Isabela State University College of Engineering Course Syllabus Course Number Course Title Credit Unit/s Hours Per Week CE 212
Isabela State University College of Engineering Course Syllabus Course Number Course Title Credit Unit/s Hours Per Week CE 212
Isabela State University College of Engineering Course Syllabus Course Number Course Title Credit Unit/s Hours Per Week CE 212
Course Syllabus
2nd Semester,
School Year 2020-2021
Course Number Course Title Credit Unit/s Hours per week
CE 212 COMPUTER AIDED DRAFTING Laboratory - 1 unit Laboratory - 3hrs
ISU Expected Graduate Attributes
Communicator (Cm)
Recognizes and values communication as a tool for conveying and
interacting with others and fostering their own learning.
VISION Inquiry-focused and knowledgeable (IFK)
A leading research university in the ASEAN region. Creates new knowledge and understanding through the process of
research and inquiry.
MISSION Demonstrates comprehensive theoretical and technical concepts related to
Isabela State University is committed to develop globally competitive human, their field of specialization with relevant connections to industry,
technological resources and services through quality instruction, innovative research, professional and regional knowledge.
responsive community engagement and viable resource management programs for
inclusive growth and sustainable development. Competitive (Cp)
Initiates and innovates better ways of doing things.
Promotes quality and productivity.
The Isabela State University endeavors to be a lead university in instruction, research,
extension, and resource generation through continual improvement of services.
Collaborative and Effective Leader (CEL)
Works in collaborative with others and manages group functioning to meet
common goal.
Effectivity: 01 September, 2013
Course Description:
Course Outcome:
After completing this course, the students must be able to:
1. Apply design concepts, design codes and engineering tools learned in previous courses and work on a real-world capstone design project in a team setting.
2. Solve an engineering problem with technical or non-technical project constraints through the actual engineering design process
3. Collaborate with other students and function in a multidisciplinary group.
4. Develop and enhance interpersonal skills.
Effectivity: 01 September, 2013
5. Develop and enhance ethical and professional responsibility.
6. Apply project management skills to finish the project according to schedule.
7. Practice effective communication skills through the preparation of a project proposal, engineering reports and oral project presentations.
Course Plan
Teaching No. of
Graduates Program Intended Learning and Assessment Assessment
Learning Content Learning Hours Lec Lab
Attributes Outcomes Outcomes Learning Tasks Tools
Identify the techniques and INTRODUCTION TO CAD SOFTWARE
skills in computer-aided Lecture Quiz
drafting necessary for Modular
CEL , LL a, e Discussion Drawing Quiz online 3 3
engineering practice. Online
Film Viewing Plate
- Creating the Dimension text style Recitation/
- Linear Dimension Lecture Drawing
Insert and edit dimensions in Practicum
- Aligned Dimension Discussion Modular Plate/
CEL , LL a, e the AutoCAD workspace. Film Viewing Online
Drawing 9 9
- Ordinate Dimensions Practicum Plate
- Radius Dimensions, Etc. Seat-work
Effectivity: 01 September, 2013
a. Everybody who is entering the campus and classroom premises is required to wear a face mask – NO FACE MASK, NO ENTRY POLICY
b. Observe at all times, in all places and in all transactions, social / physical distancing of at least 1 meter apart as advocated by the Department of Health.
c. Crowd gathering of more than five (5) persons is restricted.
a. Students should be in proper uniform, wear should ID and appropriate shoes expect during laboratory class.
b. On Wednesday, hip-hop dresses and get-ups are not allowed, e.g. shorts, slippers, spaghetti strap, earrings for males, etc.
c. PE uniforms should be worn only during PE class.
3) Taking Examination
a. Cheating and copying are strictly prohibited. When caught during quizzes and long/units exams, deduction of points will be imposed by the teacher
and during midterm or final exam. Means a grade of 5.0 in the subject.
b. Borrowing of calculators and other exam paraphernalia is not allowed during exam.
c. During prelim, midterm, and final exam, only test papers answer sheets, permits, calculators, pens, pencils and erasers are allowed on the desk;
other things should be deposited on a place designated by the teacher.
d. Other policies will be imposed as deemed necessary and as agreed upon between the students and the subject professor.
4) Other Policies
Effectivity: 01 September, 2013