Trierzon Index
Trierzon Index
Trierzon Index
The Trierzon index is intended to be a general reference for referees using the Trierzon Regional Map
published by Columbia Games Inc. or equivalent maps of the Trierzon region to be published by Kelestia
Productions. It provides ready access to key information about the geography, culture, politics, and
settlement patterns of the Trierzon region.
As far as possible, this index does not reproduce material from the Harn, Ivinia, or Shorkyne regional
modules. In a few places information is duplicated where to omit the information would seriously
compromise the internal coherence of the Trierzon Index. In such cases an attempt has been made to strike
a balance between the provision of necessary contextual information and duplicating existing material.
There are a range of different types of entry contained in the Trierzon Index.
All features named on the Trierzon Regional Map can be found in the index. Some of these provide
background information about the feature that cannot be found elsewhere.
All the major cultures and kingdoms in the Trierzon region have entries in the Trierzon Index. In addition,
there are a number of entries relating to historical cultures or political entities that were important in
shaping the region.
Every settlement on the Trierzon Regional Map has an entry in the Trierzon Index. Each entry typically
indicates which clan currently controls the settlement and the name of the current ruler or administrator.
ABEGUL, Keep [I7]
A keep in Ilaska governed by elgar Madal Roiale
for the count of Ilaska. Achera is built where the
old Azeri coastal highway crossed the Nelkor
River at its lowest fordable point. Located deep
in the Cheryka forest Madal’s mandate to
A keep in Vedin governed by elgar Jaro administer the vast tracts of the forest claimed as
Monteral for the baron of Gilonder. part of Ilaska is something of a joke. He
manages to keep the highway relatively free of
ABESHRES, Castle [I1] brigands and considers himself doing well to
A castle in the county of Elavona in Shorkyne. achieve this with his limited forces.
The old Azeryan Luinde Road cuts across the AGENON, Fort [M7]
southern half of the county through the walled A coastal fortress in Beronium garrisoned by
town of Penetha, while the northern half of the three companies of the Legion of the Stone
county is more remote. Wine is produced in the Hand.
southern half of the county, although not in the
quantity of Areshomes, but the foothills of the
Luinde Mountains are rightly famous for their AGOMEN, Keep [L3]
honey. Much of this is made into mead, which is A keep in Melesuma governed by elgar Charis
a major regional export. Abnay for the baron of Kiropa.
Feomer B3 Keep Rieldar The bulk of the county’s population live well
Forin B2 Keep Harthen away from the border in the fertile plains of the
Degela valley. A significant surplus of grain is
Ginve B2 Keep Byrefin produced. There is also a sizable population of
Himena B2 Keep Chomaer tribal Beroni living in small villages in the
Kadigen B2 Keep Wethryn Korgin Mountains. The mountain Beroni are
largely neutral between Trierzon and the
Kardim C2 Castle Harthen Azeryan Empire in that they are somewhat
Leidras B2 Castle Sheriff Alwina hostile to all armies maneuvering in the
mountains and taking crops or animals from
Lengis B2 Keep Harthen them.
Settlement Hex Type Clan peace time, but would be at a loss in the event of
a major Azeri invasion.
Geon K6 Keep Dubanarel
Hilver K6 Keep Cotore AMOYA, Castle [H9]
Horine K6 Keep Gagne A castle in Manas and seat of count Bardil
Valastre. The counts of Valastre have
Ojarion K6 Town Andrevin accumulated a large library over the generations
Shelber K6 Keep Andrevin which is kept at Amoya. Scholars occasionally
visit from as far away as Areshomes, or even
Sumas K6 Castle Andrevin
Emelrene for this reason. The count is judicious
Torgin K6 Keep Poulan in who he allows to access the library.
Zurones K6 Keep Jafreney
ANCHES, Keep [D9]
AMETER, River [C1] A barony in Chimas held by Baron Renil
A tributary of the Legama River in Trierzon. Chefforn from the duke of Trabant.
Traces of gold have been found in the Ameter,
but despite much searching, no major strike has ANDERA, Keep [I4]
ever been made. A barony in Baldeme held by baron Joril Lusine
from the countess of Baldeme. Queen Merelaya
AMNOL, Keep [G3] stayed at Andera several times, and endowed a
A keep in Stalfore held by clan Jedaro from the Peonian chapel in the keep. The Lusines view
duke of Stalfore. The current baron, Parlas themselves as the guardians of the chapel, and
Jedaro is more interested in his estates than his are devout Peonians. The chapel itself is a minor
feudal duties. His concern with the production pilgrimage site.
of Amnol’s pear brandy has led to his peers
nicknaming him ‘the alewife’, a title that ANDONE, Keep [D9]
embarrases his oldest son acutely, but that Parlas A barony in Tamala held by baron Baldon
hardly notices. Mirael from the duke of Trabant.
ANTIREO, Castle [M8] Balthis has three children, two sons aged 20 and
A barony in Faleo held by baron Tyren Basado 17, and a daughter aged 8. Recently Balthis and
from the duke of Dovalin. Tyen married the his eldest son have fallen out over the son’s
duke’s eldest daughter in hopes of inheriting the insistance that he marry the daughter of the count
duchy. Several minor military debacles brought of Areshomes. This marriage would be very
on by his rashness have, however, ruined any advantageous politically, as Selana Torkise is the
chance of this coming to pass. sole heir to Areshomes, and the marriage would
bring the county under clan Arcona’s control.
ANTIVEL, Town [C4] The counts of Halmo, however, have been
Population: 8,200. A chartered Freetown and the careful over the years always to marry only pure
largest settlement in the county of Liguno. Trierzi, a fact that has left them with relatively
Anitvel was founded as a winter camp for an few marriage ties to their peers among the
Azeryan legion in 304 controlling an important southern nobility. Clan Torkise is as much
ford in the Ypena river. The town subsequently Zonora and Azeri as it is Trierzi, and for this
grew when Antivel became a permanent reason Balthis opposes the marriage. The
legionary fortress, and following the withdrawal countess, Saril Arcona is the daughter of a
of the Azeryan legions has survived on trade. Trierzi knight from Malagos and encourages her
husband, considering the southern nobility to be
The town is governed by a council of eight ‘decadent mongrel hybrids’.
aldermen, of which five are appointed by the
Mangai and one each by the Halean, Laranian,
and Peonian churches. The Laranian bishop of AREBILA, Keep [L3]
Antivel is a strong supporter of thje king, and is A keep in Melesuma governed by elgar Marekan
disliked by the earl of Liguno. Travendal for the count of Melesuma. Arebila
controls the north end of the Kiropa bridge, the
only crossing of the Degela River between
ANTRIN, Keep [K6] Darimur and Melesuma. The powerful Abnay
A barony in Jaleda governed by elgar Kastres family lost control of the keep during the Tobran
Ibelin for the countess of Jaleda. inquisition when the count of Travendal siezed
the keep in order to pre-empt the Knights of
ANUBA, Keep [K4] Avarkiel doing the same thing.
A keep in Ubai governed by Jorard Isylda for the
baron of Ludel. AREGAN, Town [B3]
Population: 3,300. Aregan is a small chartered
ARCONA, Clan Freetown in the shire of Ulama in Emelrene.
Clan Arcona is the ruling house of the county of The town is governed by a council of six
Halmo in Trierzon. Rothian Arcona was granted aldermen who elect a mayor from among
the lands around the lower Boden River by themselves. Lying inland, the town has not been
Torichane himself after the battle of Mokuno, in heavily affected by the linen trade, and is
which Rothian served as part of Torichane’s growing only slowly. Although largely eclipsed
household troop. Since then the Arcona’s have by nearby Berema, Aregan has a long history as
been faithful supporters of the Maltheris house. a site of learning. There is an important abbey of
Since the accession of the Andrevin kings, Save Knor near the town, and a number of minor
Arcona has changed from a pro-royal stance in chantries within the town walls. The town is
Trierzi politics to a more neutral role. also the seat of the Peonian primate for
Balthis Arcona, the current count of Halmo, is a
quiet and thoughtful man of 40 years. Like all of AREGOL, Castle [I5]
his line he is almost pure Trierzi, a fact which is A castle in Peltane and ancestral seat of clan
evident in his blonde hair and grey eyes. Chivara. Although rarely visited by the current
Although neither a great warrior, a particularly head of clan Chivara, Aregol remains the seat of
skilled administrator, nor an above average judge Lyzel Chivara, the elgar of Peltane. When
of character, Balthis is persistant and patient. Faradan is passing through Peltane on his way to
court he more usually meets Lyzel in Versheme.
court countess Estir Medaro. Elvyn is much town. An abbey of the Laranian order of Saint
younger than the countess, and is more interested Irula is located in the town.
in hunting, tournaments, and falconry.
BELEMWYS, Mount [D1]
BEGEME, Keep [H6] A peak (6127’) in the Jerinalian Mountains.
A barony in Devai held by baron Gyan Dulaugal
from the duke of Gelamo. The Dulaugals also BELGRIS, Keep [J9]
hold the keep of Orila. A barony in Bomedus held by baron Hagan
Ferres from the duke of Kogamin. Belgris is the
BEGYMON, Keep [D6] site of a small chantry of the Lyhavi convocation
A barony in Skagia held by baron Mederek of the Shek P’var. The baron is not a mage, but
Koenar from the earl of Skagia. his brother is, and a floor of the keep has been
given over to the chantry. It is not yet clear
BEJANDEN, Keep [I4] whether the baron expects anything in return
A barony in Baldeme held by baron Talis from the chantry, and if so, whether this will
Korigyr from the countess of Baldeme. threaten to compromise the mage’s adherence to
the code of the Shek P’var.
locals as “Nine Stane Rig” is purported to be arcane chantries of greater and lesser
haunted. significance.
Settlement Hex Type Clan
BELUZA, Keep [I7] Alimus B3 Castle Edhelen
A barony in Latima held by baron Names
Touzyn from the duke of Gelamo. Berema B3 Town Edhelen
Bwina C3 Keep Parfael
BENIRE, Keep [J5] Daimin B2 Keep Edhelen
A keep in Peltane governed by elgar Rolan
Xavande for the baron of Corin. Benire is built Eidol C3 Keep Edhelen
on an old Azeryan auxiliary fort. Hileth C3 Keep Alema
Irijen B3 Keep Tolve
BENODE, Keep [G6]
Ivay C3 Keep Endal
A barony in Agelos held by baron Anskar Imon
from the countess of Agelos. Lanison C3 Keep Sheriff Berema
Larysa B3 Keep Edhelen
BENOSRI, Keep [N2] Molge B3 Keep Caiden
A barony in Anfaldon held by baron Hesar
Lorjia from the count of Anfaldon. Hesar also Sharvon B3 Keep Caiden
holds a barony in Lankor, having acquired Velis B3 Keep Moyre
Benosri by marriage. He fully lives up to the
reputation of the devious Lankorian. Wefym B3 Keep Wefym
Laranian arch-bishop of Emelrene is also based Peonian church has spent considerable effort
in Berema, but is much less influential. trying to suppress the worship of Berona.
BERONA, Goddess
“The mother, lady of the harvest, the autumn
queen, maiden of the Korgin Mountains.”
The Beroni consist of the group of tribal peoples
who lived east of Degela Bay in the first century
TR. Largely of Azeri origin, the Beroni
commingled with Jarind peoples from further
west. The Beroni had established a
cosmopolitan trading culture prior to the
Azeryan conquest, and were readily absorbed by
the Imperium.
The mythical residence of Berona resembles the
Fields of Valon – home to Peoni – in many Beroni culture currently survives in the
respects. It is pictured as a fertile valley whre all Mountain Beroni, who live throughout the
kinds of fruit and grain grow without labour. Kogamin Mountains, and in the population of the
Unlike Peoni, however, Berona is associated Azeryan province of Beronium and the Trierzi
with fertility rites that are anything but chaste. duchy of Dovalin. The Mountain Beroni live a
Considered by many scholars to represent a relatively independent life in small villages
confusion of elements of Peoni and Halea, the scattered throughout the Kogamin Mountains.
Shianden L6 Keep Argedea baron died Evin succeeded him. He has proved a
good lord so far. Unknown to the Valjains,
Soniden N6 Keep Porade however, Evin is not actually of noble birth and
Tantones M6 Keep Berone was born a serf. He owes a great debt of
gratitude to the Peonian bishop of Devai who
Teala M7 Castle Samris saved him from the gutter and allowed Evin to
Tegurium N5 Castle Tegurium start a new life after fleeing his lord.
Uredren M6 Castle Berone
BILIRE, Keep [G6]
Varum M6 Keep Nealon
A barony in Agelos held by baron Shevris Etrand
Vixus N6 Keep Porade from the countess of Agelos. The Etrands are a
Winchem M6 Keep Marlise powerful family, also holding the keeps of
Cheshem and Oraka. There are rumours that
Xerindel N6 Keep Lorimae Shevris and the countess were lovers when they
Xernium N5 Castle Xernium were younger, although it would be unwise to
mention such rumours in the presence of either.
Zolte N5 Keep Tegurium
not unintelligent and with an attractive degree of power of the earls of Luindar who had
humility, Tamis has little charisma and is not a previously held the keep directly.
particularly quick judge of character. He is
particularly prone to under-estimate women. CENOMA, Keep [A1]
Despite this, Tamis is devoted to his wife Lydra A keep in Algram governed by elgara Ada
and 6 children. Elydene for the earl of Nalise.
The chief concern of Tamis are relations with the
powerful Ladoc clan who have extensive CENOMA, Cape [A1]
holdings in Ilaska and also hold the neighbouring A hilly promintary at the mouth of the Gulf of
county of Hedames. The fact that the Ladocs Modan.
also have a marriage alliance with the duke of
Trabant merely aggrevates the situation. CENOMES, Keep [J6]
A barony in Rindi held by baron Althyr Garledo
CAREVE, Keep [K3] from the count of Rindi.
A keep in Faldin governed by elgar Gyan Davare
for the countess of Faldin. There are lucrative CENSINO, Keep [M4]
copper mines in the hills north of Careve. A barony in Melesuma held by baron Charval
Fougeret from the count of Melesuma. The
CASO, Keep [J5] Fougerets also control the keeps of Bekedon and
A barony in Peltane held by baroness Sera Berrin Enivos.
from the count of Peltane. Sera is in her late 30s
and has never married. Her family are worried CERDE, Keep [H8]
about who will inherit the fief if she dies. A keep in Korun governed by elgar Bazrek
Crasil for the baron of Ketra.
CELIPROS, Castle [J6]
A barony in Jaleda held by baron Theomal CEREMET, Castle [G3]
Sevrey from the countess of Jaleda. The A castle in the county of Stalfore governed by
Sevrey’s are the wealthiest and most powerful Janal Galliand for clan Galliand. The castle is a
family in Jaleda after the Toreos. During the favoured hunting retreat for the Duke.
Chaos they were offered the county by Arthis,
but declined.
CERLENE, Castle [N6]
A citadel in Beronium built to control the mouth
CELMINER, Mount [I2] of the Imnus River. A chain can be stretched
A peak (8269’) in the western Nadami across the river mouth from Cerlene to Kethano,
Mountains. closing the river mouth to shipping. Cerlene is
garrisoned by 3 companies of the 2 nd Beronium
CELOSE, Keep [C1] legion.
A keep in Fandalon governed by elgar Sedrin
Koristel for the earl of Glaron. CEROLE, Keep [H1]
A keep in the Shorkyne county of Falimae.
CEMBION, Keep [D5]
A barony in Luindar held by baron Althir Ledrin CHALURE, Keep [I1]
from the earl of Luindar. Ragnald Ledrin A keep in the county of Elavona in Shorkyne.
defeated a coalition of the earls of Gavas,
Luindar, Skagia, and Batana just west of the
keep in 619 TR. CHAROPE, Castle [M7]
Following his A castle in Tashones administered by elgar
victory, Ragnald Avedan Pesoral for the town of Tashones.
granted the keep Charope is an impressive fortress commanding
to one of his access to an excellent harbour. The castle is the
cousins as a main naval depot for the county of Charope, and
check on the a small squadron of Laru is based here.
the forest are a refuge for brigands and outcasts maintained paved road, and supplemented by
of all sorts, while the centre of the forest is said watch towers and beacons a league apart, the
to be home to all manner of outlandish beasts. castles of the coastal defenses protect a rich
There are certainly Yelgri in the Cheryka Forest, interior.
and wilder tales suggest Hirenu are present as
well. The Earthmaster site of Ekaldarin is Chimas exports wine, but is famous for its fruit.
located in the Cheryka Forest. Citrus fruits dominate, but the county also
exports significant quantities of apricot and
CHERYKA ROAD, Road cherry brandies. The county is currently ruled by
The Cheryka Road runs from Mankon to Melsinde Equilan, a sober woman of 36.
Murshel via Jaleda, Gilonder, Vedin, Melsinde is the younger daughter of the Baron of
Areshomes, Greda, and Achera. It was initially Ajera in Peltane, and is a trusted confidant of the
constructed by the Azeryan legions between 300 Chivara family.
and 305 as part of the conquest of Zonora. Over Settlement Hex Type Clan
180 leagues in length, it is the longest of the Anches D9 Keep Chefforn
great Azeryan highways in Trierzon and is an
important communications route. The Cheryka Chirole D9 Castle Chivara
Road carries relatively little trade as tolls along Elgrain D9 Keep Chivara
the road are common, and sea transport is more
efficiemt along the route from Mankon to Elmot D9 Keep Ilain
Murshel. Erion D10 Castle Chivara
Feredu D9 Keep Konsendis
CHERYSER, Castle [E6]
Kirgaras D10 Town Freetown
A castle in Batana governed by elgar Haid
Pelanby for his father, the earl of Batana. Haid Ledena D9 Castle Chivara
is Rutal’s second son, but by much the best Libin D9 Castle Gervase
military leader out of his brothers. In addition to
holding a significant reserve of troops, Cheryser Nastres D9 Keep Kolluerdo
is also the site of a Pelanby naval squadron. Parebir E9 Town Chivara
Torgis D9 Keep Gervase
CHESHEM, Keep [G6]
A keep in Agelos governed by elgar Josclyn Veo D9 Keep Ameran
Etrand for the baron of Bilare.
CHIMUS, River [J3]
CHESOMES, Keep [J1] A fast flowing river in northern Trierzon.
A keep in the county of Vadone in Shorkyne.
CHIROLE, Castle [D9]
CHIDELES, Keep [G7] A castle in Chimas held by Elgar Blydan Porkara
A keep in Ilaska governed by elgara Loele Ladoc for the duke of Trabant. Chirole has a good
for the count of Hedames. harbour and a small town has grown up around
the castle. A stone wall is being constructed to
defend the town, but is currently not complete.
CHIMAS, County [D9]
Location: Southwest Trierzon
Ruler: Elgar Melsinde Equilan CHIRON, Keep [F9]
Population: 112,000 A keep in Bodima governed by Elgar Somin
Nadisyn for the duke of Trabant.
A county in Trierzon, and part of the Duchy of
Trabant. Chimas lies on the north bank of the CHIVARA, Clan
Farna River, and encompasses the extreme The current ruling clan of the duchy of Trabant
Southwest of Trierzon. Fertile and densely and the county of Peltane, and probably the most
settled, Chimas boasts an impressive chain of powerful clan in Trierzon apart from the royal
fortresses along its west coast designed to keep family.
Ivinian raiders at bay. Linked by a well-
The Chivara clan is one of the oldest lineages in for little more than one generation, and the
Trierzon, having held the Peltane region under duke’s constant presence is needed to keep his
the Azeryan empire from the fifth century TR. vassals in line. This focus on local politics has
Correctly picking Torichane’s side in the Trierzi so far kept the Chivaras from wielding their
rebellion, the Chivaras were confirmed as counts considerable power at a national level.
of Peltane in 503 TR.
CHODIS, Keep [L2]
However, despite their long hstory in Peltane, A barony in Nadamia held by baron Pelthys
the rise to power of the Chivara clan is much Terystal from the count of Nadamia. The
more recent. In the mid-seventh century, the Terystals are strong supporters of the
Chivara’s succeeded in cementing a marriage Merovinias. Although the current baron is an
alliance with the powerful Andrevin clan, who orthodox Laranian, the family has ancestors
controlled the duchy of Trabant. When, after the among the Tobran heretics.
Chaos, duke Harichel Andrevin married Iniella
and founded the Andrevin dynasty, the
Andrevins needed to place a loyal supporter in CHODYN, Castle [I7]
charge of Trabant. The duchy of Trabant was A castle in Latima governed by elgar Sylath
both too far from Ubarian to rule effectively Auren for the duke of Gelamo. Chodyn was
through an elgar, and a combination of the captured by the Navastans in 691 after an eight
Andrevin lands with the royal domain would month siege.
have brought too much land into the hands of the
royal clan for the other noble clans to be CHODYN, Keep [I7]
comfortable. A barony in Halmo held by elgar Irmande
Visand for the count of Halmo.
Harichel opted to pass the duchy of Trabant to
count Korygo Chivara of Peltane, his cousin.
Korygo married Kasrine Duollo, thus acquiring
CHURES, Castle [H1]
the county of Bodima, and was granted the A castle in the Shorkyne county of Falimae.
duchy of Trabant by Harichel. This made the
Chivaras the largest landholders in Trierzon CHYLA, Keep [H4]
apart from the royal clan itself. A barony in Senedalo governed by elgar Hubras
Picot for the baron of Drefes.
The current duke
of Trabant is CIDURI, Keep [K1]
Faradan Chivara, A keep in the county of Sabinia in Shorkyne.
the 26 year old
son of Korygo
Chivara who died CILGOS, Keep [K4]
in 718. Faradan A barony in Faldin held by baron Ibren Touzan
is a tall serious young man with a receeding from the countess of Faldin. Perhaps the
hairline and ash blond hair. He is a competent wealthiest family in Faldin, the Touzans also
administrator and a knight of no more than hold the keeps of Agris and Rodelnes. The
typical skill at arms. However, his court has an confluence of the Cubre and Degela Rivers is
excellent reputation among harpers and purported to be the home of Pag Gwelan (qv), a
performers of all sorts. Faradan recently married malevolent water spirit known to take and drown
Emana Ladoc, the youngest daughter of the young children playing alone by the River.
count of Hedames. Although the marriage was
primarily political, intended to help cement the
Chivara’s standing in the Trabant region,
Faradan and Emana have a relatively happy
marriage. However, after three years of marriage
there is still no heir, and this is a cause for some
CLAGEDE, Standing Stones [A3] mercy. Although Arain’s wife died in childbirth
A large ring of standing stones and two lines, ten years ago, the count has five living children:
each of 7 menhirs, located on a heath covered Arain (32), Tomal (30), Adale (23), Surynde (21)
headland in the Emelen shire of Ulama. The and Serenema (15). The youngest two daughters
standing stones are known as the ‘Grey are not yet married.
Brothers’, while the two lines of menhirs are
referred to as ‘The Pointers’. CLETON, Keep [F3]
A barony in Tamanias held by baron Kabald
Floretan from the count of Athamas.
over the Raimor river. In the event of an Azeri navy to resupply Laru on reconnaissance
incursion, Trierzi troops from Amnos will cross missions down the coast.
the river at Cutsem to regain control of the Soritu
Pass and isolate the invading forces. DALON, The [A4]
A body of water where the southern river Es
empties into the Gulf of Ederwyn. Although a
DAAGE, Castle [F6]
major navigational route, the Dalon is prone to
odd weather, including unseasonal fogs and eerie
electrical effects around the masts of ships
entering the bay.
DOVALIN, county [L9] had been absorbed into Trierzon. In 638 Dovalin
Location: Southern Trierzon was besieged by the count of Magalia triggering
Ruler: Halisano Dorsene the Dovalin war. The town fell to Trierzi forces
Population: 173,000 in 639 and has remained in Trierzi hands since
then. The harbour has impressive defences and
A coastal county in the duchy of Dovalin. The was the site of a major Azeri naval base that has
county of Dovalin is a fertile densly populated since been adopted by the Trierzi Crown as one
region sloping gently up from the Venerian Sea. of its naval depots. Dovarium still has a
While the Venerian Sea brings Dovalin a mild significant Azeri population and control is
climate and trade, it also exposes it to raiding maintained through a strong garrison under a
from the Azeryan navy. The capital city of the constable appointed by the duke. The constable
county, Dovalin, was held by the Azeri within also controls the civil affairs of the town through
living memory as were a number of lesser his captains.
fortresses along the coast.
Settlement Hex Type Clan DRAGON’S SHORE, Road
The Dragon’s Shore was the last of the great
Betagra L9 Castle Dorsene Azeryan highways built in Trierzon. Work on
Dalir L9 Keep Dorsene the highway began in 447 as part of a system of
Demath L8 Castle Dorsene coastal defences to defend Zonora against
Ivinian raiding. Intended to allow the rapid
Dovarium L9 Town Dorsene movement of troops and messages along the
Gelvis L9 Castle Dorsene coast of the Gulf of Batana, the Dragon’s Shore
links a number of castles that originated as
Koronas L9 Keep Richese Azeryan coastal fortresses. Although originally
Lydon L9 Keep Toras conceived as part of a system of coastal defences
extending as far west as Parahal, the Dragon’s
Melag L9 Keep Melagara
Shore is typically applied only to the section of
Notelen L9 Keep Jelepano road from Kirgaras to Darshen. The Dragon’s
Rigeros K9 Town Freetown Shore takes its name from the Ivinian dragon
ships it was built to defend against. It is kept
Romas L9 Keep Cesi well maintained by the current duke of Trabant
Spedera K9 Castle Boscalin and the counts of Hedames and Palama.
Spegin L9 Keep Avinto
DREFES, Keep [H3]
Tontel K9 Keep Onofri A barony in Senedalo held by baron Margan
Yalir K9 Keep Alim Picot from the countess of Senedalo. Drefes is a
wealthy barony, a fact that is important to the
DOVALIN, Duchy baron who is a connoisseur of fine food and
strange or unusual objects of art.
Created to safeguard Trierzon’s border with the
Azeryan Empire in the wake of the Dovalin war,
the duchy of Dovalin comprises the counties of DRENOL, Keep [K7]
Dovalin, Faleo, and Magalia. The lands of the A barony in Janora held by baron Irasil Gualdim
duchy have been extensively fought over since from the duke of Kogamin.
the establishment of Trierzon. Although there
have been no major conflicts since the end of the DROMEL, Keep [G7]
Dovalin war in 640 TR, skirmishes are an annual A barony in Areshomes held by baron Vodril
occurrence as the Azeryan navy tests Trierzon’s Rikorio from the count of Areshomes. Dromel
coastal defences. produces the best red wines in Areshomes on the
east side of the River Ilas. The baron is eager to
DOVARIUM, Town [L9] produce a vintage that surpasses that of Shenlo,
Population: 8,400. Dovarium is the largest town but has yet to do so.
in the county of Dovalin and seat of the duke of
Dovalin. The city was held by the Azeryan
Empire long after most of the surrounding lands
DRONIM, Mount [M4]
A peak (6313’) in the Korgin Mountains.
and also hold the nearby keep of Dwalin. Emata societies also boast a large number of scholars
controls the only bridge over the Ypena river organized into a number of powerful secret
below its confluence with the Gaira. societies. Over the years Emelrene has acquired
a reputation as a centre of learning for the arcane
EMELA, Tribal People arts and, perhaps partly as a consequence, the
The Emela are a tribal people dwelling in the kingdom is far more influential in Lythian
Jerinalian, Nadami, Tilame, and Luinde politics than its military strength would suggest.
mountains. Related to the Jarin of Harn, the
Alts, and the Yarili, the Emela are ethnically the
same people as the settled population of the
kingdom of Emelrene although they retain their
traditional lifestyle.
Although not all Emela live within Emelrene, The Jerinalian Mountains are the first significant
they all look to the kingdom for leadership to land that the moist southwest trade winds hit
some degree. Another individual – the Dheria- after crossing the Haonic Ocean, and as a result
Isvan – has a spiritual importance to the Emela Emelrene has a particularly damp climate. Poor
and to some degree speaks for the “free” Emela. climate and a reputation for uncanny and slightly
The Dheria-Isvan lives at Abrelyn in the heart of xenophobic inhabitants has made Emelrene a
the Jerinalian Mountains and only rarely leaves unpopular with foreign travelers. Most Lythians
the small settlement for specific ritual purposes. avoid the rain soaked mage haunted hills of
Emelrene and keep to the coastal cities and ports,
if they visit at all.
EMELATH, Keep [G8]
A keep in Ilaska governed by elgar Tamos Sorel From 309 to 512 TR Emelrene was governed as
for the count of Ilaska. the Empire of Emelrene. This may have helped
the state to co-exist peacefully with the Azeryan
EMELRENE, Kingdom Empire. Following the Trierzi rebellion, and
Occupying the strip of land between the faced with increasing Ivinian raiding, Emelrene
Jerinalian Mountains and the sea, the kingdom of transitioned remarkable quickly into a feudal
Emelrene is one of western Lythia’s oldest kingdom. There have been 9 kings and 1 queen
civilized regions. While the structure of of Emelrene since the fouding of the kingdom.
Emelrene’s government has changed to reflect its
neighbours, the kingdom has managed to adapt Edhelen Dynasty
to most threats with seeming ease. Neither the Uthrilar I 512-559
migrating pharic barbarians, Azeryan’s legions, Imedain 559-576
nor the Ivinian raiders managed to have a Aela I 576-581
significant impact on the region. With a few Dhelen 581-616
minor exceptions, Emelrene has enjoyed a Aela II 616-630
remarkably peaceful history. Ranald 630-647
Haldan 674-662
Emelrene has a close relationship with the Uthrilar II 662-677
Harnic kingdom of Melderyn. Both realms are Osric 677-709
apparently ordinary feudal monarchies, but both Yolanda (Q) 709-
Purose I8 Keep Tyarol walls serves as the primary residence for the
Duke of Stalfore.
Singai I8 Castle Badriac
Telpos I8 Castle Telpara ENGIRA, Keep [K3]
Wyden I8 Keep Lepen A barony in Faldin held by baroness Berynda
Pethasad for the countess of Faldin. Berynda
also holds the keep of Osbos on the opposite
ENAPE, Keep [H9] bank of the Cubre River. She and the countess
A keep in Manas governed by elgar Danael do not get along.
Valastre for the count of Manas.
ENIL, Keep [L8]
ENBLUFE, Fortress [N6] A barony in Tengela held by baron Ambrethas
A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by 1 company Demers from the pontiff of the Laranian church.
of the Legion of the Stone Hand. The fortress is
neglected and falling into disrepair.
ENIVOS, Keep [M4]
A keep in Melesuma governed by elgar Frond
ENDALIN, Keep [B1] Fougeret for the baron of Censino.
A barony in Algram held by baron Jare Endal
from the queen of Emelrene. At low tide stone
ruins can be seen underwater about 300 yards off ENLIM, Mountain [L5]
Endalin Bay. The origin of the ruins is A peak (6038’) in the Korgin Mountains.
unknown, but tossing a silver penny overboard
into the ruins is thought to bring good luck. The ENONIN, Keep [I4]
Endals also own the keeps of Ivay and Esode. A barony in Baldeme held by baron Pyren
Yvandor from the countess of Baldeme. Enonin
ENEFEN, Castle [I4] was the westernmost permanent Azeryan outpost
A barony in Baldeme governed by elgara Elasa north of the Luindar Mountains. The ruins of the
Pyvalen for the countess of Baldeme. When the Azeri fort serve as the walls of the keep’s bailey.
countess is in Baldeme, Enefen castle is her
preferred residence. Elasa is a close friend of the ENRIS, Keep [I8]
countess herself, and is also a widow. If she A barony in Enala held by baron Badan Arconel
were a more decisive leader Elasa would from the count of Enala.
probably have been made elgar of Baldeme, but
she does not deal well with crisis situations.
ENTANO, River [C4]
A river in Palithane. Parahal is located near the
ENGARITANE, Town [G2] mouth of the Entano River.
Population: 15,200. A chartered freetown in
Stalfore noted for its impressive fortifications.
Engaritane is a major trade center, moving goods
EPONEN, Castle [J8]
A barony in Bomedus governed by elgar Qulio
between Shorkyne, Palithane, Emelrene, and
Rovira for the duke of Kogamin. The watch
Trierzon. In particular, it is a major point for
tower of Eponen rises sixty feet above the low
transferring goods from overland caravans from
hill on which the castle is built, and affords a
Shorkyne to Talbars for transportation down the
view well out to sea. The castle is also the site
Gaden River.
of a royal naval depot. The current naval
commander Jarles Hordau loathes Qulio and the
A council of 18 aldormen run the city,
tension between the two is the cause of ongoing
supervising the collection and payment of taxes
due from the town to the duke of Stalfore.
Engaritane is the key to the southern Plain of
Karetan, and acts as a major staging point for the ERASHES, Keep [J5]
Trierzi army in the summer. The town itself A keep in Mankonia governed by elgar Parles
boasts two complete circuits of walls. A major Delais for the baron of Orgnia.
castle on the northwestern portion of the town
privileges for sympathy to the Tobran cause after Lins C1 Keep Amond
the inquisition.
Raleth C1 Town Sheriff Fandalon
FALOZA, Keep [E8] Tydin B1 Keep Elydene
A barony in Tamala held by baroness Ydel
Saranta from the duke of Trabant. The Saranta’s FANIME, Keep [J6]
have a not entirely undeserved reputation as A barony in Mankonia held by baron Irnande
robber-knights. Ydel is no different in this Giral from the Duke of Ubai.
respect to the rest of her line.
FARACES, Keep [D4]
FALTE, Keep [K5] A barony in Liguno held by baron Lyen Evegny
A keep in Perna governed by elgar Levan from the earl of Liguno.
Toronel for the baron of Quibei.
FARESE, Keep [J6]
FAMA, River [D9] A barony in Jaleda held by baron Hubal Mansal
A river draining the central highlands of the from the countess of Jaleda. The Mansals also
Cheryka Forest. own the keep of Loson. The current baron’s
uncle was elgar of Jaleda for Arthis.
FANDAIN, Keep [G8]
A keep in Ilaska governed by elgar Leso Ladoc FEBARIS, Town [M8]
from the count of Hedames. Fandain is a recent Population: 7,200. Situated around a sheltered
acquisition for the Ladocs, acquired by the harbour, Febaris is an important Trierzi naval
marriage of Daven Ladoc to the only surviving base. Febaris is a chartered Freetown and is
heir to the barony of Fandain. Count Tamis did administered by a council of eleven aldermen
not approve of the marriage, but backed down in appointed by the Mangai. The constable,
the face of Daven’s thinly veiled threats. however, is traditionally appointed by the duke
of Dovalin and controls all military matters. The
FANDALON, Shire [C1] complex of reefs known as the Mouths of K’srin
Location: Emelrene twenty leagues offshore mean that most of the
Shire Moot: Raleth trade that passes through Febaris consists of
Population: 101,000 local coastal vessels rather than the great Larun
of Karejia.
A densely populated but relatively small shire
covering the lower reaches of the Legama river FEDONELE, Castle [G2]
and reaching into the western foot hills of the A castle in the Shorkyne county of Falimae.
Jerinalian Mountains. Like much of northern
Emelrene, Fandalon has been heavily affected by
the linen trade. The lower Legama valley is a FELDOS, River [M2]
major flax growing region. A river in northeastern Trierzon, draining the
Nadami Mountains. The area above the
Settlement Hex Type Clan confluence of the Namor and Feldos rivers is
Celose C1 Keep Koristel considered taboo by the Emela, who consider it
the high domain of the servants of the old gods.
Dyron C1 Keep Blanche
Eledimon C2 Keep Dorele FELEDIR, Keep [A2]
Gifla C1 Keep Jiemondh A keep in Malad governed by elgar Mederik
Glaron B1 Castle Koristel Byrefin fro the Earl of Emane.
Felgano for Ubai to try and rebuild the family FIARNO, Keep [E9]
fortunes as soon as possible. He is a superb A keep in Trabant governed by elgar Lorgaen
swordsman, but rather naïve. Peltamin for the Duke of Trabant.
The Duchy of Gelamo comprises the counties of GELENE, Keep [I4]
Devai, Vedin, Gelamo, and Latima. Stretching A barony in Ilbra held by Herard Bryone from
from the Luinde mountains to Degela Bay, the the duke of Stalfore.
Duchy of Gelamo includes almost all of the
Boden River valley and most of the Malgatan
Hills as well. GELINDE, Keep [J9]
A keep in Zhoren governed by elgara Berynda
Compared to some other duchies, such as Yvande for the duchess of Zhoren. Berynde is a
Trabant, Gelamo is a relatively recent creation. cousin of the duchess. She is a flighty and vain
The counts of Gelamo had acquired the county woman who doesn’t think through the
of Devai by marriage in 553, and in 669 acquired consequences of her actions. Berynda was given
Vedin in the same manner. When Arthis seized Gelinde as a way to get her away from court in
the throne in 684, the count Gavrel Navastan Joresa.
threw his support behind the usurper. As a
reward for this Arthis granted Gavrel the title of GELONO, Castle [G7]
duke and created the duchy of Gelamo. A barony in Areshomes and the seat of count
Clarinis Torkise of Areshomes. Gelono is built
Gavrel provided much of the military support at an important road junction, and despite its
required to bring the duke of Trabant to the proximity to the town of Areshomes, is also a
negotiating table in 690. This event left the significant urban center with a population of
count of Latima, who was a supporter of Iniella 2,300. The town is dominated by the castle of
exposed and between 690 and 694 Gavrel Gelono at one end, and by the great Laranian
conquered Latima. The conquest of Latima, abbey of Gelono at the other end. Count Clarinis
however, absorbed the majority of the duke’s is widely traveled and something of a scholar,
resources, and may have contributed to the slow and Gelono castle has an impressive library.
pace of Arthis’ campaigns in Nadamia. Contributions to the library, particularly maps or
descriptions of exotic places are avidly sought by
When Harichel brought the Chaos to an end in the count.
698, he chose to recognize the Navastans as
dukes of Gelamo rather than face a long and GELOR, Pass [H9]
costly civil war. Since then, the dukes of The body of water separating the island of Gelori
Gelamo have focused on securing their power. from mainland Lythia. Substantial trade flows
They are not strong supporters of the Andrevan through the Gelor Pass.
dynasty, and are openly hostile to the Chivaras.
she has withheld her permission.
IBRE, Keep [D9]
ILASKA, County [F8]
Location: Southwestern Trierzon
Ruler: Tamis Caplen
A barony in Trabant held by baron Avnis Gavaar Population: 224,000
from the duke of Trabant.
Lying in the lower reaches of the fertile Ilas
IDELYRI, Keep [M7] River valley, Ilaska is renown for its light, clear
A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by 2 red wines and its fruit. The hills east of Kebiro
companies of the 1 st Beronium legion. Idelri are heavy producers of a sweet white wine
includes a high tower that serves as the site for a known as Amane after the castle in the
beacon and also has commanding views out over neighbouring county of Korun where the wine is
Tasha Sound. also produced.
Greda G8 Town Caplen the south was under the sway of the Azeryan
Empire. The locals are proud of their heritage
Hedoe G9 Keep Nemesten and quick to take offense at any perceived slight.
Kebiro G8 Castle Caplen
There are several sites in northern Ilbra where tar
Keroge G8 Keep Seriane can be obtained naturally. Bitumin from this
Legore G9 Keep Caplen source is a major export. The county is also an
important destination for Laranian pilgrims –
Merinis G7 Keep Ladoc
particularly the region between the Urvan and
Naded G8 Keep Vettene Gaden rivers, along the border with Stalfore.
Nolires G8 Keep Xindak There are a number of shrines associated with
various Laranian saints, and major abbeys are
Ontasin G8 Keep Ladoc located near the keeps of Irulane, Yras, and
Panisa F8 Keep Arbius Tiradh.
Pelina G9 Town Freetown
Settlement Hex Type Clan
Rilame G9 Keep Seriane
Anethis I2 Keep Galliand
Shandatra G9 Keep Chelesean
Banaste I3 Keep Gullivon
Turnin G8 Keep Caplen
Banduni H2 Keep Bivaro
Ulmesi G8 Keep Kydal
Daleos H3 Castle Galliand
Valenda G8 Keep Bilyrian
Egensu I4 Keep Undell
Wegen G8 Keep Caplen
Gelene I4 Keep Bryone
Zymel G8 Keep Melles
Gymon I3 Keep Matrivael
ILBENON, Keep [M3] Hastris H3 Keep Cerforte
A barony in Melesuma held by baroness Pysare Hianesh I4 Keep Palantin
Naud from the count of Melesuma. There is an
ongoing dispute between the Nauds and the Ilbris I3 Town Galliand
counts of Anfaldon over the right to tolls on the Iroma I4 Keep Iromi
bridge over the Brengel River.
Irulane H3 Keep Galliand
Kamoria I2 Castle Galliand
ILBENYN, Keep [K4]
A barony in Faldin held by baron Irnan Arnand Liborae I2 Keep Arlathos
from the countess of Melesuma. Meliza I3 Keep Chodin
Mildoren H2 Keep Galliand
ILBRA, County [H3]
Location: Northern Trierzon Nisuma I3 Keep Rideles
Ruler: Rogryn Galliand Olbendes I3 Keep Galliand
Population: 190,000
Pachen I4 Keep Laman
A county in northern Trierzon and part of the Pymor I3 Keep Xarrano
duchy of Stalfore. Ilbra lies around the valley of Tiradh H3 Keep Danna
the River Urven in the foothills of the western
Nadami mountains. Seperated from Shorkyne Ulanae I4 Keep Galliand
by the largely uninhabited expanses of the Yras H3 Keep Salienna
Nadami mountains, and bypassed by the Gaden
River as a trade route, Ilbra is something of a
backwater. ILBRIS, Town [I3]
Population: 4,900. The primary town and
Nonetheless, the county is the ancestral home of market of Ilbra. Ilbris is centered on the iste of
the Galliand clan, and once formed the heartland an old Trierzi hill fort, although it now straggles
of the Trierzi tribal nation during the days when down to the edge of the Urven River. Something
IMEGA, Keep [M2] close friend of Toril Arcona, the count’s oldest
A barony in Anfaldon held by baron Valdaz son. It was while hunting in the Calima hills
Silthael from the count of Anfaldon. with Hernole that Toril met Selana Torkise.
Toril is pressing Hernole to arrange a meeting
for him with Selana at Iriden, but Hernole is
IMEKYM, Keep [K9] wary of crossing Balthis.
A keep in Zhoren governed by elgar Agron
Zarakhel for the baron of Himos.
IRIJEN, Keep [B3]
A barony in Berema held by baron Baswyn
IMNUS, River [N5] Tolve from the Queen of Emelrene.
Ariver in Beronium draining the Korgin
IRINO, Keep [H4]
A barony in Beldeme held by baron Hesar
IMPERIAL WAY, Road Verdon from the countess of Beldeme.
The Imperial Way is so named because it was the
main route linking the Azeryan provincial capital
of Versheme with the route east to Meokolis. IROMA, Keep [I4]
Running from Mankon to Malmen to Versheme A barony in Ilbra held by Toris Iromi from the
and then on to Gelamo, the highway was built duke of Stalfore. The Iromi once ruled a Trierzi
between 315 and 317, once Zonora had been tribal state stretching up the Urven River as far
conquered and was being formally absorbed into as its fork with the Vemise. The baron has been
the Imperium. Although decaying slightly, known to refer to the Galliands as ‘upstarts’
Imperial Way is still impressive as it is lined by when deep in his cups after a meal.
ancient laurel trees along the entire length
between Mankon and Versheme. IRTUS, Keep [L2]
A barony in Nadamia held by elgar Sedrial
INAMAE, Keep [A3] Merovinia for the count of Nadamia. Sedrial is
A keep in Ulama governed by elgar Hures the current count’s cousin, and thinks he is a
Vayden for the Earl of Sonau. fool.
The guard is well paid at a shilling a day A county in central Trierzon, lying between the
(including support), and it is not uncommon for a Malgatan highlands and the Degela River.
would be recruit to spend ten pounds on bribes to Jaleda is a prosperous and forgiving county,
purchase a position. Within the treacherous consisting mostly of fertile lowlands. Grain is a
world of Azeryan politics, the Guard is noted for significant export, much of it going to the towns
its loyalty to the current emperor and its of Janora and Ubarian. Fruit and wines are a
aloofness from palace plots. A young Ivinian significant export, and white truffles from the
clansman may travel south to serve in the Guard Malgatan hills are highly prized.
for five or ten years, and then to travel back
home able to take a place on the thrangaad of Blance Toleo, a close friend of the queen mother
their clan. Iniella, currently governs Jaleda. During the
Chaos, this friendship led to Jaleda being
pillaged by the forces of Arthis, and from 690 to
695 Jaleda was governed by an elgar under
Arthis. Currently the county is prospering.
Settlement Hex Type Clan
Altua J6 Keep Glaudane
Antrin K6 Keep Toreo
Boloka J6 Castle Toreo
and the Venarian Sea. While Chedilo is a shorter JERINALA, Shire [D2]
sailing distance from the main Azeryan ports, Location: Emelrene
Janora has the advantage of the Degela River, Shire Moot: Neoma
which provides a trade route into the heart of Population: 111,000
Trierzon. Goods from all over the known world
are traded in the markets of Janora, and the at the The largest shire in Emelrene in terms of land
docks of Janora it is not uncommon to see the area, Jerinala consists almost entirely of heavily
captain of an Ivinian longship negotiating with forested mountain. There is only one permanent
the captain of a Karejian Laru over trade goods settlement of significant size in Jerinala – the
from Mafan. Sheriff’s seat of Neoma. However, there is also
a smaller perment settlement at Abrelyn where
JATIN, Keep [J4] the Dheria-Isvan dwells. The Jerinalian
A barony in Malagos held by baron Kael Mountains are rich in mineral wealth, and there
Dulausine from the count of Malagos. is significant mining activity in the western part
of the shire.
JEDELA, Keep [I6] About 90 percent of the population of Jerinala is
A barony in Devai held by baron Istan Ontecau tribal Emela dwelling either in settled villages or
from the duke of Gelamo. wandering as “free” Emela. The main
administrative purpose of Jerinala appears to be
JEDINE, Keep [I4] to govern the relations between the Emelrene
A barony in Beldeme governed by elgar Solir Crown and its tribal Emela subjects. The Sheriff
Darvane for the baron of Sholir. of Jerinala is always chosen for their ability to
get along with the tribal Emela.
JEGERANOS, Keep [E9] Settlement Hex Type Clan
A barony in Trabant governed by Elgar Rogryn Neoma D1 Castle Sheriff Jerinala
Mafendas for the duke of Trabant. Jegeranos is a
favoured hunting retreat for the duke, and he is
often found here when he wishes to escape the JERINALIAN, Mountains [C4]
politics and bustle of Murshel. A mountain range paralleling the coast of
Emelrene, the Jerinalian Mountains are part of
the same geological structure as the Harbaalese
JELADE, Mountain [L5] Alps. The highest peaks lie in the north of the
A peak (6089’) in the Korgin Mountains.
range. Located to intercept the prevailing winds
off the Gulf of Ederwyn, the western side of the
JELAKA, River [C4] Jerinalian Mountains receives particularly heavy
A fast flowing tributary of the Southern Es. rainfall, while the eastern side of the range is
drier, due to the rain shadow created by the
JELEVUS, Keep [C4] mountains. The Jerinalian Mountains are
A barony in Liguno held by baron Baden Orolan primarily inhabited by nomadic Emela,.
from the earl of Liguno. The Orolans somehow
survived the Ivinian conquest without facing any JESER, Castle [F9]
serious challenge. Local rumour attributes this A barony in Bodima held by baron Xerin
to a family pact with some supernatural power. Fenelosa from the duke of Trabant. Kaheris
Chivara has insulted Xerin on several occasions
JENAF, Keep [B1] and has also compromised the honour of one of
A barony in Algram governed by elgara Imela Xerin’s daughters. The baron is contemplating
Soria for the baron of Panira. rebellion.
KESEDONE, Keep [M4] The Kibler Bore is the main navigational hazard
A barony in Melesuma held by baron Caharen when approaching the port of Alwin.
Indon from the count of Melesuma.
KIERNUM, Keep [M8]
KETELA, Keep [H6] A barony in Faleo held by baron Xelo Zarian
A barony in Vedin held by baron Josclyn from the duke of Dovalin.
Sherence from the duke of Gelamo.
KIGARI, Keep [M3]
KETHANO, Town [N6] A barony in Anfaldon held by baron Kabol
Population: 8,400. A port in Beronium Televan from the count of Anfaldon. Kabol is a
controlling the mouth of the Imnus River. secretly an adherent of the Tobran heresy. A
Somewhat eclipsed as a trading centre by Tobran priest is currently sheltering in the keep.
Lorimae and Berone, Kethano nonetheless has a
large port as an important Trierzi naval base. KILDAN, Castle [E4]
The town is also headquarters for the 2 nd A castle in Tamanias governed by elgar Naran
Beronium legion, which has 7 companies Chadrel for the count of Athamas. Naran hails
garrisoned in the town. Lorimae is the site of the from Shorkyne, and spent much of his youth
largest Laranian temple in Beronium and the seat traveling from tournament to tournament
of the Rekela of Beronium. The Vishras of throughout western Lythia. Superbly skilled
Kethano district, Semerel Pylen comes from a with the lance and horse, Naran has even visited
Morgathian clan, and uses his authority to harass Harn and won the 698 Royal Chelebin
the temple. This fact is causing some tension Tournament.
with Lanas Vanostra, the Mekelen of the 2 nd
Beronium legion and a devout Laranian.
KILEDA, Castle [G9]
A castle in Bodima governed by elgar Hubril
KETRA, Castle [H8] Dalamin for the duke of Trabant. Kileda was
A barony in Korun held by baron Sedegyr Crasil controlled by the Pedaros prior to the chaos, and
from the count of Korun. The Crasils are of its ongoing control by the Chivaras is a source of
almost pure Azeri descent and are widely tension between the two families.
suspected of being closet followers of one of the
dark gods. In fact, there is little evidence that
this is the case and the Crasils generally behave KINEL, Keep [G3]
in an honourable fashion. A barony in Stalfore held by elgar Horian
Galliand for the duke of Stalfore.
Kvaldemar has become one of the more
successful merchant houses operating in the
western Venarian Sea and maintains a large and
modern fleet.
LADIS, Keep [D4]
A barony in Liguno held by baron Tomel
Debrole from the earl of Liguno.
The Ladocs are the ruling clan of the county of
Hedames in southwestern Trierzon. A junior
branch of the clan also holds significant land in
Ilaska. This is the cause of some tension
between the Ladocs and the Caplens who rule
Venril’s wife, Miaraal, hails from Korlua, and Ilaska.
has given the king three sons: Gathaar (26),
Sureyn (24), and Burlni (17). Gathaar is married Rodreg Ladoc is the current clan head and count
to Lieri Stafaeld, a daughter of the Earl of Skagia of Hedames. He is an affable old man of 57,
in Palithane, and Venril is seeking similarly perhaps overly given to the locally grown Tero
advantageous matches for his other two sons. wine. His wife, Simara tolerates his drinking but
is not above berating him in front of his vassals
when the mood takes her. Melyn Ladoc,
KWANYS, Earthmaster Site [E1] Rodreg’s eldest daughter has shown little interest
A little known and rarely visited Earthmaster site
in marriage and seems destined for a Peonian
in the centre of the Jerinalian Mountains. The
nunnery. She is highly devout and adored by the
Emela refer to it as the cliff of faces. Unlike
common folk of Hedames. Kastrel Ladoc, at 34
most Earthmaster sites, the entire site is
is likely to inherit the title of count, and is
underground, tunneled into the face of a sheer
currently the elgar of Sindelar. His younger
cliff face. Over the years erosion has covered
brother Juven (29) governs Vondames. Emana
the entrances of a number of the tunnels, and
Ladoc, Rodreg’s youngest daughter is only 22,
weathered the large carvings that adorn the cliff
but married very well. She is the wife of the
face. However, several tunnel entrances are still
current duke of Trabant and has brought her
free of debris, and the interior pseudostone father a very powerful ally.
passages are in good condition.
Azeryani: the language of the Azeryan Lankor has close ties with the counties of
Empire, and some adjoining regions, Anfaldon and Melesuma, including generations
there are two versions of Azeryani. of inter-marriage with the nobility. The
High Azeryani is an idealized version of principality is notorious for the level of intrigue
the language spoken by scholars widely surrounding the throne, and Lankorans have a
across the Trierzon region. Dialects of reputation for deviousness and avarice.
low Azeryani are the main language of
Beronium, the Beroni tribes of the LANRINDAS, Castle [E6]
Korgin Mountains, and the Duchy of A barony in Batana held by baron Wilsrad Uther
Dovalin in Trierzon. from the earl of Batana. The Uthers are related
by marriage to clan Hargal who previously held
Emela: the language of the Emela the title of earl of Batana when the Pelanbys
tribes, and also the kingdom of were earls of Degau only. Wilsrad dreams of
Emelrene. Emela is closely related to ruling Batana himself, and has made discrete
the Jarin languages of Harn. overtures to the count of Palama regarding an
alliance of some sort. He has yet to receive a
Palithanian: a mixture of Ivinian and response.
Trierzi, Palithanian is spoken along the
coast of Palithane.
LANTOL, River [L3]
Shorka: the language of Shorkyne, A river in northeastern Trierzon.
spoken in the northern parts of the
Trierzon region that are under the LARAD, Keep [K5]
control of the kingdom of Shorkyne. A keep in Perna governed by elgar Enre Gamon
for the baron of Chatena. Larad is the site of a
Trierzi: the principal language of shrine to saint Karen, and is popular with
Trierzon, and also of northern Palithane. pilgrims heading to Perna. There is a thriving
There are several dialects of Trierzi, trade in ‘relics’ of spurious value, of which Enre
some of which are quite distinct. The takes a cut.
predominant dialects are Zonargares,
Ubai, Zonarloas, Gaden, and Thanema
(spoken in Palithane). LARBEN, Keep [F4]
A remote barony in Senedalo held by baron
Gavral Yosny from the countess of Senedalo.
LANIRE, Keep [F6] Recently something has been stalking the woods
A keep in Palama governed by elgar Orlan between Larben and Rilyke and travelers have
Gesjarl, an Ivinian warrior who served the count been going missing. Gavral is concerned, but
loyally as a guard for many years before there seems to be little he can do about the
receiving this post. Despite his foreign origins stalker, which leaves no trace.
Orlan has proved to be a good choice for the
post, his past naval experience proving valuable
in ordering the defence of the mouth of the Pados LARYSA, Keep [B3]
River. A keep in Berema governed by elgar Kora
Sheldis for the Queen of Emelrene.
LANKOR, Principality
A kingdom lying east of Trierzon and north of LATHOR, Keep [B1]
Azeryan, centred around the headwaters of the A keep in Fandalon governed by elgar Pravorn
Degela river system. Lankor was a frontier Firdin for the Earl of Glaron.
march of the Azeryan Empire until it declared
independence in 676. The Empire still regards
Lankor as a rebellious province.
position of the king. To this end Braen is that their intentions represent anything other than
planning a pilgrimage to Tengela in the next platonic friendship.
year. It is rumoured that while in Tengela he
plans to personally request the pontiff’s blessing LEGION, 1ST BERONIUM
for the creation of a Palithanian fighting order of Also known as the “Dealers of Sorrow”, the 1 st
Larani. Beronium is a provincial legion in the Azeryan
army. The legion is raised from the district
With fair hair and blue eyes, Braen is short, but around Berone, and comprises the forces most
strong and a skilled knight. He looks younger readily available to the Seneshelen most of the
than he actually is, but this does not make him a time. For this reason the 1st Beronium is better
less effective leader. Currently unmarried, Braen quality than most provincial legions. Nearly half
is seeking a marriage that brings with it a major its troops are full time professionals, meaning
foreign ally. that about 950 soldiers are on duty at any one
time, including reservists. The legion is
Aaren Ledrin looks similar to his nephew – short organized as two cohorts of mixed medium and
and strong with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. light foot, a cohort of light foot, and a cohort of
He too retains the family’s youthful face, looking light archers. The Mekelen of the legion,
much younger than his 59 years. Aaren is Damral Kepalras is a grizzled veteran of 56.
intelligent and ambitious. It is clear that he seeks
the throne, if not for himself then for one of his
heirs. Aaren is, however, acutely aware that the LEGION, 2ND BERONIUM
Ledrin’s position in Palithane could be Based in the districts around Kethano, the 2 nd
jeopardized by civil war, and has looked to the Beronium “Standing Lions” is a provincial
clan thrangaad as a route to power. Currently legion in the Azeryan army, and one of the few
Braen has the support of the thrangaad, but the legions associated with the worship of Larani
majority is not large. rather than Agrik. The Standing Lions are a
fairly typical provincial legion comprising three
Aaren is earl of Liguno, and his wife Fiamante is slightly understrength cohorts of light foot and
the daughter of the count of Athamas. Fiamante one of light archers. There are 16 permanent
is nearly as ambitious as her husband, although companies in the legion, mostly equipped as
in her case this is also tied to Thanema medium foot. In battle, the permanent troops
nationalism. She loves her husband and has born form the front two ranks. Lanas Vanostra, the
him three daughters now aged 29 (Bernynde), 27 legionary Mekelen is from a devout Laranian
(Liset), and 24 (Syvella). Berynde remains family in Lorimae. His religion has prevented
unmarried. his advancement beyond the command of an
unfashionable provincial legion.
LEGAMA, River [B1]
The primary river of central Emelrene, the LEGION, GORIUM
Legama is swift flowing and only navigable A provincial legion based in and around the town
within 20 or 30 leagues of its mouth. The upper of Gorium on Beronium. The Gorium legion is
reaches of the Legama River and its tributaries understrength, and morale is not high.
are the site of a mining boom. There are a Organised as three cohorts of light foot and one
number of valuable silver mines in the area, and of light archers, there are only 12 companies of
increasing amounts of both gold and silver are regular troops in the whole legion. The Mekelen
being found month by month. for the Gorium legion is Julah Senaru, a highly
intelligent and compentent man of 25 from a
relatively low status noble clan. This post is as
LEGEO, Keep [G3] good as he could get, and he plans to make the
A barony in Stalfore held by baroness Jayme best of it.
Melasyth. Jayme inherited the fief from her
father after he died in a boating accident on the
River Staf. She is an attractive woman in her LEGION OF PRESENT DESTINY
early twenties with striking red hair. Several An elite Court Legion of the Azeryan army,
local knights are courting her, but she has shown currently stationed at and around Berone. The
little interest and is, in fact, not really very aware legion arrived in Beronium in 719, and many
believe its arrival marks the start of a build up by
the Azeryan Empire towards war with Trierzon. Under the command of Mekelen Goresh
The Legion of Present Destiny consists of one Amestyl, the Stone Hands are considered the
(undestrength) cohort of heavy cavalry, two second best of Beronium’s provincial legions.
cohorts of medium cavalry (lance and bow The legion has 21 companies of regulars, and is
armed), and one cohort of light cavalry. The organaised entirely as light foot and light
commander of the legion is Mekelen Nykas archers.
Sedegaya, an intelligent but untested commander
of 29 from an influenctial noble clan. LEGORE, Keep [G9]
A keep in Ilaska governed by elgar Ires Caplen
for the count of Ilaska.
died as the result of a fever caught during the LEXERES, Keep [I4]
siege. Leredas remains one of the strongest A barony in Baldeme held by baron Artoren
castles in northern Trierzon. Built on top of a Nadoni from the count of Baldeme. Baron
steep rocky ridge, two circuits of walls surround Artoren is conducting a private war with the
a massive donjon. baron of Vadela over some disputed lands.
Despite mediation by the elgars of Enefen and of
LEREJES, Keep [K8] Baldeme as a whole, the war continues. Several
A barony in Bomedus held by baron Yandrol manors lying between the two keeps have been
Plessien from the duke of Kogamin. Yandrol is sacked, and raids on crops and likestock are
an impious man, given to raiding livestock from commonplace.
the Laranian lands around Gyros. He has been
excommunicated, and there have been a few LIBIN, Castle [D9]
minor skirmishes, but so far Yandrol does not A barony in Chimas held by baron Anri Gervase
seem to take the Laranian’s anger particularly from the duke of Trabant. Libin’s position
seriously. Yandrol is the cousin of the powerful sitting at the junction of four important roads
baron of Riome. makes it the linchpin of Chimas’ coastal
defences. Along with the keep of Torgis, also
LEREQUA, Keep [H9] held by the Gervase family, Libin controls the
A barony in Korun held by baron Karvel Coutain routes between Kirgaras and the rest of Chimas.
from the count of Korun. For this reason Faradan Chivara would very
much like an opportunity to incorporate some of
the Gervase domains into the Chivara holdings.
LERJEM, Keep [H5] To date the strength of Libin and Faradan’s
A keep in Devai governed by elgar Brethil uncertain control over the duchy has prevented
Sabral for the duke of Gelamo. him from acting.
LINUD, Keep [M3] Legion of the Stone Hand. A full cohort of the
A barony in Melesuma held by baroness Yolinde Legion of Present Destiny is also currently
Mornel from the count of Melesuma. Yolinde is stationed here.
a devout conventional Laranian and a close
friend of the knight commander at Jirese. LORISH, Keep [L3]
A barony in Melesuma held by baron Iras Bissal
LINUGA, Keep [J1] from the count of Melesuma.
A keep in the county of Elavona in Shorkyne.
LIPYL, Keep [A2] The Lorytsa, or Goose Maidens, are a spirit or
A barony in Malad held by baroness Nerelyne entity of some sort said to be associated with the
Dyreste from the Queen of Emelrene. Nerelyne Degela River and its tributaries. On occasion, a
has invested much of her wealth in the linen man wandering along the banks of a river will
trade and is, perhaps, the wealthiest noble in come across a comely young maiden with a
Malad. She is respected by the Mangai, but does gaggle of exceptionally large white geese. Like
not get along with the Earl of Emane. Much of a Dryad, a Goose Maiden will often take a
the land around Lipyl is given over to growing mortal back to her underwater home as a lover.
cash crops using paid labour. The mortal will usually be freed after a year or
so, but many tales recount how the mortal then
wanders the banks of the river, eventually
LIRGUN, Town [K10] throwing themselves back into the river and
Population: 9,200. Lirgun is the largest drowning in an effort to return to their lover.
settlement in Ilona and the site of a Trierzi naval According to some other tales, one of the
depot. The town is wealthy from trade passing Lorytsa’s geese holds her soul. If a canny mortal
through the Ilona Straights, and many clans can capture the right goose, the Lorytsa can be
worship Halea. Lirgun is governed by a council persuaded to leave her river and marry the
of the 18 most powerful merchant clans. mortal. Having such a wife is said to bring good
Rivalries between the clans are fierce, and may luck in all matters relating to water – including
spill over into duels in the streets or piracy at sea agriculture.
given a chance.
convince the Emela and successive waves of west of Darshen, the highway is not well
Azeri, Trierzi, and Ivinian overlords of their maintained, having been allowed to deteriorate
holiness through piety and their superb skill at heavily in the century after the founding of
healing. Palithane. Although the kings of Palithane have
subsequently attempted to repair the road (and
Centuries of relative isolation and co-existence have built new roads in Palithane), the quality of
with the Emela, however, have led to distinctly the new roads is not comparable to the original
unorthodox practices among the monks of Azeryan work.
Ludom. Ludom now skirts the dangerous edge
of heresy,and it is possible that the Peonian LUINDE, Mountains [E5]
primate of Palithane will try to reform the A mountain range dividing the Gaden River
monstary in the near future. valley from the coast of Palithane. The Luinde
Mountains have a significant Emelan population,
LUINDAR, County [D5] which is largely ignored by the surrounding
Location: Palithane Trierzi and Palithanian lords.
Ruler: Anselm Raldsen
Population: 84,000 LUMIN, Keep [K9]
A barony in Zhoren held by baron Engeuraan
The least populous county in Palithane, Luindar Martyl from the duchess of Zhoren.
comprises the Gaira river valley and the vales of
the Luinde mountains. Much of the south of the
county is scrub covered hills, suitable for little LUTHEN, Keep [B3]
more than sheep and goat rearing, but the plains A barony in Norimar held by baron Hast Bossen
around the confluence of the Gaire and Ypena from the earl of Norimar.
rivers are fertile.
LUVAR, Keep [L8]
Wool and flax are major exports from Luindar, A barony in Tengela held by baroness Syvalla
both of which go to Emelrene for the cloth trade. Sirnanten from the pontiff of the Laranian
Fruit is also grown in the valleys of the Luinde church.
mountains, and honey is a significant export in
some areas. None of these products, however,
alters the fact that Luindar is a backwater and far LYDON, Keep [L9]
from wealthy. A barony in Dovalin held by baron Eran Toras
from the duke of Dovalin.
Settlement Hex Type Clan
Albodh D5 Keep Landre LYEM, Keep [H8]
Alvis D5 Keep Presjnik A keep in Korun governed be elgar Depard
Elsirin for the count of Korun.
Cembion D5 Keep Ledrin
Gemeth E5 Castle Raldsen LYEN, Keep [M3]
Hemestra D5 Keep Raldsen A barony in Anfaldon governed by elgar Ralon
Travendal for the count of Melesuma. The
Leshones D5 Town Freetown
Travendals gained Lyen after the Tobran
Mengeva D5 Keep Mengevan inquisition at the expense of a Tobran family, an
Sefin D5 Keep Hjaiden act of opportunism that some Tobran families
have yet to forgive the Travendals for. The
Trant D5 Keep Talisaar count of Melesuma owes the count of Anfaldon
Valeka D5 Keep Vaalkart homage for Lyen.
MABLA, Keep [M3]
A barony in Anfaldon governed by elgar Sirtus Nyser L8 Castle Orsilin
Ymande for the count of Anfaldon. Udele L7 Keep Alai
Count Jaspin has, however, been reluctant to act. MANAS, County [H9]
The town is governed by elgar Hald Perard, the Location: Southern Trierzon
count’s cousin and a man of little imagination. Ruler: Count Bardil Valastre
Population: 177,000
MALER, River [E4]
A river in Palithane draining the western Luinde Lying on the south coast of Trierzon, Manas
Mountains. inherited heavy defences from the Azeryan
Empire. These have been maintained and
upgraded over the years by the counts of Manas.
MALGATAN, Hills [I6] These fortifications, combined with a wide band
Geologically an extension of the Luinde of coastal hills and distance from Ivinian staging
Mountains, the Malgatan Hills are a rough forest grounds largely spared Manas the worst of the
covered highland area in central Trierzon. The Viking years.
Malgatan Hills are famous for hunting, and for
the prized Malgatan white truffle. The hills are Although the hinterland of Manas is fertile, the
also a refuge for brigands and roughnecks of all real wealth of the county comes from trade. The
sorts. town of Chedilo is Trierzon’s second largest port
after Janora. Although Chedilo has not fared
MALINU, Castle [L8] well recently in competition with the larger port,
A barony in Tengela held by baron Torin Eskarel it still prospers from locally grown wine and
from the pontiff of the Laranian church. The fruit, as well as shipping from Azeryan to
lands around Malinu were heavily damaged in a northwestern Lythia that chooses to bypass the
raid by the Azeryan navy in 718, and the fief is ports of Degela Bay.
only just recovering.
Settlement Hex Type Clan
Amoya H9 Castle Valastre
MALIS, Keep [J5]
A keep in Malagos governed by elgar Mendyz Ankaryf H9 Castle Peliaran
Jasrelay for the baron of Dyna. Balon I9 Keep Abolys
Brenu H9 Keep Xavandris
MALMEN, Town [J6]
Population: 5,800. Malmen is the second largest Chedilo H9 Town Freetown
settlement in the county of Mankonia. The town Debishes H9 Castle Loshael
is governed by elgar Mathas Pare for the Duke of
Enape H9 Keep Valastre
Ubai, although he is advised by a council of
seven prominent guild masters. The town is Fabos H9 Keep Tarsanyl
famous for the release of four wild bulls in the Fenes G9 Keep Valastre
town centre on the first of Nolus each year to
celebrate Saint Maermal’s day. It is considered Gelori H10 Castle Berengar
to bring good luck to touch one of the bulls Herdos H9 Keep Colerda
before it leaves the town square.
Lerkunis H9 Keep Berengar
Large quantities of trade move up and down the MARLISE, Castle [M6]
Degela River, passing through the town of A castle in Beronium
Mankon. Grain is a major export. Indeed, so garrisoned by a cohort
great is Mankonia’s grain harvest that there is a of the Legion of
surplus even after feeding Ubarian and Janora. Righteous
Devastation. Telmen
Settlement Hex Type Clan Xenovya Falsara
Anlide K5 Castle Ebestan commands the
Belinden K5 Keep Pourellan military forces of
Marlise district. A
Blodel K5 Keep Freyl devout Agrikan, her
Deldi K6 Keep Belarde policies towards the tribal Beroni dwelling in the
mountains west of Marlise are likely to result in
Erashes J5 Keep Delais armed conflict in the near future. The district
Fanime J6 Keep Giral Vishras, Gorash Celano is corrupt and
extortionate, which exacerbates the problem.
Ganse K5 Keep Andrevin
Heilger K5 Keep Jossepan
MARNAD, River [D1]
Heltos J5 Keep Heltane A tributary of the Legama River with its source
Hirine K6 Keep Pare in the heart of the Jerinalian Mountains.
Imashes J5 Keep Delais
MARTEN, Keep [K5]
Kolmede J6 Keep Lessyn A keep in Ubai governed by elgar Dumas Arten
Leman K5 Keep Andrevin for the duke of Ubai. Marten is a favourite
retreat for the king. The hills behind Marten are 24 year old nephew of Ysraac. Elvyn is being
a royal hunting preserve. pressured to press his suit by his family, and
does not really wish to marry the older Estir.
MASEKEL, Keep [H9] Also, he is too closely related (even if only by
A barony in Manas held by baron Erybar marriage) to Estir for the Laranian church to
Dutouline from the count of Manas. approve of the marriage.
are controlled by the Halean church, two by the MELENDEN, Castle [K4]
Mangai, and one each by the Laranian church A castle in Ubai governed by elgar Tibol Arten
and the church of Save Knor. for the duke of Ubai. Tibol has extensive
experience on the frontier with the Azeryan
MEGYNA, Keep [I5] Empire, but was lamed in a skirmish. His
A keep in Gelamo governed by elgar Stefal current position is something of a retirement
Sabral for the baron of Alsinor. sinecure.
MELTRIS, Keep [H6] reserved for them among the aldermen. The
A barony in Agelos held by baron Gonfrel Halean primate for Palithane has her seat in
Cloquen from the countess of Agelos. Mengovik and, although not on the governing
council, is an influential figure in the city.
MELUVA, Keep [F7]
A keep in Hedames governed by elgar Names MENHAGA, Keep [D4]
Etrandar for the baron of Jireno. Although A barony in Liguno held by baron Vabaar
technically in Hedames, the baron of Jireno Haagel from the earl of Liguno.
effectively rules his own independent domain
between Hedames and Palama. MENSAEL, Keep [I6]
A keep in Vedin governed by elgar Korago
MELYGA, Keep[K4] Monteral for the baron of Gilonder.
A barony in Trierzon held by baron Sedrin
Epranel from the count of Perna. MENTIN POINT, Cape [B4]
A hilly heath covered headland on the coast of
MENAW, Keep [E6] Norimar. The Crown of Mentin is a circle of
A barony in Batana held by baron Rougar Ulfes standing stones built on the headland.
from the earl of Batana. The Ulfes clan also
holds the border castle of Hegovyn. MEPARA, Town [D8]
Population: 5,500. The principle settlement of
MENEMA, Kingdom Tamala and the seat of elgar Lygen Chivara, the
A kingdom lying off the coast of Hepekeria, due younger brother of the duke of Trabant. Despite
south of Trierzon. Menema was once a province impressive defences, Mepara’s position on the
of the Azeryan Empire, before rebelling and later north coast of Tamala renders it particularly
falling to an Ivinian ruling class. It is a major vulnerable to Ivinian raiding. The original
link in the Ivinian trade routes east. settlement at Mepara, founded during the
Azeryan Empire, was sacked by Ivinian raiders
in 509 TR. The town was refounded on the ruins
MENGEVA, Keep [D5] of the original one in 583 TR. Despite being
A barony in Luindar held by baroness Ysenthe sacked again in 609 TR, and besieged but
Mengevan from the earl of Luindar. successfully defended in 641 TR, Mepara has
continued to grow. Mepara has a poor harbour,
MENGOVIK, Town [C5] but the gently sloping beaches of the Mepara
Population: 12,600. Mengovik is a chartered region provide excellent terrain for Ivinian
freetown and major port at the mouth of the longships.
Ypena river. Previously known as Ypenres, the
town was renamed Mengovik following its MEREDUS, Mount [F5]
capture by Bjan Ledrin in 512 TR. The great A peak (6422’) in the Luinde Mountains.
bridge of Ypenres was destroyed in the assault,
and no bridge has been rebuilt since.
Nonetheless, Mengovik thrives as a port and has MERINIS, Keep [G7]
one of the largest shipyards in western Lythia. A keep in Ilaska governed by elgar Gavrochel
The shiprights of Mengovik developed some of Ladoc from the count of Hedames. Merinis once
the earliest Karunes, and the city is still produced a particularly fine rose wine, but over
considered one of the best places to build ships the last three years a fungus has slowly been
of this sort. The town provides and crews four destroying the local vineyards.
Karunes of 200 or more tuns gross burthen for
the earl of Skagia. MERIOL, Castle [N5]
A castle in Beronium garrisoned by 2 companies
Since the time of the third earl of Skagia, of the 2nd Beronium legion. A small town of
Mengovik has been a chartered Freetown. 2100 has grown up around Meriol castle.
Twelve aldermen alected by the Mangai appoint
a mayor and govern the city. The shipwright’s,
pilot’s, and seaman’s guilds each have a place MERNAL, Keep [K1]
A keep in Sabinia in Shorkyne.
however, a harsh master and is consequently
usually short of labour.
conflicts that have shaped Trierzon over the past Sanry L3 Keep Fesigo
Spergust K3 Keep Karovin
In the early seventh century Nadamia was torn Syzel L3 Keep Avarkiel
apart by the Tobran inquisition. The county took
several generations to recover from the trauma of Tegate L3 Castle Harnada
the inquisition, and just when it seemed that the Telegoro L3 Keep Bardil
scars might be fading, Nadamia was the scene of
Trand K3 Keep Akarazon
bitter fighting during the Chaos of 684-697.
This has left a deeply divided county, strongly in Ulvenos L3 Keep Merovinia
need of leadership. Unfortunately, the current Urese K3 Keep Deryan
count is an ineffective ruler and has done more to
inflame old hatreds than heal wounds. Vakis K3 Keep Merovinia
Welis K3 Keep Ladaro
Nadamia contains significant copper deposits,
Yeles L3 Keep Harnada
and the county is a major exporter both of
copper, and also of finished bronzewares. The Zardoz K3 Keep Ladaro
region around Besono pass is often the site of
raids between Trierzon and Shorkyne during the NADED, Keep [G8]
summer, but the rough terrain tends to preclude A barony in Ilaska held by baron Koristal
serious campaigning. The local Emela Vettene from the count of Ilaska.
population move freely back and forth over the
NAJA, Keep [K5]
Settlement Hex Type Clan A barony in Ubai held by baron Harle Frasac
Alechin K3 Keep Gafrelay from the duke of Ubai. The baron’s wife is
Halean. As a result the baron’s finances are in
Bortilun L2 Keep Avarkiel
rather better shape than his peers, but he is
Brovai K3 Keep Inigo somewhat looked down on by them.
Chodis L2 Keep Terystal
Dolosti L2 Keep Aduro NAL, Mount [L6]
A peak in the Korgin Mountains (6920’)
Fosuron L2 Keep Larada overlooking the Adegin Pass. There are
Gebrusin K2 Keep Merovinia numerous sinkholes on Mount Nal which, like
much of the southern Korgin Mountains, is
Hulgor K2 Keep Merovinia
predominantly limestone. Some cave systems
Irtus L2 Keep Merovinia are extremely deep, and are even thought to run
Joklir L3 Keep Goasta right under the mountain.
NANESHYN, Keep [B4] possessions through marriage and not until 669
A barony in Norimar held by baron Sandal that Vedin was acquired in a similar way.
Maarsin from the earl of Norimar. Latima was added to the Navastan fiefs between
690 and 694 when Gavrel Navastan used his
alliance with Arthis during the Chaos as an
NANTEN, Keep [I6] opportunity to conquer Latima. This conquest
A barony in Gelamo held by baron Ramis earned the Navastans the undying enmity of clan
Brabaise from the duke of Gelamo. Arquet, the prior rulers of Latima.
NANTER, Keep [K5] The current duke of Gelamo is Gavrel II, the son
A barony in Perna held by baron Janasyn of the duke who conquered Latima. An
Gaurepan from the count of Perna. The Nanter intelligent man of average height, Gavrel has
bridge spans the Raimor river in three impressive graying dark hair and a dark beard. He has a
arches. There is a local legend that Djekis built stutter, which he is usually able to keep under
the bridge for the citizens of Nanter in exchange control, but he is less successful with his temper.
for the first soul to cross the bridge. The first When crossed, Gavrel is given to bouts of
lord Gaurepan released his hound across the furious anger. He nonetheless loves his wife,
bridge in place of a person, thus tricking Djekis Yasantha and his two young sons Torichane and
out of his soul, and also explaining the enmity Harasal.
that exists between dogs and cats.
NAXIN, Keep [J5]
NANTUR, Keep [K4] A keep in Mankonia governed by elgara Astir
A keep in Faldin governed by elgar Lancred Ebasten for the baron of Anlide. Astir is 23,
Donathe for the countess of Faldin. unmarried, and considered one of the most
eligible women in Mankonia.
NARDAS, Keep [J8]
A barony in Kogamin held by baron Gonfrel NEALON, Castle [M6]
Pothello from the duke of Kogamin. A large Azeryan fotress on the Zonan River in
Beronium. Five companies of the Legion of the
NARUNE, Castle [N2] Stone Hand are based here, as is the district
A barony in Anfaldon, and the seat of the count Vishras – Krasel Vishendar.
of Anfaldon. Count Kaheris Oloryne is in ill
health, and now seldom leaves Narune. The NECOSTA, Castle [D6]
town of Narune is Anfaldon’s second largest A castle in Skagia and nominal seat of the earl of
urban center with a population of 1900. Skagia. In practice, earl Sweyn travels widely
and is more likely to be found in Seltan, or even
NASTRES, Keep [D9] staying in Harigol and Mengovik than Necosta,
A barony in Chimas held by baron Evasten which he leaves in the care of his son Maaln.
Kolluerdo for the duke of Trabant. Maaln has authorized the construction of a
Laranian temple in the town of Necosta without
his father’s knowledge and has made significant
NAVASTAN, Clan donations in order to get construction started.
Ruling the wealthy and populous duchy of
Gelamo, the Navastans are one of the most
powerful families in Trierzon. Their climb to
NECURE, Keep [J5]
power has, however, been quite recent and they A barony in Mankonia held by baron Korego
are not popular with many of Trierzon’s other Gramonel from the Duke of Ubai.
leading clans. The Chivaras, in particular,
dislike the Navastans and the Badriacs and NEDELES, Keep [M3]
Velthanes are also hostile. A barony in Melesuma held by baron Kunin
Guittana from the count of Melesuma.
Clan Navastan acquired the county of Gelamo in
the aftermath of Torichane’s rebellion as loyal
supporters of the new king. It was not until 553,
however, that Devai was added to the Navastan
barony. She has not got into any serious trouble fortified, with a number of major outworks and
so far, but hasn’t been in the job long. hidden sally ports. The town is the seat of the
elgar of Amesuma, and also the base for a cohort
of the royal army.
OJARLEN, Mount [N4]
A peak in the Korgin Mountains (6677’).
The current count, Kaheris Oloryne, is 66 years Magris K10 Town Yvande
old and in poor health. A pragmatic and direct Pilasen L10 Castle Kepleras
man, Kaheris has had the misfortune to outlive
all of his children and two wives. He now fears
ONORA, Keep [C5]
for the future of the county and his line.
A barony in Gavas held by baron Levan Daasen
from the earl of Gavas.
The best claim to Anfaldon is probably that of
Kaheris’ nephew by his younger sister, Darael
Oloryne. Darael is a charismatic man of 29 who
has inherited his uncles’ pragmatic good sense.
OTENBRAS, Keep [D5] loses much of his power and can be forced to
A keep in Liguno governed by elgar Seld grant his captor a boon.
Gilsenaal for the earl of Liguno. The hills south
of Otenbras are the haunt of a number of brigand PAGAMA, Keep [N3]
groups that the elgar has been unable to A barony in Anfaldon held by baron Faradis
suppress. Anagni from the count of Anfaldon. Faradis is a
devout conventional Laranian. His beliefs make
OVANA, Castle [I9] him few friends with the local nobility, including
A castle in Manas governed by elgar Rogyn several of his vassals.
Valastre for the count of Manas.
PAGON, River [L5]
OZELE, Keep [J6] A river draining the central Korgin Mountains
A barony in Jaleda held by baron Gofryn and emptying into Tasha Sound. The Pagon
Vilchier from the countess of Jaleda. Gofryn River marks the current border between Trierzon
was a suitor of Ilene Toreo when she was and the Azeryan Empire, although Azeri control
younger, but Blance refused his suit because she extends over the Pagon River towards the
was holding her daughter’s hand for a more summit of the Adegin Pass. The lower reaches
politically advantageous alliance. Although he is of the river are highly militarized, and see
now married, Gofryn still loves Ilene. frequent patrols by both realms.
Location: Southwestern Trierzon
Ruler: Count Malperd Kolerin
Population: 134,000
PACHEN, Keep [I4] Traditionally comprising the Pados valley and all
A barony in Ilbra held by baron Daseno Laman the lands between the Pados and Bagre Rivers,
from the duke of Stalfore. Palama has borne the brunt of Palithane’s
expansion. Over the past century all of the
PADOS, River [F6] Bagre valley has been lost, and fighting is not
A short river draining the southern Luinde uncommon north of the Pados River during
Mountains and emptying into the Gulf of Batana. summer.
Palaso G6 Castle Kolerin is the case for most of western Lythia. There are
small followings for Save Knor, Halea, and Ilvir,
Staben F6 Keep Etrandar largely within specific segments of society.
Tagan F6 Castle Kolerin Worship of Morgath, Agrik, and Naveh has been
punishable by death since 639 TR, but the law is
Toregun F6 Keep Burzat still not enforced consistently.
Zerede F6 Castle Kolerin
Prior to the rise of the Azeryan Empire, Palithane
was settled by Emela and Thanema tribal
peoples. The Thanema, who made up the bulk of
PALASO, Castle [G6] the population were concentrated in the Entano,
A castle in Palama governed by elgar Brethan Ypena, and Bagre river valleys. Between 303
Kolerin for the count of Palama. and 307 TR the Thanema were incorporated into
the Azeryan Empire which held onto the
PALGINILA, Bight [B4] province, despite increasing raiding by Trierzi
A bay off the coast of Palithane into which the tribes, until the Trierzi rebellion of 484.
Entano River flows.
Independent Trierzon held Thanema for only a
few decades before it was wrested from their
PALINUT, Keep [D6]
grasp by Bjan Ledrin, who founded the kingdom
A barony in Gavas held by baron Bjak Colendy
of Palithane. Since that time the Ledrins have
from the earl of Gavas.
ruled Palithane with varying degrees of control
over the kingdom’s independent and fractious
PALITHANE, Kingdom nobility. After a rather anarchic period in the
Palithane is a feudal kingdom conquered by sixth century, the last hundred years has seen the
Ivinians in the early sixth century, and now Palithanian throne strengthen its position relative
largely governed by them. Although the ruling to the nobility. The two centuries since Bjan’s
class is mostly Ivinian in ancestry, they are now conquest have seen Palithane’s largely Ivinian
largely assimilated to the feudal culture of descended nobility adopt a feudal way of life,
Trierzon and Shorkyne. Carved out of Trierzi and despite the ever present threat of Trierzi
territory, the kingdom has kept its independence revanche, Palithane is an increasingly stable
through military excellence, and due to the fact kingdom.
that Trierzon must divide its attention between
Shorkyne and Azeryan as well as Palithane. There have been 11 kings of Palithane.
challenge is persuading those around him to see river, Parahal owes its wealth to trade. With the
his vision of the future. best port in Palithane, the town is a stopping
point for much of the merchant traffic between
Palithane is currently divided into 8 counties, the Venarian Sea and the Gulf of Shorkyne. In
although the current number and configuration particular, the Larun of Cherafir and of Alwin
only dates from the battle of Cembion Field in stop in Parahal on both their north bound and
619 TR. The counties are held by the king, 5 south bound legs.
earls, and a count. The major holdings of the
king and his tenants in chief are: Parahal is governed by elgar Aroste Ledrin for
the king of Palithane. He is advised four times a
Fief Governor Ruling Clan year by a rowdy council comprising all of the
Norimar King of Palithane Ledrin town’s guildmasters meeting in a field outside
Liguno Earl of Liguno Ledrin the town walls. Between meetings a smaller
Athamas Count of Athamas Clayr number of officers appointed by Aroste from the
Tamanias (elgar) Clayr council assist in administration.
Gavas Earl of Gavas Erjolaf
Luindar Earl of Luindar Raldsen Construction has recently begun on a large
Skagia Earl of Skagia Stafaeld Laranian cathedral in Parahal, sponsored by the
Batana Earl of Batana Pelanby king. The Peonian primate of Palithane has her
seat in Parahal.
PAMEDE, Keep [I5]
A barony in Peltane held by baron Anselm Blain PAREBIR, Town [E9]
from the count of Peltane. Population: 3,200. A town in Chimas and the
seat of government for the county of Chimas.
PANATH, Keep [K5] Parebir is governed directly by Elgar Melsinde
A keep in Ubai governed by elgar Edan Frasac Equilan. Although it is smaller than Kirgaras,
for the duke of Ubai. Parebir’s central location makes it a suitable base
for the Elgar as she is able to reinforce all of the
coastal castles in a roughly equal time.
PANEGA, Keep [I7]
A barony in Latima held by baron Margan
Arpian from the duke of Gelamo. PAREGIN, Keep [A2]
A barony in Malad held by baroness Berynda
Goslet from the Queen of Emelrene. Berynde
PANIRA, Castle [A1] trained as a Lyhavi Shek Pvar before becoming
A barony in Algram held by baron Lygen baroness and pursues an ongoing interest in
Doralys from the queen of Emelrene. Baron astronomy and astrology (which she does not
Doralys also holds the keeps of Jenaf and distinguish between).
PARELN, Keep [H5]
PANISA, Keep [F8] A barony in Devai held by baron Mathres
A barony in Ilaska held by baron Evasten Arbius Arlathen from the duke of Gelamo. The
from the count of Ilaska. Arlathens have a bitter feud with the Arlathenets
of Gaviro that has claimed the lives of several
PANKINIRE, Keep [J8] family members over the last decade.
A barony in Kogamin held by elgar Avidan Erael
from the duke of Kogamin. Much of the barony PARNON, Keep [G2]
of Pankinire is steep hillside and would be A barony in Stalfore held by baron Luuc Arlean
virtually valueless had it not been extensively from the duke of Stalfore. Parnon would be a
terraced and planted in orange and lemon trees. wealthy barony were it not for the damage done
each year by both Trierzi and Shorkyne troops
PARAHAL, Town [B4] during the annual ‘spear rattling’ along the
Population: 14,800. Parahal is the capital of border.
Palithane and also the kingdom’s largest
settlement. Located at the mouth of the Entano
The Palithane branch of the clan came to the Aleth’s husband, Piares Pelandro is a distant
country with Bjan Ledrin in 513. By 519, nearly relative of the elgar of Kogamin. He is a narrow
a thousand clansmen and followers were in minded pedant of 66, and not overly bright. His
Palithane. Reflecting the Pelanby contribution to oldest son, Ostel takes after him and is
his victory, Bjan Ledrin made Harvin Pelanby something of a disappointment to his mother.
the earl of Degau. Aleth’s hopes for her dynasty rest on Ostel’s
young son Torquel who is an intelligent young
The Pelanby domains were always precarious, man of 18.
sharing a land border with Trierzon, and within a
relatively short distance of the lands of the The Pelandros take relatively little interest in
powerful duke of Trabant. Perhaps because of high politics. Where she cannot remain
this, the Pelanbys looked as much to internal uninvolved, Aleth tends to follow the lead of the
opportunities to increase their power as to count of Areshomes.
foreign opportunities. Earl Delan Pelanby was
instrumental in forming the coalition of eastern
earls defeated by Ragnald Ledrin in 619. PELINA, Town [G9]
Population: 5,600. Pelina serves as the primary
Ironically, the defeat at Cembion Field provided port for the county of Ilaska and as a trans-
an opportunity for the Pelanbys to enhance their shipment point for goods coming down the Ilas
holdings at the expense of the earl of Batana who River from Areshomes and Agelos. Although
had died without an heir in the battle. Taking not a major port for international trade, Pelina
most of the lands associated with the earl of conducts a thriving trade with Chedilo. Pelna is
were a well organized and warlike people. Their Burin K5 Keep Parane
presence was one of the main reasons for the line
of Azeryan forts built between Anlide and Chatena K5 Castle Gramon
Beledar. Cutsem L5 Keep Andrevin
PERSIM, Keep [H4] come to accept the current state of affairs, but the
A barony in Senedalo held by baron Churels count does not trust him.
Hesdin from the countess of Senedalo.
POGERON, Castle [I6]
PESENDE, Castle [H9] A castle in Gelamo governed by elgar Gereno
A castle in Manas governed by elgar Gorthes Navastan for the duke of Gelamo. The hills
Lymodan for the count of Manas. Pesende was north of Pogernon are the site of valuable silver
built to defend the naval approaches to Chedilo, mines. In the past Pogeron was the subject of
and boasts the remains of a significant Azeryan much contention between the counts of Gelamo
naval base. The Valastres still maintain three and Latima on this count.
smallish Laru here for use as customs vessels
and to patrol the Gelor pass for pirates. POLGRE, Keep [M3]
A keep in Melesuma governed by elgar Irmand
PEVENIS, Keep [K6] Ruanal for the baron of Sefrede.
A barony in Mankonia held by baron Sedran
Belliare from the Duke of Ubai. PONOLA, Keep [J7]
A barony in Rindi held by baron Capalo Dialla
PIDA, Keep [H6] from the count of Rindi.
A keep in Vedin governed by elgar Baden
Monteral for the baron of Gilonder. The keep PORADE, Castle [N6]
tower was built on swampy land which has A major fortress on the coast of Beronium.
subsequently subsided, giving the main tower a Porade guards a good harbour, and is sometimes
distinct slant. used as an anchorage by naval vessels. The
citadel is garrisoned by 4 companies of the
PILANT, Keep [K3] Legion of the Stone Hand. The Vishras of
A barony in Nadamia held by elgar Porvis Porade district, Elthen Zakronasa is also based
Harnada for the baron of Tegate. Porvis is the here.
baron’s cousin and is loyal, but somewhat less
devout than his cousin. PORSA, Keep [L3]
A barony in Nadamia held by elgar Brethil
PILASEN, Castle [L10] Harnada, the eldest son of the baron of Tegate.
A barony in Omegen held by baron Merag
Kepleras from the duchess of Zhoren. PORSOMES, Keep [K5]
A barony in Perna held by baron Tuliath Belard
PIMLEKON, Keep [G4] from the count of Perna.
A barony in Senedalo governed by elgar Ibrin
Lanfrande from the baron of Yemel. Ibrin is the PREGANT, Keep [F3]
baron’s eldest son, and was made elgar of A barony in Tamanias held by baron Toric Wyre
Pimlekon to learn the responsibilities of rule. So from the count of Athamas. The lands around
far he has run the fief down and angered most of Pregant have suffered heavily from Trierzi
his senior tenants. raiding, and the Wyres are not a wealthy family.
QUALNDA, Town [K3]
A keep in Mankonia governed by elgar Darael
Trevel for the Duke of Ubai.
QUEDE, Keep [J8] Chaos, and Dalhaga has not yet attempted to get
A barony in Latima held by baron Lapael Orsyle the Toronels to dismantle their fortifications.
from the duke of Gelamo. The Orslyles are still
not reconciled to the Navastan conquest and plot QUILIME, Keep [B4]
vengeance. A barony in Norimar held by baron Braent
Sirayaud from the earl of Norimar. The woods
QUEDRI, Keep [K4] to the west of the barony are purportedly the site
A barony in Faldin held by baron Parles of a successful ambush of an Azeri legion during
Bargorilon from the countess of Faldin. the days of the empire. Rumours of the location
of the legion’s pay chest and gold standard
surface from time to time.
A barony in Tamanias held by baron Alden
Queln from the count of Athamas. QUILINADOS, Keep [M3]
A barony in Anfaldon hled by baron Jerlas
Sciarra from the count of Anfaldon.
QUELYMO, Keep [G7]
A barony in Areshomes held by baron Baden
Eivangrial from the count of Areshomes. One of QUODRA, Keep [B2]
the baron’s tenants, the abbey of Quelthan A keep in Alwina governed by elgar Merak Ubel
produces wines to rival those of Shenilo. for the Earl of Glaron.
Dragon’s Shore. The Road is still in good shape under-resourced constable of Perna when
and is a major trade and communications route necessary.
linking Ubarian with Melesuma.
RILYKE, Keep [G4]
RESYMES, Keep [K3] A barony in Senedalo held by baron Wyvan
A barony in Nadamia held by elgar Sethir Gaubry from the countess of Senedalo. The
Ladaro from the baron of Welis. Resymes has a fords of Rilyke were the site of a battle between
large Emela population who come and go fairly two Trierzi tribes during the second century TR.
much as they please. The battle, fought over the Red Boar of Alsinon,
is immortalized in a favourite Trierzi ballad, the
RHIMAL, Keep [H6] Song of Alsinon. It is said that the ford is
A barony in Vedin held by baron Sedran Bardan haunted, and on the anniversary of the battle the
from the duke of Gelamo. dead warriors can be seen “locked in combat
evermore, ‘till once again there comes the boar”.
SABIN, Town [K1]
intelligence to agents of the Count of Magalia.
legionaries during the height of the Azeryan from the Mangai, 4 from the Laranian church, 1
empire. from the Halean church, 1 from the Peonian
church, and 1 from the church of Save Knorr.
SYDEN, Castle [F10] The Laranian church inherited the seats that
A castle in Bodima governed by elgar Baden belonged to the churches of Agrik and Morgath
Chivaro for the duke of Trabant. under the Azeryan empire.
TADIS, Keep [I6]
been allowed to atrophy to a dangerous extent.
king of Tarkain. Since that date the Kveldemars skilled warrior and is prone to leading her vassal
have maintained their independence by playing herself when the need arises.
off various would-be overlords against each
other. These include both Trierzon and Azeryan, TASELIS, Castle [L8]
as well as Rogna , Menglana, and Harbaal. A barony in Faleo held by baron Kabin of
Moress from the duke of Dovalin.
The current ruler, King Venril Kveldemar is a
brooding man in his late 40s. With brown hair
and a dark complexion, he appears anything but TASHA SOUND, Waterway [M7]
the typical Ivinian warlord. He has nonetheless A sheltered waterway lying between the islands
been an effective monarch, strengthening the of Tashones and ainland Beronium. The calm
realm through marriage ties to both the Ivinian waters of the sound proved an early nexus for
state of Korlua in Hepekaria, and also to the Earl trade and fishing, and five major walled towns
of Skagia and Palithane. Venril has also lie on Tasha Sound. Tasha Sound remains an
enriched the royal clan significantly through important route for trade vessels, but is also the
trading investments. The Kveldemars own a site of ongoing naval rivalry between Azeryan
significant fleet, including two new Karunes and Trierzon.
built in Mengovik. Most of the trade passing
through Tarkain is currently in the hands of TASHONES, County [M7]
Ivinian merchants, as the Kerejian Larun tend to Location: Eastern Trierzon
hug the coast of Trierzon. However, under Ruler: Lord Mayor Ansalm Tesero
Venril Tarkain itself is carrying a greater Population: 15,400
proportion of the trade passing through the
archipelago. Prior to the Dovalin war, Tashones was part of
Settlement Hex Type Clan the Azeryan province of Beronium and
administered from Berone. Competition
Kergos B10 Castle Kvaldemar between the merchants of Tashones and those of
Tarkain A10 Town Kvaldemar Berone, had led to a series of particularly corrupt
Vishras being appointed to administer Tashones.
Vuxor B10 Keep Zhulesenaal
In 639 TR, the citizens of Tashones offered to
switch their alliegance to Trierzon in return for
TARKAIN, Town [A10] status as a royal Freetown administering the
Population: 10,700. Despite its relatively small three islands making up Tashones district. King
size, Tarkain is a prosperous trading town. Once Kalhames II accepted with alacrity, counting on
the site of an Azeryan naval base, the town the Tashones islands as a useful barrier to Azeri
boasts a magnificent harbour. Vessels from as naval power.
far away as Vulenheim and Livelis dock at the
wharves of Tarkain to trade goods ranging from Tashones remains loyal to the Trierzi crown,
Walrus ivory to Lashu powder. The town is despite proximity to Azeryan. Although the
overseen by Coen Kveldemar, a huge man and islands suffer from raids by the Azeryan navy
the king’s cousin, but is mostly left to govern from time to time, they have generally prospered
itself. over the past eighty years. Many citizens,
however, fear that the recent Azeryan military
TARUS, Keep [K5] build up in Berone signals an attempt to retake
A keep in Perna governed by elgar Loren the islands.
Toronel for the baron of Quibei. The Toronel’s Settlement Hex Type Clan
seized Tarus from the pretender Arthis during the
Charope M7 Castle Tashones
Chaos. It was previously a possession of the
royal clan. King Dalhaga has not yet pressed for Meglendro M7 Keep Tashones
it to be returned, but nor has he officially granted Tashones N7 Town Freetown
it to the Toronels.
Tashones has a good harbour and lies along one carriage had broken down south of Tegam. She
of the Venarian Sea’s main trade routes, the town spent the night at the keep and was the baron’s
has always been to some degree in the shadow of lover. She left the next day, and the baron has
Berone. This competition was behind the town’s been unable to find any information about her, or
defection to Trierzon in 639 and, although even evidence of her passing from the
Tashones prospers, it is still a major limiting surrounding manors. Since that night the baron’s
factor in the town’s growth. financial ventures have been overwhelmingly
successful. The baron believes that the woman
was Halea herself or one of her handmaids and
that the goddess has singled him out for some
reason. However, given the religious climate of
Tengela there is noone he can discuss his
thoughts with.
Despite the fact that Bryna is Delahna’s only Although the Laranian church has fewer
surviving child, the two do not get along. It has adherents overall than the Peonian church,
been over three years since the two last saw each Larani’s followers tend to be wealthier. As a
other. Where Delahna is strong willed and in her result, Tengela receives nearly as many pilgrims
younger days rode with her first husband when as Perna, and catering to the pilgrims is a
he fought on the Azeryan border, Bryna is more significant part of the county’s economy.
cautious and rules mostly through her talent for
selecting competent ministers. In addition to its religious significance, Tengela
also produces a significant surplus of olives,
citrus fruit, apricots and almonds. Much of this
is exported down the Tenga river. The northern endowments by wealth, Laranian nobles and the
part of the county is inhabited by Beroni tribes investments of the church itself.
living in small villages throughout the Korgin
Mountains. The upper Tenga river contains the The town is a popular destination for noble
highest concentration of Beroni, and these tribes pilgrims, and much of the town’s economy rests
actually pay the tribute owed to Tengela. on this basis. There is a thriving trade in “relics”
of all sorts that is actively discouraged by the
For much of its history Tengela shared a border church but continues nonetheless. Tengela also
with the Azeryan Empire. This has contributed boasts a significant chantry of the Lyhavi
to the religious climate in the county, which is convocation of the Shek Pvar. The mages keep a
not surprisingly comprises strongly orthodox low profile given the religious nature of the
Laranian beliefs. All churches to gods other than town, but some of the masters have contacts in
Larani are proscribed in Tengela, with the the church at very high levels.
exception of the church of Peoni and the church
of Save Knor. TENYE, Keep [J1]
Settlement Hex Type Clan A keep in the county of Vadone in Shorkyne.
Algos K8 Keep Pelletan
Aurindi L8 Keep Cotourel
TEORA, Keep [K8]
A barony in Bomedus held by baron Jaren
Bose K8 Keep Laranian Church Lonnac from the duke of Kogamin. The elgar of
Chenas L8 Town Freetown Kogamin, Stefal Pretilian, maintains a gallows at
the crossroads near the keep, where he is want to
Darinda K9 Keep Blais display brigands and highwayman. There is
Ebineo K8 Keep Laranian Church almost always someone gibbeted on the gallows.
Enil L8 Keep Demers
TERIS, Mount [F5]
Geland L8 Keep Gagnon
A peak (6234’) in the Luinde Mountains.
Gyros K8 Castle Holy Sepulchre
Halken K9 Keep Barenier TERO, River [F7]
Ildun L8 Keep Fortan A river in southern Trierzon, draining the central
highlands of the Cheryka peninsular. The upper
Luvar L8 Keep Sirnanten reaches of the Tero River are swift and difficult
Malinu L8 Castle Eskarel to navigate.
Melife K8 Keep Laranian Church
TESDONY, Castle [A2]
Muldino L8 Keep Muldin A castle and shire moot of Malad Shire.
Nimith K8 Keep Laranian Church Tesdony possesses a good harbour, and a small
town of about 1300 has grown up around it. Sir
Nosines L8 Keep Langal
Tyre Ulmarl, the Sheriff of Malad, is an
Nosuni L9 Keep Laranian Church intelligent man. Much of clan Malad are of
Olivare L8 Keep Gyrelin common birth, and Tyre’s sympathies tend to lie
with the guilded classes. His position, however,
Osir L8 Keep Arpolan has forced him to be the prime agent of the
Tegam K8 Keep Moressal Emelrene Crown in limiting the growing power
of the guilded classes of Malad. Tyre dislikes,
Tengela K8 Town Laranian Church
but respects the Earl of Emane.
Virden L8 Castle Avarkiel
TEVAI, Keep [I7]
TENGELA, Town [K8] A barony in Halmo held by baron Laduce Erma
Population: 14,900. Tengela is the largest from the count of Halmo.
settlement in the county of Tengela and the seat
of the Sebrath. The town is noted for its grand
architechture, the result of generations of
the site of an old Trierzi hill fort, and is in the early fifth century, and died in 576. At
surrounded by extensive earthworks. An that time Lankor was under the rule of the
important Laranian abbery is located nearby. Azeryan Empire, and the Laranian church of
Lankor was forced to co-exist at close proximity
TIRDHWY, Mount [D1] to Agrikan priests that accompanied the
A peak (6274’) in the Jerinalian Mountains. legionary garrison of the province. While this
co-existence was not always peaceful, it did
allow for more interaction and the exchange of
TIRONAS, Keep [B3] ideas between the two religions than typically
A barony in Alwina held by baron Rulon Gervais took place elsewhere. It was in this environment
from the Queen of Emelrene. Rulon imagines that Tobran developed the main tenets of his
himself well liked by his serfs, but is in fact a creed.
poor adiminstrator and lord.
Essentially, Tobran embraced some traditional
TIVEL, Keep [B4] Laranian virtues – courage, justice, strength,
A barony in Norimar held by baron Allyn compassion – but rejected others – hierarchy,
Thjarna from the earl of Norimar. High bluffs authority, chivalric honour. The version of
overlook the river Entano just to the north of the Laranianism proposed by Tobran was a radically
keep. Some legends associate these with an individualistic and egalitarian doctrine. While it
elmithri or asiri said to guard the “gold of the remained quite consistent with the traditional
Entano”. Laranian themes of compassion and reluctance to
use force, it was also undeniably meritocratic
and socially radical. To many orthodox
TOBRAN HERESY Laranians, Tobran insistence on leadership by
A heretical variant of Laranian beliefs example of the ‘best’ looked a lot like the
originating in Lankor, but most popular in the Agrikan doctrine of ‘might is right’.
counties of Nadamia, Melesuma, and Anfaldon
in Trierzon. From 616 to 620 TR the Laranian Despite two church councils – in Leredas in 612
church attempted to suppress the Tobran Heresy and in Gerefe in 614 – as well as the violence of
through force in the Tobran Inquisition. the Tobran Inquisition, Tobran beliefs still retain
Although the Inquisition largely broke the an attraction to a sizeable minority of Laranians
political power of the heresy, it failed to in the upper Degela valley. While the political
completely eliminate all belief. Recent decades chaos in Trierzon during the past 50 years has
have seen the Tobran Heresy begin to grow in seen the church’s attention focused elsewhere, it
strength again. is likely that another attempt will be made to deal
with the Tobran Heresy again soon.
TOLINIS, Keep [B5] and cautious, and has outlived two husbands.
A barony in Norimar held by baron Calan Ryala Outside of Jaleda she is sometimes known as
from the earl of Norimar. Calan is a recent ‘the shrew of Jaleda’.
convert to Laranianism, primarily as a way of
increasing his status at court. This has caused Blance has only one surviving child, her
some tension with his uncle, the elgar of Serecon daughter Ilene who is 35 years old, unmarried,
who refuses to convert. Clan Tolinis also hold and despairs of ever inheriting Jaleda. Despite
the keeps of Serecon and Vindela. her pessimism, Ilene is an intelligent and
competent woman. She currently resides in
Ubarian where she is chancellor of the exchequer
TONDAS, Keep [H7] for the king.
A barony in Areshomes held by baron Mavril
Elasime from the count of Areshomes.
TORGIN, Keep [J7]
A barony in Rindi governed by elgara Ysenthe
TONGANE, Keep [M3] Velthane for the count of Rindi. Ysenthe is the
A barony in Anfaldon held by baron Taralandes count’s younger sister. Somewhat flighty,
Ghevale from the count of Anfaldon. Unknown Ysenthe is often at Ebale attending her brother’s
to the baron, Tongane is the site of a covert parties. Several of the count’s friends are
Navehan temple. courting Ysenthe, and the count has declared that
her hand will go to the victor at a tournament he
TONTEL, Keep [K9] is organizing.
A barony in Dovalin held by baron Prato Onofri
from the duke of Dovalin. Tontel was the site of TORGIN, Keep [K6]
a regionally important Agrikan temple during the A barony in Amesuma held by baron Orsin
period of Azeri rule. Poulan from the duke of Ubai.
since then, and are traditionally close allies of the The current count, Rolan-Mirgael Travendal is
royal clan. an energetic man of 43. He is tall with dark hair
and eyes and walks with a slight limp, the result
The duchy of Trabant was created in 506 TR to of a hunting accident in his youth. Rolan-
coordinate the defence of the Gulf of Batana Mirgael is married to Janyre, the niece of the
against Ivinian raiding from Palithane. While current count of Anfaldon. Chamin (21) is the
the dukes of Trabant have improved on the heir to Melesuma and has two younger brothers
original Azeryani system of coastal defences, the Homez (17) and Gonfal (14).
thinly populated northern regions of the duchy
remain vulnerable to seaborne raiding, and Through his marriage to Janyre, Rolan-Mirgael
population is consequently focused around the has a good claim to the county of Anfladon when
fortifications. Southern Trabant is much more the current count dies. Should he end up
densely settled, and is a prominent fruit growing bringing Anfaldon and Melesuma under his
region, including significant wine production. control, Rolan-Mirgael would become one of the
wealthiest and most powerful nobles in Trierzon.
Politically the dukes of Trabant have This would certainly spell trouble, since Rolan-
traditionally been loyal allies of the royal clan. Mirgael has strong sympathies towards the
The heartland of Trabant, however, lies too far Tobran heresy, and has even been known to
from Ubarian, and the threat of Ivinian raiding is discuss the benefits of Azeri style tolerance of
too significant, for the dukes of Trabant to the Agrikan church.
exercise much interest in national politics. The
chief exception to this rule was the intervention TRENSUN, Keep [G4]
of duke Marego Andrevin in the Chaos. As a A barony in Senedalo held by baron Torithal
direct result of this, Harichel Andrevin Biname from the countess of Senedalo. Torithal
succeeded to the Trierzi throne and established was born with a birth defect that keeps him
the Andrevin dynasty. The current ruling clan, hunched over and that prevents him growing to a
the Chivaras, have largely returned to the normal size. He is widely known as the “dwarf
traditional focus on local issues. of Trensun”, a title that he detests.
Modern Trierzi society is the outcome of the Azeryani put down the revolt, the Imperium
resulting blending of the Trierzi, Zonora, and recognized the distinct problems of the area.
Azeryan cultures that took place as a result of
this migration. A Western Protectorate was created, and several
“loyal” Trierzi were given positions of
TRIERZON, Kingdom importance in the hope that this would stabilize
Trierzon is western Lythia’s strongest feudal the area. This plan failed, however, when
state. Although considerably larger than any of Torichane seceded from the Azeryan Empire in
its neighbours to the west or north, Trierzon 492 and founded the Merevan dynasty. Imperial
shares a disputed border with the Azeryan and Trierzi armies clashed repeatedly for over a
Empire in the east. This has effectively limited decade before the Azeryan Empire accepted the
Trierzon’s considerable potential for expansion. reality of Trierzon’s independence.
Merevan Dynasty
Torichane 502-507
Taralandis 507-518
The Trierzi nobility are almost exclusively Mirgael 518-556
Laranian, while the bulk of the peasant classes Merelaya (Q) 556-589
are Peonian. Trierzon is home to both the Lorgaen 581-611
pontiffs of Larani and Peoni and is publicly Kalhames I 611-636
identified as a model of the ideal Laranian social Kalhames II 636-645
order. The king of Trierzon has the formal title Dalhaga I 645-681
of “Protector of the Peonian Faith”. In practice Iniella (Q) 681-684
the kingdom does not necessarily live up to the
ideal in all respects. Save Knor, Ilvir, and Halea Andrevin Dynasty
have small followings among specific segments Harichel 698-717
of society. Worship of Morgath, Agrik, and Dalhaga II 717-
Naveh is proscribed and is punishable by death,
as is the worship of Sarajin (although the latter The current king, Dalhaga II is a sincere and
ban is not enforced in many areas). intelligent young man, who has yet to impose his
authority on his court. He struggles with the vast
The Trierzon region was conquered by the size of his kingdom and the power of his tenants
Azeryan Empire in the third century and in chief. There are 43 counties in Trierzon held
governed as the province of Zonora. During the by 5 dukes and 19 counts, not including two
fifth century increasing numbers of Trierzi duchies and one county held by the royal clan.
barbarians were peaceably settled in the region. The duke of Trabant and the count of Faldin also
In 484 the Trierzi rebelled and, although the hold an additional county each as tenant in chief
When Ubai was conquered by the Azeryan The lands around the lower Gaden River are also
Empire, the area was populated by a number of amongst the most fertile in Trierzon, resulting in
Zonargares tribal groups, collectively called the a high population density in all three counties.
Ubai. Since the growth of Ubai as the capital of The population of the duchy is highly
Trierzon the population has taken on a more cosmopolitan, and reflects the make-up of
cosmopolitan feel, and the local culture is now Trierzon.
quite distinct from that of the upper Degela
Valley. Unlike much of Trierzon’s population, the
Settlement Hex Type Clan people of Ubai tend to think of themselves as
Trierzi citizens first, and residents of the manor,
Anuba K4 Keep Isylda town or county second. The Andrevins have
Bolda K4 Keep Andrevin only ruled Ubai since the end of the Chaos, but
the local population view themselves as attached
Deken J4 Keep Moriven to the king rather than to a particular dynasty.
Ebrim J4 Keep Bornial The stability brought by the Andrevins has
generally been welcomed.
Elprin J5 Keep Orsyl
Fiduso J4 Keep Andrevin
UBARIAN, Town [K5]
Gimelt J4 Keep Gerilard Population: 35,900. The principal settlement of
Grenale J5 Keep Bornial the county of Ubai and the traditional seat of the
King of Trierzon. Although Ubarian is not as
Hader J4 Keep Pettoir important to the government of Trierzon as
Kirin J5 Castle Admenteau Quarelin is to the government of Shorkyne, its
position and role as the seat of the King have
Ludel K5 Keep Isylda
made it a wealthy and cosmopolitan town.
Marten K5 Keep Andrevin
Melenden K4 Castle Andrevin In particular, the creation of a Trierzi parliament
has had a great effect on the town. Although the
Movai J5 Keep Pausarin powers of the parliament are rather limited, it
Naja K5 Keep Frasac brings most of the great magnates of Trierzon to
Ubarian for at least a few weeks of the year.
Ogere K5 Keep Gere
Panath K5 Keep Andrevin
Quibei K5 Castle Toronel
Rosan J5 Keep Ivelin
Seletos J5 Keep Seletane
Selpiren J4 Castle Bornial
Seon K5 Keep Elvatane
Tilib K5 Keep Sydra
Ubarian K5 Town Andrevin
Zelbe K5 Castle Andrevin
UBAI, Duchy
The domain of the royal house of Trierzon. The
duchy of Ubai comprises the counties of Ubai,
Mankonia, and Amesuma. Controlling the
junction of the Gaden and Degela rivers as well
as access to the Azeryan Empire via the Adegin
Pass, Ubai occupies the strategic heart of
Trierzon. Ubai suffered extensive damage during the
Chaos, and a priority for the Andrevin kings has
been to rebuild Ubarian in the style befitting the
monarch of Trierzon. Of particular note is the affected by Ivinian raids, and there are a number
new royal palace being constructed to the north of ruined manors along the coast that have never
of the White Citidel, and a new Laranian been rebuilt.
Cathedral being built in the centre of the city.
Settlement Hex Type Clan
The Cathedral will be the new seat of the
Laranian primate of Trierzon. The primate is Aregan B3 Town Freetown
currently located in Versheme, but is expected to Buzen A3 Keep Lydrel
move to Ubarian in the summer of 720. The
investment of royal funds in these projects has Cheiro B3 Keep Ysmorian
also encouraged other great lords to spend on Geninos A3 Keep Penhalier
building new town houses, resulting in a
Gorla B3 Keep Sheriff Ulama
dramatic range of elegant buildings going up in
the centre of the town. Inamae A3 Keep Ysmorian
Kednol A3 Keep Chalatine
There is a large chantry of the guild of arcane
law in Ubarian, as well as the temple of the Magebur B3 Keep Sheriff Ulama
Trierzi primate of Save Knor. Recently a Ornea A3 Castle Sheriff Ulama
number of schools, each run by a “college of
masters” have opened up in association with Ribid A3 Keep Lydrel
these two institutions, and students from across Sonau B3 Castle Ysmorian
Trierzon now come to Ubarian to study.
ULANAE, Keep [I4]
UDELE, Keep [L7] A barony in Ilbra held by elgar Loren Yebaal for
A barony in Magalia held by baron Sovis Alai the duke of Stalfore. Loren’s family has its
for the count of Magalia. origins in Ivinians who settled in Palithane
during the 550s.
UDENI, Keep [F9]
A barony in Trabant held by baron Ordred Javan ULBES, Keep [K3]
from the duke of Trabant. A barony in Faldin held by baron Teleth Deblina
from the countess of Faldin.
UHLA, Cape [A3]
A cape in Emelrene named after the black ULDITE, Keep [H6]
lantern of Save Knor. The name of the cape is A barony in Vedin held by baron Talis Duabne
said by some to be due to a large black rock from the duke of Gelamo.
formation thought to look like the Uhla, and by
others to be a warning about the perils of ULESHEN, Keep [H8]
rounding Cape Uhla without solid knowledge of A keep in Korun governed by elgara Brygid
the navigational hazards. A number of ships Oromil for the baron of Oromus.
have been wrecked off Cape Uhla by southwest
gales off the Gulf of Ederwyn.
ULMESI, Keep [G8]
A barony in Ilaska held by baron Sovas Kydal
ULAMA, Shire [A3] from the count of Ilaska.
Location: Emelrene
Shire Moot: Ornea
Population: 92,000 ULMIS, Keep [N3]
A barony in Anfaldon held by baron Kason
Ulama is the southernmost shire in Emelrene. Navas from the count of Anfaldon.
Much of the south and west of the shire is lightly
wooded hills or heath, and the bulk of the ULNI, Keep [K5]
population lies in the Gamena valley to the A barony in Mankonia held by baron Kabin
north. The southwest of the shire has an Ebestane from the Duke of Ubai. The Ebestanes
uncanny reputation, even by Emelrene’s are an offshoot of the powerful Ebesten clan and
standards, and is avoided by most people. generally follow the lead of the baron of Anlide.
During the Viking years, Ulama was heavily
Nimodhe for the baron of Bisendes. Jeraf is
something of a favourite of his aunt, the
URIKON, Castle [D10] Clan Valastre can trace their descent directly to
A castle in Trabant governed by Elgar Varnis Pardan Valastre, one of Torichane’s household
Ybora for the duke of Trabant. The marshes to knights who was granted Manas as a fief in 506.
the west of Urikon are hazardous to unfamiliar Since then the Valastres have ruled Manas,
sailors, and it is not uncommon for oceangoing usually as close supporters of the king. During
vessels to find themselves beached on the tidal the chaos the Valastres reluctantly sided with
flats that stretch out a considerable distance from Arthis, only after civil war broke out. Relations
shore when the tide changes. Local wreckers are difficult with the Andrevin kings now ruling
take advantage of this, and have even been Trierzon, although the Valastres are loyal.
known to set lights to lure ships onto the shore.
Count Bardil Valastre is a tall thin man of 42
URVEN, River [I3] with a hawkish profile. Something of an ascetic,
A large river in northern Trierzon, and a he is surprisingly both a skilled warrior and a
significant tributary of the Gaden River. The learned scholar. In his youth, Bardil spent time
river has its origins in the snows of mount in the Emerlrene and Melderyn courts, and is
Refome. believed by many to have undertaken study in
the arcane arts while there. Gwynela Valastre,
USHERUS, Keep [I7] the count’s oldest child has spent the last five
A keep in Latima governed by elgar Ermande years in Melderyn. She is currently 21, and is
Fenela for the duke of Gelamo. due to return from Cherafir in the summer of
are struggling with a number of peasant secret quarried in the northern part of Calima. Vedin
societies aimed at their overthrow, a relic of the itself is famous for the skill of its armourers.
brutal rule of the Vaalkarts when they first
conquered the area in the 520s. The elgara of Vedin, Etoly Navastan is the
cousin of duke Gavrel. A small, mousy woman
VALENDA, Keep [G8] of 31, Etoly is unmarried. She studied in
A barony in Ilaska held by baron Ostel Bilyrian Areshomes and Berema when she was younger,
from the count of Ilaska. and is undoubtedly bright. Some suspect that
she may have also dabbled in the arcane arts, as
some of her insights seem to go further than can
VALENSA, Keep [J4] be explained by a good reading of the evidence
A barony in Faldin held by baron Lygan Urand alone.
from the countess of Faldin.
Settlement Hex Type Clan
VAMISE, River [H2] Abegul I7 Keep Monteral
A river in northern Trierzon. There is an Adege H7 Keep Pereselan
impressive cataract on the river, just north of the
Bastra H6 Keep Durampal
keep of Banduni (qv)
Breme H6 Keep Bardan
VANDUZ, Keep [C5] Disa H6 Keep Navastan
A barony in Gavas held by baron Josclyn Elgata I6 Keep Dhimadra
Kaelnig from the earl of Gavas.
Elosam H7 Keep Navastan
VARANE, Keep [G1] Gilonder I7 Castle Monteral
A keep in Montivel in Shorkyne. Hesore I6 Keep Uralla
Ketela H6 Keep Sherence
VARUM, Fortress [M6]
Letere H6 Keep Capolan
A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by one
company of the Legion of the Stone Hand. Mensael I6 Keep Monteral
Metini H7 Keep Metin
VEADE, Keep [I6] Montes I7 Keep Monteral
A barony in Gelamo held by baroness Ysabela
Maladri from the duke of Gelamo. Nines H7 Keep Krasunal
Omari H7 Keep Karyne
VEDENA, Castle [H6] Pida H6 Keep Monteral
A barony in Agelos held by baron Jeves
Carumerre from the countess of Agelos. The Rhimal H6 Keep Bardan
Carumerres also hold the keep of Ilderes and Shedhym H7 Keep Arcanda
have a seat on the governing council of Penetha.
Sporela H7 Keep Navastan
The family is wealthy and has extensive
mercantile interests, including the ownership of Tanaton H6 Keep Navastan
Uldite H6 Keep Duabne
VEDIN, County [H7] Vedin H6 Town Freetown
Location:Southwestern Trierzon three vessels trading between Degela Bay and
Ruler: Elgara Etoly Navastan the Gelbin Bight.
Population: 180,000
to his administrative duties. So far his ability has Avarkiel. Virden was a minor keep when the
compensated for his lazyness, but his pontiff granted it to the Knights of Avarkiel in
management of the estates is starting to slip. 624. It was intended to serve as a suitably
humble base for the grandmaster of the Knights
VERATH, Keep [J7] when he was summoned to Tengela to attend the
A barony in Kogamin held by baron Huris Myne pontiff. Since 624 the Knights have invested
from the duke of Kogamin. heavily in the fortress, and Virden is now one of
the most impressive and luxuriously appointed
fortifications in southern Trierzon.
VERELIM, Keep [G1]
A barony in Stalfore held by baron Lankelo
Ledeor from the duke of Stalfore. VISHRAS, Title
A Vishras is the head of the Azeryan
bureaucracy for a district within a province. A
VEROTHE, Keep [D6] Vishras will be assisted by a number of district
A barony in Skagia held by baron Hesar Arlaas secretaries (Vishathra) and a larger number of
from the earl of Skagia. clerks. A Vishras reports to the provincial
Population: 12,200. Once capital of the Azeryan VISTIN, Keep [K9]
province of Zonora, Versheme is now only a A barony in Zhoren held by baron Orthas
shell of its old self. The outer wall of the town is Ispendina from the duchess of Zhoren. The
in poor repair and much of the land within the baron’s eldest daughter, Soeli Ispendina is
outer wall is given over to pasture and gardens. engaged to the heir to the baron of Zomilen. She
Nonetheless, Versheme is still a large town and loathes her fiancé and is looking for
remains important due to its location at the opportunities to run away.
crossroads of two of Trierzon’s most important
highways. The Laranian primate of Trierzon has
traditionally been based in Versheme. However, VIVENES, Keep [I5]
in the summer of 720 the primate’s seat is due to A keep in Gelamo governed by elgar Vacherd
be moved to Ubarian. Viberran for the duke of Gelamo.
directing much of Vunore’s wealth into his own WELIS, Keep [K3]
purse. A barony in Nadamia held by baron Gerial
Ladaro from the count of Nadamia. The Ladaros
VUXOR, Keep [B10] are a powerful family, also controlling the
A keep in Tarkain held by earl Ragnaar nearby keeps of Resymes and Zardoz. They
Zhulesenaal from the king of Tarkain. Clan steer a neutral course in Nadamia’s stormy
Zhulesenaal are a cadet branch of clan Zhulesen political straits.
from Harbaal. The retain close trading links with
their parent clan. WENES, keep [J7]
A barony in Kogamin held by baron Ramand
Keteval from the duke of Kogamin. The baron is
pursuing a feud against the baron of Quarnon.
order of the Winged Lion to refocus their efforts far the largest. A good proportion of the
on the conversion of pagans – particularly quicksilver produced at Xertu is used
worshippers of Sarajin. Since 696 the order has domestically in Emelrene, but enough of the
had a small presence in Seldenbaal and metal remains that it is a significant component
Jarenmark in Ivinia and the Knights of Avarkiel in Emelrene’s export market.
have reluctantly followed suit.
XEOTA, Keep [G1]
from the duke of Dovalin. The Alim’s have
significant Hepekerian blood.
the Ypena River drains both the southern
Jerinalian Mountains and the western end of the
Luinde Mountains. The Ypena valley contains
the most fertile and densely settled regions of
Palithane. ZALAR, Keep [H5]
A barony in Devai held by baron Althir Elosiral
YRAS, Keep [H3] from the duke of Gelamo.
A barony in Ilbra held by baron Erben Salienna
from the duke of Stalfore. ZALDOR, Keep [I4]
A barony in Malagos held by baron Beran
YSORE, Keep [E9] Toraste from the count of Malagos.
A barony in Tamala held by baron Ubral
Fantasime from the duke of Trabant. ZARDOZ, Keep [K3]
A barony in Nadamia held by elgar Parlas
YVANDE, Clan Ladaro for the baron of Welis. Zardoz contains
The Yvandes originally hail from Baldeme an important copper mine which is a source of
where a branch of the clan still holds several ongoing dispute between count Rolan and the
manors. The more important branch of clan baron of Welis.
Yvande, however, was heavily involved in the
wars against the Azeryan Empire in the first half ZARIDE, Keep [J7]
of the sixth century. As a result of service in the A barony in Rindi held by baron Maedar Fitales
wars, Avila Yvande was created count of from the count of Rindi.
Zhoren. Following the Dovalin war of 638 to
640 the islands of Ilona and Omegen were ZATAN, Keep [N3]
brought under the authotity of the count of A barony in Anfaldon governed by elgar Turise
Zhoren to co-ordinate their defence. Since this Melaega for the count of Melesuma. Turise is
time the Yvandes have been dukes of Zhoren. the widow of one of the count’s vassals and the
post of elgar was provided for her by the count
The current as Turise held no lands of her own. Turise is a
head of clan Tobran, and her appointment has sparked some
Yvande is devout Laranians to spread stories about her
duchess seducing the count of Melesuma.
Yvande, a
tough and ZELBE, Castle [K5]
hard bitten A castle in Ubai governed by elgar Kabelde
woman of Vanoren for the duke of Ubai. Zelbe controls the
43. Lysela western approaches to Ubarian and is also a
inherited the duchy, despite a younger brother, significant settlement in its own right with a
because she was a better politician and knight population of 2700.
than her brother. She is still a competent warrior
and keeps herself fit and active. Although not ZERAES, Keep [G7]
unattractive, Lysela is unmarried and has no A barony in Areshomes held by elgar Lepael
children. Her most likely heir is the eldest Cisoro for the baron of Ledet. The chapel at
daughter of her brother, a girl of 14 who hero Zeraes holds a Laranian relic, the shield of saint
worships her aunt. Borlsis, said to have the power to remove curses.
larger than the forces he had assembled to pursue Megrain K9 Town Freetown
Thoyen K9 Keep Grenaryl
ZHALON, Keep [J5] Tran K9 Keep Fountenar
A keep in Peltane governed by elgar Vandil Vistin K9 Keep Ispendina
Xavande for the baron of Corin.
Zomilen K9 Keep Sancrastel
A barony in Stalfore held by baron Cherle ZHOREN, Duchy [K9]
Felshime from the duke of Stalfore. Consisting of the counties of Zhoren, Ilona, and
Omegen, Zhoren is Trierzon’s most southern
duchy. Most trade between the eastern Venarian
ZHENTIMES, Keep [I1] Sea and Trierzon or northern ports passes
A keep in the county of Elavona in Shorkyne. through the duchy, contributing to a wealthy
mercantile culture. The duchy is, however, also
ZHOREN, County [K9] exposed to raids by the Azeryan navy.
Location: southeastern Trierzon
Ruler: Duchess Lysela Yvande Zhoren was heavily settled by Azeri during the
Population: 161,000 days of the Empire, and still boasts a strong
Azeri feel. This is visible both in the region’s
Zhoren is a densely populated county in southern architecture, but also in the people. Zhoren has a
Trierzon. The Venarian Sea ensures a mild stronger urban culture and a much greater
climate well suited to agriculture and fruit attachment to the worship of Halea than is
growing. Citrus fruits, apricots, almonds, pears, common elsewhere in Trierzon.
and olives are exported, as is a dark red wine
known as Joresan. ZIDE, Keep [M4]
A barony in Melesuma held by baron Toric Vian
Zhoren has a strong Azeryan influence in its from the count of Melesuma. Toric is a brutal
past, and this is reflected in its culture. The thug who works his peasantry hard and enjoys
Zhoren nobility is often engaged in mercantile violence.
activities, and is viewed a somewhat decadent by
nobles from northern Trierzon. The Peonian
church heirarchy’s concern about Halean ZOLTE, Fortress [N5]
influences in the local Peonian church also A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by 1 company
reflects this cultural heritage. of the 2 nd Beronium legion.
Settlement Hex Type Clan
ZOMILEN, Keep [K9]
Banin K9 Keep Veryn A barony in Zhoren held by baron Meryk
Cheleth K9 Keep Alaise Sancrastel from the duchess of Zhoren. Maryk’s
heir, Fraond is a pompous arrogant young man
Demegin K9 Castle Yvande of 22 and the apple of his father’s eye.
Feond K9 Keep Yvande
Fomen K9 Keep Harkona ZONAN, River [M6]
Gelinde J9 Keep Yvande A river in Beronium flowing into Tasha Sound.
Although the Zonan valley is heavily settled,
Himos K9 Castle Zarakhel being the heart of Beronium province, there are
Imekym K9 Keep Zarakhel no bridges across the river. This is a defensive
measure on the part of the Azeryan Empire to
Joresa K9 Town Yvande deter Trierzi aggression.
Kazyn K9 Keep Toraste
Kirot K9 Keep Cesiro ZONORAGARES, Tribe
The Zonoragares were a tribal people occupying
Lazori K9 Keep Yvande
the upper Degela River valley. Most of the
Lumin K9 Keep Martyl population in the region are still largely of