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DUAL FEED REACTOR HYDROCRACKING portion of a heavy distillate Stream removed from near the
PROCESS bottom of the product recovery column is passed into a
Second hydrocracking Zone, with the effluent of this hydro
This application is related to and claims the benefit of the cracking Zone being passed into the Separation and product
filing date of provisional application 60/033,841 filed Dec. recovery column.
23, 1996. A two-stage proceSS for processing asphalt-containing
chargestocks is illustrated in U.S. Pat. No. 3,429,801 issued
to W. K. T. Gleim et al. In this process a first chargestock is
The invention relates to a hydrocarbon conversion proceSS passed into the first reaction Zone, with the effluent of this
for use in petroleum refineries. The invention more specifi Zone being passed into a product recovery column. The
cally relates to a novel flow Scheme for a hydrocracking unconverted material from this first product recovery mate
proceSS. rial together with a Second chargestock is passed into a
Second hydrocracking Zone which produces an effluent Sent
RELATED ART to a Second product recovery column. The bottom Stream
Hydrocracking processes are used commercially in a large 15 from the Second product recovery column is passed into the
number of petroleum refineries. They are used to process a first hydrocracking Zone.
variety of feeds ranging from naphthas to very heavy crude It is known in the art that hydrogen Sulfide present in the
oil residual fractions. In general the hydrocracking proceSS effluent of a hydrocracking reactor will combine with ole
splits the molecules of the feed into Smaller (lighter) mol finic hydrocarbons to form “recombinant mercaptains. One
ecules having higher average Volatility and economic value. Solution to this problem is the provision of a separate bed of
At the same time a hydrocracking process normally hydrotreating catalyst located at the bottom of the hydroc
improves the quality of the material being processed by racking reactor as shown in U.S. Pat. No. 3,338,819 issued
increasing the hydrogen to carbon ratio of the materials, and to F. C. Wood.
by removing Sulfur and nitrogen. The Significant economic 25 BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
utility of the hydrocracking process has resulted in a large The invention is a Single-stage hydrocracking process
amount of developmental effort being devoted to the
improvement of the proceSS and to the development of better which allows for increased feedstream charge rates without
catalysts for use in the process. A general review and resorting to a "dual train” processing Scheme which employs
classification of the different hydrocracking process flow duplicate heat eXchangers, Separation vessels, etc. In the
schemes is provided in the book entitled, "Hydrocracking Subject process the feedstream is split between two Single
Science and Technology', authored by Julius Scherzer and Stage reaction Zones operated in parallel with the entire
A. J. Gruia, published in 1996 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. effluent of both reaction Zones being passed into a common
Specific reference may be made to the chapter beginning at separation and recovery section. All of the “unconverted”
page 174 which describes Single Stage, once-through and material recovered from the recovery Section is recycled into
two-stage hydrocracking process flow Schemes. 35 only one of the hydrocracking Zones. The Subject process
A number of references illustrate the use of multiple results in a cost reduction compared to the construction of
hydrocracking Zones within an overall hydrocracking unit. two Separate processing trains and also provides certain
The terminology “hydrocracking Zones' is employed herein operational advantages. It is one characteristic of the process
as hydrocracking units often contain Several individual that each reactor is operated to achieve from about 40 to
reactors. U.S. Pat. No. 3,579,435 issued to A. T. OlenZach et
40 about 85 volume percent conversion of the entering hydro
al. illustrates a proceSS in which three different feedstreams One broad embodiment of the invention may be charac
are fed to an overall process. Each of the feedstreams is fed terized as a process which comprises the Steps of dividing
into a different hydrocracking Zone. The effluent of a first a hydrocarbon feed Stream into a first feed Stream and a
Zone flows into the second Zone and the effluent of the 45
Second Zone flows into the third Zone. The effluent of the Second feed Stream, and contacting the first feed Stream and
third Zone is passed into the product recovery Section. hydrogen with a first bed of hydrocracking catalyst main
tained at hydrocracking conditions in a first hydrocracking
U.S. Pat. No. 3,047,490 issued to J. W. Myers illustrates reaction Zone, contacting the Second feed Stream, in admix
a two-stage hydrocracking process with the feed entering a ture with hydrogen, with a Second bed of hydrocracking
first hydrocracking Zone, and heavy material Separated from 50 catalyst maintained at hydrocracking conditions in a Second
the effluent of the first Zone being passed into a Second hydrocracking reaction Zone; passing the effluent of the first
hydrocracking Zone. U.S. Pat. No. 4,197,184 issued to W. H. hydrocracking reaction Zone and the effluent of the Second
Munro et al. illustrates a more complete flow of a hydroc hydrocracking reaction Zone into a vapor-liquid Separation
racking process. The feed Stream is passed into a first Zone, and removing a vapor phase proceSS Stream and a
hydrocracking Zone, with the effluent of this Zone being 55 liquid phase process Stream from the vapor-liquid Separation
passed into a separation and product recovery Section. The Zone; recycling at least a hydrogen-rich portion of the vapor
unconverted material recovered from a fractionation column
in the recovery Section is charged to a Second hydrocracking phase proceSS Steam to each of the first and Second hydro
cracking reaction Zones, passing the liquid phase process
Zone and the effluent of this hydrocracking Zone is passed Stream into a fractionation Zone, and recovering a distillate
into the Same Separation and product recovery Zone. 60 boiling range product Stream and a hydrocarbon recycle
U.S. Pat. No. No. 4,713,167 issued to M. E. Reno et al. Stream comprising unconverted hydrocarbons, and, passing
illustrates yet another process flow variation for a hydroc the hydrocarbon recycle Stream into the Second hydrocrack
racking unit. In this flow described as a multiple Single Stage ing reaction Zone.
process, the feedstream passes through a first hydrocracking
Zone and then enters the Separation and product recovery 65 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING
Section. Unconverted material from the product recovery The Drawing illustrates a hydrocracking proceSS in which
column is passed back to the first hydrocracking Zone. A Separate portions of the process feedstream of line 1 are
3 4
passed into hydrocracking reactor 6 and hydrocracking (371. C.). Each reaction Zone should be designed and
reactor 22, with the entire recycle Stream of unconverted operated to achieve at least a 40 volume percent conversion
chargestock carried by line 18 being passed into reactor 22. of feed compounds boiling above the maximum desired
product boiling point. Preferably, the conversion level in
DETAILED DESCRIPTION AND PREFERRED each reaction Zone is above 50 percent and more preferably
EMBODIMENTS the conversion level is above 60 percent. The conversion
Both new hydrocracking units and units being upgraded level should be in the general range of from about 40 to
about 85 percent.
are tending to be larger in Size as measured by the flow rate In a representative example of a conventional hydroc
of the feed Stream. AS the minimum required cross-sectional racking process, a heavy gas oil would be charged to the
area of a reactor is Set on the basis of mass flux in terms of process and admixed with any hydrocarbon recycle Stream.
weight of feed/unit area/hour, an increase in flow rate results The resultant admixture of these two liquid phase Streams is
in the need for a larger cross section reactor. At about 60,000 heated in an indirect heat eXchange means and then com
barrels of feed per stream day (BPSD) and with a recycle gas bined with a hydrogen-rich recycle gas Stream. The admix
rate of about 10,000 std. cubic/barrel (SCFB), the required 15 ture of charge hydrocarbons, recycle hydrocarbons and
vessel diameter reaches about 19-20 feet. This is approach hydrogen is heated in a fired heater and thereby brought up
ing the current upper limit of the diameter for high pressure to the desired inlet temperature for the hydrocracking reac
vessel fabrication and transportation to refineries. These one tion Zone. Within the reaction Zone the mixture of hydro
piece thick-walled, e.g., 12–20 inch thick, Steel vessels are carbons and hydrogen are brought into contact with one or
major cost components of a hydrocracking process unit. more beds of a Solid hydrocracking catalyst maintained at
They are extremely heavy and this plus the transportation hydrocracking conditions. This contacting results in the
problem are design limitations. A feed rate above about conversion of a significant portion of the entering hydrocar
60,000 BPSD normally results in the need to use two bons into molecules of lower molecular weight and therefore
Separate reactors and reactor trains. AS used herein a “reactor of lower boiling point.
train' is considered to include the fired heater upstream of 25 There is thereby produced a reaction Zone effluent Stream
the reactor plus the heat eXchangers and Separation vessels which comprises an admixture of the remaining hydrogen
between the reactor and the downstream product transpor which is not consumed in the reaction, light hydrocarbons
tation column.
Such as methane, ethane, propane, butane, and pentane
A Separate situation in which the Size of available reactors formed by the cracking of the feed hydrocarbons, reaction
is a limitation on the process design occurs when, due to the by-products Such as hydrogen Sulfide and ammonia formed
high cost of fabricating and transporting the reactors, it is by hydrodeSulfurization and hydrodenitrification reactions
desired to reuse existing reactors while revamping the unit which occur Simultaneously with the hydrocracking reac
to an increased design feed rate. tion. The reaction Zone effluent will also contain the desired
It is an objective of the subject invention to provide a product hydrocarbons boiling in the gasoline, diesel fuel,
recycle hydrocracking process for processing very large feed 35 kerosene or fuel oil boiling point ranges and Some uncon
Stream flow rates. It is a specific objective of the invention verted feed hydrocarbons boiling above the boiling point
to provide a hydrocracking process having only a single ranges of the desired products. The effluent of the hydroc
“train' of equipment downstream of the reaction Zone. It is racking reaction Zone will therefore comprise an extremely
a further objective to provide a hydrocracking process flow broad and varied mixture of individual compounds.
which allows processing at a relatively high feed rate in a 40 The hydrocracking reaction Zone effluent is typically
revamped unit which employs existing reactors. removed from contact with the catalyst bed, heat eXchanged
These objectives are met through the use of a unique flow with the feed to the reaction Zone and then passed into a
Scheme in which the feed Stream is split into two portions, Vapor-liquid Separation Zone normally referred to as a high
with each portion being passed directly into a Separate preSSure Separator. Additional cooling can be done prior to
reaction Zone. A recycle Stream of unconverted feed 45 this separation. In Some instances a hot flash Separator is
removed from a product recovery column is also passed into used upstream of the high pressure Separator. The use of
one of the reaction Zones. The Subject proceSS is therefore “cold Separators to remove condensate from vapor removed
distinguished by this division of a single feed Stream into from a hot separator is another option. The liquids recovered
two Smaller Streams of identical composition which are in these vapor-liquid Separation Zones are passed into a
passed into Separate reaction Zones. No hydrocarbon 50 product recovery Zone containing one or more fractionation
removed from one of the reaction Zones is passed into the columns. Product recovery methods for hydrocracking are
other reaction Zone without having first passed through the well known and conventional methods may be employed. In
effluent Separation and product recovery facilities. All of the many instances the conversion achieved in the hydrocrack
feed is passed into the initial reactors of the reaction Zones, ing reactor(s) is not complete and Some heavy hydrocarbons
thus distinguishing it from flow Schemes having Sequential 55 are removed from the product recovery Zone as a "drag
addition of feed at different points in the reaction Zone. Stream” which is removed from the proceSS and/or as a
Both of the reaction Zones employed in the Subject recycle Stream. The recycle Stream is preferably passed into
proceSS must operate with a significant level of conversion the hydrotreating (first) reactor in a hydrotreating
of entering feed components into distillate products. The hydrocracking Sequence as this reduces the capital cost of
term “conversion' as used herein therefore refers to the 60 the overall unit. It may, however, Sometimes be passed
chemical change necessary to allow the product hydrocar directly into a hydrocracking reactor.
bons to be removed in one of the product streams of the A “hot” high pressure Separator is distinguished in the art
process withdrawn from the product recovery Zone. This from a “cold” high pressure separator by the fact that the
definition provides for the inherent variation in feeds and process Stream entering a cold Separator has been cooled by
desired products which exists between different refineries. 65 indirect heat eXchange against an external coolant Stream
Typically, this definition will require the production of Such as air or cooling water. This is in contrast to Some
hydrocarbons having a boiling point below about 700 F. cooling upstream of a hot separator performed to recover
S 6
heat for reuse in the process. The term “high pressure' Makeup hydrogen from line 23 is admixed into the recycle
Separator indicates the Separator is operated at essentially the gas Stream of line 11 and it is divided into the Separate
operating pressure of the upstream reaction Zone minus any recycle gas Streams of lines 4 and 19.
inherent pressure drop due to intermediate lines and vessels. The liquid phase hydrocarbons recovered in the vapor
Reference may be made to the previously cited text Hydro liquid separators 10 and 30 are passed through lines 12 and
cracking Science and Technology for further information on 31 respectively into a product recovery fractionation column
general hydrocracking process flows. 13. The fractionation column 13 is designed and operated to
Referring now to the Drawing, a proceSS feedstream Separate the entering hydrocarbons based upon their relative
which can contain any of the materials enumerated herein Volatility into a number of different product Streams and a
enters the process through line 1 and is heated by indirect recycle Stream. The lightest Stream removed from the frac
heat eXchange in exchanger 14. It is then passed into the tionation column 13 comprises the Overhead Stream of line
fired feed heater 15 and is then divided between lines 2 and 24 which will normally comprise methane through butane
lines 3. The portion flowing through line 2 is admixed with with Some Small amounts of other compounds. Also
recycle hydrogen from line 4 and passed as a first feed removed from this column will be a stream of naphtha
Stream through line 5 into a first hydrocracking Zone 6, 15 boiling range hydrocarbons carried by line 25, and one or
which can comprise two or more individual reactors. In the more heavier distillate product Streams removed through
reaction Zone 6 the entering chargestock and hydrogen are line 26 and 27 which may be kerosene or diesel fuel boiling
contacted with a Suitable hydrocracking catalyst maintained range product Streams. There is also recovered from the
at hydrocracking conditions which affect the conversion of bottom of the fractionation column a Stream of unconverted
a sizable fraction of the entering hydrocarbonaceous com hydrocarbons removed through line 18. A small portion of
pounds into lower boiling point compounds. The cracking this bottoms Stream could be removed as a "drag Stream not
reactions result in the formation of a large variety of shown on the drawing. This is more likely as the feed
different compounds having different molecular weights becomes heavier.
ranging from methane up to compounds within the boiling AS previously referred to, "post treating by contacting
point range of the feedstream. Besides this conversion of 25 the lighter portion of the hydrocracking reaction Zone efflu
charge molecules to lower boiling molecules, the reactions ent is preferably performed between the initial Separation of
within the hydrocracking reactor result in the removal of the effluent and its cooling to the temperature of a cold
Sulfur and nitrogen from the entering feed and the produc Separator. This can be performed in an upper portion of the
tion of hydrogen Sulfide and ammonia. There is thereby high pressure Separator 10 using a Small bed of hydrotreat
produced a reaction Zone effluent Stream which is removed ing catalyst 16. Alternatively a Small reactor, Such as the
from hydrocracking reaction Zone 6 through line 7. This optional spherical reactor 17 containing a catalyst bed 16'
Stream is admixed with an effluent Stream of the Second could be used to perform this post treating. A location
reaction Zone carried by line 8 and then passed through line downstream of a heat exchanger 14 is beneficial as the
9 into the heat eXchanger 14 and then into a vapor-liquid desired hydrotreating reactions are normally favored by
Separation Zone 10. 35 temperatures lower than the temperature of the hydrocrack
For the purpose of clarity of presentation, Such normal ing catalyst effluent.
and customary equipment as control valves, Sensors, addi While being referred to as “unconverted hydrocarbons',
tional Separation vessels, the quench Streams to the mid the hydrocarbons of line 18 have been passed through at
points of hydrocracking reaction Zones and other required least one of the hydrocracking Zones employed in the
Systems are not illustrated on the Drawing. Another feature 40 process, and therefore have different overall characteristics
not shown is the equipment associated with water injection than the feed Stream. It may have a reduced content of Sulfur
and aqueous phase collection and removal for the control of and nitrogen compared to the feed Stream but will on
Salt formation. average be slightly “harder to crack than the feedstream as
While not shown on the drawing, it is within the scope of a result of the remaining unconverted hydrocarbons being
the invention for the one or more reactors of each reaction 45 richer in cyclic paraffins than the feed. This stream of
Zone to contain Some hydrotreating catalyst. A pretreatment unconverted material carried by line 18 is combined with the
for the removal of Sulfur and nitrogen from the chargestock hydrogen-rich gas Stream of line 19 and passed through line
is Sometimes desired upstream of a bed of hydrocracking 20 to the junction with line 3. At this point it is admixed with
catalyst. Likewise a Small bed of hydrotreating catalyst may the second portion of the feedstream. The admixture of
be desired as the last catalyst in the reaction Zone to reduce 50 feedstream, recycled unconverted hydrocarbons and hydro
the mercaptain content of recovered products. Rather than gen is then passed through line 21 into the Second hydroc
placing the hydrotreating catalyst in a hydrocracking reactor, racking reaction Zone 22. The Second reaction Zone may also
it is preferred to employ one of the alternative embodiments comprise two or more Separate reactors, and like the first
shown in the drawing in which this post treating catalyst is reaction Zone will have intermediate quench Streams of
located downstream of the initial Separation of the reaction 55 hydrogen passed into the hydrocracking Zone for purposes
Zones effluent into vapor and liquid Streams. These embodi of temperature control. Like the effluent of the first reaction
ments locate the post treating catalyst upstream of any cold Zone, the effluent Stream of the Second reaction Zone carried
Separator employed in the process. by line 8 will contain a very broad range of compounds
The Separation Zone 10 concentrates the hydrogen present including hydrogen, hydrogen Sulfide, ammonia, a full range
in the reaction Zone effluent stream of line 9 into a vapor 60 of by-product and product hydrocarbons and Some uncon
phase Stream carried by line 28. The vapor-phase Stream of verted feed hydrocarbons.
line 28 is passed through an indirect heat eXchange means 29 Suitable feedstocks for the subject process include virtu
which provides cooling adequate to condense Some addi ally any heavy hydrocarbonaceous mineral or Synthetic oil
tional hydrocarbons. The contents of line 28 is then sepa or a mixture of one or more fractions thereof. Thus, Such
rated in a Second Separator 30, which produces the hydrogen 65 known feedstocks as Straight run gas oils, vacuum gas oils,
recycle Stream of line 11. This Stream may be passed through demetallized oils, deasphalted vacuum residue, coker
a hydrogen Sulfide removal Zone not shown on the Drawing. distillates, cat cracker distillates, Shale oil, tar Sand oil, coal
7 8
liquids and the like are contemplated. The preferred feed prises between 15 and 85 wt.% of said matrix. It is also
Stock will have a boiling point range Starting at a tempera preferred that the support comprises from about 5 wt.% to
ture above about 260° Celsius (500 F)and does not contain about 45 wt.% alumina.
an appreciable concentration of asphaltenes. The feed A Y Zeolite has the essential X-ray powder diffraction
Stream should have a boiling point range falling between pattern set forth in U.S. Pat. No. 3,130,007. The as synthe
260-538 C. Preferred first stage feedstocks therefore sized Zeolite may be modified by techniques known in the art
include gas oils having at least 50% volume of their com which provide a desired form of the Zeolite. Thus, modifi
ponents boiling above 371 C. (700°F). The hydrocracking cation techniques Such as hydrothermal treatment at
feedstock may contain nitrogen, usually present as organo increased temperatures, calcination, Washing with aqueous
nitrogen compounds in amounts between 1 ppm and 1.0 wt. acidic Solutions, ammonia eXchange, impregnation, or reac
%. The feed will normally also contain sulfur containing tion with an acidity Strength inhibiting Specie, and any
compounds Sufficient to provide a Sulfur content greater than known combination of these are contemplated. A Y-type
0.15 wt.%.
The product distribution of the subject process is set by Zeolite preferred for use in the present invention possesses a
the feed composition and the Selectivity of the catalyst(s) at unit cell size between about 24.20 Angstroms and 24.45
15 Angstroms. Preferably, the Zeolite unit cell size will be in the
the conversion rate maintained in the reaction Zones at the
chosen operating conditions. The Subject proceSS is espe range of about 24.20 to 24.40 Angstroms and most prefer
cially useful in the production of middle distillate fractions ably about 24.30 to 24.38 Angstroms. The Y Zeolite is
boiling in the range of about 300–700° F (149–371° C.) as preferably dealuminated and has a framework SiO2: AlO
determined by the appropriate ASTM test procedure. These ratio greater than 6, most preferably between 6 and 25. The
are recovered by fractionating the liquids recovered from the Y Zeolites produced by UOP of Des Plaines, Ill. under the
effluent of the reaction Zone. The term “middle distillate” is trademarks Y-82, Y-84, LZ-10 and LZ-20 are Suitable
intended to include the diesel, jet fuel and kerosene boiling Zeolitic Starting materials. These Zeolites have been
range fractions. The terms "kerosene' and "jet fuel boiling described in the patent literature. It is contemplated that
point range' are intended to refer to about 300–550 F. other Zeolites, such as Beta, Omega, L or ZSM-5, could be
25 employed as the Zeolitic component of the hydrocracking
(149-288 C.) and diesel boiling range is intended to refer catalyst in place of or in addition to the preferred Y Zeolite.
to hydrocarbon boiling points of about 338-about 700 F. The Silica-alumina component of the hydrocracking or
(170–371 C). The gasoline or naphtha fraction is normally hydrotreating catalyst may be produced by any of the
considered to be the Cs to 400° F (204° C) endpoint numerous techniques which are well described in the prior
fraction of available hydrocarbons. The boiling point ranges
of the various product fractions recovered in any particular art relating thereto. Such techniques include the acid
refinery will vary with Such factors as the characteristics of treating of a natural clay or Sand, co-precipitation or Suc
the crude oil source, the refinery's local markets, product cessive precipitation from hydroSols. These techniques are
prices, etc. Reference is made to ASTM standards D-975 frequently coupled with one or more activating treatments
and D-3699-83 for further details on kerosene and diesel 35
including hot oil aging, Steaming, drying, oxidizing,
fuel properties and to D-1655 for aviation turbine feed. reducing, calcining, etc. The pore Structure of the Support or
Hydrocracking conditions employed in the Subject pro carrier commonly defined in terms of Surface area, pore
ceSS are those customarily employed in the art for hydroc diameter and pore Volume, may be developed to Specified
racking. Hydrocracking reaction temperatures are in the limits by any Suitable means including aging a hydroSol
broad range of 400° to 1200° F (204-649° C), preferably 40
and/or hydrogel under controlled acidic or basic conditions
between 600 and 950 F (316–510° C). Reaction pressures at ambient or elevated temperature.
are preferably between about 1000 and about 3000 psi An alumina component of the catalysts may be any of the
(13,780–24,130 kPa). A temperature above about 316° C. various hydrous aluminum oxides or alumina gels Such as
and a total pressure above about 8270 kPa (1200 psi) are alpha-alumina monohydrate of the boehmite Structure,
highly preferred. Contact times usually correspond to liquid 45 alpha-alumina trihydrate of the gibbSite Structure, beta
hourly space velocities (LHSV) in the range of about 0.1 alumina trihydrate of the bayerite Structure, and the like.
hr to 15 hr', preferably between about 0.2 and 3 hr'. One preferred alumina is referred to as Ziegler alumina and
Hydrogen circulation rates are in the range of 1,000 to has been characterized in U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,852,190 and
50,000 standard cubic feet (scf) per barrel of charge (178-8, 4.012,313 as a by-product from a Ziegler higher alcohol
888 std. m/mi), preferably between 2,000 and 30,000 scf 50 synthesis reaction as described in Ziegler's U.S. Pat. No.
per barrel of charge (355–5,333 std. m/mi). 2,892,858. A second preferred alumina is presently available
from the Conoco Chemical Division of Continental Oil
Suitable catalysts for use in all reaction Zones of this Company under the trademark “Catapal'. The material is an
proceSS are available commercially from a number of ven eXtremely high purity alpha-alumina monohydrate
dors including UOP, Haldor-Topsoe and Criterion Catalyst
Company. It is preferred that the hydrocracking catalyst 55 (boehmite) which, after calcination at a high temperature,
comprises between 1 wt. % and 90 wt. % Y Zeolite, has been shown to yield a high purity gamma-alumina.
preferably between 10 wt.% and 80 wt.%. The Zeolitic The finished catalysts for utilization in the Subject process
catalyst composition should also comprise a porous refrac should have a surface area of about 200 to 700 square meters
tory inorganic oxide Support (matrix) which may form per gram, a pore diameter of about 20 to about 300
between about 10 and 99 wt.%, and preferably between 20 60 Angstroms, a pore volume of about 0.10 to about 0.80
and 90 wt.% of the Support of the finished catalyst com milliliters per gram, and apparent bulk density within the
posite. The matrix may comprise any known refractory range of from about 0.50 to about 0.90 gram/cc. Surface
inorganic oxide Such as alumina, magnesia, Silica, titania, areas above 350 m/g are greatly preferred.
Zirconia, Silica-alumina and the like and preferably com The composition and physical characteristics of the cata
prises a combination thereof Such as alumina and Silica 65 lysts Such as shape and Surface area are not considered to be
alumina. The most preferred matrix comprises a mixture of limiting upon the utilization of the present invention. Both
Silica-alumina and alumina wherein the Silica-alumina com catalysts may, for example, exist in the form of pills, pellets,
granules, broken fragments, Spheres, or various special Impregnation of the metal hydrogenation component into
shapes Such as trilobal extrudates, disposed as a fixed bed the catalyst particles may be carried out in any manner
within a reaction Zone. Alternatively, the hydrocracking known in the art including evaporative, dip and vacuum
catalyst may be prepared in a Suitable form for use in impregnation techniques. In general, the dried and calcined
moving bed reaction Zones in which the hydrocarbon charge particles are contacted with one or more Solutions which
Stock and catalyst are passed either in countercurrent flow or contain the desired hydrogenation components in dissolved
in co-current flow. Another alternative is the use of a form. After a Suitable contact time, the composite particles
fluidized or ebulated bed hydrocracking reactor in which the are dried and calcined to produce finished catalyst particles.
charge Stock is passed upward through a turbulent bed of Further information on techniques for the preparation of
finely divided catalyst, or a Suspension-type reaction Zone, hydrocracking catalysts may be obtained by reference to
in which the catalyst is slurried in the charge Stock and the U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,929,672; 4,422,959; 4,576,711; 4,661,239;
resulting mixture is conveyed into the reaction Zone. The 4,686,030; and, 4,695,368 which are incorporated herein by
charge Stock may be passed through the reactor(s) in the reference.
liquid or mixed phase, and in either upward or downward Hydrogenation components contemplated for use in the
flow. The catalyst particles may be prepared by any known 15 catalysts are those catalytically active components Selected
method in the art including the well-known oil drop and from the Group VIB and Group VIII metals and their
extrusion methods. compounds. References herein to Groups of the Periodic
A preferred form for the catalysts used in the Subject Table are to the traditionally American form as reproduced
proceSS is an extrudate. The well-known extrusion method in the fourth edition of Chemical Engineer's Handbook. J.
involves mixing the molecular Sieve, either before or after H. Perry editor, McGraw-Hill, 1963. Generally, the amount
adding metallic components, with the binder and a Suitable of hydrogenation components present in the final catalyst
peptizing agent to form a homogeneous dough or thick paste composition is Small compared to the quantity of the other
having the correct moisture content to allow for the forma above-mentioned support components. The Group VIII
tion of extrudates with acceptable integrity to withstand component generally comprises about 0.1 to about 30% by
further handling and Subsequent calcination. Extrudability is 25 weight, preferably about 1 to about 20% by weight of the
determined from an analysis of the moisture content of the final catalytic composite calculated on an elemental basis.
dough, with a moisture content in the range of from 30 to 50 The Group VIB component of the hydrocracking catalyst
wt.% being preferred. The dough then is extruded through comprises about 0.05 to about 30% by weight, preferably
a die pierced with multiple holes and the Spaghetti-shaped about 0.5 to about 20% by weight of the final catalytic
extrudate is cut to form particles in accordance with tech composite calculated on an elemental basis. The total
niques well known in the art. A multitude of different amount of Group VIII metal and Group VIB metal in the
extrudate shapes are possible, including, but not limited to, finished catalyst in the hydrocracking catalyst is preferably
cylinders, cloverleaf, dumbbell and Symmetrical and asym less than 21 wt. percent. The hydrogenation components
metrical polylobates. It is also within the Scope of this contemplated for inclusion in the catalyst include one or
invention that the uncalcined extrudates may be further 35 more metals chosen from the group consisting of
shaped to any desired form, Such as Spheres, by any means molybdenum, tungsten, chromium, iron, cobalt, nickel,
known to the art. platinum, palladium, iridium, osmium, rhodium, ruthenium
A spherical catalyst may be formed by use of the oil and mixtures thereof. The hydrogenation components will
dropping technique Such as described in U.S. Pat. NoS. most likely be present in the oxide form after calcination in
2,620,314; 3,096,295; 3,496,115 and 3,943,070 which are 40 air and may be converted to the sulfide form if desired by
incorporated herein by reference. Preferably, this method contact at elevated temperatures with a reducing atmosphere
involves dropping the mixture of molecular Sieve, alumina comprising hydrogen Sulfide, a mercaptain or other Sulfur
Sol, and gelling agent into an oil bath maintained at elevated containing compound. When desired, a phosphorus compo
temperatures. The droplets of the mixture remain in the oil nent may also be incorporated into the hydrotreating cata
bath until they set to form hydrogel Spheres. The Spheres are 45 lyst. Usually phosphorus is present in the catalyst in the
then continuously withdrawn from the initial oil bath and range of 1 to 30 wt.% and preferably 3 to 15 wt. %
typically Subjected to Specific aging treatments in oil and an calculated as P-Os.
ammoniacal Solution to further improve their physical char AS previously mentioned, the Drawing illustrates an alter
acteristics. The resulting aged and gelled particles are then native embodiment of the invention in which a Small Sepa
washed and dried at a relatively low temperature of about 50 rate bed of conventional hydrotreating catalyst is used to
50-200 C. and subjected to a calcination procedure at a hydrotreat the vapor-phase Stream recovered in the initial
temperature of about 450-700 C. for a period of about 1 to Separation of the combined reactor effluent Streams. This
about 20 hours. This treatment effects conversion of the hydrotreating will be very effective due to the relatively high
hydrogel to the corresponding alumina matrix. The Zeolite hydrogen concentration and the low concentration of heavy
and Silica-alumina must be admixed into the aluminum 55 product and unconverted feed hydrocarbons. This
containing Sol prior to the initial dropping Step. Other hydrotreating Step removes hetero atoms, e.g., Sulfur from
references describing oil dropping techniques for catalyst the hydrocarbons. One beneficial result is a reduction in the
manufacture include U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,273,735; 4,514,511 mercaptain content of the naphtha fraction recovered from
and 4,542,113. The production of Spherical catalyst particles column 13 without the provision of a separate bed of
by different methods is described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,514, 60 hydrotreating catalyst in the bottom of the hydrocracking
511; 4,599,321; 4,628,040 and 4,640,807. reactor as described in previously cited U.S. Pat. No. 3,338,
Hydrogenation components may be added to the catalysts 819.
before or during the forming of the catalyst particles, but the The location of this hydrotreating Step is not critical and
hydrogenation components of the hydrocracking catalyst are it may be performed in either the initial high preSSure
preferably composited with the formed Support by impreg 65 separator 10 or in a separate reactor 17. In either event the
nation after the Zeolite and inorganic oxide Support materials vapor is somewhat cooler than the effluent of the hydroc
have been formed to the desired shape, dried and calcined. racking catalyst, which Significantly helps promote the
11 12
hydrogenation reaction. This lower temperature is the result product Stream and a hydrocarbon recycle Stream com
of intermediate heat eXchange to recover heat. The prising unconverted hydrocarbons, and,
hydrotreating reaction is preferably performed at a tempera f) passing Substantially all of the hydrocarbon recycle
ture of about 500–550 F. and a liquid hourly space velocity Stream into the Second hydrocracking reaction Zone.
of at least 10 hr' using a catalyst comprising molybdenum 5 2. The process of claim 1 wherein the same hydrocracking
or tungsten and nickel or cobalt on a porous alumina catalyst is present in the first and the Second beds of
Support. Performing the hydrotreating in this manner elimi hydrocracking catalyst.
nates any need to place a separate bed of hydrotreating 3. The process of claim 1 wherein a different catalyst is
catalyst in the bottom of each reactor 6 and 22 and therefore present in the Second bed of hydrocracking catalyst than is
also conserve Space in these reactors. This deletion of the 10 present in the first bed of hydrocracking catalyst.
hydrotreating catalyst from the hydrocracking reactorS also 4. The process of claim 1 wherein the conversion rate in
removes the need for either the addition of quench or both the first and the Second hydrocracking reaction Zones is
indirect heat eXchange to cool the effluent of the hydroc between 40 and 85 volume percent.
racking catalyst prior to hydrotreatment, which also pro 5. A hydrocracking proceSS which comprises the Steps of:
vides additional Space within the hydrocracking reactor. 15 a.) dividing a hydrocarbon feed Stream into a first feed
This alternative embodiment of the invention may be Stream and a Second feed Stream, and passing the first
characterized as a hydrocracking proceSS which comprises feed Stream into a first hydrocracking reaction Zone in
the Steps of heating a hydrocarbonaceous process feed admixture with hydrogen and contacting the first feed
Stream by indirect heat eXchange against the combined flow Stream with a first bed of hydrocracking catalyst main
of the hereinafter defined first and Second reaction Zones, 2O tained at hydrocracking conditions which achieve a
dividing the process feed Stream into a first feed Stream and conversion rate above 40 percent and producing a first
a Second feed Stream of equal composition, passing the first effluent Stream;
feed Stream into a first hydrocracking reaction Zone in b.) contacting the Second feed stream in admixture with
admixture with hydrogen, contacting the first feed Stream hydrogen with a Second bed of hydrocracking catalyst
with a first bed of hydrocracking catalyst maintained at 25 in a Second hydrocracking reaction Zone maintained at
hydrocracking conditions which achieve a conversion rate hydrocracking conditions which achieve a conversion
between about 50 and about 85 volume percent and produc rate above 40 percent and producing a Second effluent
ing a first effluent Stream, passing the Second feed Stream
into a Second hydrocracking reaction Zone in admixture with Stream,
hydrogen and contacting the Second feed Stream with a c.) passing the first and Second effluent streams into a
Second bed of hydrocracking catalyst maintained at hydro common Vapor-liquid Separation Zone, and removing a
cracking conditions which achieve a conversion rate above Vapor phase proceSS Stream and a liquid phase process
40 percent and producing a Second effluent Stream; passing Stream from the vapor-liquid Separation Zone;
the first and second effluent streams into a common vapor d) recycling at least a portion of the vapor phase process
liquid Separation Zone, and removing a vapor phase proceSS Stream to the first and Second hydrocracking reaction
Stream and a liquid phase proceSS Stream from the vapor 35 ZOneS,
liquid Separation Zone, contacting the vapor phase proceSS
Stream with a hydrotreating catalyst, recycling hydrogen e.) passing the liquid phase process stream into a frac
contained in the vapor phase proceSS Steam to both the first tionation Zone, and recovering a diesel boiling range
and Second hydrocracking reaction Zones, passing the liquid product Stream and a hydrocarbon recycle Stream com
phase process Stream into a fractionation Zone, and recov 40 prising unconverted hydrocarbons, and,
ering a diesel boiling range product Stream and a hydrocar f) passing Substantially all of the hydrocarbon recycle
bon recycle Stream comprising unconverted hydrocarbons, Stream into the Second hydrocracking reaction Zone.
and, passing the hydrocarbon recycle Stream into the Second 6. The process of claim 5 wherein both the first and
hydrocracking reaction Zone. Second hydrocracking reaction Zones are operated at condi
What is claimed: 45 tions which effect a conversion rate between 50 and 85
1. A hydrocracking proceSS which comprises the Steps of: Volume percent.
a.) dividing a hydrocarbon feed Stream into a first feed 7. The process of claim 6 where the conversion rate in
Stream and a Second feed Stream of equal composition, both the first and Second reaction Zone is above 60 percent.
and contacting the first feed Stream and hydrogen with 8. A hydrocracking proceSS which comprises the Steps of:
a first bed of hydrocracking catalyst maintained at so a.) dividing a process feed stream into a first feed stream
hydrocracking conditions in a first hydrocracking reac and a Second feed Stream of equal composition, passing
tion Zone, the first feed Stream into a first hydrocracking reaction
b.) contacting the Second feed Stream, in admixture with Zone in admixture with hydrogen, contacting the first
hydrogen, with a Second bed of hydrocracking catalyst feed Stream with a first bed of hydrocracking catalyst
maintained at hydrocracking conditions in a Second 55 maintained at hydrocracking conditions which achieve
hydrocracking reaction Zone, a conversion rate between 50 and 85 volume percent
c.) passing the effluent of the first hydrocracking reaction and producing a first effluent Stream;
Zone and the effluent of the Second hydrocracking b.) passing the Second feed Stream into a second hydro
reaction Zone into a vapor-liquid Separation Zone, and cracking reaction Zone in admixture with hydrogen and
removing a vapor phase process Stream and a liquid 60 contacting the Second feed Stream with a Second bed of
phase proceSS Stream from the vapor-liquid Separation hydrocracking catalyst maintained at hydrocracking
ZOne, conditions which achieve a conversion rate above 40
d.) recycling at least a portion of the vapor phase process percent and producing a Second effluent Stream;
Stream directly to each of the first and Second hydro c.) passing the first and Second effluent streams into a
cracking reaction Zones, 65 common Vapor-liquid Separation Zone, and removing a
e.) passing the liquid phase process stream into a frac Vapor phase proceSS Stream and a liquid phase process
tionation Zone, and recovering a distillate boiling range Stream from the vapor-liquid Separation Zone;
13 14
d.) contacting the vapor phase process stream with a g.) passing the hydrocarbon recycle stream into only the
hydrotreating catalyst; Second hydrocracking reaction Zone.
e.) recycling hydrogen contained in the vapor phase 9. The process of claim 8 wherein prior to performing step
process Stream to both the first and Second hydrocrack- (a) the process feed stream is heated by indirect heat
ing reaction Zones, exchange against the combined flow of the effluent streams
f) passing the liquid phase process Stream into a frac- of the first and Second reaction Zones and then further heated
tionation Zone, and recovering a diesel boiling range in a fired heater.
product Stream and a hydrocarbon recycle Stream com
prising unconverted hydrocarbons, and, k . . . .