United States Patent
United States Patent
United States Patent
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U.S. Patent Aug 11, 1987 Sheet 3 of 4 4,685,410
U.S. Patent Aug 11, 1987 Sheet 4 of 4 4,685,410
1. 2
the camber of the sail system should be increased to
WING SAL maximum lift with no regard for drag.
It is also a feature of one embodiment of te present
This invention relates to sail systems for boats, and invention that each of the front and rear airfoils com
more particularly to airfoil sail systems. 5 prises a plurality of telescoping airfoil sections. This
Airfoil sail systems differ substantially from conven feature has the advantage of making the front and rear
tional sail systems. Conventional sail systems generally airfoils reefable. This reefability is especially useful
include a triangularly or quadralaterally shaped sail when sailing in strong winds. By permitting the user to
which is supported by a mast, and sometimes a boom. reef the airfoils, the user can reduce the effective sur
The conventional sail has a thickness generally only as O face area of the sail system, thus depowering the sail
thick as the cloth from which the sail is made. Example system. In strong winds, this depowering is often neces
of various conventional sail systems can be seen in any sary to enable the user to maintain control of the boat
issue of Yacht Racing/Cruising or other sailing maga and to prevent the boat from capsizing.
Zine. Various features and advantages of the invention will
The sail system of the present ionvention is an airfoil 15 become apparent to those skilled in the art upon consid
sail system. Typically, an airfoil system includes an eration of the following detailed description of the in
internal skeletal member or system over which a skin of vention. The detailed description particularly refers to
Dacron, cotton, Mylar, Kelvar, or other sail cloth mate the accompanying drawings, in which:
rial is stretched. As used herein, "airfoil sail system' FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a boat outfitted with
relates to sail systems having a cross-sectional thickness the airfoil sail system of the present invention, showing
greater than that of the skin material from which they the airfoils in a raised position;
are made, and does not include conventional sail sys FIG. 2 is a perspective view, partly broken away, of
tems of the type described above. the boat of FIG. 1 with an airfoil sail system con
In accordance with the present invention, an airfoil structed according to the present invention in a lowered
sail system for a boat having a mast is provided. The 25 position;
airfoil sail system comprises a front airfoil which is FIG. 3 is an enlarged sectional view, taken generally
pivotal about an axis defined by the mast. The front along section lines 3-3 of FIG. 1 of a sail system con
airfoil has leading and trailing edges, and is generally structed according to the present invention;
symmetrical about a vertical plane extending between FIG. 4 is an enlarged sectional view taken generally
its leading and trailing edges. A rear airfoil is also pro 30 along lines 4-4, of the sail of FIG. 1;
vided which has leading and trailing edges. The rear FIG. 5 is an exploded perspective view of certain
airfoil is generally symmetrical about a vertical plane details of a sail constructed according to the present
extending between its leading and trailing edges. An invention;
operative coupling means is provided for operatively FIG. 6 is a fragmentary top plan view of an airfoil
coupling the front and rear airfoils so that rotation of 35 frame member constructed according to the present
the front airfoil about its axis effects a counter-rotation invention;
of the rear airfoil to permit adjustment of the camber of FIG. 7 is a perspective view of another embodiment
the airfoil sail system. of an airfoil sail system constructed according to the
In an illustrative embodiment, each of the front and present invention;
rear airfoils comprises a plurality of telescoping airfoil 40 FIG. 8 is a side elevational view of another embodi
sections. The front and rear airfoil sections telescope to ment of an airfoil sail system constructed according to
permit reefing of the front and rear airfoils. the present invention;
One aspect of the present invention is that the sail FIG. 9 is a fragmentary sectional view taken gener
system of the present invention provides front and rear, ally along section lines 9-9 of FIG. 8:
generally rigid, symmetrical airfoils. The advantages 45 FIG. 10 is a fragmentary sectional view taken gener
achieved by these generally rigid, symmetrical airfoils ally along section lines 10-10 of FIG. 8; and
include an increase in efficiency of the sail system, sim FIG. 11 is a side elevational view of another embodi
plicity of design and reduced weight. ment of an airfoil sail system constructed according to
One feature of the present invention is that an opera the present invention.
tive coupling means is provided for operatively cou SO An airfoil sail system 10 for propelling a boat 12 is
pling the front and rear airfoils so that rotation of the shown in FIGS. 1 and 2. The boat 2 includes a hull 16,
front airfoil effects a counter-rotation of the rear airfoil. a deck 18, a bow 20, a stern 22, a port side 24, and a
This feature has the advantage of permitting the user to starboard side 26. A cockpit or footwell 28 is provided
adjust the camber of the airfoil sail system. As used in the boat 12 in which a sailor can sit or rest his feet
herein, the "camber of the airfoil sail system' refers to 55 while sailing the boat 12. The boat 12 also includes an
the smaller angle formed between the geometric chords upwardly extending mast 30. The mast 30 can be
of the front and rear airfoil. When the angle between formed from an extruded aluminum member, and is
the geometric chords is 180, the camber of the sail rotatably coupled to the boat 12 so that the mast 30 can
system is at its minimum. As the angle between the rotate, at least to a limited degree, about its longitudinal
geometric chord decreases from 180, the camber of the 60 axis. The mast can be supported above the deck 18 or
airfoil sail system increases. By permitting the camber supported in a mast well formed in the deck 18. The
of the sail system to be varied, the user can better tune mast well can be formed as part of a space frame (not
the sail system for different wind conditions, thus in shown) in the boat 12 so that the space frame (not
creasing the efficiency of the sail system. For example, shown) can absorb the stress transferred from the mast
when the boat is beating (sailing upwind) in strong 65 30 to the boat 12.
winds, the camber of the sail system should be de A rudder and tiller arrangement (not shown) are
creased to produce high lift with minimum drag. Con provided adjacent the stern 22 of the boat 12 for permit
versely, when the boat is running (sailing downwind), ting the user to steer the boat 12. A halyard 35 and
4,685,410 4
pulley 36 arrangement is coupled to the mast 30 and 66, 68 of the front airfoil 38 includes a front airfoil frame
airfoil sail system 10 for raising and lowering the airfoil member 80 disposed adjacent the bottom of the respec
sail system 10. As is known, a portion of the halyard 35 tive airfoil sections 64, 66, 68. A front airfoil frame
can run through the interior of the mast 30. member 80 is also provided adjacent the top edge of the
The airfoil sail system 10 includes a front airfoil 38 top front airfoil section 64. The front airfoil frame mem
which surrounds the mast 30 and pivots about an axis bers 80 impart an airfoil profile to the sail covering
defined by the mast 30. The front airfoil 38 includes a material 82. Sail covering material 82 surrounds, and is
leading edge 40 and trailing edge 42. Additionally, the attached to, each front airfoil frame member 80.
front airfoil 38 is generally symmetrical about a vertical Each front airfoil frame member 80 includes a for
plane extending between the leading and trailing edges O ward portion 83 (FIG. 6) having a somewhat eliptical
40, 42. A rear airfoil 46 is provided which also includes opening 84 with flat opposed surfaces 85. Brackets 86
a leading edge 48 disposed adjacent the trailing edge 42 are mounted on surfaces 85 and are configured to re
of the front airfoil 38, and a trailing edge 50. The rear ceive mast track members 88, which are fixed to the
airfoil 46 is similar to the front airfoil 38 in that it is mast 30. The brackets 86 slide up and down the mast
generally symmetrical about a vertical plane extending 15 track members 88 when the front airfoil frame members
between its leading and its trailing edges 48, 50. The 80 are being hoisted up and lowered down the mast 30
front airfoil 38 illustratively has a generally thicker during the raising and lowering of the front airfoil 38.
profile than the rear airfoil 46. The front and rear air The engagement between the brackets 86 and mast
foils 38, 46 are operatively coupled together so that track members 88 also fixes the front airfoil frame mem
rotation of the front airfoil 38 about its axis effects a 20 bers 80 against rotation relative to the mast 30 so that
counter-rotation of the rear airfoil 46. rotation of the mast 30 rotates the front airfoil frame
A top member 56 is dispsed above the front and rear members 80, and hence the front airfoil 38. An interior
airfoils 38, 46, and a base member 58 is disposed gener restraint line bracket 90 is mounted to a rearwardly
ally beneath the front and rear airfoils 38, 46. Both the facing surface 91 of the forward portion 83 of each of
top and base members 56, 58 are rotatably coupled to 25 the front airfoil frame members 80, for providing a
the mast 30. means of restraint, and preventing the airfoil sections
The front airfoil 38 comprises a plurality of telescop from telescoping beyond engagement.
ing airfoil sections including a top airfoil section 64 The front airfoil frame members 80 also include a
disposed adjacent the top member 56, a bottom airfoil tapered rearward portion 91 (FIGS. 4-5). Each front
section 66 disposed adjacent base member 58, and a 30 airfoil frame member 80 is generally symmetrical about
plurality of intermediate airfoil sections 68 disposed its geometric chord so tha the side surfaces 94, 95 of the
between the top and bottom airfoil sections 64, 66, re front airfoil frame members 80 are mirror images of
spectively. Similarly, the rear airfoil 46 comprises a each other. When the sail covering material 82 is ap
plurality of telescoping airfoil sections including a top plied to the front airfoil frame members 80, each of the
airfoil section 72 disposed adjacent the top member 56, 35 front airfoil sections 64, 66, 68 has first and second con
a bottom airfoil section 74 disposed adjacent the base vex airfoil surfaces 96, 97. Due to the telescoping nature
member 58, and a plurality of intermediate airfoil sec of the front airfoil sections 64, 66, 68, the lengths and
tions 76 disposed between the top and bottom airfoil widths of the front airfoil frame members 80, and hence
sections 72, 74, respectively. the lengths and thicknesses of the front airfoil sections
As best shown in FIG. 2, when the front and rear 40 64, 66, 68 decrease between the front airfoil frame mem
s' airfoils 38, 46 are lowered, the top airfoil sections 64, 72, ber 80 of the bottom airfoil section 66 and the front
are disposed interiorly of the intermediate airfoil sec airfoil frame member of the top airfoil section 64. Pref.
tions 68, 76 of the respective front and rear airfoils 38, erably, however, the side surfaces 94, 95 of the front
46. Additionally, intermediate airfoil sections 68, 76 are frame members 80 of all sections 64, 66, 68 have approx
disposed interiorly of the bottom airfoil sections 66, 74. 45 imately the same curvature profiles, so that the curva
Although the front and rear airfoils 38, 46 are shown tures of the first and second convex airfoil surfaces 96,
in their fully lowered positions in FIG. 2, the airfoils 38, 97 are generally constant from the bottom airfoil section
46 can be in a partially raised position wherein the top 66 to the top airfoil section 64.
member 56, top airfoil sections 64, 72 and intermediate Tethers 99 (FIG. 3)-are attached between the front
airfoil sections 68, 76 are disposed at some partially 50 airfoil frame members 80 of adjacent sections 64, 66, 68
raised positions on the mast 30 between the fully raised of the front airfoil 38. The tethers prevent the sections
position shown in FIG. 1, and the fully lowered position 64, 66, 68 from becoming disengaged during the raising
shown in FIG. 2. When the top member 56, top airfoil of the front airfoil 38.
sections 64, 72 and intermediate airfoil sections 68, 76 A rear airfoil frame member 98 is provided adjacent
are in such a partially raised position, only portions of 55 the lower edge of each of the airfoil sections 72, 74, 76
the full surface areas of the front and rear airfoils 38, 46 of the rear airfoil 46. A rear airfoil frame member 98 is
are exposed to the wind. also provided adjacent the top edge of the top rear
Adjusting the vertical positions of the airfoils 38, 46, airfoil section 72. Sail cloth 100 is stretched over each
on the mast 30 is commonly referred to as "reefing.” rear airfoil frame member 98 to provide first and second
Reefing is often desirable when the boat 12 is being 60 convex airfoil surfaces 106, 108 for each rear airfoil
sailed in strong winds. In such strong winds, the boat 12 section 72, 74,76. The rear airfoil frame members 98 are
can be overpowered by the strength of the wind. By generally symmetrical about their respective geometric
reefing the airfoil sail system 10, the sailor can depower chords.
the sail and maintain control of the boat 12. The ability The rear airfoil frame members 98 are generally simi
of a boat 12's sails to reef is especially important for 65 lar to front airfoil frame members 80, in that their for
ocean-going sailboats which often sail far from shore. ward portions 102 are generally similarly shaped and
The structural details of the airfoil sail system 10 are their rearward portions 104 are generally tapered. The
best shown in FIGS. 3-6. Each of the airfoil sections 64, rear airfoil frame members 98, however, have some
what thinner profiles (narrower widths) than the front vang portion 140 extends between the collar 138 and the
airfoil frame members 80. support portion 132.
Additionally, the lengths of the rear airfoil frame The boom structure 130 includes a forward portion
members 98 vary somewhat more than the lengths of 144 having an aperture 146 for rotatably receiving the
the front airfoil frame members 80. The rear airfoil mast 30. Aperture 146 permits the boom structure 130
frame member 98 of the bottom airfoil section 74 is the to rotate independently of the rotation of the mast 30.
longest and widest, and the airfoil frame member of the Aperture 146 and collar 138 provide a two-point con
top airfoil section 72 is the narrowest and shortest. nection between the base member 58 and the mast 30.
Tethers 110, which are similar in design and function to This two-point connection helps to maintain the base
tethers 99, are attached between the rear airfoil frame 10
member 58 in a fixed orientation with respect to the
members 98 of adjacent sections 72, 74, 76 of the rear mast 30, generally normal to the mast 30, regardless of
airfoil 46. the relative rotative positions of the base member 58 and
The top member 56 is shown in FIG. 3 as being dis mast 30. This two-point connection obviates the need
posed generally above the front and rear airfoils 38, 46, 15 for providing a separate boom vang to maintain the
and is provided for supporting the top portions of the boom structure 130 generally normal to mast 30. The
front and rear airfoils 38, 46. The top member 56 in boom structure 130 further includes first and second
cludes a horizontally extending gaff 112. The gaff 112 is side portions 148, 150, each of which has a rearward
disposed generally adjacent to the tops of the top airfoil portion 152 joined to the rearward end 136 of the sup
sections 64, 72 of the respective front and rear airfoils 20 port arm 128.
38, 46, and extends generally between the leading edge A first traveller means 160 is coupled to the boom
40 of the front airfoil 38 and the trailing edge 50 of the structure 130 for operatively coupling the front airfoil
rear airfoil 46. A cross-brace structure 113 is provided 38 to the boom structure 130, and hence base member
for adding structural rigidity to the gaff 112. The top 58. A second traveller means 162 is coupled to the boom
member 56 also includes a right cylindrical collar 114 structure 130 for operatively coupling the rear airfoil 46
which is rotatably coupled to the mast 30. The collar 25 to the boom structure 130, and hence the base member
114 is not keyed to the mast 30, so that the top membr 58. The first traveller means 160 includes a first trans
56 can rotate independently of the rotation of the mast verse traveller track 166 which extends between the
30. first and second side portions 148, 150 of the boom
A reinforced aperture (not shown) is provided on the 30 structure 130,and a first traveller carriage 168 which is
cross brace structure 113 for receiving a halyard movable along the track between the first and second
shackle 118. The halyard shackle 118 connects the hal side portions 148, 150, in a direction indicated generally
yard 35 to the top member 56. A cable 121 connects the by arrow A. The traveller carriage 168 may include ball
top member 56 to the front portion 83 of the front airfoil bearings, roller bearings, or wheels (not shown) to aid
frame member 80 adjacent the top edge of top airfoil 35 the traveller carriage 168 to move along the first trans
secion 64. The connection between the halyard 35, top verse traveller track 166.
member 56 and top front airfoil frame member 80 per The second traveller means 162 includes a second
mits the sailor to use the halyard 35 to raise and lower transverse traveller track 172 which is disposed gener
the front and rear airfoils 38, 46 up and down the mast ally parallel to the first transverse traveller track 16, and
30. A triangularly shaped brace 122 is connected to the 40 extends between the first and second side portions 148,
top front airfoil frame member 80 for maintaining the 150 of the boom structure 130. A second traveller car
top front airfoil frame member 80 in a generally hori riage 174 is generally similar to the first traveller car
zontal orientation. The brace 122 is disposed within the riage 168 and is movable along the second transverse
top airfoil section 64 of the front airfoil 38. traveller track 172 between the first and second side
The base member 58 is shown most clearly in FIGS. 45 portions 148, 150 in a direction indicated by arrow A.
3-5. The base member 58 is disposed generally beneath A bridge member 176 having a longitudinal track 178
the bottom airfoil sections 66, 74 of the front and rear extends between and couples the first and second travel
airfoils 38, 46. The base member 58 has about the same ler carriages 168, 174, so that the first and second travel
length as the top member 56, and extends rearwardly to ler carriages 168, 172 will move with each other along
a point approximately two-thirds of the distance be 50 the respective first and second transverse traveller
tween the leading 48 and trailing 50 edges of the bottom tracks 166, 172. Illustratively, the longitudinal track 178
airfoil section 74 of the rear airfoil 46. The base member can be a traveller track of the type manufactured by the
58 supports the front and rear airfoils 38, 46 above the HARKEN Corp of 1251 E. Wisconsin Ave., Pewaukee,
deck 18 of the boat 12, and maintains the proper lateral WS. 53072.
orientations of the lower parts of the front and rear 55 A camber adjustment means, such as lever arm 182, is
airfoils 38, 46. provided for adjusting the camber angle between the
The base member 58 includes a support arm 128 and front and rear airfoils 38, 46 relative to the base member
a boom structure 130. The support arm 128 and boom 58, for permitting the user to adjust the camber of the
structure 130 are either a unitary structure or can be airfoil system 10. The lever arm 182 includes a forward
separate structures which are fixed to each other. 60 portion 184 having an opening 186 shaped like opening
As best shown in FIG. 5, the support arm 128 in 84 (FIG. 6), which fixed arm 182 for rotation with the
cludes a horizontally extending support portion 132 mast 30. The mast 30 and lever arm 182 are fixed to each
which extends rerwardly as far as the boom structure other so that rotation of one of the mast 30 and lever
130, and terminates at a rearward end 136. The support arm 182 rotates the other of the mast 30 and lever arm
arm 128 also includes a right cylindrical collar 138 hav 65 182. The lever arm 182 also includes a horizontally
ing a cylindrical hollow interior. The collar 138 is rotat disposed, rearwardly extending arm 188 which extends
ably coupled to the mast 30 to permit the support arm rearwardly to a point generally between the first and
128 to rotate independently of the mast 30. An angled second tranverse traveller tracks 166, 172.
4,685,410 8
A traveller connector pin 190 engages a slot 193 at A top traveller bridge member includes a top longitu
the rearward end of arm 188. Pin 190 extends through dinal track 252 similar to longitudinal track 178. Top
the longitudinal slot 193 in arm 188, and is fixed to the longitudinal track 252 extends between and couples the
underside of longitudinal track 178. Front and rear first and second top traveller carriages 246,250. Front
traveller cars 192, 196 are slidably mounted to the longi 5 and rear top traveller cars 254, 256 (which can be simi
tudinal track 178 for longitudinal movement along the lar to traveller cars 192, 196) are slidably mounted to
track 178. The traveller cars 192, 196 can be similar to top longitudinal track 252 for longitudinal movement
those traveller cars manufactured by the HARKEN thereon. The front top traveller car 254 is swivelably
Corp. of 1251 E. Wisconsin Ave., Pewaukee, Ws. mounted to the rear portion of the top front airfoil
53072. 10 frame member 80 for operatively coupling the front
The front traveller car 196 is swivelably engaged to airfoil 38 to the first and second top traveller means 241,
the rearward portion 91 of the front airfoil frame mem 242. The rear top traveller car 256 is swivelably
ber 80 of the bottom section 66 of the front airfoil 38. mounted to the front portion of the top rear airfoil
The engagement of the lever arm 182, pin 190, slot 193, frame member 98 for opeatively coupling the rear air
and front traveller car 192 causes the bridge 176 and 15 foil 46 to the first and second top traveller means 241,
rear portion 91 of the front airfoil frame member 80 to A user-actuable mast 30 rotation means such as a first
move in response to movement of the lever arm 182. mast rotation arm portion 202 is provided for permitting
The rear traveller car 196 moves longitudinally on the user to rotate the mast 30. The mast rotation arm
track 178 and is swivelably engaged to the forward 20 portion 202 is formed as a part of the lever arm 182 so
portion 102 of the rear airfoil frame member 98 of the that movement of the first mast rotation arm portion
bottom section 74 of the rear airfoil 46. The engagement 202 moves lever arm 182.
of rear traveller car 196 and rear airfoil frame member As shown in FIG. 4, an actuating means including a
98 causes the forward portion 102 of the rear airfoil hydraulic cylinder 204 is coupled between the first mast
frame member 98 to move in response to movement of 25 rotation arm portion 202 and the second side portion
the first and second traveller carriages 168, 174 and 150 of the boom structure 130. The lever arm 182 also
bridge 176. As discussed above, the first and second includes a second mast rotation arm portion 206. A
traveller carriages 168, 174 and bridge 176 move in second actuating means including a hydraulic cylinder
response to movement of the lever arm 182. The cou 208 is coupled between the second mast rotation arm
pling of the bridge 176, pin 190, front and rear traveller 30 portion 206 and the deck 18 of the boat 12. The move
cars 192, 196, and front and rear airfoil frame members ment of the second mast rotation arm portion 206 rela
80, 98, translates the movement of lever arm 182 into tive to deck 18 by actuation of hydraulic cylinder 208
movement of the front and fear airfoils 38, 46. The without actuation of hydraulic cylinder 204 changes the
movement of lever arm 82 causes the front airfoil angle between the longitudinal centerline of boom
frame member 80 to rotate about an axis defined by the 35 structure 130 and the longitudinal centerline of the boat
mast 30, this rotational movement of the front airfoil 12. This is how the angle of attack of the airfoil sail
frame member 80 causes a counter-rotational movement system 10 is adjusted. To adjust the camber of the airfoil
of the rear airfoil frame member 98 abouts its axis. This sail system 10, hydraulic cylinders 204, 208 are actuated
rotational/counter-rotational movement permits the simultaneously. This permits relative rotational move
user to adjust the angle between the geometric chords 40 ment between lever arm 182 and the boom structure
of the front and rear airfoils 38, 46, hence enabling the 130. This relative rotational movement causes the rear
user to adjust the camber of the airfoil system 10. wardly extending arm 188 to move, which in turn
As best shown in solid line in FIG. 4, the airfoil sail moves the first and second traveller carriages 168, 174.
System 10 can be adjusted to a position wherein the The engagement of the traveller carriages 168, 174,
geometric chords of the front and rear airfoils 38, 46 are 45 bridge member 176, track 178, and traveller cars 192,
generally colinear. At this position, the camber of the 196, translates this movement into rotational movement
airfoil sail system 10 is said to be at its minimum. The of the front airfoil 38, and counter-rotational movement
airfoil sail system 10 can also be adjusted to other posi of the rear airfoil 46.
tions (one of which is shown in broken lines in FIG. 4) A five-compartment reel 212 is provided for paying
wherein the geometric chords of the front and rear 50 out and taking up the airfoil sail system 10 control ca
airfoils 38, 46 are disposed at an angle to each other of bles and a halyard 35. Four of the reel 212's five com
less than 180°. In the position shown in broken lines in partments are utilized by the airfoil sail system 10's four
FIG. 4, the airfoil system 10 is said to have a relatively airfoil control cables 214, 220, 226, 234 (FIG. 3). The
higher degree of camber. fifth compartment of the reel is provided for taking up
First and second top traveller means 241, 242 are 55 and paying out the halyard 35. The halyard 35 is wound
operatively coupled between the gaff 112 and the re on the reel 212 in a direction opposite the direction in
spective top sections 64, 72 of the front and rear airfoils which the airfoil control cables 214, 220, 226, 234 are
38, 46. The first and second top traveller means 241, 242 wound, so that when the halyard 35 is being taken up on
are generally similar in configuration to first and second the reel 212, the airfoil control cables 214, 220, 226, 234
traveller means 160, 162. The first top traveller means 60 are being paid out. Similarly, when the airfoil control
241 includes a first transverse traveller track 244 which cables 214, 220, 226, 234 are being taken up or reel 212,
is mounted adjacent to the underside of gaff 112, and a the halyard 35 is being paid out.
first traveller carriage 246 which is movable along the The four airfoil control cables include first and sec
track 244. The second top traveller means 242 includes ond front airfoil control cables 214, 220, respectively,
a second transverse traveller track 248 which is 65 and first and second rear airfoil control cables 226, 234,
mounted adjacent to the underside of gaff 112, and a respectively. The first front airfoil control cable 214
second traveller carriage 250, which is movable along extends from the reel 212 and around a two-compart
the track 248. ment turning block 216. The front airfoil control cable
9 10
214 then extends up the mast 30 between the two-com A boom 312 is disposed between the lower edges of
partment turning block 216 and the triangular brace 122 the front and rear airfoils 304,306, and the deck 314 of
of the top member 56. The two-compartment turning the boat 302. The boom 312 is disposed horizontally and
block 216 is mounted to the upper surface of the front includes an aft portion 313 which extends rearwardly
portion 83 of the front airfoil frame member 80 of the beyond the trailing edge 315 of the rear airfoil 306. An
bottom section 66 of the front airfoil 38. outhaul means 316 is provided for permitting the sailor
The second front airfoil control cable 220 extends to adjust the camber of the airfoil sail system 300. The
from the reel 212, and around the second compartment outhaul means 316 comprises a pulley 317 disposed
of the two-compartment turning block 216 to a turning adjacent the rearward end of the boom 312 and an out
block 222 mounted on the rear portion 91 of the front O haul line 318 which has one end 320 attached to the
airfoil frame member 80 of the bottom airfoil section 66. clew of the trailing edge 315 of the rear airfoil 306, and
The second front airfoil control cable 220 then extends passes around pulley 317. The outhaul line 318 extends
upwardly, generally parallel to the front airfoil control along the boom 312, down mast 303, and around pulleys
cable 214. The end of the second front airfoil control 323, to a cleat 322 which is fixed to the boat 302.
cable 220 is anchored to the rear portion of the top front 5 The user adjusts the camber of the sail system 300 by
airfoil frame member 80. Both of the first and second adjusting the tension of the outhaul means 316. By pull
front airfoil control cables 214, 220 extend interiorly of ing on the second end 324 of the outhaul line 318 in a
the sections 64, 66, 68 of the front airfoil 38. The first direction indicated generally by arrow B, the tension
and second front airfoil control cables 214, 220 help to exerted by the outhaul means 316 on the front and rear
maintain the front airfoil 38 in its proper orientation 20 airfoils 304, 306 is increased. Through the engagement
from the top of the airfoil 38 to the bottom of the airfoil of the outhaul line 318 and rear airfoil 306, the rear
38, to reduce luffing of the front airfoil 38. airfoil 306 is moved rearwardly in a direction generally
The first rear airfoil control cable 226 extends from opposite to that indicated by arrow B. This rearward
the reel 212 along the support arm 128 and around a movement of rear airfoil 306 causes the camber of the
two-compartment turning block 228 mounted to the 25 airfoil sail system 300 to be decreased. To increase the
support arm structure 128, adjacent its rearward end camber of the airfoil sail system 300, the tension on the
136. From turning block 228, the first rear airfoil con outhaul means 316 is reduced by allowing end 324 to
trol cable 226 extends to, and passes around, a turning move in a direction opposite to that indicated by arrow
block 230 disposed on the forward portion 102 (FIG. 5) B. The force of the wind against the front and rear
of the rear airfoil frame member 98 of the bottom sec 30 airfoils 304, 306 causes the rear airfoil 306 to move in a
tion 74 of the rear airfoil 46. The first rear airfoil control direction genrerally opposite that indicated by arrow B.
cable 226 then extends generally parallel to the leading The engagement of the front and rear airfoils 304,306
edge 48 of the rear airfoil 46, and has its end attached to through tab members 310, will translate this forward
the forward portion of the top rear airfoil frame mem movement of the rear airfoil 306 into rotational move
ber 98. 35 ment of the front airfoil 304 about a vertical axis defined
The second rear airfoil control cable 234 extends generally by mast 303, and somewhat counter-rota
along support arm 128 around the turning block 228 and tional movement of rear airfoil 306.
upwardly, generally parallel to first rear airfoil control An airfoil sail system 328 which is adapted for use
cable 226. The second rear airfoil control cable 234 has with a sailboard 330 is shown in FIG. 8. The airfoil sail
its end attached to the rearward portion of gaff 112. In 40 system 328 includes a front airfoil 332 and a rear airfoil
addition to controlling the orientation of the rear airfoil 334. The profiles of the front and rear airfoils 332, 334
46, the second rear airfoil control cable 234 provides the are generally similar to the front and rear airfoils 38, 46
axis about which the rear airfoil 46 counter-rotates in shown in FIGS. 1-6. The front and rear airfoils 332,334
response to the rotation of the front airfoil 38. of the embodiment shown in FIG. 8 are non-reefable,
A tensioning loop 238 is provided in the portion of 45 similar to the front and rear airfoils 304, 306 shown in
the halyard 35 that is lead to a cleat 240 on deck 18 for FIG. 7.
user control. The means 336 for operatively coupling the front and
An airfoil sail system 300 is shown in FIG. 7. Airfoil rear airfoils 332, 334 is best shown in FIG. 10. Each
system 300 is used for propelling a boat 302, which may means 336 for operatively coupling to the front and rear
be similar to boat 12 shown in FIGS. 1 and 2. The airfoil 50 airfoils 332, 334 includes strips of material 338, 340. The
sail system 300 is camberable, but not reefable, and is strips 338, 340 each include a first end 342 which is
therefore especially adaptable for smaller boats which received interiorly of the front airfoil 332. The first ends
ordinarily are not piloted far enough out into open 342 are attached to the rearward portion 344 of the
water to require reefing capabilities. front airfoil frame members 346 and extend outwardly
Boat 302 includes a rotatable mast 303 which is gener 55 and rearwardly from the trailing edge 347 of the front
ally similar to rotatable mast 30. The front and rear airfoil 332. The first and second sheets of material 338,
airfoils 304,306 are generally similar in shape and con 340 also each include second ends 348, which are dis
figuration to the front and rear airfoils 38, 46 shown in posed adjacent the respective first and second airfoil
FIGS. 1-6, except that front and rear airfoils 304,306 surfaces 350, 352 of the rear airfoil 334, adjacent the
each comprise a single section, and not a plurality of 60 leading edge 354 of the rear airfoil 334. Bolts 356 or
telescoping sections, such as the plurality of telescoping rivets (not shown) are provided for anchoring the sec
sections 64, 66, 68,72, 74, 76 from which the airfoils 38, ond ends 348 of the first and second sheets of material
46 of the embodiment shown in FIGS. 1-6 are made. 338,340 to secure the second ends 348 to the rear airfoil
The front and rear airfoils 304, 306 are camberable. 334.
Several tabs 310 operatively couple the trailing edge of 65 The sailboard 330 shown in FIG. 8 includes a wish
the front airfoil 304 to the leading edge of the rear air bone boom 358 which is disposed between the top and
foil 306. Through this arrangement, the rotation of front bottom edges of the front and rear airfoils 332,334. The
airfoil 304 effects a counter-rotation of rear airfoil 306. wishbone boom 358 is gripped by the sailor to enable
4,685,410 12
the sailor to maintain himself on the sailboard 330. As interiorly of the front airfoil between the top and base
best shown in FIG. 9, the wishbone boom 358 includes members, and at leat one rear airfoil control cable ex
a first leg 359 disposed on the port side of the front and tending interiorly of the rear airfoil between the top and
rear airfoils 332, 334, and a second leg 360 disposed on base members.
the starboard side of the front and rear airfoils The 5 5. An airfoil sail system for a boat having a mast, the
airfoils 332,334 are placed interiorly of the legs 359, 360 airfoil sail system comprising a front airfoil pivotable
of wishbone boom 358. about an axis defined by the mast, the front airfoil hav
A first cleat 361 is disposed on the first leg 359 and a ing a leading edge and a trailing edge and being gener
second cleat 362 is disposed on the second leg 360. A ally symmetrical about a vertical plane extending be
first camber control line 363 is coupled at one end to 10 tween the leading and trailing edges, a rear airfoil hav
either the trailing portion of the front airfoil 332, the ing a leading edge and a trailing edge, the rear airfoil
leading portion of the rear airfoil 334 or the means 336 being generally symmetrical about a vertical plane ex
for coupling the front and rear airfoils 332, 334. The tending between the leading and trailing edges, opera
first camber control line 363 is engageable with the first tive coupling means for operatively coupling the front
cleat 361 to permit the user to set the camber of the 15 and rear airfoils so that rotation of the front airfoil about
airfoil sail system 328 when the sailboard 330 is on a its axis effects a counter-rotation of the rear airfoil to
port tack. A second camber control line 364 is coupled permit adjustment of the camber of the sail system, the
at one end to either the trailing portion of the front front airfoil comprising a plurality of telescoping front
airfoil 332, the leading portion of the rear airfoil 334 or airfoil sections, the rear airfoil comprising a plurality of
the means 336 for coupling the front and rear airfoils 20 telescoping rear airfoil sections, the front and rear air
332,334. The second camber control line 364 is engage foil sections telescoping to permit reefing of the front
able with the second cleat 362 to permit the user to set and rear airfoils, a base member disposed beneath the
the camber of the airfoil sail system 328 when the sail front and rear airfoils, a top member disposed above the
board 330 is on a starboard tack. front and rear airfoils, at least one front airfoil control
An airfoil sail system 370 which is adapted for use on 25 cable extending interiorly of the front airfoil between
a catamaran 372 is shown in FIG. 11. The catamaran the top and base members, and at least one rear airfoil
372 shown in FIG. 11 includes a rotatable mast 374 control cable extending interiorly of the rear airfoil
which is maintained in its upright position by two or between the top and base members, the rear airfoil con
more shroud lines 376 and a forestay 378. The airfoil sail trol cable defining an axis about which the rear airfoil
system 370 includes a front airfoil 380 and a rear airfoil 30 counter-rotates in response to rotation of the front air
382 which are generally similar in design configuration foil.
to the front and rear airfoils 304, 306 shown in FIG. 7. 6. An airfoil sail system for a boat having a mast, the
What is claimed is: airfoil sail system comprising a front airfoil privotable
1. An airfoil sail system for a boat having a mast, the about an axis defined by the mast, the front airfoil hav
airfoil sail system comprising a front airfoil pivotable 35 ing a leading edge and a trailing edge and being gener
about an axis defined by the mast, the front airfoil hav ally symmetrical about a vertical plane extending be
ing a leading edge and a trailing edge and being gener tween the leading and trailing edges, a rear airfoil hav
ally symmetrical about a vertical plane extending be ing a leading edge and a trailing edge and being pivot
tween the leading and trailing edges, the front airfoil able about an axis defined between its leading and trail
comprising a plurality of telescoping front airfoil sec 40 ing edges, the rear airfoil being genrally symmetrical
tions, a rear airfoil having a leading edge and a trailing about a vertical plane extending between the leading
edge and being pivotable about an axis defined between and trailing edges, a top member disposed above the
its leading and trailing edges, the rear airfoil being gner front and rear airfoils and a base member disposed
ally symmetrical about a vertical plane extending be below the front and rear airfoils, the front and rear
tween the leading and trailing edges, the rear airfoil 45 airfoils each comprising a plurality of telescoping airfoil
comprising a plurality of telescoping rear airfoil sec sections including a bottom airfoil section disposed
tions, the front and rear airfoil sections telescoping to above and adjacent to the base member, a top airfoil
permit reefing of the front and rear airfoils, and opera section connected to the top member and at least one
tive coupling means for opeatively coupling the front intermediate airfoil section disposed between the top
and rear airfoils so that rotation of the front airfoil about 50 and bottom airfoil sections, the airfoil sections of the
its axis effects a counter-rotation of the rear airfoil about front and rear airfoils telescoping to permit reefing of
its axis to permit adjustment of the camber of the sail the front and rear airfoils, and operative coupling means
system. for operatively coupling the front and rear airfoils so
2. The airfoil sail system of claim 1 further compris that rotation of the front airfoil about its axis effects a
ing a base member disposed beneath the front and rear 55 -counter-rotation of the rear airfoil about its axis to per
airfoils, the front and rear airfoils mounted on the base mit adjustment of the camber of the sail system.
member to be movable with the base member to permit 7. The airfoil sail system of claim 6 wherein the mast
the user to adjust the angle of attack of the sail system, is rotatable relative to the boat, said intermediate airfoil
and movable relative to the base member to permit the section includes a top and a bottom, an airfoil frame
user to adjust the camber of the sail system. 60 member disposed adjacent the bottom of the intermedi
3. The airfoil sail system of claim 2 wherein the mast ate airfoil section for imparting an airfoil profile to the
is rotatably coupled to the boat, the front airfoil is fixed intermediate airfoil section, the airfoil frame being cou
to the mast for rotation with the mast and the rear airfoil pled for rotation with the mast and for movement longi
is rotatably coupled to the base member. tudinally to the mast up and down the mast during the
4. The airfoil sail system of claim 1 further compris 65 raising and lowering of the intermediate airfoil section.
ing a base member disposed beneath the front and rear 8. An airfoil sail system for a boat having a mast, the
airfoils, a top member disposed above the front and rear airfoil sail system comprising a front airfoil pivotable
airfoils, at least one front airfoil controlcable extending about an axis defined by the mast, the front airfoil hav
13 14
ing a leading edge and a trailing edge and being gener tive to the base member, further comprising a lever arm
ally symmetrical about a vertical plane extending be having a first end portion fixed to the mast for rotation
tween the leading and trailing edges, a rear airfoil hav therewith and a second end portion coupled to the first
ing a leading edge and a trailing edge, the rear airfoil traveller means for moving its traveller carriage along
being genrally symmetrical about a vertical plane ex its traveller track.
tending between the leading and trailing edges, opera 10. An airfoil sail system for a boat having a mast, the
tive coupling means for operatively coupling the front airfoil sail system comprising a generally rigid front
and rear airfoils so that rotation of the front airfoil about
its axis effects a counter-rotation of the rear airfoil to airfoil rotatable about an axis defined by the mast, the
permit adjustment of the camber of the sail system, a 10
front airfoil having a leading edge, a trailing edge, and
base member disposed generally between the front and first and second convex airfoil surfaces extending be
rear airfoils and the boat, said operative coupling means tween the leading edge and the trailing edge, the front
including first traveller means disposed on said base airfoil being generally symmetrical bout a vertical plane
member adjacent the front airfoil and second traveller defined by the geometric chord of the front airfoil, the
means disposed on the base member adjacent the rear 15 front airfoil comprising a plurality of telescoping front
airfoil, the first traveller means including a transverse airfoil sections, a generally rigid rear airfoil rotatable
traveller track fixed to the base member adjacent the about an axis defined between its leading and trailing
trailing edge of the front airfoil, a traveller carriage edges, the rear airfoil having a leading edge, a trailing
movable along the transverse traveller track, and trav edge and first and second convex airfoil surfaces ex
eller connector means for connecting the traveller car 20 tending between the leading edge and the trailing edge,
riage to the front airfoil, and the second traveller means the rear airfoil being generally symmetrical about a
including a transverse traveller track fixed to the base vertical plane defined by the geometric chord of the
member adjacent the leading edge of the rear airfoil, a rear airfoil, the rear airfoil comprising a plurality of
traveller carriage movable along the transverse travel telescoping rear airfoil sections, the front and rear sec
ler track and traveller connector means for connecting 25 tions telescoping to permit reefing of the front and rear
the traveller carriage to the rear airfoil. airfoils, and operative coupling means for opeatively
9. The airfoil sail system of claim 8 wherein the base coupling the front and rear airfoils so that rotation of
member is rotatably coupled to the mast, the mast is the front airfoil about its axis effects counter-rotation of
rotatable relative to the boat and each of the front and the rear airfoil about its axis to adjust the camber of the
rear airfoils includes a bottom airfoil frame member 30 airfoil system.
disposed adjacent the base member and movable rela ck ck k ck k
PATENT NO. : 4, 685, 410
DATED August ll, l987
INVENTOR(S) : Robert R. Fuller
it is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby
Corrected as shown below: