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Iiihiiih: United States Patent

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United States Patent (19) 11) Patent Number: 5,111,927

Schulze, Jr. (45) Date of Patent: May 12, 1992
(54) AUTOMATED RECYCLING MACHINE 4.483,248 11/1984 Ostreng.......................... 100/902 X
4.512.253 4/1985 LaBarge ...... ... 100/902 X
76 Inventor: Everett E. Schulze, Jr., 1741 Fulton, 4.597,487 7/1986 Crosby et al. ....................... 194/209
Aurora, Colo. 80010 4,601.238 7/1986 Davis et al. ..................... 100/902 X
4,715,920 12/1987 Ruppman .
(21) Appl. No.: 520,715 4,726,535 2/1988 Snyder .
22 Filed: May 7, 1990 4,784,251 1 1/1988 DeWoolfson et al. ........... 241/8. X
Primary Examiner-F. J. Bartuska
Related U.S. Application Data Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Sheridan Ross & McIntosh
63 Continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 462,394, Jan. 5, 1990. 57) ABSTRACT
51) Int, Cl. ........................... G07F 7/06; B07c5/00 A beverage container recycling machine is disclosed.
52 U.S. Cl. .................................... 194/209; 100/902; The machine includes a first module for receiving and
209/644; 209/930 handling plastic containers, a second module for receiv
(58) Field of Search ............... 194/208, 209, 212, 213; ing and handling glass containers and a third module for
209/629, 644, 645,930; 100/902; 241/99, 24, receiving and handling metal containers. Each of the
19, 81 three modules is contained in the same housing or stor
(56) References Cited age unit. Preferably, the machine includes one or more
coupon dispensers for dispensing redeemable coupons
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS and the machine is conveniently located near a store or
Re.276,43 5/1973 Myers .................................. 194/208 other outlet at which the coupons can be redeemed.
3,104,607 9/1963 Galas .......... ... 241/99 X Each of the three modules is separately accessed but
3,749,240 7/1973 Spears et al. ................... 209/636 X their operations are, preferably, under the common
3,792,765 2/1974 Arp ..................................... 194/209 control of a single processor unit. The housing also
3,802,631 4/1974 Boyd . contains a separate coin dispensing unit for each of the
3,907,087 9/1975 Tanaka ............................ 100/902 X three modules and in one embodiment, both coins and a
4,091,725 5/1978 Arp ......................................... 100/45 coupon are dispensed upon receipt of an acceptable
4,102.263 7/1978 Forsberg........................... 241/99 X
4,265,170 5/1981 Schulze. container in the appropriate module.
4,436,026 3/1984 Inamura et al. .............., 100/902 X
4,454,028 6/1984 Vetter ................................. 209/548 9 Claims, 16 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent May 12, 1992 Sheet 1 of 16 5,111,927

F. G.
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FIG. 4
1. 2
or reject a particular container, the apparatus deter
AUTOMATED RECYCLING MACHINE mines the height and weight of a container. The height
and weight information is also used in determining
RELATED APPLICATION whether or not the container is empty.
This application is a continuation-in-part of prior U.S. Pat. No. 3,907,087 to Tenaka, issued Sep. 23,
application Ser. No. 462,394 filed Jan. 5, 1990 by Ever 1975 and entitled "Device for Discharging Refund
ett E. Schulze, Jr. entitled "A Computerized Merchan Coins and Crushing Metallic Cans of Different Sizes'
dising System", the benefit of the filing date of which is relates to a can crushing apparatus that dispenses an
claimed under 35 USC 120. amount of money based upon the size of the received
O container. That is, larger cans result in the dispensing of
FIELD a larger amount of money than smaller cans.
The invention relates to an automated recycling ma U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,091,725, issued May 30, 1978, enti
chine, and more particularly to a modular machine tled “Container Crushing Device," and 3,792,765, is
having one or more subassemblies for receiving, detect sued Feb. 19, 1974, entitled "Apparatus for Crushing
ing, discriminating, sorting and crushing a variety of 15 Containers and Dispensing Tokens," both to Arp, relate
beverage containers, e.g. aluminum soda pop, juice and to a container crusher that is able to count the number
beer cans, bi-metal cans, plastic-liter bottles, and white, of containers and which controls the crushing operation
brown and green glass alcoholic and non-alcoholic by determining whether or not the particular container
beverage bottles. Depending on the type and size of weighs less than a predetermined maximum weight.
container, the recycling machine accepts the container, U.S. Pat. No. 4,483,248 to Ostreng, issued Nov. 20,
crushes it, stores the crushed can or glass cullet and 1984 entitled “Aluminum/Steel Can Separator and
plastic on site for later periodic pick up, and pays the Baler,' describes an aluminum/steel can separator,
depositor (person) scrap value or the state mandated which indicates it is known to separate steel from alumi
redemption value in cash, and/or that value in script or num using a magnet. Upstream of the position in the
tokens, plus one or more incentive items, such as cents 25 machine where steel cans are removed, there is a light
off coupons, promotional games, coupons or tickets and source which is used to count containers that are pro
sweepstakes entries and/or premium items. cessed by the machine.
BACKGROUND U.S. Pat. No. 3,802,631, issued Apr. 9, 1974 to Boyd
Background of the Invention 30 entitled "Waste Separating and Recycling system",
describes a recycling system in which there is a separa
Environmental issues and concerns have led to an tion among component parts including plastics, glass
increased awareness on the part of individuals, busi and metals. Plastic materials are separated by using air
nesses, environmental groups and governmental agen to remove the light plastic materials from the heavier
cies for the need to recycle materials associated with 35 materials. Magnetic separating means are used to sepa
consumer products. A major category of recyclable rate out metallic substances.
materials are containers, which include beverage con U.S. Pat. No. 4,726,535 to Snyder, issued Feb. 23,
tainers. Beverage containers are typically made of plas 1988 entitled "Machine for Removing Caps and Base
tic, glass or metals including aluminum or a bi-metal Cups from Plastic Bottles,” describes a machine for
composition of aluminum and steel. Separate recycling 40 detecting different materials that make up the body and
machines have been previously devised or proposed for base of a plastic container. The patent also discloses the
receiving and handling one of plastic, glass and metal use of sensors for determining whether or not the plastic
containers for recycling purposes. is a clear or a colored plastic.
In U.S. Pat. No. 4,454,028 to Vetter, issued Jun. 12, U.S. Pat. No. 4,715,920 to Ruppman, issued Dec. 29,
1984 and entitled "Can Sorting Method and Appara 45 1987 entitled "Apparatus and Method for Recycling
tus,' a can sorting method and apparatus is disclosed. In Beverage Containers,' discloses an apparatus for recy
particular, a customer-operated machine is provided for cling plastic beverage containers. This patent recog
receiving a number of containers and for separating, nizes that the base of certain plastic containers may be
counting and documenting the count of the containers, made of a material different than the body.
while returning rejected containers to the customer or U.S. Pat. No. 4,265,170 to Schulze, Jr., issued May 5,
user. A plurality of containers can be fed into the 50
hopper of the apparatus. The apparatus initially deter 1981, and entitled "Solenoid Actuated Container
mines if the can is made of aluminum and if the can is Crusher' discloses a recycling machine that includes
empty. The apparatus displays the number of accepted solenoids for crushing containers, end-to-end, using a
containers, the current redemption value per unit of moving head and a stationary anvil. The machine also
weight of aluminum and the money that is to be paid to 55 includes storage for crushed cans and a magnetic metal
the customer. Processing of so-called deformed cans by and glass rejecter, with an overweight can rejecter
the apparatus is also disclosed. U.S. Pat. No. 4,512,253 when used for aluminum.
to LaBarge, issued Apr. 23, 1985 entitled "Apparatus U.S. Reissue Pat. No. 27,643, issued May 8, 1973, to
for Processing Recyclable Containers,” describes a Meyers entitled "Process and Apparatus for Collection
recyclable container apparatus for detecting the type of 60 of Metal Containers' disclosed a recycling apparatus in
container material. In particular, an eddy current detec which containers are moved along a trackway, and
tion unit is provided, as well as an apparatus for measur non-magnetic containers are gravitationally separated
ing the height of the container and for issuing a receipt from the trackway. The separated containers are
relating to the totals of one or more different types of crushed, stored and a token is automatically dispensed,
containers that were received. The patent indicates the 65 while magnetic containers are separately stored.
apparatus is able to distinguish between metal and non Despite these numerous efforts directed to facilitating
metal containers, and further between aluminum and the recycling of beverage containers, there is an imme
steel containers. To determine whether or not to accept diate and pressing need to provide a relatively compact,
5,111,927 4.
convenient and government certifiable recycling ma machine including cash, promotional items such as cou
chine that is able, at one location and in one system on pons, discounts, and promotional games, sweepstakes
a stand-alone, automated, and unmanned basis, to reli entries, premium items and the like.
ably receive and crush beverage containers, regardless It is another object of this invention to provide a
of their size and whether the containers are made of 5 remotely controllable recycling and vending machine
metal, plastic, glass or some other distinguishing mate which is computer controlled and completely auto
rial. mated, and which is simple to service and reliable in its
THE INVENTION operations.
Still further objects will be evident from the descrip
10 tions and drawings in this case.
It is among the objects of this invention to provide an BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS
integrated recycling coin and coupon vending machine
having a series of modular components which are inter The invention is described in more detail by reference
linked in a variety of ways: mechanical, electrical, 15 to the drawings in which:
photo-optical and fluidic. FIG. 1 is a perspective view of the integrated, re
It is another object of this invention to provide a motely controllable, automated recycling and vending
beverage container recycling machine which can ac machine of this invention showing various modules
cept a heretofore unprecedented variety of beverage or extended on their roller slides for adjustment or servic
other containers including aluminum, bi-metal, plastic ling
and glass beverage containers, and distinguish them 20 FIG. 1a shows in schematic the interrelationship of
from unacceptable objects and pay the appropriate the various modules of this invention;
scrap or state mandated redemption value to the con FIG. 2 shows in isometric perspective the plastics
sumer after acceptance of the containers. crusher module of this invention;
It is another object of this invention to provide an FIG. 3 shows a vertical section view of the plastics
improved beverage container recycling machine which 25
module along line 3-3 of FIG. 2;
is adjustable in its features to permit acceptance of addi FIG. 3a shows in schematic section view the opera
tional types of containers in the future, and to provide tion of the safety stops associated with the receiving
for appropriate changes in scrap or state mandated re cradle;
demption values for different types of containers. FIG. 4 shows in schematic the operational functions
It is another object of this invention to provide im 30
proved crushing systems for recycling machines. of the plastics crushing module;
It is another object of this invention to provide more FIG. 5 is an isometric perspective view of the metals
efficient crushing to permit a greater density of crushed crushing module from the left side from the front;
FIG. 5a-5d are views of elements of the metals crush
materials so that storage bins employed in conjunction ing module exploded from FIG. 5, with FIG. 5a being
with recycling machines are able to accept greater num 35
one of the jaws of the crusher in perspective, FIG. 5b
bers of containers thus requiring less frequent servicing
and collection. being a side elevation of the jaw of FIG. 5a, FIG. 5c
It another object of this invention to provide coin being a vertical section along the line 5c-5c of FIG. 5b,
dispensing assemblies for recycling machines which are and FIG. 5d being a perspective of the trap door;
able to handle the very large quantities of coins required FIG. 6 is an isometric perspective view of the right
for unmanned automated vending machines. side of the metals crusher module of FIG. 5;
It is another object of this invention to provide a FIG. 7 is a vertical section view along the line 7-7 in
special closed-loop air system which functions not only FIG. 6;
as an air classifying system, but also as a discrimination FIG. 8 shows in schematic the operational functions
and rejection system. 45 of the metals crushing module;
It is another object of this invention to provide spe FIG. 9 is an isometric perspective view of the glass
cial security, safety and sensor systems which will pre crusher module from the left side;
vent fraudulent redemption and permit discrimination FIG. 10 is a vertical section view, partly in schematic,
of different types of beverage containers over a wide of the elevator grate taken along line 10-10 of FIG. 9;
variety of weights, sizes (in all dimensions) and colors of 50 FIG. 11 is an isometric projection of the lower
multi-material type of containers such as bi-metal, bi blown-air plenum for the glass crusher module;
plastic, and various multi-colored glass and plastic con FIG. 12 is a schematic of the operational functions of
tainers. the glass crusher module;
It is another object of this invention to provide spe FIG. 13 is an isometric perspective view of the coin
cial beverage container handling systems within the 55 dispenser assembly;
recycling machine to prevent misalignment of the bev FIG. 13a is a partial section view of the piggy-back
erage containers prior to crushing, and to prevent dam coin hopper assembly of the coin dispenser along lines
age to the crushing mechanism through improperly 13a-13a of FIG. 13; and
sized, improperly weighted, improperly oriented and FIG. 14 is an isometric projection of the printer mod
dirty containers in the system. 60 ule, the dispenser slot, and the MPC and on-board com
It is another object of this invention to provide a puter modules.
system for discriminating between bi-metal vs. alumi SUMMARY
num beverage containers, and to make determinations
whether the container should be crushed or not The invention comprises an automated, stand-alone,
crushed, and to pay appropriate values. 65 unmanned recycling and vending machine for recycling
It is another object of this invention to provide a used beverage containers, typically those beverage con
recycling system which can be remotely controlled by tainers which are the subject of "bottle bills" which
computer to vary the redemption values vended by the provide for return of redemption value upon recycling
5,111,927 6
of the used beverage containers. The recycling machine ules conveniently may have count or remaining volume
comprises a series of interrelated modules having means sensors associated therewith which are linked to the
for receiving, sensing, classifying, segregating and/or on-board computer. When the coin supply becomes low
rejecting various types of containers, and collecting in one or more of the modules, the on-board computer
them in special bins in either crushed or non-crushed can automatically dial out, sending a signal to the ar
form. Simultaneously, the information relating to the mored car service to resupply the coin dispenser mod
cans deposited by the consumer is evaluated in an on ules.
board microprocessor controller MPC and/or com The automated, integrated, modular recycling and
puter OBC, the values totaled, and appropriate redemp vending machine of this invention contains a variety of
tion values paid to the consumer in cash, script or to 10 important additional features including the following:
kens. To insure reliability without the presence of operat
In addition, an on-board coupon printer, which may ing or service personnel, all of the switches within the
be remotely controlled, prints various incentive coupon machine are proximity switches rather than mechanical
items which may include various types of discounts and switches which wear out much too fast considering the
prizes such as cents-off coupons, saver ("bonus") 15 vast numbers of beverage containers which are recy
stamps, premiums, promotional game coupons or tick cled in such types of machines.
ets, and/or sweepstakes entries and the like which may The crushers are solenoid operated rather than being
be redeemed by the consumer in grocery or other types hydraulic, pneumatic, screw type ram crushers, or gear
of stores in the area. Preferably the machine is located crushers. This provides for easy adjustability of the
adjacent a food or other store. In a preferred embodi crush stroke. In addition, to prevent a hammering ef
ment, when the coupons are redeemed in the stores, fect, the solenoid operation is electrically pulsed so
they are read by a bar code scanner in the store and there is a smooth and even stroke. Further, the crushed
canceled, and the information provided to the on-board container size (thickness in the case of cans and large
computer via data link. This information is then col plastic bottles, and the cullet size in the case of glass
lected and forwarded to a remotely located pod com 25 containers) is easily controlled by the crush chamber
puter and/or to a promotional sponsor so that substan size and stroke. One serious disadvantage of prior types
tially instantaneous evaluation of consumer response to of crushers is that in the case of glass cullet they tend to
the offered consumer promotion may be obtained and produce too many fines. These fines are easily airborne
the various promotional offers tailored to the demo and can collect in the crusher and cause clogging and
graphics, season, target market, area etc. in which the 30 abrasions of the crushing mechanism and other sensitive
recycling machine is located. electrical and electronic mechanisms of such machines.
The modules of the machine include a special plastics In addition, the production of too high a percentage of
crusher/shredder module and its associated collection fines produces a fugitive dust problem which is of seri
bin, a glass crusher module and its associated collection ous air quality concern.
bin, and a metal crusher module and its associated col 35 The greater density produced by the more complete
lection bin controlled by an on-board microprocessor crush of cans and plastic bottles, and control of cullet
controller (MPC). The crushing modules have im size in the case of glass, means that the bins can contain
proved crushing features so that there is a substantial far more containers. For example, in the case of bever
improvement in volume reduction. Thus, a greater age cans, one of the three 36 cubic foot bins of the
number of cans and bottles can be accepted and stored 40 machine of this invention at 25 pounds of cans per cubic
in reduced volume form in the collection bins so that foot will hold up to about 25,000 cans where all cans are
there is no need for an on-site operations person and the crushed. Other machines hold from three to four
collection of the crushed materials for recycle is less pounds per cubic foot, and still others collect only 54
frequent than in prior recycling machines of this kind. pounds of crushed cans in nine to twelve cubic feet.
Further, the collection bins are adapted to be separa 45 Glass is reduced to 75 pounds per cubic foot, a maxi
ble from the crusher and coupon printer modules, and mum of 2700 pounds.
are also separate from the coin dispenser modules so In addition, each crusher module is designed to ad
that each function is handled separately. That is, a haul dress the distinctly different problems of crushing the
ing service can access only the collection bins and re different types of materials, the large plastic two-liter
move the bins, emptying them or replacing them with 50 bottles as compared to the glass, and as compared to
fresh bins. Each of the access panels to these bins may metal cans. In the case of the large plastic bottles and
be separately locked so that the hauling service has no glass, the crushing is parallel to the axis of the container,
access to the separate crusher, coupon printer or coin a lateral crush, whereas the crush in the case of cans is
dispenser modules. A separate armored car coin-han axial can crushing. That is, the crushing force is applied
dling service may be employed to service and refill the 55 transverse to the axis of the can. In addition, special
coin dispensers. The coin dispensers are located behind release bars are provided in the metals crusher jaws to
a separate panel area, the upper panel area, and the overcome the problem of sugar and other food waste
hauling and other service personnel have no access to building up on the crusher jaws causing the cans after
the coins located in the coin dispensers. Typically, the being crushed to stick to the face of the jaws thus caus
machine when full will contain several hundreds or ing jamming. The crusher jaws in the glass crusher
thousands of dollars worth of coins so that extensive module are specially designed with opposed jaws hav
security is necessary to prevent tampering or theft. ing crush members perpendicularly oriented with re
Still a third service organization can be used to pro spect to each other so that the glass bottles are held in
vide maintenance, adjustment or replacements for the position while they are being crushed. In addition, spe
crusher modules, MPC, OBC and coupon printers. 65 cial ribs in the glass crush jaws provide several thou
Again, the panels giving access to these special modules sand pounds per square inch of crush force. Each crush
may be separately keyed so that only the appropriate ing module is self clearing, and will not function until
personnel have access to them. The coin dispenser mod the container to be crushed is properly oriented in the
5,111,927 8
crush chamber. There is also a discrimination feature of system which classifies the plastic beverage containers
"paying the consumer without crushing' which is par in the plastic crusher module is set at a different, more
ticularly useful in the case of discriminating between vertical mode than at sea level, say in the Los Angeles
bi-metal containers and aluminum. Thus bi-metal con area. In addition, there is a reverse use of air in the
tainers may be accepted along with aluminum contain different crusher modules. Air is used to classify and
ers in a single crusher module, and it is simple to sort the transport plastic containers in the plastic crusher; in
bi-metal containers magnetically from the crushed alu contrast, air is used to reject the glass crusher module.
minum since they are not crushed. The air ducts are accordion-type ducts which travel
Regarding the pay features, there are simple high/- upon sliding the modules in and out of the unit so that
low value adjustments so that as the redemption value 10 the air ducts need not be disassembled to service the
changes from time to time by statute or regulation, the machine.
numbers and types of coins dispensed by the coin A special elevator grid is used in the glass crusher
hoppers may be easily adjusted without having to rede module to insure that tapered glass bottles are properly
sign or replace the coin hoppers and feeder mecha moved into the crusher chamber. For sensitivity control
nisms. The pay system is designed to offer payment in 15 to discriminate between various weights and/or con
appropriate increments, for example, as set up for the tainers misaligned in the crush chamber the slam-dunk
current California redemption value AB2020 Bottle doors and the trap doors in each of the crushing mod
Bill, the system accumulates 2.5 cents and then pays ules are gravity down and mechanically lifted rather
upon reaching 5 cents. This is called a "pay 5 cents, than vice versa. This permits precise weight sensitivity
carry 2.5 cents" system. If the consumer only puts in 20 adjustment.
one container, and no others, then either by a timing DETALED DESCRIPTION OF THE BEST
mechanism or upon the consumer pushing the "end of MODE
transaction' button, the consumer can be paid appropri
ately. Pursuant to statute and regulation, the machine The following detailed description illustrates the
need only pay in round cents and thus pays two cents. 25 invention by way of example, not by way of limitation
At the same time the machine provides valuable con of the principles of the invention. This description will
sumer incentive coupons. The coin hopper modules are clearly enable one skilled in the art to make and use the
non-weighted coin hoppers. The large quantity of coins invention, and describes several embodiments, adapta
used would be so heavy as to cause belt-type coin mech tions, variations, alternatives and uses of the invention,
anisms to malfunction under the weight of the coins 30 including what I presently believe is the best mode of
supported on the belt. The coin hopper feeder mecha carrying out the invention.
nism of this invention includes a special, two-hopper Overall Machine
system in which a first hopper feeds to the second coin
feeder hopper so that the coin feeder hopper is never FIG. 1 shows in isometric projection, the automated
overloaded, 35 recycling and revending machine of this invention hav
The invention includes extensive sensor systems, both ing frame-and-panel construction, frame members 52
capacitance type sensors and photo-optical type sensors and panel members 53 respectively. Shown are side
for determining the approach, presence, size, dimen panels 53a and 53b and top panel 53c. Not shown in
sion, color and type of container. In addition, mechani FIG. 1 are the front panels behind which are located the
cal systems provide weight sensing. All of the mechani 40 three collector bins 22, 24 and 26 for plastics, metals and
cal operations and sensor systems are completely adjust glass, respectively and the panels 76,276 (see FIGS. 3,
able. For example, a series of trap doors and pusher 7 & 10) which cover the crusher modules 28a through
doors ('slam-dunk doors') are adjustable and spring 28c and coupon printer modules 32, and the panels
biased to provide weight and object sensitivity. The which cover coin token dispensing assemblies 30. It
trap doors may also be apertured (X-met) and/or 45 should be understood that the front panels enclosing the
shorter than the crush chambers to permit crushed cans crusher modules and coin/coupon dispenser assemblies
and cullet to fall through so as to prevent jamming. The have a series of appropriate apertures 73,273 (see FIGS.
trap doors are preferably made of X-met to prevent 3, 7 & lo) therein through which the consumer intro
trapping misaligned bottles, and to permit appropriate duces the beverage container 42 into the crusher mod
airflow patterns to be established. The sensors may also 50 ule, and subsequently receives coins from the coin dis
be employed to prevent a payment to the consumer in penser coupon dispensing slot assembly 31. Coupons are
the event of fraud, mistake, or tampering with the ma also dispensed from printer 32 through an appropriate
chine. The sensors are integrated into a constant, self slot in assembly 31. Additionally, an aperture may be
clearing mode for each cycle of the machine. The sen provided in the front panels for an "end transaction'
sors are also integrated with a variety of security and 55 button 64 associated with each of the crusher modules.
safety features preventing tampering by the consumer The upper panel 55 is conveniently hinged with a
or service personnel in areas in which they are not piano type hinge along its upper edge so that it may be
permitted, and to also provide for safety so that con raised as shown in FIG. 1 to provide access to the
sumers or others do not injure themselves. Thus for coin/token dispenser modules, various fans and other
example, the force of a child's hand can stop the con equipment such as environmental control units (air
tainer receiving cradle from rotating closed so that a fresheners, air conditioning and handling apparatus, and
child's fingers are not injured by rotation of the con apparatus for control of pests, mildew, fungus, bacteria
tainer cradle upon receipt of the beverage container. and like). Preferably the upper panel 55 and upper end
The air streams are used in a closed loop air system or side panels 53b are box-type panels raisable elecro
which reduces the horsepower required. In addition, 65 mechanically as by a garage door opener (not shown)
the air direction is carefully controlled and easily ad Preferably these box panels contain transparent or
justable to compensate for differences in altitude. For translucent fronts on which various information is
example, at the altitude of Denver, the air handling printed with a source of illumination (such as fluores
5,111,927 10
cent tubes) behind it to provide illumination for the to insure that there is appropriate alignment between
consumer during evening and night time hours. A com the related modules and to prevent damage during ship
mon type of front which may be used is a "translite" ment, operation or servicing.
which may also contain a picture and other promotional In addition, the crushed plastics collector bin 22 is
information. The front panels may also conveniently shown being pulled out of its receiving position 57 via at
contain instructions and other types of notices on the ramp 59.a. Note the ramp stays with the machine, in
opaque signage. Typically, the interior of the housing that it may be pivoted up out of the way as shown by
contains environmental insulation, including thermal ramp 59b so that the appropriate front panel may be
and sound insulation. The exterior of one or more of the secured over it. Ramp 59c is shown in its deployed
panels may include non-mar surfaces. Typical dimen O position before removing the metals collector bin 24.
sions for the housing are on the order of eight feet high In operation, the consumer approaches the machine,
and ten feet long and four feet deep. The unit is con follows the instructions by placing the appropriate con
nected to a source of electrical power and data links tainer in the appropriate crusher module through the
(not shown). entry slot into the receiving cradle. The machine then
The various control functions and connections to the 5 processes the container, determining its composition,
remotely located pod computer 16, pod central com size, weight and/or color, classifies the container, and if
puter 12 and coupon distributor computers 14 have appropriate, crushes it, depositing the crushed remains
been previously described in the aforementioned co in the appropriate bin. If the container is improper, the
pending serial number 462,394, the disclosure of which machine then rejects the container but does not pay or
is incorporated herewith by reference. Likewise, the use return it to the consumer, and does not dispense a pro
of input data from one or more bar code scanners 40 via motional coupon. If the proper container is redeemed,
multiplex collector 38 (for the bar code scanners) is the machine will then match the sensed information
fully described in serial number 462,394. The on-board relating to the container to the preprogrammed con
computer 18 may communicate via modem 34 with the tainer value and cause the coin dispenser to issue the
various remote external computers and data inputs by 25 appropriate coins or tokens to the consumer in accor
any convenient transmission means and/or hard wire. dance with the state-mandated redemption value or
The on-board microprocessor controller 20 (MPC) scrap value. In addition, the coupon printer prints ap
functions to control the various operations of the me propriate information on the multi-part coupon and
chanical modules described herein. dispenses it to the consumer.
Referring now to both FIGS. 1 and 1a, the latter 30 Various sensors are provided as will be described in
shows in schematic the various modules of the auto more detail below to satisfy the discrimination and clas
mated recycling and vending machine 50. The machine sification functions. In addition, there are a number of
comprises three basic crusher modules, a plastics cru photo-optical, electronic and mechanical systems to
sher/shredder module 28a, glass crusher module 28b prevent anyone from injury upon attempting to put
and metal crusher module 28c. The consumer intro 35 their hands into the machine and/or vandalize or sabo
duces a beverage container 42 into the receiving cradle tage it, or to attempt fraudulent redemption with non
58 of a crusher module 28. Assuming for the moment redeemable containers or other objects. Heretofore,
the beverage container is an appropriate container, the other recycling machines have not been able to satisfac
module senses, discriminates, sorts and crushes the con torily discriminate between the various types of con
tainer, dropping it into the appropriate collector bin, tainers, or have become easily jammed with improperly
plastics collector bin 22, metals collector bin 24, or glass sized, fouled or dirty objects or beverage containers.
collector bin 26, as the case may be, located just below Further, the property of the machine to be able to pro
the crusher module. On sensing and detecting a con duce instantly changeable coupons responsive to the
tainer of the appropriate size, weight, material type, dynamics of marketing variables has not heretofore
and/or color of container, the coin dispenser 30 then been obtained by recycling machines as has been more
dispenses the appropriate redemption value to the con fully described and claimed in system application
sumer via the dispensing slot assembly 31. At the same 462,394.
time, coupon printer 32 may be programmed to print The housing 51 is environmentally sealed so that the
and distribute via the dispensing slot assembly 31, a one machine is a stand-alone unit that can operate automati
or more part coupon. "Coupon' is broadly defined 50 cally, 24 hours a day without need for the presence of
herein as in serial number 462,394 to include any type of operational personnel. The machine can be lifted as a
promotional item, and is preferably a three part coupon unit by appropriate tackle engaging the eyes 61 at each
including some sort of a discount coupon such as a of the upper four corners. The machine can be remotely
cents-off coupon, a rub off game token and/or a sweep monitored or controlled through data line link via
stakes entry, and a saver or bonus stamp (proof of recy 55 modem 34 to an on-board computer 18 and micro
cling stamp). processor controller 20.
As shown in FIG. 1, the various modules are Referring to FIG. 1a the recycling machine prefera
mounted on slides 56 so that they may be pulled out for bly includes a reader unit 65 that is accessible upon
easy access for adjustment, servicing or replacement. opening one or more of the panels of recycling machine,
As shown in FIG. 1, the plastics crusher module 28 is such as special key-access panel 66 (in wall 53a). The
pulled almost all of the way out, while the printer mod reader unit 65 may be a bar code reader for reading a
ule 32 associated with the metals crusher module 28c is pre-determined code. The reader unit 65 communicates
pulled out only part way, and the coin/token dispenser with the on-board computer for providing information
30 associated with the glass crusher module 28 is pulled to the on-board computer, based on the input informa
part way out. It should be understood that even though 65 tion read by it.
each of these modules or assemblies are mounted on In one application, a pre-determined code is input
slides, they also include locking positions to lock the into the reader unit by an individual who is collecting
modules in their operative position within the machine the recycled containers from the recycled container
11 12
bins. That is, at regular intervals or when one or more of ally includes a pair of spaced, upstanding side walls 71a
the bins are filled with containers, the employee or and 71b into which are journaled or on which are
individual responsible for collecting and removing the mounted a variety of the subassemblies as will be de
containers inputs a pre-determined code using the scribed in more detail below, and which side walls are
reader unit 65 to the on-board computer. This pre cross-braced as appropriate, such as by cross members
determined information is relayed to the POD com 72a, 72b and others not shown in these drawings. Addi
puter 16, where it is checked or compared with one or tionally, some of the other subassemblies serve not only
more of a number of acceptable pre-determined access to perform their own function but also to cross-brace
codes. If a verification is made between the input code and maintain the side wall spacing of the housing.
and previously stored expected or acceptable codes, O Referring to FIGS. z and 3, the consumer deposits a
this verification or match results in a transfer, storing or used plastic container 42 (see FIG. 1) through plastics
saving of information relating to recycled containers container deposit slot 73 which is defined between the
that have been received by the recycling machine since side walls 71a and 71b, the upper cross brace 72a and
the last determined code was input to that machine. metal detector 75 which is positioned at the entry. In
Such information includes the total number of contain 15 troduction of the container is shown as arrow A in
ers received from each of the three modules. Preferably FIGS. 1 and 2. The slot 73 is defined in the stainless
also, for each of the three modules, there is a total num steel cover panel 76 as shown in FIG. 3. The receiving
ber of large containers received and a total number of cradle 58 is in the fully closed position as shown in solid
small containers received. In one embodiment large lines in FIG. 3 and is denominated 58a. That is, the
containers are considered those greater than 24 oz, and 20 consumersees the solid bottom surface of the receiving
the small containers are less than or equal to 24 oz. This cradle which is a hemi-cylinder having circular ends 77
saved information can be provided to a necessary or
interested party, such as a governmental agency, which journaled in brackets 78 secured to the side panels 71a
monitors such information in connection with the recy and 71b respectively. This is best shown in FIG. 2.
cling of containers by the recycling machine. As can be 25 Upon passing the bottle into the slot 73, the bottle inter
appreciated, use of the reader unit 65 initiates an auto rupts the infra-red entry detector 74 which looks
matic saving and it generates an automatic pre-deter through a hole 79 placed intermediate the entry slot 73
mined print-out providing the desired information, and the position of the cradle 58. It also passes over
thereby saving additional time and effort in obtaining metal detector 75, the upper surface of which is sloped
such information by manual determination and/or some 30 slightly downwardly from front to back to permit a
other less convenient means. shorter person to place the bottle at the entry lip and let
In a preferred embodiment, the recycling machine it roll downwardly toward the cradle. If the entry de
also communicates with a store display 67 through its tector 74 detects the presence of an object by interrup
on-board computer. A store display is typically placed tion of the infra-red beam, and the metal detector 75
in a retail outlet, such as a grocery store, which is lo 35 detects that the object is not metal, then the cradle 58 is
cated near the recycling machine. The store display has rotated by motor 80 to its open position as shown in
changeable message capability and preferably graphics dashed lines in FIG. 3. It is preferred that blower 81
display capability. It communicates with the on-board starts immediately upon the entry detection so that
computer over standard data link using a commercially there is sufficient air pressure built up in the system
available modem 34. Since the on-board computer is 40 before the cradle reaches its open position. The cradle
operatively connected to the POD computer, the POD. does not pause for any extended length of time. Rather
computer is able to generate and/or send desired infor it opens momentarily and closes continuously so it ac
mation to the store display 67 for display of desired cepts only one container at a time. This serves as a
information. In one embodiment, information to be counting function. However, since the drive system is
displayed using the store display 67 is part of a data or 45 spring biased, if a person attempts to stop the rotation
information file that includes coupon-related data, such with the hand 126 (see FIG. 3a), or the person's hand is
as the identity of a product, an amount off the regular caught in the cradle, the cradle will not continue to
price of the identified product and a termination date close. Only light finger pressure need be applied to
for the coupon. In such an embodiment, when informa prevent the cradle from closing. Since the object in the
tion to be printed on the coupon is to be changed, the 50 cradle is an empty beverage container, the power to
information to the store display unit 67, such as an ad rotate the cradle is made minimal for safety reasons. As
vertising message, can also be changed on the store the cradle rotates, the round beverage container in the
display 67. When the new coupon information is trans cradle counter-rotates and stays in position in the bot
mitted to the on-board computer by the POD com tom of the cradle.
puter, the on-board computer is able to select that infor 55 Once the beverage container is in the cradle, then a
mation for the store display 67 from the input file and series of sensors providing information for the "pay
cause it to be transmitted to the store display. It should matrix' comes into play. The object's height (diameter)
be understood, however, that new store display infor and length are both sensed. The height is sensed
mation need not be sent as part of a file that includes through height sensor system 82/83 best shown in FIG.
coupon information. Rather, new or updated informa 2. The emitter/receivers 82a, 82b pass/receive an infra
tion to the store display 67 can be provided separate red beam diagonally across the approximately vertical
from information used to update coupons, mid-point of the cradle through holes 83a, 83b, placed
Crusher Modules appropriately in the end wall 77 and/or the sidewalls
Plastics Crusher/Shredder Module
71b and 71a. The diagonal beam path is provided to
65 sense across the entire width of the cradle, and one or
FIGS. 2, 3 and 3a show the plastics crushing/shred more of the emitters/receivers 82a, 82b are vertically
der module and FIG. 4 schematically outlines opera adjustable for height (diameter) of the container. The
tions. The module comprises a housing 70 which gener length of the object is sensed by a plurality of sensors
13 14
84a through 84d, best shown in FIG. 2. These sensors reasons described in more detail below by means of the
may be shielded by finger flanges 85, so that hinged flap pins and slot system 104 best shown in FIG. 2.
86 does not damage them. These sensors look down As shown by arrow J, there is an upper air manifold
wardly on to reflector tape 87 which extends across the assembly 105 which comprises a tray 106 which is
full width of the entry slot (the full length of the hemi 5 hinged at its rear by a pivot member 107 which seals
cylindrical cradle 58). Depending on the number of across the side flanges 108a and 108b to ensure that
beams reflected, the length of the object can be deter there is a good air seal. This permits recycling of the air
mined. Likewise, if the height sensor system beam is used to transport the plastic bottles from the receiving
interrupted, it can be determined that the object has a cradle to the crusher chamber, thus reducing the horse
larger diameter than if the beam is visible. From this, O power and energy requirements of the system.
the payout to the consumer can be determined, for A series of proximity sensors 109a,b,c, which detect
example five cents for a large 2-liter plastic bottle, and the position of the crank mechanism 110 for the slam
2.5 cents for a smaller plastic soda pop bottle. dunk door, and the lower position of the slam-dunk
Upon rotation of the cradle 58 back to the position door as defined by the travelling arm 111, provide an
shown in solid lines in FIG. 3, the container 42 rolls 15 anti-jamming/sensing feature. If the slam-dunk door
backwardly and downwardly into the machine as does not go all the way down to the position shown by
shown by arrow C. There, air, as best shown by arrow 90b in FIG. 3, then the trap door can be opened by
D, applied by fan 81 through 8-inch accordion-type gravity release of chain/spring mechanism 112 (as seen
polypropylene plastic ducting 88 blows the plastic bot in FIG. 2).
tle 42 through a loop-type metal detector 89 into 20
Both the trap door and the slam-dunk door are
contact with a slotted "slam-dunk' door 90 which de "gravity-down/power lift” with spring override. As
flects the container 42a as shown by arrows E and F, shown in FIG. 3, when the container is crushed 43a, it
downwardly into the crusher chamber 91 as shown by can then fall downwardly through the slot provided
the container 42b in phantom. The container rests on between the rear end 113 of the trap door and the rear
the hinged trap door 91 which is shown at 91a in its 25 crusher jaw 93. This gap is approximately 1 inch and
upward or closed position. The container is thus will easily permit the crushed container to fall down
trapped within a crush chamber "box" 305 (FIG. 3) wardly through the gap upon release of the crusher jaw
defined by the side walls 96, the slam-dunk door 90 in its 92 by the solenoid 95. However, if the crushed con
lower position 90b, the trap door 91 in its upward posi tainer is not released or it sticks to the front plate or is
tion 91a, and at the front and back by the moveable 30 deposited on the upper surface of the trap door 91a,
front crusher jaw 92 and the rear fixed jaw or anvil 93, then upon the rotation of the cradle 58 to the open
respectively. Upon the container being sensed by a position, the trap door will open and clear itself by the
crush chamber presence sensors 94 (as best seen in FIG. chain driven power mechanism 115 as best shown in
2), the spaced solenoids 95 (one on each side of crush FIG. 2. To prevent the trap door from rising too high,
chamber 305) reciprocatingly retract the front, move 35 widely space finger stops 114 are provided projecting
able crusher jaw 92 backwardly toward the fixed anvil
93 to the position shown as 92a in FIG. 3, thereby from the rear end 113 of the trap door 91a. The trap
crushing the container laterally, that is, parallel to the door 91a is lifted by the chain lift system 112 with its
long axis of the container to a dimension of no more spring override. The spring is provided so that if there
than about inch. 40 is an over heavy object on the trap door, its weight will
it should be understood that attached to the front jaw override the upwardly lifting force of the chain 112, the
92 are slidable side plates 96 which define the two side spring 112a will extend and the objects will slide off the
walls of the crush chamber 305. These reciprocate with downward opening trap door into the bin 22 below.
the moveable crusher jaw 92. The rear fixed crusher The chain 112a passes over a Nylotron bushing 116.
anvil is inset within the space defined between the two 45 The motor drive system operates as follows. The
side plates 96. The crusher jaw 92 has a pair of side motor 80 through gear reduction drives a pair of chain
bumpers 97 (best seen in FIG. 3) which contact stop 98 linked sprockets 117 and 118. The spring loaded idler
(best seen in FIG. 2) to prevent retraction over-travel of sprocket 119 mounted on a pivoting bracket provides.
the plunger rod 99 by the solenoid 95. Likewise, there appropriate tension as its vertical position is adjustable.
are a pair of bumper assemblies 100 attached to the side SO Thus, as the motor rotates the sprocket 117, chain 120
walls 71a and 71b to prevent over-travel of the plunger also drives sprocket 118. Rotational motion of the
rod on the extension part of the solenoid stroke. sprocket 118 is translated to reciprocating linear motion
The trap door 91 is hinged at its forward end indepen by pin and crank mechanism 121. This translates into
dently of the jaw 92 on transverse cross-bracing rod 101 the up and down motion of the trap door by use of the
as best shown in FIG. 3. The trap door is preferably 55 spring-biased chain system 112. Likewise, the sprocket
made of expanded metal (x-met) of sufficiently small 117 contains a pin 121 to which is fastened chain 122
mesh to prevent the necks of small bottles from catch which engages the driven sprocket 123 journaled to the
ing in the apertures, yet having a sufficient number of shaft of the receiving cradle 58. The end of the chain
apertures to permit air to flow therethrough. In addi 122 is tethered by pin 125 via spring 124. Thus, as
tion, the slam-dunk door 90 is slotted as shown at 102 to 60 sprocket 117 continuously rotates, its rotational motion
permit air to pass therethrough back to the intake 103 of is translated into pivoting motion of the receiving cradle
the closed-loop air handling system. As shown by from the closed position shown in bold in FIG. 3 to the
arrow G, the air travels back through the slam-dunk halfway position shown in FIG. 2, and then to the fully
door into the intake end 103 of the air handling system open position shown in dashed lines in FIG. 3, and back
from which it thence passes as shown by arrow Hinto 65 to the original closed position shown in bold lines in
the intake side of the fan 81. The air is then recirculated FIG. 3. The spring 124 provides for override upon a
as shown by arrows I and D back to the air deflector person putting their hand or something getting jammed
assembly 133 which may be angularly adjusted for the in the opening of the cradle.
15 16
As shown in FIG. 3a, a person's hand 126 stops the module. In the discussion which follows, the numbers in
rotation of the cradle 58, as the spring 124 as shown in parenthesis are references to FIG. 4, while the parts
FIG. 2 will provide override of the power closing so numbers are references to FIGS. 1-3a.
that the person will not injure their finger(s) by shearing Initially, an empty plastic container is placed (400) in
action of the lip of the cradle passing adjacent the rear 5 the receiving slot 73. The entry detector 74 senses when
edge of the upper plate 72a. In addition, as shown in this occurs and the metal detector 75 senses or detects
FIGS. 3 and 3a, a forward stop member 127 causes the whether or not the container is made of metal (402). If
hinged flap 86 to fold backwardly, so that it does not the container is made of metal, the receiving cradle 58
engage and damage the sensors 84. FIG. 3a also shows remains in position (404) and an indication is provided
the functioning of rear stop 128. If a person stops the 10 that the container is not acceptable (406) for recycling
rotation of the receiving cradle with their hand 126, and in the plastic crusher module 28a. This indication may
then attempts to use the other hand 126a to reach into take the form of an audio signal or an appropriate visual
the machine by pushing back on the flap 86, the flap display to the depositing person (consumer). If there is
engages the side stops 128. The flap 86 will be pre an indication, however, of a nonmetal container (408)
vented from being pushed further backward by the stop 15 by the metal detector 75, this indication is processed by
128, thus keeping someone's hands from being injured the microprocessor controller 20, which causes the
by the machine, and preventing sabotage or vandalism receiving cradle to move or rotate (410) to a container
to the machine. receiving position 58 (FIGS. 3 and 3a). Before the re
FIG. 3 also shows the use of the air conveying (air ceiving cradle 58 rotates, there is a short pre-deter
veyoring) system which also functions as an air classifi 20 mined time delay (412) to permit the air blower 81 to
cation system. As seen by arrow C, the bottle 42 is activate (414) in order to provide pressurized air D
blown backwardly into the crushing chamber 305 after (FIG. 3) to the plastics crusher module 28a.
bouncing off the face of the slam-dunk door 90a. But if After the short time delay, the receiving cradle 58 is
a heavier object which is not metal is placed in the rotated open (FIG. 3) and the container rolls into the
cradle, and it looks to be the size of a plastic bottle as 25 cradle 58. Then the cradle 58 reverses rotation during
sensed by the height sensor system 82/83 and the length which the predetermined and desired information asso
sensor system 84, it rolls off the flap 86 as shown in FIG. ciated with recycling the container is obtained (416). In
3, and thence off the rear edge of the deflector flange particular, the height sensor system 82/83 determines
129 as shown by arrow K. Since the object is too heavy the width (diameter) of the container (418); the length
to be blown into crush chamber 305 by the air pressure 30 sensor system 84a-84d obtains information for deter
provided, it then proceeds to fall directly down into bin mining the length of the container (420); the "color"
22 as shown by arrows K2, K3 and K4. This bottle is sensor system (described below) is used in providing
then separated out by weight, floatation, incline table or information for determining the color (421), such as
other manual or mechanical sorting means at the plas whether it is transparent or a colored container; and the
tics processing center. Since the bottle is not crushed 35 composition sensor system provides information as to
and remains integral, it is easily separated. In contrast, whether or not the plastic container is homogeneous or
had it proceeded into the crushing chamber, it would whether it is a multi-piece container having a base dif
have become crushed and the glass cullet and shards ferent from the remaining portions of the container
intermingled with the plastic, being caught in the corru (422). As described below, the 3-eye color/container
gations of the crushed and folded plastic or inside the 40 type sensors may be ganged in a logic matrix.
plastic bottles themselves. Upon the plastic being After this information is obtained, movement of the
melted, it would be contaminated, ruining both the melt receiving cradle 58 is such that the container now exits
and the plastics forming equipment. By not crushing the (424) the receiving cradle and passes in the vicinity of
glass bottle, the value of the recycled plastic is retained the pressurized air D as it exits the duct 88, 133 and
and enhanced. 45 enters the loop 89. In the case where the container is
Surprisingly, it has been found that the air deflector greater than a pre-determined weight (426), it falls from
assembly upper flange 129 should be disposed at an the plastic crusher module (428) into the bin 22. This
angle to the generally semi-circular deflector cylinder would occur if, for example, the container were made of
133 as shown by the angular bend or juncture 130 (best glass, which is heavier than plastic containers and the
seen in FIG. 3). This introduces sufficient turbulence 50 pressurized air is set to not have force sufficient to carry
that the air handling characteristics can be better di or support the container. The plastic container would
rected and controlled. Surprisingly also, we have found also fall, if it were weighted with a liquid or other mate
that the air needs to be directed more nearly upwardly rials to have a greater than the pre-determined weight.
at higher elevations than at sea level. This is provided In the case in which the container is supported and
by the pin and flange system 104 (see FIG. z). As 55 caused to move by the pressurized air, a second deter
shown, the air deflector is set generally for a sea level mination is made as to whether or not the container is a
installation. For a higher altitude installation such as in metal container (430) by loop-type metal detector 89.
the Denver area, the collector assembly 133 would be This check insures that there has not been a substitution
rotated clockwise along flanges 104 (see FIG. 3) so that of a metal container, after the initial determination that
the upper flange 129 points more nearly upwardly. the container in the bin receiving position 57 was not
Since the flap 86 of the cradle is hinged at 131, the made of metal. If a metal container is detected, after the
rotation does not interfere with the operation of the container is received in the crushing chamber (432), the
cradle assembly 58. It should be noted that the resulting trap door 91 is controllably opened using the MPC 20.
slot 132 is relatively narrow, comprising approximately As a result, such a metal container would exit the crush
45°-10 degrees of arc. 65 ing chamber without being crushed.
With respect to the operation of the plastic crusher Where the container is a plastic container that is not
module 28a, reference is now made to FIG. 4, which greater than the pre-determined weight, it is sensed
illustrates cycling-related steps associated with this when received into the crushing chamber 305 using the
17 18
force of the pressurized air D (434). When the container In the preferred embodiment, the MPC also monitors
is in the crushing chamber 305, the presence sensors 94. a timer, which must be reset otherwise the module will
detect the presence of the container (434). This informa be cleared. The timer is reset (462) by the MPC when
tion is used by the MPC 20 to control movement of the ever a container has not been received by the module
slam-dunk door 90 from its up position 90a in a direction within a pre-determined time (464). If a container has
towards its down position 90b (436). After the slam not been received within such a time period, the module
dunk door 91 has been caused to move in a downward is told to clear (466) by running through a cycle by the
direction, the inputs from the proximity sensors 109 are MPC 20, wherein the receiving cradle 58, the slam
checked by the MPC 20 to determine if the slam-dunk dunk door 90 and the trap door 91 are caused to move
door 90 is in a desired or fully closed position (438), O and cycle so that their end positions or states are such
before proceeding with the crushing of the container. that they are positioned for acting when another con
When the slam-dunk or upper door is not fully closed or tainer is placed at the bin receiving position 73.
in its desired position, as determined using information Crusher Nodules
from the proximity sensors 109, the trap or lower door
91 is controllably opened (440) by the MPC 20 permit 15 Metals Crushing Module
ting the container to fall from the plastic crusher mod FIGS. 5 through 7 show the detail of the construction
ule 28a into bin 22. In this manner, a container that is of the metals crushing module, and FIG. 8 shows the
received into the crushing chamber such that a proper process operations. Similarities of construction to the
crushing operation can not be achieved, is released plastics crushing module will be evident and will not be
without unwanted damage to the module. However, in 20
such a case, the MPC 20 controls the coin/token dis The metals crusher module housing 270 comprises a
penser module to dispense the correct amount of coins/- plurality of upstanding walls 271a,b,c, with housing
tokens and/or coupons to the consumer (448, 460). walls 271a and 271b having journaled therein a metals
In the normal situation where a plastic container has can receiving cradle 58 as best seen in FIG. 7. The
been received by the crushing chamber and is supported 25
on the trap door 91 in proper orientation, the solenoids cradle ends 77 are journaled in brackets 78 to rotate
95 are activated causing movement of the front move between the upstanding walls to 71a and b as shown
able crusher jaw 92 whereby the plastic container is best in FIG. 5. As with the plastics crusher module,
crushed (442) between that jaw 92 and the rear fixed there are a number of cross braces or plates 272a
crusher jaw (the anvil) 93. The container is sufficiently 30 through 272d. The housing is mounted on appropriate
crushed so that it is of a size less than that of the gap slide assembly 56 best seen in FIG. 6.
between the rear of the trap door 91 and the rear fixed The metals, container deposit slot 273 is defined in
crusher jaw 93 to drop through the gap into the plastic stainless steel cover panel 276 (see FIG. 7) between the
container bin 22 (444). side walls 271a and 271b, the top cross panel 272a and a
At essentially the same time a signal is generated to 35 bottom slot panel 272e in which is positioned a metal
initiate the crushing operation (442), the MPC 20 makes detector 274 capable of determining whether a metal
a determination as to whether or not a predetermined object has been placed in the slot to rest against the
amount of money (coins) or tokens and/or coupons are closed cradle. The closed cradle position is shown in
to be dispensed (448, 460), depending upon the size of dashed lines in FIG. 7. If metal is detected, then the
the container that is being crushed. In one embodiment, 40 cradle opens to the position shown in bold lines in FIG.
a determination is made as to whether or not the con 7 and the can rolls into cradle 58.
tainer is a large or small container (446). In making that Height (can diameter) sensor system 282, 283 com
determination, the MPC 20 uses the container length prises emitter/receivers 282a and 282b disposed at
and container width information previously obtained. tached to the side walls 271b and 271a respectively.
For example, if the container is larger than 24 ounces, 45 These sensors look through notches 283a and 283b dis
the coin/token dispenser module 30 is controlled to posed in the outer periphery of the end plates 77. Since
dispense a nickel (448). For a container that is 24 ounces the diameter of the hemi-cylindrical receiving cradle 58
or less in volume, only one half of the amount for the is relatively small because the cans are relatively uni
large container is to be dispensed. Where the amount to form, the aperture in the end walls of the receiving
be dispensed for large container is a nickel, since one SO cradle may be placed adjacent the periphery. Thus,
half of a nickel can not be dispensed, the number of when the cradle rotates from the open position as show
small containers is counted (450) until the number of in FIG. 7 ninety degrees clockwise, the notches line up
small containers crushed equals two (450), at which with the emitter/receivers and a beam scans the length
time the coin/token dispenser module 30 is controlled of the receiving cradle. If the can is too big, the infra
to dispense a nickel for the two small containers. In the 55 red beam is blocked and the container is deemed too
case where only one small container is crushed or large in diameter and is subsequently dumped on into
where there is an odd number of small containers, there the bin 24 without crushing and the depositing con
is a rounding down so that for the odd number of con sumer is not paid the redemption value.
tainers crushed, when a final pay or "end of transac It should be understood that in cases of states where
tion' button 64 is activated by the customer (454), the there is no redemption value, the consumer may be paid
coin/token dispenser assembly is controlled to only an appropriate scrap value, even for oversized contain
dispense two cents for the odd container (448), and ers. It should also be understood that if detector 274
coupon(s) are dispensed (460). If the final pay switch 64 does not detect metal, then the cradle 58 does not rotate
is not activated for a single container input or an odd open, the cradle closed position being the normal posi
number of containers, the customer is not paid (456). 65 tion for the cradle prior to deposit by the consumer.
Each time there is a payment, the container count is The sensing of the presence of the object lying on the
reset (458). Preferably, each time a customer is paid, a slot floor 272e triggers the rotational opening. As be
coupon is also dispensed (460). fore, there are a series of length sensors 284a through
5,111,927 20
284e which determine the length of the can (how tall An adjustment mechanism 323 permits precise adjust
the can is) by a reflection off the reflector tape 287 ment of the size of the crush chamber 305. As in the case
placed in the bottom dead center of the cradle. As be of the plastics crusher mechanism, there are retraction
fore, finger-type shields 285 protect the sensors from and extension bumper assemblies and stops. The exten
being damaged by the flap 286, which in the case of this sion stop assembly 300 is shown in FIG. 6.
crusher nodule is not hinged. As best seen in FIG. 7, the diameter of the cradle 58
When the sensor 274 detects metal, the cradle opens is about 3 inches by 8 inches long, while the crusher
and the can rolls into the cradle. The cradle then contin chamber 305 is on the order of 8 inches long by 4
ues to rotate clockwise to the position shown in dashed inches wide by 4 inches high. As best seen in FIGS. 5a,
lines in FIG. 7, and rolls out of the cradle as shown by 10 b and c, the two crusher jaws are identical, and include
Arrow C through the metal loop detector 289 which in apertures 294a through which sensors 294 (see FIG. 6)
this instance is oriented horizontally. This detector look to determine whether there is an object in the
works on tuned frequencies so it is able to distinguish crush chamber. If there is no object in the crush cham
aluminum from bi-metal cans which are predominantly ber, then no crushing cycle is initiated. As before, the
"tin' cans. The cans may bounce off the slam-dunk 15 sides of the crush chamber are defined by moveable
door 290 which is shown in FIGS. 5, 6, and 7 in its up plates 296 (see FIG. 7).
position, 290a. As shown by Arrow L in FIG. 7, the FIGS. 5b and 5c show special release bars 293a which
slam-dunk door is "gravity down" upon release of the are spring biased outwardly so that the surface of the
lifting tension by the counter clockwise motion of the bar projects beyond the face 293b by spring 293c dis
chain/crank lifting mechanism 310 (counter clockwise 20 posed in counterbore 293d. The spring loaded bar 293a
is seen in FIG. 7). m is tethered by perpendicular rods 293e which are pinned
If the sensor 289 senses a bi-metal can, the crushing with roll pins 293f to limit the outward motion of the
mechanism does not activate and the trap door 91, release bar 293a (motion to the right as seen in FIG.Sc.
which is shown in its up position in the FIGS. 5d and 7, The motion of the release bar is shown by Arrow O in
opens and the can falls through the hole 322 in bottom
25 FIG. 5c. The purpose of these release bars is to help
plate 272d as best shown in FIG. 7. This is shown by push the crushed can away from the face of the crusher
Arrow M, and Arrow N shows the opening of the trap jaws. Since most of the beverage cans contain sugar,
door 291. If the detector 289 determines that the can is and other organics, which may build up on the face of
aluminum and presence sensors 294 sense the can is in the jaws over a period of time, the crushed cans can
30 stick to the jaws. Accordingly, the use of the release
place in the crushing chamber 305, and slam-dunk door bars prevents the sticking of the cans to the jaws as
sensor 309c indicates that door closed (no hinderance or compared to prior art devices.
misaligned can in the crush chamber), then the crusher The special case of aerosol cans is also addressed by
mechanism described in more detail below activates, this invention. Empty aerosol cans are classified as haz
the can is crushed, and the crushed can 43b falls through 35 ardous waste, and even when empty many still contain
the opening 322 as shown by Arrow M into the bin 24. volatile materials such as propellants and solvents
With regard to the trap door lift system, this is best which pose an explosion problem. Aerosol cans are
understood by reference to FIGS. 5d and 7, though a typically constructed of high strength alloy aluminum
portion of it is shown in FIG. 6. Chain 312a is attached or steel, and are pressurized to 150 psi. An empty can
to sprocket 312b. The other end of the chain 312a is 40 may contain a few grams of waste chemical and solvent,
attached via a spring 312c to a fixed pin 312d. The trap such as insecticides, paints, varnishes, hair spray, food
door 291 is pivotally hinged at its rear end. This pivot is products, cosmetics, and the like. A propellant may be
a shaft 312e best seen in FIG. 5d. The tension of the CO2, or the more volatile explosive gasses such as pro
spring rotates the gear 312b clockwise as seen in FIGS. pane, butane, isobutane, and the like. Accordingly, it is
6 and 7, and counter clockwise as seen in FIG. 5d. This 45 important to be able to discriminate and not crush these
causes the trap door to be spring-biased in the "up" still-pressurized cans.
position. This spring has just sufficient tension to main The present invention provides a number of means of
tain the door in the up position. Thus, if a can 42a as discriminating and insuring that the aerosol cans are not
shown in FIG. 7 is misaligned, dropping into the crush crushed. Initially, the dimensions of the can entry slot
chamber 296 in a vertical position, or is at an angle, then SO 273 may be restricted to prevent introduction of large
the descending slam-dunk door 290 as shown by Arrow 12, 14, 16 and 24 ounce aerosol cans. They are simply
L in FIG. 7 will push the can on through to the bin 24 too long to fit in the 8 to 8 inch length of the slot and
without crushing as the weight of the slam-dunk door cradle 58. While they will be sensed as metal by metal
will override the spring tension. If, on the other hand, detector 274, the quantity of steel or aluminum and its
the can is properly aligned in the crush chamber, then it 55 alloy has a somewhat different frequency which can be
will be crushed. Then counter clockwise rotation of detected by the metal discriminator 289. This discrimi
sprocket 312f(as seen in FIG. 7) will cause chain 312g nator includes a tuned coil which measures the capaci
to rotate the trap door 291a to its "down" or open posi tance in terms of frequency of aluminum and bi-metal
tion shown at 291b as the forward end of chain 312g as cans. There is a small but detectable difference between
attached to the arm 291c. empty soda pop or beer cans and the heavier gauge
Turning now to the crusher mechanism, FIGS. 5a (more than twice as heavy) and different alloy alumi
through 5c and 7 show the fixed anvil crusher jaw 293 num cans. In addition, even aluminum aerosol cans may
disposed on the left side of the machine as seen from the contain some steel parts such as stainless steel springs,
front in FIG. 5. The moveable crusher jaw 292a is ball valves and like which would register as bi-metal
mounted to a cross plate 292b which in turn is secured 65 and not be crushed as described above. Further, as best
to the two plunger rods 299 which are actuated by the seen in FIG. 5b, a hole 324 may be provided in the
two solenoids 295. The solenoids are best seen in FIG. center of each of the jaws. This is so that upon crushing,
S. the plate does not contact the center stem of an aerosol
21 22
can with its spray nozzle tip, but rather would contact the air escape from the can while it is being crushed so
the rolled and crimped rim of the top dome of the can. that the air does not become trapped and resist crushing
Since solenoids are used as the mechanism for crushing, during the crush compression period. As a result, the
they can be pulsed and the stroke pressure carefully cans upon being crushed are like hockey pucks in that
controlled. Thus, the stroke is pulsed for up to 2/10 of 5 they are extremely dense and less than 178 inch in thick
a second at about 400 pounds per square inch. If there is ness with the accordion folds of the crushed can being
no crush, then the crush action stops, the crusher mech essentially parallel to each other. This means the can
anism backs off and a trap door opens to allow the density is a maximum. In contrast, where the crusher
object to fall into the bin. Under such pressure, the has to work against compressed air trapped in the can,
highly pressurized very strong aerosol cans will not O the crushed can density is lower and fewer cans can be
crush and they will be dropped into the bin to be sorted collected in the same bin volume.
by other conventional means or methods (e.g. hand FIG. 8 relates to the operation of the metal crusher
sorting). The presence of the aperture 324 ensures that module 28c. As before, the numbers in parenthesis refer
the slight squeeze for the up to about 2/10 of a second to FIG. 8, while the other parts numbers refer to FIGS.
applied to the can to get a pressure test to determine 15 1, 2 and 5-7.
what type of can it is (the pressurized can discrimination In particular, just as with the plastic crusher module
tests), does not merely press the aerosol nozzle, thus 28 the container is first placed (500) in container receiv
fooling the machine into thinking that it is a proper can ing slot 273. Once in position, an entry detector 275 may
to crush with the 4,000 psi. The up to 400 psi will not be used to provide information that a container has been
crush the aerosol can, but will initiate crush of the alu located for expected recycling. A metal detector 274 is
minum cans. Since there is movement of rods 299 for an used to determine whether or not this container is a
aluminum soda pop can but not for a pressurized aerosol metal container (502). If it is not a metal container, the
can this serves to discriminate between the two types of receiving cradle does not rotate (504) to permit entry of
C2S. the container. Instead, an indication is provided to the
As in the case of the plastics crusher mechanism, the 25 depositing person that an improper container has been
trap door 291 as best shown in FIG. 5d terminates about placed (506) in the entry slot 273.
1 inch short of the position of the anvil 293. That is, In the case of the metal container, the information
while the dimension of the chamber is on the order of 9 from the metal detector 274 causes the microprocessor
inches long (the width dimension between the side walls controller 20 to move or rotate the cradle open (508),
271a and 271b as shown in FIG. 5), the trap door has a 30 whereby the can rolls into the cradle and the cradle
dimension of about 8 inches so that it terminates approx reverses rotational direction. While the container is in
imately 1 inch short of the anvil. This permits the the rotating receiving cradle 58 information (510) relat
crushed can in the "hockey puck" form 43b as shown in ing to the container length (512) and the container
FIG. 7 to fall into the bin 24 even if the trap door does width (diameter) (514) is obtained for subsequent usage
not open. 35 in determining the pay-out to the customer (see A in
A variety of proximity sensors 309 detect the position FIG. 4). Subsequent to obtaining such information, the
of various crank assemblies such as crank 310, the trav container exits the receiving cradle (576) and a second
elling arm 311, or the bolt 31.1a marking the position of determination (518) is made using an aluminum/steel
the opening of the receiving cradle 58 (the same as bolt detection assembly, for determining whether the con
111a) relative to sensors 109 in the case of the plastics 40 tainer is non-metal, or is an aluminum, bi-metal or steel
crusher module FIG. Z. container (520). If a non-metal container has exited the
The rotation of both the cradle 58 and the trap door cradle and passed into the crushing chamber (522), the
291 is accomplished by motor 280 and the twin spring trap door 291 of the crushing chamber is caused to open
biased chain drive system 313 as best seen in FIG. 5. A by the microprocessor controller 20, without the crush
notor 280 drives the crank 314 to which is attached 45 ing operation being performed (524).
chain 315 which passes over sprocket 316 journaled on In the case of a metal container, if the container
rod 317. Note that this rod extends on through to the should be greater than a pre-determined weight (526)
interior of the module between the side walls 271a and when it engages the trap door 291, it over-balances the
272b. The sprocket 312f as shown in FIG. 7 is mounted trap door 91 which opens (528) under the weight and
on the rod 317 inside the module, and activates the trap 50 permits the heavier container to fall from the crush
door as described above. The chain 315 is interrupted chamber into bin 24 without activation of the crushing
intermediate its ends by a first spring 318. A second operation.
portion of the chain then passes over sprocket 319 In the case where the container weight is less than
which is mounted on the shaft on which the cradle 58 is that which would cause opening of the trap door (530),
journaled. A second spring 320 extends between the end 55 if the container is made of steel, upon this container
of the chain 315 and pin 321. This provides a double being detected as being in the crushing chamber by the
acting spring loading so that whichever way the receiv chamber presence sensors 294, the lower trap door is
ing cradle is rotated, it is spring biased. Thus, as the caused to open (532) by the microprocessor controller
sprocket 316 rotates clockwise, the cradle is rotated to 20 whereby the steel container exits the crushing cham
its open position (counter clockwise as shown in FIG. ber 305 to the metal container bin 24, without being
7). crushed. Additionally, as with the plastic and glass
An important aspect of the invention is the fact that crusher modules 28a, 28b, the predetermined customer
the crushing chamber is open to the atmosphere, and pay-out is dispensed using the coin/token dispenser
the crushing jaws are apertured to permit release of air module 30 and/or the coupon printer 32 (see A in FIG.
from the cans while they are being crushed even if 65 4). And, a determination is made as to whether or not
gummy deposits build up on the faces of the crusher the module should be recycled, depending upon
jaws. Since the crushing occurs so fast, in the matter of whether or not another container has been received
hundredths or tenths of a second, it is important to let within a pre-determined-time (A in FIG. 4).
23 24
In the case of an aluminum container, however, steps through very slowly, the grate will not rise until it sees
(534-542) like those taken in conjunction with crushing an object interrupt the beam. That triggers the lifting of
plastic and glass containers in the plastic crusher mod the grate (position 180b) by means of the motor 176
ule and the glass crusher module 28a, 28b, respectively, driving crank system 177, pivoting arm 178, acting on
are conducted (534–542): That is, the inchamber pres pusher block 179. There are no chains or springs; it is
ence sensors 294 close the slam-dunk door 290 (534), simply a powered crank drive. As best seen in FIG. 9
and when the door is fully closed (536), activate the the elevator grate is pivoted on rod 181, and is a series
crush mechanism (540). The crushed aluminum can of spaced vertical plastic slots 180a through 180m.
("hockey puck”) drops out the gap between the end of The front half 194a of the slam dunk door 190 is
the trap door 291 and the anvil 293 into the bin 24 (542). O plastic because it passes close to the magnetic loop 89.
After these steps are performed, equivalent steps are The slam-dunk door is solid, not apertured, to prevent
taken in conjunction with consumer payouts and recy glass shards 43 from spraying upward. They are di
cling of the module (see A in FIG. 4). As in all three rected downwardly through the X-met trap door 191.
crusher modules, since the receiving cradle mechanism The trap door is very similar to the trap door on the
and the trap door mechanism are linked, as the receiv 15 plastics module, in that it terminates short of the full
ing cradle opens the trap door also opens, clearing the depth of the crusher chamber 305. Also the X-met open
crush chamber at the start of each cycle. ings are sufficiently large that the glass shards 43 pro
Crusher Modules duced fall through to the bin 26 as seen in FIG. 9.
Glass Crusher Module 20
As best seen in FIG. 10 the fixed anvil 93 comprises
vertical pieces of 1" abutting angle iron 193, preferably
The glass crusher module 28b shown in FIGS. 9 and nine irons. The movable anvil 92 has horizontally ori
10 is similar in many respects to the plastics crusher ented angle irons 192, preferably four of them. The
module with the exception and addition of a special grooves defined between the horizontal angles hold the
elevator grate assembly 175 which has an air blower bottle(s) during crushing so that it does not move while
feature shown in FIG. 11. The elevator grate is disposed 25
being crushed, while the vertically oriented angles pro
on the outlet side of the receiving cradle flap 86 so that vide high-pressure points that crush the bottles. The
if a plastic bottle is put in the glass receiving chamber, slam-dunk door 190 has a traveling arm 111 which trig
and it is accepted, it will roll onto the grate 180. The gers proximity sensor 109c as in the plastics module.
grate is a slotted grate of plastic vanes. It is plastic be The sensor systems 82, 83, 84 in the receiving cradle,
cause it extends backward through the loop-type metal 30
detector 89. The presence of any substantial amount of and the drive system 112-125 for both the receiving
moving metal would disturb the metal detector and cradle and the trap door are substantially identical to
trigger it falsely. The grate is hinged at the back by a the plastics crusher module. There are three presence
sensors 94 across the bottom of the crusher chamber to
shaft 181 that goes all the way through from side to side sense the presence of an object in the chamber. The
of the two upstanding side walls 71a and 71b. The grate 35
sensors 94 in the bottom of the crush chamber tell the
is approximately 12 inches in front to back depth, and slam-dunk door 190 to come down, and if there is no
about four inches back from the front end is about a
4-inch wide plenum which extends from side wall to hinderance, when sensor 109c senses wand 111 showing
side wall. As the grate rises, it carries with it special closure of door 190 the crush cycle is initiated. If there
sliding walls 182a, 182b that extends the ductwork 183a, 40 is a mis-aligned bottle or other object in the crush cham
183b which comes up from the bottom. ber, then it will be pushed on through with the trap
When a person puts an object into the receiving cra door 191 opening, and the object will not be crushed.
dle 58, it passes by the presence sensor system 74/79. The crusher mechanism 95, 99 operates the same way as
That starts the blower. There is a several-second delay in the plastics module, and has the same type of bumper
while the air pressure builds up before the container is 45 systems 97, 100.
accepted and the receiving cradle opens. Then the ob As shown best in the upper schematic section of FIG.
ject rolls over the grate. If it is glass, it is sufficiently ID, the plastic bottle or can 44 which is blown up
heavy that it will roll on into the crushing chamber, 305, wardly out of the elevator grate by the air stream Q will
and possibly might bounce off the slam-dunk door 190 then be airveyored and ducted either to the plastics
before falling into the crusher chamber 305. If however, 50 crusher module 28a (air path V), or to a separate bin 27
the object is plastic, or metal (e.g. aluminum can) the air (air path S), or back into the glass bin 26 itself (path R).
pressure P will reject it 44 by blowing it straight up and As shown in FIG. 9, it is preferably ducted via path R
out of the module. It is possible that it might blow back to the glass bin 26 where it is easily separated by
slightly backwardly in which case there is a pivoted hand sorting.
deflector assembly 195 including a comb or finger-type 55 As shown in the upper portion of FIG. 10, the re
flap 197 which is suspended behind metal detector 89. jected container 44 traveling along path Q may pass
This deflector keeps the plastic bottles in the air stream through a metal detector 89. If it is not metal, then an
if they are blown back slightly, but they bounce back articulated damper 210 diverts the container into the
into the air stream P. The finger flap 197 terminates path V which puts it directly into the crusher chamber
about 3 inches above the grate when the grate is in its of the plastics crusher module 28a via path X, or diverts
down position, and in the up position the grate is still it into the bin 22 via path W. If it is a metal container,
approximately an inch and a half below the lower edge then the vane moves upwardly, see arrow Y, causing
of the fingers. The 33 inch gap permits glass bottles to the container to either be diverted into the crusher
roll straight through. chamber of the metals crushing module 28c via path U,
The purpose of having the grate elevatable is to en 65 or directly into the metals bin 24 via path T. An addi
sure that slightly conical bottles roll into the crusher tional tuned capacitance detector can be placed in the
chamber. As best seen in FIG. 10, there is also a sensor common path before the paths Tand U branch to direct
184 located at the front edge of the grate. If a bottle rolls aluminum cans into the crusher chamber of module 28c,
25 26
while the bi-metal cans go directly into the bin 24 as the container in the cradle (620). Additionally, the co
shown by path T. lor/multi-part sensor system 185 (see part B. 4. of the
FIG. 11 shows the air handling and plenum system Detailed Description below), provides an input for use
200 which directs the air P (see FIG. 10) upwardly in determining color (622) associated with the container
through the center portion of the elevator grate assem while it is in the receiving cradle 58.
bly 175. One or more fans (not shown but similar to the As the receiving cradle 58 continues to rotate, it
fan 81 in FIG. 3) forces air as shown by arrows P1 and eventually is in a position whereby the container exits
P2 through accordion-ducts 202a and 202b into a ple (rolls) therefrom down a slight incline toward the eleva
num 201. This plenum has a series of internal baffles tor grate assembly 175. The elevator sensor 184 detects
204a-204d as shown which divide the plenum into two O whether or not the container has crossed onto the eleva
paths, air path P1 and P2. The baffles 204b and c are tor grate 180 (626). When this occurs, the elevator grate
curved to assist in a smooth air flow. The lower edge of assembly is raised to an inclined position whereby the
the divider baffle 204a is also curved to assist in turning container moves in the module along the elevator grate
the air in path P2 upwardly. These baffles provide a 180 (630). While on the grate, if the container does not
satisfactory air flow to cause "blow-out” rejection of 5 have a weight greater than a predetermined weight
plastic or metal cans out of the module as shown in (632), the pressurized air Pinto the glass crusher mod
F.G. 10. m ule 28b via duct system (FIG. 11) causes the relatively
A pair of L-shaped dampers 206a and 206b are em light container 44 to be blown upwardly out of the
ployed to provide an air seal juncture with the fixed module (634) along air paths Q-X. The barrier 195 in
baffles 183a and 183b in the glass crusher module. Re 20 sures the blown container stays in the air paths P-Q.
call that the glass crusher module may be rolled out on This would occur where a substantially plastic con
its slides 56. When the air is cut off, the baffles 206 drop tainer, in some fashion, was placed into or received by
down by gravity, or may be spring biased in the down the receiving cradle 58. Such an improper plastic con
position so that the module may be rolled out while the tainer is transported to the plastic container bin 22 (636)
air handling system and duct assembly 200 stays in place 25 or one of the other bins as described above with refer
within the machine. Once the glass crusher module is ence to FIG. 10.
returned to its operational position and locked in place, Where the container is the proper glass container, it is
then when the air is turned on these baffles 206 rise by of sufficient weight to be able to roll underneath the
air pressure making a tight seal so there is no fugitive barrier (638). However, it may also be that a metal
dust comprising finely ground particles of glass blowing 30 container of sufficient weight has improperly been sub
around within the machine and out into the face of the stituted for a glass container and can move through the
consumer when the cradle 58 opens to accept the glass barrier. As the container moves through the barrier, the
bottle. Appropriate filters may be used throughout the second or verifying check of the material composition
air handling system as needed. Likewise, rubber strips of the container is made using a metal detector 195
may be placed along the appropriate surfaces such as 35 (640). If the metal detector determines that the con
along the exterior surfaces of the L-shaped damper tainer is metal, when the container is received in the
plates 206a and 206b to make better seals where needed. crushing chamber, the microprocessor controller 20
Similarly, the bottom surface of the receiving cylinder causes the lower trap door 191 to open, whereby the
58 may have a rolling seal (not shown) to provide a unwanted metal container is released (642) from the
good seal if necessary. 40 glass crusher module 28b into bin 26. As with the plastic
With reference to FIG. 12, the operations of the glass crusher module 28a, the MPC 20 may be programmed
crusher module 28b, will now be described in greater to control the coin/token dispenser module 30 (FIG. 13,
detail. As before, numbers in parenthesis refer to FIG. 13a) to dispense a correct amount of coins, tokens and
12, while parts number refer to FIGS. 1, 2 and 9-11. /or coupons as if a proper container was received by the
Like the plastics crusher module 28a, a determination glass crusher module 28b. See A in FIG. 4.
is made as to whether or not a container 42 is located at In the case where a proper glass container has been
the entry slot 73 using entry detector 72 (600). Addi received in the crushing chamber (644), essentially the
tionally, using a metal detector 75, a determination is same steps are employed, as were performed in con
made as to whether or not it is a metal container (602). junction with the crushing of a plastic container in the
In the case of a metal container, the receiving cradle 58 50 plastic crusher module 28a. That is, the upper or slam
is not moved (604) and an indication is provided that a dunk door (190) is caused to close (646) and a check is
metal container, not a glass container, has been improp made to determine whether or not it is substantially,
erly offered (606) by the consumer. There are no pay fully closed (648). If not, the lower or trap door 191 is
outs or coupons dispensed. In the case in which a non opened to permit the misaligned or improperly posi
metal container has been placed in the bin entry slot 73, 55 tioned container to fall (650) from the crushing chamber
the entry detector 74 and the metal detector 75 indicate into bin 26. In such a case, the MPC 20 controls the
an appropriate container (608). With this determination, coin/token dispenser module 30 so that it dispenses the
the air blower 81 is energized or activated (610) and, correct amount of coins, for example, as if the container
after a short time delay (612), the receiving cradle 58 were properly crushed. See A in FIG. 4.
rotates and the container moves or rolls into the receiv Where the container is sensed by sensors 94, 109c as
ing cradle 58 (614). being properly in the crushing chamber 305, the sole
During rotational movement of the receiving cradle noids 95 are activated in a pulsed manner to cause the
58, information is obtained (616) relating to the con front crusher jaw to move in discrete, but rapid, steps as
tainer, i.e., the height (diameter) sensor system 82/83 is it crushes the glass container (652). In the case of the
used in determining the diameter of the container and 65 glass container, the crusher jaw includes a number of
transmits the information to the MPC 20 (618). The peaks or projections which enable the glass container to
length sensor system 84 provides an input to the MPC be ruptured or crushed at a relatively much lower force.
20 for determining a magnitude relating to the length of After crushing, the crushed glass is able to escape (654)
27 28
the gap between the front crusher jaw and the end of this matrix, the appropriate consumer payout or rejec
the lower trap door/90. tion of container can be made as above described.
Comparable to the operation of the plastic crusher
module 28a, predetermined coins, tokens, coupons and Coin Hopper Module
/or other items are dispensed by the recycling machine, s FIG. 13 shows in isometric projection important
depending upon the size of the container, see A in FIG. details of the coin/token dispenser module 30 which is
4. Additionally, a timer is checked to determine mounted on a pair of slides 56 for easy roll-out as best
whether or not the pre-determined amount of time has shown in FIG. 1 The module comprises one or more
elapsed since receipt of a glass container into the mod (preferably 2) standard coin or token feeder mecha
ule. Depending on the result of this determination, the O nisms 215, preferably the belt-driven type which drop
module may be cycled in preparation for receipt of tokens or coins 216a, b, c into funnel assembly 217 to be
another glass container. dispensed from the coin/token and coupon dispensing
Crusher Modules slot assembly 31 via guideway 218. As shown, the dis
Plastic or Glass Color/Multi-Piece Container 15
penser 215a contains pennies and the dispenser 215b
Discrimination System. contains nickels. Thus, as the MPC 20 determines the
proper payout, the proper amount of coins are then
An important aspect of the plastics and glass modules dispensed while the printer module (as shown in FIGS.
28a and 28b is the use of plural sensors disposed to span 1 and 14) prints out and dispenses the promotional cou
the end plates 77 of the cradle 58 to discriminate be 20
tween colored glass and multipiece containers. These Also shown in FIGS. 13 and schematic section view
sensors look down the length of the cradle, that is end to FIG. 13a, the large coin-holding needs of this system
end of the container, to eliminate the interference of a requires specially designed coin hoppers because the
label. Preferably, these three emitters and receivers are conventional units such as the feeders 215 operate by
disposed intermediate the bottom outer periphery of 25 belt drives 219 which become easily overloaded by the
cradle 58 and the center line of the cradle. That is, they
weight of the coins above the belts. Accordingly, there
are oriented along the "shoulder' of the container. is provided in this invention an auxiliary coin hopper
Table I below is a chart of how the visibility of each 220 associated with each feeder 215. The auxiliary
beam translates into a logic system for discriminating hopper is a side feeding coin hopper having a false floor
amongst the various containers. In the table, "NO" 221 which feeds coins through a special aperture 222 in
means that the beam is interrupted; the receiver cannot the side wall of the coin feeder 215. This means that the
see the beam. In contrast, "YES" means that the re coin level never rises above the line 223 and thus the
ceiver receives (sees) the beam. coin belt drive 219 never gets overloaded. There may
Emitter/Receiver 1 is a "weak' I/R beam system; be a lockable door 224 in the auxiliary hopper to pro
that is, the beam is easily blocked. E/R system 2 is only vide for access to refill the hoppers. In the examples
able to "see" or project a beam through clear glass or 35
plastic. Finally, E/R system 3 is the strongest of the shown, the coin hopper 215 is a conventional coin
three beams and is able to project a beam through ev hopper sold by Coin Controls Company of England
erything but opaque objects. For example, the E/RI under the name "Universal Coin Hopper." The infor
system is a low power beam, while the E/R3 system is mation received by the microprocessor controller 20 on
a stronger beam. The E/R2 system is a filtered beam 40 the proper number of coins to be dispensed then triggers
with appropriate colored filters so that the presence of the rotation of the belt in coin dispenser 215a to dis
green or brown bottles effectively filter out the wave pense say two pennies for a single container, coins 216b
length so that nothing is received by the receiver R2. and 216c, and triggers the belt drive in hopper 215b to
dispense the nickel 216.a for a total payout of 7c.
Clear One Piece Color Piece Two Piece
Printer Module
EAR 1 No No No FIG. 14 shows in isometric projection the printer
EAR 2 Yes No No. module 32 mounted on slides 56. Note the location of
EAR 3 Yes Yes No the printer module in FIG. 1 as being associated with
50 each of the crusher modules 28a, b, and c respectively.
As can be seen from the chart, in the case of a clear Note also in FIG, 14 the coin/token and coupon dis
one-piece plastic or glass container, since there is an pensing slot assembly 31 in phantom, as well as the on
object present and the E/RI system can only see board computer 18, the MPC controller 20, one or both
through air and not if there is any object in the way, but of which contains modem 34. For example, the printer
the other two beams are able to see through the con 55 module 32 associated with the plastics crusher module
tainer easily because it is clear and one piece, the NO, 28a may have disposed therebelow the on board com
YES, YES signals indicate to the MPC that there is a puter 18, while the printer module 32 in association with
clear, one-piece container in the cradle. In contrast, the the glass crusher module 28b may have the micro
NO, NO, YES result for colored one-piece indicates to processor controller 20 associated therebelow.
the MPC logic that there is a colored one-piece con The relation between the coupon printer module 32
tainer since E/R2system has its beam filtered out by the and the coin/token and coupon dispensing slot assem
color of the container, be it green, brown or some other bly 31 is such that upon the MPC determining from the
color of container. In contrast, where there is a two sensed data that the proper container has been deposited
piece container, either a black-bottom plastic container in the appropriate slot and crushed, there is then in
or some type of composite glass container with a top or 65 stantly printed out a coupon 60 which is dispensed in
cap, the E/R3 system cannot see anything and the third the coupon slot 330. The coin/token tray 331 is adjacent
"NO" of the NO, NO, NO logic indicates to the MPC to it and the two may be conveniently separated as
that there is a multi-piece container in the cradle. From shown by baffle 332. As with a typical coin/slot, the
29 30
bottom can be rounded to facilitate removal of the coins third means for providing information relating to the
and/or coupons. The coins feed down the inclined ramp size of the container:
333 from the coin/token dispenser module ramp 218 fourth means disposed downstream of said first means
disposed in cooperative alignment thereabove as best relative to movement of the container, for check
seen in FG 1. ing whether the container has a predetermined
The coupon printer module 32 includes a tray 334 amount of metal;
which may contain pre-printed, unprinted, or partially fifth means for crushing the container:
printed coupons 335 in continuous (fan-folded) array as chute means through which the glass container is able
shown. The coupons are held down by spring biased to move from said second means;
roller 336, and they are fed over a guide 337 into the 10 elevator means connected to said chute means, said
rear of the printer assembly 338 As described in more elevator means being adapted to be raised and low
detail in the co-pending application Ser. No. 462,394, ered;
the printer 338 is controlled through the on board com duct means connected to said chute means for carry
puter 18 either directly or via remote location such as a 15
ing pressurized air; and m
coupon sponsor so that the printer head 339 can print pressurized air means for supplying air to said duct
out the coupons for the customer instantaneously as the eaS. w

consumer is redeeming the cans. Individual coupons are 2. An apparatus, as claimed in claim 1, further includ
cut off by feeder cutter 340 and dispensed in slot 330 for ing:
receipt by the consumer. The consumer can then a few container sensing means disposed adjacent to said
minutes later redeem the cents-off coupons received as elevator means for detecting when the container is
part of the three part coupon 60 dispensed by the recy on said elevator means and wherein said elevator
cling machine. In a preferred mode, information from means moves upwardly at an incline when said
the redeemed coupons is then read by the bar code container sensing means detects the presence of the
reader 65 (see FIG. 1a) at the grocery checkout, and the 25
data is then forwarded to and stored in the on board 3. An apparatus, as claimed in claim 1, wherein:
computer 18. Coupon sponsors or providers can re said elevator means includes a plurality of fins that
motely monitor the information to determine redemp are laterally spaced from each other and each ex
tion patterns, and can instantaneously change the offer tends in a longitudinal direction towards said fifth
ings on the various coupons. In addition, various other 30 eaS.
types of incentives are provided on the multi-part cou 4. An apparatus, as claimed in claim 1, further includ
pon 60 such as rub off games, sweepstake entries, and ing:
saver stamps. barrier means disposed adjacent to said elevator
As shown in FIG. 14, the microprocessor 20 or on means and in the path of the container for provid
board computer 18 may contain a plurality of boards 35 ing sufficient resistance to movement of a container
345a-e which contain a number of chips which are that is made substantially of a plastic material
easily accessible for servicing or replacement by rolling wherein pressurized air from said duct means is of
out the computer or controller modules 18, 20 on slides sufficient force to cause the plastic container to be
56. removed from said chute means.
Each of the various modules described herein, the 40 5. An apparatus, as claimed in claim 4, wherein:
crusher modules, the coin/token dispenser module, the said resistance provided by said barrier means to a
coin/token and coupon dispensing slot assembly, the container that is substantially made of glass is insuf
coupon printer module, the on board computer, the ficient to prevent its movement through said bar
microprocessor controller module and the various bins rier means whereby the glass container moves past
can be easily slid out for service, and removed or re 45 said barrier means.
placed. 6. An apparatus for recycling containers, comprising:
It should be understood that various modifications first means for determining whether a container in
within the scope of this invention can be made by one of cludes at least a threshold amount of metal; .
ordinary skill in the art without departing from the second means for receiving the container;
spirit thereof. For example, the crusher modules of this 50 third means for providing information relating to the
invention may be modified to accept a wide variety of size of the container;
other recyclable containers, not just beverage contain fourth means, disposed downstream of said first
ers. Likewise the machine may be vertically subdivided means relative to movement of the container, for
so the plastics crusher module, an MPC, a printer, the checking whether the container has a predeter
coin dispenser module and crushed container bin stands 55 mined amount of metal;
alone separately from the other modules (glass and/or fifth means for crushing the container;
metal) where only plastics is needed to be redeemed. chute means, adjacent to said second means, having a
Likewise a glass machine can stand alone, or a metal passageway through which the container moves;
machine can stand alone. I therefore wish my invention duct means connected to said chute means for carry
to be defined by the scope of the appended claims as ing pressurized air;
broadly as the prior art will permit, and in view of the pressurized air means for supplying pressurized air to
specification if need be. said duct means; and
What is claimed is: a crushing chamber for receipt of the container to be
1. An apparatus for recycling container, comprising: crushed, said crushing chamber being in communi
first means for determining whether a container in 65 cation with said pressurized air means to provide a
cludes at least a threshold amount of metal, the substantially closed loop air supply for creating
container being substantially made of glass; reduced pressure to assist in movement of the con
second means for receiving the container; tainer relative to said crushing chamber.
31 32
7. An apparatus, as claimed in claim 6, further includ third means for providing information relating to the
ing: m
size of the container;
fourth means, disposed downstream of said first
means for determining whether said upper door is means relative to movement of the container, for
substantially closed. checking whether the container has a predeter
8. An apparatus, as claimed in claim 7, wherein: mined amount of metal;
said means for determining includes proximity switch
fifth means for crushing the container, said fifth
means including a container crushing chamber that
eaS has a movable lower door; and
9. An apparatus for recycling containers, comprising: O means for causing movement of said lower door in
first means for determining whether a container in response to a determination that said crushing
chamber contains a container made substantially of
cludes at least a threshold amount of metal; an unwanted material.
s s
second means for receiving the container;










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