Afro Asian Literature
Afro Asian Literature
Afro Asian Literature
Afro-Asian Literature mirrors not only the customs and traditions of African and Asian countries but also their
philosophy of life which on the whole are deeply and predominantly contemplative and hauntingly sweet. Afro-Asian
Literature is the reflection of the storm and the stress of developing nations seeking a place under the sun which
every student must understand so he may know how this literature affects the history and culture of a nation.
In a simpler thought, Afro-asian literature refers to the literary output of the various countries and cultures in Africa
and Asia. This includes their oral traditions and from the first to the contemporary written and/or published prose and
As part of the high school curriculum in the Philippines, Afro Asian Literature is taught specifically to sophomores. I
assume including the public schools, but for sure the privileged students have this and are using Gems in Afro-Asian
Literature textbook. Asian Literature alone is diverse and vibrant. Add to that the splendor of African Literature, and
you get enriching Afro Asian Literature.
A Jar of Dreams
By Yoshika Uchida
(a story about a family that lives in San Francisco, California circa 1930`s; having problems paying the bills; and
fueled by their aspirations, they made it thru the hardships. "don't give up your hopes and dreams".