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Environmental Sciences: Dr. Goutham Sarang

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Dr. Goutham Sarang

Assistant Professor (Senior)
School of Civil Engineering
Course Objectives
➢ To make students understand and appreciate the unity of life in
all its forms, the implications of life style on the environment.
➢ To understand the various causes for environmental
➢ To understand individuals contribution in the environmental
➢ To understand the impact of pollution at the global level and
also in the local environment.

Dr. Goutham Sarang CHY1002 Environmental Sciences VIT Chennai
Course Outcomes
➢ Students will recognize the environmental issues in a problem oriented
interdisciplinary perspectives
➢ Students will understand the key environmental issues, the science behind
those problems and potential solutions.
➢ Students will demonstrate the significance of biodiversity and its
➢ Students will identify various environmental hazards
➢ Students will design various methods for the conservation of resources
➢ Students will formulate action plans for sustainable alternatives that
incorporate science, humanity, and social aspects
➢ Students will have foundational knowledge enabling them to make sound
life decisions as well as enter a career in an environmental profession or
higher education.
Dr. Goutham Sarang CHY1002 Environmental Sciences VIT Chennai
Module 1 Environment and Ecosystem
➢ Key environmental problems, their basic causes and sustainable
➢ IPAT equation.
➢ Ecosystem, earth – life support system and ecosystem
➢ Food chain, food web, Energy flow in ecosystem;
➢ Ecological succession- stages involved, Primary and secondary
succession, Hydrarch, mesarch, xerarch;
➢ Nutrient, water, carbon, nitrogen, cycles; Effect of human
activities on these cycles
Dr. Goutham Sarang CHY1002 Environmental Sciences VIT Chennai
Module 2 Biodiversity
➢ Importance, types, mega-biodiversity;
➢ Species interaction - Extinct, endemic, endangered and rare
➢ Hot-spots;
➢ GM crops- Advantages and disadvantages;
➢ Terrestrial biodiversity and Aquatic biodiversity – Significance,
Threats due to natural and anthropogenic activities and
Conservation methods.

Dr. Goutham Sarang CHY1002 Environmental Sciences VIT Chennai
Module 3 Sustaining Natural Resources
and Environmental Quality
➢ Environmental hazards – causes and solutions.
➢ Biological hazards – AIDS, Malaria,
➢ Chemical hazards- BPA, PCB, Phthalates, Mercury,
➢ Nuclear hazards- Risk and evaluation of hazards.
➢ Water footprint; virtual water, blue revolution. Water quality
management and its conservation.
➢ Solid and hazardous waste – types and waste management

Dr. Goutham Sarang CHY1002 Environmental Sciences VIT Chennai
Module 4 Energy Resources
➢ Renewable - Non renewable energy resources- Advantages and
disadvantages - oil, Natural gas, Coal, Nuclear energy.
➢ Energy efficiency and renewable energy. Solar energy,
Hydroelectric power, Ocean thermal energy, Wind and
geothermal energy. Energy from biomass, solar-Hydrogen

Dr. Goutham Sarang CHY1002 Environmental Sciences VIT Chennai
Module 5 Environmental Impact
➢ Introduction to environmental impact analysis.
➢ EIA guidelines, Notification of Government of India
(Environmental Protection Act – Air, water, forest and wild life).
➢ Impact assessment methodologies. Public awareness.
Environmental priorities in India.

Dr. Goutham Sarang CHY1002 Environmental Sciences VIT Chennai
Module 6 Human Population Change and
➢ Urban environmental problems;
➢ Consumerism and waste products;
➢ Promotion of economic development – Impact of population
age structure – Women and child welfare, Women
➢ Sustaining human societies: Economics, environment, policies
and education.

Dr. Goutham Sarang CHY1002 Environmental Sciences VIT Chennai
Module 7 Global Climatic Change and
➢ Climate disruption, Green house effect, Ozone layer depletion
and Acid rain.
➢ Kyoto protocol, Carbon credits, Carbon sequestration methods
and Montreal Protocol.
➢ Role of Information technology in environment-Case Studies.

Dr. Goutham Sarang CHY1002 Environmental Sciences VIT Chennai
Module 8 Contemporary issues
➢ Industry Expert Lectures

Dr. Goutham Sarang CHY1002 Environmental Sciences VIT Chennai
Text Books
➢ G. Tyler Miller and Scott E. Spoolman (2016), Environmental
Science, 15th Edition, Cengage learning.
➢ George Tyler Miller, Jr. and Scott Spoolman (2012), Living in the
Environment – Principles, Connections and Solutions, 17th
Edition, Brooks/Cole, USA.

Dr. Goutham Sarang CHY1002 Environmental Sciences VIT Chennai
Reference Books
➢ David M.Hassenzahl, Mary Catherine Hager, Linda
R.Berg (2011), Visualizing Environmental Science,
4thEdition, John Wiley & Sons, USA.

Dr. Goutham Sarang CHY1002 Environmental Sciences VIT Chennai
Mode of evaluation
➢ Internal Assessment
o CATs
o Quizzes
o Digital Assignments
o Group/Individual activities
o Project

Dr. Goutham Sarang CHY1002 Environmental Sciences VIT Chennai
EVS WhatsApp group
➢ Use this link to join the class WhatsApp group

Dr. Goutham Sarang CHY1002 Environmental Sciences VIT Chennai
Assistant Professor (Senior),
School of Civil Engineering
Cabin No: 1, Faculty Room,
4th Floor Annexure, Academic Block - 1
VIT Chennai
goutham.sarang@vit.ac.in gouthamsarang@gmail.com

+91 9895 892383 +91 9019 773208 (WhatsApp)

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