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Uc Lesson Plan - September 28

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Grade 1/2

Lesson Patterns and The Metis Sash

Course Mathematics
Title/Focus 60 Minutes
September 28, 2021


Strand: Patterns and Relations - Patterns

● Use patterns to describe the world and to solve problems

SLO Grade One:

● Demonstrate an understanding of repeating patterns (two to four elements) by:
○ Describing, reproducing, extending, creating
● patterns using manipulatives, diagrams, sounds and actions

SLO Grade Two:

● Demonstrate an understanding of repeating patterns (three to five elements) by:
○ Describing, extending, comparing, creating
● patterns using manipulatives, diagrams, sounds and actions.

At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
1. Identify the patterns in the Metis sash (Analysis)
2. Construct different types of patterns (Comprehension).

Essential Question:
● How can patterns be represented?


● SmartBoard and document camera
● Picture of Metis sash
● Pencil crayon colours for each table group
● Grid papers x50
● Scissors and glue
● Visual journals


● Only put pencil crayons of colours the Metis sashes have on tables
● Write names on the back of the grid paper to differentiate
● Create sample ahead of time and glue it into visual journal
● Write “Metis Sash” on the whiteboard for students to see
● Cut and label patterns (ABAB and BABA) for students who are developing on creating
patterns so they can pick two colours to use
● Allow students to create their own pattern for students who need a harder task
● Brenda/Kevin can work with students developing creating patterns if needed
● EA will curiculate and help students developing creating patterns (with student L and
student S)
● Google slide with pictures of what the Metis used the sashes for (visual for ELL

Introduction Time
Introduction to the Metis Sash

1. Show picture of a Metis sash on the SmartBoard.

o “What do you… see, think, wonder?”
o Students participate in a think-pair-share, then collect thoughts
as a class.
2. Ask students what colours, shapes, and patterns they see in the picture. 5 min
3. Explain what the picture is and the significance:
o Used to hold tools, symbol of honour and presented to those
who have done a great act of service to the Metis nation
o Explain who the Metis are (refer to land acknowledgement from

Body Time
Pattern Core Number Talk

1. For a quick number talk, review pattern cores from yesterday. Show
5 min
students two examples of patterns on the Google Slides, then have them
use their number talk hand signals when they have an answer.

Instructions on Making Patterns 10 min

1. Inform students that today we will be making our own Metis sash
patterns using the Metis colours.
2. Use the document camera to show students what we will be colouring
○ Using the labeled grid paper, show students how to colour their
grid paper
○ Students have two options, one with the labeled patterns and
one without labels to differentiate
○ Remind students to label their pattern first, then pick colours.
○ When they are done, they will cut and glue it into their visual
○ Early finishers will create a border, add a title, and create a new
pattern if needed.
3. Leave the document camera on to the sample in my visual journal.
Inform students that they can come up to the SmartBoard to see what
to add if they forget.

Student’s Work on Patterns

1. As students work on their patterns, hand out visual journals and

scissors. Students will get glue on their own.
2. Circulate the classroom and help students as needed.
3. Give students reminders of how long they have left - display timer for
students who need a visual after the visual journal has been shared for a
25 min
4. When the timer goes off, have students clean up - scissors go away,
pencil boxes away, ensure there are no paper scraps on the floor.
5. Students keep visual journals at their desk.
6. Students who wish to share their journals - use popsicle sticks for
sharing (number of students sharing depends on time).

Conclusion Time

1. Students will be called back to the meeting area one table group at a
2. A few students will share their pattern with the class (time permitting).
The student sharing will identify what their pattern is (ie. ABAB or 15 min
ABCABC, etc.) and why.
3. Students start washing hands for lunch (approx. 11:55). Students will
walk back to their desk groups from the gathering area, then go to the
sink to wash their hands when their table group names are called.

● Formative:
o Think-Pair-Share
o Observation
o Visual Journals


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