3516B 2000 KW Standby Spec Sheet
3516B 2000 KW Standby Spec Sheet
3516B 2000 KW Standby Spec Sheet
2000 ekW 2500 kVA
50 Hz 1500 rpm 400 Volts
Caterpillar is leading the power generation
marketplace with Power Solutions engineered
to deliver unmatched flexibility, expandability,
reliability, and cost-effectiveness.
Image shown may not
reflect actual package.
• Low Fuel consumption • Reliable, rugged, durable design
• Field-proven in thousands of applications
• The generator set accepts 100% rated load in one • Four-stroke-cycle diesel engine combines
step per NFPA 110 and meets ISO 8528-5 transient consistent performance and excellent fuel
response. economy with minimum weight
Coolant to aftercooler
Coolant to aftercooler temp max 30 º C 86 º F
Generator Set Package Performance
Genset Power rating @ 0.8 pf 2500 kVA
Genset Power rating with fan 2000 ekW
Fuel Consumption
100% load with fan 501.5 L/hr 132.5 Gal/hr
75% load with fan 370.5 L/hr 97.9 Gal/hr
50% load with fan 251.1 L/hr 66.3 Gal/hr
Cooling System1
Engine Coolant capacity with radiator/exp. tank 382.0 L 100.9 gal
Engine coolant capacity 233.0 L 61.6 gal
Radiator coolant capacity 149.0 L 39.4 gal
Inlet Air
Combustion air inlet flow rate 160.5 m³/min 5668.0 cfm
Exhaust System
Exhaust stack gas temperature 480.8 º C 897.4 º F
Exhaust gas flow rate 425.9 m³/min 15040.5 cfm
Exhaust flange size (internal diameter) 203.2 mm 8.0 in
Exhaust system backpressure (maximum allowable) 6.7 kPa 26.9 in. water
Heat Rejection
Heat rejection to coolant (total) 626 kW 35601 Btu/min
Heat rejection to exhaust (total) 1900 kW 108053 Btu/min
Heat rejection to aftercooler 525 kW 29857 Btu/min
Heat rejection to atmosphere from engine 142 kW 8076 Btu/min
Heat rejection to atmosphere from generator 87.7 kW 4987.5 Btu/min
Motor starting capability @ 30% voltage dip 6537 skVA
Frame 1844
Temperature Rise 125 º C 225 º F
Lube System
Sump refill with filter 401.3 L 106.0 gal
Emissions (Nominal) 3
Meets or Exceeds International Specifications: AS1359, Ratings are based on SAE J1349 standard conditions.
CSA, IEC60034-1, ISO3046, ISO8528, NEMA MG 1-22, These ratings also apply at ISO3046 standard conditions.
NEMA MG 1-33, UL508A, 72/23/EEC, 98/37/EC, Fuel rates are based on fuel oil of 35º API [16º C (60º F)]
2004/108/EC gravity having an LHV of 42 780 kJ/kg (18,390 Btu/lb)
Standby - Output available with varying load for the when used at 29º C (85º F) and weighing 838.9 g/liter
duration of the interruption of the normal source power. (7.001 lbs/U.S. gal.). Additional ratings may be available
Average power output is 70% of the standby power for specific customer requirements, contact your Cat
rating. Typical operation is 200 hours per year, with representative for details. For information regarding Low
maximum expected usage of 500 hours per year. Sulfur fuel and Biodiesel capability, please consult your
Standby power in accordance with ISO8528. Fuel stop Cat dealer.
power in accordance with ISO3046. Standby ambients
shown indicate ambient temperature at 100% load which
results in a coolant top tank temperature just below the
shutdown temperature.
Package Dimensions
NOTE: For reference only - do not use for
Length 6358.6 mm 250.34 in installation design. Please contact
Width 2286.0 mm 90 in your local dealer for exact weight
and dimensions. (General
Height 2342.0 mm 92.2 in Dimension Drawing #3274640).
Weight 16 910 kg 37,280 lb
Performance No.: DM7964
© 2010 Caterpillar
All rights reserved.
Feature Code: 516DE5H
Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Gen. Arr. Number: 3111142 The International System of Units (SI) is used in this publication.
CAT, CATERPILLAR, SAFETY.CAT.COM their respective logos, "Caterpillar
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November 09 2010 16288889