frame 20 to
The desired embodiment allows anchors 33 to remain Support mechanical winch 50 and to withstand forces gen
flush with the floor Surface when the device is not in use. erated during operation. In the preferred embodiment, Sup
This configuration minimizes tripping hazards and maxi port frame 20 is constructed of hollow metal members
mizes available floor Space when the invention is not in the whereby the longitudinal members 21 and transverse mem
room. Nonetheless, other methods of anchoring the patient 45 berS25 are welded together in the arrangement illustrated in
transfer device, Such as using a female-Socket Strap that FIGS. 1,3 and 5. Nonetheless, any type of material (such as
attaches to a male floor anchor, are not intended to be outside high-density molded plastic or metal alloys) and any known
the Scope of this invention. Differing anchor configurations manner of connecting the members (Such as mechanical
are also considered in the realm of this invention, Such as the connection or another type of molding) is considered within
use of wall anchors or the addition of anchor weights. 50 the Scope of this invention. Alternative embodiments might
Further, in the event that the patient transfer device will be allow for the frame to be height adjustable, thereby allowing
used Solely within one room, it might be advantageous to medical perSonnel to optimize the winch height for the type
permanently anchor the device onto a wall or floor, which of beds and/or tables that the patient is being moved
could minimize the area required for the device. A perma between. Further, another alternative embodiment might
nent configuration could be accommodated by installing 55 incorporate a portable power Supply, Such as a battery, into
Several pulleys (on ceiling and opposite wall) to reverse the support frame 20 to improve the mobility of the patient
pulling motion of winch 50 and allow patients to be trans transfer device. The following outlines the intended opera
ferred back and forth between Surfaces. tion of the patient transfer device in its present embodiment.
AS indicated, the device transferS patients using winch 50 Initially, the device must be properly anchored. Once
to pull patients placed on a slide board 70 across the beds. 60 patient transfer device 10 is properly positioned, the two
The slide board is of a type typically known in the industry tie-down straps 35 are attached to surface plate 40 and floor
and preferably has multiple lift handles 71 located at its anchors 33. The patient transfer device is anchored by using
perimeter. The intended use for the lift handles 71 is to allow binder 37 to tighten the tie-down straps 35. Binder 37 may
medical perSonnel to manually lift and transport patients be in the form of a buckle or any other suitable means for
from bed to table and to allow the attachment of cable 61 to 65 tightening Straps 35, Such as a friction device or a clamp.
the slide board 70 via two clip hooks 62 that are located at Motorized winch 50 is then plugged into a standard wall
the ends of cable 61. Lift handles 71 may rise above the Socket.
US 6,728,979 B1
S 6
A patient on gurney 150 is then moved next to stationary 4. The patient transfer device of claim 2 wherein said
table 100 and placed on top of a slide board 70. Once slide means for facilitating the movement of Said Support frame
board 70 has been properly placed under the patient on the comprises casters.
gurney, medical perSonnel use remote control unit 55 to 5. The patient transfer device of claim 1, wherein said
extend cable 61. Once Sufficient cable has been extended, 5 means for Securing Said Support frame to an immovable
clip hookS 62 are attached to the proximal and distal ends of object comprises:
lift handles 71 on the side located closest to the patient one or more tie-down Straps fixed to Said Support frame;
transfer device. See FIG. 3 for an illustration. The appro
priate number of medical personnel (usually one) will then a floor anchor, each of Said tie-down Straps attached to
slightly raise one edge of slide board 70 and activate remote Said floor anchor by a hook; and
control unit 55 to pull the patient to the stationary table 100. means for tightening Said tie-down Strap.
Once the patient is in place, clip hookS 62 are disengaged 6. The patient transfer device of claim 1 wherein said
and slide board 70 is removed. Support frame is height-adjustable.
An alternative embodiment of the invention may include 7. The patient transfer device of claim 1 wherein said
a pulley attached to the ceiling. Cable 61 would pass through 15 Support frame is immobile.
the pulley prior to being fastened to slide board 70. This 8. The patient transfer device of claim 1, further com
pulley would preferably be attached directly above support prising an emergency Stop mechanism.
frame 20 So that a significant horizontal force would remain 9. A method of transferring a patient to a table including
even as a vertical component to the force of winch 50 was the Steps of:
added. This vertical component of force may facilitate the providing a Support frame;
transfer of particularly heavy patients better than a purely
horizontal force. providing a winch attached to Said Support frame;
There are of course other alternate embodiments that are providing a slide board having at least one lift handle;
obvious from the foregoing descriptions of the invention, providing means for operatively connecting Said Slide
25 board to said winch;
which are intended to be included within the scope of the
invention, as defined by the following claims. Securing Said Support frame to an immovable object;
I claim: aligning Said patient and Said Support frame Such that Said
1. A patient transfer device comprising: table is between said patient and Said Support frame;
a Support frame; placing Said patient onto Said slide board;
a winch attached to Said Support frame; attaching Said winch to Said Slide board;
a slide board having at least one lift handle; engaging Said winch until Said patient rests on Said table;
means for operatively connecting said slide board to said and
winch; and removing Said Slide board from beneath Said patient.
means for Securing Said Support frame to an immovable 10. The method of claim 9, wherein said immovable
object. object is Selected from the group consisting of a floor, a wall,
2. The patient transfer device of claim 1 wherein said or an anchor attached to Said floor or Said wall.
Support frame includes means for facilitating the movement 11. The method of claim 10 further comprising the step of
of Said Support frame. 40
adjusting the height of Said Support frame Such that Said
3. The patient transfer device of claim 1, wherein said winch is on a level approximately equal to Said patient.
immovable object is Selected from the group consisting of a
floor, a wall, or an anchor attached to Said floor or said wall. k k k k k

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