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United States Patent (19) (11) 4,410,041

Davies et al. 45) Oct. 18, 1983

(54) PROCESS FOR GAS-LIFTING LIQUID (56) References Cited
1,888,315 l1/1932 Gault .............................. 417/08 X
1,901, 141 3/1933 Battelle ........................... 417/108 X
(75) Inventors: David R. Davies, Rijswijk, 2,061,865 11/1936 Wells .............................. 166/372 X
Netherlands; Edwin A. Richardson, 2,293,196 8/1942 Crump ............................ 166/372 X
Houston, Tex. 2,632,513 3/1953
Bennett ...... ... 417/108 X
3,421,449 1/1969
Cochran ... ... 417/108
3,746,088 7/1973
Haskin et al. ......................... 166/59
73 Assignee: Shell Oil Company, Houston, Tex. 3,750,753 8/1973
Bernard ................. ... 166/309
4, 178,993 12/1979
Richardson et al. ............... 166/300
4,219,083 8/1980
Richardson et al. ........... 166/312 X
21 Appl. No.: 200,176 4,265,312 5/1981 Thein .................................. 166/312
Primary Examiner-Stephen J. Novosad
22) Filed: Oct. 24, 1980 Assistant Examiner-George A. Suchfield
Related U.S. Application Data A reservoir encountered by a drilling fluid-containing
63) Continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 127,355, Mar. 5, 1980, borehole can be sampled and/or a liquid can be re
abandoned. moved from within a borehole by arranging conduits
and a packer for isolating the reservoir or a selected
fluid-removal location and then gas-lifting liquid by
51) Int. Cl. ...................... E21B 21/00; E21B 43/22; injecting an aqueous liquid solution which generates
E21B 47/06 nitrogen gas within the borehole, with the depth of the
(52) U.S. Cl. .................................... 166/250; 166/300; injection and the rates of fluid inflow and outflow being
166/312; 166/372 adjusted to maintain a selected drawdown at the depth
(58) Field of Search ........... 166/250, 255, 300, 305 R, of the fluid-removal location.
166/309, 312, 372; 73/151 R; 252/8.55 B;
417/08 12 Claims, 2 Drawing Figures


7. -2
2.24. Y / a 7.

xy.'s viz. ',

U.S. Patent Oct. 18, 1983 Sheet 1 of 2 4,410,041

FIG. 1

U.S. Patent Oct. 18, 1983 Sheet 2 of 2 4.410,041


200 -- www.m- --- ------

150 1


100 -



O IOOO 2000 3OOO 4000 5OOO 6OOO 7OOO

4,410,041 2
nied by cavitation and a blowout, e.g., due to the
PROCESS FOR GAS-LIFTING LIQUID FROM A amount of liquid within the test string being insufficient.
WELL BY INJECTING LIQUID INTO THE WELL U.S. Pat. No. 3,612, 183 describes a process for dis
placing the drilling fluid from the interior of a combined
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED drilling and testing tool without using a cryogenic fluid
APPLICATIONS such as liquefied nitrogen. The patented process injects
This is a continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. atliquefied
a petroleum gas (e.g. propane) which is liquid
the pressure at which it is injected but becomes a
127,355 filed Mar. 5, 1980 now abandoned. suitably pressurized gas when the pressure is reduced.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 10 During the course of research directed to problems
This invention relates to a drill stem testing process such as the initiating of a flow of fluid from a reservoir
(or formation testing process) for determining what in which the fluid pressure is less than the hydrostatic
pressure of the liquid in a borehole which encounters
fluid, if any, can be produced from a subterranean reser the reservoir, initiating a perforation-cleaning pulse of
voir which is encountered by a well being drilled. It 1 5 relatively highly pressurized fluid and heat within a low
also relates to a liquid-injection-effected process for
gas-lifting liquid from within a well. It is especially pressure
reservoir surrounding a borehole which has
cased and perforated, etc. it was discovered that
useful for relatively remote and/or deep exploratory various organic and/or inorganic reactants could be
wells. The present process provides a comparatively dissolved in an aqueous liquid to form a gas-generating
quick and inexpensive, but safe, procedure for determin 20 solution which is capable of generating a significantly
ing whether any fluid can be produced in response to a large volume of gas at a suitable rate within a borehole
selected drawdown within a well; and it can provide a or a reservoir. Such gas-generating aqueous liquid solu
production test which is long enough and strong tions are described, in U.S. Pat. No. 4,178,993 by E. A.
enough to indicate whether a suitable rate of production Richardson and R. F. Scheuerman, for initiating a flow
is apt to be sustained and/or whether the reservoir is apt 25 into a well by reducing the hydrostatic pressure within
to slough or produce sand. a liquid-containing wellbore. The U.S. Pat. No.
Drill stem testing techniques and equipment have 4, 178,993 describes injecting a solution of nitrogen gas
been known and used for more than about 50 years. forming reactant having a composition and concentra
Numerous improvements in the tools and techniques tion correlated with the pressure, temperature and vol
have been described in patents and publications such as 30 ume properties of the well and reservoir so that the
the text book "Petroleum Production Engineering and solution remains substantially unreactive until it reaches
Oil Field Development" by Uren (1941), U.S. Pat. No. a selected depth within the borehole and then begins to
2,850,097; 3,038,539; 3,059,695; 3,233,676; 3,235,017 and generate gaseous nitrogen at a moderately rapid rate.
technical journal articles, such as "Simple Field Checks U.S. Pat. No. 4,219,083 by E. A. Richardson, R. F.
Will Provide Accurate DST Data", World Oil, April 35 Scheuerman and D. C. Berkshire relates to chemically
1974, and "Obtain Accurate Data From Deep Forma inducing a backsurge of fluid through well casing perfo
tion Tests', World Oil, October 1974, and the like. rations. It describes injecting a solution of nitrogen
In the early reservoir tests it was necessary to remove gas-forming reactants through the well casing perfora
the drill string and replace it with a testing tool each tions and into the reservoir. The solution used in U.S.
time a test was to be made. More recently, combined 40 Pat. No. 4,219,083 patent comprises the solution of U.S.
drilling and testing tools were developed to avoid the Pat. No. 4,178,993 patent modified by an addition of a
need for pulling the drill string. But, even with the reaction-retarding alkaline buffer and a pH-reducing
improved tools, it is necessary to remove enough dril reactant capable of subsequently overriding that buffer.
ling fluid from the borehole to reduce the hydrostatic It was found that such reactants could be arranged so
pressure to less than the reservoir fluid pressure and 45 that the solution remains substantially unreactive within
provide a drawdown which will induce a fluid inflow the well but, within the reservoir, becomes an acidic,
from a productive formation. For example, in regions fast-reacting solution which generates a rapid-rising
where adequate testing equipment and services are pulse of heat and gas having a pressure sufficient to
available and it is not essential to use a pressurized gas cause a debris-removing backsurging of fluid through
cushion within the testing tool, reservoir testing tools 50 the casing perforations.
can be arranged to be run in dry (i.e., so that they are We have now discovered that particular ones of such
filled with air at atmospheric pressure) and operated so gas-generating reactants can be used in particular ways
that, after a packer is set, the testing tool valves are in conjunction with particular types of drilling and
opened to expose the formation to the drawdown im testing tools in a manner which provides an unobvi
posed by a pressure which is initially substantially as 55 ously advantageous process for testing a subterranean
low as atmospheric pressure. reservoir and/or removing liquid from within the bore
Alternatively, where pressurized nitrogen is avail hole of a well.
able, it can be pumped through such a testing tool string SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
to displace the drilling fluid into the annulus. Then,
after the packer is set, the gas can be depressurized at a 60 The present invention relates to a well treating pro
controlled rate in order to initiate the production of cess for gas-lifting liquid from a selected fluid-removal
fluid from the reservoir. Such a "cushion', comprising depth within a borehole which contains a liquid. In a
a pressurized gas within the test string at a pressure preferred procedure, a first pipe string which is
below the expected reservoir pressure, is often believed 65 equipped with a remotely-actuable packer or annulus
to be desirable. The cushion may avoid the risk of a dry sealing means is positioned within the borehole so that
run, e.g., due to the weight of liquid contained within the pipe extends from a surface location to a selected
the test string being excessive; or may avoid a tool fluid-removal depth within the liquid contained in the
damaging surge of fluid inflow that may be accompa borehole. The sealing means is actuated to seal the an
3 4,410,041 4.
nulus around the pipestring in a location above the particularly useful in wells in a location in which the
fluid-removal depth. A second pipestring is extended conventional types of swabbing and/or sand washing
within the first pipestring to a depth sufficient to pro equipment are unavailable or unfeasibly expensive.
vide a selected reduction in the fluid pressure within the DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
borehole at the fluid-removal depth when a gas replaces
a significant proportion of the liquid within the first and FIG. 1 is a schematic illustration of a well and reser
second pipestrings in locations above the bottom of the voir in which the present process is being employed.
second pipestring. A gas-generating aqueous liquid so FIG. 2 is a graph of variations in the amount of the
lution is compounded so that it is a solution which (a) borehole fluid pressure reductions which can be pro
contains ammonium ions and nitrite ions (b) is self-react 10 vided by various gas-generating solutions at various
ing at the temperature within the borehole and (c) re fluid-removal depths within the borehole of a well.
acts to form gaseous nitrogen and a relatively inert
oil-immiscible aqueous solution. The gas-generating DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION
solution is flowed into the top of the second pipestring FIG. 1 shows a borehole 1 which has been extended
while fluid is flowed out of the top of the first pipestring 15 into fluid communication with an oil-productive reser
and the flow rates are correlated so that gas replaces at voir 2. An outer string of casing 3 is cemented within
least a significant proportion of the liquid within the the upper portion of the borehole. First and second
first pipestring in a location above the bottom of the pipestrings 4 and 5 have been extended through the
second pipestring. Those flow rates are then adjusted, casing 3 and into the borehole. As known to those
to the extent required, to cause the fluid pressure within 20 skilled in the art, such pipestrings should be inserted
the borehole at the selected fluid-removal depth to be sequentially through suitable wellhead equipment, such
reduced to and maintained at a selected relatively low as that which is currently available, (not shown) inclu
value while liquid is being gas-lifted to a surface loca sive of blowout preventors, control valves pipestring
tion. hangers, etc.
In general, where a borehole is equipped to avoid any 25 The first pipestring 4 is provided with an annulus
undesirable inflow or outflow of fluid above said se packer 6 which has been actuated to seal the annulus
lected fluid-removal depth, said pipestrings can be free between the pipe 4 and the casing 3. As will be apparent
of packers and can comprise pairs of substantially any to those skilled in the art, the first pipestring 4 and
fluid conduits (such as a tubing string and the annular associated packer could comprise a combination dril
space between it and a surrounding pipe or casing 30 ling and testing tool, which would be equipped with a
string, a pair of substantially parallel pipestrings or the drill bit and/or a borehole wall-seating packer such as
like). The conduits used should be arranged to convey those which are currently available.
fluid from the selected fluid-removal depth to a surface The pipestring 4 is preferably also equipped with a
location. They should also provide separate fluid flow downhole pressure-recording gauge 7 for providing a
paths except for a fluid interconnection at a depth lo 35 retrievable log of the variation in borehole fluid pres
cated (as described above) near enough to the selected sure with time. As know, such gauges, when positioned
fluid-removal depth to be capable of significantly low at a known depth near those of a reservoir or a selected
ering the hydrostatic pressure at that depth when a fluid-removal depth, can provide pressure data which,
significant proportion of the liquid in the upper portion when combined with the rate and character of fluid
of at least one of the conduits is replaced by gas. 40. production from the reservoir, may yield valuable infor
The present invention provides a uniquely advanta mation relative to the producing capabilities of the res
geous process for testing a subterranean oil reservoir ervoir and/or the condition of the borehole.
which is encountered by a borehole which contains a Prior to the well completing stage shown, pumps 8
drilling fluid. In such a process each component of the and 9 have been operated to inject fluids which were
gas-generating solution is selected so that both the solu 45 mixed, within pipestring 5, to form a gas-generating
tion components and its reaction products are substan solution 11. The so-injected fluids could advanta
tially immiscible with oil. The depths to which the geously comprise, respectively, a solution consisting
pipestrings are extended are preferably selected so that essentially of about 16% by weight ammonium chloride
the gas-lifting of liquid can subject the reservoir to a (about 3.0 M/1) in water and one consisting essentially
pressure drawdown representative of one expected to 50 of about 20% by weight of sodium nitrite (about 3.0
provide a suitable rate of oil production. And, the gas M/1) in water.
lifting of the reservoir oil is preferably continued for At the well completion stage shown, the borehole 1
long enough to provide both a significant duration of contains a gas-liftable liquid 10, such as a drilling fluid
testing and enough oil for a relatively definitive analysis having a density which provides a hydrostatic pressure
of what can be produced from the reservoir during an 55 at the depth of the reservoir that exceeds the fluid pres
oil production operation. sure within the reservoir. The gas-generating solution
The present invention is also uniquely advantageous 11 is flowed into the borehole through the second
for conducting a well cleaning operation for removing installed pipestring 5 while fluid is outflowed through
substantially any gas-liftable liquid from a selected the first-installed pipestring 4 as shown by arrows. The
depth within a borehole. Such a "gas-liftable" liquid can 60 flow rates are controlled so that the inflowing solution
comprise substantially any liquid solution or dispersion begins to generate a mixture of gas and relatively low
of liquid or solid materials which can feasibly be dis density aqueous liquid, at least by about the time it
placed upward within a liquid-filled conduit through reaches the bottom end of the pipestring 5. The inflow
which a gas is bubbled. Such a process can be used to of gas into the lower portion of pipestring 4 causes a
remove suspensions of solids, such as sand or silt, etc.; 65 gas-lifting of both the reaction-generated aqueous liquid
liquids or semi-solids, such as resins, tars or gels or the and the drilling fluid. It will be apparent that if a signifi
like; or to remove a corrosive or undesirable well treat cant amount of gas accumulates within pipestring 5, the
ment liquid, such as an acidic liquid, or the like. It is pressure required to inject fluid into the pipestring 5
5 6
tends to rise. For example, if only gas remained within example, by injecting a high density fluid, such as a
pipestring 5, the pressure required to inject fluid into drilling fluid, into pipe string 4 while outflowing fluid
that pipe string could rise to about the hydrostatic pres through pipe string 5.
sure of the fluid within the borehole at the depth of the FIG. 2 shows the variation in the amount of borehole
lower end of the pipestring 5. 5 fluid pressure reduction which can be provided by gas
In a preferred method of operating the invention, the generating solutions of various concentrations at vari
outflow of fluid through pipestring 4 is throttled by ous depths within the borehole of a well. The figure
means of throttling valve 12, or the like, to the extent relates to gas-generating solutions which consist essen
required to maintain the pressure of the outflowing fluid tially of water, sodium nitrite and ammonium chloride
at near, but less than the pressure required to inject fluid 10 and react in accordance with the equation
into pipe string 5. In this way the gas-lifting of liquid out
of pipe string 4 first replaces liquid that was initially
present in the pipe strings 4 and 5 above the bottom of
pipe string 5 with a relatively low density, mostly gase FIG. 2 relates to a well in which the reservoir fluid
ous, mixture of gas and aqueous liquid (which is gener- 15 pressure corresponds to a hydrostatic pressure gradient
ated by the gas-generating solution 11) without signifi of about 0.465 (8.9 lbs. per gallon). It shows the draw
cantly changing the pressure within the borehole below downs, in bars (14.5 psig per bar), which can be attained
the bottom of pipe string 5. at the depths listed along the bottom of the plot when
At the stage shown in the drawing, valve 12 has been substantially all of the liquid above each such depth is
opened to an extent which reduces the pressure of the 20 replaced by a foam of nitrogen gas dispersed in the
fluid flowing out of pipe string 4 to near atmospheric aqueous liquid produced by the above reaction. FIG. 2
pressure. This causes the borehole fluid pressure at the shows this for each of the gas-generating solutions that
reservoir depth to be reduced to near that of the hydro contain substantially equimolar proportions of sodium
static head of the column of liquid (i.e., mainly drilling nitrite and ammonium chloride in the amounts which
fluid 10) extending between the reservoir and the bot- 25 are listed along the right side of the plot. In each case
tom of pipe string 5. When sufficient gas accumulates in the temperature of the fluids in the well are assumed to
tubing string 4, this induces an inflow of oil, represented equal a reservoir temperature corresponding to a tem
by globules 13, into the borehole. Thus, by making the perature gradient of about 1.2 F. per 100 ft.
gas-lifting effect of the gas-generating solution ade Field Test Example
quately efficient, for example, by utilizing relatively 30
high flow rates and/or an incorporation of a foam-form The well in which the test was conducted was com
ing surfactant in order to sweep out, and/or entrain and pleted in a manner generally similar to that shown in
suspend within a foam, substantially all of the liquid FIG. 1. However, in this well the casing was extended
which is being discharged from the bottom of pipe from the surface to substantially the depth of the reser
string 5, the borehole fluid pressure at a selected depth, 35 voir. A free-hanging tubing string was hung above the
such as the reservoir depth, can be reduced to substan reservoir with its lower end in fluid communication
tially that of atmospheric pressure plus the hydrostatic with the annulus between it and the casing. A wire
head of fluid, e.g., reservoir fluid, gas, spent aqueous wrapped screen was suspended from an annulus sealing
solutions, etc., which is located between the reservoir packer arrangement below the end of the tubing and
or other selected depth and the upper end of the pipe 40 was surrounded by a gravel pack in a near bottom sec
string 4. tion of the borehole, adjacent to an oil-containing reser
Such a pressure-lowering effect is relatively indepen voir. The tubing and annulus thus provided a pair of
dent of the depth at which packer 6 forms a seal across separate conduits having a suitably located point of
the annular space between pipe string 4 and the Sur fluid communication for use in the present process.
rounding casing or borehole wall. That seal traps a 45 It was decided to pump the nitrogen-generating fluid
column of the liquid (such as drilling fluid 10) contained down the tubing so that a pressure gauge, such as an
within the borehole. But, since the liquid tends to flow Amerada gauge, could be positioned near the bottom to
downward away from the seal, it is generally preferable record the drawdown exerted on the formation. The
to locate the bottom of the first pipe string 4 near but cross-sectional volume of the annulus was considerably
above a producing reservoir which is to be tested. In 50 larger that that of the tubing. It was initially planned to
this way most, if not all, of any relatively low density use a solution that was one molar in each of sodium
reservoir fluid tends to be included within the fluid nitrite and ammonium chloride and 0.2 molar in sodium
flowing into the pipe string 4-rather than simply rising acetate and 0.05 molar in hydrochloric acid, which
(by gravity segregation) into the annulus around the would provide a half-life of about 60 to 100 minutes at
pipe string. 55 the well temperature of about 115 (bottom hole tem
If a reservoir being tested should contain a heavy oil perature of the well). With that solution an average
or tar which tends to settle or accumulate in the bottom pump rate of 0.4 to 0.25 barrels per minute could be
of the well (rather than rising through a column of static used to inject about 110 barrels of fluid.
liquid, such as a drilling fluid to a depth from which it However, in view of a rather limited mixing tankage
is gas-lifted to a surface location) a subsequent fluid 60 volume at the well site, it was decided to raise the mol
circulation step can be used to obtain a sample of the arity of the reactants from 1 to 1.5 molar and reduce the
reservoir fluid. In such a situation, the present process pumping rate to an average of about 0.24 barrels per
can be operated as described above for a time sufficient minute-with the slower pumping rate being compen
to cause an inflow of a significant sample of the reser sated by the faster reaction rate.
voir fluid. Then, by means of reverse circulation, pref. 65 It was unexpectedly found that when the top of the
erably with the lower end of the tubing string 5 moved annular conduit was opened, a relatively dry oil, which
down to or below the depth of the reservoir, the accu had floated above the brine, was freely produced at
mulated sample can be displaced to the surface; for about 450 barrels per day. This made it desirable to use
7 8
a fast-reacting gas-generating solution to ensure that the ent temperatures are such that an undesirable extent of
density gradient of that solution (by the time it reached reaction does not occur while the compound is being
the bottom of the tubing) would be less than that of the dissolved in an aqueous liquid.
oil, in order to be sure that the gas-generating solution The oxidizing agents suitable for use in the present
would rise above the annular column of oil and would process comprise substantially any water soluble salts of
thus induce a smooth start-up of the gas-lifting of the nitrous acid which are compatible with and capable of
oil. reacting with the ammonium ion-containing compound
For in situ generation of nitrogen, 50 bbls of a solu within an aqueous medium to form nitrogen gas and a
tion composed of 41.6 bbls of water and 31.5 sacks of Na relatively low-density, oil-immiscible, aqueous saline
NO2 (each sack containing 100 kg) were pumped at 0.1 O solution. The alkali metal or ammonium nitrites are
B/M from one pump (such as pump 8 of (FIG. 1) and particularly suitable.
mixed at the same rate with a solution of 50 barrels Aqueous liquids suitable for use in the present inven
(injected at the same rate by another pump) composed tion comprise substantially any in which the salt content
of 40.6 barrels of water, 24.5 sacks of NH4C1, 5 sacks does not, for example by common ion effect, prevent
sodium acetate, 74 liters of 37% HCl and 76 liters of 15 the dissolving of the desired portions of ammonium ion
HOWCO-SUDS foaming surfactant. During the pump and nitrite ion-containing rectants. In general, substan
ing an annulus valve (equivalent to valve 12 of FIG. 1) tially any relatively soft fresh water or brine can be
remained open. utilized. Such aqueous liquids preferably have a dis
After about 1 hour, the well began to flow from con solved salt content of less than about 2000 ppm monova
duit 4 through valve 12 at a rate of 600 bbls of oil per 20 lent salts and less than about 100 ppm multivalent salts.
day. This rate was maintained until the test ended Buffering compounds or systems which are suitable
(when all the solutions had been pumped-about 8 for use, if desired for moderating or accelerating the
hours). The drawdown estimated from calculations rate of gas generation, can comprise substantially any
similar to those used to form the graph shown in FIG. water-soluble buffer which is compatible with the gas
2 was 600 psi. Actual measurements during the produc 25 forming components and products and tends to main
tion test were indicative of a 550 psi drawdown. tain the pH of an aqueous solution of the selected am
The test results indicated that the present process is monium ion and nitrite ion-containing compounds and a
capable of bringing a well into production for a signifi slightly acidic pH at which the reaction proceeds at a
cant period of time after, for example, a treatment such suitable rate at the ambient surface temperature. As
as gravel packing, which required the killing of the 30 illustrated in the drawing, where the reaction rate is
well. Or, the invention can be used for cleaning up the significantly rapid at the surface temperature at the well
crude and obtaining a representative sample prior to a site, the ammonium ion-containing and nitrite ion-con
later pump rod installation and pump testing in a newly taining compounds are preferably dissolved (for exam
drilled well, in addition to providing a drill stem test of ple, at substantially twice the selected molar concentra
a heavy oil-bearing formation, or the like. In general, 35 tion) in separate aqueous liquids which are pumped by
the efficiency of such a gas-lifting of a particularly vis separate pumps so that they are combined within a pipe
cous oil can be materially improved by injecting the or container maintained at the injection pressure at
gas-generating solution through a relatively slender which the gas-generating liquid solution is injected into
tubing string and gas-lifting the oil within a relatively the well. In general, a suitable pH at which to buffer the
large annular conduit surrounding that tubing string 40 gas generating solution is from about 4.0 to 7. Examples
and/or by supplementing the lifting process by a foam of suitable buffering materials include the alkali metal
ing and/or thickening of the gas-generating solution. salts of weak acids such as carbonic, acetic, citric and
the like.
Suitable Components and Situations As described in greater detail in the above mentioned
The present invention is applicable to the testing or 45 U.S. Pat. No. 4,178,993, it is generally desirable to use
other treating of substantially any type of reservoir at substantially equimolar proportions of ammonium and
substantially any depth. Its use is particularly beneficial nitrite ions, particularly when using concentrations in
in regions in which it is difficult or unfeasible to obtain the order of from about 1 to 6 moles per liter of gas
reliable drill stem testing services or supplies of pressur generating reactants. The disclosure of U.S. Pat. No.
ized nitrogen or where it is desirable to conduct a rela 50 4,178,993 are incorporated herein by cross-reference.
tively long production test in response to a commer In general, the concentration of the gas-generating
cially attractive extent of drawdown (for example, to reactants in the gas-generating solution can be varied
evaluate sloughing, sand production, or the like charac relatively widely according to the amount of draw
teristics of a reservoir). down desired on the well. This is shown in FIG. 2. The
The nitrogen-containing gas-forming reactants which 55 concentrations can range from as low as about 0.1 moles
are suitable for use in the present process comprise per liter, at which the rate and extent of gas generation
water-soluble inorganic ammonium ion-containing begins to diminish to a point at which the gas-lifting
compounds which are relatively reactive at substan capability becomes insufficient to lift significantly more
tially ambient temperatures and are capable of reacting liquid than the aqueous saline liquid which is formed
with an oxidizing agent within an aqueous medium to 60 along with the formation of the gas. And, where rela
yield nitrogen gas and a substantially inert, relatively tively high rates and high volumes of gas generation are
low-density, oil-immiscible aqueous saline solution. desirable, the concentration of the ammonium ion and
Examples of suitable ammonium ion-containing com nitrite ion-containing reactants can approach or even
pounds include the ammonium salts of halogen acids, exceed their saturation concentrations within the aque
such as ammonium chloride; such salts of nitric, sul 65 ous liquid being injected into the well. Such a supersatu
phuric, and nitrous acids and the like acids. Where ration can be tolerated up to an extent where dispersed
available, ammonium nitrite can be utilized to provide undissolved particles begin to interfere with the flow
both the ammonium ion and the nitrite ion, if the ambi properties of the slurry being injected. In general, the
preferred ranges of concentration are from about 1 to 6 the borehole from a surface location to a selected
moles per liter of each of the components of the gas fluid-removal depth within the liquid in the bore
generating reaction. hole;
The corrosion rate of a fresh steel surface exposed to actuating the sealing means to seal the annulus around
a freshly prepared N2-generating solution is shown in 5 the first pipe string in a location above said fluid
Table I. The corrosion rates are small in all cases (less removal depth;
than 0.05 lbs iron/ft2 of steel surface exposed-a typi extending a second pipe string within the first to a
cally acceptable maximum loss of steel tolerable in oil depth sufficient to reduce the fluid pressure at said
field applications). However, if less corrosion is desir fluid-removal depth when a significant proportion
able in a particular case, a corrosion inhibitor (such as of liquid within the first and second pipe strings in
Rodine 3 A-test 4B) can be added to reduce the corro locations above the bottom of the second pipe
sion rate yet further. string is replaced by gas;
t Time Weight
Composition of N-Generating (minute) (hours) Loss
No. Solution (MAL) T F. (1) (2) (Lbs/Sq ft)
Methyl formate: 2.0 187 130 16 0
Urea; l.0 (3)
Sodium nitrite; 2.0
pH, 6-7
2 Chloroacetic Acid; 2.0 200 18 3. .00046
Urea: 1.0
pH; 5.7
3. Sodium acetate, 0.5 65 95 4 0.0035
Ammonium chloride: 3.0 (4)
Sodium nitrite: 3.0
pH; 6.5
3A. As No. 3, except: 1.65 95 19 0023
pH; 6.8
4 Sodium acetate; ().2 15 35 3. ,016
Ammonium chloride: 1.5 (*5)
Sodium nitrite; 1.5
pH; 4.8 (1:3 buffer)
4A As No. 4, except: 86 65 5 07
pH; 4.3 (1:1 buffer) (*5)
4B As No. 4A, except: 15 65 14 001
5% wt. Rodine 31A Inhibitor
was added
() Time required to generate stoichiometric amount of gas.
(2) Measured from time solution is heated to indicated temperature until time test coupon is removed
all weighed.
(3) Three pinpoint-sized rust spots noted.
(4) No corrosin accured until solution was essentially spent.
(5) 75% if total weight loss occurred during first 1.5 hours of the test.

As disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4, 178,993, where desir 40

able foam-forming surfactants can be dissolved or dis
persed in the gas-generating solution in order to en compounding a gas-generating aqueous liquid solu
hance the liquid removing capability of the gas which is tion of inorganic compounds which solution (a)
formed within the well. Suitable surfactants are those contains ammonium ions and nitrite ions (b) is self
capable of being dissolved or dispersed in the ammo 45 reacting at the temperature within the borehole
nium and nitrite ion-containing aqueous solution and and (c) reacts to form gaseous nitrogen and a rela
remaining substantially inert during the nitrogen gas tively inert aqueous solution;
producing reaction. Examples of suitable surfactants flowing the gas-generating solution into the top of the
include foam-forming anionic, nonionic, or cationic second pipe string while flowing fluid out of the
surfactants, such as Howco Suds, Neodol Sulfate 25-3S, 50 top of the first pipe string and correlating the rates
Triton 4-100. of flow to cause at least a significant proportion of
As disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4, 178,993, where desir the liquid within the first pipe string in a location
able, water-thickening agents can also be incorporated above the bottom of the second pipe string to be
in a foaming agent-containing gas-generating solution replaced by gas; and
of the present invention to enhance the liquid-lifting 55 continuing said inflowing and outflowing of fluid
power of the foam, Suitable thickening agents are those while adjusting said rates of flowing fluid, to the
which are water-soluble and compatible with the gas extent required, to cause the pressure within the
generating liquid solution and the mixture of gas, dril borehole at said fluid-removal depth to be reduced
ling mud, and/or petroleum products which are formed to and maintained at a selected relatively low value
as the fluids are mingled within the wellbore. Examples 60 for a selected time while liquid inclusive of what
of suitable thickening agents include xanthan gum poly ever liquid is drawn in from the reservoir is being
mers, hydroxyethyl celluloses, carboxymethyl cellu gas-lifted to a surface location.
loses, and the like thickeners. 2. The process of claim 1 in which said gas-lifting of
What is claimed is: liquid is continued for at least a plurality of hours.
1. A well treating process for gas-lifting liquid from a 65 3. The process of claims 1 or 2 in which said first pipe
borehole which contains a liquid, comprising: string is equipped with a downhole pressure-recording
extending a first pipe string which is equipped with a gauge means arranged to be located at a known rela
remotely-actuatable annulus sealing means within tively short distance above said fluid-removal location,
4. The process of claims 1 or 2 in which the correla 8. The process of claims 6 or 7 in which said first pipe
tion between the reaction rate of the gas-generating string is equipped with a downhole pressure-recording
components and the rate of flowing the gas-generating gauge means arranged to be located at a known rela
solution into the well is such that by the time the inflow tively short distance above the reservoir.
ing fluid reaches the depth of the fluid communication 9. The process of claim 6 or 7 in which the rates at
between the conduits, it contains enough gas to reduce which the gas-generating solution is flowed into the
its density gradient to less than that of the liquid in the second pipe string while fluid is flowed out of the first
borehole. pipe string are (a) initially arranged so that the fluid
5. The process of claim 1 in which undesirable solid pressure within the borehole at the depth of the reser
or liquid components are dissolved or dispersed within 10 voir is kept substantially constant while liquid in those
the liquid contained within the borehole and said liquid pipe strings above the bottom of the second pipe string
is gas-lifted from within the borehole in order to re is replaced by gas and (b) subsequently arranged to
move such components. reduce the pressure within the borehole at the reservoir
6. A process for testing a subterranean oil reservoir depth.
which is in fluid communication with a drilling fluid 15 10. The process of claims 6 or 7 in which said gas
containing borehole comprising: generating solution consists essentially of water, ammo
extending a first pipe string which is equipped with a nium chloride and sodium nitrite.
remotely-actuatable annulus packing means within 11. A well treating process for gas-lifting liquid from
the borehole so that the pipe string extends be a liquid-containing borehole comprising:
tween the reservoir and a surface location; providing a first conduit extending within the bore
actuating the packing means to seal the annulus hole from a surface location to a selected fluid
around the first pipe string in a location above the removal depth within the liquid in the borehole;
reservoir; providing a second conduit extending within the
extending a second pipe string within the first to a 25 borehole from a surface location to a point of fluid
depth sufficient to provide a selected reduction in communication with the first conduit and the liquid
the fluid pressure within the borehole at the depth in the borehole at a depth low enough to cause a
of the reservoir when a significant proportion of significant reduction in hydrostatic pressure at the
the liquid within the first and second pipe strings in fluid-removal depth when a significant proportion
locations above the bottom of the second pipe 30 of the liquid in the first and second conduits above
string is replaced by gas; the point of fluid communication is replaced by
compounding a gas-generating aqueous liquid solu compounding a gas-generating aqueous liquid solu
tion of inorganic compounds which solution (a) tion of inorganic compounds which solution (a)
contains ammonium ions and nitrite ions (b) is self contains ammonium ions and nitrite ions and (b) is
reacting at the temperature within the borehole 35 self-reacting at the temperature within the bore
and (c) reacts for form gaseous nitrogen and a hole and (c) reacts to form gaseous nitrogen and a
relatively inert, low-density and oil-immiscible relatively inert aqueous liquid;
aqueous solution; flowing the gas-generating solution into an upper
flowing the gas-generating solution into the top of the portion of one of the conduits while flowing fluid
second pipe string while flowing fluid out of the out of an upper portion of the other conduit and
top of the first pipe string and correlating the rates correlating those rates of flow with the rate of
of fluid inflor and outflow so that a significant gas-generation to cause at least a significant pro
portion of the liquid within those pipe strings in portion of the liquid in at least one of the conduits
locations above the bottom of the second pipe to be replaced by gas; and
string is displaced by gas; and 45 continuing said inflowing and outflowing of fluid
continuing said inflowing and outflowing of fluid while further adjusting said rates of flow to the
while increasing the relative rate of said fluid out extent required to cause the hydrostatic pressure
flow to the extent required to cause the fluid pres within the borehole at the fluid-removal depth to
sure within the borehole at the reservoir depth to be reduced to and maintained at a selected rela
be reduced to and maintained at a selected rela 50 tively low value due to a gas-lifting of liquid inclu
tively low value for a selected time while liquid sive of whatever liquid is drawn in from the reser
inclusive of whatever liquid is drawn in from the voir from the borehole.
reservoir is being gas-lifted to a surface location. 12. The process of claim 1 in which the gas-generat
7. The process of claim 6 in which the gas-lifting of ing solution is flowed into an internal pipe string while
liquid while maintaining a relatively low fluid pressure 55 fluid is being flowed out of the annulus between that
within the borehole at the reservoir depth is continued pipe string and a surrounding conduit.
for at least a plurality of hours. ck ck x sk ck



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