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US 10 , 369 ,376 B2
PHOTOTHERAPY APPARATUSES AND microstructures having a more diffusive distribution , thereby
METHODS enhancing the treatment of an ailment when a patient is lying
on the bed .
CROSS -REFERENCES TO RELATED In yet another aspect, the present disclosure provides a
APPLICATIONS 5 phototherapy treatment method including placing a patient
on a bed having at least one of a translucent or transparent
Not Applicable. material, generating light from a light source ; and transmit
ting the generated light through the material of the bed and
STATEMENT REGARDING FEDERALLY through a plurality ofmicrostructures located on a surface of
SPONSORED RESEARCH 10 the bed such that the light exits the plurality of microstruc
tures having a more diffusive distribution so as to enhance
Not Applicable. the treatment of an ailment of the patient placed on the bed .
The foregoing and other aspects and advantages of the
BACKGROUND invention will appear from the following description . In the
15 description , reference is made to the accompanying draw
The present disclosure relates generally to phototherapy by ings which form a part hereof, and in which there is shown
and , more specifically , to apparatuses and methods for tionway of illustration a preferred embodiment of the inven
. Such embodiment does not necessarily represent the
effectively administering phototherapy. full scope of the invention , however, and reference is made
One instance where phototherapy is utilized is the treat 20 therefore to the claims and herein for interpreting the scope
ment of jaundice . It is fairly common for neonates to be born of the invention .
clinically jaundiced . Jaundice , or hyperbilirubinemia , results
from increased production and transiently impaired elimi BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS
nation of the pigment bilirubin . Neonates affected by jaun
dice can show persistent high levels of unconjugated bili- 25 The invention will be better understood and features ,
rubin . High levels of unconjugated bilirubin can lead to aspects and advantages other than those set forth above will
kernicterus, a condition involving deposition of bilirubin in become apparent when consideration is given to the follow
the brain , which leads to deficits in cognition, neuromuscu ing detailed description thereof. Such detailed description
lar tone and control, and hearing , and even death . The most makes reference to the following drawings.
common therapy for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia or jaun- 30 FIG . 1 is a perspective view of a phototherapy treatment
dice is phototherapy. The efficacy of phototherapy can apparatus according to one non - limiting example of the
depend on irradiance (light intensity ) , spectral range (light present disclosure.
wavelength ), exposed skin surface area (Body Surface Area FIG . 2 is a cross-sectional view of a bed of the photo
(BSA ) ), and duration of exposure . Other instances where therapy treatment apparatus of FIG . 1 illustrating light
ermatitis , 335 traveling through a light channel of the bed , according to one
phototherapy may be used are psoriasis , atopic dermatitis
eczema, and acne vulgaris, to name a few . aspect of the present disclosure .
FIG . 3 is a perspective view of a phototherapy treatment
BRIEF SUMMARY apparatus according to another non -limiting example of the
present disclosure .
The present disclosure provides phototherapy apparatuses 40 phototherapy
FIG . 4 is an exploded view of a bed assembly of the
treatment apparatus of FIG . 3.
and methods. In particular, the present disclosure provides FIG . 5 is an exploded view of an LED module assembly
phototherapy apparatuses configured to diffusely transmit of the phototherapy treatment apparatus of FIG . 3
light emitted from a light source to a target surface and FIG . 6 is a perspective view of a bed of the phototherapy
thereby to a patient. 45 treatment apparatus of FIG . 3 .
In one aspect, the present disclosure provides a photo FIG . 7 is a cross-sectional view of the bed of FIG . 6 taken
therapy treatment apparatus including a bed having (i) at along line 7 - 7 .
least one of a transparent or a translucentmaterial, and ( 11) FIG . 8 is a cross -sectional view of the bed of FIG . 6 taken
a surface having a plurality ofmicrostructures . The photo along line 8 - 8 .
therapy treatment apparatus further includes a housing hold - 50 FIG . 9 is a cross -sectional view of a bed assembly of the
ing the bed , and a light source supported by the housing. The phototherapy treatment apparatus of FIG . 3 taken along line
light source is constructed and arranged to generate light that 9-9.
is transmitted from the light source through the transparent FIG . 10 is a zoomed in view of the section of FIG . 9
or translucent material of the bed and through the plurality indicated by line 10 - 10 .
of microstructures such that the light exits the plurality of 55 FIG . 11 is a zoomed in view of the section of FIG . 9
microstructures having a more diffusive distribution , thereby indicated by line 11 - 11 .
enhancing the treatment of an ailmentwhen a patient is lying FIG . 12 is a cross - sectional view of the bed of FIG . 6
on the bed . illustrating light traveling through a light channel of the bed
In another aspect, the present disclosure provides a pho - and being dispersed by a plurality of microstructures on
totherapy treatment apparatus including a bed having ( i) at 60 treatment surface of the bed , according to one aspect of the
least one of a transparent or a translucent material, and (ii) present disclosure .
a surface having a plurality of microstructures. The photo - FIG . 13A is an illustration of a radial crack according to
therapy treatment apparatus further includes a light source one aspect of the present disclosure .
constructed and arranged to generate light that is transmitted FIG . 13B is an illustration of a conical crack according to
from the light source through the transparent or translucent 65 one aspect of the present disclosure .
material of the neonate bed and through the plurality of FIG . 13C is an illustration of a lateral crack according to
microstructures such that the light exits the plurality of one aspect of the present disclosure.
US 10 ,369,376 B2
FIG . 14 is a graph illustrating a normalized light irradi- light intensity of 30 uW / cm2/nm , and that the ratio between
ance profile as a function of longitudinal distance along a the minimum and maximum light intensity be greater than
treatment surface without a plurality of microstructures . 0 .4 These approaches suffer from a number of shortcomings ,
FIG . 15 is a graph illustrating a normalized light irradi- such as: 1) causing the neonate to lose body water due to
ance profile as a function of longitudinal distance along a 5 warming of the ambient air around ; 2 ) potentially exposing
treatment surface with a plurality of microstructures. the neonate 's naked eye to the treatment light; 3 ) distributing
FIG . 16 is a graph illustrating a relative spectral power the light intensity unevenly on the BSA ; and 4 ) requiring
distribution as a function of wavelength for an LED of the additional space in neonatal intensive care units (“NICU ” ) .
phototherapy treatment apparatus of FIG . 3 and for bilirubin Currently available equipment also has relatively high
absorption according to one non -limiting example of the 10 power requirements and occupy a lot of space, rendering the
present disclosure . equipment unsuitable for use in remote places of developing
FIG . 17 a schematic illustration of the components of the countries and make it expensive to ship .
phototherapy treatment apparatus of FIG . 3 according to one It would therefore be desirable to have portable photo
non -limiting example of the present disclosure . therapy apparatuses that are configured to efficiently output
FIG . 18 is a flow chart outlining the steps for operating a 15 uniform , or diffusive light irradiance to a patient. Addition
phototherapy treatment apparatus according to one non - ally , the portability of the apparatuses can enable at home
liming example of the present disclosure . treatment. It would also be desirable for such phototherapy
FIG . 19 is a perspective view of a phototherapy treatment apparatuses that consume less power, which translates to
apparatus including a heater according to another non - less heat produced by light sources/ equipment and enables
limiting example of the present disclosure. 20 more efficient heat dissipation . Further, less heat produced
FIG . 20 is a perspective view of a phototherapy treatment can aid in preventing dehydration while treating the patient.
apparatus configured for piecewise assembly according to As will be described below , apparatuses described herein
another non -limiting example of the present disclosure . facilitate a reduction in a gap between a light source and a
FIG . 21 is a perspective view of a phototherapy treatment patient, and use a controllable medium to channel light
apparatus including a plurality of foldable unit cells accord - 25 thereby achieving power requirements that are fractional
ing to another non -limiting example of the present disclo - when compared with the prior art.
sure . FIG . 1 illustrates a perspective view of one non - limiting
FIG . 22 is a perspective view of a phototherapy treatment example of a phototherapy treatment apparatus 100 of the
apparatus including a branched structure for light transmis present disclosure . The phototherapy treatment apparatus
sion according to another non -limiting example of the 30 100 includes a bed 102 , a transition device 104 , and a light
present disclosure . source 106 . The bed 102 includes a top side 108 , a bottom
FIG . 23 is a perspective view of a phototherapy treatment surface 110 , and a plurality of side surfaces 112 . The bed 102
apparatus including a goose necked light source according to may include a material that is transparent and /or translucent
another non - limiting example of the present disclosure . to electromagnetic radiation in the visible spectrum and its
FIG . 24 is a perspective view of a disposable mattress 35 neighborhood (e . g ., between approximately 100 nanometers
usable with phototherapy treatment apparatuses described (nm ) and 900 nm ). Bed 102 may additionally include a
herein . material having a higher refractive index than air . Example
FIG . 25 is a perspective view of a surface profile of a bed materials for bed 102 include one or more polymer, such as,
surface treated by CNC . polycarbonate (PC ) , polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA ) and /
FIG . 26 a perspective view of a surface profile of a bed 40 or polystyrene (PS ).
surface treated by CNC and laser etching . The top side 108 of the bed 102 includes a treatment
FIG . 27 is a perspective view of a surface profile of a bed surface 114 configured to diffusely transmit light emitted
surface treated by CNC and sandblasting . from light source 106 to a neonate or patient positioned on
FIG . 28 is graph illustrating a normalized light emmitance the top side 108. The diffuse transmission characteristics of
as a function of longitudinal position along the bed surface 45 the treatment surface 114 may be obtained by mechanical,
of FIG . 25 at two different latitudinal positions. chemical, or photic processes that produce microstructures
FIG . 29 is graph illustrating a normalized light emmitance 116 on the treatment surface 114 . The microstructures 116
as a function of longitudinal position along the bed surface may comprise , for example , discolored char particles , voids,
of FIG . 26 at two different latitudinal positions and /or micro -cracks . The individual or collective action of
FIG . 30 is graph illustrating a normalized light emmitance 50 these voids, micro - cracks, chars , or any other suitable micro
as a function of longitudinal position along the bed surface structures can be responsible for diffusely scattering radia
of FIG . 27 at two different latitudinal positions tion transmitted from the treatment surface 114 through the
microstructures 116 . Examples of processes that may be
DETAILED DESCRIPTION used to create microstructures 116 include one or more of
55 CNC machining, laser engraving , sand blasting, chemical
The use of the term “ light” herein is a term that is engraving, and /or other suitable mechanical , chemical, or
synonymous with “ electromagnetic radiation ," and is not photic operations . Alternatively or additionally , the micro
meant to be limited to a specific wavelength range within the structures 116 may be formed on a thin layer than can be
electromagnetic spectrum unless specifically stated . coated or embedded on the treatment surface 114 . The
Current phototherapy approaches for treating jaundice in 60 plurality of side surfaces 112 of the bed 102 includes an
neonates use a fluorescent lamp, a halogen lamp, or LED ' s , incident surface 118 , which is configured to receive the light
which shine light directly on the neonate . The light sources emitted from light source 106 .
are typically kept a specified distance away from the neonate In some non - limiting examples, light source 106 may be
( e .g ., at least 35 cm ) and mounted on top of neonatal configured to emit light in a broadband spectrum spanning
bassinets, incubators and/ or warmers . The American Asso - 65 between , but not limited to , the ultraviolet and infrared
ciation of Pediatrics (AAP ) requires that phototherapy spectrums. In these non - limiting examples, the light source
devices used to treat jaundiced neonates output an average 106 may be in the form of a lamp or solar radiation . In other
US 10 ,369,376 B2
non -limiting examples , light source 106 may be configured surface 110 and the air at an angle of incidence , larger than
to emit light in a narrow band in the visible spectrum and its a critical angle critical (i.e., 0 ,> 0 critical). The critical angle
neighborhood ( e . g ., between approximately 100 nm and 900 critics ; is measured with respect to an axis 126 normal to the
nm ). In these non - limiting example , the light source 106 medium boundary surface 124 . The critical angle critical is
may be in the form of a light emitting diode (LED ) or a laser. 5 determined based on the index of refraction of air n , and the
In some non -limiting examples , the light source 106 may be index of refraction of the bed material n , , in accordance with
configured to emit light that are focused towards a specific Snell 's law shown below .
phototherapy application . For example , the light source 106
may be configured to emit light at a wavelength , or range of
wavelengths, capable of photodissociating bilirubin in the 10 critical = arcsin
blood of a patient (e .g., a neonate ). Alternatively or addi
tionally, the light source 106 may be configured to emit light
between approximately 280 nm and 320 nm for treating The angle of incidence 0 , can be related to a semi-viewing
eczema, atopic dermatitis, vitiligo , and /or psoriasis . Alter
natively or additionally, the light source 106 may be con - 15 angle
1 hvitOsv, defined by the light traveling in the light channel
figured to emit visible light to facilitate treating seasonal
affective disorder and/or bipolar disorder. Alternatively or 0;= 90 -Osy (2)
additionally, the light source 106 may be configured to emit
light between approximately 100 nm and 280 nm for treating Substituting in the constraint that 0- > O criticat, the semi
wound healing and /or inhibiting bacterial growth . Alterna - 20 viewing angle os, can be related to the critical angle critical
tively or additionally, the light source 106 may be configured by:
to emit infrared light for treating hypothermia . It should be
appreciated that the phototherapy treatments listed above are
not meant to be limiting in any way and the light source 106 Osy < 90 – arcsin (m2).
can be configured to emit light to facilitate phototherapy 25
treatments for a variety of ailments.
In operation , light emitted from light source 106 travels As shown by the illustrated non - limiting example of FIG .
through the transition device 104 to incident surface 118 . 2 and as described by equations 1 - 3 , light enters the light
The transition device 104 can be used to serve one or more channel 122 of the bed 102 at a viewing angle ... generally
functions including, but not limited to , transmitting the light 30 defined as an off - axis angle from a centerline 128 , defined by
from the light source 106 to the incident surface 118 , the light source 106 , where the luminous intensity is
focusing, scattering, or diffusing the light, shifting the wave approximately half of a peak value . The viewing angle Ov
length of the light emitted from the light source 106 , filtering can be divided into two semi- viewing angles O . , both
the light to pass only a specific bandwidth of wavelengths measured between the light and the centerline 128 of the
through , and/ or amplifying the intensity of the light. In one 35 light source 106 . The centerline 128 can be parallel to the top
non - limiting example , after passing through the transition surface 108 , and the axis 126 , which is normal to the top and
device 104, the light emitted from light source 106 is filtered bottom surfaces 108 , 110 , forms a right angle with the
to a wavelength capable of photodissociating bilirubin to central- horizontal axis 128. As such , due to geometrical
treat a jaundiced patient. In another non -limiting example constraints, the angles of incidence 0 ;, formed between the
the transition device 104 may focus the light along a 40 outermost light and the axis 126 , are complementary to the
substantial portion or, the entire length , of incident surface corresponding semi- viewing angles osy (each semi-viewing
118 . In still other non - limiting examples, the light emitted angle added to the corresponding angle of incidence would
from the light source 106 can be filter to a wavelength equal a right angle ). Therefore , each angle of incidence Oi is
capable of treating psoriasis , bipolar disorder, eczema, and equal to ninety degrees minus the corresponding semi
SAID , to name a few . 45 viewing angle Ocu . To ensure that TIR is achieved , ninety
As shown in FIG . 2 , once the light ( shown as light rays ) degrees minus the corresponding semi-viewing angle 0 . is
emitted from the light source 106 reaches the incident maintained below the critical angle it , as determined by
surface 118 , the light transmits through the incident surface the equations 1 - 3 above . Thus , once the index of refraction
118 and enters a light channel 122 defined between the top of the bed 102 material is known, a minimum viewing angle
side 108 and the bottom surface 110 of the bed 102 . The light 50 0 for the light entering the light channel 122 can be defined
that enters the light channel 122 can be emitted into the light to ensure TIR .
channel 122 at a viewing angle e , such that total internal It should be appreciated that the example described above
reflection (TIR ) is achieved , as described below . with reference to FIG . 2 do not account for when the
There are two conditions for TIR to occur : (1 ) light should centerline 128 of the light source 102 is not parallel to the
travel from denser to rarer medium (i.e ., from a higher index 55 top surface 108 and/ or the bottom surface 110 . In such a
ofrefraction to a lower index ofrefraction ), and (2 ) an angle case , a tilt angle it can be defined as the angle between the
of incidence in the densermedium should be greater than a centerline 128 of the light source 106 and a central- hori
critical angle . As described above , bed 102 can be fabricated zontal axis defined between the top surface 108 and the
from a material with a higher index of refraction than air. bottom surface 110 . The semi- viewing angle of equation 3
Bed 102 therefore satisfies the first condition for TIR . The 60 can be modified to account for the tilt angle tilt as defined
second constraint can be satisfied by proper design of the below .
viewing angle 0 , defined by the light entering the light
channel 122 and the specific material from which the bed
102 is fabricated . According to the second condition , TIR 0sy < (90 + Orift ) - arcsin (4 )
can be achieved when light traveling through the light 65
channel 122 intersects a medium boundary surface 124
formed between either the top surface 108 or the bottom
US 10 ,369, 376 B2
The TIR achieved through the light channel 122 of the bed 330 thereby fastening the top plate 318 to the bottom plate
102 ensures that a maximum intensity of light can be 320 . In the illustrated non -limiting example , the top 318 and
delivered to a patient on the treatment surface 114 with bottom plates 320 may be coupled using a plurality of
minimal losses due to refraction . Alternatively or addition fasteners . In other non - limiting examples , the top 318 and
ally , the bed 102 may be coated , except on the treatment 5 bottom 320 plates may be coupled , for example , by an
surface 114 and the incident surface 118 , with an reflective adhesive or any other suitable coupling mechanism .
backing to further prevent light leakage from the light T he inner and outer connector plates 322 and 324 each
channel 122 . The TIR can be maintained throughout the include a plurality of cooling apertures 338 defining a vent.
light channel 122 until the light contacts one or more of the In an embodiment, cooling apertures 338 are arranged
plurality of microstructures on the treatment surface 114 . 10 around a periphery of the plates 322 , 324 and allow air flow
After contacting one or more of the plurality of microstruc - between the housing 314 and the surroundings . When
tures on the treatment surface 114 , the light can be diffusely assembled (as shown in FIGS. 3 and 9 - 11 ), the inner
transmitted from the treatment surface 114 to a patient connector plate 322 and the outer connector plate 324 can be
positioned on the treatment surface 114 . In this way , the fastened between the top plate 318 and the bottom plate 320
phototherapy treatment apparatus 100 is configured to effi - 15 with the inner connector plate 322 arranged circumferen
ciently transmit treatment light from the light source 106 to tially within the outer connector plate 324 .
a patient positioned on the treatment surface 114 such that The bed assembly 304 further includes a pair of light
the treatment light transmitted to the patient defined a emitting diode (LED ) modules 340, a pair of fans 342
generally uniform , or diffuse , profile . The efficient transmis - received within the two opposing fan housings 336 of the
sion of light through the light channel 122 of the bed 102 to 20 bottom plate 320 , a bed 344 , the pad or cover pad 346 , and
the treatment surface 122 enables the phototherapy treat - a bed gasket 348 . The pad 346 may be fabricated in an
ment apparatus 100 to consume less power, which translates example embodiment from a silicone material and can be
to less heat produced by the light sources 106 , and enables configured to provide a soft and comfortable surface for the
more efficient heat dissipation and lower power require neonate . Additionally , pad 346 can be configured to transmit
ments . 25 the light emitted from the pair ofLED modules 340 and may
FIGS. 3 - 12 illustrate another non -limiting example of a act as a buffer to balance out light intensity variations across
phototherapy treatment apparatus 300 of the present disclo - the bed 344. Further, the pad 346 can act as a seal to prevent
sure . Referring to FIG . 3 , the phototherapy treatment appa- liquids from entering, and potentially damaging, the internal
ratus 300 includes a control unit 302 in communication with components within the housing 314 . In another non -limiting
a bed assembly 304 . Control unit 302 includes a port 308 30 example , the pad 346 may be integrated into the bed 344 .
configured to be in communication with the bed assembly The bed gasket 348 is dimensioned to be arranged around a
304 , a display 310 , and a keypad 312 . The port 308 can be periphery of the bed 344 and can be arranged between the
in direct wired communication with bed assembly 304 , or in bed 344 and the pad 346 . The bed 344 and the pad 346 are
wireless communication with bed assembly 304 . Display further dimensioned such that a periphery of the pad 346 is
310 is configured to display operational data of the bed 35 in contact with the top plate 318 , such that the center of the
assembly 304 ( e .g ., total treatment time, treatment time pad 346 is accessible through the central opening 326 of the
remaining, temperature , light intensity, alarms, etc .) . Key - top plate 318 .
pad 312 is configured to control certain operating parameters It should be appreciated that each of the pair of LED
of the bed assembly 304 , as described below . It should be modules 340 can include similar components . The following
appreciated that control unit 302 includes electronics that 40 description therefore can apply to each ofLED modules 340 .
enable a user to control the operating parameters of the bed With reference to FIG . 5 , each pair of LED modules 340
assembly 304. includes a heat sink 350, a thermal interface 352, an LED
The bed assembly 304 includes a housing 314 and an printed circuit board 354, a spacer plate 356 , and a module
input 316 for receiving power (e . g ., power from an AC or housing 358 . The heat sink 350 includes a finned side 360
DC power source ). In the illustrated non -limiting example , 45 and a non -finned side 362. The finned side 360 includes a
the phototherapy treatment apparatus 300 defines a substan - plurality of fins 364 to provide the heat sink 350 with a
tially cuboid shape . In other non - limiting examples , the greater surface area and thereby provide improved heat
phototherapy treatment apparatus 300 may define another dissipation from the printed circuit board 354 during opera
polyhedron shape , or any other suitable shape that is deemed tion . The non - finned side 362 includes a plurality of
appropriate for supporting a patient and allowing light to 50 threaded apertures 365 spaced along a length of theheat sink
treat the patient. 350.
Turning to FIG . 4 , the housing 314 of the bed assembly The thermal interface 352 is arranged between the heat
304 includes a top plate 318 and a bottom plate 320 spaced sink 350 and the printed circuit board 354, and is dimen
apart such that both an inner connector plate 322 and an sioned to increase a contact surface area and improve heat
outer connector plate 324 can be arranged between the top 55 transfer from the printed circuit board 354 to the heat sink
and bottom plates 318 and 320 . The top plate 318 defines a 350 . The printed circuit board 354 is arranged between the
central opening 326 dimensioned to receive a cover pad 346 , thermal interface 352 and the spacer plate 356 , and includes
and may include the input 316 and a plurality of fastener a non -LED side (not shown ) and an LED side 366 . When
receiving columns 330 . The bottom plate 320 includes a assembled , the non -LED side engages the thermal interface
plurality of plate mounting apertures 332 , a plurality of LED 60 352 and the LED side 366 engages the spacer plate 356 . The
module mounting apertures 334 , and two opposing fan LED side 366 includes a plurality of LEDs 368 incremen
housings 336 . Each of the plurality of plate mounting tally spaced along a length of the printed circuit board 354 .
apertures 332 are configured to align with a corresponding The spacer plate 356 is arranged between the printed circuit
one of the fastener receiving columns 330 of the top plate board 354 and themodule housing 358. The module housing
318 . When assembled , a fastening element can be received 65 358 includes a mounting flange 370 , a bed mating surface
by each of the plurality of plate mounting apertures 332 and 372 , and a housing recess 374 . The bed mating surface 372
threaded into the corresponding fastener receiving column is arranged to engage with the bed 344 when the bed
US 10 ,369,376 B2
assembly 304 is assembled . The housing recess 374 is Turning to FIGS. 9- 11 , the fan housing 336 further defines
configured to receive the heat sink 350 , the thermal interface an fan chamber 390 and a fan recess 392 , which receives the
352 , the printed circuit board 354 , and the spacer plate 356 . fan 342 within the fan housing 336 . With reference to FIG .
Each of the thermal interface 352 , the printed circuit 11 , when LED modules 340 are assembled within the
board 354, the spacer plate 356 , and themodule housing 358 5 housing 314 , each LED module 340 is arranged such that the
includes a plurality ofmounting apertures that align with the bed mating surface 372 of the module housing 358 sits flush
plurality of threaded apertures 365 of the heat sink 350. with the incident surface 386 of the bed 344 . In this
arrangement, the plurality of LEDs 368 of the LED printed
When the pair of LED modules 340 are assembled , a circuit
fastening element (e.g ., a threaded bolt or screw ) can be7 10 onto theboard 354 can directly emit jaundice treatment light
incident surface 386 during operation . Also , this
inserted through the plurality ofmounting apertures formed arrangement can align
in the thermal interface 352 , the printed circuit board 354, centerline 395 defined bythetheplurality
of LEDs 368 with a
channel 389 .
the second spacer plate 356 , and the module housing 358. An air passageway 394 is formed between the heat sink
The fastening elements can then be threaded into the plu 350 of the LED module 340 and the inner connector plate
rality of threaded apertures 365 to secure the
the heat
heat sink 350,, 15 322 . The air passageway 394 extends around the bed 344
sink you
thermal interface 352 , the printed circuit board 354 , and the within the housing 314 to facilitate air flow . The finned sides
spacer plate 356 within the module housing 358 . 360 of the heat sinks 350 border this air passageway 394 ,
Turning to FIGS. 6 -8 , the bed 344 includes a top side 374 , allowing the plurality of fins 364 to transfer heat, either
a bottom side 376 , a plurality of side surfaces 378 , and a passively or actively, away from the LED module 340 and
plurality of mounting apertures 379 . The plurality of mount- 20 into the air passageway 394 . In the illustrated non -limiting
ing apertures 379 can be configured to receive a fastening example , during operation , the fans 342 provide air flow that
element (as shown in FIG . 4 ) to couple the bed 344 to the flows between the surroundings through the cooling aper
pad 346 and also to couple the bed 344 to the bottom plate tures 338 and to the air passageway 394 . This allows the heat
320 . The top side 374 of the bed 344 includes a peripheral sink 350 to more efficiently transfer heat away from the LED
surface 380 and a treatment surface 382 . The treatment 25 module 340 . It should be appreciated that in some non
surface 382 includes a plurality of microstructures 384 limiting examples , the bed assembly 304 may not include
( shown in FIG . 12 ) and can define a substantially concave the fans 342 and the heat sinks 350 may be sufficient to
shape or concave channel. The concave shape defined by the passively cool the printable circuit boards 354 .
treatment surface 382 can be dimensioned such that, when FIG . 12 is a schematic diagram illustrating a non - limiting
a patient is placed onto the treatment surface 382 during 30 example of the jaundice treatment light traveling through the
operation , light emitted from the treatment surface 382 are light channel 389 of the bed 344. In FIG . 12 , the jaundice
focused at an angle, increasing body exposure to the light, as treatment light have been generated by a light source and are
described in detail below . In other non -limiting examples, illustrated as light rays 398 that are emitted at a viewing
the treatment surface 382 may define an alternative shape, angle such that TIR is achieved . That is, a viewing angle
for example a flat shape, as desired . 35 defined by the LEDs 368 can be sufficient to ensure that TIR
The plurality of microstructures 384 can be generally occurs through the light channel 389 , as illustrated in FIG .
defined as purposefully placed imperfections , capable of 2 and defined by equations 1 -3 above .
dispersing light. In operation , it is desirable to have the The light rays 398 transmitting through light channel 389
treatment surface of bed 344 transfer light from within the are totally internally reflected between the top and bottom
bed 344 to the patient ( e . g ., a neonate ) over a wide range of 40 sides 374 , 376 of the bed 344 several times before reaching
angles to maximize BSA and over a generally uniform , or treatment surface 382. At treatment surface 382 , the light
diffuse , gradient flux . The plurality of microstructures 384 rays 398 are transmitted through the microstructures 384
enable the bed 344 to provide such generally uniform or such that the light rays exit the microstructures 384 with a
diffuse gradient flux. Bed 344 is also easily manufactured more diffusive distribution than the light rays 398 that
because processes for making the bed can be easily auto - 45 entered the microstructures. That is , the light rays are
mated . The plurality of microstructures 384 can again be generally evenly dispersed by the plurality of microstruc
voids, micro -cracks, chars, any combination thereof, or any tures 384 in all directions above the light channel 389
other suitable microstructures capable of dispersing light, thereby providing a diffuse profile at the treatment surface
and can be formed by one or more of CNC machining, laser 382 . Although the illustrated non - limiting example shows
engraving, sand blasting, chemical engraving, or any other 50 light rays 398 emitted at two different viewing angles, in
suitable mechanical, chemical, or photic operations, as will other non - limiting examples , the light rays 398 may be
be described in detail below . emitted at the same or different viewing angles to suit
Two of the plurality of side surfaces 378 in the illustrated operational conditions.
non - limiting example are incident surfaces 386 , which As shown in FIG . 12 , the plurality of microstructures 384
receive incident jaundice treatment light from the plurality 55 can intercept the light traveling through the light channel
ofLEDs 368 during operation , as described in detail below . 389 on its natural trajectory and disperse it to prevent TIR
The other two of the plurality of side surfaces 378 include along the treatment surface 382 . The plurality of microstruc
fan clearance recesses 388 to allow clearance for the two tures 384 serve the purpose of making the angle of inci
opposing fan housings 336 of the bottom plate 320 . A light dence , 0 ;, less than the critical angle Ocrit As described
channel 389 can be defined between the top side 374 and the 60 above, some of the commonly used methods to induce
bottom side 376 along which light can travel from one of the surface irregularities, or microstructures, comprise machin
incident surfaces 386 to the other incident surface 386 . In ing, chemical etching, and laser etching . Irrespective of the
some non -limiting examples, one or more of the bottom side method of manufacture , kinetic and thermal energy of the
376 , the peripheral surface 380, and the side surface 378 incident particles can be highly relevant parameters to
which are not incident surface 386 may be covered with an 65 explain the damage (i.e., the formation of microstructures).
anti- reflection coating or material configured to reflect light
The impacting particles of mechanical operations can be
emitted by the plurality of LEDs 368. described through kinetic energy dissipated during an ero
US 10 , 369 ,376 B2
11 12
sion process , and the impacting particles in photic and and their distribution may need to be balanced . Large voids
chemical processes can be described through thermal can be undesirable as they alter the topography and might
energy . create a new surface without any microstructures . Closely
Material impacted by a projectile is subject to plastic compacted voids can have intertwined cracks, which may
deformation and /or fracture . The types of fracture radial, 5 make the surface unstable and hot -pots for crack propaga
circumferential, lateral, or conical depend on the size tion . Keeping the light diffusing capabilities and the usabil
distribution of inherent cracks, a fracture toughness of ity of the bed 344 in tact, voids on the treatment surface 382
material, and a magnitude of a dynamic elastic stress field should can be between 20 um and 200 um in diameter (D ), and
created during impact (kinetic energy of impacting par 10 center distance be spaced 2D , < C , < 10 , where C , is the center -to
ticles ). These fractures manifest themselves as cracks , voids, between the plurality between voids, for minimum interaction
and remnant char particles that are collectively referred to as light profile . of microstructures 384 and a diffuse
the plurality of microstructures 384 herein . Char particles can be characterized as stepped walls
Cracks may be considered primary microstructures as
they grow deeper into the treatment surface 382 , during 15 surrounding voids. Char particles can be produced by plastic
deformation due to the compression waves . In some cases,
manufacture, and tap into a higher percentage of light flux the char particles collapse and spread over to smoother
inside the bed 344. Cracks can be divided into three cat regions and can affect the interface properties of the treat
egories namely radial cracks, lateral cracks, and conical ment surface 382 and act as spots for extracting light (i. e .,
cracks, as shown in FIGS . 13A -C . Radial cracks ( FIG . 13A ) act as microstructures ). In some non - limiting examples, the
extend from voids and , at any given time, they can have 3B )) 2020 char particles can be as large as 4D ,
approximately the same length . Conical cracks (FIG . 13B Each of the above -described characteristics of the plural
may dominate in softer materials due to plastic deformation ,
but can appear in the form of circumferential cracks in ity of microstructures 384 can enabled the phototherapy
treatment apparatus 300 to provide a diffuse light profile at
harder materials. Lateral cracks ( FIG . 13C ) may be formed the treatment surface 384 . FIGS . 14 and 15 illustrate one
after the penetration has terminated , deriving from the non - limiting example
relatively large in -plane tensile stresses of the appropriate 25 of a more diffuse , or uniform light
25 intensity (or power), profile that can be achieved using the
orientation formed due to the interaction of the plastic wave plurality of microstructures 384 of the present disclosure . It
with the unloading elastic wave .
A number of cracks at an impact site can depend on an shouldnotbedefineappreciated that because the plurality of LEDs 368
impact speed V, and the thickness, h , of the bed 344 .. 30 may a continuous light intensity profile along the
Assuming the transverse bending energy can be neglected , discretely spaced 386
incident surfaces (i.e., the plurality of LEDs 368 are
along the incident surfaces 368 ) a light
as the thickness is small compared to the other dimensions irradiance profile may substantially vary as a function of
of the bed 344 , the number of cracks on the treatment surface position along the treatment surface 382 .
382 can be approximated by :
Referring to FIG . 14 , FIG . 14 is a graph illustrating a 2D
35 (a cross- sectional) light irradiance profile as a function of
longitudinal position along treatment surface 382 without
the plurality ofmicrostructures . Thepeaks in light irradiance
correspond with the positions of the plurality of LEDs 368
along the incident surfaces 386 . It should be appreciated that
Where E is the Bulk Modulus, h is a thickness of the bed 40 a similar light irradiance profile may exist along the light
344 , T is the fracture energy , V is a velocity of an impact , channel 389 as the light is propagating throughout light
and c is a velocity of sound in the bed 344 . The velocity of channel 389.
an impact V may depend on the specific manufacturing FIG . 15 is a graph illustrating a 2D light irradiance profile
process used to manufacture the treatment surface 382 . For as a function of longitudinal position along the treatment
example , a CNC operation may be correlated to a speed that 45 surface 382 with the addition of the plurality ofmicrostruc
the router hits the treatment surface 382 and , for sand tures 384 . The light irradiance profile is substantially more
blasting, it may be correlated to a speed that the sand hits the diffuse , or more uniform , than the light irradiance profile
treatment surface 382 . In some non - limiting examples , the without the plurality of microstructures 384 as illustrated in
treatment surface 382 of the bed 344 may comprise between FIG . 14 , than the light irradiance profile within the light
approximately 3797 and approximately 6132 cracks per 50 channel 389 . Thus, the plurality of microstructures 384 act
square inch . In other non -limiting examples, there can be to diffusely distribute the light irradiance from the plurality
more smaller cracks, which can be a result of the machining ofLEDs 368 over the treatment surface 382 thereby increas
process , and that can also contribute to light dispersion . In ing an integrated light irradiance output by the phototherapy
these non -limiting examples , the treatment surface 382 of treatment apparatus 300 , which can lead to more efficient
the bed 344 may comprise greater than approximately 1000 55 phototherapy administration .
cracks per square inch . The graph of FIG . 15 further illustrates a maximum
In some non - limiting examples , a length of the cracks irradiance and a minimum irradiance output from the treat
formed in the treatment surface 382 during machining may ment surface 382. An irradiance ratio can be defined as a
be between approximately 20 micrometers (um ) and 4000 ratio of the minimum irradiance to the maximum irradiance .
um , for radial cracks, and a depth of damage can be between 60 The TIR provided by the bed 344 and the diffusion provided
approximately 20 um and approximately 600 um . by the plurality ofmicrostructures 384 act to maximize the
Voids and char particles may be considered as secondary irradiance ratio to ensure effective the patient receives a
microstructures as their size and shape can be governed by substantially uniform , or diffuse, light irradiance over the
the nature of the projectile (e . g ., router, sand , laser beam , or entire surface area of the treatment surface 382 . Further
etchant). Voids can be craters left behind from the deforma- 65 more , it should be appreciated that the irradiance ratio and /or
tion process . In order to achieve a generally uniform distri- the diffuse profile along the treatment surface 382 can be
bution of voids, a balance between the diameter of the voids controlled , for example , by the an angle (taper angle ) of the
US 10 , 369,376 B2
13 14
treatment surface 382, a distance between the treatment figured to selectively instruct the fans 342 to provide air flow
surface 382 and the plurality of LEDs 368 , a width of the throughout the air passageway 394 to aid in the heat dissi
light channel 389 , a number of the plurality of LEDs 368, pation provided by the heat sinks 350. Each of the tempera
and/ or a spacing between the plurality of LEDs 368. ture sensor 516 , the thermostat 518 , the fans 342, and the
FIG . 16 shows a portion of an absorption spectrum 500 5 plurality of sensors 520 may also be in communication with
for bilirubin as a function of wavelength and one non the cloud 512 for remote control thereof.
limiting example of an output spectrum 502 for the plurality Referring now to FIG . 18 , FIG . 18 is a flow chart
of LEDs 368. The output spectrum 502 shows in this illustrating one non - limiting example of how the photo
non - limiting example that the light emitted from the plural therapy treatment apparatus 300 of the present disclosure
ity of LEDs 368 have a center wavelength of approximately 10 may operate to treat a patient. At step 600 , a determination
457 nm . In other non - limiting examples, the plurality of is made as to whether a power switch is turned on . If the
LEDs 368 may be configured to output light at a wavelength
between approximately 350 nm to approximately 500 nm . It determination is that the power is not on , no power is
should be appreciated that the treatment of jaundice is but supplied to the bed assembly 304 and the control unit 302,
one non -limiting application of the phototherapy treatment
treatment 1515 as
as iillustrated at step 604 . If the determination is that the
apparatus 300 described herein , and the techniques and power is on , a self test is performed at step 606 . During the
properties of the disclosed phototherapy treatment apparatus self test, control unit 302 determination is made at step 608
300 may be applied to a number of phototherapy applica as to whether the components of the apparatus are function
tions. ing properly (e.g ., the LED modules 340 , the temperature
FIG . 17 is a schematic diagram illustrating one non - 20 sensor 516 , the thermostat 518 , the fans 342, and/or the
limiting example of the phototherapy treatment apparatus sensors 520 ). If the components are not functioning prop
300. As shown , power can be supplied to the control unit 302 erly, the apparatus can turn off the bed assembly 304 . If the
through the input 316 of the bed assembly 304 , which can components are functioning properly, then the apparatus
then be directed through a medical grade power converter continues to an operation mode at step 610 . In the operation
505 to the control unit 302 . In one non -limiting example , the 25 mode of step 610 , the apparatus controls an intensity of the
power supplied to the input 316 may be wall power ( e . g ., light source , at step 612 . For example , the control unit 302
120V AC power). In other non limiting examples, the input of apparatus 300 may be configured to control a current
316 may be configured to receive power from a portable and /or a voltage supplied to the plurality of LEDs 368 either
power supply , such as a battery that can be rechargeable via automatically or in response to a users inputs to the keypad
solar energy . 30 312 . The control unit 302 can receive feedback from the
A processor 507 of the control unit 302 is in communi- plurality of LEDs 368 to continuously monitor and adjust
cation with the display 310 , the keypad 312 , an alarm 508, the output characteristics of the plurality of LEDs 368 .
an indicator 510, and a cloud 512 . The processor 507 is also When the control unit 302 provides power to the plurality of
in communication with the bed assembly 304 , via control LEDs 368, the plurality of LEDs 368 emit treatment light
unit 302 through the printed circuit board 354 of the bed 35 onto the incident surfaces 386 at a viewing angle that
assembly 304 . The printed circuit board 354 can receive ensures TIR along the light channel 389 . The treatment light
power relayed from the medical power converter 505 by the then totally internally reflects along the light channel 389
control unit 302 to power the LED modules 340 and , until they contact one or more of the plurality of micro
specifically, to the plurality of LEDs 368. The control unit structures 384 of the treatment surface 382 . The plurality of
302 can be configured to control a voltage supplied to the 40 microstructures 384 are configured to disperse the treatment
plurality of LEDs 368 to control an intensity of the light light and diffusely emit the light from the treatment surface
emitted onto the incident surfaces 386 , through the light 382 to a patient laying on the top side 374 . In the non
channel 389 and the pad 346 and then to the patient ( e . g ., a limiting example where the plurality of LEDs 368 can be
neonate ). In some non - limiting examples, the light emitted configured to emit light capable of photodissociating bili
by the plurality of LEDs 368 may travel through a dispos- 45 rubin , the patient can be a jaundiced neonate and the light
able fabric mattress 514 , as discussed below . diffusely emitted from the treatment surface 382 can aid in
The bed assembly 304 may include a temperature sensor treating the jaundiced neonate . In other non - limiting
516 ( e . g ., a thermistor) in communication with the control examples , the plurality of LEDs 368 may be configured to
unit 302 and configured to measure a temperature at one or output light at another wavelength , or range ofwavelengths ,
more locations within the bed assembly 304 . For example , 50 to treat a patient with an alternative ailment treatable via
the bed assembly 304 may include a temperature sensor 516 phototherapy . In some non - limiting examples , the irradiance
to measure a temperature of the plurality ofLEDs 368 and/or ratio provided by the bed assembly 304 may be between
at a location adjacent to the patient (e . g ., a neonate ) to approximately 0 .4 and 0 .9 . In other non - limiting examples ,
preventdehydration . The processor 507 can be configured to the irradiance ratio provided by the bed assembly 304 may
electrically shut down the phototherapy treatment apparatus 55 be greater than approximately 0 .4 .
300 if the temperature sensor 516 measured a temperature While in the operation mode , the apparatus can also
within the bed assembly 304 that exceeds a predetermined monitor a temperature (e.g ., via temperature sensor 516 and
temperature limit. The bed assembly 304 may further the thermostat 518 ) of the patient and/or the plurality of
include a thermostat 518 , and a plurality of sensors 520 each LEDs 368 , as illustrated at step 614 . The apparatus can
in communication with the control unit 302 . The thermostat 60 determine at step 616 if the temperature(s )measured by the
518 may include a cutoff 522 configured to mechanically temperature sensor 516 is greater than an allowable limit. If
cutoff and shut down the phototherapy treatment apparatus the sensed temperature is not greater than the limit, the
300 if a temperature within the bed assembly 304 exceeds a apparatus can measure a current consumption of the plural
predetermined temperature limit. The plurality of sensors ity of LEDs 368 at step 618 and output the current con
520 may be configured to measure one ormore oftempera - 65 sumption to the display 310 at step 620 . If the sensed
ture , air flow , voltage , humidity and current. The control unit temperature is greater than the limit, the apparatus can be
302 is also in communication with the fans 342 and con - configured to trigger an alarm at step 622 . The alarm can be
US 10 , 369,376 B2
audio , visual and /or tactile . After triggering an alarm at step increase the portability of the apparatus. Again , the plurality
622, the apparatus can re - enter the self test at step 606 . of microstructures 812 in this non - limiting example can be
FIG . 19 is a perspective view of another non - limiting voids , micro - cracks, chars , combinations thereof, or any
example of a phototherapy treatment apparatus 700 of the other suitable microstructures capable of diffusing light, and
present disclosure . Phototherapy treatment apparatus 700 5 can be formed by CNC machining, laser engraving, sand
includes a bed assembly 702 and a light source 704 , which blasting, chemical engraving, combinations thereof, or any
may or may not include a transition device (not shown ). Bed other suitable mechanical, chemical, or photic operations.
assembly 702 includes an upper bed layer 706 and a lower FIG . 21 is a perspective view of a phototherapy treatment
bed layer 708 , and a thin film 710 located or sandwiched apparatus 900 of the present disclosure in which the plurality
between the layers 706 , 708 . The upper bed layer 706 10 of unit cells 904 are connected by a flexible filler material
includes a peripheral surface 712 , which surrounds a treat- 906 , such that a bed assembly 902 can be folded into a
ment surface 714 containing a plurality of microstructures smaller configuration to improve portability . Bed assembly
716 . The plurality of microstructures 716 , which again can 902 can have a plurality of light sources 908 placed directly
be voids , micro -cracks , chars, combinations therefore , or below the plurality of unit cells 904 , or can have a single
any other suitable microstructures capable of diffusing light. 15 light source 908 placed along an edge of the bed assembly
The microstructures 716 can likewise be formed by CNC 902 such that the structure of the bed assembly 902 can be
machining , laser engraving, sand blasting, chemical engrav - completely collapsible . One non - limiting example of a
ing , combinations thereof, or other suitable mechanical, method for collapsing the bed assembly 902 would be to
chemical, or photic operations . The properties of the micro - form the plurality of unit cells 904 and the flexible filler
structures 716 can be similar to the plurality of microstruc - 20 material 906 such that the bed assembly 902 is capable of
tures 384 , described above. The light source 704 emits light utilizing Origami folding patterns, such as Miura Ori and
that is transmitted into a light channel (not shown) formed Ron Resch , to provide effective collapsibility , thereby allow
by the bed assembly 702 between the top side 718 of the ing for increased portability .
upper bed layer 706 and the bottom side 720 of the lower bed FIG . 22 is a perspective view of yet another non -limiting
layer 708 , such that TIR is achieved . The light is dispersed 25 example of a phototherapy treatment apparatus 1000 of the
by the microstructures 716 to provide a diffuse intensity present disclosure . In this non - limiting example , the photo
profile along the treatment surface 714 . The thin film 710 therapy treatment apparatus 1000 includes a bed 1002 and a
can be a heat source that is transparent to the light emitted light source 1004 . The bed 1002 contains a plurality of
by the light source 704 , allowing the phototherapy treatment dendrites 1006 or branched tree channels , which form a
apparatus 700 to control temperature of the treatment sur - 30 Litchenberg figure within the bed 1002 . The Litchenberg
face 714 , while providing an evenly diffused amount of light figure is produced by focusing high voltage at a single point
to a patient during treatment. By controlling the temperature on a surface of the bed 1002. When a closed path is
of the treatment surface 714 , in this non -limiting example , provided , electrons effectively eat through the material to
the phototherapy treatment apparatus 700 could be used to produce the dendrites 1006 . Similar to the light channels in
treat both a phototherapy treatable ailment ( e . g ., jaundice , 35 the previous examples, the dendrites 1006 are capable of
eczema, atopic dermatitis, vitiligo , psoriasis, seasonal affec - efficiently carrying light from the light source 1004 to a
tive disorder,bipolar disorder,wound healing, and inhibiting treatment surface ( not shown ), which again would contain a
bacterial growth ) and hypothermia . Heat source 714 in one plurality of microstructures (not shown that would be
example includes a resistive heater and at least one of a capable of dispersing light emitted by the light source 1004
transparent or translucent material. In another non - limiting 40 to provide a diffuse light intensity along the treatment
example , the heat source 714 can be configured to provide surface (not shown ).
heating via another heating mechanism ( e . g ., chemical, FIG . 23 is a perspective view of yet another non - limiting
mechanical, conduction , convection , and / or radiation ). example of a phototherapy treatment apparatus 1100 of the
FIGS. 20 and 21 illustrate two additional non -limiting present disclosure . In this non -limiting example, the photo
examples of phototherapy treatment apparatuses of the pres- 45 therapy treatment apparatus 1100 includes a bed 1102 and a
ent disclosure . The apparatuses of FIGS. 20 and 21 are light apparatus 1104. The bed 1102 has a top surface 1106 ,
constructed to include a plurality of unit cells that enhance a bottom surface 1108 , and a plurality of side surfaces 1110 .
portability . For example , FIG . 20 is a perspective view of a The top surface 1106 includes a peripheral surface 1112 and
phototherapy treatment apparatus 800 in which a bed assem a treatment surface 1114 , which includes a plurality of
bly 802 is separated into a plurality of unit cells constructed 50 microstructures 1116 . The properties of the plurality of
as modular pieces 804 , which assemble to form a bed 806 , microstructures 1116 can be similar to the plurality of
with a peripheral surface 808 and a treatment surface 810 microstructures 384, described above . The light apparatus
containing a plurality ofmicrostructures 812 . The properties 1104 includes a light source 1118 including a transition
of the plurality of microstructures 812 can be similar to the device (not shown), a heat sink 1020 , and a gooseneck light
plurality of microstructures 384 , described above . The 55 1122 , all coupled to a circuit board 1124 . The gooseneck
puzzle - like shape of the plurality of modular pieces or unit light 1122 can be used in conjunction with the light source
cells 804 is meant to show one possible method for coupling 1018 if the light emitted through the treatment surface 1114
the plurality of modular pieces 804 together, and is not is insufficient. Alternatively or additionally , the gooseneck
meant to be limiting. In other non -limiting examples , the light 1122 can be configured to output infrared heat to the
modular pieces 804 can be coupled through a variety of 60 patient.
mechanical and chemicalmethods including joints , hinges , FIG . 24 is a perspective view of a non - limiting example
adhesives or any other suitable coupling method . The pho - of an optional disposable fabric mattress 514 , which can be
totherapy treatment apparatus 800 may also include a frame used in conjunction with any of the phototherapy treatment
(not shown ) capable of containing the plurality of modular apparatuses of the present disclosure . The mattress 514
pieces 804, such that the plurality ofmodular pieces 804 can 65 provides a comfortable surface for a neonate during treat
be arranged within the frame and held in place without direct ment and confines the neonate within the treatment surface .
coupling therebetween . The plurality ofmodular pieces 804 The mattress 514 includes a porous fabric sheet 1202, a
US 10 , 369,376 B2
17 18
foam liner 1204 , and a gelpad 1206 . The porous fabric sheet the absolute value of the roughness profile height over the
1202 is at least one of transparent or translucent, antimicro evaluation length . The average roughness, Rq can be
bial, and waterproof. The foam liner 1204 can house beads defined as :
(not shown ), which can aid in the diffusion of light. A gel pad
1206 is configured to support the head of a patient (e. g., a 5 1 L
neonate ) during treatment. Ra = ; r(x)|dx
It should be appreciated that the techniques and properties
of the phototherapy treatment apparatuses described herein
may be applied to other phototherapy applications other than 10 or as:
treating a jaundiced neonate.
The following examples set forth , in detail , was that the
Ra= t3 trile
phototherapy treatmentapparatuses described herein may be
used or implemented , and will enable one of skill in the art Another parameter than can be used to characterize a
to more readily understand the principals thereof. The fol surfaces roughness is the average absolute slope . The aver
lowing examples are presented by way of illustration and are age absolute slope can be defined as the average absolute
not meant to be limiting in any way . 20 value of the slope of the roughness profile over the evalu
Three samples were prepared to simulate a treatment ation length . The average absolute slope, Aq, can be defined
surface including the plurality of microstructures described as :
herein . The three were fabricated from PMMA and were
treated using three different kinds of processessandblast
ing , laser etching, and CNC machining . In particular, a first 25
PMMA sample was CNC treated and laser etched , a second
PMMA sample was CNC treated and sandblasted , and a
4.= 1day at
1 Ldrix )
FIGS. 25 - 27 show the surface profiles for the three The average roughness R? and the average absolute slope
PMMA samples. Specifically, FIG . 25 shows the surface 4 , can be used to represent the roughness of a surface . It
profile of the first sample that was CNC treated and laser should be appreciated that the average roughness Rg alone
etched , FIG . 26 shows the surface profile of the second may not be sufficient determine if one surface is rougher
sample that was CNC treated and sandblasted , and FIG . 27 an than another. Surfaces with similar profiles can have similar
shows the surface profile of the sample that was only CNC Ra values . Thus, the average absolute slope parameter is also
treated . As shown in FIGS . 25 and 26 , for the laser etched considered . Table 1 below shows the average roughness Ra
(FIG . 25 ) and sandblasted (FIG . 26 ) samples, the surface and average absolute slope Aq values for the three samples
appears indented , which compliments the shape and size of of FIGS. 25 -27.
the projectiles in the respective process . There are not many 45
sharp changes in topography , except for dislocations and TABLE 1
chipping. The voids formed by the projectiles appear to be Sample Operation Ra (um ) Ag (no units )
clearer due to the fact that there is a considerably high
localized temperature rise at the point of contact. Based on FIG . 25 CNC + LASER 2 . 4621 3 . 44
FIGS . 25 and 26 — which show only minor fluctuations in 50 FIG . 26 CNC + SANDBLAST 2 .7286 1 . 32
topography — the directions change of gradient surface nor FIG . 27 CNC 1 .6445 5 .82
mals is more gradual with in a small area , results in a more
uniform light intensity profile. As shown in Table 1, the samples that were CNC treated
As shown in FIG . 27 , for the CNC treated sample, there and laser etched , and CNC treated and sandblasted had a
are small fissures running deep into the surface and can play 55 higher average roughness , but the surface that was only
a major role in trapping light inside the medium . The CNC treated showed a significantly higher average absolute
directions of the surface normals change rapidly within a slope . The light intensity output from the treatment surface
small neighborhood . In this non - limiting example , the voids 382 can be correlated with the surface roughness , which can
formed can be so small they can be considered as cracks . be described using R , and Ag. Based on the results of Table
The results of FIGS. 25 - 27 suggest that only CNC treating 60 1 , it would be expected that the sample that was only CNC
a surface (without laser etching or sandblasting ) can result in treated would have a higher output light intensity when
a surface with a higher roughness , which may result in a compared to the other samples. This hypothesis was tested
higher light emittance but a less uniform distribution . To by measuring a light output intensity profile as a function of
confirm this, the average roughness and average absolute position along the treated surfaces in each of the three
slopes were calculated for each of the three samples tested . 65 samples of FIGS . 25 -27.
The average roughness can be defined as the area between FIGS. 28 - 30 illustrate cross - sectional light profiles as a
the roughness profile and its mean line, or as the integral of function of longitudinal position along the samples taken at
US 10 , 369,376 B2
two different latitudinal positions ( one on each side of a through the material of the bed to produce total internal
center longitudinal axis of the sample ). The graph of FIG . 28 reflection of the generated light; and
corresponds with the measured light profile of the sample of transmitting the generated light through a plurality of
FIG . 25 , the graph ofFIG . 29 corresponds with the measured microstructures located on the top surface of the bed
light profile of the sample of FIG . 26 , and the graph of FIG . 5 such that the light exits the plurality ofmicrostructures
30 corresponds with the measured light profile of the sample having a more diffusive distribution so as to enhance
of FIG . 30 . The light emmitance values of FIGS. 28 - 30 are the treatment of an ailment of the patient placed on the
all normalized by an arbitrary value. As shown in FIGS . bed .
28 - 30 , the sample that was only CNC treated (FIGS . 27 and 2 . The phototherapy treatment method of claim 1 , which
includes transmitting the light generated by the light source
30 ) indeed output a higher intensity of light than the samples 10 through a transition device structured to at least one of (i)
that were laser etched (FIGS . 25 and 28 ) and sandblasted focus, ( ii ) scatter or (iii ) diffuse the light rays .
(FIGS. 26 and 29 ). In all cases, the light profile outputby the 3 . The phototherapy treatmentmethod of claim 1 , wherein
samples achieved a irradiance ratio greater than 0 .4 over a the plurality of microstructures are arranged on the top
treatment surface . Thus, the above -described treatment pro surface
cesses (e .g ., CNC , laser etching , and sandblasting) can be 15 4 . Theofphototherapy
the bed. treatment method of claim 1 . further
used to form a plurality of microstructures in the treatment comprising :
surface and disperse light such that a diffuse light profile is placing the light source in contact with a heat sink to
output to a patient . dissipate heat generated by the light source .
The examples described herein suggest that, in order to 5 . The phototherapy treatment method ofclaim 1, wherein
achieve the desired light output characteristics (i.e ., diffuse 20 the plurality of microstructures include at least one of voids.
profile and an irradiance ratio > 0 . 4 ), that the average rough cracks , or char particles .
ness R , can be between approximately 1 um and approxi 6 . The phototherapy treatment method of claim 5 , further
mately 20 um , and the average absolute slope can be comprising :
between approximately 2 and approximately 15 . It should be
appreciated that the properties and techniques of the plural- 25 forming the plurality of microstructures via one or more
of CNC machining , laser engraving, sand blasting , and
ity of microstructures described herein may be achieved chemical engraving.
using alternative manufacturing processes . Also , it should be 7 . The phototherapy treatmentmethod of claim 1 , wherein
appreciated that the use of the plurality ofmicrostructures to the plurality of microstructure include greater than approxi
achieve the desired optical output characteristics may be mately 1000 cracks per square inch .
applied to various phototherapy treatment apparatuses and 30 8 . The phototherapy treatment method of claim 1 , wherein
methods . the top surface of the bed defines inwardly sloped channel to
Thus, while the invention has been described above in intersect the light transmitted from the one of the plurality of
connection with particular embodiments and examples , the side surfaces and through the material of the bed , and
invention is not necessarily so limited , and that numerous wherein the inwardly sloped channel is configured to con
other embodiments, examples , uses , modifications and and 3535 centrate the light that exits the plurality of microstructures
departures from the embodiments, examples and uses are and increase an area of the patient exposed to the light.
intended to be encompassed by the claims attached hereto . 9 . The phototherapy treatment method of claim 1 , further
The entire disclosure of each patent and publication cited comprising :
herein is incorporated by reference, as if each such patent orcovering the surface of the bed with a cover pad having
publication were individually incorporated by reference 40 at least one of a transparent or translucent material, the
herein . cover pad being sealingly engages to the surface of the
We claim : bed to prevent liquid from contacting the light source
1. A phototherapy treatment method comprising: and to provide a cushion to the patient.
placing a patient on a top surface of a bed having at least 4545 wherein Thethe phototherapy
10. treatment method of claim 1 ,
light source is configured to generate light
one of a translucent or transparent material; generating having a wavelength between approximately 350 nanome
light from a light source ; ters and 550 nanometers .
directing the generated light at one of a plurality of side
surfaces of the bed so that the generated light transmits