Excel: Formulas, Functions, and Other Useful Features
Excel: Formulas, Functions, and Other Useful Features
Excel: Formulas, Functions, and Other Useful Features
F O R M U L A S , F U N C T I O N S , A N D O T H E R U S E F U L F E AT U R E S
Definition: Tips:
• Probably the most popular • Blank cells will return a
function in any spreadsheet value of zero to be added to
is the SUM function. The the total.
Sum function takes all of • Text cells can not be added
the values in each of the to a number and will
specified cells and totals produce an error.
their values.
• The syntax is: =SUM(first
value, second value, etc)
Definition: Tips:
• The IF function will check • Until you are used to
the logical condition of a writing them, test them out
statement and return one on multiple cells.
value if true and a different • There are multiple ways to
value if false. write an IF statement to get
• The syntax is: the same result
=IF (condition, value-if-
true, value-if-false)
• Concatenate function -
join several strings into
one text string
• Note: The concatenate
function does not
automatically leave a
blank space between
words or other data.
• The Filter is a quick and easy way to find and work with a
subset of data in a range of cells.