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U.S. Patent Jan. 10, 1984 Sheet 3 of 5 4424,884
U.S. Patent Jan. 10, 1984 Sheet 4 of 5 4,424,884
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U.S. Patent Jan. 10, 1984 Sheet 5 of 5 4,424,884
a fire consuming the building may be such that use of a
EMERGENCY RESCUE SYSTEM helicopter in the vicinity of the fire is unsafe.
The present invention overcomes the problems and
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION disadvantages of the prior art by providing an improved
This is a continuation-in-part of copending applica emergency rescue system including a mobile gondola
tion Ser. No. 209,708, filed Nov. 24, 1980, now U.S. Pat. supported from the top of a multistory building, to
No. 4,355,699, issued Oct. 26, 1982. gether with means for closely controlling and steadying
This invention relates to emergency rescue systems the elevational and lateral positions of the gondola
for use in rescuing trapped persons from multisotry alongside the exterior face of the building.
buildings and the like. More specifically, this invention SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
relates to an improved emergency rescue system de In accordance with the invention, an emergency
signed for use in quickly and easily rescuing trapped rescue System is provided comprising a rescue gondola
persons from upper floors of modern high rise office supported from the top of a multistory building by one
and apartment buildings during emergency conditions, 15 or more suspension cables. The suspension cables are
such as a fire, earthquake, tornado, or the like. carried by a movable carriage mounted on a laterally
The safe removal of persons from burning buildings extending track at the top of the building, and the car
or from buildings damaged structurally by earthquakes, riage includes drive means for controllably adjusting
tornadoes, and the like has been a problem of major the lateral position of the carriage along the track to
concern for a long period of time. This problem is mag correspondingly adjust the lateral position of the gon
nified with modern high rise office and apartment build dola with respect to the exterior face of the building.
ings which may house several thousand people at any The carriage further includes apparatus for adjusting
given time. In the prior art, rescue systems for safely the length of the suspension cables to adjust the eleva
evacuating persons from such buildings during emer tional position of the gondola. A tension cable is remov
gency conditions have typically comprised stair-type 25 ably secured between the carriage and a point near the
fire escapes constructed as part of the building. More base of the building, and this tension cable is engageable
recently, so-called snorkel trucks have been used for with the gondola for steadying the gondola with respect
reaching upwardly from the ground to rescue persons to the building and for urging and maintaining the gon
trapped in upper floors of a building. However, as the dola inwardly toward engagement with the exterior
height and occupancy level of buildings increases, the face of the building.
safe evacuation of persons from the building becomes In the preferred embodiment, the carriage includes a
dramatically more difficult, and prior art fire escape and carriage base mounted for movement along the fixed
emergency rescue systems become of practical use for track, and one or more davits extending upwardly from
removing persons only from a few lower floors of the 35 the carriage base. The davits are movable between an
building. operative position overhanging the exterior face of the
A variety of cage-type structures have been proposed building for supporting the gondola by means of the
throughout the prior art in an effort to improve upon suspension cables along the exterior face of the building,
the limited applicability of stair-type escapes and to and a generally opposite and inoperative position for
provide a system for removing persons from the upper 40 swinging the gondola to a stationary position supported
floors of high rise office and apartment buildings. These by the roof of the building when the gondola is not in
cage structures are typically suspended along the exte The fixed track on the top of the building extends, in
rior face of the building by one or more cables attached one embodiment, linearly along each of the four straight
to the top of the building and the cables are adjusted in sides of the building wherein a carriage and gondola
length to vary the elevation of the cage structure. See, 45 combination are required on each side of the building.
for example, U.S. Pat. Nos. 284, 180; 481,888; 688,436; Alternatively, in another embodiment, the track in
1,027,724; and 1,126,583. However, these prior art cage cludes arcuately curving sections interconnecting the
structures have not been widely used in practice largely linearly extending sections along straight sides of the
because they have not included satisfactory apparatus building to allow a single carriage and gondola combi
for steadying the cage structure with respect to the 50 nation to be moved from one side of the building to
exterior face of the building or for adjusting the lateral another. In this latter embodiment, the drive means for
position of the cage structure along the exterior face of laterally adjusting the position of carriage preferably
the building. includes a cog wheel drive assembly engageable with
More modern emergency rescue systems have been the track to drive the carriage linearly along the appro
proposed in the form of cage structures suspended from 55 priate linear track section and then arcuately through
an aircraft, such as a helicopter. See, for example, U.S. the arcuately curved section to the next linear section
Pat. Nos. 3,931,868 and 4,195,694. In these systems, the on another side of the building.
cage structure is transported by the aircraft to a position The gondola is conveniently provided with apparatus
alongside the exterior face of the building and then for releasably engaging the exterior face of the building
elevationally adjusted in position with respect to, for 60 for improving the stability of the gondola with respect
example, a window of the building through which per to the building. The gondola further includes adjustable
sons may pass into the cage structure for rescue. How roller means for allowing the gondola to roll laterally
ever, similar to the prior art cage structures supported with respect to the exterior face of the building and
from the building itself, these aircraft-supported cage additional roller means for allowing the gondola to roll
structures have not been widely used largely because of 65 vertically with respect to the exterior face of the build
the difficulty in satisfactorily steadying the cage struc ing. Moreover, the gondola includes shock absorber
ture with respect to the exterior face of the building. In means for reducing vertical shock to the gondola when
addition, in some situations the location and intensity of the gondola is lowered to the ground.
In accordance with another form of the invention, the
tension cable is secured between the carriage and a base DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
plate located in the ground near the base of the building, PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS
wherein the base plate is movable laterally across the As illustrated in the exemplary drawings, an emer
face of the building along a track to adjust the mounting 5 gency rescue system 10 is shown for use in rescuing
point of the tension cable. The base plate is driven along persons from the upper floors of a multistory building
the track in the selected lateral direction by a motor 12. More specifically, as illustrated in FIG. , the emer
operated generally in synchronism with the movement gency rescue system 10 of this invention includes an
of the carriage at the top of the building to maintain the emergency rescue gondola 14 suspended alongside an
base plate and carriage in vertical alignment with each exterior face 6 of the building 12 by one or more sus
other. This vertical alignment permits unrestricted pension cables 8 secured to a movable carriage 20 at
movement of the gondola to virtually any lateral and the top of the building. The movable carriage 20 is
vertical position with respect to the exterior face of the movable laterally along the top of the building to adjust
building while continuously urging the gondola in the lateral position of the gondola 14 with respect to the
wardly toward engagement with the building. 15 building exterior face 6, and the carriage 20 includes
Other features and advantages of the present inven means for adjusting the length of the suspension cables
tion will become apparent from the following detailed 18 to elevationally adjust the position of the gondola. In
description, taken in conjunction with the accompany this manner, the gondola 14 can be aligned with a se
ing drawings, which illustrate, by way of example, the lected window 22 or the like in the building to receive
principles of the invention. and rescue persons trapped in the building, whereupon
the gondola can be operated to lower those persons
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS safely to the ground 24.
The accompanying drawings illustrate the invention. The emergency rescue system of this invention is
In such drawings: particularly designed for use with multistory office
FIG. is an elevational view illustrating operation of
25 and/or apartment buildings which may contain a large
the emergency rescue system of this invention; number of human occupants. The system 10 is designed
FIG. 2 is an enlarged fragmented elevation view for use in lieu of conventional interior stair-type fire
illustrating a portion of the system of this invention; escapes and the like for rapid rescue and removal of
FIG. 3 is an enlarged fragmented vertical elevation
trapped individuals from the building 2. Emergency
30 situations wherein these individuals must be rescued
view of a portion of the emergency rescue system from the building comprise, for example, when the
shown in operating engagement with a window along building is being consumed by fire 26, or alternatively,
an exterior face of a building; when the building has been damaged structurally by an
FIG. 4 is a fragmented top plan view illustrating the earthquake, tornado, or the like.
arrangement for mounting the system upon the top of a 35 The emergency rescue system of this invention offers
building; significant advantages over conventional fire escapes
FIG. 5 is an enlarged fragmented vertical section and other rescue systems in the prior art in that the
taken on the line 5-5 of FIG. 4; gondola 14 is accurately controllable and adjustable
FIG. 6 is an enlarged fragmented vertical section both elevationally and laterally with respect to the exte
taken on the line 6-6 of FIG. 4; 40 rior face 16 of the building. The gondola 14 can thus be
FIG. 7 is an enlarged fragmented top plan view illus moved to any desired position in alignment with a se
trating movement of the system between operative and lected window 22 or the like in the building for rescuing
inoperative positions; trapped individuals from an upper floor of the building
FIG. 8 is a fragmented top plan view illustrating a 12. Throughout these elevational and lateral move
portion of an alternate embodiment of the invention; 45 ments, accurate positional control of the gondola 14 is
FIG. 9 is an enlarged fragmented portion of FIG. 2 maintained, and further means are provided for urging
illustrating an alternate drive assembly for the system the gondola inwardly into bearing engagement at all
for use in the embodiment of FIG. 8: times with the exterior face 6 of the building 12.
FIG. 10 is an enlarged fragmented vertical section 50 As shown in FIGS. 1-4, the gondola 4 comprises a
illustrating a portion of the system mounted upon the housing-like structure including a floor 28, upstanding
parapet of a building; side walls 30, and a peaked roof 32. These components
FIG. is a fragmented vertical section taken gener are structurally reinforced by appropriate cross-bracing
34 to provide a sturdy and relatively lightweight struc
ally on the line 11-11 of FIG. 10;
FIG. 2 is a fragmented vertical section taken gener 55 by ture which is suspended from the top of the building 12
ally on the line 12-12 of FIG. 11; a pair of the suspension cables 8. More specifically,
FIG. 3 is an enlarged somewhat schematic illustra as shown best in FIGS. 2 and 13, the two suspension
tion of roller apparatus for engaging the exterior face of cables 18 are secured respectively to cable yokes 36
near opposite ends of the gondola, and these cable yokes
a building during operation of the system; 36 are in turn connected to anchors 38 which can be
FIG. 4 is an enlarged somewhat schematic illustra 60
tion of alternate roller apparatus for engaging the exte conveniently
secured to the cross-bracing 34 of the
rior face of a building during operation of the system;
FIG. 15 is an elevation view generally similar to FIG. theThe two suspension cables 18 extend upwardly from
gondola 14 for connection to the movable carriage
1 and illustrating operation of a further alternate or 20 on the roof 42 of the building 12. This movable car
modified form of the invention; and 65 riage 20 comprises a pair of laterally spaced pivoting
FIG. 6 is an enlarged fragmented vertical section davits 44 extending upwardly from a carriage base 46
illustrating construction details of a portion of the em mounted for controlled lateral movement with respect
bodiment of FIG. 5. to a track 48 secured to the building roof 42. Impor
5 6
lateral direction with respect to the exterior face 16 of
tantly, as illustrated in solid lines in FIG. 1, the davits 44
are pivotally movable with respect to the carriage base the building 12.
46 between an operative position angularly overhang The shafts 60 extend from the rack 62 rearwardly in
ing the exterior face 16 of the building and an inopera a direction perpendicular to the rack for engagement
tive position, as illustrated in dotted lines in FIG. 1, with a guide member 66 forming part of the track 48.
pivoted angularly away from the exteriorface 16 of the This guide member 66 is securely fastened to the roof 42
building, as will be described herein in more detail. of the building by appropriate bolts 68 or the like and
The two suspension cables 18 are received respec defines a forwardly open channel 70 extending in paral
tively over rotatable pulleys 50 at the upper ends of the lel with the rack 62. This channel 70 is sized and shaped
davits 44 and extend from the pulleys 50 downwardly 10 for reception of cylindrical rollers 72 on the adjacent
for winding reception about cable drums 52 mounted on ends of the shaft 60. As shown best in FIG. 5, a lip 74 on
the carriage base 46, as illustrated schematically in FIG. the guide member 66 prevents removal of the rollers 72
4. The two cable drums 52 are rotatable in a known from the channel 70, whereby the rollers are con
manner in response to operation of drive motors 54 to 15 strained for movement back and forth along the chan
appropriately wind and unwind the suspension cables nel. The drive wheels 64 on the opposite ends of the
18. In this manner, concurrent operation of the drive shaft 60 are thus also constrained for movement along a
fixed linear path in parallel with the channel 70, namely,
motors 54 is effective to elevationally adjust the posi in meshing engagement with the rack 62.
tion of the gondola 14 with respect to the exterior face
16 of the building 12. The suspension cables 18 have tionWhen the davits 44 are pivoted to the operative posi
lengths sufficient to allow the gondola 14 to be eleva as shown in FIG. the
overhanging exterior face 6 of the building 12,
2, the guide member 66 also serves to
tionally moved alongside the exterior face 16 of the anchor the movable carriage 20 at the top of the build
building between the solid and dotted line positions of ing 12. More
FIG. 1 or to virtually any other elevational position ative position,specifically,
the weight
with the davits 44 in the oper
of the suspended gondola 4
including a position at rest upon the ground 24. 25 tends to lift the entire movable carriage 20 with a mo
A pair of tension cables 19 are also wound about ment acting about the line of engagement between the
respective cable drums 21 on the carriage base 46, and drive wheels 64 and the rack 62. However, the upper
these tension cables 19 are receivable over additional extent of the channel 70 is closed by the shape of the
pulleys 23 carried by the davits 44. As shown best in guide member 66, whereby the guide member 66 retains
FIGS. 1 and 4, these tension cables extend downwardly 30 the rollers 72 in place within the channel 70. This reten
from the davits over guide pulleys 25 on the exterior tion of the rollers 72 within the channel 70 maintains the
face of the gondola 14 for connection to a suitable point entire carriage 20 in the desired position on top of the
27 near the base of the building 12. Alternately, if de building for controlled movement along the track 48.
sired, these tension cables 19 can be secured directly to As illustrated in FIGS. 2 and 4, the rack 62 and the
the ground 24. In use, tension cables 19 have their 35 guide member 66 forming the track 48 extend in parallel
lengths adjusted by rotation of the cable drums 21 by along one straight side of the building 12 and intersect at
individual motors 29 to engage the guide pulleys 25 on a right angle with an associated rack 62 and guide men
the gondola 14 to urge the gondola inwardly toward ber 66 of an adjacent straight side of the building. Since
bearing engagement with the exterior face 16 of the the movable carriage 20, including the drive wheels 64,
building. In this manner, the tension cables 19 serve to is capable of linear movement only, an additional car
steady and stabilize the gondola with respect to the riage 20 and an associated gondola 14 are required for
building for easy passage of persons through a window rescuing individuals from the adjacent side of the build
22 into the gondola for rescue, as will be described. ing. However, if desired, the track 48 can be modified,
The lower ends of the davits 44 are coupled to the as shown in FIGS. 8 and 9, to include a rack 63 formed
carriage base 46 by means of a pair of relatively short 45 to have a plurality of spaced holes 65 for reception of
pivot bars 56 which accommodate the pivoting move teeth 67 of cogwheels 69 mounted on the shafts 60 of
ment of the davits, as described above. The carriage the carriage 20. With this embodiment, the rack 63 can
base 46 is in turn supported upon a pair of rotatable be formed to include straight sections 71 along straight
parallel shafts 60 which include means for engaging the sides of the building and an arcuately curving section 73
track 48. Drive motors 58, illustrated schematically in 50 interconnecting those straight sections with the cog
FIG. 4, are mounted on the carriage base 46 for rotat wheels 69 effectively turning the corner from one
ably driving the shafts 60 for controlled movement straight side of the building to another. In addition, a
along the track 48. While one drive motor 58 is shown modified guide member 75 is provided for receiving the
for each one of the shafts 60, a single drive motor can be rollers 72 on the carriage shafts 60, and this guide mem
coupled appropriately to drive both of the shafts 60, if 55 ber 75 also includes straight sections 77 joined together
desired. at a corner of the building by an arcuately curving
More specifically, the track 48 comprises a linear rack section 79. With this arrangement, the movable carriage
62 having a gear tooth profile, as illustrated in FIGS. 2 20 can be driven laterally to move the suspended gon
and 4, mounted on the roof 42 of the building 12 and dola 14 from one exterior face 16 of the building to an
extending generally in parallel with the exterior face 16 60 adjacent exterior face.
of the building. This rack 62 is positioned for engage As shown in FIGS. 2 and 10-12, a parapet 76 for the
ment with drive wheels 64 mounted on the adjacent building 12 is desirably reinforced to help support the
ends of the shafts 60, and these drive wheels 64 include davits 44 in their overhanging operative position. This
appropriately sized gear teeth for meshing engagement parapet 76, which is typically provided with modern
with the rack 62. Accordingly, concurrent operation of 65 high rise offices and apartment buildings, comprises a
the drive notors 58 rotatably drives the shafts 60 in a relatively short wall upstanding from the periphery of
manner to translate the entire carriage 20 along the rack the roof 42 of the building. The parapet 76 is reinforced
61 in a lateral direction. Such lateral gondola 14 in a by a plurality of crisscrossing and angularly oriented
brace bars 78 of steel or the like extending the full recesses ii.2 in the davits 44 by clamp plates 114 fixed in
height of the inside face 80 of the parapet 76 and se position by bolts 16, as shown in FIG. 6. Alternately,
cured to the parapet at their points of intersection by if desired, the upper strut 106 can also be secured in
bolts 82. These brace bars 78 have their lower ends position by clamps 114.
secured in an appropriate manner as by welding to a As shown in FIG. 2, the gondola 14 has an overall
sole plate 84 which is suitably anchored to the building length slightly greater than the lateral distance between
roof 42 by another plurality of bolts 86. If desired, peri the daits 44 when the gondola is suspended in the opera
odic angle braces 88 can be connected to the brace bars tive position alongside the exterior face 16 of the build
78 and the sole plate 84 to extend inwardly from the ing. When it is desired to move the gondola 4 to the
parapet 76 and thereby provided additional structural 10 inoperative position, as shown by the dotted lines in
support therefor. FIG. 1, it is necessary to spread the davits 44 laterally
The upper ends of the brace bars 78 are joined to a with respect to each other to allow passage of the gon
cap plate 90 in a suitable manner, such as by welding, dola between the davits 44 to the inoperative position at
and this cap plate encloses the upper surface of the rest upon the roof 42 of the building.
parapet 76. The cap plate 90 is in turn secured as by 15 When the gondola 4 is moved to the inoperative
welding to a second plurality of brace bars 92 which position, the cross frame 104 between the davits 44 is
extend downwardly alongside the exterior face 94 of removed. At this time, the davits 44 are laterally spread
the parapet 76. These latter brace bars 92 are shorter a sufficient distance to allow passage therebetween of
than the interior brace bars 78 and extend from the cap the gondola A4, as illustrated in FIG. 7. For this pur
plate 90 angularly downwardly for intersection and 20 pose, the base 46 of the movable carriage 20 is secured
connection of the lower ends to the parapet 76 by the to one of the two davits 44, and a telescoping base sec
bolts 82. tion 118 is slidably received with respect to the base 46.
The cap plate 90 supports a pair of track rails 96 A separate drive wheel 120 is carried on a shaft 122 on
which are appropriately connected to the cap plate and the other davit 44, and this separate drive wheel 120 is
define angularly disposed bearing surfaces extending 25 engageable with the rack 62 and operable by a motor
longitudinally in parallel with the track 48 on the roof 124 independent of the two drive wheels 64 on the base
42. As shown in FIG. 11, these track rails 96 define a 46. Accordingly, the separate drive wheel 120 can be
downwardly opening V-shaped cross section, with a driven independently of the drive wheels 64 to slide the
suitable filler material 98, such as concrete, being dis telescoping base section outwardly with respect to the
posed between the track rails. 30 base 46, as illustrated by arrow 126, to laterally spread
Each davit 44 carries a bearing pulley 100 depending the davits 44.
downwardly from a position generally intermediate the With the davits 44 spread apart, as shown in FIG. 7,
length of the davit and rotatable about an axle 102 for the davits 44 can be pivoted rearwardly about their
engagement with the track rails 96 when the davit 44 is respective pivot bars 56 to move the gondola 14 to the
in the operative position, as shown in FIG. 2. In this 35 inoperative position at rest upon the roof 42 of the
manner, the bearing pulley 100 of each davit rollingly building. When the gondola is returned to the operative
engages the track rails 96 on top of the parapet 76 position suspended alongside the exterior face 16 of the
whereby the reinforced parapet 76 provides vertical building, the davits 44 are returned to their positions
support for the davit 44 intermediate the length of the overhanging the building and the separate drive wheel
davit. Of course, the bearing pulleys 600 of the two 40 120 is operated to retract the telescoping base section
davits 44 roll along the track rails 96 as the lateral posi 118 back to its initial position within the base 46 of the
tion of the movable carriage 20 is adjusted along the carriage 20, as shown in FIG. 4. The davits 44 can then
track 48, as described above. be moved laterally in either direction by simultaneous
As shown in FIG. 4, the parapet 76 extends along operation of the drive wheels 64 and the separate drive
each straight side of the building and intersects at a right 45 wheel 120. Alternately, the telescoping base section 118
angle with the parapet 76 of an adjacent straight side of can be locked in position with respect to the base 46 by
the building. However, when the alternate carriage suitable locking means (not shown), and the separate
drive means in the form of the cogwheels 69 are used, drive wheel 120 can be allowed to free wheel on the
as shown in FIGS. 8 and 9, the parapet construction is rack 62.
modified to include straight sections 81 along straight 50 The gondola 14 can thus be moved to the operative
sides of the building which are joined together by an position suspended alongside the exterior face 16 of the
arcuately curving section 83. With this construction, building, whereupon the elevational position of the
the bearing pulleys 100 of the davits 44 roll continu gondola 14 can be selected by proper adjustment of the
ously through the arcuately curving section 83 from lengths of the suspension cables 18. The lateral position
one straight section 81 to another, whereby a single 55 of the gondola 14 can also be controlled according to
gondola 14 can be used to rescue persons from more the position of movement of the movable carriage 20
than one side of the buiding. along the track 48. At all times, the tension cables 9
The two davits 44 are further reinforced with respect stabilize the gondola with respect to the building and
to each other by a cross frame 104 connected between maintain the gondola in engagement with the building.
the davits, as illustrated in FIG. 4. As illustrated, this 60 Conveniently, the upper ends of the tension cables 19
cross frame 104 comprises upper and lower horizontal are carried by the laterally movable carriage 20
struts 106 and 108 interconnected by angularly inter whereby these tension cables 9 are adjusted suffi
secting cross-struts 110, with the upper and lower struts ciently in lateral position upon movement of the car
106 and 108 being removably secured to the davits 44 to riage 20 to allow broad range lateral movement of the
rigidify the davits as the gondola 14 is raised and low 65 gondola throughout the upper floors of the building, in
ered. In a preferred embodiment, the upper strut 106 is spite of the fact that the lower ends of the tension cables
pivotally received in aligned holes (not shown) in the 19 are secured to the fixed point 27 at or near the base
two davits 44, and the lower strut 08 is secured within of the building.
As shown in FIG. 3, the gondola 14 includes an en carriage davits 44 over the exterior face of the gondola
trance opening 130 presented towards the building 12, 14 to hold the gondola against the exterior face of the
and a telescoping entryway 132 is provided for projec building. However, in this embodiment, the tension
tion into the building through a window 22 or the like. cables 9 are secured at their lower ends to a base plate
A rigid walkway 134 slides outwardly over a roller 136 180 which is movable laterally across the face of the
from storage space 138 undeneath the gondola floor 28 building to a position generally in vertical alignment
to project into and through the window 20. Thus, per with the carriage 20 at the top of the building.
sons trapped inside the building 12 can enter the gon More specifically, the base plate 180 is mounted in the
dola 14 by walking through the entryway 132 into the ground near the base of the building, such as within the
interior of the gondola, whereupon the gondola can be 10 channel 182 formed in the sidewalk 184, wherein this
lowered to the ground to remove those persons from channel can be covered by a protective plate 185 or the
the building. Conveniently, the walkway 134 is like when the rescue system is not in use. A linear track
equipped with a downturned lip 135 for secure engage member 186 is installed into the channel 184 and in
ment with the building, and the entryway 132 includes cludes inwardly projecting flanges 188 which trap sets
flaps 133 for shielding persons from broken glass in the 15 of rollers 189 on the base plate 180 within the track
area of the windows. If desired, hydraulically extensible member thereby confining the base plate to movement
and retractable suction cups 137 can also be provided back and forth across the face of the building within the
for temporary engagement with the building to steady limits of the track member. Importantly, eyebolts 190 or
the gondola with respect to the window 22 during the the like on the top of the base plate 180 are quickly
time persons are entering the gondola through the en engageable by hooks 192 or the like at the lower ends of
tryway 132. Conveniently, the gondola can also be the tension cables 19 in an emergency situation to con
provided with wind rudders 139 for improved resis nect the base plate to the tension cables.
tance to wind and shock absorbing legs 141 to absorb The base plate 180 is controllably moved along the
shock when the gondola is lowered to the ground. length of the track member 186 by a cable 194 attached
Appropriate controls 140 operable from within the 25 to the opposite ends of the base plate and reeved about
gondola 14 are provided to appropriately operate an pulleys 196 at opposite ends of the track member. The
hydraulic ram 142 to project or retract the entryway cable 194 is in turn driven about these pulleys 196 by an
132 with respect to the window 22. These controls 140 electrical motor 198 or the like for driving the cable in
can also be coupled to the appropriate driving motors any suitable manner, such as by reversibly rotating one
on the movable carriage 20 to adjust the elevational and of the pulleys 196. Accordingly, the motor 198 is capa
lateral position of the gondola. In this manner, a rescue ble of moving the base plate 180 along the track member
worker within the gondola has complete control over 186 to vary the position at which the tension cables 19
the position of the gondola and the projection of the are secured with respect to the ground.
entryway 132 through a building window 22 for rescue As illustrated schematically in FIG. 16, the motor 198
of people from the building. 35 is operated in response to an appropriate control 200
As illustrated in FIG. 3, a wheel 150 is conveniently which also governs operation of the drive motors 58
connected to the distal end of an hydraulic ram 152 (FIG. 4) for moving the carriage 20 laterally at the top
carried within the storage space 138 beneath the floor of the building. This control 200, which may take any
28 of the gondola 14. This wheel 150 is rotatable about convenient form and thus is not shown or described in
a horizontal axle 154 and is engageable with the exterior 40 detail herein, functions to synchronize the operation of
face 16 of the building when the ram is extended. The the carriage motors 58 and the motor 198 such that the
wheel 150 advantageously provides a rolling surface base plate 180 is maintained generally in vertical align
between the buflding and the gondola to facilitate eleva ment with the carriage 20. Such vertical alignment
tional adjustment of the gondola position. Alternately, advantageously maintains the tension cables 19 substan
if a broader rolling surface is desired, a plurality of 45 tially vertical at all times to insure positive engagement
rollers 160 can be secured to the distal end of the ram between the tension cables and the gondola and to per
152, as illustrated in FIG. 14. Still further, as shown in mit unrestricted vertical and lateral gondola movement
FIG. 13, a carrier 162 can be secured to the distal end of to any position alongside the exterior face of the build
the ram 152 wherein the carrier 162 supports a plurality 1ng.
of small wheels 164 for rotation about vertical pins 166 50 When separate rescue systems are provided for each
to facilitate lateral positional adjustment of the gondola exterior face of the building, a separate base plate 180
with respect to the building. Or, if desired, a pair of the and associated cable 194 and pulleys 196 are provided
hydraulic rams 152 can be provided respectively carry along the base of each face of the building, as viewed in
ing the rollers 160 of FIG. 14 and the wheels 164 of FIG. 15. However, when the rescue system is adapted
FIG. 13, wherein the pair of rams 152 can be alternately 55 to service more than one face of the building, such as
extended in response to operation of the controls 140 for when the carriage is associated with a curved track, as
rolling engagement of one of these mechanisms with the viewed in FIG. 8, the channel 182 and track member
building. 186 can be appropriately modified to curve around the
A further modified form of the invention is illustrated corners of the building from one face to another.
in FIGS. 15-16 wherein components identical to those 60 The emergency rescue system of this invention thus
shown and described in FIGS. 1-14 and referred to by provides a versatile gondola suspended from the top of
common reference numerals. As shown in FIGS. 15-16, the building 12 for movement vertically and laterally in
the carriage 20 includes the davits 44 at the top of a a controlled and stable manner to virtually any position
building 12 to support a gondola 14 alongside an exte with respect to an exterior face of a multistory building.
rior face 16 of the building, wherein the lengths of sup 65 The controlled versatility of movement of the gondola
port cables 18 can be adjusted as described in conjunc enables the system of this invention to be used quickly,
tion with FIG. 4 to select the elevational position of the easily, and accurately in rescuing a large number of
gondola. Similarly, tension cables 19 extend from the people from the building.
Various modifications and improvements to the 4. The system of claim 2 wherein said second track is
emergency rescue system of this invention are believed recessed into the ground near the base of the building.
to be apparent to one skilled in the art. Accordingly, no 5. The system of claim 1 wherein said gondola in
limitation upon the invention is intended, except by way cludes wheel means for rolling engagement in a vertical
of the appended claims. 5 direction with respect to the building.
I claim: 6. The system of claim a wherein said gondola in
1. An emergency rescue system for use in rescuing cludes wheel means for rolling engagement in a hori
persons from a multistory building, comprising: zontal direction with respect to the building.
a laterally extending track mounted at the top of the 7. The system of claim including means for placing
building; O said tension cables under tension to urge said tension
a movable carriage including a carriage base mounted cables into bearing engagement with said gondola.
for movement along said track, and a pair of davits 8. The system of claim 1 including at least one guide
pivotally connected to and extending angularly pulley positioned at the side of said gondola opposite
upwardly and outwardly from said base to an oper the building for receiving said tension cables.
ative position overhanging an exterior face of the 15 9. The system of claim 1 further including control
building and pivotally movable to an inoperative means operably coupled to said first and second power
position pivoted away from the exterior face of the drive means for maintaining said base plate generally in
building; vertical alignment with said carriage.
a gondola for suspension alongside the exterior face . 10. An emergency rescue system for use in rescuing
of the building; persons from a multistory building, comprising:
a pair of suspension cables connected between said a track mounted at the top of the building;
carriage base and said gondola whereby said gon a movable carriage including a carriage base mounted
dola is suspended from said carriage base, said for movement along said track in a lateral direction
suspension cables being received over pulleys car with respect to an exterior face of the building, and
ried at the upper ends of said davits; 25 a pair of laterally spaced davits pivotally connected
said carriage base comprising first and second sec to and extending generally in parallel from said
tions movable laterally with respect to each other, carriage base angularly upwardly and outwardly to
said davits being pivotally connected respectively operative positions overhanging the exterior face
to said first and second sections, and including of the building and pivotally movable to inopera
means for driving said first and second sections tive positions pivoted away from the exterior face
along said track relatively away from each other to of the building, each of said davits including a
spread said davits and facilitate swinging move pulley mounted near its upper end;
ment of said gondola onto the top of the building, a gondola for suspension alongside the exterior face
and for driving said first and second sections along of the building;
said track relatively toward each other to corre 35 a pair of suspension cables coupled to said carriage
spondingly move said davits back toward each base and respectively received over said pulleys
other; and secured to said gondola whereby said gondola
means on said carriage base for adjusting the length is suspended from said movable carriage;
of said suspension cables for adjusting the eleva said carriage base comprising first and second sec
tional position of said gondola; 40 tions movable laterally with respect to each other,
a tension cable connected between said carriage base said davits being pivotally connected respectively
and a base plate near the base of the building, said to said first and second sections, and including
tension cable being engageable with the side of said means for driving said first and second sections
gondola opposite the building for urging said gon along said track relatively away from each other to
dola into bearing engagement with the exterior 45 spread said davits and facilitate swinging move
face of the building, said base plate being mounted ment of said gondola onto the top of the building,
for movement in a lateral direction generally in and for driving said first and second sections along
parallel with the track at the top of the building: said track relatively toward each other to corre
first power drive means positioned substantially at the spondingly move said davits back toward each
top of the building for laterally driving said car 50 other;
riage base along said track to adjust the lateral means on said carriage base for adjusting the lengths
position of said gondola; and of said suspension cables to adjust the elevational
second power means for laterally moving said base position of said gondola;
plate with respect to the exterior face of the build a tension cable connected between said carriage base
ing to maintain said base plate generally in vertical 55 and a base plate near the base of the building, said
alignment with said carriage. tension cable being engageable with the side of said
2. The system of claim 1 wherein said second means gondola opposite the building for urging said gon
near the base of the building for driving said base plate dola into bearing engagement with the exterior
comprises a second track generally at the base of the face of the building, said base plate being mounted
building extending in a direction generally parallel with 60 for movement in a lateral direction generally in
the exterior face of the building, and means for control parallel with said track at the top of the building;
lably moving said base plate along said second track. first power drive means positioned substantially at the
3. The system of claim 2 wherein said means near the top of the building for driving said carriage base
base of the building further includes a pair of pulleys at along said track to adjust the lateral position of said
the opposite ends of said second track, a cable reeved 65 gondola; and
about said pulleys and coupled to said base plate, and second power drive means positioned near the base of
means for driving said cable about said pulleys for mov the building for laterally moving said base plate
ing said base plate along said second track. with respect to the exterior face of the building to
13 14
maintain said base plate generally in vertical align- said davits when said davits are in said operative posi
ment with said carriage. tion.
11. The system of claim 10 wherein the building in 12. The system of claim 10 further including control
cludes a parapet, said davits overhanging said parapet means operably coupled to said first and second power
when in said operative position, and including roller 5 drive means for maintaining said base plate generally in
means depending from said davits for rollingly engag- vertical alignment with said carriage.
ing said parapet generally intermediate the lengths of k is k sk
PATENT NO. : 4, 424,884
DATED January l(), l984
INVENTOR(S) : Charles P. Smith, Jr.
It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby
Corrected as shown below:
Column 5 line 6, delete "exterior face" and insert
therefor --exterior face--.
Column 5 line 67, delete "6l" and insert therefor
Attesting Officer Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks