United States Patent (19) 11) 4,413,677
United States Patent (19) 11) 4,413,677
United States Patent (19) 11) 4,413,677
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has opposing slips on opposite ends of the packing ele
An additional object of the present invention is to
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION provide a dual string hydraulically set packer which
1. Field of the Invention does not require moving seals on either the primary or
This invention relates to a well packer for forming a secondary mandrel while setting the packer with the
fluid barrier between the interior of a casing string and exception of the setting piston.
the exterior of a tubing string. A still further object of the present invention is to
2. Description of the Prior Art 10
provide a dual string well packer which has a continu
Well packers for directing formation fluid flow ous primary string mandrel and secondary string man
through a tubing string have been used for many years drel extending through the packing elements.
in the oil and gas industry. Well packers have been Another object of the present invention is to provide
designed to accommodate one, two or more tubing a dual string well packer which when set will resist both
strings. Examples of prior dual string well packers are 15 tension and compression forces within the tubing
shown in U.S. Pat. No. 3,167,127 to P. S. Sizer; U.S. strings.
Pat. No. 3,381,752 to T. L. Elliston; and U.S. Pat. No. A further object of the present invention is to provide
3,391,741 toT. L. Elliston. These patents are incorpo a dual string well packer which has the operational
rated by reference for all pruposes within this applica characteristics of a permanently set packer but can be
20 removed from the well bore without having to mill or
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION grind up the packer.
The present invention discloses a well packer com Additional objects and advantages of the present
prising a pair of parallel mandrel means, each having a invention will be readily apparent to those skilled in the
passageway extending therethrough; upper and lower art from reading thr following description in conjunc
body means carried on the exterior of the mandrel 25 tion with the drawings and claims.
means and slidable longitudinally with respect to each BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
other over the mandrel means; anchoring means carried FIG. 1 is a longitudinal schematic view partially in
by each body means and radially movable relative to
each body means between a retracted position and an section and elevation showing two parallel upper
expanded position whereby each anchoring means is 30 strings of production tubing coupled with two parallel
engageable with the interior of a casing string to pre lower strings of production tubing supported from a
vent longitudinal movement of its associated body well packer set in a casing string.
means relative to the casing string; packing means car FIGS. 2A, B, C and D are drawings in elevation with
ried on the exterior of the mandrel means between the portions broken away showing the exterior of a well
upper and lower body means; piston means, carried by 35 packer incorporating the present invention.
said mandrel means, for moving the body means longi FIGS. 3A, B, C, D, E and F are drawings partially in
tudinally toward each other in response to fluid pres section and elevation with portions broken away show
sure in one of said passageways; the longitudinal move ing the well packer of FIGS. 2A-D incorporating one
ment of the body means causing compression of the embodiment of the present invention.
packing means and radial expansion thereof to form a 40 FIGS. 4A, B, C and D are drawings, partially in
fluid barrier between the exterior of the mandrel means longitudinal section and elevation with portions broken
and the interior of the casing string; the same longitudi away, of the packer shown in FIGS. 3A-F. The longi
nal movement causing radial expansion of the anchor tudinal section is generally shown rotated 90 degrees
ing means; means for locking each body means to the from the longitudinal section shown in FIGS. 3A-F.
mandrel means after completion of the longitudinal 45 However, an irregular section is shown in the vicinity
movement whereby the packing means are maintained of the upper and lower external slips and the hydraulic
compressed and the anchoring means are maintained piston's connecting tube. FIG. 25 demonstrates how the
radially expanded; each anchoring means comprising a irregular section was taken at these three locations.
plurality of slip elements; each body means further com FIG. 5 is a fragmentary drawing in section taken
prising a slip carrier and a slip expander which are 50 generally along line 5-5 of FIG. 3B.
movable longitudinally towards each other to radially FIG. 6 is a drawing in section along line 6-6 of
expand the associated slip elements; means for releasing FIGS. 3E and 4.C.
the mandrel means from the locking means of the lower FIG. 7 is a plan view of the retaining cylinder which
body means; and means for moving the slip expander of blocks the first and second cylinders of the upper body
the upper body means longitudinally away from its 55 means from telescoping relative to each other.
associated slip carrier to allow retraction of the slip FIG. 8 is an enlarged fragmentary view in section
elements carried by the upper means after the locking showing the threads on the exterior of the retaining
means for the lower body means has been released. cylinder which releasably engage matching threads on
One object of the present invention is to provide a
dual string packer which does not require relative 60 the interior of the second cylinder.
movement between the primary string mandrel and FIG. 9 is a drawing in section taken along line 9-9 of
secondary string mandrel while setting the packer. FIGS. 3C and 4A.
Another object of the present invention is to provide FIG. 10 is a drawing partially in section and elevation
a well packer, either single or dual string, which can be of the locking sleeve used in the upper body means.
released from its downhole set position by cutting the 65 FIG. 11 is a drawing in longitudinal section of the slip
mandrel means below the packing elements. expander of the lower body means.
A further object of the present invention is to provide FIGS. 12 is a drawing in section taken along line
a dual string well packer which is hydraulically set and 12-12 of FIG. 11.
3 4.
FIG. 3 is a drawing in longitudinal section of the are attached to each other by matching threads 43.
portion of the mandrel means which can be cut to re O-rings 144 are used to prevent fluid leaks through
lease the lower body means. threaded connections 43. Other sections of mandrel
FIG. i4 is a drawing in longitudinal section of the means 61 and 62 are designated as 61a, 61b, 6ic, 62a 62b,
lower body means adapter sub. 62c and 62d respectively. Orienting head assembly 43
FIG. 15 is a plan view of the lower body means and orienting body 44 have parallel longitudinal bores
adapter sub shown in FIG. 14. 45 and 46 which extend therethrough and communicate
FIG. 16 is a schematic drawing partially in section with passageways 63 and 64 respectively. A locator
with portions broken away showing a well packer simi recess or profile 47 is provided in each bore 45 and 46
lar to the packer of FIGS. 3A-F being lowered through 10 for use in releasing packer 60 from its set position. Re
a casing string. cesses 47 may also be used for other well control pur
FIG. 7 is a schematic drawing partially in section poses. Threads 50 are provided within bores 45 and 46
with portions broken away showing the well packer of to connect orienting head assembly 43 with the upper
FIG. 16 set within the casing string. portion of tubing strings 40 and 41.
FIG. 18 is a schematic drawing partially in section 15 Upper body means 65 is releasably secured to and
with portions broken away showing the well packer of surrounds the exterior of mandrel means 61 and 62.
FIG. 16 after the mandrel means has been cut to release Upper body means 65 includes several subassemblies
the lower body means. which are generally cylindrical and slidabie with re
FIG. 19 is a schematic drawing partially in section spect to each other and mandrel means 65 and 62.
with portions broken away showing the well packer of 20 Upper slip carrier 66 is the portion of upper body means
FIG. 16 after the mandrel means has been raised to shift 65 immediately adjacent to orienting body 44. Co
the locking sleeve or cylinder of the upper body means. acting threads 48 are provided on the extreme end of
FIG. 20 is a schematic drawing partially in section mandrel means 61 and 62 and within bores 45 and 46 to
with portions broken away showing the well packer of attach orienting body 44 to packer 60. If desired, suit
FIG, 16 after the mandrel means has been lowered to 25 able threads could be placed on the extreme end of
disengage the retaining cylinder. mandrel means 61 and 62 to allow direct attachment to
FIG. 21 is a schematic drawing partially in section tubing strings 40 and 41 respectively. An adapter sub or
with portions broken away showing the well packer of collar could be used in place of orienting body 44 to
FIG. 16 being removed from the casing string. provide a suitable shoulder to abut slip carrier 66.
FIGS. 22A, B, C and D are drawings in section with 30 Slip carrier 66 has a plurality of external slip elements
portions broken away showing a well packer incorpo 67 attached thereto by conventional T-handles 68 and
rating the present invention with an alternative embodi dove-tailed slots 69. A plurality of screw holes 70 is
ment for releasing the lower body means from its provided through the exterior of slip carrier 66 to allow
locked or set position. insertion of shear screws 71 therein. Suitable annular
FIG. 23 is a schematic drawing partially in section 35 grooves 72 are provided in the exterior of both mandrel
with portions broken away showing the lower body means 61 and 62 adjacent to screw holes 70 to receive
means of the well packer of FIGS. 22A-D being re the extreme end of shear screws 71. As shown in FIG.
leased from its locked position. 5, shear screws 71 releasably secure upper slip carrier 66
FIG. 24 is a schematic drawing partially in section to mandrel means 61 and 62. Threads 48 and orienting
with portions broken away showing the well packer of 40 body 44 preventing longitudinal movement of mandrel
FIG. 23 being removed from the casing string. means 61 and 62 with respect to each other in the em
FIG. 25 is a drawing in radial section taken along line bodiment of the present invention shown in FIG. 3B. If
25-25 of FIG. 4A. orienting body 44 is not used, upper slip carrier 66 and
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED shear screws 71 will also prevent longitudinal move
45 ment of mandrel means 61 and 62 with respect to each
other until after screws 71 have been sheared.
In FIG. 1 a well completion is shown using dual Upper slip carrier 66 also carries an internal slip ring
production tubing strings 40 and 41. Production packer or c-ring 73 adjacent to each mandrel means 65 and 62.
60 is set to seal with the interior of casing 42 and to Beveled cam surfaces are provided on the interior of
direct formation fluid flow through tubing strings 40 50 slip carrier 66 to activate internal slip 73 causing them to
and 41 to the well surface (not shown). The lower por ride against or contact the adjacent mandrel means 61
tions of tubing strings 40 and 41 are suspended from or 62. Teeth 74 are formed on each slip 73 to engage the
packer 60. The upper portions of tubing strings 40 and exterior of the adjacent mandrel means 65 or 62 allow
41 are attached to orienting head assembly 43. Orienting ing longitudinal movement of the mandrel means in
body 44 is attached to packer 60. Orienting head assem 55 only one direction with respect to internal slips 73. As
bly 43 and orienting body 44 provide a system for re will be explained later, internal slips 73 perform an
leasably coupling the upper portions of tubing strings 40 important function in the release of upper body means
and 4 to packer 60. This coupling system is fully de 65 from its set portion. Slip expander 75 is releasably
scribed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,236,734 by Mansour Ahangar secured by shear screws 76 to the exterior of maindrel
zadeh. Alternatively, the upper portions of tubing 60 means 61 and 62 spaced longitudinally from slip carrier
strings 40 and 41 could be directly attached to packer 60 66. As shown in FIGS. 3B, 3C and 4A, this defines the
by suitable threaded connections. However, the use of first or retracted position for the anchoring means of
orienting head assembly 43 and orienting body 44 pro upper body means 65. Slip expander 75 has tapered
vides for greater flexibility in operating the well. surfaces 77 adjacent to each slip element 67. When
Packer 60 is built around a pair of parallel mandrel 65 sufficient force is applied to slip expander 75, screws 76
means 6 and 62 which have passageways 63 and 64 will shear allowing slip expander 75 to move longitudi
extending respectively therethrough. Mandrel means 6: nally towards slip carrier 66. Tapered surfaces 77 cause
and 62 include several sections of hollow tubing which slip elements 67 to radially expand during this longitudi
4,413,677 6
nal movement and to engage the interior of casing string Packing means 97 are carried on the exterior of man
42 as shown in FIG. 17. Slip elements 67, slip carrier 66 drel means 61 and 62 between upper body means 65 and
and slip expander 75 cooperate to provide an anchoring lower body means 110. Packing means 97 are preferably
means carried by upper body means 65 which is engage molded from elastomeric material. When upper body
able with the interior of casing string 42 to prevent means 65 and lower body means 110 are moved longitu
longitudinal movement of body means 65 relative dinally towards each other, this longitudinal movement
thereto. Bolts 78 are provided for use during assembly causes compression and radial expansion of packing
of packer 60 and to define the maximum longitudinal means 97 to form a fluid barrier with the interior of
distance slip expander 75 can move away from slip casing string 42 as shown in FIG. 1. For packer 60,
carrier 66. Bolts 78 also assist with the removal of 10 packing means 97 consists of three separate elastomeric
packer 60 after it has released from its set position. elements. However, other configurations for packing
Beveled cam surfaces 50 are provided on the interior of means 97 can be readily used.
slip expander 75 adjacent to each mandrel means 61 and Lower body means 110 is carried on the exterior of
62. Surfaces 50 are sized to receive internal slip ring 73. mandrel means 61 and 62 and is releasably secured
Slip carrier 66 and the c-ring configuration of slips 73 15 thereto. Lower body means 110 includes several subas
hold internal slips 73 in contact with mandrel means 61 semblies which are generally cylindrical and slidable
and 62 while packer 60 is lowered into casing string 42 with respect to each other and mandrel means 61 and
and set at a desired downhole location. Slip expander 75 62. Various components of lower body means 110 are
via surfaces 50 holds internal slips 73 in contact with interchangeable with components of upper body means
mandrel means 61 and 62 during the release of packer 60 20 65 and have the same number such as slip elements 67.
from its set position if downward force must be applied Lower slip expander 111 is the portion of lower body
to slip expander 75.
First cylinder 80 surrounds mandrel means 61 and 62 means 110 immediately adjacent to packing means 97.
and abuts slip expander 75. Flange 82 is formed on the Parallel bores 113 and 114 extend longitudinally
exterior of first cylinder 80 to provide a shoulder for 25 through slip expander 111 to receive mandrel means 61
slip expander 75 to rest on. Second cylinder 81 sur and 62 respectively therein. Shoulder or rim 112 is
rounds mandrel means 61 and 62 adjacent to first cylin formed on the interior of each bore 113 and 114 near the
der 80. The outside diameter of first cylinder 80 is sized end adjacent to packing means 97. Shoulders 112 are
to telescope within the inside diameter of second cylin used to support the weight of lower body means 110
der 81. Retainer plate 83 is provided at the end of the 30 and the lower portions of tubing strings 40 and 41 while
second cylinder 81 opposite from first cylinder 80. Re removing packer 60 from casing 42.
tainer plate 83 is basically a solid disc with two openings As best in FIG. 12, surface 77 on lower slip expander
85 and 86 for mandrel means 61 and 62 to respectively 111 actually consists of two parallel tapered surfaces
slide through. A circumferential rim 84 is provided on 77a and 77b. Channels 98 are formed between surfaces
the exterior of plate 83 to receive the end of second 35 77a and 77b to guide slip element 67 and to retain close
cylinder 81. contact between slip elements 67 and lower expander
Teeth or grooves 89 are formed on the inside diame 111 while packer 60 is being both set and released. Sur
ter of second cylinder 81 near the end which receives face 77 on upper slip expander 75 has a similar configu
first cylinder 80. Retaining cylinder 88 is disposed ration.
within second cylinder 81 and has matching teeth or 40 Teeth 101 are formed on the exterior of each slip
grooves 89 to engage teeth 87. A portion of retaining element 67 to engage the inner wall of casing 42. The
cylinder 88 is cut away as best shown in FIG. 7 which pitch or angle of teeth 101 is selected such that slips 67
allows cylinder 88 to function similar to a snap ring or carried by lower body means 111 will prevent packer 60
c-ring. Also, the pitch of teeth 87 and 89, as best shown from moving downwardly (one direction) relative to
in FIG. 8, is selected so that when force is applied to 45 casing 42. Slip elements 67 of upper body means 65 are
end 90 of cylinder 88, teeth 87 and 89 will ratchet over carried with their teeth 101 oriented to prevent packer
each other if cylinder 88 can flex inwardly. 60 from moving upwardly (the other direction) relative
Normally, locking sleeve 91 is positioned between to casing 42 when the upper slip elements are expanded.
mandrel means 61 and 62 and retaining cylinder 88 to Slip carrier 117 has a plurality of external slip ele
prevent inward flexing of cylinder 88. Shear pins 92 are 50 ments 67 attached thereto by conventional T-handles 68
provided to releasably secure locking sleeve 91 to first and dove-tailed slots 69. Separation cylinders 119 and
cylinder 80 and to maintain locking sleeve 91 positioned 120 are disposed around mandrel means 61 and 62 re
behind retaining cylinder 88. As best shown in FIG. 3C, spectively between slip expander 111 and slip carrier
retaining cylinder 88 prevents first cylinder 80 from 117 to prevent undesired longitudinal movement of
telescoping relative to second cylinder 81 as long as 55 expander 111 toward carrier 117. Cylinders 119 and 120
teeth 87 and 89 are engaged. are sized to be received respectively within bores 113
Snap rings 93 are secured to the exterior of each and 114 of expander 111.
mandrel means 61 and 62 in appropriately sized grooves A plurality of screw holes 121 is provided through
adjacent to locking sleeve 91. Shoulders 94 are pro the exterior of slip expander 111 into each bore 113 and
vided on the interior of locking sleeve 91... adjacent to 60 114 to allow insertion of shear screws 122 therein. Suit
snap rings 93. As will be explained later, snap rings 93 able annular grooves 123 are provided in the exterior of
engage shoulders 94 to lift or remove locking sleeve 91 each separation cylinder 119 and 120 to receive the
from behind retaining cylinder 88. First cylinder 80 and extreme end of shear screws 122. As shown in FIG. 3D,
second cylinder 81 cooperate to provide a support for shear screws. 122 releasably secure cylinders 119 and
slip expander 75 and prevent slip expander 75 from 65 120 to slip expander 111. Cylinders 119 and 120 prevent
moving longitudinally away from slip carrier 66 until longitudinal movement of slip expander 111 and slip
after retaining cylinder 88 has been released from teeth carrier 117 towards each other until after screws 122
87. have been sheared.
7 8
Separation cylinders 119 and 120 are also releasably 140. A plurality of internal slip segments 173 is carried
secured to their respective mandrel means 61 and 62 by within housing 154 adjacent to each mandrel means 61
shear screws 124. Snap rings 125 and 126 are carried on and 62. Beveled cam surfaces 172 provided on the inte
the exterior of mandrel means 61 and 62 respectively to rior of housing 154 activate internal slips 173 causing
provide shoulders 127 and 128. Opposing shoulders 129 them to ride against or contact the adjacent mandrel
and 130 are formed on the interior of cylinders 119 and means 61 or 62. Teeth 174 are formed on each slip 173
120 respectively. Opposing shoulder 127 contacts at an angle which allows movement of mandrel means
shoulder 129 and opposing shoulder 128 contacts shoul 61 and 62 in only one direction relative to slips 173.
der 130 when packer 60 is removed from casing 42. Lower spring housing 155 surrounds mandrel means
When sufficient force is applied to slip carrier 117, 10 61 and 62 adjacent to slip housing 154. Springs 156 are
pins 122 will shear allowing cylinders 119 and 120 to disposed therein and surround each mandrel means 61
slide within their respective bores 113 and 114. Slip and 62. Springs 156 contact slip segments 173 and bias
carrier 117 can then move longitudinally towards slip them against cam surface 172. Windows 157, as shown
expander 111 to radially expand slip elements 67. Slip in FIGS. 2C and 4C, are machined partially through the
expander 111, slip elements 67, and slip carrier 117 15 exterior of spring housing 155. Bolts 158 are inserted
cooperate to provide an anchoring means carried by through windows 157 to secure spring housing 155 to
lower body means 110 which is engageable with the piston 159.
interior of casing string 42 to prevent longitudinal Piston 159 and piston housing 160 are carried on
movement of body means 110 relative thereto. The first mandrel means 61 and 62 and cooperate to provide a
or retracted position for the anchoring means of lower 20 piston means for moving lower body means 110 longitu
body means 110 is shown in FIGS. 3D and 4.B. Bolts 78 dinally towards upper body means 65 in response to
are used for the same function within lower body means fluid pressure in passageway 64. This longitudinal
110 as in upper body means 65. movement causes radial expansion of slips 67 and com
Adapter sub 133 is used to connect lower slip carrier pression of packing means 97. Internal slips 173, springs
117 to release support cylinder 140. Adapter sub 133 is 25 156 and slip housing 154 provide means for locking
formed from a relatively short solid cylinder by machin lower body means 110 to mandrel means 61 and 62 after
ing parallel bores 135 and 136 therethrough. Mandrel completion of the longitudinal movement whereby
means 61 and 62 are slidably disposed within the respec packing means 97 are maintained compressed and slips
tive bores 135 and 136. Counter bore 134 is machined in 67 on both upper body means 65 and lower body means
one end of adapter sub 133 to receive a portion of slip 30 110 are maintained radially expanded.
carrier 117 therein. Holes 137 extend through the exte Ports 161 extend radially through mandrel section
rior of adapter sub 133 and communicate with counter 62c and sleeve 162 which surrounds the exterior of
bore 134. Shear screws 138 are positioned within each mandrel section 62C. Sleeve 162 is secured to section 62c
hole 137 to secure the attachment of expander 117 to by the engagement between sections 62c and 62d Boss
adapter sub 133. 35 163 is attached to the exterior of sleeve 162 to communi
Matching threads 141 on the exterior of adapter sub cate fluid between ports 161 and connecting tube or
133 and the interior of release support cylinder 140 are conduit 164. Connecting tube 164 is formed from two
used to attach these two components to each other. hollow tubes 164a and 164b which can telescope within
Cylinder 140 is a relatively long hollow sleeve with a each other. Tube 164a is attached to piston housing 160.
single bore 142 therethrough. The inside diameter of 40 Tube 164b is attached to boss 163. Knockout plugs 165
bore 142 is larger than the sum of the outside diameters are threadedly engaged with each port 161 to prevent
of mandrel means 61 and 62. Fluid dampening plate 131 fluid flow therethrough until after knockout sleeve 166
is secured by snap rings 132 to mandrel means 61 and 62 has been shifted. Various well tools are readily available
between adapter sub 133 and mandrel sections 61a and which can engage sleeve 166 to shear the end of plugs
62a. The outside diameter of dampening plate 131 is 45 65 to open fluid communication between ports 161 and
slightly less than the inside diameter of bore 142. There piston 159.
fore, dampening plate 131 restricts fluid flow within Bolts 168 which extend through spring housing 155,
bore 142 whenever mandrel means 61 and 62 move slip housing 154, support cylinder 140 and stop plate 145
longitudinally relative to release support cylinder 140. securely abut these components to each other. Bolts 158
Mandrel sections 61a and 62a are disposed within and 168 cooperate to transfer longitudinal movement of
release support cylinder 140 and are critical compo piston 159 to lower body means 110.
nents for releasing packer 60 from casing string 42. Stop Threads 169 are provided on the extreme end of man
plate 145 is positioned within release support cylinder drel sections 61c and 62d to connect the lower portions
140 and rests on internal flange 146. Plate 145 has bores of tubing strings 41 and 40 thereto.
147 and 148 with mandrel sections 61b and 62b slidably 55
disposed therethrough. Shoulders 149 and 150 are Operating Sequence
formed by the upsets at threaded connections 143 be FIGS. 16 through 21 show the operating sequence of
tween mandrel sections 61a and 61b and mandrel Sec the various components within packer 60 as it is low
tions 62a and 62b respectively. Bores 147 and 148 are ered through casing 42, set or anchored at a desired
sized to prevent shoulders 149 and 150 from sliding 60 downhole location, and then released from casing 42.
therethrough. Shoulders 151 and 152 are formed on the The components shown in FIGS. 16 through 21 are in
exterior of mandrel means 61 and 62 by the upsets at schematic form only. The same numerical designations
threaded connections 143 between mandrel 61 and 61a are used to allow correlation between the schematic
and mandrel sections 62 and 62a. Shoulders 149, 150, representation of a component and its more detailed
151 and 152 are important components for releasing 65 construction shown in the other figures. Only mandrel
packer 60 from casing 42. means 62 and its associated components will be dis
Lower internal slip housing 154 surrounds mandrel cussed. FIGS. 16 through 21 demonstrate that the pres
means 61 and 62 adjacent to release support cylinder ent invention could be used with a packer having a
single mandrel means as well as a packer having dual with. If fluid pressure within passageway 64 continues
mandrel means. to increase above this second preselected value, the
In FIG. 16, the components of packer 60 are shown additional force generated by piston means 159 causes
as they would appear while packer 60 was lowered slip elements 67 of lower body means 110 to more se
through the bore of casing string 42. A suitable running curely engage casing string 42. When packer 60 is an
tool (not shown) would be attached to orienting body chored to the interior of casing string 42 as shown in
44. Shear screws 71 and 76 releasably secure upper slip FIG. 17, packer 60 will resist both tension and compres
carrier 66 and slip expander 75 on the exterior of man sion forces from tubing strings 40 and 41. Packing
drel means 62 spaced longitudinally from each other means 97 will also seal against differences in fluid pres
with slip elements 67 retracted. Locking sleeve 91 is O sure in either direction within casing 42. Packer 60 can
releasably positioned behind retaining cylinder 88 by remain in this position indefinitely.
shear pins 92. Retaining cylinder 88 in turn prevents As the well conditions change, it may be necessary to
first cylinder 80 from telescoping within second cylin remove packer 60 from its downhole location. A stan
der 81. Packing means 97 are relaxed. dard wireline locking mandrel or well tool with a tub
Lower slip carrier 117 is releasably spaced from 15 ing cutting tool attached (not shown) can be lowered
lower slip expander 111 by separation cylinder 120 to through tubing string 40 and secured within locator
maintain slip elements 67 retracted. Shear screws 122 recess or profiles 47 of orienting head assembly 43. A
secure cylinder 120 to slip expander 111, and shear locking mandrel satisfactory for engagement with pro
screws 124 secure cylinder 120 to mandrel means 62. files 47 is shown in Composite Catalog of Oil Field
Shear screws 124 provide a first releasable means for 20 Equipment and Services 34th Revision (1980–81) Vol
securing lower body means 110 to mandrel means 62. ume 4 page 5972. Various types of tubing cutting tools
Adapter sub 133 and release support cylinder 140 are shown in this same catalog on page 6085. The length
(shown as a single component in FIGS. 16-21) are at of the locking mandrel and tubing cutting tool is se
tached to lower slip carrier 117 by shear screws 138. lected such that the cutting tool will be disposed within
After packer 60 has been lowered to the desired mandrel section 62a between shoulder 152 and 150
downhole location, a suitable wireline tool can be used when the locking mandrel is positioned within profiles
to shift sleeve 166, thereby opening a fluid communica 47. Various mechanical, chemical, and explosive tubing
tion path from passageway 64 to piston means 159 via cutters are commercially available for use with the
ports 161. Fluid pressure within passageway 64 can then present invention. Profiles 47 and mandrel sections 61a
be increased to apply force to lower body means 110 by 30 and 62a cooperate to provide means for releasing man
piston 159. Shear screws 124 are selected to release drel means 61 and 62 from internal slips 173.
lower body means 110 from mandrel means 62 when When mandrel section 62a is cut, the lower portions
fluid pressure acting upon piston 159 exceeds a first of tubing strings 40 and 41 drop, causing shoulder 150
preselected value. After screws 124 are sheared, the and 145 to contact each other. This transfers the weight
force generated by piston means 159 is transmitted to 35 of the lower portion of tubing strings 40 and 41 to
packing means 97 and upper body means 65 via lower screws 138 which are designed to shear, allowing lower
body means 110 and packing means 97. Shear screws 76 slip carrier 117 to separate from adapter sub 133. The
can be selected to have a shear value greater than the lower portion of tubing strings 40 and 41 will then drop
shear value of shear screws 124. Thus, force generated further until adapter sub 133 contacts shoulder 152 on
by piston 159 will shear screws 76 to release upper slip 40 mandrel means 62. To slow down or cushion the impact
expander 75 from mandrel means 62 after screws 124 of adapter sub 133 with shoulder 152, dampening plate
have been sheared. This same force causes slip expander 131 restricts fluid flow within support cylinder 140.
75 to move longitudinally towards slip carrier 66 and The configuration of packer 60 after cutting mandrel
radially expand slip elements 67 until they engage cas section 62a is shown in FIG. 18. Prior to this, internal
ing string 42. During this radial expansion of slip ele 45 slips 173 prevent mandrel means 62 from moving up
ments 67, slip carrier 66 is firmly abutted against orient wards with respect to the other components of packer
ing body 44 which is threadedly engaged with mandrel 60. After mandrel section 62a has been cut (mandrel
means 62. section 61a would also have to be cut in a similar man
Prior to slip elements 67 on upper body means 65 ner), upward tension can be applied to tubing strings 40
being engaged with the interior of casing string 42, fluid 50 and 41 to lift orienting body 44 and the portion of man
pressure acting on piston 159 tends to compress and drel means 62 attached thereto. This upward tension
radially expand packing means 97 between upper body will shear screws 71 and 92 allowing mandrel means 62
means 65 and lower body means 110. The shear value of to move longitudinally upward with respect to packing
shear screws 122 is selected to allow the fluid acting on means 97. Teeth 74 on internal slip 73 allow longitudinal
piston 159 to exceed a second preselected value prior to 55 movement of mandrel means 62 in this direction. Snap
shearing screws 122. This second preselected fluid pres ring 93 provides a shoulder on mandrel means 62
sure corresponds to the force required to compress whereby this longitudinal movement of mandrel means
packing means 97 to form a fluid tight barrier between 62 lifts locking sleeve 91 from behind retaining cylinder
the exterior of mandrel means 62 and the interior of 88. This position for locking sleeve 91 is shown in FIG.
casing string 42. After screws 122 have been sheared, 60 19. After locking sleeve 91 is lifted, retaining cylinder
lower slip carrier 117 can slide longitudinally towards 88 can flex inwardly allowing disengagement of teeth
lower slip expander 111 to radially expand slip elements 87 and 89.
67 and engage them with the interior of casing string 42 The upward movement of mandrel means 62 results
as shown in FIG. 17. Thus, lower body means 110 is in internal slips 73 engaging the exterior of mandrel
anchored to casing string 42 to hold packing means 97 65 means 62 at a new location. By next lowering mandrel
compressed and radially expanded. In the alternative, means 62, internal slips 73 contact beveled can surfaces
lower body means 110 can be anchored to casing string 50 of slip expander 75. Continued lowering of mandrel
42 prior to upper body means 65 or concurrent there means 62a transmits force via internal slips 73 to slip
expander 75 to remove slip expander 75 from behind and lower body means 20. When upper body means 65
upper slip elements 67. Internal slips 73 and camming and lower body means 201 are moved longitudinally
surface 50 cooperate to provide means for moving slip towards each other, this longitudinal movement causes
expander 75 longitudinally away from slip carrier 66. compression and radial expansion of packing means 97
Channels 98 on expander 75 cause slips 67 to retract and to form a fluid barrier with the interior of casing string
thus disengage upper body means 65 from its anchored 42 as shown in FIG. 22A. For packer 201, packing
position with the interior of casing string 42. This same means 97 consists of three separate elastomeric ele
engagement between mandrel means 62, internal slips ments. However, other configurations for packing
73, and camming surfaces 50 causes slip expander 75 to means 97 can be readily used.
abut first cylinder 80 which in turn contacts end 90 of O Lower body means 20 is carried on the exterior of
retaining cylinder 88 and disengages retaining cylinder mandrel means 61' and 62 and is releasably secured
88 from teeth 89 of second cylinder 81. Thus, first cylin thereto. Lower body means 201 includes several subas
der 80 can now telescope within second cylinder 8 and semblies which are generally cylindrical and slidable
remove all support for slip expander 75. The above with respect to each other and mandrel means 61' and
described position for packer 60 is shown in FIG. 20. In 15 62. Various components of lower body means 20 are
this configuration, upper body means 65 has been re interchangeable with components of lower body means
leased from its anchored position, and packing means 97 110 and have the same number such as slip elements 67.
is no longer held in compression. Lower slip expander 1:3 is the portion of lower body
Following release of upper body means 65, upward means 201 immediately adjacent to packing means 97.
tension is next applied to mandrel means 62 via orient 20 Parallel bores 113 and 114 extend longitudinally
ing body 44. Mandrel means 62 is now free to move through slip expander 11 to receive mandrel means 6'
upward. This upward movement causes internal slip and 62 respectively therein. Shoulder or rim 112 is
elements 73 to re-engage slip carrier 66 lifting it up formed on the interior of each bore 113 and 1:4 near the
wards. Slip ring 126 on mandrel means 62 will contact end adjacent to packing means 97. Shoulders 12 are
separation cylinder 120 which in turn contacts lower 25 used to support the weight of lower body means 201
slip expander 11. Thus, lifting mandrel means 62 will and the lower portions of the tubing string (not shown)
result in removing lower slip expander 111 from behind while removing packer 200 from casing 42. As previ
slip elements 67. Channels 98 cause slip elements 67 to ously explained, channels 98 are formed on lower slip
retract which disengages lower body means 110 from its expander 111 to retain close contact with slip elements
anchored position with the interior of casing string 42. 30 67 while packer 200 is both being set and released.
Packer 60 can now be withdrawn from casing string 42. Slip carrier 117 has a plurality of external slip ele
The weight of the lower portion of tubing strings 40 and ments 67 attached thereto by conventional T-handles 68
41 is carried by shoulders 150 and 152 and release sup and dove-tailed slots 69. Separation cylinders 119 and
port cylinder 140. The configuration of the various 120 are disposed around mandrel means 61' and 62
components of packer 60 as it is withdrawn from a 35 respectively between slip expander 111 and slip carrier
casing string 42 is shown in FIG. 21. 117 to prevent undesired longitudinal movement of
In summary, packer 60 is hydraulically set at a down expander 111 toward carrier 117. Cylinders 119 and 120
hole location by applying fluid pressure to piston 159. are sized to be received respectively within bores 113
Packer 60 is released from its set position by cutting and 114 of expander 111.
mandrel section 62a. Mandrel means 62 is first lifted to 40 A plurality of screw holes 121 is provided through
free cylinder 88 from locking sleeve 91. Mandrel means the exterior of slip expander 111 into each bore i3 and
62 is next lowered to telescope first cylinder 80 into 114 to allow insertion of shear screws 22 therein. Suit
second cylinder 81 and to disengage upper body means able annular grooves 23 are provided in the exterior of
65 from the interior of casing string 42. Finally, mandrel each separation cylinder 119 and 20 to receive the
means 62a is raised to move slip expander 11 upward 45 extreme end of shear screws 122. Shear screws 22
and to retract lower slip elements 67. Mandrel means releasably secure cylinders 19 and 120 to slip expander
62a can continue moving upwards to withdraw packer 111. Cylinders 119 and 120 prevent longitudinal move
60 from casing string 42. ment of slip expander 111 and slip carrier 117 towards
each other until after screws 22 have been sheared.
Alternative Embodiment 50 Separation cylinders 19 and 120 are also releasably
A portion of well packer 200 incorporating an alter secured to their respective mandrel means 61' and 62
native embodiment of the present invention is shown in by shear screws 124. Snap rings 25 and 126 are carried
FIG. 22A-D. Some components are interchangeable on the exterior of mandrel means 61' and 62 respec
between packer 60 and packer 200. These components tively to provide shoulders 127 and 128. Opposing
have the same numerical designation. Other compo 55 shoulders 29 and 130 are formed on the interior of
nents of packer 200, which function in a similar manner cylinders 19 and 120 respectively. Opposing shoulder
to components within packer 60 but are slightly differ 127 contacts shoulder 129 and opposing shoulder 28
ent in design, have the same numerical designation fol contacts shoulder 30 when packer 200 is removed
lowed by a prime (). from casing 42.
Packer 200 uses the same upper body means 65 as 60 When sufficient force is applied to slip carrier 117,
previously described for packer 60. Therefore, only pins 22 will shear, allowing cylinders 29 and 20 to
lower body means 20 is shown in FIGS. 22A-D. The slide within their respective bores 13 and 14. Slip
major difference between well packer 200 and well carrier 117 can then move longitudinally towards slip
packer 60 is that fluid pressure within passageway 64 expander 11 to radially expand slip elements 67 as
can be used to release the locking means for lower body 65 shown in FIGS. 22A and 23. Slip expander 11, slip
means 20 rather than cutting mandrel means 62. elements 67, and slip carrier 17 cooperate to provide
Packing means 97 are carried on the exterior of man an anchoring means carried by lower body means 201
drel means 65' and 62 between upper body means 65 which is engageable with the interior of casing String 42
13 14
to prevent longitudinal movement of body means 201 between seal rings 217 and 218. Second ports 221 extend
relative thereto. through the wall of mandrel section 62a' and communi
Support plate 202 is positioned next to and abuts cate fluid pressure from passageway 64 to the side of
lower slip carrier 117. Support plate 202 has bores 203 seal ring 218 opposite from first ports 219. When both
and 204 with mandrei sections 61' and 62 slidably dis first ports 219 and second ports 221 are open and pas
posed therethrough. For ease of assembly, support plate sageway 64 is not blocked therebetween, fluid pressure
202 is a separate component. In FIGS. 23 and 24 slip on opposite sides of seal ring 218 is equalized. Shoulder
carrier 117 and support plate 202 are shown as a single 222 is provided on the exterior of mandrel section 61a'
component. Piston 205 and piston housing 206 are car to provide a stop for seal ring 217. Therefore, when
ried on the exterior of mandrel means 61' and 62' adja O fluid pressure is increased within variable volume cham
cent to support plate 202. One end of piston 205 is slid ber 230, shoulder 222 limits the longitudinal movement
ably disposed within housing 206. The other end of of seal ring 217 away from first ports 219.
piston 205 abuts support plate 202. Ports 207 as shown Guide sleeve 223 is disposed around the exterior of
in FIGS. 23 and 24 extend radially through mandrel mandrel section 62a' adjacent to sliding sleeve section
means 62' to communicate with passageway 208 5 220b. The outside diameter of guide sleeve 223 is sized
through piston housing 206. Ports 207 and passageway to telescope within the inside diameter of sliding sleeve
208 cooperate to communicate fluid pressure from pas section 220b. Shear screws 224 releasably attach sleeve
sageway 64 to act upon piston 205. Piston 205 and section 220b and guide sleeve 223 to each other in their
piston housing 206 cooperate to provide a piston means extended position. Seal ring 225 is provided on the
for moving lower body means 201 longitudinally exterior of mandrel section 62a' abutting the extreme
towards upper body means 65 in response to fluid pres end of guide sleeve 223 within sliding sleeve section
sure in passageway 64". This longitudinal movement 220b. Seal ring 225 prevents fluid communication be
causes radial expansion of slips 67 and compression of tween second ports 221 and the exterior of sliding
packing means 97. Internal slips 173", springs 240, and sleeve 220. Guide sleeve 223 is supported by collar 226
slip housing 209 provide a portion of the means for 25 on the exterior of mandrel section 62a'. Mandrel means
locking lower body means 201 to mandrel means 61" 62 includes an adapter sub 62b' and a landing nipple
and 62 after completion of the longitudinal movement 62c' attached by threads 231 to mandrel section 62a'.
of lower body means 201 towards upper body means 65. Landing nipple 62c' has internal locator recess or profile
Lower internal slip housing 209 surrounds piston 205 232 for securing various well tools therein. Well tools
and is a continuation of piston housing 206. The cross 30 (not shown) can be landed or locked into nipple 62c' for
section of packer 200 used in FIGS. 22A-C does not use in setting packer 200 at a desired downhole location
show internal slips 173". A plurality of slip segments and for use in releasing packer 200 from the downhole
173' is carried within housing 209 adjacent to piston 205 location. Landing nipple 62c' can be considered as ei
as shown in FIGS. 23 and 24. Beveled cam surfaces and ther a part of mandrel means 62 or as part of the lower
springs 240 activate slips 173". Teeth are formed on each 35 tubing string which would be attached to mandrel
slip 173' at an angle which allows longitudinal move means 62 below packer 200.
ment of piston 205 in only one direction relative to Operation Sequence
mandrel means 61' and 62.
Piston housing 206 rests upon support cylinder 206a. FIGS. 23 and 24 show the operating sequence of the
In FIGS. 23 and 24, piston housing 206 and support 40 various components within packer 200 as it is set or
cylinder 206a are shown as a single unit. For ease of anchored at a downhole location within casing 42, and
manufacture and assembly, they are two separate com then released from casing 42. The components shown in
ponents as shown in FIG.22B. Support cylinder 206a is FIGS. 23 and 24 are in schematic form only. The same
releasably secured to mandrel means 61' and 62 by snap numerical designations are used to allow correlation
ring 210. Mandrel means 61' and 62 include several 45 between the schematic representation of a component
sections of hollow tubing which are threadedly at and its more detailed construction shown in the other
tached to each other. Sections 61a' and 62a' have exte figures. Only mandrel means 62 and its associated com
rior grooves 211 to receive snap ring 210. Backup ring ponents will be discussed. FIGS. 23 and 24 demonstrate
22 surrounds snap ring 210 and holds it engaged with that the present invention could be used with a packer
grooves 21. Snap ring 210 traps flange 213 of support 50 having a single mandrel means as well as a packer hav
cylinder 206a against shoulders 215 and 216 on the ing dual mandrel means.
exterior of mandrel sections 61a' and 62a' respectively. After packer 200 has been lowered to the desired
When flange 213 is so trapped, support cylinder 206a downhole location, a suitable wireline tool can be
and thus piston housing 206 cannot move longitudinally locked into nipple 62c' to block passagewy 64. An
relative to mandrel means 61' and 62". Snap ring 210, 55 example of such a tool is shown in Otis Wireline Subsur
grooves 211, shoulders 215 and 216 and backup ring 212 face Flow Controls & Related Service Equipment Cata
provide another portion of the means for releasably log (OEC 5121C) page 17. Fluid pressure within pas
locking lower body means 201 to the exterior of man sageway 64’ can then be increased via port 207 and
drel means 61' and 62. passageway 208 to apply force to lower body means 201
Sliding sleeve 220 is attached to backup ring 212 by 60 by piston 205. During this time the same fluid pressure
threads 22 and surrounds the exterior of mandrel sec is present at both first ports 219 and second ports 221.
tion 62a' below ring 212. Sleeve 220 consists of two Shear screws 24 are selected to release lower body
sections designated 220a and 220b. Seal rings 217 and means 201 from mandrel means 62 when fluid pressure
218 are disposed between the exterior of mandrel Sec acting upon piston 205 exceeds a first preselected value.
tions 62a' and the interior of sliding sleeve section 220a. 65 After screws 124 are sheared, the force generated by
First ports 219 extend through the wall of mandrel piston 205 is transmitted to upper body means 201.
section 62a' and communicate fluid pressure from pas Shear screws 76 are selected to have a shear value less
sageway 64 to variable volume chamber 230 formed than the shear value of shear screws 92 or 122. Thus,
15 16
force generated by piston 205 will shear screws 76 to 210 engaged with grooves 211 as shown in FIG. 23.
release upper slip expander 75 from mandrel means 62. Dotted lines show the locked position for backup ring
after screws 124 have been sheared. This same force 212 in FIG. 23.
causes slip expander 75 to move longitudinally towards After backup ring 212 has been removed from sup
slip carrier 66 and radially expand slip elements 67 until porting snap ring 210, mandrel means 62 can slide lon
they engage casing string 42. During this radial expan gitudinally relative to upper housing means 65 and
sion of slip elements 67, slip carrier 66 is firmly abutted lower housing means 201. Prior to this, slips 173 re
against orienting body 44 which is threadedly engaged tained piston 205 locked relative to piston housing 206
with mandrel means 62. which was in turn locked to mandrel means 62 by en
After slip elements 67 on upper body means 65 have O gagement of snap ring 210 with grooves 211. Upward
engaged the interior of casing string 42, fluid pressure tension can now be applied to lift orienting body 44 and
action on piston 205 can be increased further to com mandrel means 62 attached thereto. This upward ten
press and radially expand packing means 97 between sion will shear screws 71 and 92 allowing mandrel
upper body means 65 and lower body means 201. The means 62 to move longitudinally upward with respect
shear value of shear screws 122 is selected to allow the 15 to packing means 97. Mandrel means 62' is manipulated
fluid acting on piston 205 to exceed a second prese in the same manner as previously described for packer
lected value prior to shearing screws 122. This second 60 to release upper body means 65 from casing 42.
preselected fluid pressure corresponds to the force re Following release of upper body means 65, upward
quired to compress packing means 97 to form a fluid tension is next applied to mandrel means 62 via orient
tight barrier between the exterior of mandrel means 62' ing body 44. Mandrel means 62 is now free to move
and the interior of casing string 42. After screws 122 upward. This upward movement causes internal slip
have been sheared, lower slip carrier 117 can slide lon elements 73 to re-engage slip carrier 66 lifting it up
gitudinally towards lower slip expander 111 to radially wards. Snap ring 126 on mandrel means 62 will contact
expand slip elements 67 and engage them with the inte separation cylinder 120 which in turn contacts lower
rior of casing string 42 as shown in FIG. 23. Thus, 25 slip expander 111. Thus, lifting mandrel means 62 will
lower body means 201 is anchored to casing string 42 to result in removing lower slip expander 111 from behind
hold packing means 97 compressed and radially ex slip elements 67. Channels 98 cause slip elements 67 to
panded. Internal slips 173' engage the exterior of piston retract which disengages lower body means 201 from its
205 to hold piston 205 extended from piston housing anchored position with the interior of casing string 42.
206. When fluid pressure within passageway 64 de 30 Packer 200 can now be withdrawn from casing string
creases, slips 173 prevent piston 205 from returning to 42. The configuration of the various components of
its initial position. As long as piston housing 206 is an packer 200 as it is withdrawn from a casing string 42 is
chored to the exterior of mandrel means 62" via snap shown in FIG. 24.
ring 210, internal slips 173' and snap ring 210 can lock In summary, packer 200 is hydraulically set at a
lower body means 201 to the exterior of mandrel means 35 downhole location by applying fluid pressure to piston
62". When packer 200 is anchored to the interior of 205. Packer 200 is released from its set position by pres
casing string 42 as shown in FIG 23, packer 200 will surizing variable volume chamber 230 and releasing
resist both tension and compression forces from tubing snap ring 210. Mandrel means 62' is first lifted to free
strings 40 and 41. Packing means 97 will also seal cylinder 88 from locking sleeve 91. Mandrel means 62 is
against differences in fluid pressure in either direction 40 next lowered to telescope first cylinder 80 into second
within casing 42. Packer 200 can remain in this position cylinder 81 and to disengage upper body means 65 from
indefinitely. the interior of casing string 42. Finally, mandrel means
As the well conditions change, it may be necessary to 62 is raised to move slip expander 111 upward and to
remove packer 200 from its downhole location. A stan release lower slips 67 from casing 42.
dard wireline locking mandrel or well tool with a tub 45 The previous descriptions of packers 60 and 200 are
ing packoff tool attached (not shown) can be lowered representative of only two embodiments of the present
through tubing string 40 and secured within locator invention. Those skilled in the art will readily see other
recess or profiles 232 of nipple 62c'. The length of the alternative changes and modifications without depart
locking mandrel and tubing packoff tool extending ing from the scope of the invention which is defined in
thereabove is selected such that the packoff tool will be 50 the claims.
disposed within mandrel section 62a' between ports 219 What is claimed is:
and 221 when the locking mandrel is positioned within 1. A well packer comprising:
profiles 232. Various packoff tools are commercially a. a pair of parallel mandrel means, each having a
available for use with the present invention. Examples passageway extending therethrough;
of such tools are shown in Otis Wireline Subsurface 55 b. upper and lower body means carried on the exte
Flow Controls & Related Service Equipment Catalog rior of the mandrel means and slidable longitudi
(OEC 5121C) pages 14, 25 and 119. Profiles 232 and nally with respect to each other over the mandrel
mandrel section 62a' cooperate to provide means for means;
releasing the locking means for lower body means 201 c. anchoring means carried by each body means and
from mandrel means 61' and 62. 60 radially expandable relative to each body means
With the packoff positioned between first ports 219 between a retracted position and an expanded posi
and second ports 221, fluid pressure can be increased tion whereby each anchoring means is engageable
within variable volume chamber 230 creating a differ with the interior of a casing string to prevent longi
ence in pressure across seal ring 218. When this pressure tudinal movement of its associated body means
difference reaches a preselected value, screws 224 will 65 relative to the casing string;
shear, allowing sliding sleeve 220 to telescope down . . packing means carried on the exterior of the man
wardly over the exterior of guide tube 223. This move drel means between the upper and lower body
ment removes backup ring 212 from holding snap ring means;
17 18
e. piston means, carried by said mandrel means, for cylinder and second cylinder allowing the first and
moving the body means longitudinally toward second cylinders to telescope relative to each
each other in response to fluid pressure in one of other.
the passageways; 4. A well packer as defined in claim 3, wherein the
f the longitudinal movement of the body means caus- 5 first and second cylinders prevent the slip expander of
ing compression of the packing means and radial the upper body means from moving longitudinally
expansion thereof to form a fluid barrier between away from its associated slip carrier until after the re
the exterior of the mandrel means and the interior taining cylinder has been released.
of the casing string; 5. A well packer as defined in claim 1, wherein the
g. the same longitudinal movement causing radial 10 releasing means for the locking means of the lower
expansion of the anchoring means; body means further comprises:
h. means for locking the lower body means to the a. a locator recess in either the passageway of one of
mandrel means after completion of the longitudinal the mandrel means or the tubing string attached to
movement whereby the packing means are main the mandrel means;
tained compressed and the anchoring means are 15 b. a well tool releasably engageable with the locator
maintained radially expanded; recess;
i. each anchoring means comprising a plurality of slip c. a tubing cutting tool attached to the well tool and
elements; extending longitudinally therefrom; and
j. each body means further comprising a slip carrier d. the distance between the cutting tool and the well
and a slip expander which are movable longitudi- 20 tool selected to equal the distance from the locator
nally towards each other to radially expand the recess to a preselected location within the mandrel
associated slip elements; eaS.
k. means for releasing the mandrel means from the 6. A well packer as defined in claim 1, further con
locking means of the lower body means; and prising:
1. means for moving the slip expander of the upper 25 a. a port extending radially through one of the man
body means longitudinally away from its associ drel means;
ated slip carrier to allow retraction of the slip ele b. a conduit for communicating fluid from the port to
ments carried by the upper body means after the the piston means; and
locking means for the lower body means has been c. the piston means secured to the exterior of the
released. 30 mandrel means adjacent to and abutting the lower
2. A well packer as defined in claim 1, wherein the body means.
locking means further comprises: 7. A well packer as defined in claim 1, further com
a slip segments disposed between the exterior of the prising:
mandrel means and the interior of the lower body a. the piston means including a piston slidably dis
means; 35 posed within a piston housing;
b. teeth projecting from each slip segment at an angle b. slip segments disposed between the piston and the
relative to the mandrel means whereby the slip piston housing;
segments allow longitudinal movement of the c. teeth projecting from each slip segment at an angle
lower body means towards the upper body means relative to the piston whereby the slip segments
and prevent longitudinal movement of the body 40 allow fluid pressure to extend the piston from the
means away from each other; and piston housing and prevent the piston from return
c. a camming surface formed on the interior of the ing to its initial position; and
lower body means to project the slip segments d. a snap ring which releasably secures the piston
adjacent thereto into contact with the mandrel housing to the mandrel means.
2S, 45 8. A well packer as defined in claim 1, further com
3. A well packer as defined in claim 1, wherein the prising an orienting body disposed above the upper
upper body means further comprises: body means and each mandrel means securely engaged
a first and second concentric cylinders surrounding with the orienting body preventing relative movement
the mandrel means between the slip expander for between the mandrel means.
the upper body means and the packing means; 50 9. A well packer as defined in claim 1, further com
b. the outside diameter of the first cylinder selected to prising:
telescope within the inside diameter of the second a. releasable means for securing the lower body
cylinder; means to the mandrel means until fluid pressure
c. a retaining cylinder releasably disposed between within the piston means exceeds a first preselected
the exterior of the mandrel means and the inside 55 value;
diameter of the second cylinder; b. releasable means for preventing longitudinal move
d. the retaining cylinder abutting the first cylinder ment of the slip expander of the upper body means
and thereby blocking the first and second cylinders relative to its associated slip carrier until fluid pres
from telescoping relative to each other; sure within the piston means exceeds the first pre
e. a locking sleeve disposed between the mandrel 60 selected value; and
means and the retaining cylinder; and c. releasable means for preventing longitudinal move
f. a shoulder carried on the exterior of the mandrel ment of the slip expander of the lower body means
means within the second cylinder adjacent to the relative to its associated slip carrier until fluid pres
locking sleeve whereby longitudinal movement of sure within the piston means exceeds a second,
the mandrel means in one direction relative to the 65 higher preselected value.
second cylinder will cause the shoulder to contact 10. A well packer which can be attached to a tubing
the locking sleeve and release the engagement be string for the purpose of forming, a fluid barrier within
tween the mandrel means, locking sleeve, retaining a casing string, comprising:
19 26)
a mandrel means having a passageway extending d. the first and second shoulders of the lower body
therethrough; means spaced longitudinally from each other;
b. upper and lower body means carried on the exte c. the shoulders of the mandrel means positioned
rior of the mandrel means and slidable longitudi between the shoulders of the lower body means;
nally with respect to each other over the mandrel 5 and
means; f. the shoulders of the mandrel means sized to engage
c. anchoring means carried by each body means and the shoulders of the lower body means.
movable relative to each body means between a 13. A well packer as defined in claim 1 or 10, wherein
retracted position and an expanded position the means for releasing the locking means of the lower
whereby each anchoring means is engageable with 10 body means further comprises:
the interior of the casing string to prevent longitu a. a snap ring releasably secured to the exterior of the
dinal movement of its associated body means rela mandrel means below the piston means;
tive to the casing string; b. a backup ring which normally maintains the snap
d. packing means carried on the exterior of the man 5 ring secured to the mandrel means;
drel means between the upper and lower body . the snap ring and a shoulder on the exterior of the
means; mandrel means cooperating to lock the lower body
e. piston means, carried by the mandrel means, for means to the mandrel means;
moving the body means longitudinally toward . a hydraulically actuated sliding sleeve surrounding
each other in response to fluid pressure in the pas the mandrel means and attached to the backup ring;
f. longitudinal movement of the lower body means . means for communicating fluid pressure from the
towards the upper body means causing compres passageway to the sliding sleeve whereby fluid
sion of the packing means and radial expansion pressure above a preselected value will move the
thereof to form the fluid barrier; sliding sleeve longitudinally to release the snap ring
25 from the mandrel means.
g. the same longitudinal movement causing expansion 14. A well packer, carried by a tubing string, for
of the anchoring means; forming a fluid barrier within a casing string, compris
h. means for locking the lower body means to the ing:
mandrel means; a. a mandrel means having a passageway extending
i. means for releasing the mandrel means from the 30 longitudinally therethrough and each end of the
locking means of the lower body means; mandrel means engageable with the tubing string;
j. means for moving the slip expander of the upper . upper and lower body means carried on the exte
body means longitudinally away from its associ rior of the mandrel means and slidable longitudi
ated slip carrier to retract the slip elements carried nally over the exterior of the mandrel means;
by the upper body means after the locking means 35 . . anchoring means carried by each body means and
for the lower body means has been released; movable relative to the respective body means
k. releasable means securing the lower body means to between a retracted position and an expanded posi
the mandrel means until fluid pressure within the tion whereby each anchoring means is engageable
piston means exceeds a first preselected value; with the interior of the casing string to prevent
1. releasable means preventing longitudinal move 40 longitudinal movement of its associated body
ment of the slip expander of the upper body means means relative thereto;
relative to its associated slip carrier until fluid pres . packing means carried on the exterior of the man
sure within the piston means exceeds the first pre drel means between the upper and lower body
selected value; and means;
m. releasable means preventing longitudinal move 45 piston means, carried by the mandrel means, for
ment of the slip expander of the lower body means moving the body means longitudinally toward
relative to its associated slip carrier until fluid pres each other in response to fluid pressure in the pas
sure within the piston means exceeds a second Sageway;
preselected value. longitudinal movement of the body means toward
11. A well packer as defined in claim 2 or 10, further 50 each other causing compression of the packing
comprising: means and radial expansion thereof to form a fluid
a. the change in fluid pressure within the piston means barrier between the exterior of the mandrel means
between the first and second preselected value and the interior of the casing string;
compressing the packing means; and . the same longitudinal movement causing radial
b. the locking means for the lower body means main 55 expansion of the anchoring means;
taining the packing means compressed without . means for locking the lower body means to the
regard to fluid pressure in the piston means. exterior of the mandrel means after completion of
12. A well packer as defined in claim 1 or 10, wherein the longitudinal movement whereby the packing
the means for releasing the lower body means com means are maintained compressed and the anchor
prises: 60 ing means are maintained radially expanded;
a. a first and a second shoulder formed on the exterior i. each anchoring means comprising a plurality of slip
of the mandrel means between the slip carrier of elements;
the lower body means and its associated locking j. each body means further comprising a slip carrier
means; and a slip expander which are movable longitudi
b. the shoulders spaced longitudinally from each 65 nally towards each other to radially expand the slip
other; elements;
c. first and second shoulders carried by the lower k. a first and a second shoulder formed on the exterior
body means; of the mandrel means between the slip carrier of
21 22
the lower body means and its associated locking a. a profile in either the passageway of the mandrel
means or the tubing string attached to the mandrel
means; means;
1. the shoulders spaced longitudinally from each b. a well tool releasably engageable with the profile;
other; 5 c. a tubing cutting tool attached to the well tool and
extending longitudinally therefrom; and
m. first and second shoulders carried by the lower d. the distance between the cutting tool and the well
body means projecting radially inward toward the tool selected to equal the distance from the profile
mandrel means; to a preselected location intermediate the first and
O second shoulders of the mandrel means.
n. the first and second shoulders of the lower body 16. A well packer as defined in claim 14, wherein the
means spaced longitudinally from each other; mandrel means comprises:
o, the shoulders of the mandrel means positioned a. a pair of parallel mandrels, each having a passage
between the shoulders of the lower body means; way extending longitudinally therethrough;
15 b. a port extending radially through one of the man
and drel means;
p. the shoulders of the mandrel means sized to engage c. a conduit for communicating fluid from the port to
the shoulders of the lower body means. the piston means; and
15. A well packer as defined in claim 14, wherein 20 d. mandrel
the pistonmeans
means secured to the exterior of the
adjacent to and abutting the lower
means for releasing the locking means of the lower body means.
body means comprises: sk