Us 4448008
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U.S. Patent May 15, 1984
U.S. Patent May 15, 1984 Sheet 2 of 8 4,448,008
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U.S. Patent May 15, 1984 Sheet 5 of 8 4,448,008
U.S. Patent May 15, 1984 Sheet 6 of 8 4,448,008
U.S. Patent May 15, 1984 Sheet 7 of 8 4,448,008
U.S. Patent May 15, 1984 Sheet 8 of 8 4,448,008
ple, one type of machine uses four mandrel assemblies
MULTIPLE MANDREL CARTON ERECTING, driven on a common horizontal axis. The four mandrel
FTLLING AND SEALNG MACHINE WITH assemblies feed cartons onto four parallel, horizontal
TWO-STAGE LOADING conveyor tracks. The cartons are advanced along the
four tracks one step per cycle to the various work sta
tions at which the cartons are filled and the top ends are
1. Field of the Invention formed and sealed. The four mandrel assemblies are
The present invention relates to machines for erect arranged in four vertical planes which are parallel to the
ing flat, collapsed tubular cartons and for filling and four conveyor tracks. This machine, therefore, is effec
sealing the erected cartons. In particular, the present 10 tively four machines operating in parallel but driven by
invention relates to a machine which increases produc a common drive system. While this approach achieves a
tion rate without significantly increasing cycle rate. four-fold increase in production rate over a machine
2. Description of the Prior Art with a single mandrel assembly and a single conveyor
One common type of container in which liquid food line, there are significant disadvantages. In particular,
products, such as milk and fruit juices are sold is a gable 15 because the four lines and four mandrel assemblies are
top carton made of paperboard or the like which has in parallel with one another, access to the mechanisms
heat sealable top and bottom closure panels. In general, of the two inner lines and inner mandrel assemblies is
this type of carton is made of a high grade paperboard difficult. Since access is required in order to perform
stock which is coated on both sides with a thermoplastic regular periodic maintenance and cleaning as well as for
material such as polyethylene. The polyethylene coat 20 repairs, the use of four parallel conveyor lines and four
ing on the paperboard is used for moisture-proofing, parallel mandrel assemblies is extremely inconvenient.
and is also a heat and pressure sensitive adhesive used to In addition, the use of four parallel conveyor lines and
seal the top and bottom closure panels of the carton to four parallel mandrel assemblies significantly increases
make it liquid tight. the floor space required for the system, and results in
Automatic machines have been developed which 25 approximately a four-fold increase in the number of
erect flat, collapsed cartons of this type, form and seal parts and components of the machine.
the bottom ends of the carton, fill the cartons with the Another approach to increasing production rate uses
liquid product, and form and seal the top ends of the a mandrel assembly which rotates about a vertical axis.
cartons. These machines generally include a rotatable The mandrels all extend downward from the horizontal
mandrel assembly which is driven in a step-by-step 30
indexing motion. The flat, collapsed cartons are with mandrel carriage or spindle. This system uses a pair of
mandrels at each of a plurality of equally spaced posi
drawn from a magazine, erected into an open-end tubu tions around the horizontal mandrel carriage. Two car
lar form and loaded onto each mandrel. As the mandrel
assembly is rotated, the carton blank on the mandrel is tons are erected and sealed simultaneously on the man
sequentially advanced to work stations at which the 35 adrel assembly. The two cartons are then deposited into
single conveyor line which carries each pair of cartons
bottom closure panels of the blank are broken, the bot
tom is heated, and the bottom is closed and sealed. step-by-step along a horizontal track. Because two car
Finally, each carton blank, with its bottom end sealed tons are formed, filled and sealed simultaneously, twice
and its top end open, is withdrawn from its mandrel and the production is achieved with the same cycle rate.
deposited on a conveyor line. The cartons on the con 40 This type of system, however, also has disadvantages.
veyor line are advanced through a top breaker unit at The orientation of the mandrel carriage in a horizontal
which the top panels are broken, a filling area at which plane with a vertical axis of rotation takes up consider
the cartons are filled with the desired quantity of liquid, able floor space. In addition, in order to obtain a four
a defoamer area at which foam generated during the fold increase in production rate with the same cycle
filling of the liquid is removed, a top heater area at 45 rate, two similar machines must be placed side-by-side.
which the polyethylene coating on the carton is heated, This proposed arrangement has not proved acceptable
a top folding area at which the top panels are folded, due to the large amount of floor space required and the
and a top sealing area at which the tops of the cartons problems presented in accessibility to certain compo
are sealed. nents of the machines.
Examples of machines of this general type are shown 50 Still another proposal for increasing production rate
in U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,088,380, 3,153,374; 3,405,505; and also uses a horizontally aligned mandrel assembly
3,669,160; and in British Pat. Nos. 709,454; 1,001,595; which rotates about a vertical axis and which has pairs
and 1,001,596. of mandrels extending downward from the mandrel
There has been a continuing effort to increase the carriage. The cartons are removed at the last work
production rate of this type of machine. One way of 55 station around the mandrel assembly and are deposited
increasing production rate, of course, is to run the ma into two separate conveyor tracks. The individual car
chine at higher cycle rates. This approach, however, tons are then indexed one at a time through the remain
has practical limitations. The rate at which carton form der of the machine. This arrangement achieves a two
ing and sealing and the filling of liquid can be performed fold increase in production rate, but again does not lend
places practical limitations on the maximum cycle rate 60 itself to further increases in production rate without
of the machine. In addition, as higher cycle rates are doubling the floor space required by arranging two
required, more complex mechanisms are often required. machines side-by-side.
Higher cycle rates can also result in higher incidence of Still another approach uses four mandrel assemblies
breakdown and the need for greater amounts of mainte arranged in two pairs. Each pair of mandrel assemblies
aCe 65 is driven on a common horizontal axis, and each man
In the past, several approaches have been proposed to drel assembly is aligned in a vertical plane. One pair of
increase the production rate of machines of this type mandrel assemblies feeds one horizontal conveyor
without significantly increasing cycle rate. For exam track, and the other pair of mandrel assemblies feed
4,448,008 4.
another horizontal track. The vertical planes of the track to work stations where each pair of carton blanks
mandrel assemblies are perpendicular to the horizontal is filled, closed and the top ends sealed.
tracks. Cartons deposited in the horizontal tracks are The machine of the present invention is particularly
moved in pairs stepwise through the remainder of the advantageous since it provides a two-fold increase in
machine. As a result, a four-fold increase in production production rate with a single horizontal conveyor track
rate is achieved. This type of system, however, has the and a single mandrel assembly. This minimizes floor
disadvantage that it consumes considerable floor space, space, since the mandrel assembly is oriented in a com
due to the orientation of the mandrel assemblies. In mon vertical plane with the horizontal track and rotates
addition, access to some parts of the machines can be about a horizontal axis of rotation. In addition, the ma
difficult. 10 chine of the present invention is particularly well
Still another approach to increasing cycle rates uses adapted to achieve a four-fold increase in production
four mandrel assemblies which are driven on a common rate by use of a second identical mandrel assembly
horizontal axis. Two of the mandrel assemblies feed which is connected to the first mandrel assembly and is
cartons onto one horizontal conveyor track, while the 15 rotated about the same horizontal axis of rotation. Car
other two mandrel assemblies feed cartons onto a sec tons from the second mandrel assembly are fed along a
ond horizontal conveyor track. The vertical planes in second horizontal track which is parallel to the first
which each of the mandrel assemblies are located are track. This four-fold increase in production rate is
generally parallel to the horizontal conveyor tracks. achieved with a minimum of additional floor space, and
This system uses a mechanical cross-over arrangement 20 permits easy accessibility to all components of the ma
in order to feed two cartons at a time into each of the chine for cleaning, service and maintenance adjustment.
two conveyor tracks. The conveyor tracks then ad In preferred embodiments, the machine of the present
vance the cartons in pairs through the various work invention utilizes a unique two-stage carton erecting
stations of the remainder of the machine. While this and loading mechanism in order to simultaneously load
machine achieves a four-fold increase in production each pair of mandrels of the mandrel assembly. The
rate, it has increased complexity due to the feeding of loading assembly includes first and second magazines
cartons from two separate mandrel assemblies into a for holding first and second supplies of carton blanks,
single conveyor line. In addition, having four mandrel respectively. First picker means removes a carton blank
assemblies on a common shaft for rotation presents from the first magazine, opens the flat carton blank to a
problems with respect to accessibility of components 30 generally square cross-section open end tubular form,
positioned around the inner two mandrel assemblies, and deposits the erected open end tubular carton blank
and requires greater power to rotate the four mandrel in a first chute. First loading means advances the open
assemblies. end tubular carton blank deposited by the first picker
There is a continuing need for improved machines means along the first chute onto one of the pair of man
which erect flat, collapsed cartons and which fill and 35 drels.
seal those cartons. In particular, there is a continuing Second picker means removes a flat carton blank
need for machines which provide higher effective pro from the second magazine, opens the flat carton blank
duction rates without consuming excessive amounts of to a generally square cross-section open-ended tubular
floor space and which permit easy accessibility to all form, and deposits the tubular carton blank in a second
components of the machine for service and maintenance 40 chute. Second loading means simultaneously advances
adjustments. the open end tubular carton blank deposited by the
second picker means along the second chute to an inter
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION mediate position while advancing a previously depos
The present invention is a machine for erecting flat ited carton blank from the intermediate position onto
collapsed cartons and for filling and sealing the erected 45 the other mandrel.
cartons which provide higher effective production BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
rates. The machine includes a mandrel assembly which
is rotatably driven with a step-by-step indexing motion FIG. 1 is a side elevation of a machine for erecting
about a horizontal axis of rotation. The mandrel assem flat collapsed cartons and for filling and sealing the
bly includes a pair of mandrels at each of a plurality of 50 erected cartons which embodies the persent invention.
equally spaced circumferential positions. Each pair of FIG. 2 is a top plan view of the machine of FIG. 1.
mandrels extends outward in a generally radial direc FIG. 3 is a sectional view along section 3-3 of FIG.
tion with respect to the horizontal axis of rotation. 2.
The erection of the cartons and the sealing of bottom FIG. 4 is a view along line 4-4 of FIG. 3 showing
ends of the carton are performed two at a time on the 55 the carton loader assembly.
mandrel assembly by a plurality of work stations which FIG. 5 is a perspective view of the basket area of the
are positioned in a substantially vertical plane which is upper carton loader assembly.
normal to the horizontal axis of rotation of the mandrel FIG. 6 is a view along line 6-6 of FIG. 3.
assembly. The mandrel assembly is rotated in the verti FIG. 7 is a view along line 7-7 of FIG. 6 illustrating
cal plane about the horizontal axis in a stepped sequence in phantom the position of erected cartons along the
to bring each pair of mandrels sequentially into align first and second chutes of the loader prior to advance
ment with each work station. ment of the erected cartons along the chutes.
Carton transfer means successively transfers each FIG. 8 is a view along line 8-8 of FIG. 7 illustrating
pair of carton blanks, after their bottom ends have been the positions of cartons in phantom on the first and
second chutes.
sealed, from each pair of mandrels to a substantially
horizontal track. Carton conveyor means operatively FIGS. 9A-9C are schematic representations of opera
synchronized with the intermittent drive means ad tion of the two-stage loading assembly of the present
vances each pair of carton blanks along the horizontal invention.
5 6
tion after the carton blanks have been erected into tubes
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE having a generally square cross-section.
A first stack 42 of carton blanks (shown in FIG. 1) is
In FIGS. 1 and 2, carton erecting, filling and sealing stored in first magazine 44, and a second stack 46 of flat
machine 10 is shown which embodies the present inven 5 carton blanks (FIG. 1) is stored in second magazine 48.
tion. Machine 10 is a double indexing/dual conveyor During each operating cycle of machine 10, an erected
line machine which provides a four fold increase in carton blank in upper chute 50 is advanced along upper
production rate with the same cycle rate compared to a chute 50 from a position below first magazine 44 onto
conventional single line machine. mandrel 40A. In addition, the lowermost carton blank
As illustrated in FIGS. 1 and 2, machine 10 includes O in first magazine 44 is pulled downward, erected, and
a carton erecting section 12 and a filling and sealing deposited in upper chute 50 just below first magazine
section 14. Carton erecting section 12 includes a pair of 44, so as to be ready for the next cycle.
vertically oriented mandrel assemblies 16 which are During the same cycle, two erected carton blanks in
rotated in stepwise fashion about a common horizontal lower chute 60 are advanced. One carton blank is ad
axis of rotation defined by mandrel drive shaft 18. Car 15 vanced from an intermediate holding position generally
tons formed on mandrel assemblies 16 are deposited into below first magazine 44 onto mandrel 40B while the
a pair of parallel horizontal conveyor tracks 20. The other carton is advanced from a position below second
cartons deposited in conveyor tracks 20 have sealed magazine 48 to the intermediate holding position. The
bottom ends and open top ends. As the cartons are lowermost carton blank in second magazine 48 is pulled
advanced along conveyor tracks 20 they are brought 20 downward, erected, and deposited in lower chute 60
sequentially into alignment with a series of work sta just below second magazine 48 so as to be ready for the
tions where they are filled and top sealed. The cartons next cycle.
are eventually driven off the end of conveyor lines 20 This two-stage loading, which will be described in
onto conveyor assembly 22. further detail later, allows two separate magazines 44
For the purpose of further description and discussion, 25 and 48 and loading chutes 50 and 60 to be positioned in
only one of the two parallel mandrel assembly/con close proximity without interfering with one another,
veyor lines of machine 10 will be described. It should be and allows two cartons to be inserted onto closely
understood, however, that each of the two parallel lines spaced mandrels 40A and 40B simultaneously.
has identical components and operates in the same man After a pair of cartons have been inserted on man
ner. Similar reference numerals will be used to desig
30 drels 40A and 40B, the next cycle of machine 10 is
nate similar elements and components of each of the commenced and spindle 24 is rotated in the counter
two parallel lines. clockwise direction illustrated by arrows 38 in FIG. 1 to
As shown in FIG. 1-3, mandrel assembly 16 includes bring the carton blanks into alignment with bottom
an octagonal spindle 24 which is rotatably mounted breaker assembly 64. As illustrated in FIG. 3, bottom
with respect to frame 26 so that it rotates about the
35 breaker assembly 64 includes a pair of bottom breaker
mechanisms 64A and 64B which are driven inward in
horizontal axis defined by drive shaft 18. the direction indicated by arrow 66 to engage the bot
As best shown in FIG. 2, mandrel assembly drive tom end flaps of the cartons mounted on mandrels 40A
shaft 18 is driven by hydraulic motor 28 through index and 40B, respectively. Bottom breaker mechanisms 64A
ing transmission 30. As shown in FIG. 2, hydraulic and 64B break the score lines of the bottom ends of the
motor 28 and indexing transmission 30 are both cartons on mandrels 40A and 40B, respectively, and are
mounted on motor mounting platform 32, which is then retracted as illustrated by arrow 66.
attached to frame 26. Drive shaft 18 is supported for During the next cycle, spindle 24 is rotated to bring
rotation in bearings 34, which are mounted to motor mandrels 40A and 40B into alignment with first bottom
mounting platform 32. At its outer ends, drive shaft 18 45 heater assembly 68, which includes a pair of bottom
is supported by bearing plates 36, which in turn are heaters 68A and 68B. First bottom heater assembly 68 is
mounted on cross members 26A of frame 26. Mandrel driven inward as illustrated by arrow 70 in FIG. 3 and
drive shaft 18 is driven in a step-by-step sequential mo applies heat to the bottom ends of the pair of cartons to
tion in the direction illustrated by arrows 38 in FIG. 1. soften the polyethylene coating on the paperboard
Mounted on each of the eight surfaces of octagonal 50 forming the cartons.
spindle 24 are a pair of mandrels 40A, 40B. Each pair of During the next cycle, spindle 24 is rotated to bring
mandrels 40A, 40B projects outwardly in a generally mandrels 40A and 40B into alignment with second bot
radial direction, and all mandrels lie in a common verti tom heater assembly 72, which includes a pair of bottom
cal plane which is perpendicular to the horizontal axis heaters 72A and 72B. Second bottom heater assembly
defined by mandrel drive shaft 18. By the use of a pair 55 72 is moved in the direction generally illustrated by
of mandrels 40A, 40B at each position of mandrel as arrow 74, and further heats the bottoms of the cartons
sembly 16, two cartons rather than one are formed at mounted on mandrels 40A and 40B.
the same time. As spindle 24 is rotated, it brings each The next operating cycle causes spindle 24 to rotate
pair of mandrels 40A, 40B into alignment with each of mandrels 40A and 40B into alignment with bottom
a series of work stations, where work is performed on 60 folding assembly 76, which includes a pair of bottom
the carton. This ultimately results in the sealing of the folding mechanisms 76A and 76B. Bottom folding as
bottom ends of the pair of cartons and the depositing of sembly 76 is movable in the direction illustrated by
that pair of cartons into conveyor line 20. arrow 78 in FIG. 3. Bottom folding assembly 76 folds
The cartons which are formed and filled in machine the bottom ends of the cartons closed and sets up the
10 are originally in the form of collapsed open-ended 65 polyethylene coating with one flap of the carton folded
tubular flat cartons. The closure parts at each end of the onto the other to obtain a good bottom seal.
carton blanks are suitably scored so that the top and During the next cycle, mandrels 40A and 40B are
bottom ends will be formed with the proper configura brought into alignment with bottom press assembly 80,
4,448,008 8
which includes a pair of bottom presses 80A and 80B. ratus. This pumping apparatus is the subject matter of a
Bottom presses 80A and 80B are driven inwardly as copending patent application entitled "Carton Filling
illustrated by arrow 82 to engage and press the bottom Apparatus" which is filed on even date with this appli
ends of the pair of cartons on mandrels 40A and 40B. 5 cation and assigned to the same assignee as the present
Bottom presses 80A and 80B each preferably have a application.
series of stakes which block off any channels in the During the next indexing of conveyor 20, the pair of
bottom of the cartons to prevent the bottoms of the cartons are brought into alignment with second filler
cartons from leaking. Bottom presses 80A and 80B are station 104. The remaining quantity of liquid required to
chilled to draw heat from the polyethylene coating and fill the cartons to the desired volume are dispensed
thus ensure a well sealed bottom end of each carton. 10 through nozzles 106A and 106B, respectively.
During the next operating cycle mandrels 40A and The next station to which the pair of cartons is in
40B are brought in alignment with a blank station 84. dexed is defoamer station 108. At this station, a set of
No work is performed on the cartons at blank station 84. tubes (not shown) is moved downward into the pair of
During the next operating cycle, mandrels 40A and cartons to remove any foam that may be in the cartons
40B are brought into alignment with unloader station 15 and which would otherwise prevent the tops of the
86. Unloader vacuum cups 86A and 86B are positioned cartons from sealing properly.
at unloader station 86, and are driven upward in the Next, the pair of cartons are indexed into first top
direction indicated by arrow 87 to engage the bottom heater station 110, and on the following cycle are in
ends of the pair of cartons mounted on mandrels 40A 20 dexed into second top heater station 112, in top heater
and 40B. Vacuum cups 86A and 86B are then driven stations 110 and 112, top heater assembly 114 heats the
downward to deposit the pair of cartons into conveyor polyethylene on the top ends of the carton so that the
20. polyethylene is soft and ready for the sealing operation.
Once the cartons have been stripped off mandrels The pair of cartons are then indexed into top folding
40A and 40B by vacuum cups 86A and 86B and depos station 116 where the tops are folded and then to first
ited in conveyor 20, mandrels 40A and 40B are ready to 25 top sealer station 118. First top sealer assembly 120
be indexed back to the loading station to be loaded with closes the top ends of the pair of cartons and applies
another pair of carton blanks. compression to the top ends to seal the top ends of the
Each pair of cartons deposited in conveyor 20 pro cartons.
gresses along conveyor 20 in the direction illustrated by The pair of cartons are next indexed to second top
arrows 88 in FIG. 1. Machine 10 of the present inven 30 sealing station 122. Second top sealer 124 performs a
tion provides a double index movement of cartons along second top sealing operation to ensure that the tops of
conveyor 20. In other words, the cartons are moved by the two cartons are properly sealed.
pairs from one work station to another, so that each Finally, the pair of cartons are indexed to brander
operation on the cartons is performed essentially simul station
taneously on both cartons. As a result, the production date of 126.
Brander assembly 128 burns the expiration
product onto the top lids of the pair of car.
rate of filled and sealed cartons from each conveyor line tons.
20 is twice the cycle rate, since two cartons are being With subsequent cycles of machine 10, the pair of
constructed, filled and sealed with each cycle.
Conveyor 20 includes a pair of endless chain assen veyor 20arecartons
indexed until they reach the end of con
are deposited onto conveyor assembly 22.
blies 89 and a longitudinal horizontal bottom support The double mandrel/double index machine 10 of the
rod 89A which are trained over sprockets 90 and are
driven by motor 91 through chain drive 92. Chain as present invention provides significant advantages over
semblies 89 are arranged in spaced parallel arrangement prior art machines. First, because two cartons are being
with their inner runs defining the conveyor track along formed, rate filled and sealed at each station, twice the pro
which the pairs of cartons are transported. Each chain 45 duction Second,
is provided with the same cycle rate.
because mandrel assembly 16 is in the same
assembly carries carton-engaging dogs 93 which are vertical plane as conveyor line 20 and rotates about a
longitudinally spaced and are arranged in transverse horizontal axis which is perpendicular to that vertical
registration to define pockets within which the cartons plane, two mandrel assemblies and conveyor lines can
are deposited. The cartons ride in the pockets with their 50 be operated side-by-side in a compact single machine to
bottom ends supported on rod 89A. provide a four fold increase in production rate with the
After being deposited in conveyor chain 20 at unload
ing station 86, the pair of cartons is advanced together same cycle rate.
Third, the two-mandrel assembly, two-conveyor line
through a series of work stations. The first several work arrangement
stations after the unloading area 86 are not shown, but 55 common driveassystem illustrated in FIGS. 1 and 2 allows a
to operate both mandrel assem
may include, for example, stations for inspecting se
lected cartons to ensure that the bottom sealing function blies and both conveyor lines with a minimum of com
has been performed satisfactorily. After these initial plexity.
stations, the pair of cartons is indexed to top breaker lineFourth, the two-mandrel assembly, two conveyor
station 94. A pair of top breaker assemblies 96A and 96B bilityarrangement
to all parts
of FIGS. 1 and 2 permits easy accessi
of machine 10 for repairs, cleaning and
are located at top breaker work station 94 to prebreak maintenance adjustments. In particular, mandrel assem
the top ends of the pair of cartons. This softens up the blies 16 and the work stations arranged about mandrel
score lines of the top ends of the cartons in preparation assemblies 16 are all easily accessible.
for later top forming and sealing. Fifth, the two-mandrel assembly, two-conveyor line
The pair of cartons is then indexed to first filler sta
tion 98. Milk or other liquid is dispensed from tank 65 machine of FIGS. 1 and 2 takes up a minimum of floor
reservoir 100 through nozzles 102A and 102B into the space to achieve a four-fold increase in production rate.
pair of cartons. A measured quantity of liquid is dis This is in contrast to prior art systems having different
pensed into each of the two cartons by a pumping appa orientations of the mandrel assembly.
4,448,008 10
As described previously, the machine of the present and 246 have a height which is about the same as basket
invention uses a two-stage loading apparatus in order to rods 226 and 228, and provide guidance of the carton
insert erected cartons blanks onto the closely spaced blanks down to the lowermost position (or "pickoff
parallel mandrels 40A and 40B aligned with the loading point') defined by chamfered edge 224 of chamfer plate
station. The structure and operation of this two-stage 222 and edges of bevel washers 240 and 242,
loading apparatus is shown in detail in previously dis Two additional short basket rods 252 and 254 are
cussed FIG. 3, and in FIGS. 4-6. attached to end member 210 by bolts 256 and 258, re
The two-stage loading assembly is supported on base spectively. Basket rods 252 and 254 provide guidance
plate 200, which is fixed to frame 26. In the embodiment for the bottom end edges of the carton blanks in basket
shown in the Figures, base plate 200 is inclined at a 45 O assembly 208.
angle so that it is parallel to the radial direction of man The top end edges of the carton blanks are guided by
drels 40A and 40B when mandrels 40A and 40B are at a pair of tall arbors 260 and 262, which are attached by
the loading station. First and second chutes 50 and 60 bolts 264 and 266 to movable support 268. Since the
are supported by support posts 202 which extend per length of the carton blanks can vary, support 268 is
pendicularly to base plate 200. Chutes 50 and 60 are 15 mounted on guide rods 270 and 272, which extend
mounted parallel to base plate 200 and extend upward through sleeves 274 and 276 and end member 212.
from magazines 44 and 48, respectively, to mandrels Sleeves 274 and 276 are fixedly mounted to end member
40A and 40B. 212. Proper placement of arbors 260 and 262 for use
First magazine 44 is supported above base plate 200 with a particular length of carton blank is provided by
by support posts 204 and mounting plate 205, which are insertion of hairpins (not shown) through holes in
mounted to base plate 200 and extended generally up sleeves 274 and 276 and cooperating holes in guide rods
wardly and perpendicular to base plate 200. Similarly, 270 and 272, respectively.
second magazine assembly 48 is supported by support As best shown in FIG. 3, magazines 36 and 40 also
posts 206 and mounting plate 207, which are fixed to include an L-shaped metal member 278 which, together
base plate 200 at their lower end and extend perpendicu 25 with tall arbors 260 and 262, provides a guide structure
larly to base plate 200. for holding a tall stack of cartonblanks. L-shaped mem
The structure and operation of first and second maga ber 278, which is not shown in FIG. 4 for purposes of
zines 44 and 48 and the mechanisms for pulling down clarity, has a flange at its lower end to permit attach
and erecting cartons into chutes 50 and 60 are essen ment by screws or other fasteners to end 210 and brace
tially identical. For that reason, similar reference nu 30 218 of basket assembly 208. One inner edge of L-shaped
merals and characters will be used to designate similar member 278 sits immediately above basket rods 244 and
elements, and the following description will be applica 246, while the other edge sits immediately above basket
ble to both. Magazines 44 and 48 include basket assem rods 252 and 258.
bly 208 mounted at the upper ends of support posts 204 The lowermost carton blank is withdrawn from bas
or 206. Basket assembly 208 includes a pair of parallel 35 ket assembly 208, erected and deposited in chute 50 or
end members 210 and 212. Side member 214 extends chute 60 (as the case may be) by rotatable picker head
between end members 210 and 212 and is connected to 280. Picker head 280 is a vacuum block having three
members 210 and 212 by bolts 216. Brace 218 is parallel vacuum picker cups 282. As shown in FIG. 4, picker
to side member 214 and is connected to ends 210 and head 280 is in its down or rest position below brace 218.
212 by bolts 220. During an operating cycle, picker head 280 is pivoted
Across the opposite side of the magazine base 208 upward so that picker cups 282 engage a side panel of
from side member 214 is chamfer plate 222, which plate the lowermost carton being held by chamfered edge 224
222 is supported on posts 204 slightly below the lower and bevel washers 240 and 242. As picker head 280
surface of end members 210 and 212. Chamfer plate 222 swings back downward it pulls the lowermost carton
has a chamfered edge 224 which provides support for 45 blank with it out of engagement with the pickoff point
the edge of the lowermost carton in the magazine. defined by chamfered edge 224 and bevel washers 240
Mounted on chamfer plate 222 and extending upward in and 242.
a perpendicular direction are basket rods or arbors 226 Mounted at each end of the basket area are two sets of
and 228. Basket rods 226 and 228 extend upward to picker fingers 284 and 286. The upper pair of picker
about the top or basket assembly 208 to provide guid fingers 284 retard the back panel of the carton blank as
ance for one side edge of the carton blanks as the carton the carton blank is being pulled downward by picker
blanks drop into basket assembly 208. Also mounted on head 280 and prevents the carton blank from assuming
chamfer plate 222 is adjustable stack separator 230, a L-shaped cross-section. The second lower pair of
which includes a flexible leaf spring 232 which has a picker fingers 286 engage the back panel a second time
flange 234 which extends into the stack of cartons to 55 after it has been released from the pickoff point of bas
separate the lower four or five cartons from the remain ket assembly 208 which retards the back panel and
der of the stack. This prevents the entire weight of all assures positive opening of the carton blank.
the stack of cartons in the magazine from pressing down Positioned below the pickoff area is a curved guide
on the lowermost carton blank. The position of leaf plate 288 which provides a guiding surface for the car
spring 232 is adjusted by adjusting screw 236, which 60 ton blank down to its respective chute 50 or 60.
extends through block 238 and engages the backside of As picker head 280 reaches its lower rest position,
leaf spring 232. spring loaded retainer rod actuator 290 strikes stop 292.
The opposite side edge of the lowermost carton blank Retainer rod 290 pushes retainer bar 294 outward which
is supported on edges of bevel washers 240 and 242, pushes the carton off of vacuum picker cups 282. At the
which are attached to the botton ends of basket rods or 65 same time, a cam operated limit switch (not shown)
arbors 244 and 246, respectively. Basket rods 244 and operated by the drive system of picker 280 triggers a
246 are mounted on supports 248 and 250, respectively, vacuum valve (not shown) which breaks the vacuum
which extend outward from brace 218. Basket rods 244 being supplied to vacuum picker cups 282 and provides
4,448,008 12
a small amount of positive air pressure to ensure that the FIGS. 9A, 9B and 9C illustrate the sequential opera
erected carton blank snaps off of vacuum cups 282. tion of the two-stage loading mechanism of the present
The drive mechanism for picker head 280 is illus invention in generally diagrammatic form. In FIG. 9A,
trated more fully in FIG. 3. Drive shaft 296 provides an operating cycle is about to begin. Mandrels 40A and
drive power through chain drive 299 to auxiliary drive 40B are in position, and erected carton 360 is in upper
shaft 300. Mounted on auxiliary shaft 300 is cam plate chute 50 immediately below the basket assembly of first
302, which has a cam follower track 304 formed in its magazine 44. Carton 370 is located in lower chute 60
surface. Cam follower 306, which is mounted on cam immediately below the basket assembly of magazine 48,
follower arm 308, rides in cam follower track 304. and carton 380 is positioned along chute 60 in a position
Cam follower arm 308 is pivotally attached to brace which is immediately below carton 360 in upper chute
310 at one end, and has the lower ends of a pair of 50.
linkages 312 and 314 pivotally connected at its outer As the cycle begins, upper drive chain 330 and lower
end. The upper end of linkage 312 is connected to the drive chain 336 begin to move. Carton 360 is pushed by
upper end of link arm 316, which in turn is connected to 15 lug 334A along chute 50 toward mandrel 40A. At the
picker head 280 of magazine 44. Similarly, linkage 314 is same time, lug 346A begins pushing carton 370 toward
connected at its upper end to the upper end of link arm the intermediate position along lower chute 60 while
318, which in turn is connected to picker head 280 of lug 346B begins pushing carton 380 along lower chute
magazine 48. As the cam plate 304 rotates and the outer 60 toward mandrel 40B. During this initial movement of
end of cam follower arm 308 moves downward, link cartons 360, 370 and 380, cam surface 304, has a dwell
ages 312 and 314 are pulled downward, thus pulling 20 position, so that picker heads 280 are not moving.
down the upper ends of link arms 316 and 318, respec Once cartons 360 and 370 clear their respective
tively. This causes picker heads 280 to be pivoted up picker heads 280, cam track 304 causes cam cam foll
ward to engage the lowermost carton blank in maga lower arm 308 to be driven downward, thus rotating
zines 44 and 48. As can plate 302 continues to rotate, picker heads 280 upward so that vacuum picker cups
cam follower 306 rides in cam track 304 and causes 25 282 engage the lowermost carton blanks in magazines
follower arm 308 to move upward, thus moving the 44 and 48. Cam track 304 then causes follower arm 308
upper ends of link arms 316 and 318 upward and pivot to begin movement, upward which rotates picker heads
ing picker heads 280 downward. 280 back downward toward their original positions. As
Once the erected carton blanks C have been depos 30 beingthis occurs, as illustrated in FIG. 9B, new carton 390 is
ited in chutes 50 and 60, they are advanced by a chain erected and deposited into upper chute 50 and
drive system which derives power from drive shaft 296. new carton 400 is being erected and deposited in lower
Mounted on auxiliary shaft 302 is sprocket 320. Endless chute 60.
drive chain 322 is trained over sprocket 320 and As shown in FIG. 9C, at the end of one rotation of
sprocket 324 so that sprocket 324 is rotated as shaft 300 shaft 300 (i.e. one cycle of machine 10), new cartons 390
is rotated. Drive power is transferred from sprocket 324 35 and 400 have been deposited in chutes 50 and 60, respec
through right angle drive 326 to sprocket 328 and tively, and carton 370 has reached the intermediate
thereby to upper drive chain 330. Upper drive chain 330 position. Cartons 360 and 380 have been fully inserted
is an endless chain which is trained over sprocket 328 onto mandrels 40A and 40B, respectively. At this point,
and sprocket 332. Upper drive chain 330 has a pair of lug 334B has reached the position immediately behind
pivotable carton pushing lugs 334A and 334B mounted 40 carton 390 and lug 346D has reached a similar position
at equal distances from one another. Lugs 334A and and behind carton 400. The rotation of drive shaft 300 stops,
334B push the carton blank C located in top chute 50 40Aspindle 24 is rotated to bring a new pair of mandrels
and 40B into alignment with chutes 50 and 60,
onto mandrel 40A.
Advancement of cartons C along lower chute 60 is respectively. A new cycle of the loader assembly is then
provided by lower drive chain 336, which is an endless 45 ready to begin.
chain which is trained over sprocket 338 and sprocket As can be seen from FIGS. 9A-9C, the carton
340. Sprocket 338 is coaxially mounted on common erected and deposited in upper chute 50 at the end of
shaft 342 with sprocket 338. Shaft 342 extends down one cycle is driven onto mandrel 40A at the beginning
ward from sprocket 332 to sprocket 338 through bear of the next cycle, while the carton erected and depos
ing block 344, and transfers drive power from upper 50 ited in lower chute 60 at the end of one cycle is ad
vanced to an intermediate position during the next cycle
chain 330 to lower chain 336. Thus drive chains 330 and
336 are exactly synchronized with one another. while a preceding carton is driven onto mandrel 40B.
The two-stage loading mechanism of the present
Lower drive chain 336 is exactly twice the length of invention
upper chain 330, and has four equally spaced lugs permits chutes 50 and 60 to be very closely
346A-346D for advancing cartons along lower chute 55 spaced, and allows fully synchronized operation of the
loading of both mandrels 40A and 40B. In addition, easy
Lugs 334A-334B and 346A-346D are pivotally access to both magazines 44 and 48 for repair and main
mounted to chains 330 and 336, respectively. This piv tenance adjustment is permitted.
otal movement of lugs 334A-334B and 346A-346D is In conclusion, the carton erecting, filling and sealing
permitted by an arcuate slot 348 which cooperates with machine
of the present invention provides significant
in production rate without a corresponding
a pin 350 on chain 330 or 336. This pivotal movement
allows the lugs to fold inward during the return move increase in floor space consumed by the machine. By
ment of chains 330 and 336. When a lug 334A-334B is pair using a double mandrel/double indexing machine with a
moving along chute 50 to push a carton blank, lug 334A of vertically aligned mandrel assemblies, two paral
lel conveyor lines and mandrel assemblies driven by a
or 334B is held in a pushing position by lug guide rail 65 common
352. Similarly, lug guide rail 354 maintains lugs drive system are possible, thus providing a
346A-346D on lower chain 336 in a pushing position as four-fold
increase in production rate without signifi
increasing floor space required, and while per
they travel along lower chute 60.
13 14
mitting easy access to all components and subsystems of first and second parallel horizontal conveyor tracks
the machine for maintenace, cleaning and repair. aligned with the first and second vertical planes,
Although the present invention has been described respectively;
with reference to preferred embodiments, workers first and second carton transfer means positioned at
skilled in the art will recognize that changes may be first and second transfer work stations for succes
made in form and detail without departing from the sively transferring a pair of carton blanks with their
spirit and scope of the invention. bottom ends sealed from each of the first and sec
What is claimed is: ond pairs of mandrels to the first and second con
1. A machine for erecting flat, collapsed cartons and veyor tracks, respectively;
for filling and sealing the erected cartons during a se 10 a plurality of side-by-side first and second work sta
quence of operating cycles, the machine comprising: tions positioned along the first and second con
a frame; veyor tracks, respectively;
first and second spindles mounted on the frame for means positioned at the first and second work stations
simultaneous rotation about a common horizontal along the first and second conveyor tracks for
15 filling, closing and sealing top ends of each pair of
first and second pairs of mandrels mounted side-by carton blanks; and
side on the first and second spindles, respectively, first and second carton conveyor means operatively
at each of a plurality of equally spaced circumfer synchronized with the intermittent spindle drive
ential positions, each first pair of mandrels extend means for simultaneously advancing carton blanks
ing outward from the first spindle in a generally by pairs along the first conveyor track and along
radial direction with respect to the horizontal axis
the second conveyor track in stepped sequence
to define a first vertical plane and each second pair from one work station to another during each oper
ating cycle.
of mandrels extending outward from the second 2. A machine for erecting flat, collapsed cartons and
spindle in a generally radial direction with respect 25 for filling and sealing the erected cartons, the machine
to the horizontal axis to define a second vertical comprising:
plane which is parallel to the first vertical plane; a frame;
a plurality of first and second work stations mounted a first spindle mounted on the frame for rotation
side-by-side on the frame in the first and second about a horizontal axis;
vertical planes, respectively; the plurality of first 30 a pair of mandrels mounted on the first spindle at each
work stations being positioned circumferentially of a plurality of equally spaced circumferential
about the horizontal axis in the first plane to sur positions, each pair of mandrels extending outward
round the first spindle, and the plurality of second from the first spindle in a generally radial direction
work stations positioned circumferentially about with respect to the horizontal axis;
the horizontal axis in the second plane to surround 35 a plurality of work stations positioned on the frame in
the second spindle; a first substantially vertical plane normal to the
intermittent spindle drive means for rotating simulta horizontal axis;
neously the first and second spindles and the man intermittent spindle drive means for rotating the first
drels mounted thereon in the first and second verti spindle and the mandrels in the first vertical plane
cal planes, respectively, about the horizontal axis about the horizontal axis in a stepped sequence to
during each operating cycle to bring each first pair bring each pair of mandrels sequentially into align
of mandrels sequentially into alignment with each ment with each work station;
of the first work stations and each second pair of means for holding a supply of flat carton blanks;
mandrels sequentially into alignment with each of 45 means for erecting flat carton blanks from the supply
the second work stations; into open-end tubular form wherein the means for
first and second supply means aligned with the first erecting flat carton blanks comprises:
and second vertical planes, respectively for hold first picker means for removing a flat carton blank
ing supplies of flat carton blanks; from the supply, opening the flat carton blank to
first and second erecting means aligned with the first a generally rectangular cross-section open-end
and second vertical planes, respectively for erect 50 tubular form, and depositing the open-end tubu
ing pairs of flat carton blanks into open-end tubular lar carton blank in a first chute; and
form during each operating cycle; second picker means for removing a flat carton
first and second loader means positioned at first and blank from the supply, opening the flat carton
second loader work stations, respectively, for load blank to a generally rectangular cross-section
ing a pair of open-end tubular carton blanks onto
55 open-end tubular form, and depositing the open
the first pair of mandrels aligned with the first end tubular carton blank in a second chute;
loader work station during each operating cycle loader means positioned at a loader work station for
loading a pair of open-end tubular carton blanks
and loading a pair of open-end tubular carton onto the pair of mandrels aligned with the loader
blanks onto the second pair of mandrels aligned work station, wherein the loader means comprises:
with the second loader work station during each means for advancing an open-end tubular carton
operating cycle; blank deposited by the first picker means along
means positioned at the work stations in the first and the first chute onto one mandrel of the pair of
second vertical planes subsequent to the first and mandrels aligned with loader work station; and
second loader work stations for successively form 65 means for simultaneously advancing an open-end
ing and sealing bottom ends of the pair of carton tubular carton blank deposited by the second
blanks carried by each first and second pairs of picker means along the second chute to an inter
mandrels; mediate position and a previously deposited car
4,448,008 16
tonblank from the intermediate position onto the first magazine means for holding a first supply of flat
other mandrel of the pair of mandrels aligned carton blanks;
with the loader work station; second magazine means for holding a second supply
means positioned at the work stations in the first of flat carton blanks;
vertical plane subsequent to the loader work sta a first chute positioned generally below the first mag
tion for successively forming and sealing bottom azine means and aligned in the substantially verti
ends of the pair of carton blanks carried by each cal plane at a loader work station;
pair of mandrels; a second chute positioned below the second magazine
first carton transfer means positioned at a transfer means and generally parallel to and below the first
work station for successively transferring a pair of 10 chute at the loader work station;
carton blanks with their bottom ends sealed from means for removing a flat carton blank from the first
each pair of mandrels to a substantially horizontal magazine means, opening the flat carton blank to a
first conveyor track; generally rectangular open-end tubular form and
a plurality of work stations positioned along the first depositing the open-end tubular carton blank in the
conveyor track; 15 first chute;
means positioned at the work stations along the first means for removing a flat carton blank from the sec
conveyor track for filling, closing and sealing top ond magazine means, opening the flat carton blank
ends of each pair of carton blanks; and to a generally rectangular cross-section open-end
carton conveyor means operatively synchronized tubular form, and depositing the open-end tubular
with the intermittent spindle drive means for ad 20 carton blank in the second chute;
vancing each pair of carton blanks along the first means for advancing an open-end tubular carton
conveyor track in stepped sequence from one work blank along the first chute onto the first mandrel
station to another. aligned with the loader work station; and
3. The machine of claim 1 wherein the first conveyor 25 means for simultaneously advancing an open-end
track is essentially coplanar with the first vertical plane. tubular carton blank along the second chute to an
4. The machine of claim 1 wherein the first and sec
intermediate position and a previously deposited
open-end tubular carton blank from the interme
ond chutes are generally parallel to one another. date position onto the second mandrel of the pair of
5. The machine of claim 4 wherein the first and sec
ond chutes are aligned in the substantially vertical 30 9. mandrels aligned with the loader work station.
The machine of claim 8 wherein the intermediate
plane. position is essentially below the position of the open-end
6. The machine of claim 5 wherein the first chute is tubular carton blank deposited in the first chute prior to
positioned generally above the second chute. advancing of the carton blanks in the first and second
7. The machine of claim 6 wherein the means for chute.
holding a supply of flat carton blanks comprises: 35 10. The machine of claim 9 wherein the second chute
a first magazine adapted to hold a first supply of has a length which is essentially twice the length of the
carton blanks, from which the first picker means first chute.
removes carton blanks; and 11. The machine of claims 8 or 10 wherein the means
a second magazine adapted to hold a second supply of for advancing an open-end tubular carton blank along
carton blanks from which the second picker means 40 the first chute comprises a first drive chain having a
removes carton blanks. plurality of carton pushing lugs thereon; and wherein
8. A carton forming machine comprising: the means for simultaneously advancing the open-end
a mandrel assembly rotatably driven with a step-by tubular carton blanks along the second chute comprises
step indexing motion about a horizontal axis of a second drive chain having a plurality of carton push
rotation, the mandrel assembly including first and 45 ing lugs thereon.
second mandrels at each of a plurality of equally 12. The machine of claim 11 and further comprising:
spaced circumferential positions, the first and sec means for driving the first and second drive chains
ond mandrels extending outward in a generally simultaneously.
radial direction with respect to the horizontal axis; 13. The machine of claim 12 wherein the first drive
a plurality of work stations positioned in a substan 50 chain has two equally spaced carton pushing lugs
tially vertical plane normal to the horizontal axis; thereon, and wherein the second drive chain has four
drive means for rotating the mandrel assembly in the equally spaced carton pushing lugs thereon, and
vertical plane about the horizontal axis to bring wherein the second drive chain has a length which is
each set of first and second mandrels sequentially twice the length of the first drive k
into alignment with each of the work stations; 55