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Basic Formatting in Excel

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Formatting in excel is a neat trick in excel which is used to change the

appearance of the data represented in the worksheet, formatting can be

done in multiple ways such as we can format the font of the cells or we
can format the table by using the styles and format tab available in the
home tab.
Formatting Data in Excel (Table of Contents)

 Data Formatting in Excel

 How to Format in Excel?

 Shortcut Keys to Format Data in Excel

Formatting in Excel (2016, 2013 & 2010

and Others)
The ultimate goal of any worksheet is to present information in a way so that
others are

 Able to understand the data quickly: For those of us who are not numbers

people to start with, pouring over a black-and-white grid stuffed with an

ocean of numerals is torture. We can immediately tell other persons

what we are looking at. We can tell them from where they need to start

on the page, as being a general rule, the largest items on the page will

get the first look. Then, the eye will look for the next largest and the

next largest after that. The actual content, the data in the cells, is likely

to be what readers see last.

 Attractive for viewers: They do not get bored if they get something


After making the report, we need to make the sheet attractive by following

 A header is a phrase which describes the entire content shortly.

o The header should be bold. (Shortcut key is Ctrl+B)

o The font size of the header should be larger than the content.
o The background color of the header cell should be other than

white color. An energizing color like green, orange, purple is

attractive for column heads.

o Outline border should be applied for the header.

o Alignment for the header should be center.

o Shapes can also be used for the headings of the table. (Insert tab)

 Width for all columns should be enough to show the data written in any

of the cells in the column. (Shortcut keys in excel is ALT+H+O+I)

 There are different formats available for all type of data be it number,

currency, percentage, date, fraction etc. The appropriate format for the

cell should be chosen.

 Alignment for alphanumeric values should be left and for the number,

that should be right.

 Normal borders should be applied for the data in the table. There are

predefined table formats also available in Home tab.

 Where column width is not sufficient to place the text in a single line

and display the entire data then we could use the ‘Wrap Text‘ command

placed on the ‘Home’ tab and ‘Alignment’

 If we have extra information, then to explain the note, we should use the

second color with the outline border.

 We can also use ‘Conditional Formatting‘ where we want a different

type of data formatting in excel based on conditions.

 Various themes are available in ‘Themes’ group placed on ‘Page

Layout’ We can choose one of the themes for presentation.

How to Format Data in Excel?
Let understand the working on Data formatting in excel by simple
examples. Now let us suppose, we have a simple report of sales for an
organization as below:

You can download this Formatting Excel Template here – Formatting Excel Template
This report is not attractive to viewers; we need to format the data.

Now to format data in excel, we will make

 The text of column head bold,

 Font size larger,

 Adjust the column width by using shortcut key (Alt+H+O+I) after

selecting the entire table (using Ctrl+A),

 Center aligning the data,

 Apply outline border by using (Alt+H+B+T),

 Apply background color by using ‘Fill Color’ command available

in ‘Font’ group on ‘Home’
We will be applying the same format for the last ‘Total’ row of the table by
using ‘Format Painter’ command available in ‘Clipboard’ group on ‘Home’ tab.

As amount collected is a currency, we should format the same as currency

using the command available in ‘Number’ group placed on ‘Home’ tab.

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After selecting the cells, which we need to format as currency, we need to

open the ‘Format Cells’ dialog box by clicking the arrow marked above.
Choose ‘Currency’ and click on ‘OK’.

We can also apply the outline border for the table.

Now we will be creating the label for the report by using ‘Shapes’. To create
the shape above the table, we need to add two new rows, for that we will be
selecting the row by ‘Shift+Spacebar’ and then insert two rows by
pressing ‘Ctrl+’+” twice.

To insert the shape, we will be choosing an appropriate shape from

the ‘Shapes’ command available in ‘Illustration’ group in ‘Insert’ tab.
Create the shape according to the requirement and with the same color as
heads of the column and add the text on shape by right-clicking on the
shapes and choosing ‘Edit Text’

We can also use the ‘Format’ contextual tab for formatting the shape using
various commands as ‘Shape Outline’, ‘Shape Fill’, ‘Text Fill’, ‘Text Outline’ etc.
We can also apply the formatting on text using the commands available
in ‘Font’ group placed on ‘Home’ tab.

We can also use ‘Conditional Formatting’ for taking the attention of the viewers
for ‘Top 3’ salesperson and ‘Bottom 3’ salesperson.

So format the cells that rank in the top 3 with Green Fill with Dark Green Text
Also, format the cells that rank in the Bottom 3 with Light Red with Dark Red

We can apply other conditional formatting option also, which is ‘Data Bars’.
We can also create the chart to display the data, which is also the part of ‘Data
Formatting Excel’.
Shortcut Keys to Format Data in Excel
 To make the text bold: Ctrl+B or Ctrl+2.

 To make the text italic: Ctrl+I or Ctrl+3

 To make the text underline: Ctrl+U or Ctrl+4.

 To make the font size of the text larger: Alt+H, FG

 To make the font size of the text smaller: Alt+H, FK

 To open ‘Font’ Dialog box: Alt+H,FN

 To open ‘Alignment’ Dialog box: Alt+H, FA

 To center align cell contents: Alt+H, A then C

 To add borders: Alt+H, B

 To open the ‘Format Cell’ Dialog box: Ctrl+1

 To apply or remove strikethrough Data formatting Excel: Ctrl+5

 To apply an outline border to the selected cells:


 To apply the Percentage format with no decimal places:

Ctrl+Shift+Percent (%)

 To add a nonadjacent cell or range to a selection of cells by using the

arrow keys: Shift+F8

Things to Remember while Formatting in Excel
 While data formatting in excel make the title stand out, good and bold,

and make sure it says something clearly about the content we are

showing. Next, enlarge the column and row heads just a bit and put
them in a second color. Readers will quickly scan the column and row

headings to get a sense of how the information on the worksheet is

organized. This will help them see what is most important on the page

and where they should begin.

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