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U.S. Patent Feb. 14, 1989 Sheet 1 of 5 4,804,352
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U.S. Patent Feb. 14, 1989 Sheet 2 of 5 4,804,352
U.S. Patent Feb. 14, 1989 Sheet 3 of 5 4,804,352
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U.S. Patent Feb. 14, 1989 she 4 of s 4,804.352
U.S. Patent Feb. 14, 1989 Sheet S of 5 4,804,352
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Another problem incident to tiltrotor aircraft such as
LNK-TYPE ROTARY COUPLNG described above is the need for torque to be transmitted
from the powerplant shaft to the rotor system hub in a
FIELD OF THE INVENTION substantially constant velocity manner. In other words,
The present invention relates to rotary mechanical a constant velocity condition exists between drive and
couplings, and more particularly, the present invention driven members when each degree of angular displace
relates to such couplings of the type which include a ment of the powerplant drive shaft induces exactly the
plurality of links connected between drive and driven same amount of angular displacement in the driven
members for transferring torque from one to the other rotor system hub irrespective of the magnitude of mis
while accommodating misalignment between their rota 10 alignment between their rotational axes. Absence of a
tional axes. constant velocity relation between drive and driven
members not only creates undesirable stresses within
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION the coupling, but also results in undesirable vibrations in
The proposed development of an aircraft designed to the rotor system and aircraft. These problems have long
take off and fly in either a helicopter mode or an air 15 plagued mechanical link-type couplings, particularly
plane mode has created certain problems. In one pro when used to transmit torque between significantly
posed form of such aircraft, a pair of powerplants driv misaligned rotational axes, such as the amount refer
enced above.
ing a pair of rotor systems are mounted to wings out In the aforedescribed aircraft propulsion system, the
board of the aircraft fuselage for pivotal motion with 20 rotors normally rotate unidirectionally. As a result,
respect to the wings. This enables the rotor systems to couplings are required to transmit torque primarily in
rotate in a substantially horizontal plane for take-off and
to rotate in a substantially vertical plane for propelling only one direction of rotation. For various reasons,
however, such as under conditions of autorotation cre
the aircraft.
When operating in a helicopter mode, the plane of the 25 ated by powerplant failure, it is important for such an
aircraft coupling to be able to accommodate transient
rotor system must be allowed to tilt as much as 10 de reverse torque conditions, thereby imposing yet another
grees with respect to a vertical axis under the influence design requirement on the capability of the coupling.
of cyclic blade pitch changes in order either to achieve In addition to the aforementioned requirements, it is
horizontal flight, or to fly in the airplane mode or to important
maintain a static hover position in a substantial wind lightweightforandtheeasy rotor system coupling to be compact,
to maintain. Such a coupling must
velocity. While many helicopters have been designed 30 also have a predictable service life, operate satisfacto
with articulated blades which flap to obtain rotor plane rily without requiring lubrication, and produce visual
tilt, a more efficient design involves mounting the rotor evidence of wear long before anticipated replacement
system on a drive shaft gimbal. However, this requires intervals. Moreover, such a coupling must be relatively
the rotor system to maintain a forward tilt of up to 35 simple in design, rugged, and easy to manufacture utiliz
about 10 degrees even though the drive shaft may be ing available aerospace manufacturing technologies.
rotating about a vertical axis at speeds of 400 rpm.
While spherical elastomeric bearings can be used as BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PRIOR ART
gimbals to carry thrust and radial loads, they are too As mentioned above, the conventional link-type me
soft torsionally to transmit the large torque loads re chanical
quired to drive the rotor system while accommodating rality of coupling radial
includes a drive spider having a plu
arms connected to a drive shaft and a
the constant 10 degree nutating motion resulting from
the misalignment of the rotor system relative to the juxtaposed driven spider of like construction arranged
with their arms in angularly offset relation. The tips of
powerplant shaft. the arms are interconnected by flexible links disposed
It is also known that in tilt rotor aircraft, gyroscopic 45 generally tangentially between the spiders with the
precession forces are created as the rotating rotor sys leading
tems pivot. Such forces, if transmitted to the power arms andends the
of the links connected to the drive spider
trailing ends thereof connected to the
plant shaft, can impose substantial stresses on the shaft driven spider arms. As the spiders rotate about mis
as well as ancillary powerplant mounting structures. aligned intersecting axes, the links accommodate the
These forces may also cause the hub to which the rotor 50 kinematics of the coupling.
system is mounted to be misaligned with respect to the U.S. Pat. Nos. 1,316,903; 1,424,051; and 1,636,692 are
rotational axis of the powerplant drive shaft, and such illustrative of link-type couplings of the aforedescribed
misalignment must be accommodated while transfer type which utilize flexible links to accommodate the
ring substantial torque from the drive shaft to the rotor aforementioned motion. Similar couplings utilizing
system, i.e. in excess of 4000 horsepower. 55 rigid links connected to the spider arms by rubber bush
One proposal to solve the aforementioned misalign ings at the ends of the links are disclosed in U.S. Pat.
ment problem included the use of a coupling between Nos. 1,752,138; 1,894,507; 2,292,675; 2,837,901;
the powerplant shaft and rotor system hub. In such a 4,040,270; 4,051,784; and 4,588,388. Of these couplings,
coupling, a plurality of laminated elastomeric bearing some utilize metal ball and rubber socket bushings.
assemblies were mounted at peripherally spaced loca In the majority of known link-type couplings, the
tions in a solid plate which was connected between links are connected to their respective spider arms by
angularly offset spider arms secured to the shaft and fasteners extending generally along the rotational axis
hub. The thus-described structure was intended to pro of the member to which the link is connected. In Ger
vide sufficient flexibility as to permit the spider arms to man published application No. 29 20 074 to Freuden
transmit torque while rotating about misaligned axes. 65 berg, however, the links are connected by bolts extend
The use of such a coupling to solve the aforementioned ing transversely with respect to the rotational axes of
rotor-mounting problem was not satisfactory because of the members coupled. U.S. Pat. No. 3,257,826, owned
its size, weight and grossly inadequate service life. by the assignee of the present application, discloses a
3 4
heavy duty flexible shaft coupling which includes lami members in a manner permitting the link to oscillate
nated elastomeric elements mounted between confront about several axes while accommodating such motion
ing radial arms. The coupling can accommodate unidi substantially entirely in elastic shear and elastic com
rectional torque transfer at shaft misalignment angles of pression. Preferably, the elastomeric bearings are of like
up to two degrees. It is not designed to accommodate 5 construction and each has a spherical array of alternat
reverse torque operating conditions such as required in ing layers of elastomeric material and relatively non
the aforementioned aircraft application. U.S. Pat. No. extensible material bonded together and to the link and
4,575,358 discloses a ball and socket type hub assembly its attachment means. When mounted in the coupling,
utilizing laminated elastomeric bearings to accommo the links are arranged with their bearing attachment
date movement of a rotor system relative to a power O axes disposed transversely with respect to the rotational
plant drive shaft. axis of their respective connected members. The cou
While each of the aforedescribed patented couplings pling of the present invention operates to provide a
may function satisfactorily for its intended purpose, constant velocity relation by a method wherein each
there is not currently available a coupling capable of link is free to oscillate while its bearings are subjected
meeting the aforedescribed conditions imposed in con 15 substantially entirely to elastic shear and compression
necting a rotor system to a powerplant in a manner strains distributed among bonded laminated layers as
permitting the rotor system to rotate about an axis in the links advance endwise in a tangential path and are
clined at a substantial angle with respect to the power subjected to alternating balanced internal compressive
plant shaft axis while ensuring a constant velocity rela and tensile forces that cooperate to ensure a constant
tion between the powerplant shaft and the rotor system 20 velocity relation between the drive and driven mem
hub when operating under conditions of substantial bers.
The foregoing and other objects, features and advan
With the foregoing in mind, a primary object of the 25 tages of the present invention should become apparent
present invention is to provide a novel heavy duty con from the following description, when taken in conjunc
stant velocity coupling particularly suited for use in tion with the accompanying drawings, in which:
connecting a rotor hub to a powerplant drive shaft in an FIG. 1 is a fragmentary perspective view illustrating
aircraft. a rotor system for an aircraft which represents one
Another object of the present invention is to provide 30 application wherein a mechanical coupling embodying
an improved mechanical coupling capable of transmit the present invention finds utility;
ting motion under conditions of high torque and sub FIG. 2 is an exploded perspective view illustrating
stantial misalignment between driving and driven men various components of the coupling assembly illustrated
bers while maintaining a constant velocity relation in FIG. 1;
therebetween. 35 FIG. 3 is a simplified illustration of a coupling of the
A further object of the present invention is to provide present invention showing the disposition of various
a heavy duty constant velocity coupling capable of components when used to connect axially aligned
transmitting torque in any direction of rotation. shafts;
Yet another object of the present invention is to pro FIG. 3A (sheet 3) is a longitudinal sectional view
vide a compact, lightweight, mechanical link-type cou 40 taken on line 3A-3A of FIG. 3 to illustrate details of
pling which is capable of transmitting high torque over construction of a preferred link;
a predictable service life while permitting periodic vi FIG. 4 is a view similar to FIG. 3 but illustrating the
sual inspection for signs of premature wear. disposition of selected coupling components when the
The present invention also provides a unique method rotational axes of the shafts are misaligned with respect
of establishing a constant velocity coupling between 45 to one another;
members rotatable about misaligned axes without re FIG. 4A is a sectional view taken on line 4A-4A of
quiring any lubrication in the coupling. FIG. 4 to illustrate the position of a link when the shafts
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION are misaligned as illustrated in FIG. 4;
FIG. 5 is a perspective view of a link embodying the
More specifically, the present invention provides an 50 present invention, the view illustrating the arrangement
improved, heavy duty, link-type coupling particularly of certain relative motions which must be accommo
suited for connecting rotor systems to drive shafts in dated by the elastomeric bearings at the link ends;
aircraft, but also capable of being utilized in other appli FIG. 6 is an enlarged sectional view illustrating a
cations where torque must be transmitted under condi preferred embodiment of the link of the present inven
tions of constant velocity between members rotatable 55 tion; and
about misaligned intersecting axes. The coupling com FIG. 7 is a greatly enlarged fragmentary sectional
prises a drive member adapted to be connected to a view of a portion of the spherical elastomeric bearing
shaft, a driven member mounted adjacent to the end of mounted in the link of FIG. 5.
the shaft for rotation about an axis which may be mis DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED
aligned with respect to the shaft axis, and a plurality of 60 EMBODIMENTS
links drivingly interconnecting the drive and driven
members. Each link is axially stiff to accommodate Referring now to the drawings, FIG. 1 illustrates one
tension and compression loads and has its leading end application wherein a link-type coupling embodying the
connected to the drive member and its trailing end present invention finds particular utility. In the applica
connected to the driven member for motion tangen 65 tion, a plurality of rotors, or propeller blades, (not
tially in an annular path. The ends of each link are pro shown) are connected to a like plurality of hub arms,
vided with spherical elastomeric bearings which are such as the arm2, by any suitable means, as well known
connected by attachment means to the drive and driven in the art. The hub arms, such as the arm 2, are prefera
bly formed integral with a hub 3 which is adapted to be hub clevis 15a is located radially outward of the rota
connected to a powerplant shaft 61 by a coupling 4 tional axis Rs of the input shaft 12 and hub 15 and ex
embodying the present invention. tends axially with respect to the plane of the hub 15. In
As will be discussed more fully hereinafter, the cou like manner, the clevis 16a is located radially outward
pling 4 includes a plurality of links, such as the link 5, with respect to the rotational axis Rh of the output shaft
for transferring torque under constant velocity condi 13 and hub 16 and extends axially with respect to the
tions between the powerplant drive shaft and the rotor plane of the hub 16. Thus, the clevises 15a and 16a are
hub 3 while permitting the hub 3 to rotate about an axis disposed in spaced confronting relation with respect to
Rh misaligned at an angle a with respect to the rota one another but are angularly offset in a horizontal
tional axis Rs of the powerplant drive shaft. Axial thrust 10 plane passing through their paths of movement orthog
loads are carried by a pair of conventional elastomeric onal to the rotational axis Rs in FIG. 3.
bearings (not shown) such as the upper elastomeric As best seen in FIG. 3, each clevis, such as the clevis
bearing contained within the upper bearing housing 7. 15b mounting the link 27, includes a pair of upstanding
As a result, the coupling of the present invention is trunnions 30 and 31 mounted to the drive hub 15 in
particularly well suited for accommodating a substan 15 spaced relation for receiving the end portion of the link
tial tilt of a rotor hub relative to its powerplant drive 27 therebetween. A connecting bolt 32 extends through
shaft in an aircraft. the trunnions 30 and 31 and transversely through the
Before discussing in detail the construction of the link 27. The link 25 is connected by bolts 33 and 34 to its
coupling 4 illustrated in FIG. 1, reference is made to a associated clevises 15a and 16a, respectively.
simplified embodiment of the coupling which is illus 20 With the rotational axes of the shafts 12 and 13
trated in FIGS. 3 and 4 as an aid in explaining certain aligned, i.e. arranged coaxially as illustrated in FIG. 3,
aspects of structure and function of the present inven the links, such as the link 25, of the coupling 11 advance
tion. endwise in a plane orthogonal to the rotational axis Rs of
Referring now to FIG. 3, the coupling 11 is shown the aligned shafts 12 and 13. However, when the shaft
connecting a drive shaft 12 rotatable about a vertical 25 13 is misaligned with respect to the shaft 12, such as
axis Rs to a driven shaft 13 rotatable about an axis Rh when it is displaced through the angle a as illustrated in
which may, as illustrated in FIG. 3, be coaxial with the FIG. 4, and the shafts 12 and 13 rotate, the links move
axis Rs of the drive shaft 12. A drive member, or hub, 15 in a complex manner when transmitting torque in a
is secured to the input drive shaft 12 by conventional constant velocity manner between the input drive hub
means (not shown) such as bolts, weldments, splines, 30 15 and the output drive hub 16. For instance, when the
keys, or the like. A hub 16 is similarly connected to the shafts 12 and 13 are aligned as illustrated in FIG. 3, the
output shaft 13. In the illustrated embodiment, the hubs link 25 advances endwise tangentially of the axis Rs
15 and 16 include flat circular plates; however, it should substantially coplanar with the plane P1 orthogonal to
be understood that the hubs 15 and 16 may include the shaft rotational axis Rs. However, when the output
conventional spiders having arms extending radially 35 hub 16 and its shaft 13 are offset angularly, such as
outward from the shafts 12 and 13 in angularly offset illustrated in FIG. 4, the leading end portion of the link
relation in a plane orthogonal to the shaft rotational 25a remains substantially in the plane Pl, but the trailing
axes such as in a plane extending on the line 3A-3A of end portion 25b thereof is cyclically displaced axially
FIG. 3 orthogonal to the drive shaft axis Rs. above and below the plane P1 when rotated such as
To accommodate angular misalignment between the 40 illustrated in FIG. 4A. Such trailing end displacement
rotational axis Rs of the drive shaft 12 and the rotational causes a change in distance between the bolts 33 and 34
axis Rh of the driven shaft 13, such as the misalignment which must be accommodated dynamically by the links
angle a (FIG. 4) a plurality of connecting links are in order to ensure a constant velocity connection be
disposed between the hubs 15 and 16 and are intercon tween the hubs 15 and 16, and such change in distance
nected therewith. As best seen in FIG. 3, each link such 45 occurs twice during each revolution.
as the link 25, has a leading end 25a and a trailing end In order to transmit torque while accommodating the
25b, the ends being defined with respect to the direction aforementioned link motion, each link, such as the link
of rotation of the input shaft 12 as indicated in FIG. 3. 25, is provided with a first or leading end elastomeric
In the illustrated embodiment, four such links are pro bearing means 35 mounted in its leading end portion 25a
vided between the hubs 15 and 16, the trailing end 26b 50 and a second trailing end elastomeric bearing means 36
of a leading link 26 being illustrated to the right of the mounted in its trailing end portion 25b. See FIG. 3A.
link 25 in FIG. 3, and the leading end 27a of a trailing Between the elastomeric bearings 35 and 36, the link 25
link 27 being illustrated to the left of the link 25 in FIG. has a body 25c which is axially, flexurally and torsion
3. The fourth link is not shown but is located immedi ally stiff. In other words, in this zone the link body 25c
ately behind the link 25 shown in the foreground in 55 resists flexural and torsional deflection and axial deflec
FIG. 3. While a four link coupling 11 is illustrated in tions caused by tensile and compressive loads. To this
FIGS. 3 and 4, it should be understood that various end, the link body 25c is preferably fabricated of strong
numbers of links may be utilized, depending upon de
sign parameters, including spatial and loading require lightweight metal, such as titanium, aluminum, or the
like, but it may be of other strong lightweight materials,
ments, and the like, but at least three links spaced apart including composites in those applications admitting of
equiangularly are required to ensure a constant velocity such materials.
driving relation between the shafts 12 and 13 when In the preferred embodiment illustrated, the trailing
misaligned. end elastomeric bearing means 36 comprises a laminated
Each link, such as the link 25, has its leading end spherical component 36a surrounding the connecting
portion 25a connected to the drive hub 15, as by a clevis 65 bolt 34. The laminated elastomeric bearing 35 at the
15a connected to the drive hub 15, and has its trailing opposite end of the link 25 is preferably of like construc
end portion connected to the driven hub 16 as by a tion. As best seen in FIG. 7, each elastomeric bearing
clevis 16a connected to the driven hub 16. The drive includes a series of layers of homogenous elastomeric
7 8
material of uniform thickness, such as the layers 40, 41 caused by link stretching and contraction is substan
and 42 bonded to and separated by a series of concave tially zero, a constant velocity relation is maintained
relatively inelastic, or non-extensible, members, such as between the shafts.
metal shims, 43,44 bonded to and between the layers 40 The elastomeric bearings are formed in situ in the
and 42, respectively. The outermost elastomeric layer ends of each link body. To this end, each link body 25c
40 is bonded to a spherical concave surface 25' formed is fabricated of machined or forged metal or similarly
integral within the end portion of the body. 25c of the axially, torsionally and flexurally stiff material, and
link 25 as by milling. The innermost elastomeric layer spherical cavities, such as the portion defined by the
45 is bonded to a convex spherical surface 50' provided concave surface 25' in FIG. 5, are machined in each end
on a first attachment means, or inner sleeve, 50b which O of the link with the cavity focal point at the point F as
extends transversely completely across the link body illustrated in FIG. 7. In like manner, metal shims, such
25c. The innermost layer 45 is stiff relative to the outer as the shims 43 and 44 are arranged in the cavity with
most layer 40. The elastomeric layers and shims 40-45 their focal points at the aforementioned location F.
are shaped so that their focal point Fis coincident with After the spherical cavities are bored in the ends of the
the longitudinal axis of the attachment sleeve means 50b 15 link, the center sleeve, shims and elastomeric layers are
so that rotation of the attachment sleeve means 50b bonded and cured in place under heat and pressure as
relative to the focal point F stresses the elastomeric well known in the art of fabricating elastomeric bear
layers substantially entirely in shear while movement of ings. As the cavity which receives the elastomeric bear
the attachment sleeve means 50b relative to the trailing ing is symmetrical with respect to the focal point F,
end 25b of the link stresses the elastomeric layers sub only a segment thereof is illustrated in FIG. 7.
stantially entirely in compression. As well known in the art of designing elastomeric
As best seen in FIG. 7, the attachment sleeve means bearings, the layers of non-extensible material, or metal
50b includes a series of internal splines 51 or keyways shims, are disposed in spaced parallel relation among
which matingly engage a splined pin or key 52 secured the elastomeric layers to reduce bulging of the elasto
by the attachment bolt 34 between link mounting clev 25 meric material under compression loads, thereby in
ises, such as illustrated in FIGS. 3 and 3A. It is highly creasing the stiffness of the assembly. The non-extensi
desirable for the clevises and the connecting bolts, such ble shims do not, however, affect significantly the stiff.
as the bolts 33 and 34 to be arranged in the manner ness of the assembly in shear, and so do not affect signif.
illustrated, i.e. disposed transverse to the rotational axes icantly the torsional resilience of the bearing with re
of the shafts 12 and 13, i.e. substantially radially with 30 spect to its attachment focal point F. Accordingly, the
respect thereto, in order to prevent the sleeve from thus-described link is relatively torsionally flexible
cocking in the elastomeric bearings, as such action about mutually perpendicular X, Y and Z axes through
shortens bearing life and is undesirable in those applica the focal point at its ends while being stiff in axial com
tions requiring maximum service life. pression and tension.
When thus secured, movement of the trailing end 25b 35 In order to take full advantage of the aforedescribed
of the link 25 axially upward, such as illustrated in FIG. link characteristics, the links are mounted between the
4A, causes the elastomeric layers in each bearing to hubs 15 and 16 in such a manner as to ensure that sub
shear between their associated bonded metal surfaces. stantially all relative motion between the link ends is
Simultaneously, tension in the rightward direction on accommodated by shearing and compression of the
the link body 25c, such as caused by driving loads on the elastomeric layers composing the elastomeric bearing,
link, causes the various elastomeric layers to be com such as the layers 40, 42 and 45. By securing the attach
pressed between the attachment sleeve 50b and the ment sleeves non-rotatively to their respective drive
inner surface 25' of the trailing end 25b of the link 25. and driven members, the propensity of the elastomeric
Moreover, the aforementioned change in distance be layers of the elastomeric bearing to shear readily but to
tween the link mounting bolts is accommodated by 45 resist compression is well utilized, thereby eliminating
alternating compression of each elastomeric bearing sliding motion within the link and eliminating wear and
axially of the link. As a result, the elastomeric layers are the need for periodic lubrication. In addition, the afore
subjected substantially entirely to compression and described laminated elastomeric bearings damp vibra
shear loads in the course of operation of the coupling tions and noise, thereby lessening vibration induced
11. 50 stress and wear. Each bearing also provides flexibility
In the four link coupling illustrated in FIG. 3, the for accommodating slight misfits that may be caused by
constant velocity relation is ensured by the cyclic resil positional or dimensional tolerance deviations.
ient deformations of the elastomeric bearings. For in Design details of each laminated elastomeric bearing
stance, the maximum stretching required of each link, will vary depending upon the intended application of
such as the leftwardmost link illustrated in FIG. 4 with 55 the coupling. For instance, the size, the thickness and
the shaft misalignment angle a in the plane of the sheet the number of layers of elastomeric material, and its
of FIG. 4, occurs when the link is located to either side shear, and effective compression modulus, will depend
of the rotational axes of the shafts, i.e. such as when in on the anticipated torque loads and amount of angular
the foreground in FIG. 4A. The diametrically opposite misalignment to be accommodated between the drive
link (not shown, but behind the link in FIG. 4A) is also and driven members. In certain applications, a low loss
subjected to maximum stretching. Simultaneously, the type of elastomeric material is preferably utilized to
other two diametrically opposite links are subjected to minimize heat build-up and energy loss across the cou
maximum compression. The net effect of these condi pling. In addition, the elastomeric material should trans
tions is that the compressive forces caused by link fer heat readily out of the link in order to avoid undesir
stretching is balanced by tensile forces caused by link 65 able heat build-up in the elastomeric layers. A preferred
foreshortening. These forces are superimposed on the elastomeric material includes a blend of a natural rubber
normal tensile loads on the links caused by torque trans and a synthetic rubber, such as polybutadiene. For a
mission. However, as the net torque on the driven shaft more detailed discussion of the factors which should be
considered in the design of a suitable elastomeric bear bolt 124b. Each of the other links 126, 127 is similarly
ing, reference is made to U.S. Pat. No. 2,752,766 to connected to its respective clevis 78 and 79, respec
Wildhaber, to U.S. Pat. No. 2,900,182 to Hinks, and to tively.
U.S. Pat. No. 3,679,197 to Schmidt, the disclosures of The link125 is generally similar in construction to the
which are incorporated by reference herein. link 25 illustrated and described heretofore. For in
Having described the present invention in a simplified stance, the link 125 is provided with internally milled
embodiment for use in connecting misaligned shafts, spherical cavities in its leading end 125a and in its trail
reference is again made to the embodiment illustrated in ing end 125b. Spherical laminated elastomeric bearings
FIGS. 1 and 2 wherein the coupling of the present 135a and 135b are mounted within the leading and trail
invention is utilized to connect a rotor system to a 10 ing end cavities, and each includes a plurality of alter
power plant drive shaft in an aircraft.
As best seen, in FIGS. 1 and 2, the coupling 4 in bondedlayers
nating of elastomeric material and metal shims
together by an adhesive. In addition, each elas
cludes a drive member, or hub, 66 adapted to be con tomeric bearing includes
nected to a powerplant drive shaft 61, as by the splined attachment sleeve, such asantheinternally splined, tubular
trailing end sleeve 150b
bore connection 69 illustrated, or in accordance with 15 which extends transversely of the link body 125c and
other conventional aerospace manufacturing tech has a through bore therein. As best seen in FIGS. 5, 6
niques. The drive hub 66 is rotated about the vertical and 7, the trailing end attachment sleeve 150b has axial
axis Rs by an aircraft powerplant (not shown) connected
to the drive shaft 61. As described heretofore, the cou end portions 152, 153 that extend laterally outward
beyond the opposite longitudinal end faces of the link
pling 4 connects the drive hub 66 to each of the rotor or 20 body 125c. The sleeve end portions 152, 153 cooperate
propeller blades via a driven hub 3 having a plurality of
radial arms, such as the arm 2. The coupling 4 permits with the clevis ears 94, 95 to center the trailing end of
the hub 3, and hence the blades connected thereto, to the link 125therebetween and to provide the clearances
rotate about an axis Rh which usually is aligned with the necessary to enable the link to pivot about its longitudi
drive shaft rotational axis but which may be misaligned 25 nal axis. The leading end attachment sleeve 150a may
at an angle or of up to about 10 degrees with respect to have a bored end wall 154 (FIG. 5) adapted to engage
the rotational axis Rs of the drive hub 66 and power the the end of the stub shaft 76 and to be fastened thereto by
plant drive shaft. connecting bolt 124a.
To this end, the drive hub 66 is of spider form and The various alternating layers of elastomeric material
includes a plurality of generally radially extending spi 30 and metal are bonded together and to the link body 25c
der arms 70, 71 and 72 disposed in a plane orthogonal to and the attachment sleeves 150a, 150b in the manner
the rotational axis Rs of the drive shaft 61. In the illus discussed heretofore. The internally splined attachment
trated embodiment, three such arms are provided, the sleeve 150b of the trailing end bearing is adapted to
arms being equidistant and equiangularly disposed with receive the complementary attachment fittings 96a and
respect to the splined bore 69 of the drive hub 66. Each 35 96b when engaged with their respective splined clevis
arm, such as the arm 70, includes a pair of radially out bores 96 and 97, respectively, thereby causing the at
wardly converging sections 73 and 74 which terminate tachment sleeve 150b to be non-rotatively secured in its
in an integral annular bearing surface 75. A splined mounting clevis 77. The elastomeric bearing 135a pro
trunnion, or stub shaft, 76 extends outwardly from the vided at the leading end 125a of the link 125 is of gener
bearing surface 75 and has an internally threaded bore ally the same construction as the trailing end bearing
for receiving a bolt 124. 135b, having an internally splined attachment sleeve
The leading end 125a of a link 125 is connected to the 150a adapted to matingly engage the splined driven hub
splined trunnion 76 by the bolt 124. The trailing end trunnion 76 and to be captively and non-rotatively se
125b of the link 125 is connected to the driven hub 3 by cured thereto by the connecting bolt 124a. With this
means of a clevis, or pillow block, 77 secured by a pair 45 construction, each end of the link 125, such as the trail
of vertical bolts 88 and 89 extending between the root ing end 125b, is capable of being resiliently pivotally
portion 2a of the driven hub arm 2 and an overlying displaced about mutually perpendicular X, Y and Z axes
mounting hub 7. Each bolt, such as the trailing end bolt passing through the focal point F, such as in the direc
88 passes downwardly through aligned bored sleeves 90 tions illustrated by the arrows in FIG. 5, when con
and 91 in the trailing end of the clevis 77. The clevis 77 50 nected in the coupling 4 as illustrated and the coupling
includes a pair of fore and aft extending brace members rotated. Simultaneously with accommodating such mo
92 and 93 which connect the mounting bolt sleeves 90 tion, each link is capable of accepting axial loads im
and 91. The leading ends of the braces 92 and 93 are posed along its Y axis in the direction indicated by the
provided with an integral aft extending lateral ear 94, arrows, whether such loads be of a tensile or compres
and the trailing end portions of the braces 92 and 93 are 55 sive nature.
provided with a forwardly extending lateral ear 95. The In the aircraft rotor mounting application illustrated
ears 94 and 95 are arranged in substantially parallel in FIG. 1, operation of the coupling 4 is similar to the
relation with one another on opposite sides of a plane operation of the coupling 11 of the embodiments of
orthogonal to the axis of the trunnion 76 and substan FIGS. 3 and 4. In the coupling 4, however, up to one
tially tangent to a radius from the axis of the shaft 61. million pound inches of torque must be transferred from
The clevis ears 94 and 95 are provided with splined the drive shaft to each rotor while operating with angu
bores 96 and 97 which receive similarly splined attach lar misalignments that may vary up to about 10 degrees
ment fittings 96a, 96b having through bores for receiv at rotational speeds of about 400 revolutions per minute.
ing the trailing end connecting bolt 124b. The trailing This requires that each link carry up to 41,500 pounds
end 125b of the link 125 is adapted to be inserted be 65 steady state tensile load plus alternating tensile and
tween the clevis ears 94 and 95 and to be secured in compressive loads of 14,000 pounds at 13 cycles per
place by the splined transverse attachment fittings 96a second. Moreover, each link must carry such loads for
and 96b which are bolted together by the connecting various time periods for up to 2500 total hours of opera
tion. The coupling of the present invention meets the With an axial spacing of about 7.2 inches between
aforementioned requirements. bearing focal points F (FIG. 6) the aforementioned
By way of example, and not by way of limitation, a construction of each link 125 permits each end of the
preferred coupling of the present invention designed for link to rotate relative to its attachment sleeve about its
use in the aforedescribed aircraft application has a link 5 transverse axis X (FIG. 5) through a total arc of about
125 formed of titanium with enlarged bulbous leading 9.7 degrees at the leading end and 14 degrees at the
and trailing end portions 125a, 125b at opposite ends of trailing end, to rotate about its longitudinal axis Y
its rigid, axially and torsionally stiff body 125c. Each through a total arc of about 5 degrees, and to rotate
elastomeric bearing mounted in the link preferably in about the Z axis through a total arc of less than about 2
cludes at least about six spherical metal shins, each 10 degrees. Moreover, the configuration of each elasto
about 0.030 inches thick, separated a uniform distance meric bearing is such as to enable these angular dis
of about 0.10 inches from one another by layers of elas placements to occur cyclically while the link is sub
tomeric material of uniform thickness bonded thereto jected to axial tensile loads along its longitudinal Y axis
by an appropriate rubber metal adhesive, such as Chem and to periodic compressive loads in the opposite direc
lok TF-1677-44, sold by Lord Corporation of Erie, Pa. 5 tion along the same axis. The disposition of the elasto
The metal shims, and their alternating elastomeric lay meric bearing attachment sleeves transversely with
ers, have their respective radii of curvature centered at respect to the rotational axis of the members to which
the focal point F. Preferably, each metal shim is they are connected permits the trailing end of each link
formed of stainless steel and has portions extending to oscillate substantially freely with respect to a plane
beyond the side edges of the elastomeric layers to pro 20 orthogonal to the rotational axis of the drive shaft. Fail
vide cooling fins, such as the fins 43a, 44a, which are ure to provide such freedom of movement, as by con
helpful in dissipating heat generated among the elasto straining the trailing end of the link by disposing its
meric layers in the course of operation of the coupling. attachment sleeve axis 90 degrees with respect to the
The confronting edges of the metal shims of each spher direction illustrated, requires the sleeve to undergo a
ical elastomeric bearing are juxtaposed and are located 25 cyclic cocking motion, and this can reduce the life of
diametrically opposite one another with respect to the the elastomeric bearing, and hence the overall service
transverse axis X of the link 125 with the gaps between life of the link. Accordingly, it is highly desirable for the
the edges of the shims being offset angularly with re link 125 to be mounted in a coupling in the manner
spect to the gaps in the immediately adjacent shim illustrated in FIG. 1 to avoid creating undesirable
layer. Preferably, each focal point F is located on the 30 stresses within the elastomeric bearings at the ends of
transverse link axis X which passes through the centers the link.
of the attachment sleeves 150a, 150b. In view of the foregoing, it should be apparent that
The elastomeric material which bonds the metal the present invention now provides an improved cou
shims to one another and to the link and attachment pling for connecting a drive shaft to a driven member in
sleeve is a blend of elastomers as discussed earlier. Pref 35 a manner permitting the driven member to rotate about
erably, however, the properties of the elastomeric mate an axis which is misaligned with respect to the rota
rial blend are adjusted so as to be uniform within each tional axis of the drive shaft. The coupling of the pres
layer but non-uniform from layer to layer. For example, ent invention may be used in a variety of applications,
the radially innermost layer 45 of each elastomeric bear such as coupling misaligned drive shafts, or coupling a
ing is relatively stiff, while the radially outermost layer rotor hub to a drive shaft in an aircraft. The coupling of
is soft relative to the innermost layer 45. The properties the present invention provides a highly desirable con
of the layers in between these layers may be varied, but stant velocity connection between the drive and driven
are generally in a range between these limits. For exam members, thereby avoiding the development of undesir
ple, the relatively stiff innermost layer 45 should have able stresses and vibrations in the connected system.
an effective compression modulus of 80,000 psi, and a 45 Moreover, the link components of the coupling are
shear modulus of 260 psi. The relatively soft outermost sufficiently rugged as to meet the aforementioned re
layer 40 should have an effective compression modulus quirements but are of sufficiently simple construction as
of 40,000 psi., and a shear modulus of 160 psi. Thus, the to be manufactured readily using available aerospace
outermost layer 40 has an effective compression modu manufacturing technologies.
lus which is about 50% that of the innermost layer 45. 50 While preferred embodiments of the present inven
The intermediate layers may have corresponding values tion have been described in detail, various modifica
within these ranges. In heavy duty applications, such as tions, alteration and changes may be made without
the rotor mounting application illustrated, each layer departing from the spirit and scope of the present inven
preferably has a low loss factor, or tan delta, of less than tion as defined in the appended claims.
0.10, and preferably close to about 0.05. However, de 55 I claim:
pending on a variety of design considerations, elasto 1. In a link coupling for transmitting torque between
meric materials of higher loss factors, up to about 0.50 rotatable drive and driven members while accommodat
may be utilized. Preferably, the aforementioned elasto ing angular misalignment between their rotational axes,
meric properties are provided by a blend of natural said link coupling including a plurality of links and
rubber and synthetic rubber, such as polybutadiene, 60 attachment means for interconnecting the links to the
wherein the natural rubber comprises in a range of drive and driven members so that the links can move
about 50 percent to about 90 percent of the total weight independently as they advance tangentially about said
of the blend and the synthetic rubber comprises in a axes, the improvement wherein each link comprises:
range of about 50 percent to about 10 percent of the axially stiff body means for accepting both tensile and
total weight of the blend. Such a blend can be bonded 65 compressive loads applied tangentially between
readily by adhesives to the various metallic surfaces of said drive and driven members,
the link and shims during in situ formation under heat first laminated elastomeric bearing means cooperable
and pressure. with one of said attachment means for connecting a
13, 14
first end of said body means to said drive member said alternating layers being arranged in substantially
to permit the body means to pivot about a first axis parallel relation therebetween.
while undergoing elastic compression during appli 8. A link coupling according to claim 4 wherein said
cation of tension to said body means, elastomeric material includes a blend of natural and
second laminated elastomeric bearing means cooper synthetic elastomers having an effective compression
able with another of said attachment means for modulus in a range of about 40,000 psi. to about 80,000
connecting a second end of said body means to said psi, and a shear modulus in a range of about 160 psi. to
driven member to permit pivotal movement of the about 260 psi., and a tan delta loss factor of less than
body means about a second axis parallel to said about 0.50.
first-mentioned axis, 10 9. A link coupling according to claim 4 wherein said
said first and second laminated elastomeric bearing elastomeric material has a shear modulus that varies
means also permitting pivotal movement of the among said layers with the maximum shear modulus
body means about a third axis extending lengthwise being located in the layer adjacent said attachment
of the body means between said first and second means and the minimum shear modulus being located in
axes, 15 the layer adjacent to said body means.
said laminated elastomeric bearing means cooperable 10. A link for use in connecting drive and driven
with said attachment means for enabling said lami members in a coupling capable of transferring torque
nated elastomeric bearing means to undergo elastic between the members when rotated about axes that may
shearing during said pivotal motion about said axes
and to undergo elastic compression when said body 20 be angularly misaligned with one another comprising: a
connecting element having a leading end portion and a
means is subjected to tension while rotating about trailing end portion, said connecting element being
misaligned axes, whereby the link motion neces axially, flexurally an torsionally stiff with respect to its
sary to effect a substantially constant velocity con leading and trailing end portions, a laminated elasto
nection between misaligned rotatable drive and meric bearing mounted at each end of said connecting
driven members can be accommodated. 25
2. A link coupling according to claim 1 wherein said element, each laminated elastomeric bearing including a
first and second laminated elastomeric bearing means mounting attachment means extending transverse to
cooperate with their respective attachment means to said connecting element for effecting a non-rotative
permit pivotal motion of the body means about both of relative connection to its associated drive or driven
said first and second axes without causing a cocking 30 member and a plurality of convex alternating elastic and
motion of the attachment means with respect to said relatively non-extensible layers bonded together and to
body means when the drive and driven members rotate said mounting attachment means and connecting ele
about misaligned axes. ment, said layers permitting said mounting attachment
3. A link coupling according to claim 2 wherein said means to pivot orthogonal intersecting axes relative to
first and second axes extend in a generally radial direc 35 each end portion of said connecting element at least one
tion transverse to said rotational axes, and said lami of which axes extends longitudinally of the link and to
nated elastomeric bearing means are of like spherical deflect longitudinally of the link, both said pivotal and
construction and cooperate with their respective at longitudinal motions occurring without sliding of the
tachment means to permit said relative pivotal motion mounting attachment means with respect to the con
of the body means to occur about each of said afore necting element, whereby the link can accept loads
mentioned first, second and third axes. applied in either axial direction while accommodating
4. A link coupling according to claim3 wherein each among the plurality of elastic layers axial and pivotal
of said first and second laminated elastomeric bearing relative movement of the connecting element with re
means includes a plurality of convex layers of alternat spect to the mounting attachment means.
ing elastomeric material and non-extensible material 45 11. A link according to claim 10 wherein said lami
bonded together and mounted in said body means with nated elastomeric bearing layers at each end of said
their focal points coinciding substantially with said first connecting element have their focal points located be
and second axes. tween the leading and trailing ends of the link on its
5. A link coupling according to claim 4 wherein each longitudinal axis, and each of said mounting attachment
laminated elastomeric bearing means includes means 50 means extends transversely of the connecting element
extending transverse to said body means for cooperat and through said focal points.
ing with said attachment means to provide a non-pivotal 12. A link according to claim 10 wherein each lami
relative connection of both of said laminated elasto nated elastomeric bearing is spherical and is arranged
meric bearing means to said drive and driven means on with its focal point at a location substantially coincident
said first and second transverse axes. 55 with the mounting attachment means.
6. A link coupling according to claim 4 wherein said 13. A link according to claim 10 wherein said con
link body is torsionally and flexurally stiff between said necting element includes a concave inner surface defin
laminated elastomeric bearing means so that said lami ing a cavity surrounding said attachment means, and
nated elastomeric bearing means cooperate with said said layers are bonded between said surface and said
attachment means to mount said link for said pivotal attachment means.
movement about intersecting, perpendicular X, Y and Z 14. A link according to claim 10 wherein said rela
axes at each end of the link with said Y axis extending tively non-extensible layers of said laminated elasto
lengthwise of said body means. meric bearing include a plurality of metal shims bonded
7. A link coupling according to claim 4 wherein said to and between said elastic layers.
laminated elastomeric bearing means includes means 65 15. A link according to claim 10 wherein the elastic
defining a concave surface at each end in said body layers are substantially uniform in thickness, and the
means, and said elastomeric material is bonded both to elastic is softer adjacent to the connecting element than
said concave surface and to said attachment means with adjacent to the attachment means.
15 16
16. A link according to claim 10 wherein said elastic ment means in a manner enabling said pivotal deflec
layers include a blend of natural and synthetic elasto tions of the attachment means to be accommodated in
mers cured in situ within said connecting element. elastic shear and said axial deflections to be accommo
17. A link according to claim 10 wherein said elastic dated in elastic compression.
layers, when cured, have an effective compression mod 24. A coupling according to claim 23 wherein said
ulus in a range of about 40,000 psi. to about 80,000 psi, elastomeric material includes a blend of natural and
a shear modulus of about 160 psi to about 260 psi., and synthetic rubbers having, when cured, an effective
a tan delta loss factor of less than about 0.010. compression modulus of about 40,000 psi. to about
18. A link according to claim 10 wherein said non 80,000 psi, a shear modulus of about 130 psi. to about
extensible layers are of metal and have portions extend 10 260 psi, and a loss factor tan delta of less than 0.50.
ing laterally of said connecting element beyond the 25. A coupling according to claim 23 wherein said
elastic layers therebetween to provide cooling fins. laminated elastomeric bearings are bonded to said con
19. A link according to claim 10 wherein said mount necting element within a spherical cavity formed inte
ing attachment means includes a sleeve extending trans gral therein and have focal points, and said attachment
verse to said connecting element for effecting said rela 15 means includes an attachment sleeve surrounding the
tive non-rotative attachment, and said elastic layer adja focal point of each laminated elastomeric bearing and
cent to said sleeve is stiff relative to the elastic layer bonded thereto.
adjacent to said connecting element. 26. A coupling according to claim 23 wherein the
20. In a link-type coupling for transferring torque attachment means extends transversely through said
between drive and driven members rotatable about 20 connecting element form one side thereof to the other
misaligned rotational axes, including connectable means and substantially radially of the rotational axes of the
located radially outward of their respective rotational drive and driven members.
axes in spaced confronting relation with one another, 27. In an aircraft having a powerplant with a drive
and linkage means for connecting said connectable shaft and a rotor hub coupled to the drive shaft for
means of said drive and driven members, the improve 25 rotation therewith about an axis that may be angularly
ment wherein said linkage means comprises: misaligned with respect to the rotational axis of the
an axially stiff connecting element extending between drive shaft, the rotor hub being drivingly connected to
said connectable means substantially tangentially the drive shaft by a link-type coupling having drive
to said rotational axes; means connected to the drive shaft for rotating in a
spherical laminated elastomeric bearing means 30 plane orthogonal thereto and having linkage means
mounted at opposite ends of said connecting ele arranged generally tangentially of said drive shaft axis
ment, each of said laminated elastomeric bearing radially outward thereof for interconnecting the drive
means including at least one relatively inextensible means and hub, the improvement wherein said linkage
layer bonded to and between a pair of elastic lay means comprises a plurality of axially stifflinks having
ers; 35 leading end portions operatively connected to said
attachment means securing said laminated elasto drive means and trailing end portions operatively con
meric bearing means to said connectable means for nected to said driven hub, laminated elastomeric bear
causing said elastic layers of said laminated elasto ing means mounted in each end portion of each link, and
meric bearing means to accept in elastic compres attachment means for connecting said laminated elasto
sion axial forces and deflections of the connection meric bearing means to said drive means and to said
element and for causing said laminated elastomeric hub, said laminated elastomeric bearing means in at least
bearing means to accommodate in elastic shear the one end of each link cooperable with its associated
pivotal deflections of the connecting element as it attachment means during rotation of the drive shaft
advances endwise about said rotational axes; both to provide a non-sliding elastic shear connection
whereby a substantially constant velocity rotary con 45 permitting the link to deflect both about its longitudinal
nection is provided between the rotatable members. axis and about an axis transverse to the rotational axes of
21. A coupling according to claim 20 wherein said the drive and driven means, said laminated elastomeric
attachment means effects a non-sliding pivotal connec bearing means also providing an elastic compression
tion between said connectable means and the elastic connection for transferring link tension to the attach
layers of said laminated elastomeric bearing means of 50 ment means and accommodating relative motion be
said connecting element to accommodate both the an tween the drive and driven means, whereby a substan
gular deflection of the connecting element transverse to tially constant velocity drive connection is provided
a plane orthogonal to the rotational axis of the drive between the powerplant drive shaft and rotor hub.
means and the torsional deflection of the connecting 28. A coupling according to claim 27 wherein at least
element with respect to the connectable means. 55 said trailing end link attachment means provides said
22. A coupling according to claim 21 wherein said axis extending transversely with respect to the rota
attachment means extends transversely with respect to tional axis of said rotor hub.
the rotational axis of the connectable means to which 29. A coupling according to claim 28 wherein both
the connecting element is secured for preventing the leading and trailing end attachment means have axes
laminated elastomeric bearing from cocking with re extending in parallel relation transversely in a generally
spect to the connecting element during operation of the radial direction with respect to the rotational axes of
coupling with the rotational axes misaligned. their respectively connected rotor hub and shaft drive
23. A coupling according to claim 22 wherein said eans.
laminated elastomeric bearings at each end of said con 30. A coupling according to claim 29 wherein said
necting element are of like construction and said elastic 65 laminated elastomeric bearing means in at least said
and inelastic layers include a plurality of alternating trailing end portion of said link includes a spherical
spherical layers of elastomeric and non-extensible mate component including a plurality of alternating convex
rial bonded together and to said link and said attach layers of elastic and relatively inelastic material bonded
together and to said link and its attachment means with 32. A coupling according to claim 31 wherein said
the focal point of the layers being disposed inward of attachment means connects each laminated elastomeric
the link end. bearing means non-rotatively with respect to the shaft
31. A coupling according to claim 30 wherein the drive means and the hub and connects the link thereto
laminated elastomeric bearing means at both ends of the for pivotal motion about three intersecting mutually
link are of like construction and each elastomeric bear perpendicular axes passing through the attachment
ing means is disposed with its focal point at a common means with one of the axes disposed lengthwise of the
location on the longitudinal axis of the link and on the link.
axis its associated attachment means. k is k is sk