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USOO961 0212B2

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,610,212 B2

Frankian (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 4, 2017
(54) WALKING ASSISTANCE APPARATUS A63B 21/00069; A63B 21/00181; A63B
23/04; A63B 23/0458: A63B 21/0464;
(71) Applicant: Justin Frankian, Woodland Hills, CA A63B 21/4004: A63V 23/0405; A61H
(US) 3/OO
USPC ................ 482/51, 66–69, 74, 139, 142, 148
(72) Inventor: Justin Frankian, Woodland Hills, CA See application file for complete search history.
(56) References Cited
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. 4,029,311 A * 6/1977 Chanslor .................. A61H3/04
(21) Appl. No.: 15/340,093 4,443,902 A * 4/1984 Baer .................... A61G 7, 1017
(22) Filed: Nov. 1, 2016 4,890,853 A * 1/1990 Olson ...................... A61G 5.00
(65) Prior Publication Data 4,907,794. A * 3/1990 Rose ........................ A61H3/04
US 2017/OO42753 A1 Feb. 16, 2017 (Continued)
Related U.S. Application Data Primary Examiner — Stephen Crow
(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 15/172,332, title th ytt AllI 1 L. Greenb
filed on Jun. 3, 2016, now Pat. No. 9,480,619, which
is a continuation-in-part of application No.
) it
Sq., (Jreenberg
Michael L. Greenberg,
15/019,757, filed on Feb. 9, 2016, now abandoned,
which is a continuation-in-part of application No. (57) ABSTRACT
14/791,512, filed on Jul. 6, 2015, now abandoned. A walking assistance device configured to permit the inde
pendent movement of an individual via simulated weight
(60) Provisional application No. 62/021,408, filed on Jul. reduction is described. The device is configured to partially
7, 2014. Suspend a portion of a users weight via a seat-lifting system,
facilitating the movement of a user with experiencing dif
(51) Int. Cl. ficulty walking without assistance. The system of the device
A63B 22/00 (2006.01) preferably employs a seat, a hydraulic or electric seat-lift
A6 IIH 3/00 (2006.01) mechanism, a seat restraint, a frame, wheels, a brake system,
A63B 7L/00 (2006.01) and a power source. The seat-lift mechanism is configured to
A6 IIH 3/04 (2006.01) rise and lower the seat, enabling the user to control the
A63B 2L/00 (2006.01) percentage of weightlifted, while the feet of the user remain
(52) U.S. Cl. in partial contact with the floor. The frame forms the
CPC ............ A61H 3/04 (2013.01); A63B 2 1/40II structure and Support of the device, and is configured to
(2015.10) move laterally via wheels on the bottom of the frame of the
(58) Field of Classification Search device.
CPC ....... A63B 22/20 22/205; A63B 22/00; A63B
21/4005; A63B 21/4007; A63B 21/4011; 4 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets
US 9,610,212 B2
Page 2

(56) References Cited 8, 151,812 B2 4/2012 Razon ...................... A61H3/04

U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 8, 152,699 B1 * 4/2012 Ma ....................... A61H 1,0229
4,948,156 A * 8/1990 Fortner .................... A61G 5/14 8,303,473 B2 * 1 1/2012 Gutierrez ............... A63B 21700
180/907 482/121
5,378,215 A * 1/1995 Harkins ................... A61H3/04 8,663,133 B2 * 3/2014 Johnson .................... A61F 5/24
135,67 482.78
6,296,263 B1 * 10/2001 Schultz .................... A61H3/04 2004/0063550 A1* 4/2004 Harris .................... A61H 3,008
135,67 482.69
6,338.493 B1* 1/2002 Wohlgemuth ........... A61G 5.00 2006/0113147 A1* 6/2006 Harris, Jr. .......... A62B35,0093
135,66 182/3
7,001,313 B1* 2/2006 Crinkovich ............... A61H3/04 2007. O194547 A1* 8, 2007 Steiner ..................... A61G 5/14
4- I
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OWe . .... ... ... ... ... ... .
Agif 58.
135,67 2008/012901.6 A1*
6, 2008 Willis ...................... A61G 5.08

7.341.543 B2 3, 2008 Dandy ................... A63B 22/20 280/639

- Ik andy 280,271 2009/004.5021 A1 2/2009 Einbinder ................ A61H3/04
7,470,220 B2 * 12/2008 Hernandez ........... A63B 21,012 188/2 D
188.25 2009/0298653 A1* 12/2009 Rodetsky ................. A61H3/04
7,559,560 B2 * 7/2009 Li ............................ A61H3/04 482.69
16.35 R 2010, 0083,994 A1* 4/2010 Liu .......................... A61H3/04
7,669,863 B2 * 3/2010 Steiner ..................... A61G 5/14 135,67
280/250.1 2012/0000496 A1 1/2012 Razon ...................... A61H3/04
7,708, 120 B2 * 5/2010 Einbinder ................ A61H3/04 135,67
188.19 2012/0187661 A1* 7, 2012 Kim ......................... A61H3/04
7,900,940 B1* 3/2011 Vidmar .................. A61H 3,008 280/650
7,935,030 B1* 5/2011 Nesbitt .................... A61H3/04
482/142 * cited by examiner
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U.S. Patent Apr. 4, 2017 Sheet S of 5 US 9,610,212 B2

F.G. 5
US 9,610,212 B2
1. 2
WALKING ASSISTANCE APPARATUS power (i.e. motorized wheels) that would propel the patient
horizontally, however this ignored any potential rehabilita
CONTINUITY tive, therapeutic effects by leaving the patient out of the
propulsion process.
This application is a Continuation-in-Part of Continua Furthermore, prior art also provided a means of Support
tion-in-Part application Ser. No. 15/172,332, filed on Jun. 3, ing the patient's upper torso through use of a height adjust
2016, which claims the benefit of Continuation-in-Part able hoist, however failed to address facilitating the patients
application Ser. No. 15/019,757, filed on Feb. 9, 2016, which input and/or making it easier for providing horizontal pro
claims the benefit of non-provisional application Ser. No. pulsion via the lower extremities for patients. All prior art
14/791,512, filed on Jul. 6, 2015, which claims priority to 10
required that the users full weight be supported by the
provisional patent application Ser. No. 62/021,408, filed on strength of his or her legs and/or partially Supported with the
Jul. 7, 2014, and priority is claimed thereto. strength of the arms.
FIELD OF THE PRESENT INVENTION Thus, there is a need for a new walker aide device
15 configured to assist the user in moving without the need for
The present invention pertains to walkers and similar his or her weight to be completely supported by the strength
walking assistance devices, and more specifically relates to of the legs of the individual or the arms of the individual.
a walking assistance device configured to permit the inde Such a device is preferably equipped with a telescoping,
pendent movement of the individual with minimal or bicycle-style seat, configured to enable the user to rest a
decreased use of the user's hands or legs for continual portion of his or her weight on the bicycle-style seat while
Support of the user. walking. Optional crutched may also be available on the
device, to help further support the individual in Standing and
BACKGROUND OF THE PRESENT walking. A small DC powered motor is preferably available
INVENTION to supply power to rear wheels of the device to assist the user
25 with movement up hills.
In the past, the majority of walkers have been used for
aiding elderly, ambulatory patients in walking, whether in SUMMARY OF THE PRESENT INVENTION
nursing homes, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, or in their
own homes. Traditionally, these walkers consisted of a The present invention is a walking assistance device
four-legged frame with front brace. Often, the two rear legs 30 configured to aide an individual in independent movement.
would be capped with spherical, Soft accessories (i.e. tennis The device is configured to partially suspend a portion of the
balls) to inhibit spontaneous, erratic movements and slip weight of the user via a partial seat to make it easier for the
page. user to support his or herself while moving.
Conventional wheelchairs are often employed to help The present invention overcomes the debilitating effects
individuals to move, however these offer little benefit in 35 of a wheelchair for a majority of patients who rely on wheels
terms of exercise for the legs of the user. To exercise the to move around. It also minimizes the risk of falling for
legs, the aforementioned walkers are frequently used, which those who rely on walking aids such as canes and walkers,
users are able to lean on and hold on to as they move about. within the limitations of the terrain.
Walkers such as these cause upper body strain, as the user The present invention consists of a four-legged frame,
often must lean heavily on the handles of the walker in order 40 with two large fixed wheels situated at the bottom of each
to reduce his or her weight enough to move without severe rear leg, and two smaller, free rotating wheels (casters)
discomfort. Therefore, there is a need to change this para disposed at the bottom of each front leg. A seat restraint is
digm Such that a user need not rely heavily on leaning on a in communication with the seat of the present invention, and
walker in order to move without discomfort. connects the thighs of the user to the seat for safety and
Prior art allowed for support for elderly patients with 45 security during use. The patient is strapped to the seat via the
compromised use of their lower extremities to hold them seat restraints as he or she partially sits on the seat, to which
selves up with the walker. It also required significant the seat-lift mechanism can raise the seat (whereby the
strength in the patient’s arms and upper body to lean on the patient is lifted) to reduce the weight of the patient as needed
walker to assist their legs. However, prior art failed to according to his or her condition and strength. This reduc
provide a means of movement for patients with very limited 50 tion in weight allows the patient to implement the use of his
use of the lower extremities and an inability to balance and or her legs and feet to propel him or herself vertically and/or
hold their upper torso upright Similar devices have been horizontally with respect to the floor as the plane of move
created for use by children, also known as child walkers. ment with less force than would usually be required to move
These walkers are conventionally configured with a seat that if the full weight of the patient were placed on the lower
holds the child at a fixed distance from the ground, whereas 55 extremities of the patient.
the child’s legs would dangle below, in contact with the
ground. At the bottom, a frame with multiple wheels aids in BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
the movement of the child, for which the child provided
propulsion through the use of the legs. The purpose and The present invention will be better understood with
function of these devices were to prevent a child from falling 60 reference to the appended drawing sheets, wherein:
while learning to walk. FIG. 1 displays a front perspective view of the preferred
Prior art known to the field has also failed in providing a embodiment of the present invention as seen from the front,
means of holding up the upper torso of the user's body and detailing the profile of the present invention.
allowing users with disabilities in the lower extremities to FIG. 2 shows a left side view of the preferred embodiment
propel themselves manually. Some prior art attempted to 65 of the present invention.
solve the problem of aiding patients with limited faculty in FIG. 3 displays a flow chart of the process of use of the
the lower extremities by providing an external source of present invention.
US 9,610,212 B2
3 4
FIG. 4 displays atop side view of the electric brake The brake assemblies (85) are most commonly in the
solenoid of an embodiment of the present invention. locked or on state, ensuring that the user remains in the
FIG. 5 displays an embodiment of the present invention desired position in height (via percentage of weight Sus
equipped with optional integrated crutches, as well as a pended) and placement during motion while using the
ramp-assist motor. present invention. It is envisioned that the brake assemblies
(85) are bicycle-style brake assemblies, functioning similar
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE to that of conventional bicycle brake systems. Two omni
PREFERRED EMBODIMENT directional casters (55), having free rotation about their
vertical axes, are each situated on the two front legs of the
The present invention generally comprises a frame (10), 10 frame (10). If need be, additional casters (55) may be added
wheels (20), a seat (35), a seat restraint (15), and a hydraulic to provide more stability.
seat-lift mechanism (30). The seat-lift mechanism (30) is The present invention is preferably equipped with brake
powered via a DC power source (150), which is preferably pads which are configured to grip or clamp on the two sides
disposed on or within the frame (10) of the present inven of the rim of each wheel (20) when a left wheel brake lever
tion. The seat-lift mechanism (30) is preferably a hydraulic 15 (70) and/or a right wheel brake lever (75) are inactive (not
or electric piston or cylinder, configured to facilitate the pulled by the user). The pads function is to prevent slipping
raising or lowering of the seat (35) at the will and need of and unwanted forward/rearward/sideward (planar) move
the user. As such, the present invention is designed Such that ment when the user is at rest. The use of the assembly is
the user may partially Suspend his or her weight on the seat, preferably controlled by the left wheel brake lever (70) and
while still using his or her legs to move, allowing the user the right wheel brake lever (75), or both.
to exercise. This is in contrast to conventional wheelchairs, It should be understood that the brake assemblies (85) of
which do not permit the user to exercise his or her legs the present invention are preferably maintained in the on or
during movement. activated position such that the use of the left wheel brake
Various embodiments of invention are now described in lever (70) and the right wheel brake lever (75) releases the
more detail with reference to the accompanying figures and 25 brakes, rather than activates them. Either handle can release
drawings, where some but not all embodiments of invention the normally-on brakes mechanically to lift the brake pads
are displayed and/or illustrated in the figures. As expected, off of the rims of the wheels (20). Therefore, the brake pads
these inventions may be consolidated into many different of the brake assemblies (85) are normally in contact with the
forms and should not be interpreted as limited to the wheels (20) So the user can maintain stability, and remain in
embodiments set forth herein; these embodiments are made 30 place when the users hands are not on the brakes.
available so that this disclosure will fulfill relevant legal Once the user desires to move, then the left wheel brake
requirements. lever (70) and the right wheel brake lever (75) can be
FIG. 1 portrays the preferred embodiment of the inven activated to lift the brake pads off of the rims of the wheels
tion. The frame (10) of the present invention preferably (20), or to alternately release the brake pads disposed against
consists of steel and/or aluminum tubing, running horizon 35 the floor in alternate embodiments of the present invention.
tally and vertically and forward/backward (similar to that of The brake assemblies (170) need not be controlled by the left
a conventional walker), which provides the structural foun wheel brake lever (70) and the right wheel brake lever (75)
dation for housing other devices of the invention, and for in all embodiments of the present invention, but can also be
Supporting the weight and balance of the patient. These activated through the use of buttons, capacitive touch sen
tubings of the frame (10) may be continuous, bent forms 40 sors, micro-controllers, Voice, or any sort of mechanism that
and/or different pieces welded and/or bolted together, as would allow a patient with limited use of the hands to easily
shown in FIG. 1 and FIG. 2. A 12 volt DC power source manipulate the current or tension of the brake assemblies
(150) is preferably situated on the bottommost horizontal (85). If powered brakes are employed instead of manual
tubing (though may be located on any part of the frame (10) brakes, the brake assemblies (85) are connected to the power
where convenient and not in opposition to the function of the 45 source (150) via the electrical wires (65). The electrical
device), with an electrical wires (65) that connects the power wires (65) consist of wiring that runs along (and/or within)
Source (150) to an adjustable actuator connecting power to the vertical tubings of the frame (10), from where the left
the seat-lift mechanism (30) and the brake assemblies (85) wheel brake lever (70) and the right wheel brake lever (75)
(if a powered brake is used) via electrical wires (65). The are situated.
seat (35) as shown in FIG. 1, is preferably composed of, or 50 The primary function of the present invention lies in the
with, at least one bungee cord. The seat (35) is preferably weight-reducing seat-lift mechanism (30), which is powered
affixed via a seat bracket (60) configured to removably by the power source (150) through the electrical wires (65).
secure the seat (35) in position. Additionally, a primary seat The seat-lift mechanism (30) is configured to enable the user
height adjustment bracket (105) is disposed in communica to raise or lower the seat according to his or her height and
tion with the seat (35), and is configured to facilitate the 55 preference. Additionally, the seat-lift mechanism (30) is
adjustment of the height of the seat (35) to suit the height of configured to compress slightly during use, providing the
various patients. This is a one-time adjustment unrelated to user with a form of shock absorption, making the seat (35)
the seat-lift mechanism (35). A three-position seat lifting and of the present invention more comfortable for extended use.
lowering switch (50) is preferably disposed on the left side It is envisioned that the seat-lift mechanism (30) may
of the present invention, and is in communication with the 60 employ electric lift or hydraulic lift.
seat-lift mechanism (30) via electrical wires (65). The three As a result, patients who are semi-mobile, disabled,
position seat lifting and lowering Switch (50) is in commu and/or weak in the lower extremities would be able to use
nication with the power source (150) of the present inven minimal strength in exercises Such as gait training and
tion via electrical wires (65) as well. The seat (35) is also would be able to mimic the effects of water therapy, however
preferably equipped with a seat lift arm (95), which provides 65 in a non-aqueous environment, i.e. the Surface, all without
leverage and facilitates the stable lifting and lowering of the the need for strength from the upper body and arms. The
seat (35) via the seat-lift mechanism (30). invention overcomes the debilitating effects of a wheelchair
US 9,610,212 B2
5 6
for a majority of patients who rely on wheelchairs or invention. Conversely, releasing only one brake assembly
wheeled walkers to move around. Use of the present inven (85) by gripping only the right wheel brake lever (75) causes
tion also minimizes the risk of falling for those who rely on the frame (10) and the user to pivot on the restrained wheel
walking aids such as canes and walkers, within the limita (20) on the left of the present invention.
tions of the terrain. Additionally, it should be understood that some embodi
Alternate embodiments of the present invention may ments of the present invention employs electric Solenoid
include variations on the frame (10), wheels (20), and design (45) to facilitate an electric powered brake. The electric
of the brake assemblies (85). For example, push handles brake is preferably an optional feature, which is used in lieu
may be disposed at the rear of the tubing of the frame (10) of the mechanical brakes which employ traditional levers to
to facilitate pushing a user in the device of the present 10 manually pull the brakes, shown as the left wheel brake lever
invention by a nurse or assistant from the rear, similar to a (70) and right wheel brake lever (75). This requires one
wheelchair. This can be helpful for expediting the training electrical switch (40) connected by a electrical wires (65) to
process of use for a user of the present invention. an electric solenoid (45) then via cables (80) to the brake
Additionally, an electric, motorized wheel may be assemblies (85). Again this feature ideal for those patients
included in some embodiments of the present invention to 15 who cannot manipulate the brake levers without discomfort.
facilitate use of the present invention as an extra mobility The patients simply place their hand on the electrical switch
option if needed. (40) to release both brakes at the same time. A third optional
All embodiments of the present invention preferably embodiment of the present invention may utilize the left
employ a 12 volt D.C. battery as the power source (150), wheel brake lever (70) and the right wheel brake lever (75)
powering the seat-lift mechanism (30) as well as the brake as electric switches, connected to 2 different solenoids that
portion of the present invention in embodiments of the would each control one brake assembly. Such an embodi
present invention employing a powered brake. Preferred ment would facilitate independent braking similar to the
embodiments of the present invention employ a manual manual, mechanical brakes of the preferred embodiment of
brake, which can be used without the need to route power the present invention, enabling easier pivoting of the present
from the power source (150), as shown in FIG. 1. The 25 invention.
manual brake of the present invention is preferably a A fourth embodiment of the present invention is shown in
bicycle-style brake assembly (85). Alternate embodiments FIG. 5, which depicts an optional arrangement of the com
of the present invention are preferably equipped with an ponents of the present invention. The embodiment of the
electric brake solenoid (45), which facilitates electric pow present invention shown in FIG.5 has the seat (35) removed,
ered braking. Such an embodiment is preferable to elderly 30 and the seat-lift mechanism (30) is instead configured to
individuals, or those with impaired hands, as the Such a interface with crutches (25). The crutches (25) are config
braking system equipped with the electric brake solenoid ured to further assist individuals while walking, and pro
(45) requires much less effort to activate/deactivate the vides a different lift method than that of the seat assist of
brakes of the present invention than that of the manual other embodiments of the present invention. A crutch chest
brakes employing the left wheel brake lever (70) and right 35 strap (100) is disposed in communication with the crutches
wheel brake lever (75), and is instead envisioned to be (25), which preferably employ a Velcro TM strap to provide
activated with the push of a button. additional support of the patient if needed. The crutches (25)
The preferred process of use of the present invention, as function to support and lift the upper body of the patients
shown in FIG. 3, is preferably as follows: who need additional assistance in standing upright. In this
First, the user obtains the device of the present invention 40 embodiment of the present invention, the lifting and lower
from a retailer, e-retailer, or his or her doctor. (200) Then, the ing switch (50) is configured to actuate the seat-lift mecha
present invention is assembled, either by hand, or arrives nism (30), which, in absence of the seat (35) is configured
pre-assembled. (210) Next, the user backs up to the present to instead lift the crutches (25) via the crutch support
invention, and sits on the seat (35). (220) The user then assembly (140).
affixes the seat restraint (15) such that his or her thighs are 45 Additionally, in the embodiment shown in FIG. 5, the
encompassed with the seat restraint (15), and the user is present invention is equipped with a ramp-assist motor
loosely attached to the seat (35). The user may then adjust (120), which is preferably geared. The gear of the ramp
the height of the seat by activating the seat-lift mechanism assist motor (120) is preferably in communication with
(30) via the three-position seat lifting and lowering switch powered relay wheels (130), which are placed into contact
(50), partially suspending the weight of the user to the seat 50 with the wheels (20) upon activation of a motor activation
(35). (230) After the user reaches a comfortable height, the button (110). The ramp-assist motor (120) is configured to
user may then release the brakes by gripping or compressing be used only when additional assistance is needed, such as
the left wheel brake lever (70) and right wheel brake lever when walking up a ramp, hill, or similar incline. The motor
(75), facilitating movement of the user with his or her legs. activation button (110) is preferably a snap-action switch,
(240). When the user wishes to stop, the right wheel brake 55 which only activates the ramp-assist motor (120) for the
lever (75) and left wheel brake lever (70) are both released, time duration of which the motor activation button (110) is
facilitating activation of both brake assemblies (85). (250) pressed.
As such, it should be understood that, in order to stop both Having illustrated the present invention, it should be
wheels (20) of the present invention, both the right wheel understood that various adjustments and versions might be
brake lever (75) and the left wheel brake lever (70) must be 60 implemented without venturing away from the essence of
released. Therefore, in order to move backward or forward the present invention. Further, it should be understood that
in a straight direction, both brake assemblies must be the present invention is not solely limited to the invention as
released by the user gripping on both the right wheel brake described in the embodiments above, but further comprises
lever (75) and the left wheel brake lever (70). Releasing only any and all embodiments within the scope of this applica
one brake assembly (85) by gripping only the left wheel 65 tion.
brake lever (70) causes the frame (10) and the user to pivot The foregoing descriptions of specific embodiments of the
on the restrained wheel (20) on the right of the present present invention have been presented for purposes of
US 9,610,212 B2
7 8
illustration and description. They are not intended to be 2. The device of claim 1, further comprising:
exhaustive or to limit the present invention to the precise a power supply, said power supply in communication with
forms disclosed, and obviously many modifications and said seat-lift mechanism via electrical cables;
variations are possible in light of the above teaching. The wherein said seat-lift mechanism is an electric piston;
exemplary embodiment was chosen and described in order 5 a Switch, said Switch configured to activate said seat-lift
to best explain the principles of the present invention and its mechanism to lift said seat, partially suspending the
practical application, to thereby enable others skilled in the weight of the user, reducing the weight supported by
art to best utilize the present invention and various embodi the feet of the user; and
ments with various modifications as are suited to the par wherein said seat is removable.
ticular use contemplated. 10 3. A method for walking with assistance due to a reduced
I claim: body weight via suspension comprising:
1. A weight suspension and motion device for a user sitting on a seat, the seat disposed on a frame;
walking comprising: connecting a seat restraint to the thighs of the user;
a frame; wherein the frame is equipped with wheels;
a seat, said seat in communication with said frame; 15 wherein the wheels are outfitted with brakes;
a seat restraint, said seat restraint disposed adjacent to said powering a hydraulic seat-lift mechanism with a battery;
Seat; activating the seat-lift mechanism;
a seat-lift mechanism, said seat-lift mechanism disposed the hydraulic seat-lift mechanism lifting the seat, in turn
on said frame, in communication with said seat; lifting a portion of the weight of the user, effectively
wheels, said wheels disposed at a rear of said frame: reducing the weight of the user;
casters, said casters disposed at a front of said frame: the user depressing at least one brake switch handle,
Suspension, said suspension integrated in said seat; deactivating the brakes;
wherein said seat restraint is configured to extend around the user walking easier with less strain exerted by the legs
thighs of the user; and of the user to support the weight of the user;
wherein said seat is configured to support a portion of the 25 the user optionally removing the seat;
weight of the user while facilitating the use of feet of the user installing crutches via a crutch support assembly
the user to walk in communication with the frame and the hydraulic
brake switch release handles; seat-lift mechanism;
wherein said brake switch release handles are in commu the user placing the crutches under his/her arms; and
nication with said brake assemblies via brake cables: 30 the user adjusting the height of the crutches to support a
wherein said cables release said brake pads of said brake portion of the weight of the user by activating the
assemblies upon retraction via said brake switch release hydraulic seat-lift mechanism.
handles; 4. The method of claim 3, further comprising:
wherein said brake switch release handles are disposed on the user activating a ramp-assist motor by continually
said frame; 35 pressing a motor activation button;
wherein said brake switch release handles are configured the ramp-assist motor conveying rotational kinetic energy
to release said brake assemblies when squeezed, per to the wheels via at least one gear;
mitting movement of said wheels; the user ascending an incline with support from the
crutches, said crutches removably disposed in communi ramp-assist motor, and
cation with said seat-lift mechanism; and, 40 the user ceasing pressing the motor activation button;
wherein said crutches can be lifted by activation of said the ramp-assist motor deactivating.
seat-lift mechanism.

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