The student management system project proposal states the solution and the problems faced by
attendance management. It should contain the project problem statement, scope, and solution.
Problem Statement: The common issue faced by student management in educational institutions is the
data loss, manual monitoring of students’ performance and etc. These activities create loads of tasks to
be done by the educators and school administrators. Their records were also prone to losses due to a
lack of security. There are still a lot of problems to be discussed but we only highlighted the major ones.
Solution: The main purpose of the Student Management System is to track profiles, courses, logins,
tests, and fees. It keeps track of all profile, student, fee, and profile-related information. Student
management systems make it easier for professors to retrieve and sort information, which makes their
jobs easier. Professors and student supervisors can use this method to keep track of their students’
involvement. These objectives foster, support, and sustain an atmosphere inside educational institutions
that promotes, supports, and sustains effective teaching and learning.
Scope: This system is designed to be fully user-friendly and efficient. Its tasks could range from enrolling
new students to managing fees and exams, as well as everything else needed to keep the school’s
administrative division running properly.
Student Information Management: The data that is gathered from the student information must be
secured in this system. These data were composed of the student’s basic information and academic
Enrollment Management: This is the process where the system takes care of the requirements provided
by the student enrollees. They will require the birth cert of the enrollees as well as their academic status
that will serve as their basis if the student is new or continuing.
Room Management: The room management module serves as the division of the number of students to
the capacity of each room per grade and section. This module will assign the count of students per room
and section as well as the instructor.
Grade and Subject Management: This module designates the instructors per subject to every student or
Grading System: The grading system module will sum up and calculate the given output by the students
and the result would the academic performance of every student. This will monitor the student’s
performance and behavior throughout the period.
Fee and Payment Management: Management of fees and payments is also covered in the student
management system. The fee and payment information is processed from the enrollment and then the
parents or students will be updated about their accounts to avoid conflicts.
These modules must be present in creating the Student Management System to meet the needs in
managing student information. Through this, the management and monitoring of students and school
would be much easier for both school admin and teachers these modules for student management
system were derived from the student management activities and processes.
The modules report here will be used in all areas of Student Management System development. They
will be present in Student Management system diagrams as well as in the source codes in a particular
language that you like. That is how the modules are used and essential for Student management system
(software) development.
Here are the essential Diagrams for Student Management System Project Report and Documentation
[PDF]. These UML Diagrams were all part of the project development and play a big role in designing the
structure and behavior of the Student Management System. The ideas presented here were all based on
the declared Student Management System modules.
Student Management System Database Design (ER Diagram) – This ER Diagram for Student
Management System project with a table will give you the idea of how to make a database design for a
Student management system with ERD and tables.
This student management system database was made based on school requirements. The system can
register student information. School admin can have access to the student status and information for
the important transaction. They can handle the data needed in managing student files as well as the
transactions made by the student and staff.
Student Information System Use Case Diagram – is a visual representation of how a user might interact
with a program. A use case diagram depicts the system’s numerous use cases and different sorts of
users. The circles or ellipses are used to depict the use cases.
Student Management System DFD Levels 0, 1, and 2 – The DFD (Data Flow Diagrams) focuses mainly on
the data that flows inside the Student Management System Project. That is why the DFD has three main
levels that emphasize the data handling from the main process up to the specific process.
Student Management System DFD Level 1 (context diagram) illustrates the main process, users (external
entities), the data, and its flow. DFD Level 1 is the broad Context Terms and the Level 2 shows the
databases that will serve as the data storage.
Student Course Registration System Class Diagram – a designed diagram that shows the system’s
relationships and classes. This UML Class Diagram is made to guide programmers along with the Student
management system development. It contains the class attributes, methods as well as the relationships
between classes. These mentioned contents make sure that your Student management system
development must in line with what should be its functions.
This will help you, your readers, and users about how should the software behave once it is in use. Its
activity diagram is illustrated with the use of symbols like actors, swimlanes, and arrows to understand
the Student Management System core.
Here are the ready-made projects offered to you by ITsourcecode provided with complete instructions
on how to have the Student Management System in different languages. Each of these Student
Management systems also has its definition and features explained to meet your needs
This Student Database Management System in C Language is a consoled-based application created using
c programming language. This system is a simple mini project and compiled in Code::Blocks IDE using
GCC compiler. It makes use of file management and demonstrates how to use the programming
language’s classes and objects effectively. This project will teach you how to use the C language to add,
list, alter, and delete records in a file.
A Student Database Management System using C language is an easy project for beginners to learn how
to build a web-based C language project. We will provide you with the complete source code for the C
project so that you can easily install it on your machine and learn how to program in C language.
Student Admission Management System Project In CodeIgniter With Source Code (Abstract)
The Student Admission Management System In CodeIgniter With Source Code is primarily concerned
with new student admittance to various programs. On the client side, the system also displays all of the
available data of active students, along with their photographs. In addition, in the student part, the
system provides all of the available student data, along with their photographs.
In a summary of this web app, the user can add new students by inputting their name, contact
information, blood group, year, and degree program, as well as attaching a photo. In terms of the
project, the user can view, amend, and delete the records that are available. Furthermore, the
administrator has the ability to create administrative users.
The Student Management System Project in Laravel is a web based application. Academic institutions
benefit from Laravel student management system source code in a number of ways, the most essential
of which is centralized data administration and accessibility. Teachers will be able to more easily input,
retain, and access student data. Parents and guardians now have a better grasp of their children’s
academic performance.
To start executing a Student Management System in Laravel With Source Code, makes sure that you
have any platform in creating a CSS, bootstrap, and HTML installed in your computer, in this case, we
will use Sublime Text.
A simple project based on a Student Management System Project In CodeIgniter that makes use of the
PHP programming language and the CodeIgniter Web Framework. The PHP CodeIgniter project below
has all of the necessary capabilities for first- and second-year IT students to employ in their college
projects. It contains a number of features that allow users to maintain the records of their students and
There are three sections to the project: student, mentor, and university panel. The learner can create
their own account and use the system in an overview of this web application. Student, mentor, and
university are among the roles available in the registration area.
The Student Management System In Javascript was developed using JavaScript, CSS and HTML, In this
Javascript Project With Source Code is a fascinating undertaking. Only the administrative part of the
project is included. The goal of the project is to compile a list of all of the students’ records. The
management system for this project employs CRUD operations, which include adding, removing, and
updating student data.
A Student Management System Project In JavaScript, Many students’ records can be added, including
their name, roll number, class, total subjects, and age. The user can add data, delete data at any time,
and alter the specifics of the records if they need to update certain information. This project uses a lot of
JavaScript to validate different aspects of the project.
Student Management System In PHP Project With Source Code (Abstract and Modules)
The Student Management System In PHP is a simple system develop PHP MySQL database, Using HTML,
CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Ajax, J Query, and Modal. This Simple Student Management System In PHP
will help a certain secondary school manage the record grades record of their students.
A Student Management System In PHP and MySQL stores the grades per subject and grade level of each
student per periodic grading. The student’s final grade for each subject will be automatically calculated
and labeled the status if either the student passed or failed the subject. The system was minimally based
on the process of storing and managing the student records in one of the secondary public schools. Its
Features include:
• Login Page
• Home Page
• Student List
• Subjects List
• Curriculum List
• Academic Record
• Promote Candidates
• Candidate List
• Candidates Report
• User Page
Student Management System Project In Java With Source Code (Abstract and Modules)
The Student Management System Project In Java is developed using Java Programming Language, This
Student Management System Project In Java And MySQL is simple and basic level small project for
learning purpose. Also you can modified this system as per your requirements and develop a perfect
advance level project.
A Student Management System Java Code allows you to keep the student records and manage them
when needed. This is a simple java project with good and interactive looking GUI. This Project Use
MySQL Database for managing all the data that store in the database. Student Management System
Project In Java Features:
• Add Student Information – In this feature the user can add the information of the students.
• Update Student Information – In this feature the user can update the information of the students
inside the database.
• Delete Student Information – In this feature the user can delete any information of the students inside
the database.
• Generate Student Information – In this feature the user can generate the report or the record of the
students inside the database.
The Student Management System Project In Django is developed using Python Django, HTML,CSS,
JavaScript and Bootstrap, This Project With Source Code is a complete and runnable management
system that contains different user interfaces to be manage by different users. This system also has a
good template design.
A Django Student Management System has 3 User Interfaces, The Admin Side, that can see overall
summary charts of students performance, staffs performances, courses, subjects, leave, etc.
Staff/Teacher Side, can see the overall summary charts related to their students, their subjects, leave
status, etc. and Student Side, that can see the overall summary charts related to their attendance, their
subjects, leave status, etc.
The Student Management System In C++ is develop in C++ programming language, This Student
Management System C++ is based on the concept to generate the Student’s Information records and to
add & update it. Here User can add their Student’s detail with their courses safely and it’s not time-
A Student Management System In C++ Project makes easy to store records of each and every student.
This program mainly focuses on CRUD with searching function. To start creating a Student Management
System In C++,make sure that you have code blocks or any platform of C/C++ language installed in your
Student Management System Project in Python with Source Code. This Student Management System is
developed using python programming language. The project report contains a python script
( This is a simple console based system that’s very clean to recognize and use.
Talking about the system, it consists of basic features which encompass Add students, view college
students, search college students and get rid of the student. In this mini undertaking, there may be no
such login device. This manner he/she can use all the ones available functions without problems with
none restriction. To start creating a Student Management System using Python, make sure you have
PyCharm IDE installed in your computer.
Student Result Management System Project in Django with Source Code (Abstract)
This Student Result Management System Project in Django created based on python, Django, and
SQLITE3 Database. The Student Result Management System is an all-encompassing that is used to
generate grades, manage student, manage student classes, manage subjects, manage password and
manage result. We created a backend and frontend for students and admin users in this framework, and
students can use it to scan for results and import them in pdf format.
The Student Result Management System Project is an easy project for beginners to learn how to build a
web-based python Django project. We will provide you with the complete source code and database for
the python project so that you can easily install it on your machine and learn how to program in Python
Real-Time Student Attendance Management System Project In Python (Abstract and Modules)
The Student Attendance Management System Project In Python was developed using Python OpenCV in
Real-Time, This Attendance Management System Project In Python provide a valuable attendance
service for both teachers and students. Reduce manual process errors by provide automated and a
reliable attendance system uses face recognition technology.
A Attendance Management System Using Face Recognition Python is a simple python script that
recognizes faces and mark attendance for the recognized faces in an excel sheet. We seek to provide a
valuable attendance service for both teachers and students. Reduce manual process errors by provide
automated and a reliable attendance system uses face recognition technology. Student Attendance
Management System features:
• Check Camera
• Capture Faces
• Train Faces
• Automatic Email
Student Management System Project in is another name for a Student Information System (SIS).
These technologies let faculty members plan their schedules and communicate with one another about
students. This approach was created to make data tracking easier for both parents and administrative
The major goal of this student program is to keep track of student information and fees. Only the owner
or administrator of this student management program can use it. Admin must first provide course
information such as course name, duration, and fees that are offered by the organization. The next step
is to develop a teacher profile that is appropriate for the course. We can add student information to our
system once we’ve included course and teacher information. In our project, we provide search
functionality by course, student, fee status, and teacher.
[Advance] Student Management System in Django Project with Source Code (Abstract)
This Student Management System Project in Django was created based on python, Django, and SQLITE3
Database. This system allows you to manage daily route-based activities at your school or university.
This is a complete system with all of the features needed for daily operations, including an approval
management system. We are providing free source code for learning purposes.
This Student and Classroom Management System Project Documentation Chapter 1, present the
introduction to how this management system plays its vital role in assessing the performance of the
student in an academic setting. And to provide convenience for our teachers with the help of
technology, This system was developed to record the attendance of the student using a barcode scanner
and at the same time a system where they can encode the grades of the learners every grading period.
Here’s the outline on how to make Student Classroom Management System Project Documentation
(Chapter 1):
General Objectives
Specific Objectives
Student and Classroom Management System Project Documentation Chapter 2 describes the studies
cited in this chapter tackle the different concepts, understanding, and ideas, generalizations or
conclusions, and different development related to study of the classroom management from the past up
to the present and which serves as the researcher’s guide in developing the project. Those that were
also included in this chapter help in familiarizing information that is relevant and similar to the present
study. Here’s the Outline of Student and Classroom Management System Project Documentation
(Chapter 2):
Related Studies
Foreign-Related Literature
Foreign-Related System
Prior Arts
This Student and Classroom Management System Project Documentation will discuss all the
methodology (Chapter 3) of the proponent system as well as the step-by-step processes of this study.
System Design
Context Diagram
Activity Diagram
Data Dictionary
Screen Layout
System Architecture
Gantt chart
Time Table
Student and Classroom Management System Project Documentation Chapter 4 discusses the results of
the parameters used to give the proponents the analysis and knowledge about how the system helps or
meets the needs in Automated Scheduling that they aimed.
This chapter presents the parameters, questionnaires, and results of the analysis based on the data
given by the responders to evaluate the usability and function of the system. This chapter also discusses
the results of the used parameters to give the proponents the analysis and knowledge about how the
system helps or meets the needs in Automated Scheduling that they aimed for. The gathered results
regarding the survey will be evaluated based on the PSSUQ survey questionnaire to measure the users’
satisfaction with the system.
This Chapter of Student and Classroom Management System Project Documentation Chapter 5,
concludes the report and a summary of the research is presented, and the findings of the study are
discussed and interpreted.
The main purpose of this study was to design and develop a Classroom Management System Online
System that will help the teachers to record the attendance and the academic grades of the students
anytime online.
The goal of this research was to create an attendance management project system that would aid in the
maintenance of employees’ attendance records. It can handle all the transactions related to employees’
working concerns. The project must have tight security to secure the records of all the employees.
That ends our elaboration on Attendance Management System Project Report and documentation.
Hope you’ve caught all the ideas provided in Attendance Management System Project Abstract,
Modules, Documentations (PDF & PPT), and Source Codes.
This discussion does not end the knowledge that you might find around the corner. Attendance
Management System Project will continue to develop and advance and we’ll help you cope with that.
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do not hesitate to inform us in the comments. We’ll be glad to be part of your learning.
Thank you and have a good day!
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