Electronic Measurements
Electronic Measurements
Electronic Measurements
Course Objectives
This course aims at teaching functional elements
of instrumentation.
This course makes the student to learn the
fundamentals of electrical and electronic
The students will be exposed to various
measurement techniques, storage and display
Course Outcomes
CO1: Ability to measure electrical parameters
using appropriate Electronics Instruments.
CO2: Ability to make use of storage and display
CO3: Ability to select appropriate sensors in
various applications.
Electronics Instruments
Functional elements of an instrument – Static and
dynamic characteristics – Errors in measurement ––
Standards and calibration – Principle and types of
analog and digital voltmeters, ammeters,
multimeters – Single and three phase wattmeter’s
and energy meters – Magnetic measurements –
Determination of B-H curve and measurements of
iron loss.
Measurement is the act, or the result, of a quantitative
comparison between a given quantity and a quantity of
the same kind chosen as a unit.
The result of the measurement is expressed by a pointer
deflection over a predefined scale or a number
representing the ratio between the unknown quantity and
the standard.
The device or instrument used for comparing the
unknown quantity with the unit of measurement or a
standard quantity is called a measuring instrument
The value of the unknown quantity can be measured by direct or
indirect methods.
In direct measurement methods, the unknown quantity is measured
directly instead of comparing it with a standard.
Examples of direct measurement are current by ammeter, voltage by
voltmeter, resistance by ohmmeter, power by wattmeter, etc.
In indirect measurement methods, the value of the unknown quantity is
determined by measuring the functionally related quantity and
calculating the desired quantity rather than measuring it directly.
Suppose the resistance as (R) of a conductor can be measured by
measuring the voltage drop across the conductor and dividing the
voltage (V) by the current (I) through the conductors, by Ohm’s Law
Types of Measurements
Primary Measurements
Secondary measurements
Tertiary Measurements
The instruments of this type give the value of the measurand in terms of
instrument constant and its deflection.
Such instruments do not require comparison with any other standard.
The example of this type of instrument is tangent galvanometer, which gives
the value of the current to be measured in terms of tangent of the angle of
deflection produced, the horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic field,
the radius and the number of turns of the wire used.
Rayleigh current balance and absolute electrometer are other examples of
absolute instruments. Absolute instruments are mostly used in standard
laboratories and in similar institutions as standardizing.
These instruments are so constructed that the deflection of such
instruments gives the magnitude of the electrical quantity to be
measured directly.
These instruments are required to be calibrated by comparison with
either an absolute instrument or with another secondary instrument,
which has already been calibrated before the use. These instruments
are generally used in practice.
Secondary instruments are further classified as
Indicating instruments
Integrating instruments
Recording instruments
Indicating Instruments
Indicating instruments are those which indicate the
magnitude of an electrical quantity at the time when it
is being measured.
The indications are given by a pointer moving over a
calibrated (pregraduated) scale.
Ordinary ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters, frequency
meters, power factor meters, etc., fall into this
Integrating Instruments
Integrating instruments are those which measure the
total amount of either quantity of electricity (ampere-
hours) or electrical energy supplied over a period of time.
The summation, given by such an instrument, is the
product of time and an electrical quantity under
The ampere-hour meters and energy meters fall in this
Recording Instruments
Recording instruments are those which keep a continuous record of
the variation of the magnitude of an electrical quantity to be observed
over a definite period of time.
In such instruments, the moving system carries an inked pen which
touches lightly a sheet of paper wrapped over a drum moving with
uniform slow motion in a direction perpendicular to that of the
direction of the pointer.
Thus, a curve is traced which shows the variations in the magnitude of
the electrical quantity under observation over a definite period of time.
Such instruments are generally used in powerhouses where the
current, voltage, power, etc., are to be maintained within certain
acceptable limit.
Analog Instruments
The signals of an analog unit vary in a continuous fashion and can take on
infinite number of values in a given range.
Fuel gauge, ammeter and voltmeters, wrist watch, speedometer fall in this
Digital Instruments
Signals varying in discrete steps and taking on a finite number of different
values in a given range are digital signals and the corresponding instruments
are of digital type.
Digital instruments have some advantages over analog meters, in that they
have high accuracy and high speed of operation.
It eliminates the human operational errors.
Digital instruments can store the result for future purposes. A digital
multimeter is the example of a digital instrument.
Mechanical Instruments
Mechanical instruments are very reliable for static and stable
They are unable to respond rapidly to the measurement of
dynamic and transient conditions due to the fact that they have
moving parts that are rigid, heavy and bulky and consequently
have a large mass.
Mass presents inertia problems and hence these instruments
cannot faithfully follow the rapid changes which are involved in
dynamic instruments.
Also, most of the mechanical instruments causes noise pollution.
Electrical Instruments
When the instrument pointer deflection is caused by the
action of some electrical methods then it is called an
electrical instrument.
The time of operation of an electrical instrument is more
rapid than that of a mechanical instrument.
Unfortunately, an electrical system normally depends
upon a mechanical measurement as an indicating device.
This mechanical movement has some inertia due to which
the frequency response of these instruments is poor.
Electronic Instruments
Electronic instruments use semiconductor devices. Most of the
scientific and industrial instrumentations require very fast
Such requirements cannot be met with by mechanical and
electrical instruments.
In electronic devices, since the only movement involved is that
of electrons, the response time is extremely small owing to
very small inertia of the electrons.
With the use of electronic devices, a very weak signal can be
detected by using pre-amplifiers and amplifiers.
i) The standard used for comparison purposes
must be accurately defined & should be commonly
ii) The apparatus used & the method adopted
must be provable.
A measurement system may be defined as a systematic arrangement
for the measurement or determination of an unknown quantity and
analysis of instrumentation.
The generalized measurement system and its different
components/elements are shown.
It is defined as the variation of scale reading & random in
Drift may be classified into three categories:
a) zero drift:
If the whole calibration gradually shifts due to slippage, permanent
set, or due to undue warming up of electronic tube circuits, zero drift
sets in.
b) span drift or sensitivity drift
If there is proportional change in the indication all along
the upward scale, the drifts is called span drift or
sensitivity drift.
c) Zonal drift:
In case the drift occurs only a portion of span of an
instrument, it is called zonal drift.
If the input is slowly increased from some arbitrary input value, it
will again be found that output does not change at all until a
certain increment is exceeded. This increment is called
If the instrument input is increased very gradually from zero
there will be some minimum value below which no output
change can be detected. This minimum value defines the
threshold of the instrument.
It is the ability of an instrument to retain its performance
throughout is specified operating life.
The maximum allowable error in the measurement
is specified in terms of some value which is called
Range or span:
The minimum & maximum values of a quantity for
which an instrument is designed to measure is
called its range or span.
Dynamic characteristics:
The set of criteria defined for the instruments, which
are changes rapidly with time, is called ‘dynamic
The various static characteristics are:
i) Speed of response
ii) Measuring lag
iii) Fidelity
iv) Dynamic error
Speed of response:
It is defined as the rapidity with which a measurement system responds to
changes in the measured quantity.
Measuring lag:
It is the retardation or delay in the response of a measurement system to
changes in the measured quantity. The measuring lags are of two types:
a) Retardation type:
In this case the response of the measurement system begins immediately
after the change in measured quantity has occurred.
b) Time delay lag:
In this case the response of the measurement system begins after a dead
time after the application of the input.
It is defined as the degree to which a
measurement system indicates changes in the
measured quantity without dynamic error.
Dynamic error:
It is the difference between the true value of the
quantity changing with time & the value indicated
by the measurement system if no static error is
assumed. It is also called measurement error.