Suman Mam
Suman Mam
Suman Mam
diagrammatic notation designed
specifically to help people describe and understand systems. It offers building blocks to
represent entities and activities, and a variety of arrows to relate boxes. These boxes and
arrows have an associated informal semantics. SADT can be used as a functional analysis
tool of a given process, using successive levels of details. The SADT method allows to
define user needs for IT developments, which is very used in the industrial Information
Systems, but also to explain and to present an activity’s manufacturing processes,
The SADT supplies a specific functional view of any enterprise by describing the
functions and their relationships in a company. These functions fulfill the objectives of a
company, such as sales, order planning, product design, part manufacturing, and human
resource management. The SADT can depict simple functional relationships here and can
reflect data and control flow relationships between different functions.
Logical Data Modelling – The data requirements of the system being designed are
identified, modelled and documented. This data is separated into entities and
relationships between these entities identified.
Data Flow Modelling – Concerned with how the data moves around the information
system.Examines processes, data stores, external entities and data flows.
Entity Behaviour Modelling – The identifying, modelling and document events with
respect to the entities in the system and the order in which these events take place.
SSADM is a waterfall view approach whereby there are sequences of events that run in
series and each step leads on from the last. There are five steps in total, and each step can
be broken down further.
4. Logical System Specification – Technical systems options are created and the logical
design of the system created. This includes the design of update and enquiry processing.
5. Physical Design – The logical system specification and technical system specification
is used to design a physical database and set of program specifications.
For each of the above stages SSAD defines techniques and procedures for recording and
communicating the information. This includes both textual and diagrammatic
SRMS focuses on storing & processing curriculum data, student data and produce outputs
supporting the operational activities. These outputs include student report cards, subject
descriptions, invoices, schedules and management information.
When information system are designed to provide information needed for effective
decision making by managers,they are called management information systems,Same is
the case of student result management system.
Student result management system is a formal system for providing management with
accurate and timely information of the result which is necessary for decision making.The
student result management system may be defined as a planned and integrated system for
gathering relevant data ,converting it in to right information and supplying the same to
the concerned executives.The main purpose of student result management system is to
provide the right people at the right time.
Usability: Within SSADM special emphasis is put on the analysis of user needs.
Simultaneously, the systems model is developed and a comprehensive demand analysis is
carried out. Both are tried to see if they are well suited to each other.
Better quality: SSADM reduces the error rate of IS by defining a certain quality level in
the beginning and constantly checking the system.
Cuts costs: SSADM separates the logical and the physical systems design. So the system
does not have to be implemented again with new hard -or software.
SSADM puts special emphasis on the analysis of the system and its documentation. This
causes the danger of over-analysing, which can be very time and cost consuming. Due to
various types of description methods, checks of consistence cannot be carried out.
Especially with large systems, the outline diagram can become very unclear, because all
relevant data flows have to be included.
Student result management system includes al the basic information and academic
information related to the student .it includes the examination details like
subjects,type of exam ,semester,marks,calculations and reports.It includes
relationship between various entities.
After studying the current student result management system of any institution we found
that in many colleges there are many students, more than 200 students altogether studying
in different semesters. Since the number of students is growing ,and the management has
to handle result records of lots of students .it is facing a little bit problems:
And hence there is an urgent need of upgrading a systemto that of the computer based
information system , a system which can deal with the problems .
Once the analysis of the system is done it is important to make a draft of the system using
a standard tool which specifies the component and design of the system. This design is
useful because anyone using the design can work on the existing system and clearly
understand the working without working on the system from the scratch.
Tool used for such graphical design is Data Flow Diagram (DFD) on next page of the
system we have a context diagram of the system which shows integration of different
entities with the result management system, these include Registration
system,examination , controller, student and teacher entities.
After the process of result submission the result for all the subjects is taken and the GPA
is calculated, once the GPA is calculated the it is used for further calculation of CGPA
and is forwarded to another process which is numbered 7.0 this process will calculate the
CGPA by taking all the results of the current and previous semesters. Further detailed
diagram i.e.—Detailed DFD can be created using the given level 0 DFD and by
expanding all the Processes further.