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Trierzon Index

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© C. H. L. Smith, N. Robin Crosby, & Columbia Games Inc.


The Trierzon index is intended to be a general reference for referees using the Trierzon Regional Map
published by Columbia Games Inc. or equivalent maps of the Trierzon region to be published by Kelestia
Productions. It provides ready access to key information about the geography, culture, politics, and
settlement patterns of the Trierzon region.

As far as possible, this index does not reproduce material from the Harn, Ivinia, or Shorkyne regional
modules. In a few places information is duplicated where to omit the information would seriously
compromise the internal coherence of the Trierzon Index. In such cases an attempt has been made to strike
a balance between the provision of necessary contextual information and duplicating existing material.

There are a range of different types of entry contained in the Trierzon Index.


All features named on the Trierzon Regional Map can be found in the index. Some of these provide
background information about the feature that cannot be found elsewhere.


All the major cultures and kingdoms in the Trierzon region have entries in the Trierzon Index. In addition,
there are a number of entries relating to historical cultures or political entities that were important in
shaping the region.


Every settlement on the Trierzon Regional Map has an entry in the Trierzon Index. Each entry typically
indicates which clan currently controls the settlement and the name of the current ruler or administrator.


(qv) Indicates a relevant entry found elsewhere in the index.

[B9] Grid locations of places on the Trierzon Regional Map.

© C. H. L. Smith, N. Robin Crosby, & Columbia Games Inc.


ACHERA, Keep [F8]

ABEGUL, Keep [I7]
A keep in Ilaska governed by elgar Madal Roiale
for the count of Ilaska. Achera is built where the
old Azeri coastal highway crossed the Nelkor
River at its lowest fordable point. Located deep
in the Cheryka forest Madal’s mandate to
A keep in Vedin governed by elgar Jaro administer the vast tracts of the forest claimed as
Monteral for the baron of Gilonder. part of Ilaska is something of a joke. He
manages to keep the highway relatively free of
ABESHRES, Castle [I1] brigands and considers himself doing well to
A castle in the county of Elavona in Shorkyne. achieve this with his limited forces.

ABODEN, River [I7] ADEGE, Keep [H7]

A river draining the eastern half of the Calima A barony in Vedin held by baron Tarin Pereselan
hills. from the duke of Gelamo.

ABRELYN, Shrine [E1] ADEGIN, Pass [L6]

Located in a broad valley above the treeline, The lowest and most commonly used pass over
Abrelyn is the most holy of the various Emelan the Korgin Mountains, linking the Trierzi county
shrines to the old gods (qv) scattered around the of Amesuma and the Azeryan province of
Jerinalian, Nadami, and Luinde mountains. In Beronium. A good highway runs over the
addition to being an important shrine, Abrelyn is Amesuma pass, making it relatively easy to
also the dwelling place of the Dheria-Isvan, a move troops across. Because of this the pass is
spiritual leader who has a strong influence over heavily militarized, with both Trierzon and
the “free” Emela. Azeryan maintaining sizeable garrisons in the
fortresses near the pass.

AFELIS, Keep [I4]

A barony in Baldeme held by baron Porluan
Divasa from the countess of Baldeme. Afelis
was built in 642 TR to control the north end of
the Beledar bridge. The baron of Porluan has an
ongoing dispute with the countess about his right
to collect tolls at the bridge.

AGARITH, Keep [I7]

A barony in Latima held by baron Dorilane
Sureda from the duke of Gelamo. The Suredas
have marriage ties to clan Arquet and detest the
Navastans. Dorilane has considered offering his
fealty to the count of Enala.
Very few non-Emela are ever permitted to visit
Abrelyn, but those who do mention the “barrow AGELE, Keep [M3]
road”, the long house of the Dheria-Isvan, and A keep in Melesuma governed by elgar Doril
the “High houses of the white god and the green Lacare for the baron of Herid.
AGELOS, County [G5]
ABYDA, Keep [M3] Location: Central Trierzon
A barony in Anfaldon held by baron Harle Ruler: Countess Aleth Pelandro
Delgael from the count of Anfaldon. Population: 192,000

Agelos occupies the fertile upper Ilas valley and

the southern foothills of the Luinde mountains.

The old Azeryan Luinde Road cuts across the AGENON, Fort [M7]
southern half of the county through the walled A coastal fortress in Beronium garrisoned by
town of Penetha, while the northern half of the three companies of the Legion of the Stone
county is more remote. Wine is produced in the Hand.
southern half of the county, although not in the
quantity of Areshomes, but the foothills of the
Luinde Mountains are rightly famous for their AGOMEN, Keep [L3]
honey. Much of this is made into mead, which is A keep in Melesuma governed by elgar Charis
a major regional export. Abnay for the baron of Kiropa.

The Luinde Mountains have a sizeable Emelan AGRAS, Keep [K5]

population, and the Emela account for perhaps a A barony in Perna held by baron Tarin Touchard
tenth of the total population of Agelos. The from the count of Perna.
counts of Agelos have learned not to interfere
excessively in Emelan affairs, and relations with AGRIS, Keep [K4]
the Emela are generally amicable. A keep in Faldin governed by elgar Harl Bellame
Settlement Hex Type Clan for the baron of Cilgos.
Agelos G6 Castle Pelandro
Benode G6 Keep Imon AJERA, Keep [I5]
A barony in Peltane held by baron Harasel
Bilire G6 Keep Etrand Equilan from the count of Peltane. Harasel also
Cheshem G6 Keep Etrand holds the keep of Laseno. The Equilans are
trusted allies of the Chivara clan.
Delotus G6 Castle Pelandro
Girenoshe H6 Keep Pelandro
ALBODH, Keep [D5]
Hiona G5 Keep Racine A barony in Luindar held by baron Gevan
Ilderes G6 Keep Carumerre Landre from the earl of Luindar. The Landres
are of mixed Thanema and Emelan ancestry and
Kejedes H6 Keep Nyrid held onto their lands through the Ivinian
Meltris H6 Keep Cloquen conquest. The family are followers of Save Knor
and retain important manuscripts from the days
Nelym G6 Keep Pelandro
of the Azeryan Empire.
Oraka G6 Keep Etrand
Penetha G6 Town Freetown ALDARNE, Keep [E4]
Selturim H6 Keep Aservin A barony in Athamas held by baron Dolen
Poulain from the count of Athamas.
Shyba G6 Keep Tobard
Vadeso G6 Keep Pelandro ALDNER, River [F3]
Vedena H6 Castle Carumerre A tributary of the Gaden River.
Ybande G6 Keep Galcarne
ALECHIN, Keep [K3]
A barony in Nadamia held by baron Jaro
AGELOS, Castle [G6] Gafrelay from the count of Nadamia. Gafrelay
The seat of the countess of Agelos, the castle is was sacked during the Chaos and the
built on the site of an old Zonora hill fort. A surrounding estates suffered heavy damage. The
sizeable settlement has grown up around the barony has still not recovered economically, and
castle acting as the primary market for the upper the keep is partially in ruins.
reaches of the Ilas valley. There has been some
talk of erecting a stone wall along the lines of the
ALEDER, Keep [N2]
dike surrounding the old hill fort.
A barony in Anfaldon held by baroness Rashiella
Ferri from the count of Anfaldon. Rashiella is of
medium height and build. Her brown hair
indicates a trace of Emelan ancestry. An active

person, Rashiella is often away hunting in the ALSINI, River [E9]

foothills of the Nadami mountains. A river in southern Trierzon. The town of
Murshel is built on the banks of the Alsini.
ALGOS, Keep [K8]
A barony in Tengela held by baron Korith ALSINON, Castle [F3]
Pelletan from the pontiff of the Laranian church. A castle in Tamanias and seat of elgar Arain
Clayr the younger, the heir to the count of
ALGRAM, Shire [A1] Athamas. Over the years the Clayrs have made
Location: Emelrene Alsinon the key to the defence of Tamanias. The
Shire Moot: Maxir castle boasts a large garrison and two complete
Population: 95,000 sets of concentric walls surround a massive
donjon. For a period in the 500s, the castle was
Algram is a shire in Emelrene lying on the in the hands of the Fastrads of Kevald,
northern shores of the Gulf of Modan. The shire something that the Fastrads have not forgotten.
remains something of a rural backwater, and has
few good ports. Flax is widely grown in ALSINOR, Castle [I5]
Algram, and a good proportion of it is woven A barony in Gelamo held by baron Tarkil Sabral
into linen cloth within the shire. Woven cloth from the duke of Gelamo. Alsinor is considered
and dressed flax are sent south across the Gulf of to be the most beautiful castle in the duchy of
Modan to support the prosperous linen trade of Gelamo, if not Trierzon. Duke Gavrel visits
Alwina and Malad. Alsinor regularly, something that Tarkil does not
Settlement Hex Type Clan appreciate both due to the cost and personal
dislike of the Duke. The Sabrals also hold the
Baros A1 Keep Tiemal keeps of Quavis and Megyna.
Cenoma A1 Keep Elydene
Endalin B1 Keep Endal ALSTIR, Keep [G3]
A barony in Senedalo held by baron Ranul
Geanda B1 Keep Tironer
Savond from the count of Senedalo. The keep
Jenaf B1 Keep Doralys was a favourite of queen Merelaya, and she
Klavis B1 Keep Elydene stayed at the keep frequently during the first
Karetan war. The nearby Peonian abbey of
Maxir B1 Town Sheriff Algram Alstir was founded by Merelaya and is by far the
Meddrin B1 Keep Isfalen largest landowner in the region. It is a popular
destination for pilgrims.
Nalise B1 Castle Elydene
Nicher B1 Keep Sheriff Algram ALTUA, Keep [J6]
Panira A1 Castle Doralys A barony in Jaleda held by baron Remis
Rustiro A1 Keep Elydene Glaudane from the countess of Jaleda. The
Glaudanes received the barony of Altua after the
Salumi B1 Keep Sheriff Algram Chaos when Blance Toreo returned and removed
the previous baron who had supported Arthis.
ALIMUS, Castle [B3]
A castle in Berema governed by elgar Ostel ALVIS, Keep [D5]
Morezyn, a knight from Melderyn. Alimus is the A barony in Luindar held by baron Tomel
ancestral seat of the Edhelen clan, and is still a Presjnik from the earl of Luindar. The first
favourite residence of the Queen. The castle is baron of Alvis, who renamed the keep after
located at an important road junction and is the himself, retained his Viking ways long after
site of a small walled town of about 2100 people. conquering the keep. After disappearing on a
Viking expedition in 543, rumours of his
ALOMA, Keep [J7] reappearance continued to surface. To this day
A barony in Latima held by baron Kabald Bloys there are those in clan Presjnik who maintain that
from the duke of Gelamo. the first baron still lives.

ALWIN, Town [B2] Mirod B2 Keep Chomaer

Population: 12,300. Emelrene’s second city and
primary port, Alwin is a bustling commercial Modana B2 Castle Harthen
centre. With a thriving export industry based off Quodra B2 Keep Koristel
the linen trade, Alwin is a stronghold of the
Shelege B2 Keep Feomer
guilded classes. Partly due to its commercial
orientation, Alwin generates nearly as much Tironas B3 Keep Gervais
income for the Crown as Berema, a situation Ymore B2 Keep Tysol
which has left royal officials in a quandary about
how to respond to the town’s sometimes
aggressive interpretation of its charter rights. AMANE, Castle [G8]
The church of Halea has a presence here that, A castle in Korun governed by elgar Aldin
although weak by the standards of elsewhere is Elsirin for the count of Korun. Amane is a
growing. The high priestess of the temple is the favoured summer retreat for the count. Most of
de-facto Halean primate of Emelrene. the Elsirin family is buried here, and the castle
has become something of a pilgrimage site for
Like Malad, Alwina has a chronic labour local Peonians.
shortage. Alwin is governed by a council of six
aldermen and a mayor who is directly elected by AMDON, Castle [B3]
propertied households in the town. The city A castle in Norimar governed by elgar Jorbaan
provides a number of ships for the royal navy. Ledrin for the earl of Norimar. Amdon is the
lynch pin of Norimar’s northern defences, and is
ALWINA, Shire [B2] also a popular retreat for the king. The king
Location: Emelrene consequently retains a larger than normal troop
Shire Moot: Leidras of household knights at the caste. Jorbaan, a
Population: 148,000 close friend on the current king’s father is a
trusted retainer and advisor.
Alwin is the largest and most populous shire in
Emelrene. The primary settlement of Alwina, AMESUMA, County [K6]
the city of Alwin, is Emelrene’s second city after Location: Central Trierzon
Berema and an important centre for the linen Ruler: Elgar Gorthes Moranel
trade. Because Alwin is Emelrene’s primary Population: 74,000
port, the inhabitants of Alwina tend to be a little
more open to outsiders than is the case for much Occupying the western slopes of the Korgin
of the rest of the country. Mountains, Amesuma commands one of the only
Settlement Hex Type Clan land routes between the Azeryan province of
Beronium and Trierzon feasible for an army.
Alwin B2 Town Freetown The Adegin Pass, which links the Degela and
Besane B2 Keep Chomaer Pagon valleys is both a source of valuable trade,
but also constant military threat to Amesuma.
Bise B2 Keep Sheriff Alwina
Every summer the majority of the feudal levies
Dernel B2 Keep Kayl from the Duchy of Ubai are concentrated here in
Esode B2 Keep Endal case of hostilities with the Azeryan Empire.

Feomer B3 Keep Rieldar The bulk of the county’s population live well
Forin B2 Keep Harthen away from the border in the fertile plains of the
Degela valley. A significant surplus of grain is
Ginve B2 Keep Byrefin produced. There is also a sizable population of
Himena B2 Keep Chomaer tribal Beroni living in small villages in the
Kadigen B2 Keep Wethryn Korgin Mountains. The mountain Beroni are
largely neutral between Trierzon and the
Kardim C2 Castle Harthen Azeryan Empire in that they are somewhat
Leidras B2 Castle Sheriff Alwina hostile to all armies maneuvering in the
mountains and taking crops or animals from
Lengis B2 Keep Harthen them.

Settlement Hex Type Clan peace time, but would be at a loss in the event of
a major Azeri invasion.
Geon K6 Keep Dubanarel
Hilver K6 Keep Cotore AMOYA, Castle [H9]
Horine K6 Keep Gagne A castle in Manas and seat of count Bardil
Valastre. The counts of Valastre have
Ojarion K6 Town Andrevin accumulated a large library over the generations
Shelber K6 Keep Andrevin which is kept at Amoya. Scholars occasionally
visit from as far away as Areshomes, or even
Sumas K6 Castle Andrevin
Emelrene for this reason. The count is judicious
Torgin K6 Keep Poulan in who he allows to access the library.
Zurones K6 Keep Jafreney
ANCHES, Keep [D9]
AMETER, River [C1] A barony in Chimas held by Baron Renil
A tributary of the Legama River in Trierzon. Chefforn from the duke of Trabant.
Traces of gold have been found in the Ameter,
but despite much searching, no major strike has ANDERA, Keep [I4]
ever been made. A barony in Baldeme held by baron Joril Lusine
from the countess of Baldeme. Queen Merelaya
AMNOL, Keep [G3] stayed at Andera several times, and endowed a
A keep in Stalfore held by clan Jedaro from the Peonian chapel in the keep. The Lusines view
duke of Stalfore. The current baron, Parlas themselves as the guardians of the chapel, and
Jedaro is more interested in his estates than his are devout Peonians. The chapel itself is a minor
feudal duties. His concern with the production pilgrimage site.
of Amnol’s pear brandy has led to his peers
nicknaming him ‘the alewife’, a title that ANDONE, Keep [D9]
embarrases his oldest son acutely, but that Parlas A barony in Tamala held by baron Baldon
hardly notices. Mirael from the duke of Trabant.


The seat of Estir Medaro, countess of Senedalo. The ruling house of the duchies of Ubai and
Amnolen is Estir’s favourite residence of all Kogamin, and the royal house of Trierzon. From
those in her not inconsiderable estates. The 506 until 698, the Andrevins were dukes of
lands around Amnolen are a rich mixture of Trabant. In 684 the Chaos was triggered wheen
orchard and field, and in the spring the area is a Iniella, the ruling queen announced her intention
mass of blossom. Situated on the spur of a hill to marry Marego Andrevin. Arthis, the elgar of
above the Gaden highway, Amnolen not only has Kogamin imprisoned Iniella rather than see this
a magnificent view of the surrounding happen and made himself regent.
countryside, it is also extremely strong. The
duke of Stalfore has been a regular visitor lately, The Chaos was largely a war between the
often making his travels from Engaritane to Andrevins as dukes of Trabant, and Arthis acting
Kamoria an excuse to stop for a few days in as duke of Ubai and Kogamin. When Marego
Amnolen. died while besieging Pelina his younger brother
Harichel Andrevin became duke. Taking
AMNOS, Castle [L5] advantage of the death of Arthis in 695, Harichel
A castle in Perna governed by elgar Gerano seized Ubarian and married Iniella.
Bemar for the count of Perna. Amnos is the
centerpiece of Trierzon’s defence of the Soritu Harichel was crowned as the first king of the
pass and the headquarters for a cohort of the Andrevin dynasty in 698. However, in accepting
royal army. Gerano is considered an able, if the Crown Harichel also needed to divest himself
unimaginative commander. He is more than of the duchy of Trabant. Not only would
capable of managing the defence of Perna in governing Trabant be almost impossible from
Ubarian, but the other great houses of Trierzon
would not tolerate the Crown holding Trabant as

well as Ubai and Kogamin. Harichel gave ANEGON, Town [F10]

Trabant to the Chivaras, who were loyal allies Population: 3,300. The chief town and center of
and counts of Peltane. government for the county of Bodima. Anegon
remains small, overshadowed by Murshel to the
Harichel died in 717, and was succeeded by his west and Chedilo to the east as a trading center.
eldest son Dalhaga, then 18. Harichel had Since Kaheris Chivara took up the governance of
named his son Dalhaga as a conscious attempt to Bodima, merchants, artisans, thieves, prostitutes,
strengthen the impression of continuity. In 719 astrologers, adventurers, and charlatans of all
Dalhaga married Vyane, a princess from Lankor sorts have swelled the poor quarters of Anegon.
in what has so far been the only major political
event of his reign.
ANEGOR, Keep [E10]
A barony in Trabant governed by Elgar
Angarand Desulo for the duke of Trabant.

ANESURI, Fortress [L6]

A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by 6
companies of the 1st Beronium legion. There is
an extensive network of beacons linking Anesuri
with Shianden, Teala, and Argedea.

ANETHIS, keep [I2]

A barony in Ilbra held by elgar Jare Amerkol for
the duke of Stalfore. The keep has been used by
generations of Galliands as a hunting lodge and
the duke was a not infrequent visitor himself in
the past. He has not, however, personally visited
Dalhaga is a soft spoken young man of 21. He is
Anethis himself for the past two years.
moderately intelligent and acutely aware of the
responsibilities that go with his station.
Although more competent than he realizes, ANFALDON, County [M2]
Dalhaga has yet to develop a high level of Location: Northern Trierzon
confidence in his own judgement. He relies, Ruler: Kaheris Oloryne
instead, on a council of his father’s trusted Population: 309,000
Anfaldon is a county in northern Trierzon lying
Iniella, the queen mother is still the strongest between the Nadami mountains and the Korgin
influence at court. At 60 she is beginning to feel mountains. Sitting astride the main trade route
a little frail, but has lost none of her iron will. between Zonora and Lankor, Anfaldon was of
Her son is reluctant to condradict her, and she critical importance during the period of Azeryan
usually gets her way. While Iniella is an rule, when the Degela highway was part of the
intelligent woman and a fair judge of character, Lankor frontier. During Azeryan rule the Degela
her influence is strongly resented by much of the highway consisted of a paved road with forts
rest of the court. interspersed along it about a day’s march apart.
In 720 TR the forts are ruins and the road has
Queen Vyane is particularly hostile to Iniella, deteriorated to the point where it can no longer
who still occupies the queen’s suite in the White take wheeled traffic with any degree of
Tower. Vyane genuinely likes Dalhaga, but the reliability.
match was an arranged marriage. She is angry at
Dalhaga for not standing up to his mother and is On the periphery of Trierzon geographically and
very concerned about her own status. All of the psychologically, Anfaldon has been something
court is waiting for news of an heir to the Trierzi of a backwater for the past three centuries. The
throne. county has, however, retained strong links with
Lankor. During the second half of the sixth
century Anfaldon and Melesuma comprised the

heartland of the Tobran heresy in Trierzon. Narune N2 Castle Oloryne

Since the inquisition the county has returned to
its peripheral status. Olsino N2 Keep Brovana
Osenda N3 Keep Oloryne
Anfaldon is, nonetheless, a comparatively
wealthy county. A major exporter of copper and Pagama N3 Keep Anagni
brassware, Anfaldon also remains the main Quilinados M3 Keep Sciarra
entrepot for trade from Lankor to Trierzon. The
Rikola N3 Keep Balgatan
Feyen pass also carries some trade from
Shorkyne. Rolined N2 Keep Brovana
Semila M3 Keep Peldael
Anfaldon is currently teetering on the brink of
chaos again. The current count Kaheris Oloryne Sirshen M2 Keep Sirsha
has no heir, and several powerful lords are likely Taleom N3 Keep Osteven
to press their claims to the county. More
Tike N2 Castle Oloryne
ominous still, the Tobran heresy is once more the
focus of the Knights of Avarkiel, who are Tofa M3 Keep Oloryne
pressing for the Serekela to declare a crusade. Tongane M3 Keep Ghevale
Settlement Hex Type Clan Ulmis N3 Keep Navas
Abyda M3 Keep Delgael Vepria N3 Keep Meredara
Aleder N2 Keep Ferri Werun N3 Keep Savila
Benosri N2 Keep Lorjia Zatan N3 Keep Travendal
Chegir N2 Keep Oloryne
Dari M3 Keep Ezonar ANKARYF, Castle [H9]
A barony in Manas held by baron Torqual
Diniri N3 Keep Travendal
Pelerian from the count of Manas. Ankaryf has
Donden M3 Keep Avarkiel been inhabited since before the Azeri conquest
Edharon N2 Keep Lethial and boasts both fortifications dating to the
Azeryan Empire and a substantial town with a
Edyla N3 Keep Meredara population of 2100.
Elega N3 Keep Jimene
Falorens M3 Town Oloryne ANLIDE, Castle [K5]
A barony in Mankonia held by baron Korasta
Gelude M2 Keep Avarkiel
Ebestan from the Duke of Ubai. The Ebestans
Grelese N3 Keep Taruine are the wealthiest and most powerful family in
Hunde M3 Keep Meredara Mankonia, more comparable in wealth with
Trierzi counts than with most barons. Loyal to
Ifrenum N3 Keep Travendal the crown, the Ebestans have held many high
Imega M2 Keep Silthael offices over the years. Korasta is currently the
Marshall of Trierzon. A tall, arrogant man who
Jandea N3 Keep Nygari is acutely aware of social status and looks down
Kediles M2 Keep Oloryne on his social inferiors, Korasta would likely be a
Kigari M3 Keep Televan disaster if required to command Trierzon’s
armies against a credible foe in wartime.
Leguro M3 Keep Perigor
Lesoles M3 Castle Oloryne ANSET, Keep [H6]
Linimo M2 Keep Brovana A barony in Devai held by baron Rolane
Indamon from the duke of Gelamo. The
Lyen M3 Keep Travendal Indamons also hold the keep of Konan.
Mabla M3 Keep Oloryne
Madeles N2 Keep Capetia
Mingra N2 Keep Brovana

ANTIREO, Castle [M8] Balthis has three children, two sons aged 20 and
A barony in Faleo held by baron Tyren Basado 17, and a daughter aged 8. Recently Balthis and
from the duke of Dovalin. Tyen married the his eldest son have fallen out over the son’s
duke’s eldest daughter in hopes of inheriting the insistance that he marry the daughter of the count
duchy. Several minor military debacles brought of Areshomes. This marriage would be very
on by his rashness have, however, ruined any advantageous politically, as Selana Torkise is the
chance of this coming to pass. sole heir to Areshomes, and the marriage would
bring the county under clan Arcona’s control.
ANTIVEL, Town [C4] The counts of Halmo, however, have been
Population: 8,200. A chartered Freetown and the careful over the years always to marry only pure
largest settlement in the county of Liguno. Trierzi, a fact that has left them with relatively
Anitvel was founded as a winter camp for an few marriage ties to their peers among the
Azeryan legion in 304 controlling an important southern nobility. Clan Torkise is as much
ford in the Ypena river. The town subsequently Zonora and Azeri as it is Trierzi, and for this
grew when Antivel became a permanent reason Balthis opposes the marriage. The
legionary fortress, and following the withdrawal countess, Saril Arcona is the daughter of a
of the Azeryan legions has survived on trade. Trierzi knight from Malagos and encourages her
husband, considering the southern nobility to be
The town is governed by a council of eight ‘decadent mongrel hybrids’.
aldermen, of which five are appointed by the
Mangai and one each by the Halean, Laranian,
and Peonian churches. The Laranian bishop of AREBILA, Keep [L3]
Antivel is a strong supporter of thje king, and is A keep in Melesuma governed by elgar Marekan
disliked by the earl of Liguno. Travendal for the count of Melesuma. Arebila
controls the north end of the Kiropa bridge, the
only crossing of the Degela River between
ANTRIN, Keep [K6] Darimur and Melesuma. The powerful Abnay
A barony in Jaleda governed by elgar Kastres family lost control of the keep during the Tobran
Ibelin for the countess of Jaleda. inquisition when the count of Travendal siezed
the keep in order to pre-empt the Knights of
ANUBA, Keep [K4] Avarkiel doing the same thing.
A keep in Ubai governed by Jorard Isylda for the
baron of Ludel. AREGAN, Town [B3]
Population: 3,300. Aregan is a small chartered
ARCONA, Clan Freetown in the shire of Ulama in Emelrene.
Clan Arcona is the ruling house of the county of The town is governed by a council of six
Halmo in Trierzon. Rothian Arcona was granted aldermen who elect a mayor from among
the lands around the lower Boden River by themselves. Lying inland, the town has not been
Torichane himself after the battle of Mokuno, in heavily affected by the linen trade, and is
which Rothian served as part of Torichane’s growing only slowly. Although largely eclipsed
household troop. Since then the Arcona’s have by nearby Berema, Aregan has a long history as
been faithful supporters of the Maltheris house. a site of learning. There is an important abbey of
Since the accession of the Andrevin kings, Save Knor near the town, and a number of minor
Arcona has changed from a pro-royal stance in chantries within the town walls. The town is
Trierzi politics to a more neutral role. also the seat of the Peonian primate for
Balthis Arcona, the current count of Halmo, is a
quiet and thoughtful man of 40 years. Like all of AREGOL, Castle [I5]
his line he is almost pure Trierzi, a fact which is A castle in Peltane and ancestral seat of clan
evident in his blonde hair and grey eyes. Chivara. Although rarely visited by the current
Although neither a great warrior, a particularly head of clan Chivara, Aregol remains the seat of
skilled administrator, nor an above average judge Lyzel Chivara, the elgar of Peltane. When
of character, Balthis is persistant and patient. Faradan is passing through Peltane on his way to
court he more usually meets Lyzel in Versheme.

Lyzel is unmarried, but is being courted by Molon H7 Keep Zarantin

Vabalard Equilan, the elgar of Laseno.
Monagen H7 Keep Torkise
ARESHOMES, County [G7] Nirio H7 Keep Havanil
Location: Southern Trierzon Olimen G7 Keep Valpasian
Ruler: Clarinis Torkise
Population: 309,000 Plarin G8 Keep Dhimadro
Quelymo G7 Keep Eivangrial
Areshomes is a populous county in southern
Rasora G8 Keep Dhimadro
Trierzon ruled by the Torkise clan. Already an
important region during the days of the Azeryan Shedeli H7 Keep Antholi
Empire, Areshomes grew in regional Shenilo G7 Keep Uralias
significance during the Viking years. Largely
protected by its inland location, Areshomes Tedele H8 Keep Quamas
remained a center for scholarship and religion Telison G7 Keep Dhimadro
after Ivinian raiders pillaged the coastal regions
of Trabant and Degela Bay. Tondas H7 Keep Elasime
Ulura H8 Keep Nimodhe
Covering most of the broad central plains of the Ureva G7 Keep Arconal
Ilas River, Areshomes is a fertile county. Much
wine is grown, particularly in the north and west Volsine H7 Keep Ilapa
of the county. The best varieties are the red Wyren G8 Keep Abryon
wines from the Shenilo region and the rose
produced around Belith. Areshomes is self- Ybraen G8 Keep Torkise
sufficient in grain, and is a modest exporter of Zeraes G7 Keep Cisoro
vellum and parchement.
Settlement Hex Type Clan Population: 12,100. The primary town of the
Areshomes G7 Town Torkise county of Areshomes, and a major religious
center. The town of Areshomes is the site of an
Askire H8 Keep Krasuna important Laranian abbey, as well as the chapel
Belith G7 Castle Torkise of mazes – actually a cathedral of Save-Knor
noted for the intricate puzzles, mazes, and
Bisendes H8 Castle Nimodhe obscure allegorical carvings decorating its
Colnis G7 Keep Velandaria interior stonework, and the great abbey of
Dromel G7 Keep Rikorio Aredhine, an abbey of Save-Knor noted for its
extensive library. In addition, Areshomes is
Eade G7 Keep Zeracyne purportedly the location of a prestigious chantry
Eilay G8 Keep Heborlis of the Guild of Arcane Law, although the
location, and even existence of the chantry, is not
Gelono G7 Castle Torkise common knowledge.
Hefendes G7 Keep Bardine
The current count has cultivated Areshomes’
Hilefe G6 Keep Torkise
reputation for scholarship, and the town is
Hylum G7 Keep Majaev flourishing. Areshomes is governed by elgar
Iryga G7 Keep Torkise Subin Tansel, an enigmatic figure whom the
count met in Emelrene. Subin is advised by a
Jandes H7 Keep Uryion council of twelve consisting of six elected
Katren H7 Keep Eldasyn representatives from the town, and six
representatives of the local churches. The
Kedel G7 Keep Shimon
religious representatives currently consist of two
Ledet G7 Keep Cisoro Laranians and four priests of Save-Knor. There
Linri G7 Keep Melathno is currently some talk on the council of seeking
the count’s patronage to establish a college of
Misle G7 Keep Torkise theology in the town.

ASTYNO, Keep [C5]

ARGEDEA, Castle [M6] A keep in Gavas governed by elgar Stavaar
A castle in Beronium and headquarters for the Gurten for the baron of Dalfis.
Argedea district. The castle is commanded by
Telmen Nysul Zorane, perhaps the most ATHAMAS, County [D3]
experienced cohort commander in western Location: Palithane
Azeryan. The district Vishras, Syveria Beltynae, Ruler: Count Arain Clayr
is a devout Halean with good connections in Population: 161,000
Berone. She is an efficient and able
administrator. A cohort of the Legion of Present Athamas is a county in Palithane occupying the
Destiny is currently garrisoned here. upper reaches of the Ypena valley between the
Jerinalian and Luinde mountain ranges. The
ARGENT BLADE, Fighting order bulk of the population is concentrated in the
A Laranian fighting order sponsored by the fertile Ypena valley, but there is also a sizeable
clerical order of the Crimson Blazon. The order Emela population in the hills and mountains of
of the Argent Blade exists primarily to guard the county.
Laranian temples in the western provinces of the
Azeryan Empire and to assist Laranian (and to a Although the county was conquered by clan
lesser degree Peonian) travelers and Ledrin, it has retained its native Thanema ruling
missionaries. Unlike its parent order, the order class. This was originally as a result of the
of the Argent Blade has relatively little presence alliance between the Clayr family and the
in Trierzon, but it has chapter houses in Berone, Ledrins. However, although the nobility of
Lorimae, Olramae, and Kethano. Although the Athamas still consider themselves more civilized
activities of the order are considered legitimate and sophisticated than their counterparts with
by the Azeryan state, it suffers some harassment, Ivinian ancestry, they are no less effective on the
particularly from the Legion of Righteous battlefield.
Athamas mines and exports small quantities of
copper, silver, lead and zinc, much of which is
ARJEL, Keep [I7] turned into brassware in Kirisone. The region is
A barony in Latima held by baron Rogryn also famous for its cuisine, which makes
Dutoras from the duke of Gelamo. extensive use of rich sauces.
Settlement Hex Type Clan
ARKONE, Keep [J3]
A barony in Faldin held by baron Audrin Touzan Aldarne E4 Keep Poulain
fropm the countess of Faldin. Cheros D4 Keep Befren
Divai E4 Keep Clayr
ASKIRE, Keep [H8]
A barony in southern Areshomes held by baron Elonida E4 Keep Elonar
Tarkil Krasuna from the count of Areshomes. Elsiner E4 Castle Clayr
Ferinates E4 Keep Toryal
ASTIREL, Town [E7]
Gamala D4 Keep Gamal
Population: 5,400. The primary settlement and
port of Hedames, Astirel’s growth is limited by Hulon E4 Keep Hanate
the size of its hinterland and the fact that most Kirisone E4 Town Clayr
merchants cut directly across the Gulf of Batana
if possible. There is, nonetheless, a thriving Kolad D4 Keep Eponesta
coastal trade taking wine around the Siromin Kolgeth E4 Castle Materzan
Peninsular and down the coast to Heldin.
Milgomis E4 Keep Clayr

ASTIVO, Fortress [M5] Myana D4 Keep Demyan

A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by 2 Sandris D4 Town Clayr
companies of the Gorium legion. Sudes D4 Keep Clayr

Tagron D4 Keep Kilsen bordering the Venarian Sea including much of

modern Trierzon and Palithane.
Turones D4 Keep Ypenthe
Vaden D4 Keep Eponesta A series of draining conflicts with the Empire of
Dalkesh to the southwest and rebellion elsewhere
in the Empire saw Azeryan fortunes fall during
ATOX, River [I1] the 6 th century. Both Trierzon and Palithane
A tributary of the Fidagen River. were lost, and the Empire also suffered large
losses in the east to Reksyni nomads. The
ATOXIS, Keep [J1] Empire weathered these storms, and now appears
A keep in the Shorkyne county of Vadone. to be staging something of a comeback.

The Azeryan Empire is an authoritarian

AURINDI, Keep [L8]
bureaucracy ruled by the Urvaen dynasty from
A barony in Tengela held by baron Mendez
Meokolis. Divided into 26 provinces, each
Cotourel from the pontiff of the Laranian church.
province is governed by a civilian governor
(Kemalras - qv) who is responsible for law,
AVENAR, Keep [G3] taxation, and the bureaucracy, and a military
A keep in the county of Stalfore, held by Harl commander (Seneshalen - qv). The westernmost
Penryla from the Duke of Stalfore. of these provinces, Beronium, borders Trierzon
and lies mostly on the Trierzon regional map.
AZEL, Keep [H4]
A barony in Senedalo held by baron Subin Painel
from the countess of Senedalo.


The Azeryan Way is the name given to the paved
highway running from Berone to Mankon via
The Badiracs are the current ruling house of
Gebrond, Chenas, Tengela, Tinkel, Neletu, and
Enala. The present count, Petran Badriac is a
Janora. The highway was built between 297 and
sincere and committed Laranian. He inherited
301 by the Azeryan legions to secure the route
the fief at age 19 from his father, who died of
into the recently conquered territories in Zonora.
wounds received during the Chaos. Now 41,
Its military importance to Trierzon has seen it
Petran’s main goal has been to see the Badriac’s
kept well maintained, although it is now less
grip on Enala cemented for the future.
important for trade than the Adegin Pass.
Prior to the Chaos, the Badriacs held the barony
AZERUME, Keep [E9] of Monules and the keep of Kalse. The county
A barony in Tamala held by baron Juven Talefer of Enala was held by Julah Thyzarmon from his
from the duke of Trabant. Adjacent to the keep seat in Singai. The Thyzarmons, although
of Azerume are the ruins of an extensive descended from the Azeryani governers of the
Azeryan villa that was destroyed in the fifth region, were neither popular nor competent
century. Unkown to the current baron, a family rulers. Petran’s father rebelled against the
of villains in the nearby village are descended Thyzarmons in 688, and Singai fell in 696.
from the inhabitants of the villa.
Petran is an active supporter of the Andrevin
AZERYAN EMPIRE dynasty, seeing in the king a counter-balance to
Western Lythia’s most populous and powerful the power of the neighbouring duke of Gelamo.
state, the Azeryan Empire once ruled much of He is still, however, seen as an outsider and an
the Trierzon region and still holds the province upstart by much of Trierzon’s greater nobility.
of Beronium. Centred on the great city of This has wounded Petran’s pride, and is a flaw in
Meokolis, the Azeryan Empire first gained his otherwise even temperament.
hegemony over the Azeryan peninsular, and then
proceeded to conquer most of the lands

BAGRE, River [E6] Bejanden I4 Keep Korigyr

A short river that has traditionally marked the
border between Palithane and Trierzon. In the Beledar I4 Town Telthael
last 30 years the Earl of Batana has seized Chedhin H4 Keep Telthael
several fortresses on the Trierzi side of the river.
Dageon H4 Keep Anjadon
Enefen I4 Castle Telthael
BAID, Castle [J7]
A barony in Rindi governed by elgar Duris Enonin I4 Keep Yvandor
Velthane for the count of Velthane. Duris is Ilime H4 Keep Pausany
second cousin to the count, and a close friend.
The two share a similar interest in wine, women, Ingris I5 Castle Telthael
and wealth. Irino H4 Keep Verdon
Jedine I4 Keep Darvane
BAIGINA, Keep [K9]
Kadeza I4 Keep Enlada
A barony in Bomedus held by baron Lobar
Cryaon from the duke of Kogamin. Kinora H4 Keep Barasil
Kisovin I4 Keep Telthael
BALAIRE, Keep [I1] Lexeres I4 Keep Nadoni
A keep in Elavona in Shorkyne.
Melgrim J3 Keep Trepurian
BALDEME, County [H4] Molonda H4 Keep Darvane
Location: Northern Trierzon Ogaela H4 Keep Drevont
Ruler: Countess Delahna Telthael
Population: 195,000 Shanten J3 Keep Garelare
Sholir H4 Castle Darvane
A county in Trierzon held by clan Telthael.
Telzin I4 Keep Ijona
Baldeme is currently ruled by countess Delahna
Telthael, a strong-willed woman in her early Tuvena I4 Keep Mirvael
fifties. Delahna, however, is also countess of Vadela I4 Keep Erydas
Faldin, and spends most of her time there. In her
absence Baldeme is usually governed by the
elgar of Beledar. BALIA, Keep [L3]
A barony in Melesuma held by baron Vandor
A sprawling county, Baldeme sits astride the Arcand from the count of Melesuma.
east/west corridor between the upper Gaden
valley and central Trierzon. This makes BALON, Keep [I9]
Baldeme of vital strategic importance to the A keep in Manas held by baron Kason Abolys
Trierzi throne. In the past Trierzi kings have from the count of Manas.
always tried to ensure that a supporter of the
royal clan held Baldeme. King Dalhaga is
somewhat concerned that Baldeme may fall into
BALYDA, Castle [D4]
A barony in Liguno held by the powerful baron
the hands of a Shorkyne malnir, and would like
Ostel Savondar from the earl of Liguno. The
to see Bryna Telthael marry a Trierzi noble.
Savondars are a family of Thanema ancestry who
retained their lands during the Ivinian conquest,
Copper is mined in Baldeme in the foothills of
partly through alliance with Kirisone and
the Nadami mountains, as is some tin. The
Antivel. The Savondar clan also hold the keeps
minerals from this hilly region form a major part
of Gilvas and Ivama. Balyda itself was once the
of Baldeme’s exports. The southern part of the
centre of a Thanema petty kingdom before the
county is comprised mostly of the flat fertile
Azeri conquest, and there are still remnants of
lowlands of the Gaden River.
this period near the castle, including a series of
Settlement Hex Type Clan barrows and a dolmen known as the Finger of
Afelis I4 Keep Divasa Garas.
Andera I4 Keep Lusine

BANASTE, Keep [I3] BATANA, County [E6]

A barony in Ilbra held by baron Althir Gullivon Location: Palithane
from the duke of Stalfore. Ruler: Earl Rutal Pelanby
Population: 104,000
BANDELE, Fortress [M5]
A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by one Batana is the easternmost county in Palithane,
company of the Gorium legion. occupying the foothills of the Luinde Mountains
as they slope down to the Gulf of Batana.
Technically, Batana is two counties – Batana and
BANDUNI, Keep [H2] Degau – but as both are ruled by the Pelanbys,
A barony in Ilbra held by baron Rodrig Bivaro the name Batana is typically used to refer to the
from the duke of Stalfore. The keep of Banduni combined Pelanby fief.
is situated just below a spectacular cataract on
the Vamise River. A spirit is said to dwell With good ports but poor land, Batana is heavily
within the cataract that warns the Bivaro family involved in both trade and piracy. However, it is
in time of danger. Batana’s border with Trierzon that sets the tone
of local politics. The eastern side of Batana is
BANILE, Castle [G7] heavily fortified, and small scale warfare is
A castle in Ilaska governed by elgar Daven endemic. Over the lasty century the Pelanbys
Ladoc for the count of Hedames. Daven is the have added much of the land east of the Bagre
older cousin of the count of Hedames and tends river. How secure these new lands will be
to treat the Ladoc holdings in Ilaska as his own against Trierzi revanche is another question.
private fief. He is adept, however, at convincing Settlement Hex Type Clan
Tamis Caplen that his activities are directly
supported by his cousin and by their powerful Cheryser E6 Castle Pelanby
ally the duke of Trabant. Daage F6 Castle Raldenaar
Degau E6 Town Pelanby
BANIN, Keep [K9] Hegovyn F6 Castle Ulfes
A barony in Zhoren held by baron Sylath Veryn
from the duchess of Zhoren. Kolabae E6 Keep Karenaal
Lanrindas E6 Castle Uther
BAROS, Keep [A1] Menaw E6 Keep Ulfes
A keep in Algram governed by elgar Arthas
Tiemal for the earl of Argonel. Molgos E6 Castle Raldenaar
Niolos F6 Castle Pelanby
BARSHE, Keep [D8] Pelistre E6 Keep Vaben
A barony in Tamala governed by elgar Huros
Suryne E6 Castle Pelanby
Caprena for the baron of Heldin. Barshe is a
favourite retreat for the baron of Heldin, and he Zuraal F6 Castle Pelanby
spends much of his time here.
BATANA, Gulf of [E7]
BASTRA, Keep [H6] A body of water separating the Cheryka
A barony in Vedin held by baron Mavrel peninsular from Palithane. The main trade
Durampal from the duke of Gelamo. Mavrel is a routes from the Venarian Sea to the Sea of Ivae
frugal man, a fact that embarrasses his wife run across the Gulf of Batana. Pirates operating
acutely. She has recently begun an affair with from the coast of the Palithanian earldoms of
one of Mavrel’s chief vassals. Skagia and Batana are a significant hazard on the

BECONY, Keep [H3]

A barony in Senedalo governed by elgar Elvyn
Calstian for the baron of Gulvon. Elvyn is being
pressured by his father, the baron of Gulvon, to

court countess Estir Medaro. Elvyn is much town. An abbey of the Laranian order of Saint
younger than the countess, and is more interested Irula is located in the town.
in hunting, tournaments, and falconry.
BELEMWYS, Mount [D1]
BEGEME, Keep [H6] A peak (6127’) in the Jerinalian Mountains.
A barony in Devai held by baron Gyan Dulaugal
from the duke of Gelamo. The Dulaugals also BELGRIS, Keep [J9]
hold the keep of Orila. A barony in Bomedus held by baron Hagan
Ferres from the duke of Kogamin. Belgris is the
BEGYMON, Keep [D6] site of a small chantry of the Lyhavi convocation
A barony in Skagia held by baron Mederek of the Shek P’var. The baron is not a mage, but
Koenar from the earl of Skagia. his brother is, and a floor of the keep has been
given over to the chantry. It is not yet clear
BEJANDEN, Keep [I4] whether the baron expects anything in return
A barony in Baldeme held by baron Talis from the chantry, and if so, whether this will
Korigyr from the countess of Baldeme. threaten to compromise the mage’s adherence to
the code of the Shek P’var.

BEKEDON, Keep [M4]

A barony in Melesuma held by baron Tavist BELINDEN, Keep [K5]
Fougeret from the count of Melesuma. The A barony in Mankonia held by baron Sirtus
Fougerets also hold the keep of Cesino. Pourellan from the Duke of Ubai. Belinden is
built on a spur of granite jutting out from the
hills above the Degela plains. From the top
BEKONEL, River [F5] turret it is possible to sea all the way to Mankon
A major tributary of the Gaden River, draining and beyond.
the Luinde Mountains.
BELITH, Castle [G7]
BELDOSEN, Keep [I7] A barony in Areshomes governed by elgara
A keep in Latima governed by elgara Bera of Ameryl Torkise, the count’s younger sister.
Halle for the baron of Nidon. Bera keeps at least Ameryl was a member of the Hyn-Aelori for
a dozen cats in the keep, and is widely suspected some time in her youth. She was relieved of her
of being a witch by the peasantry. vows when her brother needed a governer for
Belith castle. Belith guards the western
BELEDAR, Town [I4] approaches to Areshomes from the direction of
Population: 6,600. A walled town on the Gaden Palithane. Although the far side of the pass is
River and the principle settlement of Baldeme. held by the Trierzi count of Palama, the castle is
Beledar was founded in 341 TR as an Azeryan garrisoned more strongly than most fortifications
auxiliary fort. Guarding the River Gaden and the in Areshomes and aggressively patrols the
approaches to Zonora along the northern flank of surrounding hills.
the Luindar Mountains, a full cohort was
stationed at Beledar. Over time a market town BELMOS, Keep [D9]
grew up around the auxiliary fort, and after the A barony in Trabant held by baroness Adele
Trierzi rebellion, Beledar became the center of Fioret from the duke of Trabant. Although
the county of Beldeme. constructed identically to the keep of Elgrain in
order to control access up the Farna River, the
Beledar is governed by elgur Hualdis Plesny for Fiorets have capitalized on their extensive
the countess of Baldeme. In the countess’s domain to make Belmos one of the most
absence, Hualdis is also elgar of Beldeme. A luxurious noble residences in the Farna valley.
council of 12 aldermen appointed by the
countess assist with civil governance in the city.
The keep of Beledar castle is located within the
BELONIM, Keep [A3]
Azeryan auxiliary fort, which is still in good A barony in Malad held by baron Talath Belona
condition. A newer set of walls surround the from the Earl of Emane. A circle of standing
stones on the nearby headland – known to the

locals as “Nine Stane Rig” is purported to be arcane chantries of greater and lesser
haunted. significance.
Settlement Hex Type Clan
BELUZA, Keep [I7] Alimus B3 Castle Edhelen
A barony in Latima held by baron Names
Touzyn from the duke of Gelamo. Berema B3 Town Edhelen
Bwina C3 Keep Parfael
BENIRE, Keep [J5] Daimin B2 Keep Edhelen
A keep in Peltane governed by elgar Rolan
Xavande for the baron of Corin. Benire is built Eidol C3 Keep Edhelen
on an old Azeryan auxiliary fort. Hileth C3 Keep Alema
Irijen B3 Keep Tolve
BENODE, Keep [G6]
Ivay C3 Keep Endal
A barony in Agelos held by baron Anskar Imon
from the countess of Agelos. Lanison C3 Keep Sheriff Berema
Larysa B3 Keep Edhelen
BENOSRI, Keep [N2] Molge B3 Keep Caiden
A barony in Anfaldon held by baron Hesar
Lorjia from the count of Anfaldon. Hesar also Sharvon B3 Keep Caiden
holds a barony in Lankor, having acquired Velis B3 Keep Moyre
Benosri by marriage. He fully lives up to the
reputation of the devious Lankorian. Wefym B3 Keep Wefym

BEREB, Castle [L7] BEREMA, Town [B3]

A barony in Magalia held by the Knights of Population: 23,800. Perhaps the oldest
Avarkiel from the Count of Magalia. In reality continually inhabited city in western Lythia, with
the knights pay scant heed to their nominal the possible exception of Cherafir., Berema is the
overlord and act as agents of the Pontiff in largest settlement and capital of Emelrene. The
Tengela and the king. city is famous as a seat of learning. Not only is
there a highly regarded chantry of the Guild of
Arcane Law in the city, but also large chantries
BEREMA, Shire [B3] associated with each of the six convocations of
Location: Emelrene the Shek Pvar.
Shire Moot: Berema
Population: 103,000 Berema is also the site of the pontiff of the
church of Save K’nor. There is a basilica run by
Centred on the fertile plains north of the River the Shea-al- Aecor that serves primarily the royal
Es (also known as the Southern Es to distinguish family, and large temples run by the order of the
it from the river Es that marks Emelrene’s Rydequelyn and the Hyn-Aelori. The archives
northern border), Berema stretches well into the of the temple of the Hyn-Aelori in Berema are
foothills of the Jerinalian Mountains. The shire said to be the most extensive in western Lythia.
is the location of most of clan Edhelen’s lands, Despite its reputation for learning, gaining access
and is the heart of the kingdom of Emelrene. to the knowledge held in Berema is hard.
Without a senior sponser in one either the one of
Apart from government, the most significant the clerical orders worshipping Save K’nor or in
activities in Berema are mining and learning. the Guild of Arcane Law, a stranger will find
The headwaters of the Edur river are the site of little assistance.
significant Cinnabar deposits, and the quicksilver
that is refined from these is a major export. All major officials in Berema are appointed by
Berema is also one of the oldest and most the Queen and serve at her pleasure. The Guild
significant seats of knowledge in Lythia. While of Arcane Law (and a number of secret societies
Berema town is the major centre of learning, within the Guild) and the church of Save K’nor
there are several significant abbeys of Save are very influential in civic government. The
K’nor located in the shire along with a number of

Laranian arch-bishop of Emelrene is also based Peonian church has spent considerable effort
in Berema, but is much less influential. trying to suppress the worship of Berona.

BERIKUNA, Castle [I6] BERONE, Town [M6]

A barony in Gelamo held by baron Jeryth Population: 26,600. The largest settlement and
Aronnar from the duke of Gelamo. Berikuna is provincial capital of the Azeryan province of
the second largest settlement in Gelamo, with a Beronium, Berone is the seat of both Kemalras
population of about 1900. The Aronnars would Xires Falasa and Seneshelen Mirelyan Urvaen.
like to build a wall around the town, but it is The city is an important stopping point in east-
unlikely that the duke will ever permit this. west trade, lying on the main trade route between
Meokolis and the Azeryan heartlands, and the
BERNOW, Castle [B5] nations of western Lythia.
A castle in Palithane held by baron Jarag
Copenhal from the earl of Norimar. The
Copenhals are wealthy from trade, and are
currently upgrading their motte and bailey castle
into a more formidible stone structure.

BERONA, Goddess
“The mother, lady of the harvest, the autumn
queen, maiden of the Korgin Mountains.”

Berona is a diety of growth and fertility

worshipped by the Beroni tribes of the Korgin
Mountains, and in historical times more widely.
She typically appears as a buxom woman of
Berone has been besieged more than once by
middle years, often carrying a baby. On
Trierzi forces, most recently in 639. The city
occastion, however, she will manifest as a
comely young maiden standing in a field of boasts formidable defences, including two
mutually supporting curtain walls, a large
flowers or an alpine meadow.
fortified harbour, and two main citadels. The
city is headquarters for the 1 st Beronium legion,
and boasts a permanent garrison incluging 16
companies of the legion and the provincial guard
of 30 companies. Over the last year the city has
also hosted one cohort of the Legion of Present
Destiny and 10 companies of the Ivinian Guard.

The Beroni consist of the group of tribal peoples
who lived east of Degela Bay in the first century
TR. Largely of Azeri origin, the Beroni
commingled with Jarind peoples from further
west. The Beroni had established a
cosmopolitan trading culture prior to the
Azeryan conquest, and were readily absorbed by
the Imperium.
The mythical residence of Berona resembles the
Fields of Valon – home to Peoni – in many Beroni culture currently survives in the
respects. It is pictured as a fertile valley whre all Mountain Beroni, who live throughout the
kinds of fruit and grain grow without labour. Kogamin Mountains, and in the population of the
Unlike Peoni, however, Berona is associated Azeryan province of Beronium and the Trierzi
with fertility rites that are anything but chaste. duchy of Dovalin. The Mountain Beroni live a
Considered by many scholars to represent a relatively independent life in small villages
confusion of elements of Peoni and Halea, the scattered throughout the Kogamin Mountains.

They are a clannish society that is reluctant to Berone M6 Town Berone

acknowledge their theoretical overlords and cling
to the worship of Berona – a composite of Bilteon N6 Keep Tegureum
aspects of Halea and Peoni. The lowland Beroni Bondoa N6 Keep Olramae
follow the customs of their countrymen, but
speak a dialect of low Azeryani. Camarum M5 Keep Edimenis
Cerlene N6 Castle Kethano
BERONIUM, Province [L6] Cuthtir M6 Keep Lorimae
Location: Azeryan Empire
Dalglen L6 Keep Argedea
Provincial Capital: Berone
Population: 464,000 Deamus N6 Castle Deamus
Delgorim M6 Keep Nealon
The westenmost province of the Azeryan
Empire, Beronium has been the scene of Edeminis M5 Castle Edemenis
repeated clashes between Trierzi and Azeryan Enblufe N6 Keep Porade
armies since the late 5th century. Because of this,
the province is highly militarized with a much Firome M5 Keep Edimenis
denser network of fortifications than is found in Ghernim M6 Keep Samris
provinces further east. Gildeg M7 Keep Berone
Due to onoing conflict, the economy of Gorium M5 Town Gorium
Beronium is not as developed as would perhaps Halpeo M6 Keep Samris
otherwise be the case, and Beronium exports
relatively little. This is offset by an inflow of tax Herion M5 Keep Murgirus
revenues from the centre of the Azeryan Empire Idelyri M7 Keep Samris
to support Beronium’s over-strength garrison. In
Ildirum M5 Keep Sadrux
addition to four provincial legions raised from
Beronium and the Agrikan Legion of Righteous Jetis M6 Keep Marlise
Devastation, the Seneshelen retains a strong Kethano N6 Town Kethano
provincial guard at Berone.
Kiniro N5 Keep Xernium
In 719 prince Mirelyan Urvaen was appointed Kirigerion M5 Keep Gorium
Seneshelen (provincial marshal) of Beronium.
Kiwen N6 Keep Kethano
An able general with 4 years experience on the
Shurama, Mirelyan arrived in Beronium in Savor Lamun N6 Keep Kethano
of 719 bringing with him the Court “Legion of Lorimae M6 Town Lorimae
Present Destiny” and 800 soldiers of the Ivinian
Guard. Many speculate that this signals an Marlise M6 Castle Marlise
intention by the Empire to mount an attack on Meriol N5 Castle Xernium
Trierzon’s border provinces in 720 or 721.
Moniga M5 Keep Gorium
The provincial Kemalras, Xires Falsara is an Murgirus M5 Castle Murgirus
ascetic intellectual of 41. Almost uniquely, for Nealon M6 Castle Nealon
an Azeryan provincial governer, Xires is entirely
honest. He does not get on well with prince Nedur N6 Keep Kethano
Mirelyan, who regards him as a prude and a Olramae N6 Castle Olramae
Persel M5 Keep Marlise
Settlement Hex Type District
Porade N6 Castle Porade
Agenon M7 Keep Lorimae
Roften M6 Keep Sadrux
Anesuri L6 Keep Argedea
Rukinol M6 Keep Marlise
Argedea M6 Castle Argedea
Sadrux M6 Castle Sadrux
Astivo M5 Keep Edimenis
Samris M7 Castle Samris
Bandele M5 Keep Murgirus

Shianden L6 Keep Argedea baron died Evin succeeded him. He has proved a
good lord so far. Unknown to the Valjains,
Soniden N6 Keep Porade however, Evin is not actually of noble birth and
Tantones M6 Keep Berone was born a serf. He owes a great debt of
gratitude to the Peonian bishop of Devai who
Teala M7 Castle Samris saved him from the gutter and allowed Evin to
Tegurium N5 Castle Tegurium start a new life after fleeing his lord.
Uredren M6 Castle Berone
BILIRE, Keep [G6]
Varum M6 Keep Nealon
A barony in Agelos held by baron Shevris Etrand
Vixus N6 Keep Porade from the countess of Agelos. The Etrands are a
Winchem M6 Keep Marlise powerful family, also holding the keeps of
Cheshem and Oraka. There are rumours that
Xerindel N6 Keep Lorimae Shevris and the countess were lovers when they
Xernium N5 Castle Xernium were younger, although it would be unwise to
mention such rumours in the presence of either.
Zolte N5 Keep Tegurium

BILTEON, Keep [N6]

BESANE, Keep [B2] A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by one
A barony in Alwina held by baron Arlon company of the 2nd Beronium legion.
Chomaer from the Queen of Emelrene. The
Chomaers also hold the keeps of Mirod, Hempel,
and Himena. BINDEMES, Castle [C5]
A castle in Gavas governed by elgar Soren
Erjolaf for the earl of Gavas. Bindemes was
BESONO, Pass [K2] built as part of the Azeryan empire’s coastal
A relatively low and easy pass over the Nadami defences and once boasted an extensive series of
Mountains. The Besono Pass is used frequently underground passages and store rooms. The
by mercantylers, but is generally considered too current castle is built within the ruins of the older
rough for armies. Azeryan fortification, and it is widely believed
that not all of the Azeryan underground passages
BESONO, Fort [K2] have been located. Soren is the current earl’s
A caravan stop and frontier post guarding the uncle.
Besono Pass through the Nadami Mountains.
The pass is garrisoned by clan Telthael. BIOLA, Keep [I6]
A barony in Gelamo held by baron Mathas
BETAGRA, Castle [L9] Delafe from the duke of Gelamo.
A castle in Dovalin held by elgar Nostram
Pelosta from the duke of Dovalin. Betagra BISE, Keep [B2]
controls the southern approaches to the town of A keep in Alwina governed by elgar Parel
Dovalin. Rieldar for the Sheriff of Alwina.

BEWIN, Point [B5] BISENDES, Castle [H8]

A promintary between Palganila Bay and Liguno A barony in Areshomes held by the powerful
Bay on the coast of Palithane. Nimodhe clan from the count of Areshomes.
The current baron, Doradne Nimodhe is a
BIJONES, Castle [K8] shrewd and cunning woman in her early 50s.
A barony in Kogamin held by baron Evin She rarely travels, but has agents in the
Varjain from the duke of Kogamin. The baron households of many neighbouring nobles. The
of Bijones has a somewhat mysterious past, count respects Doradne, but does not entirely
having turned up as a landless but wealthy knight trust her.
some twelve years ago with a small girl in his
care. Evin married the daughter of the baron and
was adopted into clan Varjain. When the old

BLEKA, Keep [K3] Settlement Hex Type Clan

A barony in Faldin held by baron Kabelda Alare
from the countess of Faldin. Anegon F10 Town Chivara
Chiron F9 Keep Chivara
BLODEL, Keep [K5] Deryshes F10 Keep Keryth
A barony in Mankonia held by baron Marekan
Fyenda F9 Keep Jacent
Freyl from the Duke of Ubai.
Halna G9 Castle Chivara
BLOODIED CLAW, Order of Helira F9 Keep Pedaro
An Agrikan fighting order sponsored by the Igrel F10 Keep Avarkiel
order of the Secret Fire. The sole purpose of the
order of the Bloodied Claw is to provide Jeser F9 Castle Fenelosa
protection for priests of the order of the Secret Jynai G9 Keep Ordal
Fire. When a priest travels into Trierzon they are
Kileda G9 Castle Chivara
always accompanied by a single member of the
Bloodied Claw, also traveling in disguise. Kolom F10 Keep Limoden
Members of the Bloodied Claw are well skilled Loside F9 Keep Fenelosa
in the use of weapons that attract little attention –
the staff, the cudgel, and the dagger – as well as Medyna G9 Castle Pedaro
at least one discipline of unarmed combat unique Odeles F9 Keep Seshilo
to the order.
Syden F10 Castle Chivara

BODEN, River [H5]

One of the major rivers of central Trierzon, the BOLDA, Keep [K4]
Boden has its origins in the Luinde Mountains. A keep in Ubai governed by elgar Sovis Grozian
The river is important for trade and transport, for the king of Trierzon.
and poses a formidable barrier to east-west
communications. High quality agates are found BOLOKA, Castle [J6]
in the river to the north of Gelamo. A barony in Jaleda governed by elgar Brethil
Toreo, the nephew of the countess of Jaleda.
BODIMA, County [F9]
Location: Southwest Trierzon BOMEDUS, County [J8]
Ruler: Elgar Kaheris Chivara Location: Southern Trierzon
Population: 157,000 Ruler: Elgar Stefal Pretilion
Population: 121,000
Bodima is the easternmost county in the duchy
of Trabant. Stretching from the mouth of the Bomedus is the most populous county in the
Asini River to the shores of the Gelbin Bight, duchy of Kogamin. Despite this, Bomedus is far
Bodima is a hilly area domninated by the less important than Janora. Apart from the old
southernmost stretches of the Cheryka Forest. Azeri highway linking the Degela valley with
Beronium, Bomedus lies across no important
As with most of the duchy of Trabant, wine and trade routes. Trading vessels from the Venerian
fruit are major exports. Iron is also mined in the Sea generally bypass Bomedus on their way to
region for local use, although it is not a major Janora, and apart from fruit, the province has
export. little to export.
Settlement Hex Type Clan
The county of Bodima is currently governed by
Elgar Raman Chivara, the 19 year old brother of Baigina K9 Keep Cryaon
Faradan Chivara. More reckless than his older Belgris J9 Keep Ferres
brother, Raman is a poor choice of Elgar. His
main focus since taking the title has been to Eponen J8 Castle Andrevin
alienate a number of important vassals and drain Gerones J8 Keep Tremalay
the county’s treasury with lavish and extravagant
Kurm K9 Keep Torolla
entertainment and gifts.

Lerejes K8 Keep Plessien BRAZEN GATES, Order of

An Agrikan clerical order based in Beronium and
Maluth K8 Keep Velchiers largely catering to legionaries from the Legion of
Mamesal J9 Castle Andrevin Righteous Might. While technically, it is the
Brazen Gates that sponsor the Legion of
Mozen J8 Keep Nerard
Righteous Might, the relative power of the two
Nesheles J9 Town Andrevin organizations is such that the grandmaster of the
Riome K8 Castle Plessien Brazen Gates does not attempt to assert his
authority over the legion. For an Agrikan
Shendades J9 Keep Solaudin clerical order, clerics of the Brazen Gates tend to
Teora K8 Keep Lonnac have a relatively mystical focus. Lay members
of the order (which includes all legionaries in the
Tilgren J8 Keep Sitirion
Legion of Righteous Might) are indoctrinated
Tinkel K9 Castle Andrevin into different rites as they are initiated into
Tures K9 Keep Farat higher ranks within the order. It is considered a
grave temple crime to reveal the rites to an
BONDOA, Fortress [N6]
A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by 2
companies of the Legion of the Stone Hand. BREGEMES, Castle [M4]
A castle in Melesuma governed by elgar Chamin
Travendal, the heir to the county of Melesuma.
BONIL, Keep [I8] Chamin is impetuous and longs for a chance to
A barony in Enala held by baron Sydan Imboden avenge the Tobran inquisition and test himself
from the count of Enala. against the Knights of Avarkiel. In this he is
encouraged by one of his companions, sir Aradis
BORTILUN, Keep [L2] Chelara, a Lankori knight who is secretly a
A barony in Nadamia held by the Knights of devout Agrikan.
Avarkiel from the King of Trierzon. Bortilun
was granted to the Knights of Avarkiel in 696 by BREME, Keep [H6]
the baron of Tegate as a political maneouvre A barony in Vedin held by baron Tarin Bardan
directed against the count of Nadamia. Bortilun from the duke of Gelamo. The baron’s bonded
ensures the Knights of Avarkiel a crossing over weaponcrafter is considered one of the finest
the Lantol River in the event of war in Nadamia. swordsmiths in Trierzon.
The Knights have a strained relationship with the
baron of Chodis, a strong supporter of the
Merovinias. BRENGEL, River [N4]
A fast-flowing tributary of the Degela River.
BORUNES, Keep [G3]
The keep of Borunes is the center of a wealthy BRENU, Keep [H9]
barony in the county of Stalfore. The current A barony in Manas held by baron Marag
Baron, Ursala Faldinet is a quiet but competent Xavandris from the count of Manas. Clan
woman in her mid forties. Xavandris are descended from the Azeryan
noblility who ruled Manas prior to the Trierzi
BOSE, Keep [K8]
A keep and abbey in Tengela governed by
Arosta al Jossepan, abbot of Bose, for the BRONTIDES, Keep [L3]
Sebrath. A keep in Melesuma governed by elgar Erian
Abnay, the niece of the baron of Kiropa. Erien
spends above her means, and has amassed
BRANTUS, Keep [F3] considerable debts to Halean mercantylers in
A keep in Tamanias governed by elgar Yardodh Darimur and Melesuma.
Burvell for the baron of Gwefyn. The shallows
at Brantus prevent boats with a draft of more
than 3 feet proceeding upstream.

BROVAI, Keep [K3]

A barony in Nadamia held by baron Vandil Inigo
from the count of Nadamia. Vandil is one of the
finest swordsmen in Trierzon. He tries to
maintain an honourable course amid the tense
politics of Nadamia.
CADEN, Keep [H6]
A barony in Devai held by baron Keldar
Naudyne from the duke of Gelamo.
BROVAND, Mount [N1]
A peak (8401’) in the Nadami Mountains. The
peak is said to be the home of Brovager, a giant CADINA, Keep [E9]
of great stature. Brovager is said to be civil to A barony in Trabant held by baron Clarin
those who approach him politely, but not to Galleane from the duke of Trabant.
tolerate thieves or rude trespassers.
CALIMA, Hills [H7]
BUKORNO, Keep [E10] A highland area in southern Trierzon covered in
A barony in Trabant held by baron Tomael Velet dense maquis forest (see the Cheryka Forest qv).
from the duke of Trabant. Calima is a favoured refuge for brigands and
outlaws of all types, as well as being popular
with the nobility for hunting. There are
BUNOLY, Keep [K5] persistant rumours of covens of witches meeting
A barony in Perna held by baron Tales Duben in the western parts of Calima.
from the count of Perna. The settlement is the
site of an important shrine to saint Glinde. It is a
popular destination for pilgrims on their way to CALONE, Keep [E7]
Perna and for those with concerns about A keep in Hedames governed by elgar Korasto
childbirth. Ladoc, a cousin of the count. Calone is the
traditional clan seat, and is still a favourite
summer residence for the count.
BURIN, Keep [K5]
A barony in Perna held by baron Petran Parane
from the count of Ubai. CAMARUM, Fortress [M5]
A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by 2
companies of the Gorium legion.
BUZEN, Keep [A3]
A barony in Ulama held by baron Sedras Lydrel
from the Queen of Emelrene. The Lydrels also CAMENS, Keep [H6]
hold the keep of Ribid. A barony in Devai held by baron Remis Bissat
from the Duke of Gelamo.
BWINA, Keep [C3]
A barony in Berema held by baron Aldon Parfael CAMON, Keep [J7]
from the Queen of Emelrene. A barony in Rindi held by baroness Harasne
Mantes from the count of Rindi. Harasne is a
dowdy old widow who disapproves of the young
CABRA, Town [C4] count intensly.
Population: 4,100. A walled town in Liguno,
Cabra is the seat of the earl and something of a
commercial rival of Parahal. The town has CAPLEN, Clan
flourished since the earl established Cabra as his Holding the county of Ilaska in southwestern
capital in 706, and has seen a lot of new Trierzon, clan Caplen is originally descended
construction. The earl is currently sponsoring from Trierzi followers of Torichane.
further improvements to the harbour and also to Generations of intermarriage with the local Azeri
castle Cabra. In the absence of the earl, the town and Zonora landholders, however, has made the
is administered by the constable of the citadel, Caplens thouroughly local except with regard to
Turveld Dalen. family names.

The current clan head and count of Ilaska is

Tamis Caplen, a devout man of 53. Although

not unintelligent and with an attractive degree of power of the earls of Luindar who had
humility, Tamis has little charisma and is not a previously held the keep directly.
particularly quick judge of character. He is
particularly prone to under-estimate women. CENOMA, Keep [A1]
Despite this, Tamis is devoted to his wife Lydra A keep in Algram governed by elgara Ada
and 6 children. Elydene for the earl of Nalise.
The chief concern of Tamis are relations with the
powerful Ladoc clan who have extensive CENOMA, Cape [A1]
holdings in Ilaska and also hold the neighbouring A hilly promintary at the mouth of the Gulf of
county of Hedames. The fact that the Ladocs Modan.
also have a marriage alliance with the duke of
Trabant merely aggrevates the situation. CENOMES, Keep [J6]
A barony in Rindi held by baron Althyr Garledo
CAREVE, Keep [K3] from the count of Rindi.
A keep in Faldin governed by elgar Gyan Davare
for the countess of Faldin. There are lucrative CENSINO, Keep [M4]
copper mines in the hills north of Careve. A barony in Melesuma held by baron Charval
Fougeret from the count of Melesuma. The
CASO, Keep [J5] Fougerets also control the keeps of Bekedon and
A barony in Peltane held by baroness Sera Berrin Enivos.
from the count of Peltane. Sera is in her late 30s
and has never married. Her family are worried CERDE, Keep [H8]
about who will inherit the fief if she dies. A keep in Korun governed by elgar Bazrek
Crasil for the baron of Ketra.
CELIPROS, Castle [J6]
A barony in Jaleda held by baron Theomal CEREMET, Castle [G3]
Sevrey from the countess of Jaleda. The A castle in the county of Stalfore governed by
Sevrey’s are the wealthiest and most powerful Janal Galliand for clan Galliand. The castle is a
family in Jaleda after the Toreos. During the favoured hunting retreat for the Duke.
Chaos they were offered the county by Arthis,
but declined.
CERLENE, Castle [N6]
A citadel in Beronium built to control the mouth
CELMINER, Mount [I2] of the Imnus River. A chain can be stretched
A peak (8269’) in the western Nadami across the river mouth from Cerlene to Kethano,
Mountains. closing the river mouth to shipping. Cerlene is
garrisoned by 3 companies of the 2 nd Beronium
CELOSE, Keep [C1] legion.
A keep in Fandalon governed by elgar Sedrin
Koristel for the earl of Glaron. CEROLE, Keep [H1]
A keep in the Shorkyne county of Falimae.
CEMBION, Keep [D5]
A barony in Luindar held by baron Althir Ledrin CHALURE, Keep [I1]
from the earl of Luindar. Ragnald Ledrin A keep in the county of Elavona in Shorkyne.
defeated a coalition of the earls of Gavas,
Luindar, Skagia, and Batana just west of the
keep in 619 TR. CHAROPE, Castle [M7]
Following his A castle in Tashones administered by elgar
victory, Ragnald Avedan Pesoral for the town of Tashones.
granted the keep Charope is an impressive fortress commanding
to one of his access to an excellent harbour. The castle is the
cousins as a main naval depot for the county of Charope, and
check on the a small squadron of Laru is based here.

CHATENA, Castle [K5] CHEIRO, Keep [B3]

A barony in Perna held by baron Chamin A keep in Ulama governed by Koren Ysmorian
Gramon from the count of Perna. The Gramon for the Earl of Sonau. Koren is considered by
family also hold the keeps of Edvin and Larad. some to be the “best knight in Emelrene” and is
Under weak kings the barons of Chatena have both a skilled warrior and a paragon of chivalry.
tended to expand their holdings at the expense of
their neighbours. Chatena was the site of an CHELETH, Keep [K9]
Azeryan legionary fortress and the castle is A barony in Zhoren held by baron Ramis Alaise
located in one corner of the old fortifications. from the duchess of Zhoren.

CHAZLO, Keep [I6] CHELT, Keep [F3]

A barony in Gelamo held by baron Chamin An Esuaren in western Stalfore held by Karvel
Sundar from the duke of Gelamo. The keep Galliand as castellan for clan Galliand.
chapel is renown for a stained glass window
depicting the hierarchy of Dolithor.
CHENAS, Town [L8]
Population: 4,700. A chartered Freetown in
CHEAGA, Catle [M7] Tengela and the second largest settlement in the
A castle in Magalia held by elgar Medalo Orsilin county. Chenas is a trading town, and was taken
for the count of Magalia. from the Azeryan Empire only in 623. Chenas
has a substantial Halean community, mostly
CHEBRES, Mount [M1] descended from Karejian merchants. They are
A peak (8300’) in the Nadami Mountains. disliked by the local Laranian bishop and heavily
An isolated keep in the foothills of the Korgin CHENET, Cape of [D10]
Mountains held by baron Ranul Tirard from the Cape Chenet is often taken to mark the point
count of Melesuma. where the western edge of the Venarain Sea
gives way into the Haonic Ocean.
CHEDHIN, Keep [H4]
A barony in Beldeme governed by Elgar CHEROS, Keep [D4]
Vachard Emyle for the countess of Baldeme. A barony in Athamas held by baron Gonred
Befren from the count of Athamas.
CHEDILO, Town [H9]
Population: 11,800. A town in southwestern CHERYKA, Forest [E8]
Trierzon, Chedilo was founded by the Azeryani A large area of wooded hills in southern
in 302 to help secure the sea routes supplying the Trierzon. The Cheryka Forest does not have a
occupying Azeryan army. Chedilo is still an dense canopy. Rather, it is mixed woodland,
important seaport, but fares poorly in with between 25 percent and 60 percent canopy
competition with its rivals – notably Janora. The cover, depending on the area. Trees are short,
town is governed by a council of eight aldermen. gnarled, and thick barked with small evergreen
Five are appointed by the Mangai, two by the leathery leaves. Cork Oak, and Holly Oak
Laranian church, and one by the Halean church. predominate mixed in with Juniper, Myrtle,
Carob, Wild Olive, and on higher ground Stone
CHEGIR, Keep [N2] Pine and Hacherdad Pine. The open areas are, if
A barony in Anfaldon held by elgar Harasal anything, more difficult to pass than areas with a
Oloryne for the count of Anfaldon. The section canopy. In these areas a dense ground cover of
of the Degela highway between Chegir and Tike fragrant shrubs including Lavender, Sage,
is kept well-maintained. Rosemary, Thyme, Myrtle, and Juniper block

CHEGOTE, Keep [G1] In the Cheryka Forest, this dense evergreen

A keep in Montivel in Shorkyne. woodland is supplemented by broken rocky hills,
making progress difficult. The outer reaches of

the forest are a refuge for brigands and outcasts maintained paved road, and supplemented by
of all sorts, while the centre of the forest is said watch towers and beacons a league apart, the
to be home to all manner of outlandish beasts. castles of the coastal defenses protect a rich
There are certainly Yelgri in the Cheryka Forest, interior.
and wilder tales suggest Hirenu are present as
well. The Earthmaster site of Ekaldarin is Chimas exports wine, but is famous for its fruit.
located in the Cheryka Forest. Citrus fruits dominate, but the county also
exports significant quantities of apricot and
CHERYKA ROAD, Road cherry brandies. The county is currently ruled by
The Cheryka Road runs from Mankon to Melsinde Equilan, a sober woman of 36.
Murshel via Jaleda, Gilonder, Vedin, Melsinde is the younger daughter of the Baron of
Areshomes, Greda, and Achera. It was initially Ajera in Peltane, and is a trusted confidant of the
constructed by the Azeryan legions between 300 Chivara family.
and 305 as part of the conquest of Zonora. Over Settlement Hex Type Clan
180 leagues in length, it is the longest of the Anches D9 Keep Chefforn
great Azeryan highways in Trierzon and is an
important communications route. The Cheryka Chirole D9 Castle Chivara
Road carries relatively little trade as tolls along Elgrain D9 Keep Chivara
the road are common, and sea transport is more
efficiemt along the route from Mankon to Elmot D9 Keep Ilain
Murshel. Erion D10 Castle Chivara
Feredu D9 Keep Konsendis
CHERYSER, Castle [E6]
Kirgaras D10 Town Freetown
A castle in Batana governed by elgar Haid
Pelanby for his father, the earl of Batana. Haid Ledena D9 Castle Chivara
is Rutal’s second son, but by much the best Libin D9 Castle Gervase
military leader out of his brothers. In addition to
holding a significant reserve of troops, Cheryser Nastres D9 Keep Kolluerdo
is also the site of a Pelanby naval squadron. Parebir E9 Town Chivara
Torgis D9 Keep Gervase
CHESHEM, Keep [G6]
A keep in Agelos governed by elgar Josclyn Veo D9 Keep Ameran
Etrand for the baron of Bilare.
CHIMUS, River [J3]
CHESOMES, Keep [J1] A fast flowing river in northern Trierzon.
A keep in the county of Vadone in Shorkyne.
CHIROLE, Castle [D9]
CHIDELES, Keep [G7] A castle in Chimas held by Elgar Blydan Porkara
A keep in Ilaska governed by elgara Loele Ladoc for the duke of Trabant. Chirole has a good
for the count of Hedames. harbour and a small town has grown up around
the castle. A stone wall is being constructed to
defend the town, but is currently not complete.
CHIMAS, County [D9]
Location: Southwest Trierzon
Ruler: Elgar Melsinde Equilan CHIRON, Keep [F9]
Population: 112,000 A keep in Bodima governed by Elgar Somin
Nadisyn for the duke of Trabant.
A county in Trierzon, and part of the Duchy of
Trabant. Chimas lies on the north bank of the CHIVARA, Clan
Farna River, and encompasses the extreme The current ruling clan of the duchy of Trabant
Southwest of Trierzon. Fertile and densely and the county of Peltane, and probably the most
settled, Chimas boasts an impressive chain of powerful clan in Trierzon apart from the royal
fortresses along its west coast designed to keep family.
Ivinian raiders at bay. Linked by a well-

The Chivara clan is one of the oldest lineages in for little more than one generation, and the
Trierzon, having held the Peltane region under duke’s constant presence is needed to keep his
the Azeryan empire from the fifth century TR. vassals in line. This focus on local politics has
Correctly picking Torichane’s side in the Trierzi so far kept the Chivaras from wielding their
rebellion, the Chivaras were confirmed as counts considerable power at a national level.
of Peltane in 503 TR.
CHODIS, Keep [L2]
However, despite their long hstory in Peltane, A barony in Nadamia held by baron Pelthys
the rise to power of the Chivara clan is much Terystal from the count of Nadamia. The
more recent. In the mid-seventh century, the Terystals are strong supporters of the
Chivara’s succeeded in cementing a marriage Merovinias. Although the current baron is an
alliance with the powerful Andrevin clan, who orthodox Laranian, the family has ancestors
controlled the duchy of Trabant. When, after the among the Tobran heretics.
Chaos, duke Harichel Andrevin married Iniella
and founded the Andrevin dynasty, the
Andrevins needed to place a loyal supporter in CHODYN, Castle [I7]
charge of Trabant. The duchy of Trabant was A castle in Latima governed by elgar Sylath
both too far from Ubarian to rule effectively Auren for the duke of Gelamo. Chodyn was
through an elgar, and a combination of the captured by the Navastans in 691 after an eight
Andrevin lands with the royal domain would month siege.
have brought too much land into the hands of the
royal clan for the other noble clans to be CHODYN, Keep [I7]
comfortable. A barony in Halmo held by elgar Irmande
Visand for the count of Halmo.
Harichel opted to pass the duchy of Trabant to
count Korygo Chivara of Peltane, his cousin.
Korygo married Kasrine Duollo, thus acquiring
CHURES, Castle [H1]
the county of Bodima, and was granted the A castle in the Shorkyne county of Falimae.
duchy of Trabant by Harichel. This made the
Chivaras the largest landholders in Trierzon CHYLA, Keep [H4]
apart from the royal clan itself. A barony in Senedalo governed by elgar Hubras
Picot for the baron of Drefes.
The current duke
of Trabant is CIDURI, Keep [K1]
Faradan Chivara, A keep in the county of Sabinia in Shorkyne.
the 26 year old
son of Korygo
Chivara who died CILGOS, Keep [K4]
in 718. Faradan A barony in Faldin held by baron Ibren Touzan
is a tall serious young man with a receeding from the countess of Faldin. Perhaps the
hairline and ash blond hair. He is a competent wealthiest family in Faldin, the Touzans also
administrator and a knight of no more than hold the keeps of Agris and Rodelnes. The
typical skill at arms. However, his court has an confluence of the Cubre and Degela Rivers is
excellent reputation among harpers and purported to be the home of Pag Gwelan (qv), a
performers of all sorts. Faradan recently married malevolent water spirit known to take and drown
Emana Ladoc, the youngest daughter of the young children playing alone by the River.
count of Hedames. Although the marriage was
primarily political, intended to help cement the
Chivara’s standing in the Trabant region,
Faradan and Emana have a relatively happy
marriage. However, after three years of marriage
there is still no heir, and this is a cause for some

Duke Faradan generally spends most of his time

in Trabant. The Chivaras have held the duchy

CLAGEDE, Standing Stones [A3] mercy. Although Arain’s wife died in childbirth
A large ring of standing stones and two lines, ten years ago, the count has five living children:
each of 7 menhirs, located on a heath covered Arain (32), Tomal (30), Adale (23), Surynde (21)
headland in the Emelen shire of Ulama. The and Serenema (15). The youngest two daughters
standing stones are known as the ‘Grey are not yet married.
Brothers’, while the two lines of menhirs are
referred to as ‘The Pointers’. CLETON, Keep [F3]
A barony in Tamanias held by baron Kabald
Floretan from the count of Athamas.

COLNIS, Keep [G7]

A barony in Areshomes held by baron Ubrik
Velandaria from the count of Areshomes.

CORIN, Keep [J5]

A barony in Peltane held by baron Prato
Xavande from the count of Peltane. The
Xavande family are descended from Azeri
legionary officers who satyed in Zonora after the
Trierzi rebellion. They also hold the keeps of
Benire and Zhalon.

The Pointers are about two hundred yards apart

and are not quite parallel. Lines taken through CRIMSON BLAZON, Order of
each set of pointers would converge in the A Laranian clerical order based in eastern
middle of the Dalon. What the Pointers might be Trierzon and the Azeryan Empire. The order of
indicating lies in the middle of the Dalon is the Crimson Blazon sponsors a fighting order:
anyone’s guess. the order of the Argent Blade. Staying well clear
of politics, as far as this is possible, the order of
the Crimson Blazon supports a number of small
CLAYR, Clan temples stretching from Dovarium in the west to
The Clayrs are the most powerful noble family in Meokolis in the east. The chief temple of the
Palithane after clan Ledrin. Of Thanema order is in Kethano. Because the order holds
ancestry, but with elements of Trierzi, Azeri and very little land, it is relatively poor and survives
Emela blood, the Clayrs can trace their heritage largely on the tithes of Laranians living in
back to well before the arrival of the Azeryan Azeryan and donations from travelers passing
empire in the Ypena valley. It was the defection through.
of count Depard Clayr to the side of Bjan Ledrin
that secured Palithane’s independence from
Trierzon, and it was the marriage of Ragnald
CUBRE, River [K3]
Ledrin to Chelva Clayr that secured Ragnald’s A river in Nadamia, and a significant tributary of
position on the throne. The Clayr family proudly the Degela.
retain the title of count rather than the Ivinian
earl which is used by most of the other great CUTHTIR, Fortress [M6]
noble houses of Palithane. In fact, with control A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by 2
over the counties of Athamas and Tamanias, the companies of the Legion of the Stone Hand. The
Clayrs could justly claim to be dukes. senior Dotelen in charge of the fort, Methras
Zoriandar is struggling to deal with a cult of
The current count of Athamas and Tamanias is thugs who have taken to murdering travelers on
Arain Clayr, a tall thin man of 56. Despite a the highway to Olramae and eating the bodies.
receeding hairline and a prominent hooked nose,
Arain carries an air of immense authority. He is CUTSEM, Keep [L5]
intelligent, proud to the point of being haughty, A keep in Perna governed by elgar Ramis Gyrard
and prone to swift judgements, anger and mirth. for the count of Perna. A number of barges are
Arain has little time for fools, and is not prone to maintained at Cutsem to transport Trierzi troops

over the Raimor river. In the event of an Azeri navy to resupply Laru on reconnaissance
incursion, Trierzi troops from Amnos will cross missions down the coast.
the river at Cutsem to regain control of the Soritu
Pass and isolate the invading forces. DALON, The [A4]
A body of water where the southern river Es
empties into the Gulf of Ederwyn. Although a

DAAGE, Castle [F6]
major navigational route, the Dalon is prone to
odd weather, including unseasonal fogs and eerie
electrical effects around the masts of ships
entering the bay.

A castle in Batana governed by elgar Gryn

Raldenaar for the baron of Menaw. Daage was DALONBY, Castle [A4]
captured from the Trierzi count of Palama in A castle in Norimar governed by elgar Irjel
687. Possession of Daage has catapulted the Ledrin for the earl of Norimar. Dalonby was
Raldenaars to the status of one of Batana’s most once the westernmost outpost of the Azeryan
powerful families. The Pelanbys have backed Empire. The remains of an Azeryan fort are still
them strongly, including providing funds to visible about half a league west of the current
strengthen Daage. castle.

DAGAEL, Castle [C4] DALYMO, Keep [J6]

Dagael is a castle in Liguno governed by elgar A barony in Jaleda held by Banel Sargines from
Gund Maagel for the earl of Liguno. Dagael is the countess of Jaleda. The lands around
the site of an important bridge over the Ypena Dalymo suffered particularly heavily during the
river, and a small market town has grown up Chaos.
around the crossing.
DAMAN, Keep [J7]
DAGEON, Keep [H4] A barony in Rindi held by baron Gyre Lanfors
A barony in Baldeme held by baron Korith from the count of Rindi. A ferry, propelled by
Anjadon from the countess of Baldeme. the tide along a rope, connects Daman to the
town of Rindiro.

DAIMIN, Keep [C2]

A keep in Berema governed by elgar Tarkal DANTOTH, Keep [L3]
Renamys for the Queen of Emelrene. Daimin is A barony in Melesuma held by baron Urvan
a favourite retreat for the royal family. Vellese from the count of Melesuma. Urvan is a
kindly man, but a devout Laranian.

DALEOS, Castle [H3]

A barony in Ilbra held by elgar Rogryn Galliand, DARABED, Sinkhole [L4]
the younger cousin of the duke bearing the same A large limestone sinkhole in the Korgin
name. Mountains, said to be home to a capricious entity
referred to as the ‘Scholar’. Thought by some of
the wise to be one of the Pradeyalkri, very little
DALGENOSA, Keep [D6] is known about the nature, or even shape, of the
A barony in Skagia held by baron Taal Scholar. Generally speaking, disturbing the
Dalgenaart from the earl of Skagia. Scholar is thought to be a foolhardy thing to do.
Certainly there are none round who have done so
DALGLEN, Fortress [L6] and are able to provide a good account of the
A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by 4 nature of the Scholar.
companies of the 1 st Beronium legion.
However, the Scholar is purported to be
somewhat more forthcoming on the first three
DALIR, Keep [L9] nights of each Larane, when it will answer
A barony in Dovalin held by elgar Chamal questions about the nature of Kelestia and teach
Turostas from the duke of Dovalin. Chamal has arcane secrets to those willing to risk the price.
been secretly accepting bribes from the Azeryan

constrained Darshen’s growth. Despite its small

Of those who in the circle sit size, Darshen is strongly fortified.
And hear the Scholar’s lore,
Shall one be taken as the price DEAMUS, Castle [N6]
And heard of nevermore. A castle in Beronium and site of the office of the
Vishras of Deamus district. The citadel is
What becomes of the student taken by the garrisoned by 3 companies of the 2 nd Beronium
Scholar as its ‘price’ for teaching, is not known. legion under the command of Telmen Bazrek
The remaining students remember what they Tasilaeon. Bazrek is heavily in debt to Vishras
have learned, but are unable or unwilling to Mejanes Comagyne.
recall anything specific about the Scholar.

DEBISHES, Castle [H9]

DARI, Keep [M3] A barony in Manas held by baron Kora Loshael
A barony in Anfaldon held by baron Capala from the count of Manas.
Ezonar from the count of Anfaldon.

DEDATH, Keep [G8]

DARIMUR, Town [K3] A barony in Ilaska held by baron Porluan Roiale
Population: 6,900. The largest settlement in the from the count of Ilaska.
county of Faldin, Darimur commands the main
highway linking the upper Degela valley with
central Trierzon. Founded as an Azeryan DEGAU, Town [E6]
legionary base, Darimur recently purchased its Population: 3,400. A walled town in Batana and
status as a chartered Freetown from the countess seat of the earl of Batana. Once the core of the
of Faldin. county of Degau, the town has been the seat of
the count of Batana since the Pelanbys added
that title to their own title of earl of Degau.
DARINDA, Keep [K9] Largely eclipsed by Mengovik and Harigol as a
A barony in Tengela held by baron Janasyn Blais trading port, Degau hasn’t grown much during
from the pontiff of the Laranian church. the last century.

DARLON, Town [I8] DEGELA, Bay [J8]

Population: 9,800. Lying at the mouth of the The firth of the Degela River, Degela Bay is one
Boden River where it empties into Degela Bay, of the most crowded waterways in the Trierzon
Darlon’s prosperity derives from trade. Goods region. Four walled towns, including the great
coming down the Boden River are exchanged in port of Janora are located on Degela Bay, along
Darlon for goods from Janora, Emelrene, Harn, with numerous smaller settlements.
or Trierzon. The town is governed by a council
of eight aldermen elected by the Mangai. Before
the Badriacs seized power, Darlon was governed DEGELA, River [K3]
by an elgar for the count of Enala. Since the Trierzon’s greatest river, the Degela has its
Chaos, while Darlon has recognized the Badriacs source in the mountains of Lankor. In western
as counts of Enala, the town has claimed the Lythia, only the Tirga exceeds it in size. The
status of Freetown, well aware that the count’s Degela River is a crucial artery for trade, linking
position is too tenuous for him to challenge the the port of Janora with Ubai, and ultimately the
claim. Gaden valley (via the Gaden river) and even
Lankor. A substantial portion of trade between
the Venarian Sea and the Gulf of Shorkyne
DARSHEN, Town [F6] passes through Janora and up the Degela and
Population: 4,800. Located on the north bank of then Gaden rivers to Engaritane, and eventually
the Pados River, Darshen is the chief town of the the Quantere river system.
county of Palama. With a large agricultural
hinterland and a good harbour, Darshen should The Degela River is home to a range of unique
be a prospering port. Years of Ivinian raiding wildlife, including the Degela dolphin, and the
followed by pirates operating out of Skagia large Degela Pike, which grows up to 5 feet
attacking shipping on the Gulf of Batana has long. All manner of water spirits are also said to

dwell in the Degela, including the malevolent DELIMES, Keep [I7]

Pag Gwelu (qv) and the more ambiguous Lorytsa A keep in Latima governed by elgar Tyren
(qv). Pereselan for the duke of Gelamo. Delimes was
built between 695 and 708 to help secure central
DEGNOS, Keep [L3] Latima. Tyren is an ageing warrior who fought
A barony in Melesuma held by baroness Selyna with the current duke’s father at the sieges of
Garmone from the count of Melesuma. Chodyn and Lindga.

DEKEN, Keep [J4] DELOTUS, Castle [G6]

A barony in Ubai held by baron Lancred A castle in Agelos governed by elgar Ostel
Moriven from the Duke of Ubai. Baron Lancred Pelandro, the son of the countess. Delotus is a
has been increasingly focusing the production of formidable fortification commanding the pass
his fief on cash crops to supply Ubarian. This is through the Luinde Mountains to Palama and
causing his serfs some hardship. Palithane.

DEKETE, Keep [L5] DEMATH, Castle [L8]

A keep in Perna governed by elgar Gyan Banier A castle in Dovalin held by elgar Bedel Imsenara
for the count of Perna. from the duke of Dovalin.

DELAI, Keep [M7] DEMEGIN, Castle [K9]

A barony in Faleo held by baron Rystal Kretian A castle in Zhoren governed by elgar Jaro
from the duke of Dovalin. Yvande for the duchess of Zhoren. Demegen has
a good harbour, consisting of a shallow sloping
beach protected by two headlands. It is the site
DELDI, Keep [K6] of a Trierzi naval depot. Jaro is the younger
A barony in Mankonia held by baron Chures brother of the duchess. He does an adequate job
Belarde from the Duke of Ubai. overseeing the depot, but lacks confidence in his
DELFIS, Castle [C5]
A barony in Gavas held by baron Ulmar Gurten DEMERE, Keep [I7]
from the earl of Gavas. Delfis has good sloping A keep in Gelamo governed by elgar Jaon
beaches, excellent for drawing up traditional Moseau for the baron of Lepoma.
longships, but of less use for more modern
vessels. As a result the significance of Delfis as
a port has been declining over time. The barons DEMON PAMESHLU, Order of
of Delfis also hold the keep of Astyno. More formally known as the order of the Demon
Pameshlu the Insatiable, the order is sponsored
by the Agrikan clerical order of the Octagonal
DELGE, Keep [K1] Pit, and is technically a fighting order. In
A keep in the Shorkyne county of Sabinia. practice, the order primarily serves as guards,
gladiators, and beast and slave masters for its
DELGE, Keep [K7] parent order.
A barony in Kogamin held by baron Jerac Molay
from the duke of Kogamin. Jerac is an DENASA, River [N2]
unbending and pious Laranian. He is ever ready A tributary of the Degela River.
to see heresy and treats his serfs harshly
(although within the bounds of feudal justice).
DENOBES, Keep [K10]
A keep in Ilona and the seat of the elgar of the
DELGORIM, Fortress [M6] county, Meredek Horcona. Ilona is dominated
A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by 2 by a number of wealthy merchant clans, and the
companies of the Legion of the Stone Hand. elgar has relatively little power. Much of
Meredek’s job consists of persuading the leaders
of the most important clans that meeting their
feudal obligations is in their own best interests.

DENYM, Keep [N3] Halesome H5 Town Freetown

A barony in Melesuma held by baron Raldrin
Kampne from the count of Melesuma. The Heila I6 Keep Cladaalen
locals weave a tough linen cloth of a distinctive Jedela I6 Keep Ontecau
blue colour.
Konan H6 Keep Indamon
Lerjem H5 Keep Navastan
DERNEL, Keep [B2]
A barony in Alwina held by baron Tamis Kayl Lyna I5 Keep Navastan
for the Earl of Emane. Minoi I6 Keep Mildore
Mirelen H5 Keep Dorgosne
DERYSHES, Keep [F10]
A barony in Bodima held by baron Parel Keryth Mirgus I5 Keep Lefierc
from the duke of Trabant. Nerme H5 Keep Maivellen
Olemi H5 Keep Navastan
DEVAI, County [H5]
Location: Central Trierzon Orila I6 Keep Dulaugal
Ruler: Elgar Jerbin Navastan Pareln H5 Keep Arlathen
Population: 186,000 Regles H5 Keep Maivelle
Lying between two arms of the Luinde Semoris H6 Keep Navastan
mountains, Devai occupies the upper Boden and Tezdel H5 Keep Paregord
Gilar River valleys. The county is part of the
duchy of Gelamo, and has been in the hands of Tholor I5 Keep Fesse
the Navastan family for nearly two hundred Zalar H5 Keep Elosiral
years. The current elgar, Jerbin Navastan is the
younger brother of the duke’s father.
DILVAIN, Keep [H2]
A keep in the Shorkyne county of Falimae.
The population of the county includes a
significant proportion of Emela blood, and a
number of Emela tribes have their range in parts DINELIS, Castle [D8]
of the Luinde mountains falling within Devai. A barony in Tamala governed by elgar Pyrel
Devai, like the neighbouring county of Agelos is Ancelom for the duke of Trabant. Dinelis is the
famous for its honey, much of which is exported site of a royal naval depot and is the centre of a
as mead. Although owing fealty to the system of coastal beacons. In fact, the depot is
Navastans, the nobles of Devai are an run down and the beacons are poorly maintained.
independent lot given to feuding and fighting. Pyrel, who is responsible for the beacon chain
They do not like authority and jealously guard and the physical infrastructure of the depot, has
their independence. been diverting money intended for the
maintenance of the coastal beacons into his own
Settlement Hex Type Clan
pocket. The naval forces stationed at Dinelis are
Anset H6 Keep Indamon grossly inadequate to assert any degree of control
Begeme H6 Keep Dulaugal over the Gulf of Batana, and the local naval
commander accepts a cut of Pyrel’s takings.
Caden H6 Keep Naudyne
Camens H6 Keep Bissat DINIRI, Keep [N3]
Dorin H5 Keep Clinael A barony in Anfaldon held by elgar Huris
Travendal for the count of Melesuma. The count
Egarne H5 Keep Selbre obtained Diniri from his wife, and theoretically
Ekay I6 Keep Champe owes the count of Anfaldon homage for Diniri.
Flavin H6 Keep Gosne
Gaviro H5 Keep Arlathenet
DISA, Keep [H6]
A keep in Vedin governed by elgar Melena
Gerefe H6 Castle Navastan Brabaise for the duke of Gelamo.

DIVAI, Keep [E4]

A keep in Athamas governed by elgara Surynde DORSENE, Clan
Clayr, one of the count’s daughters. Surynde has Ruling the critical Duchy of Dovalin, house
shown no interest in either marriage, knighthood, Dorsene has been responsible for Trierzon’s
or the clergy, but is a very competent border with Azeryan for approximately 80 years.
administrator. Devai has prospered in the last The Dorsene’s were originally close supporters
two years and begun to export an excellent pear of the Merevan kings holding land in the Raimor
brandy. valley (in which the family still has significant
DOLOSTI, Keep [L2]
A barony in Nadamia held by baron Eralla In the wake of the Dovalin war, Kalhames made
Aduro from the count of Nadamia. The Aduros Vitalo Dorsene duke of a new duchy of Dovalin.
are distant relatives of clan Aduro who control In doing so, Kalhames hoped to place the Azeri
the barony of Delge in Sabinia. border in a reliable pair of hands and
simultaneously punish the count of Magalia who
had started the Dovalin war and lost Trierzon its
DONDEN, Keep [M3] remaining holdings north of the Pagon River.
A barony in Anfaldon held by the Knights of
Avarkiel from the King. Donden was The current duke of Dovalin, Halisano Dorsene
confiscated in the aftermath of the battle of is a stolid man of 52. A lifetime of skirmishes
Dumes and the Knights of Avarkiel have held it against Azeri troops has made Halisano an
ever since. experienced, if unimaginative commander. He
still takes his responsibilities seriously and
DONUMA, Keep [F3] spends much of his time touring the fortifications
A barony in western Stalfore held by clan Erlana of his duchy, particularly the crucial coastal
from the duke of Stalfore. The current baron, fortresses.
Levan Erlana is a cunning warleader, but is over
prone to ‘liberating’ livestock from the Palithane A major concern for Halisano is the lack of a
side of the Gaden River. male heir. While he has three surviving
daughters – Luchena (26), Althene (24), and
DORIMES, Castle [E10] Surinde (21) – none are potential rulers for
A castle in Trabant governed by Elgara Alizia Trierzon’s most critical border duchy. Both
Chivara for the duke of Trabant. Dorimes Luchena and Althene are married to husbands
defends the mouth of the Alsini River, and is an who would not be acceptable dukes placing all
impressive fortification. During the sixth Halisano’s hopes on Surinde. This makes
century TR it was besieged twice by Ivinian Surinde one of the most eligible women in
raiders, but was never taken. It is the site of a Trierzon.
royal naval depot. The ships stationed at
Dorimes are well maintained and crewed, largely
at the expense of the duke of Trabant who
regards them as something akin to his personal
fleet. The current elgar is the cousin of Faradan
Chivara. A determined woman of 29, Alizia
only recently returned from a pilgrimage to

DORIN, Keep [H5]

A barony in Devai held by baron Deniel Clinael
from the duke of Gelamo. The Clinaels have
strong ties with the local Emela going back
several generations, and the current baron’s
grandmother was an Emela. These ties make the
Dorins one of the most powerful families in the
upper Boden valley.

DOVALIN, county [L9] had been absorbed into Trierzon. In 638 Dovalin
Location: Southern Trierzon was besieged by the count of Magalia triggering
Ruler: Halisano Dorsene the Dovalin war. The town fell to Trierzi forces
Population: 173,000 in 639 and has remained in Trierzi hands since
then. The harbour has impressive defences and
A coastal county in the duchy of Dovalin. The was the site of a major Azeri naval base that has
county of Dovalin is a fertile densly populated since been adopted by the Trierzi Crown as one
region sloping gently up from the Venerian Sea. of its naval depots. Dovarium still has a
While the Venerian Sea brings Dovalin a mild significant Azeri population and control is
climate and trade, it also exposes it to raiding maintained through a strong garrison under a
from the Azeryan navy. The capital city of the constable appointed by the duke. The constable
county, Dovalin, was held by the Azeri within also controls the civil affairs of the town through
living memory as were a number of lesser his captains.
fortresses along the coast.
Settlement Hex Type Clan DRAGON’S SHORE, Road
The Dragon’s Shore was the last of the great
Betagra L9 Castle Dorsene Azeryan highways built in Trierzon. Work on
Dalir L9 Keep Dorsene the highway began in 447 as part of a system of
Demath L8 Castle Dorsene coastal defences to defend Zonora against
Ivinian raiding. Intended to allow the rapid
Dovarium L9 Town Dorsene movement of troops and messages along the
Gelvis L9 Castle Dorsene coast of the Gulf of Batana, the Dragon’s Shore
links a number of castles that originated as
Koronas L9 Keep Richese Azeryan coastal fortresses. Although originally
Lydon L9 Keep Toras conceived as part of a system of coastal defences
extending as far west as Parahal, the Dragon’s
Melag L9 Keep Melagara
Shore is typically applied only to the section of
Notelen L9 Keep Jelepano road from Kirgaras to Darshen. The Dragon’s
Rigeros K9 Town Freetown Shore takes its name from the Ivinian dragon
ships it was built to defend against. It is kept
Romas L9 Keep Cesi well maintained by the current duke of Trabant
Spedera K9 Castle Boscalin and the counts of Hedames and Palama.
Spegin L9 Keep Avinto
DREFES, Keep [H3]
Tontel K9 Keep Onofri A barony in Senedalo held by baron Margan
Yalir K9 Keep Alim Picot from the countess of Senedalo. Drefes is a
wealthy barony, a fact that is important to the
DOVALIN, Duchy baron who is a connoisseur of fine food and
strange or unusual objects of art.
Created to safeguard Trierzon’s border with the
Azeryan Empire in the wake of the Dovalin war,
the duchy of Dovalin comprises the counties of DRENOL, Keep [K7]
Dovalin, Faleo, and Magalia. The lands of the A barony in Janora held by baron Irasil Gualdim
duchy have been extensively fought over since from the duke of Kogamin.
the establishment of Trierzon. Although there
have been no major conflicts since the end of the DROMEL, Keep [G7]
Dovalin war in 640 TR, skirmishes are an annual A barony in Areshomes held by baron Vodril
occurrence as the Azeryan navy tests Trierzon’s Rikorio from the count of Areshomes. Dromel
coastal defences. produces the best red wines in Areshomes on the
east side of the River Ilas. The baron is eager to
DOVARIUM, Town [L9] produce a vintage that surpasses that of Shenlo,
Population: 8,400. Dovarium is the largest town but has yet to do so.
in the county of Dovalin and seat of the duke of
Dovalin. The city was held by the Azeryan
Empire long after most of the surrounding lands
DRONIM, Mount [M4]
A peak (6313’) in the Korgin Mountains.

sizeable market town with a population of 2,600.

DRONIM, Pass [M4] Much of the growth is due to the new bridge
A pass over the Korgin Mountains connecting across the Gaden River built by baron Lygon at
the Trierzi county of Melesuma with the Azeryan Dyna. Tolls on the bridge are half those at
province of Beronium. At 4281 feet, the Dronim Malagos, and this has attracted a good portion of
pass is rugged, and relatively difficult to traverse. the town’s trade.
It has never been a major route for traffic
between Beronium and Melesuma, even when DYRON, Keep [C1]
both were ruled by the Azeryan Empire. A barony in Fandalon held by baron Sidan
Blanche from the Queen of Emelrene.
DUMES, Keep [M3]
A keep in Melesuma held by the Knights of DYTEM, River [D3]
Avarkiel. The current elgar is Rogryn Reneal, a A tributary of the Ypena River, draining the
pious but restrained man of 53. Rogryn believes southern Jerinalian Mountains. There is an
that the best weapon against a resurgence of the unusually large concentration of Henge culture
Tobran heresy is a good example and a sites along the Dytem valley. The most
reluctance to resort to violence. He has had significant of these are the ‘Teeth of Dytem’,
frequent disagreements with his superiors at located about 10 leagues upstream from Sandris.

The plains south of Dures saw the coalition of

nobles supporting the Tobran heresy defeated by
the Knights of Avarkiel at the battle of Dures in
619. The bones of many Tobran lords remain on
the field and were never properly buried. Many
EADE, Keep [G7]
local nobles see this as a sacrilege, but patrols A barony in Areshomes held by baron Mabrus
from Dumes and Jirese have prevented any Zeracyne from the count of Areshomes.
attempts to recover and re-bury the bones over
the years.
EBALE, Castle [J7]
The seat of the count of Rindi and a barony in its
DUNEGEL, Keep [E10] own right, Ebale is the administrative center of
A barony in Trabant held by baron Gavrim the county of Rindi. The current count, Audrin
Limoden from the duke of Trabant. Velthane, maintains a lavish court at Ebale, and
the interior of the castle has seen several
DURAL, Keep [I4] improvements in the past few years. However,
A keep in Malagos governed by elgar Gyen these improvements along with constant feasting
Perard for the count of Malagos. and sundry other entertainments are beginning to
strain the count’s purse.
DWALIN, Keep [D6]
A keep in Skagia governed by elgar Irmand EBINEO, Keep [K8]
Faljarsen for the baron of Emata. Dwalin was A keep in Tengela governed by sir Calin Dubane
the site of a large Laranian abbey, destroyed by for the Sebrath. Sir Calin spent much of his
Ivinian raiders in 514 TR. The ruins are youth wandering Trierzon as a knight errant,
extensive, and it is rumoured that the monks hid righting wrongs and championing the innocent.
away a valuable treasure before being Songs are sung about him throughout Trierzon
slaughtered. and there is word that there is a petition to
cannonise him in circulation amongst senior
church officials.
DYFEL, Mount [M1]
A peak (7088’) in the Nadami Mountains.
EBRIM, Keep [J4]
A keep in Ubai governed by elgar Loran Bornial
DYNA, Castle [J5] for the baron of Selpiren.
A barony in Malagos held by baron Lygen
Jasrelay from the count of Malagos. Dyna is a

EDEME, Keep [F3] Palithane. Yolanda herself has never married,

A keep in Tamanias governed by elgar Sanrec and when she dies the throne is likely to pass to
Langlyn for the baron of Lindedh. her nephew, Sunorel Edehelen, an intelligent
young man of 26.
EDEMINIS, Castle [M5]
A citadel in Beronium and headquarters for the EDUR, River [C2]
Vishras of Edimenis. The citadel is garrisoned A river in Emelrene. The Ertu valley contains
by 3 companies of the Gorium legion. Telmen rich Cinnabar deposits, making it western
Valyns Chervaen is theoretically responsible for Lythia’s primary source of quicksilver.
patrolling the Dronim pass, a duty that he
generally neglects. EDVIN, Keep [K5]
A keep in Perna governed by elgar Sirtus
EDHARON, Keep [N2] Gramon for the baron of Chatena.
A barony in Anfaldon held by baron Dumas
Lethial from the count of Anfaldon. EDYLA, Keep [N3]
A barony in Anfaldon held by baron Prigano
EDORA, Keep [J7] Meredara from the count of Anfaldon. The
A barony in Latima held by baron Maradin Meredara’s are one of Anfaldon’s wealthiest and
Wyclinet from the duke of Gelamo. most powerful families. Although never openly
disloyal, the counts of Anfaldon have often had
trouble persuading the Meredaras to fulfill their
EDHELEN, Clan full feudal obligations.
The Edhelen dynasty has ruled Emelrene since at
least the founding of the Empire of Emelrene in
309 TR. It is likely, however, that the dynasty is EGARNE, Keep [H5]
much older. Edhelens certainly ruled the petty A remote barony in Devai held by baron Korastil
kingdom of Berema that existed prior to the Selbre from the duke of Gelamo. The trail from
Empire, and many historians believe that the Egarne to Ingris in Baldeme is sometimes
high king of the Emelan confederation that subject to a toll by the local Emela tribes.
existed from 1300 – 500 BT was an Edhelen.
EGENSU, Keep [I4]
The current head of the clan is Yolanda Edhelen, A barony in Ilbra held by baron Siren Undell
queen of Emelrene. Yolanda is an unassuming from the duke of Stalfore. The marshes
looking woman of 53, but a supremely downriver from Egensu are a notorious haunt for
competent ruler. Over the years Yolanda’s brigands and masterless men.
council of advisors have learned to take her
views seriously despite the fact that she often
appears a little out of her depth. In fact, her
EGISA, Keep [E10]
views are very well formed, but she prefers not A keep in Trabant governed by Elgar Madoc
to advertise the fact, thus encouraging others Verjane for the duke of Trabant.
around her to more fully articulate their own
position before she makes a choice. EGRAIN, Keep [I7]
A barony in Latima held by baron Amin Naroste
from the duke of Gelamo.

EIDOL, Keep [C3]

A keep in Berema governed by elgar Edan
Margael for the Queen of Emelrene. It is
customary for each Emelrene monarch to make a
trip to Eidol to meet the Dheria-Isvan before
being crowned. The Dheria-Isvan always arrives
in Eidol to meet the new monarch, apparently
without any prior arrangement.
The Edhelens have strong marriage ties to
Melderyn and Chelemby, and weaker links with

EILA, Keep [G8] ELEDIMON, Keep [C2]

A barony in Ilaska held by baron Ubral Irbonal A barony in Fandalon held by baron Uven
from the count of Ilaska. Dorele from the earl of Glaron. The lands
around Eledimon have a high proportion of Free
EILAY, Keep [G8] Emela, and serfs in the barony have a disturbing
A barony in Areshomes held by baron Ibrin tendancy to come and go as they please. The
Heborlis from the count of Areshomes. Dorele’s have learned to live with this situation,
but are relatively poor for a major noble clan.

EKALDARIN, Earthmaster Site [E8]

Located in the dense maquis woodland of the ELEDIRO, Town [M7]
Cheryka Forest, Ekaldarin is the most extensive Population: 3,300. A small town in Tasha
Earthmaster site in the Trierzon region. Sound. Elediro is part of the county of Faleo and
Ekaldarin is believed to mean something along is administered through a lord constable
the lines of ‘Place of the Powers’ in the dialect of appointed directly by the duke of Dovalin.
old Jarinese that evolved into Emela. Fishing is a major industry.

Ekaldarin is located on a plateau, perhaps a ELEGA, Keep [N3]

league across, in the midst of the Cheryka A barony in Anfaldon held by baroness Irabeau
uplands. The Earthmaster ruins are located at Jimene from the count of Anfaldon. Irabeau
one end of the plateau, and consist of a range of inheited the barony from her father. She has not
low buildings spread around a central plaza. yet married, but both the count of Anfaldon and
Compared to many other Earthmaster sites, the the count of Melesuma would like her to marry
buildings are smaller on average, but spread over into their family.
a larger area. Some scholars speculate that the
visible remains are part of a larger, more ELGATA, Keep [I6]
extensive Earthmaster settlement. It is a point of A barony in Vedin held by baron Kunyn
debate whether the supposed additional Dhimadra from the duke of Gelamo. The
structures are buried, or visible in another Dhimadras are related to the powerful Dhimadro
dimension orthogonal to the standard dimensions clan of Areshomes.
as the scholar Tharasin of Rokal implied when
he wrote:
ELGRAIN, Keep [D9]
…a traveler on the Plain of Powers may, in the A keep in Chimas held by Elgar Reven Ysonan
corner of his eye, catch a glimpse of Kelestian for the Duke of Trabant. Elgrain, and its sister
geometries that vanish when he turns his gaze keep of Belmos in the county of Trabant were
upon them… built at the same time in 584 TR to control
access up the Farna River.
There are a number of other buildings on the
Ekaldarin plateau. At the opposite side of the ELIKON, Keep [J8]
pleateau is the remains of a Sindarin settlement. A barony in Kogamin held by baron Marvael
Unusually for the elves, a substantial proportion Adhemar from the duke of Kogamin.
of the settlement seems to have been constructed
in stone. A large number of Jarind/proto-Emela
burial sites are scattered around the plateau itself
ELJEM, Castle [G4]
and the approaches to it. A barony in Senedalo governed by elgar Hodin
Quervelis for the countess of Senedalo. Castle
Eljem is the lynchpin of Senedalo’s defences
EKAY, Keep [I6] along the border with Palithane. Many of the
A barony in Devai held by baron Talis Champe countess’s feudal knights are concentrated here
from the duke of Gelamo. during the summer, and clashes with knights
from Palithane are not uncommon. The castle
ELAVONA, County [I1] itself has not faced a major siege. This is partly
A county in Shorkyne held by countess Estir because Eljem’s impressive water defences
Medaro from the King of Shorkyne. render all but the most determined siege

however, unfounded as the Elsirins are

ELMOT, Keep [D9] competent players in the high stakes game of
A barony in Chimas held by baron Wilsred Ilain Trierzi politics.
from the Duke of Trabant.
The current count, Maermyl Elsirin is a large
gentle man reminiscent of his namesake.
ELONIDA, Keep [E4] Maermyl is slow to anger and seldom makes a
A barony in Athamas held by baroness Katren rash decision. He is, nonetheless, intelligent and
Elonar from the count of Athamas. The Elonars a good judge of character. He realises that the
are traditional allies of the Clayrs. Katren, imperatives of ruling a fief may require him to
however, harbours a violent hatred towards the approve actions that conflict with his Peonian
younger Arain Clayr, heir to the county dating to principles. In these cases he will suspend his
an incident when she was a ward at castle principles but regrets doing so. Maermyl’s wife,
Elsiner. Taniea is devoted to her husband, as are all of his
8 children. The oldest, however, (Aldin)
ELOSAM, Keep [H7] cherishes thoughts of glory in battle, and has
A keep in Vedin governed by elgar Valdaeo begun to secretly attend a Laranian chapel.
Sipard for the duke of Gelamo. Valdaeo is
secretly in the pay of the baron of Gilonder and ELSUM, Castle [L8]
provides the baron with useful information about A barony in Faleo held by baron Darimas Ispena
the duke’s affairs. from the duke of Dovalin. The Ispena’s are the
most powerful family in Faleo having captured
ELPRIN, Keep [J5] vast inland estates during the Dovalin war.
A barony in Ubai held by baron Evastin Orsyl Traditionally close allies of the counts of
from the duke of Ubai. Evastin is also Lord Magalia (where they also hold estates), the
Privy Seal of Trierzon, and frequently leaves the Ispena’s have little time for the Dorsene family.
governing of Elprin to his son.
ELVAI, River [J1]
ELSIMA, Keep [E9] A river in Shorkyne draining the Nadami
A barony in Trabant held by baron Pilasa Mountains.
Savarote from the duke of Trabant.
ELYDE, Fort [L1]
ELSINER, Castle [E4] A fort and hostel in the Shorkyne county of
A castle in Athamas and seat of the count of Sabinia. The fort is controlled by clan Telthael.
Athamas. Castle Elsiner has been the seat of the
Clayr family since before the founding of the EMANE, Castle [A2]
kingdom of Palithane. Over the years it has been A castle in Malad and seat of Earl Halden
improved by the counts into perhaps the most Byrefin. Earl Halden is a close friend and
impressive fortification in Palithane. The castle trusted advisor of the Queen, and one of the most
sits on a rocky outcrop high above the river powerful nobles in the kingdom. The Byrefins
Elone and can be approached only by a narrow hold the keeps of Feledir, Nemono, Sarna, and
path up the rockface protected by several Ginve in addition to Emane, and receive homage
outworks. When the count is not in residence the from the barons of Dernel and Belonim. Halden
castle is governed by elgar Dernar Clayr, a is a conservative, and is concerned about the
trusted cousin. impact that the linen industry is having on his
domains. He is reluctant to let his serfs buy their
ELSIRIN, Clan freedom, and pursues runaway serfs vigorously.
Controlling the county of Korun in southern This has led to several clashes with the aldermen
Trierzon, clan Elsirin are unusual among of Malad.
Trierzon’s great families in their devotion to
Peoni. All of the last six counts have been EMATA, Keep [D6]
Peonians of varying degrees of piety, a fact that A barony in Skagia held by baron Rames
sees other great clans regard the Elsirins as Faljarsen from the earl of Skagia. The Faljarsens
somewhat simple and naïve. This view is, are one of the most powerful families in Skagia

and also hold the nearby keep of Dwalin. Emata societies also boast a large number of scholars
controls the only bridge over the Ypena river organized into a number of powerful secret
below its confluence with the Gaira. societies. Over the years Emelrene has acquired
a reputation as a centre of learning for the arcane
EMELA, Tribal People arts and, perhaps partly as a consequence, the
The Emela are a tribal people dwelling in the kingdom is far more influential in Lythian
Jerinalian, Nadami, Tilame, and Luinde politics than its military strength would suggest.
mountains. Related to the Jarin of Harn, the
Alts, and the Yarili, the Emela are ethnically the
same people as the settled population of the
kingdom of Emelrene although they retain their
traditional lifestyle.

Although a tribal people, the Emela are not pure

hunter-gatherers. Rather, they follow a unique
dual lifestyle. “Settled” Emela live in small
mountain villages, farming and raising livestock.
“Free” Emela live a nomadic lifestyle of hunting,
fishing, trapping, and trading with settled Emela
and nearby feudal cultures. Individuals and
families freely change between lifestyles.
Because of their dual lifestyle, there are more
Emela than a purely hunter-gather lifestyle
would support.

Although not all Emela live within Emelrene, The Jerinalian Mountains are the first significant
they all look to the kingdom for leadership to land that the moist southwest trade winds hit
some degree. Another individual – the Dheria- after crossing the Haonic Ocean, and as a result
Isvan – has a spiritual importance to the Emela Emelrene has a particularly damp climate. Poor
and to some degree speaks for the “free” Emela. climate and a reputation for uncanny and slightly
The Dheria-Isvan lives at Abrelyn in the heart of xenophobic inhabitants has made Emelrene a
the Jerinalian Mountains and only rarely leaves unpopular with foreign travelers. Most Lythians
the small settlement for specific ritual purposes. avoid the rain soaked mage haunted hills of
Emelrene and keep to the coastal cities and ports,
if they visit at all.
EMELATH, Keep [G8]
A keep in Ilaska governed by elgar Tamos Sorel From 309 to 512 TR Emelrene was governed as
for the count of Ilaska. the Empire of Emelrene. This may have helped
the state to co-exist peacefully with the Azeryan
EMELRENE, Kingdom Empire. Following the Trierzi rebellion, and
Occupying the strip of land between the faced with increasing Ivinian raiding, Emelrene
Jerinalian Mountains and the sea, the kingdom of transitioned remarkable quickly into a feudal
Emelrene is one of western Lythia’s oldest kingdom. There have been 9 kings and 1 queen
civilized regions. While the structure of of Emelrene since the fouding of the kingdom.
Emelrene’s government has changed to reflect its
neighbours, the kingdom has managed to adapt Edhelen Dynasty
to most threats with seeming ease. Neither the Uthrilar I 512-559
migrating pharic barbarians, Azeryan’s legions, Imedain 559-576
nor the Ivinian raiders managed to have a Aela I 576-581
significant impact on the region. With a few Dhelen 581-616
minor exceptions, Emelrene has enjoyed a Aela II 616-630
remarkably peaceful history. Ranald 630-647
Haldan 674-662
Emelrene has a close relationship with the Uthrilar II 662-677
Harnic kingdom of Melderyn. Both realms are Osric 677-709
apparently ordinary feudal monarchies, but both Yolanda (Q) 709-

Dernel Baron of Dernel Kayl

The current queen, Yolanda Edhelen is a Belonim Baron of Belonim Belona
competent ruler who has allowed her advisors to Kardim Earl of Kardim Harthen
follow a fairly traditional course in policy. Ymore Baroness of Ymore Tysol
Under her rule Emelrene has strengthened its ties Wefym Baron of Wefym Wefym
to Melderyn, but also to Chelemby and Sonau Earl of Sonau Ysmorian
Palithane. Emelrene is organized in to 8 shires Kednol Baroness of Kednol Chalatine
administered by Royal Sheriffs which serves to
limit the power of the Earls. Each Sheriff has EMORS, Keep [E9]
their seat at the Shire Moot, but will also A barony in Tamala held by baron Vabelard
typically control one or more lesser keeps. Firazen from the duke of Trabant. The lands
Similarly all Earls and many Barons also control around Emors produce an excellent red wine
more than one settlement. The Queen has 27 known as Farna (after the River).
tenants in chief, excluding Sheriffs but including
Emelrene’s two freetowns.
ENALA, County [I8]
Fief Governor Ruling Clan Location: Southern Trierzon
Berema Queen Yolanda Edhelen Ruler: Count Petran Badriac
Quandas Sheriff Quandas Edhelen Population: 123,000
Algram Sheriff Algram Edhelen
Fandalon Sheriff Fandalon Edhelen Spanning the northern shore of Degela Bay and
Malad Sheriff Malad Edhelen the mouth of the Boden River, Enala derives its
Alwina Sheriff Alwina Edhelen wealth from trade. The town of Darlon is a
Ulama Sheriff Ulama Edhelen major transshipment point for goods coming
Jerinala Sheriff Jerinala Edhelen down the Boden River bound for markets in the
Venerian Sea or for Harn and the north.
Besane Baron of Besane Chomaer
Buzen Baron of Buzen Lydrel During the Chaos Enala was the focus for a
Bwina Baron of Bwina Parfael brutal conflict between the ruling Thyzarmon
Dyron Baron of Dyron Blanche clan and their powerful vassals, the Badriacs.
Endalin Baron of Endalin Endal The Badriacs succeeded in overthrowing the
Feomer Baron of Feomer Rieldar Thyzarmons, and now rule Enala. Harichel
Geninos Baron of Geninos Penhalier accepted the new status quo when he acceded to
Gifla Baron of Gifla Jiemondh the throne, and Dalhaga has confirmed the
Hileth Baron of Hileth Alema Badriacs in their position. Within Enala,
Hitenos Baron of Hitenos Feshoren however, the Badriac’s grip on power is far from
Irijen Baron of Irijen Tolve fully accepted.
Jeledh Baron of Jeledh Dhasis Settlement Hex Type Clan
Lipyl Baroness of Lipyl Dyreste
Mirefe Baron of Mirefe Saldion Bonil I8 Keep Imboden
Panira Baron of Panira Doralys Darlon I8 Town Freetown
Paregin Baron of Paregin Goslet
Enris I8 Keep Arconel
Sharvon Baron of Sharvon Caiden
Tironas Baron of Tironas Gervais Forgis I8 Keep Clunys
Velis Baron of Velis Moyre Hebnos I8 Keep Soriel
Malad Mayor of Malad Freetown Kalse I8 Keep Badriac
Alwin Mayor of Alwin Freetown Lederiel I8 Keep Badriac
Monules I8 Castle Badriac
Argonel Earl of Argonel Tiemal
Nalise Earl of Nalise Elydene Nedin I8 Keep Xavanda
Meddrin Baron of Meddrin Isfalen Pedotha I8 Keep Tyarol
Geanda Baron of Geanda Tironer
Glaron Earl of Glaron Koristel Pegares I8 Keep Badriac
Lins Baron of Lins Amond Plena I8 Keep Thyzar
Emane Earl of Emane Byrefin

Purose I8 Keep Tyarol walls serves as the primary residence for the
Duke of Stalfore.
Singai I8 Castle Badriac
Telpos I8 Castle Telpara ENGIRA, Keep [K3]
Wyden I8 Keep Lepen A barony in Faldin held by baroness Berynda
Pethasad for the countess of Faldin. Berynda
also holds the keep of Osbos on the opposite
ENAPE, Keep [H9] bank of the Cubre River. She and the countess
A keep in Manas governed by elgar Danael do not get along.
Valastre for the count of Manas.
ENIL, Keep [L8]
ENBLUFE, Fortress [N6] A barony in Tengela held by baron Ambrethas
A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by 1 company Demers from the pontiff of the Laranian church.
of the Legion of the Stone Hand. The fortress is
neglected and falling into disrepair.
ENIVOS, Keep [M4]
A keep in Melesuma governed by elgar Frond
ENDALIN, Keep [B1] Fougeret for the baron of Censino.
A barony in Algram held by baron Jare Endal
from the queen of Emelrene. At low tide stone
ruins can be seen underwater about 300 yards off ENLIM, Mountain [L5]
Endalin Bay. The origin of the ruins is A peak (6038’) in the Korgin Mountains.
unknown, but tossing a silver penny overboard
into the ruins is thought to bring good luck. The ENONIN, Keep [I4]
Endals also own the keeps of Ivay and Esode. A barony in Baldeme held by baron Pyren
Yvandor from the countess of Baldeme. Enonin
ENEFEN, Castle [I4] was the westernmost permanent Azeryan outpost
A barony in Baldeme governed by elgara Elasa north of the Luindar Mountains. The ruins of the
Pyvalen for the countess of Baldeme. When the Azeri fort serve as the walls of the keep’s bailey.
countess is in Baldeme, Enefen castle is her
preferred residence. Elasa is a close friend of the ENRIS, Keep [I8]
countess herself, and is also a widow. If she A barony in Enala held by baron Badan Arconel
were a more decisive leader Elasa would from the count of Enala.
probably have been made elgar of Baldeme, but
she does not deal well with crisis situations.
ENTANO, River [C4]
A river in Palithane. Parahal is located near the
ENGARITANE, Town [G2] mouth of the Entano River.
Population: 15,200. A chartered freetown in
Stalfore noted for its impressive fortifications.
Engaritane is a major trade center, moving goods
EPONEN, Castle [J8]
A barony in Bomedus governed by elgar Qulio
between Shorkyne, Palithane, Emelrene, and
Rovira for the duke of Kogamin. The watch
Trierzon. In particular, it is a major point for
tower of Eponen rises sixty feet above the low
transferring goods from overland caravans from
hill on which the castle is built, and affords a
Shorkyne to Talbars for transportation down the
view well out to sea. The castle is also the site
Gaden River.
of a royal naval depot. The current naval
commander Jarles Hordau loathes Qulio and the
A council of 18 aldormen run the city,
tension between the two is the cause of ongoing
supervising the collection and payment of taxes
due from the town to the duke of Stalfore.
Engaritane is the key to the southern Plain of
Karetan, and acts as a major staging point for the ERASHES, Keep [J5]
Trierzi army in the summer. The town itself A keep in Mankonia governed by elgar Parles
boasts two complete circuits of walls. A major Delais for the baron of Orgnia.
castle on the northwestern portion of the town

EREBIS, Castle [C3]

A barony in Norimar held by baron Ramand Hiln ESTAL, Keep [L3]
from the earl of Norimar. The Hiln clan also A barony in Melesuma held by baron Gereno
holds the nearby keep of Fingelon and receives Pinol from the count of Melesuma.
tribute from the baron of Morgwin.
ESTON, Keep [D4]
ERION, Castle [D10] A barony in Liguno held by baron Morel Dowrys
A castle in Chimas governed by Elgar Dernar from the earl of Liguno.
Jesinu for the duke of Trabant.
ETHAN, Keep [C4]
ERISO, Keep [M4] A barony in Norimar held by baron Jaen Kjalban
A barony in Melesuma held by baron Anre from the earl of Norimar.
Marcin from the count of Melesuma.
EVALEN, Keep [F2]
ERJOLAF, Clan A remote keep in Stalfore, held by baron Erben
The Erjolafs are the ruling clan of Gavas in Valicia from the duke of Stalfore. Evalen is also
Palithane. Originating in Ibanvaal, the Erjolafs claimed by the Burvells of Palithane, and has
accompanied Bjan Ledrin in the second wave of changed hands between the Valicias and the
conquest starting in 513. Although not amongst Burvells several times during the last century.
the most powerful chiefs in Bjan’s force, Djarni
Erjolaf proved a cunning and loyal advisor to
Bjan, and was rewarded with lands north of the EYANAL, River [E3]
mouth of the Ypena river. A tributary of the Ypena River in Palithane.

The current earl, Maryk Erjolaf is anything but

the image of the traditional Ivinian leader. A
short clean shaven man of 41, Maryk is
overweight and sweats profusely. Having
converted to the Laranian faith at age 23, Maryk
FABOS, Keep [H9]
has all the zeal of true believer. Faithful to both
the king and his wife Falice, Maryk is far more A barony in Manas held by baron Lydan
competent a ruler than his appearance would Taransyl from the count of Manas.
suggest. He has six children aged between 17
and 2. FAKELES, Keep [H4]
A barony in Senedalo held by baron Ajon
EROLA, Keep [J7] Maulvrey from the countess of Senedalo. Ajon
A barony in Rindi governed by elgar Gaelen is a mountain of a man, standing six feet tall and
Tovrelay for the count of Rindi. massing over two hundred pounds. To all
appearances crude and boorish, Ajon is a
fearsome warrior, but surprisingly intelligent
ES, River [B3] also. He despises his neighbour, the baron of
Also known as the “Southern Es” to distinguish Drefes, who he considers an ineffectual twit.
it from the “Northern Es” which marks
Emelrene’s border with Shorkyne, the River Es
marks the southern border of Emelrene. The Es FALAME, Keep [I7]
valley has been inhabited a long time, and there A keep in Latima governed by elgar Irnan
are numberous structures from the Henge Lefierc for the duke of Gelamo. Falame Keep
Civilization dotted along the course of the Es. was taken by the Navastans after a brief siege in
Berema, the capital of Palithane, is situated on 692 and the entire Gioja clan slaughtered. The
the Southern Es. ghost of Jayme Gioja, the young daughter of the
baron is said to haunt the keep.
ESODE, Keep [B2]
A keep in Alwina governed by elgar Gorthas
Darolen for the Baron of Endalin.

FALDIN, County [K4] Rodelnes K4 Keep Bellame

Location: Central Trierzon
Ruler: Countess Delahna Telthael Thorsines K4 Keep Telthael
Population: 169,000 Ulbes K3 Keep Deblina
Valensa J4 Keep Urand
Controlling access from the capital of Trierzon to
the unruly Degela valley, Faldin is of crucial
strategic importance in Trierzon’s internal FALEO, County [L8]
politics. The ruling Telthaels have usually been Location: Southern Trierzon
fairly closely aligned with Trierzon’s ruling Ruler: Elgar Tyren Basado
family, a consequence of holding land so close to Population: 97,000
Ubarian. During the Chaos Faldin was an
important staging ground for the forces of Arthis Lying between the Mageta River and the
during his northern campaigns. Venerian Sea, Faleo has been exposed to Azeri
culture for centuries and shows Azeryan
Faldin carries the majority of trade from the influence in all elements of its culture. The
upper Degela valley both along the main fortresses that guard Faleo’s coast and highways
highway and along the Degela River. This are, without exception, of Azeri construction.
makes the county wealthier than its inland Despite the threat of Azeri raiding, Faleo
position and lack of obvious resources would prospers from trade and agriculture. Olives and
otherwise suggest. Much of the eastern part of citrus fruit are grown in the hillier regions, while
the county is mountainous and serves as a refuge the flat coastal plains are given over to wheat.
for brigands and outlaws, some of whom prey on The elgar, Tyren Basado is married to the duke’s
travelers between Darimur and Melenden. eldest daughter. Although handsome, he is too
rash and lacking in judgement to make a good
Settlement Hex Type Clan
Agris K4 Keep Bellame
Settlement Hex Type Clan
Arkone J3 Keep Touzan
Antireo M8 Castle Basado
Bleka K3 Keep Alare
Delai M7 Keep Kretian
Careve K3 Keep Telthael
Elediro M7 Town Dorsene
Cilgos K4 Keep Bellame
Elsum L8 Castle Ispena
Darimur K3 Town Freetown
Febaris M8 Town Freetown
Engira K3 Keep Pethasad
Folota M8 Keep Ispena
Felisy J3 Keep Telthael
Galidea M8 Castle Dorsene
Hilon K4 Keep Shemila
Kiernum M8 Keep Zarian
Ilbenyn K4 Keep Arnard
Miron L8 Keep Peliz
Jagil K3 Keep Telthael
Taselis L8 Castle Moress
Kemis J4 Keep Fasset
Lamben J4 Keep Montail FALIMAE, County [H1]
Meden L3 Keep Kasin A county in Shorkyne.
Mekile K3 Castle Telthael
Nantur K4 Keep Telthael Population: 8,300. Falorens is the chief town of
Ninten K3 Castle Telthael Anfaldon and the Trierzi terminus of the Degela
highway that linked Zonora and Lankor under
Olfe K4 Keep Lecier
the Azeryan Empire. The town is governed by
Osbos K3 Keep Pethasad elgar Lyrano Oloryne for the count of Anfaldon.
Purves K4 Keep Freirien Prior to the Tobran inquisition Falorens was a
Freetown. However, the town was stripped of its
Quedri K4 Keep Bargorilon

privileges for sympathy to the Tobran cause after Lins C1 Keep Amond
the inquisition.
Raleth C1 Town Sheriff Fandalon
FALOZA, Keep [E8] Tydin B1 Keep Elydene
A barony in Tamala held by baroness Ydel
Saranta from the duke of Trabant. The Saranta’s FANIME, Keep [J6]
have a not entirely undeserved reputation as A barony in Mankonia held by baron Irnande
robber-knights. Ydel is no different in this Giral from the Duke of Ubai.
respect to the rest of her line.
FARACES, Keep [D4]
FALTE, Keep [K5] A barony in Liguno held by baron Lyen Evegny
A keep in Perna governed by elgar Levan from the earl of Liguno.
Toronel for the baron of Quibei.
FARESE, Keep [J6]
FAMA, River [D9] A barony in Jaleda held by baron Hubal Mansal
A river draining the central highlands of the from the countess of Jaleda. The Mansals also
Cheryka Forest. own the keep of Loson. The current baron’s
uncle was elgar of Jaleda for Arthis.
FANDAIN, Keep [G8]
A keep in Ilaska governed by elgar Leso Ladoc FEBARIS, Town [M8]
from the count of Hedames. Fandain is a recent Population: 7,200. Situated around a sheltered
acquisition for the Ladocs, acquired by the harbour, Febaris is an important Trierzi naval
marriage of Daven Ladoc to the only surviving base. Febaris is a chartered Freetown and is
heir to the barony of Fandain. Count Tamis did administered by a council of eleven aldermen
not approve of the marriage, but backed down in appointed by the Mangai. The constable,
the face of Daven’s thinly veiled threats. however, is traditionally appointed by the duke
of Dovalin and controls all military matters. The
FANDALON, Shire [C1] complex of reefs known as the Mouths of K’srin
Location: Emelrene twenty leagues offshore mean that most of the
Shire Moot: Raleth trade that passes through Febaris consists of
Population: 101,000 local coastal vessels rather than the great Larun
of Karejia.
A densely populated but relatively small shire
covering the lower reaches of the Legama river FEDONELE, Castle [G2]
and reaching into the western foot hills of the A castle in the Shorkyne county of Falimae.
Jerinalian Mountains. Like much of northern
Emelrene, Fandalon has been heavily affected by
the linen trade. The lower Legama valley is a FELDOS, River [M2]
major flax growing region. A river in northeastern Trierzon, draining the
Nadami Mountains. The area above the
Settlement Hex Type Clan confluence of the Namor and Feldos rivers is
Celose C1 Keep Koristel considered taboo by the Emela, who consider it
the high domain of the servants of the old gods.
Dyron C1 Keep Blanche
Eledimon C2 Keep Dorele FELEDIR, Keep [A2]
Gifla C1 Keep Jiemondh A keep in Malad governed by elgar Mederik
Glaron B1 Castle Koristel Byrefin fro the Earl of Emane.

Helegin B1 Keep Sheriff Fandalon

FELGANO, Keep [J8]
Hinon B1 Keep Sheriff Fandalon A barony in Kogamin held by baron Athol
Hitenos C1 Keep Feshoren Blantine from the duke of Kogamin. The barony
is poor, and Felgano keep is falling in to ruin.
Lathor B1 Keep Koristel The baron’s only son, Dantine, intends to leave

Felgano for Ubai to try and rebuild the family FIARNO, Keep [E9]
fortunes as soon as possible. He is a superb A keep in Trabant governed by elgar Lorgaen
swordsman, but rather naïve. Peltamin for the Duke of Trabant.

FELISY, Keep [J3] FIDAGEN, River [K2]

A keep in Faldin governed by elgar Parthal A tributary of the Benamo River in Shorkyne.
Telthael for the countess of Faldin. A member
of a minor branch of clan Telthael, Parthal is a
good friend of the countess. She is fond of FIDUSO, Keep [J4]
hunting in the hills west of Felisy in the autumn A keep in Ubai governed by elgar Meremil
and of talking with Parthal who traveled widely Vaben for the duke of Ubai.
in Azeryan during his youth.
FIGEDE, Keep [M4]
FENES, Keep [G9] A barony in Melesuma held by baron Troys
A keep in Manas governed by elgar Gavrel Charbon from the count of Melesuma. The hills
Kaalsyne for the count of Manas. behind Troys are said to be haunted by the
vengeful shade of a victim of the Tobran
Inquisition that feasts on the blood of pious
FEOMER, Keep [B3] Laranians.
A barony in Alwina held by baron Jevas Rieldar
from the Queen of Emelrene. The baron of
Feomer has an ongoing dispute with the town of
Aregan about the right to tolls on the bridge over
the Gamena River. The baron also controls the
keep of Shelege.

FEOND, Keep [K9]

A keep in Zhoren governed by elgar Anselm
Cavon for the duchess of Zhoren.

FEREDU, Keep [D9]

A barony in Chimas held by baron Maradin
Konsendis from the duke of Trabant.

FERGO, Lake [F1]

A lake on the upper reaches of the Holime River
in Shorkyne. FINGELON, Keep [C3]
A barony in Norimar governed by elgar Gonred
FERINATES, Keep [E4] Hilm for the baron of Erebis.
A barony in Athamas held by baron Koryd
Toryal from the count of Athamas. FIRADE, Castle [I7]
A barony in Halmo held by Balthis Arcona.
FESUVA, Mount [K6] Firade is the seat of the count of Halmo and a
A peak (6600’) in the Korgin Mountains. locally important River port. Wines from the
Aboden valley are shipped from Firade down
FEYEN, Pass [M1] River to Horaga for export further abroad. The
A mountain pass between Anfaldon in Trierzon castle of Firade is only a couple of generations
and Sabinia in Shorkyne. The pass is often old. Prior to this the primary seat of the Arconas
closed in winter and spring due to snow or was at Mokuno.
mudslides and is consequently not a populatr
route over the Nadami Mountains. FIROME, Fortress [M5]
A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by a single
company of the Gorium legion.

FISIN, Keep [M3]

A keep in Melesuma governed by elgar Kabol
Dacke for the count of Melesuma. The marshes
of Fisin are a favourite hunting ground for the
GABESHE, Keep [I1]
A keep in the Shorkyne county of Elavona.

FLAVIN, Keep [H6]

A barony in Devai held by baron Tovat Gosne
GADEN, River [D1]
from the duke of Gelamo. One of the two major rivers that dominate the
Kingdom of Trierzon, the Gaden River flows
over 250 leagues from its source high in the
FOLOTA, Keep [M8] Jerinalian Mountains to its confluence with the
A barony in Faleo governed by elgar Dalbin Degela. The Gaden Valley is the homeland of
Ipsana for the baron of Elsum. Folota is renown the Trierzi tribes, and the river remains of crucial
for its blood oranges which taste similar to the importance for transport and trade.
normal citrus fruit but have bright crimson juice.
GAEDEN, Keep [I4]
FOMEN, Keep [K9] A keep in Malagos governed by elgar Revan
A baronu in Zhoren held by baroness Ameryle Surupin for the count of Malagos.
Harkona from the duchess of Zhoren. Ameryl is
grossly obese and in poor health. Nonetheless
she has one of the best minds in the duchy and is GAIRA, River [E5]
a trusted advisor to the duchess. A river in Palithane, the Gaira is relatively
narrow and fast flowing. This makes it relatively
unsuited for river craft.
FORGIS, Keep [I8]
A barony in Enala held by baron Heado Clunys
from the count of Enala. An influential Peonian GAIRA, Lake [F5]
hermit lives in the hills south of Forgis. The A lake on the Gaira River, in the foothills of the
hermit, Kuvian of Maerl has shown a remarkable Jerinalian Mountains. There are a number of
ability to predict good and bad harvests over the ‘settled’ Emela villages on Lake Gaira.
last decade. Dwellings are built out over the water on piles
for defence.

FORIN, Keep [B2]

A keep in Alwina governed by elgar Tuliath
GALEMER, Keep [G3]
Harthen for the Earl of Kardim. A barony in the county of Stalfore in Trierzon,
held by baron Enguerran Coury from the duke of
FOSURON, Keep [L2]
A barony in Nadamia held by baron Chamin
Larada from the count of Nadamia.
GALIDEA, Castle [M8]
A castle in Faleo held by elgara Serenima
Yselkis from the duke of Dovalin.
FYENDA, Keep [F9]
A barony in Bodima held by baroness Ilithe
Jacent from the duke of Trabant. The baroness, a GALISHENES, Town [F3]
beautiful widow of 33 spends much time in Population: 5,900. Galishenes is the largest
Anegon where she is popular with the elgar. settlement in Tamanias. The Galishenes bridge,
linking Galishenes and Waleden was the site of
the meeting between Bjan Ledrin and Mirgael
Merevan that resulted in the formation of the
kingdom of Palithane. Both ends of the bridge
are heavily fortified, a situation which has
paradoxically led to the area around Galishenes
and Waleden being one of the most peaceful
parts of the Trierzi/Palithane border.

GAMENA, River [A2]

Galishenes is governed by elgar Balthan Clayr, a A river in central Emelrene. There is substantial
cousin of the count of Athamas and a skilled merchant traffic along the Gamena, and the
warrior. Balthan is less astute at commercial Mercantyler’s Guild in Malad and Aregan are
matters and there is some tension between him investing a significant amount of money in
and the local Mangai. improving the navigability of the river.


The ruling clan of the duchy of Stalfore. The A keep in Malagos governed by Merne Perard,
Galliands have been counts of Ilbra since the the estranged wife of the count. Although the
proclamation of the kingdom of Trierzon in 492. count made his wife governor of Gandes to keep
Guilbar Galliand was marshall of Trierzon her occupied and away from society, she is often
during the first Karetan war, and was created absent from the keep staying at her town house
duke of Stalfore by queen Merelaya after the end in Malagos.
of the war.

The current duke, Rogryn Galliand is 37 years GANSE, Keep [K5]

old and in good health. His wife died of a fever A keep in Mankonia governed by elgar Meryk
some three years ago, and the duke is Bemare for the Duke of Ubai.
considering remarrying. He is actively courting
Estir Medaro, the duchess of Vadone in GARION, Keep [J6]
Shorkyne. Should she accept his suit, the duke A barony in Rindi held by baron Gavroche
would gain the county of Senedalo as well as Mortain from the count of Rindi. Before
Estir’s lands in Shorkyne. This would make the succeeding to the barony, Gavroche traveled
duke one of the most powerful nobles in western widely. He has many unsual tales from his
Lythia. To date, however, Estir has shown no travels, and sometimes surprises his wife when
inclination to accept his suit. friends from his travels arrive at Garion.
Somewhat to her dismay, many of Gavroche’s
Rogryn is a generous patron, and his court is friends are not of gentle birth.
frequented by numerous harpers and players.
The duke has here sons aged 19, 17, and 8. GARLAN, Town [K6]
Recently Rogryn has been leaving much of the Population: 6,400. The principle settlement in
government of the duchy to the eldest son, the county of Jaleda. Garlan is a Freetown
Ivanoe. While Ivanoe is intelligent, he is governed by an elected council of ten aldormen.
inexperienced, and a number of unscrupulous Much of the town’s wealth comes from trade up
vassals are beginning to take advantage of this. and down the Degela River. While the town
exports relatively little, it is a common stopping
GALNOS, Keep [G8] point for River boats looking to break the
A keep in Ilaska governed by elgar Beran journey from Janora to Mankon and Ubarian.
Seriane from the baron of Rilame.
GARNAU, Keep [B4]
GAMALA, Keep [D4] A barony in Norimar held by baron Osaar
A barony in Athamas held by baron Belsares Halgard from the earl of Norimar.
Gamal from the count of Athamas. Gamala keep
is noted for a tall tower on the north side of the GAVAS, County [C5]
keep in which the baron’s ancestors used to keep Location: Palithane
prisoners awaiting execution. Although Ruler: Earl Maryk Erjolaf
apparently nothing lives on the top two floors Population: 93,000
now except pigeons and bats, lights ae
sometimes seen from the tower at night. The Gavas is one of the less populous counties in
locals claim that the tower is haunted. Palithane, and is not particularly wealthy. Much
of the terrain is hilly, and there are no major
towns within the county.

Sheep farming is an important industry in Gavas, GELAMO, County [I6]

and the source of such wealth as the county Location: Central Trierzon
produces. The inhabitants of Gavas are often the Ruler: Duke Gavrel Navastan
butt of sheep jokes when they travel in Population: 240,000
neighbouring counties, and have an (undeserved)
reputation as simple yokels. Lying between the Gilar River and the Malgatan
Settlement Hex Type Clan hills, Gelamo straddles the main communications
route between eastern and western Trierzon.
Astyno C5 Keep Gurten This has always given the county a strategic
Bindemes C5 Castle Erjolaf importance beyond its size. The gap between the
Malgatan hills and the end of the Luinde
Delfis C5 Castle Gurten
Mountains is often referred to as the “Corridor of
Grolin C4 Keep Jaida Armies”.
Ilgone C5 Castle Erjolaf
Gelamo produces limited surpluses of wine,
Onora C5 Keep Daasen grain, and fruit for export, but wool is more
Palinut D6 Keep Colendy significant. The edges of the Malgatan Hills are
used extensively for sheep rearing.
Tilmor C4 Keep Erjolaf
Settlement Hex Type Clan
Vanduz C5 Keep Kaelnig
Alsinor I5 Castle Sabral
GAVIRO, Keep [H5] Berikuna I6 Castle Aronnar
A barony in Devai held by baron Dorilane Biola I6 Keep Delafe
Arlathenet from the duke of Gelamo. The
Arlathanets are a cadet branch of the Arlathen Chazlo I6 Keep Sundar
clan who hold Pareln keep. There is a long Demere I7 Keep Moseau
standing feud between the two clans over some
Gelamo I6 Town Navastan
disputed land.
Geris I7 Keep Navastan
GEANDA, Keep [B1] Izario I6 Keep Moseau
A barony in Algram held by baron Dafan Tironer Ketrin I6 Keep Abne
from the earl of Nalise.
Koren I6 Keep Lauronte
GEBROND, Town [M7] Lepoma I6 Keep Moseau
Population: 8,600. Built on a peninsular at the Megyna I5 Keep Sabral
mouth of the Pagon River, Gebrond is crucial to
Trierzon’s eastern border defences. Since 640 Nanten I6 Keep Brabaise
TR Gebrond has been a chartered Freetown, Oren I6 Keep Kamalrith
electing its own Aldermen from among the Pelon I5 Keep Navastan
Mangai. The constable of the town, however, is
a royal appointment, commanding a large Pogeron I6 Castle Navastan
garrison of royal troops. Gebrond also has a well Quavis I5 Keep Sabral
defended harbour where a squadron of Laru from
the royal navy are stationed. Ronte I6 Keep Chelar
Sipranes I6 Keep Galbel
GEBRUSIN, Keep [K2] Tadis I6 Keep Navastan
A barony in Nadamia held by elgar Mavril
Togeo I7 Keep Carotan
Sandin for the count of Nadamia.
Veade I6 Keep Maladri
GEDELA, Keep [D9] Vivenes I5 Keep Navastan
A barony in Trabant held by baron Gevan Derue
from the duke of Trabant.

The Duchy of Gelamo comprises the counties of GELENE, Keep [I4]
Devai, Vedin, Gelamo, and Latima. Stretching A barony in Ilbra held by Herard Bryone from
from the Luinde mountains to Degela Bay, the the duke of Stalfore.
Duchy of Gelamo includes almost all of the
Boden River valley and most of the Malgatan
Hills as well. GELINDE, Keep [J9]
A keep in Zhoren governed by elgara Berynda
Compared to some other duchies, such as Yvande for the duchess of Zhoren. Berynde is a
Trabant, Gelamo is a relatively recent creation. cousin of the duchess. She is a flighty and vain
The counts of Gelamo had acquired the county woman who doesn’t think through the
of Devai by marriage in 553, and in 669 acquired consequences of her actions. Berynda was given
Vedin in the same manner. When Arthis seized Gelinde as a way to get her away from court in
the throne in 684, the count Gavrel Navastan Joresa.
threw his support behind the usurper. As a
reward for this Arthis granted Gavrel the title of GELONO, Castle [G7]
duke and created the duchy of Gelamo. A barony in Areshomes and the seat of count
Clarinis Torkise of Areshomes. Gelono is built
Gavrel provided much of the military support at an important road junction, and despite its
required to bring the duke of Trabant to the proximity to the town of Areshomes, is also a
negotiating table in 690. This event left the significant urban center with a population of
count of Latima, who was a supporter of Iniella 2,300. The town is dominated by the castle of
exposed and between 690 and 694 Gavrel Gelono at one end, and by the great Laranian
conquered Latima. The conquest of Latima, abbey of Gelono at the other end. Count Clarinis
however, absorbed the majority of the duke’s is widely traveled and something of a scholar,
resources, and may have contributed to the slow and Gelono castle has an impressive library.
pace of Arthis’ campaigns in Nadamia. Contributions to the library, particularly maps or
descriptions of exotic places are avidly sought by
When Harichel brought the Chaos to an end in the count.
698, he chose to recognize the Navastans as
dukes of Gelamo rather than face a long and GELOR, Pass [H9]
costly civil war. Since then, the dukes of The body of water separating the island of Gelori
Gelamo have focused on securing their power. from mainland Lythia. Substantial trade flows
They are not strong supporters of the Andrevan through the Gelor Pass.
dynasty, and are openly hostile to the Chivaras.

GELORI, Castle [H10]

GELAMO, Town [I6] A barony in Manas held by baroness Adale
Population: 12,200. The primary settlement and Berengar from the count of Manas. Gelori has a
major market of the county of Gelamo. Gelamo population of about 1700, and is wealthy from
is also seat of both the duke of Gelamo and the ships stopping at Gelori on their way east or
Peonian primate of Trierzon. The town is west. The Berengars also hold the keep of
notable for the Peonian cathedral, commenced Lerkunis on the mainland.
during the reign of Merelaya in 582. Although
not a major trading centre in itself, the town
attracts large numbers of pilgrims and also GELUDE, Keep [M2]
benefits from the presence of the duke. A barony in Anfaldon held by the Knights of
Avarkiel from the king of Trierzon. Gelude was
siezed from the Balgatan family during the
GELAND, Keep [L8] aftermath of the Tobran inquisition. It is said
A barony in Tengela held by baron Danael that the ghost of Ybel Balgatan, the wife of the
Gagnon from the pontiff of the Laranian church. baron of Gelude, still haunts the keep.

GELBIN, Bight [G9] GELVIS, Castle [L9]

A body of water separating the end of the A castle in Dovalin held by elgar Rulion Tarasel
Cheryka peninsular from central Trierzon. from the duke of Dovalin. Rulion suspects that

the Azeri navy has a base along the coast

between Gelvis and Dovarium, but does not GERSIS, Keep [M4]
suspect the elgar of Dalir yet. A barony in Melesuma held by baron Mathres
Gosse from the count of Melesuma. The
GEMETH, Castle [E5] fortifications of Gersis are well maintained and,
A castle in Luindar and seat of the earl of during summer, the count of Melesuma
Luindar. Gemeth is relatively isolated, and while maintains a large part of his feudal levy here to
this increases the earl’s security, it tends to put patrol the Trierzi side of the Dronim pass. Azeri
him a long way from the centre of things. merchants are frequent visitors to the settlement.

GENALO, Keep [L8] GHERNIM, fortress [M6]

A barony in Magalia held by baron Leso A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by 2
Adriedes from the count of Magalia. Leso’s wife companies of the 1 st Beronium legion.
is from Emelrene and is reputed to possess
esoteric powers. GIFLA, Keep [C1]
A barony in Fandalon held by baron Beran
GENESE, Keep [K5] Jiemondh from the queen of Emelrene.
A barony in Perna held by baron Torichane
Banier from the count of Perna. GILAR, River [I5]
A tributary of the Boden River in central
GENINOS, Keep [A3] Trierzon.
A barony in Ulama held by baron Tarkel
Penhalier from the Queen of Emelrene. The GILDEG, Fortress [M7]
keep gets its name from the fact that the Harnic A minor coastal fortress in Beronium garrisoned
mage, Genin, is reported to have built a tower by 2 companies of the 1st Beronium legion.
here and lived in the vicinity for several years
during his travels.
GILEFAN, Keep [E8]
A barony in Tamala held by baron Josclyn
GEON, Keep [K6] Manasse from the duke of Trabant.
A barony in Amesuma held by baron Lobar
Dubanarel from the duke of Ubai.
GILONDER, Castle [I7]
A barony in Vedin held by baron Torithane
GEREFE, Castle [H6] Monteral from the duke of Gelamo. The
A castle in Devai governed by elgar Jerbin Monterals are wealthy and powerful, holding the
Navastan for the duke of Gelamo. Gerefe is the keeps of Abegul, Mensael, Montes, and Pida as
administrative seat of Devai. The castle is said well as Gilonder. The Monteral lands, which
to be haunted by a young woman who threw cover almost all the territory between Vedin and
herself into the Boden River rather than marry the Boden River are effectively a separate fief
according to her father’s wishes. There is a large from the rest of Vedin. The Monterals meet their
Laranian abbey at Gerefe that is almost as well minimal feudal obligations to the duke, but it has
fortified as the castle itself. yet to be seen how they would react were there
to be a significant conflict of interest.
GERIS, Keep [I7]
A keep in Gelamo governed by elgar Loran GILVAS, Keep [D4]
Famber for the duke of Gelamo. A keep in Liguno governed by elgara Ysanth
Savondar for the baron of Balyda.
GERONES, Keep [J8]
A barony in Bomedus held by baron Prato GIMELT, Keep [J4]
Tremalay from the duke of Kogamin. The A barony in Ubai held by baron Gyl Gerlilard
neighbouring barony of Horaden is too poor to from the duke of Ubai. In his youth Gyl was
even rate a keep. Horaden lies in an isolated something of an adventurer, spending several
valley between Gerones and Felgano.

years as a knight errant in Shorkyne and on GREDA, Town [G8]

Harn. Population: 8,200. The largest settlement in
Ilaska and seat of the count, Greda controls the
GINVE, Keep [B2] only bridge over the Ilas River. Greda has a long
A keep in Alwina governed by elgar Geran history and Azeryan walls and urban planning
Byrefin for the Earl of Emane. are still very much in evidence. The Greda
bridge, and the town’s situation astride the old
coastal highway gives the town a strategic
GIRENOSHE, Keep [H6] importance far beyond its size. Traditionally the
A keep in Agelos governed by elgar Tibol counts of Ilaska have feared that the dukes of
Pelandro for the countess of Agelos. Trabant would like to secure the town to give
them access into central Trierzon. The recent
GLARON, Castle [B1] expansionist activities of the Ladoc clan who are
A castle in Fandalon and seat of earl Calen allied to the dukes of Trabant have done nothing
Koristel. The Koristels also hold the keeps of to allay this fear. The town is administered
Celose, Lathor, and Quodra, and receive homage directly by the constable of Greda castle,
from the baron of Lins. Glaron was besieged although a council of senior members of the
during Sedrial’s Rebellion, but did not fall. Mangai advises the count.

GLATEN, Keep [G6] GRELESE, Keep [N3]

A barony in Palama held by baron Tamos Selven A barony in Anfaldon held by baron Kunin
from the countof Palama. Taruine from the count of Anfaldon.

GLENDRYF, Mountain [F1] GRENALE, Keep [J5]

A peak (6900’) in the eastern Jerinalian A keep in Ubai governed by elgar Chamon
Mountains. Bornial for the baron of Selpiren.

GOFEN, Keep [M3] GROLIN, Keep [C4]

A barony in Melesuma held by baron Kaslin A barony in Gavas held by baroness Ameryl
Soren from the count of Melesuma. Jaida from the earl of Gavas. Ameryl is 22,
beautiful and not yet married.
GORIS, Kingdom
Once an Azeryan naval base, Goris was seized GRYM, Peak [M1]
by Ivinian adventurers in 498 and is now an A peak (7329’) overlooking the Feyen Pass in
independent principality. It is an important the Nadami Mountains. The western face of
destintation for Ivinian merchants. Mount Grym is particularly steep and prone to
avalanches in winter.
GORIUM, Town [M5]
Population: 3,500. A small walled town in GUDEL, Keep [H8]
Beronium, Gorium is headquarters for the A keep in Korun held by baron Rubran Irdryal
Gorium legion. Gorium is thoroughly corrupt, from the count of Korun. There are several
from vishras Solia Ilxylen on down, with the Morgathian covens among the local peasants that
exception of Mekelen Julah Senaru. The Gorium the Irdryals have been unable to root out.
Lia Kavair does extensive trade in information
over the Dronim Pass. Gorium is garrisoned by GULVON, Castle [G4]
6 companies of the Gorium legion. A barony in Senedalo held by baron Tyren
Calstian from the countess of Senedalo. Tyren is
GORLA, Keep [B3] the younger brother of the previous count of
A keep in Ulama governed by elgara Ysabella Senedalo, and resents the fact that the county is
Sandren for the Sheriff of Ulama. held by Estir Medaro, his brother’s widow.
Gulvon itself is a thriving market town with a
population of 2,200. Tyren is trying to persuade

the countess to let him wall the town, but so far

she has withheld her permission.

GWEDNOR, Keep [C3]

A barony in Norimar held by baroness Alyssen
Cerial from the earl of Norimar. The Cerials are HABALA, Town [J7]
almost pure Emela and have strong ties to the Population: 4,400. Habala is the primary
free Emela dwelling in the Jerinalian Mountains. settlement of Latima. Although the town has a
long history as a trading centre dating back to
pre-Azeryan times, it has never been of more
GWEFYN, Castle [F3] than local importance. Most of the trade passing
A barony in Tamanias held by baron Eron through the town is vessels in transit between
Burvell from the count of Athamas. The Janora or Rindiro and Darlon, Chedilo, or
Burvells hold the nearby keep of Brantus, and Nesheles. Habala receieved its charter as a
are one of the most powerful families in Freetown from the duke of Gelamo in exchange
Tamanias. The keep of Evalen in Stalfore is also for recognizing him as overlord of Latima in
claimed by the Burvells, and has been gained and 695. Many of the local nobility resent this.
lost several times in the past century. Eron is
currently considering a more permanent solution
by first taking the keep of Donuma, which would HADER, Keep [J4]
cut Evalen off from the rest of Stalfore. A barony in Ubai held by baron Heradin Pettoir
from the duke of Ubai.

GYDON, Keep [I7]

A keep in Latima governed by elgar Edan Halle HADOR, Keep [D9]
for the baron of Nidon. Gydon was seized by the A barony in Trabant held by baron Subin
Halles in 693 with the support of the duke of Larfarna from the duke of Trabant. The Larfarna
Gelamo. family are of pure Zonora extraction and have
held the lands around Hador for over four
hundred years.
GYMON, Keep [I3]
A barony in Ilbra held by baron Firio Matrivael
from the duke of Stalfore. HALESOME, Town [H5]
Population: 3,700. Halesome is a smallish
walled town in the county of Devai. A chartered
GYROS, Castle [K8] Freetown, Halesome is governed by a council of
A castle in Tengela and seat of the grandmaster seven aldermen elected by the Mangai. The
of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre. Gyros is the town is chiefly famous for its annual spring fair,
only castle outside of the town of Tengela itself held from the 5 th to the 7th of Kelen each year.
held by the Order of the Holy Sepulchre. It Many of the Emela from the surrounding Luinde
functions as the order’s headquarters and as mountains come down to Halesome for the fair,
retreat for aged or disabled members of the giving it a surprisingly exotic feel.
order. The current grandmaster, Eredin Cloutain,
is a calm and disciplined man of 54. He remains Less well known is that on every seventh year a
one of the best lances in Trierzon, but his mind is barasi point opens on Halesome common on the
keener yet. A close confidant of the pontiff, 6th of Kelen, linking Halesome with a similar fair
Eredin is worried by the wealth, dogmatism, and in Yashain. A small group of arcanists and
arrogance of the Knights of Avarkiel. He knowledgable (and brave) traders make use of
believes that at some stage the order may need to this knowledge to buy and sell exotic goods at
be disbanded. the seven yearly ‘fairy fair’ that coexists with
Halesome Fair. The next ‘fairy fair’ is due in

HALKEN, Keep [K9]

A barony in Tengela held by baron Neredas
Barenier from the pontiff of the Laranian church.

HALMO, County [H7] HARIGOL, Town [D6]

Location: Southern Trierzon Population: 4,900. A walled port in Skagia,
Ruler: Balthis Arcona Harigol has been a chartered Freetown since the
Population: 84,000 third earl of Skagia decided that he did not want
to be bothered running towns. In fact, given its
The county of Halmo lies on the west bank of freedom Harigol has prospered and probably
.the Boden River in southern Trierzon. It is delivers more in tribute to the Stafaelds as a
ruled by Balthis Arcona, a persistant and freetown than it would if it were governed
thoughtful, but not overl;y talented man. In this directly. A council of twelve alderman run the
he is characteristic of his clan which has held town. In addition to tribute, the town also
Halmo since the battle of Mokuno in 484, but provides and crews 3 ships of at least 150 tons
which have never managed to increase their gross burthen each for the Stafaelds.
holdings significantly.

The county is an important grape growing

region, and is particularly favoured for the tannin
rich red wine known as the Calima Vaer.
Indeed, so important is the wine crop to the local
economy that Halmo is a net importer of grain,
mostly from the Devai region.

Settlement Hex Type Clan

Chodyn I7 Keep Arcona
Firade I7 Castle Arcona
Horaga I8 Town Arcona
Iriden H7 Keep Debrudh HASTRIS, Keep [H3]
Jaeron I8 Keep Touline A barony in Ilbra held by baron Hugath Cerforte
from the Duke of Stalfore.
Kemoshe I8 Keep Pinoir
Mokuno I7 Keep Arcona
HASUS, Keep [J7]
Osnegis I8 Keep Sutonis A barony in Jaleda held by baron Beraun Revel
Tevai I7 Keep Erma from the countess of Jaleda.
Tildes H7 Keep Jaliero
HEBNOS, Keep [I8]
A barony in Enala held by baroness Adala Soriel
HALNA, Castle [G9] from the count of Enala. Soriel’s husband was a
A castle in Bodima governed by elgar Petris supporter of the Thyzarmons and was killed in
Symonde for the duke of Trabant. an attempt to relieve the siege of Singai.

HALPEO, Fortress [M6] HEDAMES, County [E8]

A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by 1 company Location: Southwestern Trierzon
of the 1 st Beronium legion. Ruler: Count Rodreg Ladoc
Population: 86,000
HALUIN, Mount [F5]
A peak (6798’) in the Luinde Mountains. Hedames is a thinly populated county lying
between the Gulf of Batana and the Cheryka
Forest. Dominated by dense scrub and forest
HANKIS, Keep [I5] covered hills, most of the population is
A barony in Peltane held by baron Tarkil Perrax
concentrated around the Tero River valley.
from the count of Peltane.
The Tero valley is famous for its light red wines.
Indeed, a glass of Tero is a common request as

far away as Emelrene or Harn. Despite this, a HEILGER, Keep [K5]

relatively low population, otherwise poor soils, A barony in Mankonia held by baron Shelyr
and a position off the main trade routes mean Jossepan from the Duke of Ubai. The
that Hedames is not rich by Trierzi standards. woodlands south and east of Heilger are widely
believed to be the home of elves by the locals.
Hedames sparse population and rugged terrain Folk more knowledgeable about the Sindarin
largely spared it from the attentions of Ivinian laugh at this, but some scholars have suggested
raiders, but the county remains well fortified. that there may be a barasi point in the area.
An alliance between the ruling Ladoc clan and
the powerful duke of Trabant has helped to
assure the county’s security. HELAME, Keep [E8]
A barony in Tamala held by baron Ermande
Settlement Hex Type Clan Lacabru from the duke of Trabant.
Astirel E7 Town Ladoc
Calone E7 Keep Ladoc HELDIN, Town [D9]
Population: 4,300. A walled town in Tamala and
Hendinas F7 Keep Prieuran the principle settlement of the barony of Heldin.
Kebani E8 Castle Lapora Held by baron Ramand Caprena from the duke
of Trabant, Heldin developed as a market town
Keritau F7 Castle Ladoc
where two highways intersect with one of the
Meluva F7 Keep Etrandar best harbours between Point Sturdes and the
Moskema E8 Keep Damel Cape of Chenet. Walled early in its history due
to Ivinian raiding, Heldin has never been a major
Sindelar E7 Castle Ladoc port. A sizeable fishing fleet operates out of
Vondames F7 Keep Ladoc Heldin, but the Ivinian vessels that carry much of
the trade northward are generally not welcome.
Yeoma F7 Keep Taryd

HELEGIN, Keep [B1]

HEDOE, Keep [G9] A keep in Fandalon governed by elgar Lydan
A barony in Ilaska held by baron Kabalda Besan for the Sheriff of Fandalon.
Nemesten from the count of Ilaska.

HELENON, Castle [D4]

HEFENDES, Keep [G7] A castle in Liguno governed by elgar Kreg Harsa
A barony in Areshomes held by baron Teldora for the earl of Liguno. Kreg is a devout Laranian
Bardine. Teldora inherited the barony after her and is troubled by the conflict between his duty
husband was killed riding out after a notorious to the earl and his loyalty to the church.
highwayman on the road between Hefendes and
Askire. The highwayman has not yet been
apprehended. HELGON, Keep [I7]
A barony in Rindi held by baron Asvaer Clunis
from the count of Rindi. The Clunis family is
HEGOVYN, Castle [F6] closely associated with a nearby Peonian abbey
A castle in Batana governed by elgar Avaarl of the Irreproachable Order.
Ulfes for the baron of Menaw. Hegovyn was
captured off the Trierzi in 688 and has repelled
several subsequent attempts to retake it. HELID, Castle [F6]
A barony in Palama held by baron Capala
Maguen from the count of Palama. Castle Helid
HEGOZA, Keep [L7] commands the current border between Palithane
A barony in Magalai held by elgar Lodin Orsilin and Trierzon. It was besieged in 718 by a force
for the count of Magalia. under the earl of Degau and the summer of 719
saw raiding into the hills north of the castle. It
HEILA, Keep [I6] would surprise no-one if another attempt on the
A barony in Devai held by baron Tadir castle was made in 720.
Cladaalen from the duke of Gelamo.

HELIGATH, Lake [L3] HERALDS, College of

A lake on the upper reaches of the Degela River. The colleges of heraldry are places of learning
The lake is known for the Heligath Pike, a where heralds are trained. However, they are
predatory fish growing to 6 feet or more in also important as diplomatic centres and
length. Highly regarded by gourmands, the repositaries for heraldic records. Trierzon’s
Heligath Pike is relatively rare. There are the nobility is very attached to the forms and
usual tales of large Pike attacking swimmers, functions of heraldry, and hold the colleges in
many of which are no doubt exaggerated. high esteem. The grounds of all heraldic
colleges are deemed inviolate by law and
HELIRA, Keep [F9] custom, and even the king of Trierzon does not
A keep in Bodima governed by elgar Selfiro enter without invitation. The main colleges of
Pedaro for the baron of Medyna. The keep was Heralds in the Trierzon region are:
besieged by the duke of Trabant during the
Chaos and confiscated along with the castle of Berema Demesne of the Many Hued
Kileda. Helira was returned to the Pedaro’s as a Wheel
gesture of reconsiliation by the first Chivara Parahal Whale Road Lodge
duke of Trabant, but the keep has not been fully Kirisone House of Four Gates
rebuilt. Engaritane Epeon Lodge
Janora Gold Lion College
Melseuma Palace of the Griffon Crest
HELTOS, Keep [J5] Murshel Sapphire Manse
A keep in Mankonia held by baron Raldren Tengela Field of the Argent Banner
Heltane from the Duke of Ubai. Baron Raldren Ubarian Enclave of the Silver Lily
is holding the young son of the baron of Lyzel Versheme The Lodge of Eight Banners
hostage and is secretly extorting money from Berone Sunburst Palace of Arms
him. Publicly both barons claim that the boy is
being fostered in Heltos by mutual agreement.
HERDOS, Keep [H9]
A keep in Manas governed by elgar Gonfrel
HEMARES, Keep [I7] Colerda for the baron of Nelidoth.
A keep in Latima governed by elgar Parvel
Arcolion for the duke of Gelamo.
HERELYM, Mount [E1]
A peak (6379’) in the Jerinalian Mountains.
HEMESTRA, Keep [D5] Mount Herelym is highly sacred to the Emela,
A keep in Luindar governed by elgar Marak who consider it the sleeping form of one of the
Raldsen for the earl of Luindar. Hemestra is an old gods. There are numerous small shrines on
important regional cross roads and a good source the lower reaches of its western slopes.
for travelers tales.
HERID, Keep [M3]
HEMPEL, Keep [A2] A barony in Melesuma held by baron Renald
A keep in Malad governed by elgar Gwelan Lacare from the count of Melesuma.
Foraelen for the Baron of Besane..
HERION, Fortress [M5]
HENDINAS, Keep [F7] A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by a single
A barony in Hedames held by baron Bedal company of the Gorium legion.
Prieuran form the count of Hedames.
HERNELD, Keep [B3]
HEPEKERIA, Island A keep in Norimar governed by elgar Ragn
A large island lying off the northwestern coast of Ledrin for the earl of Norimar. Hernald controls
Anzeloria. Hepekeria is mostly desert, but there the southern end of the Berema bridge, linking
are a number of significant towns along the Palithane with the capital of Emelrene. There is
coasts. Lying due south of Trierzon, Heperkeria a small chantry of the Guild of Arcane Law in
is an important trading destination for Trierzi and the town for scholars traveling to Berema and
Ivinian merchants. forced to wait overnight before crossing into the

in debt to a mercantyler in Ojarion who is

HERNIS, Keep [G8] actually a spy for the Azeryan Empire. For the
A keep in Korun held by baron Janesyn last three years Mavrel has been providing the
Naravoste from the count of Korun. Azeryan Empire with intelligence on the strength
and response plans of the Trierzi army in
HEROT, Mount [M1]
A peak (6239’) in the Nadami Mountains
overlooking the Feyen Pass. HIMENA, Keep [B2]
A keep in Alwina governed by elgar Faradan
Lynrestal for the Baron of Besane.
HESORE, Keep [I6]
A barony in Vedin held by baron Churel Uralla
from the duke of Gelamo. HIMOS, Castle [K9]
A barony in Zhoren held by baron Shelir
Zarakhel from the duchess of Zhoren. The
HEVEL, Castle [G3] Zharakels are an old Azeri family who have held
Hevel is a barony in Stalfore held by baron Perar the land around Himos for over two centuries.
Arajona from the duke of Stalfore. The Arajona They also hold the neighbouring keep of
family is amongst the most powerful of the Imekym.
duke’s vassals, and the Arajona’s sometimes
tend to put their own interests ahead of those of
their nominal liege.
HIMOSHIN, Castle [H8]
A castle in Korun and seat of the count of Korun.
The castle itself is built on the site of a temple to
HIANESH, Keep [I4] Morgath. Although the site was consecrated
A barony in Ilbra held by baron Rogyro Palantin when the temple was destroyed in 516, the castle
from the duke of Stalfore. still has extensive crypts underneath it dating
back to this time.
HIGELO, Keep [G3]
A barony in Senedalo held by baron Ysendis HINON, Keep [B1]
Quebral from the countess of Senedalo. Higelo A keep in Fandalon governed by elgar Syleth
would be a wealthy barony were it not for the Artusen for the Sheriff of Fandalon.
constant raiding from across the border with
HIONA, Keep [G5]
A barony in Agelos held by baron Anselm
HILEFE, Keep [G6] Racine from the countess of Agelos. The local
A barony in Areshomes held by elgar Badagris peasants claim that the neighbouring Mount
Torkise, a cousin of the count. Teris is the home of a dragon named Terisksyl
that purportedly terrorized the region in the 6th
HILETH, Keep [C3] century. For a few farthings a shepherd will
A barony in Emelrene held by baroness Elys guide the brave or curious a few leagues into the
Alema from the Queen of Emelrene. foothills and point out the ruins of a village that
the beast is said to have destroyed.
HILNEOS, Castle [E9]
A castle in Trabant governed by Elgar Gyan
Hernaba for the duke of Trabant.

HILON, Keep [K4]

A barony in Faldin held by baron Porthel
Shemila from the countess of Faldin.

HILVER, Keep [K6]

A barony in Amesuma held by baron Mavrel
Cotore from the duke of Ubai. Hilver is deeply

HIREBUS, Lake [E2] Horaga is governed by elgar Parel Arcona, the

A lake on the upper reaches of the Gaden River. younger brother of the count. A council of
The lake is said by the Emela to be the domain of wealthy citizens, mostly mercantylers involved
the Hiregon, a water monster or serpent of some in the wine trade, advises Parel. Generally
sort. speaking he heeds their advice, well aware of the
source of the town’s wealth.
HIRESHE, Castle [K1]
A castle in the county of Sabinia in Shorkyne. HORBUS, Castle [K10]
A barony in Omegen held by baron Naiduras
Yerentur from the duchess of Zhoren. On the
HIRINE, Keep [K6] western side of the island of Horbus is the ruin of
A barony in Mankonia held by baroness Ysantha a large Agrikan temple. The place is said to be
Pare from the Duke of Ubai. Ysantha’s younger haunted and is avoided by most sane people.
brother is the elgar of Mankonia.

HOREDEW, Keep [K4]

HIRLU, Keep [E9] A barony in Perna held by baron Eredan
A barony in Trabant held by baroness Fillena Peletyan from the count of Perna. Local legend
Madro. tells of a cave complex that once served as the
base for a particularly successful band of
HISARIO, Keep [F6] brigands in the mountains north of Horedew.
A barony in Palama held by baron Landen Geral The complex was apparently abandoned in
from the count of Palama. mysterious circumstances, and there are
periodically attempts to find it.
HITENOS, Keep [C1]
A barony in Fandalon held by baron Gyen HORGELA, Castle [J7]
Feshoren from the queen of Emelrene. A barony in Rindi held by baron Landin Chebrai
from the count of Rindi. Landin is a pompous,
HOLIME, River [E1] but honourable man. His liege’s behaviour
A river draining lake Fergo in the Jerinalian makes him very uncomfortable.
HORINE, Keep [K6]
HOLY SEPULCHRE, Company of A barony in Amesuma held by baron Belsaris
A Laranian fighting order based in Tengela. Gagne from the duke of Ubai. Belsaris has
Formed in 542, the Company of the Holy proved to be an exceptionally capable field
Sepulchre is the personal guard of the Sebrath. It commander, and is used by the elgar of
is unique among Laranian fighting orders in that Amesuma as a military second in command.
it has no sponsoring clerical order, and is based
in Tengela. HOROTE, Keep [K1]
A keep in the Shorkyne county of Sabinia.
Members of the order of the Company of the
Holy Sepulchre are either Knights bachelor who HULGOR, Keep [K2]
serve as the officers of the order’s military forces A remote barony in Nadamia held by elgar
or part of the commonality – warriors of Dardhenon Merovinia for the count of Nadamia.
common birth. Both the knights of the order and
the commonality are well paid, and are drawn
from a mix of families who have served in the HULON, Keep [E4]
order for generations (particularly the A barony in Athamas held by baron Tyran
commonality) or particularly devout Laranian Hanate from the count of Athamas.
knights from elsewhere in the church.
HUNDE, Keep [M3]
HORAGA, Town [I8] A barony in Anfaldon held by elgar Depard
Population: 4,100. The chief town of Halmo, Meredara for the baron of Edyla
Horaga is an important center for the wine trade.

HUNEL, River [L6]

A tributary of the Pagon River in eastern IGREL, Keep [F10]
Trierzon. The Hunel River has its origins in a A keep in Bodima held by the Knights of
large cave. Local legends proclaim the cave the Avarkiel. While the hunting around Igrel is
home of a water spirit, a unicorn, or even a good, the keep has relatively few manors
dragon. attached, and was constructed primarily as a
fortification to protect the coastal road west from
HYDREM, Mountain [E1] Anegon. Tolls on the road form the main
A peak (6521’) in the Jerinalian Mountains. revenue associated with the keep. The Knights
of Avarkiel nonetheless keep a strong force here
and regularly patrol the road west towards
HYLUM, Keep [G7] Dorimes.
A barony in Areshomes held by baron Etoly
Majaev. Hylum is the cite of a small abbey of
the order of the Hynn-Aelori. The abbey is built ILAS, River [G5]
on a ridge above the keep and village, and is A major river in western Trierzon, the Ilas flows
famous for its illuminations. 140 leagues from its headwaters in the Luinde
Mountains into the Gelbin Bight. The Ilas valley
contains some of the best land in Trierzon, and is
famous for its fruit and wines.

IBRE, Keep [D9]
ILASKA, County [F8]
Location: Southwestern Trierzon
Ruler: Tamis Caplen
A barony in Trabant held by baron Avnis Gavaar Population: 224,000
from the duke of Trabant.
Lying in the lower reaches of the fertile Ilas
IDELYRI, Keep [M7] River valley, Ilaska is renown for its light, clear
A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by 2 red wines and its fruit. The hills east of Kebiro
companies of the 1 st Beronium legion. Idelri are heavy producers of a sweet white wine
includes a high tower that serves as the site for a known as Amane after the castle in the
beacon and also has commanding views out over neighbouring county of Korun where the wine is
Tasha Sound. also produced.

Lying far enough east to escape most of the

IDON, Keep [I6] ravages of the Viking years, Ilaska is prosperous
A barony in Rindi governed by elgar Tibol and settled. Here, more than elsewhere in
Velthane for the count of Rindi. Tibol is the southwestern Trierzon the country’s Azeryan
count’s cousin. A year younger than the count, history is visible in both architecture and
Tibol is much calmer than his cousin and many lifestyle. Despite being eclipsed by Chedilo and
in clan Velthane believe that he would have Murshel as urban centres, the towns of Pelina
made a better count than Audrin Velthane. and Greda have strong Halean communities.
Settlement Hex Type Clan
IFRENUM, Keep [N3]
A barony in Anfaldon governed by elgar Orden Achera F8 Keep Caplen
Kasenis for the count of Melesuma. Ifrenum is Banile G7 Castle Ladoc
the wealthiest of the territories that the count of
Chideles G7 Keep Ladoc
Melesuma holds in Anfaldon. The count is
currently in the process of building a stone Dedath G8 Keep Roiale
circuit wall around the keep at Ifrenum, Eila G8 Keep Irbonal
effectively upgrading it to a castle.
Emelath G8 Keep Caplen
IGEDES, Keep [B3] Fandain G8 Keep Ladoc
A barony in Norimar held by baron Aldes Galnos G8 Keep Seriane
Galben from the earl of Norimar.

Greda G8 Town Caplen the south was under the sway of the Azeryan
Empire. The locals are proud of their heritage
Hedoe G9 Keep Nemesten and quick to take offense at any perceived slight.
Kebiro G8 Castle Caplen
There are several sites in northern Ilbra where tar
Keroge G8 Keep Seriane can be obtained naturally. Bitumin from this
Legore G9 Keep Caplen source is a major export. The county is also an
important destination for Laranian pilgrims –
Merinis G7 Keep Ladoc
particularly the region between the Urvan and
Naded G8 Keep Vettene Gaden rivers, along the border with Stalfore.
Nolires G8 Keep Xindak There are a number of shrines associated with
various Laranian saints, and major abbeys are
Ontasin G8 Keep Ladoc located near the keeps of Irulane, Yras, and
Panisa F8 Keep Arbius Tiradh.
Pelina G9 Town Freetown
Settlement Hex Type Clan
Rilame G9 Keep Seriane
Anethis I2 Keep Galliand
Shandatra G9 Keep Chelesean
Banaste I3 Keep Gullivon
Turnin G8 Keep Caplen
Banduni H2 Keep Bivaro
Ulmesi G8 Keep Kydal
Daleos H3 Castle Galliand
Valenda G8 Keep Bilyrian
Egensu I4 Keep Undell
Wegen G8 Keep Caplen
Gelene I4 Keep Bryone
Zymel G8 Keep Melles
Gymon I3 Keep Matrivael
ILBENON, Keep [M3] Hastris H3 Keep Cerforte
A barony in Melesuma held by baroness Pysare Hianesh I4 Keep Palantin
Naud from the count of Melesuma. There is an
ongoing dispute between the Nauds and the Ilbris I3 Town Galliand
counts of Anfaldon over the right to tolls on the Iroma I4 Keep Iromi
bridge over the Brengel River.
Irulane H3 Keep Galliand
Kamoria I2 Castle Galliand
ILBENYN, Keep [K4]
A barony in Faldin held by baron Irnan Arnand Liborae I2 Keep Arlathos
from the countess of Melesuma. Meliza I3 Keep Chodin
Mildoren H2 Keep Galliand
ILBRA, County [H3]
Location: Northern Trierzon Nisuma I3 Keep Rideles
Ruler: Rogryn Galliand Olbendes I3 Keep Galliand
Population: 190,000
Pachen I4 Keep Laman
A county in northern Trierzon and part of the Pymor I3 Keep Xarrano
duchy of Stalfore. Ilbra lies around the valley of Tiradh H3 Keep Danna
the River Urven in the foothills of the western
Nadami mountains. Seperated from Shorkyne Ulanae I4 Keep Galliand
by the largely uninhabited expanses of the Yras H3 Keep Salienna
Nadami mountains, and bypassed by the Gaden
River as a trade route, Ilbra is something of a
backwater. ILBRIS, Town [I3]
Population: 4,900. The primary town and
Nonetheless, the county is the ancestral home of market of Ilbra. Ilbris is centered on the iste of
the Galliand clan, and once formed the heartland an old Trierzi hill fort, although it now straggles
of the Trierzi tribal nation during the days when down to the edge of the Urven River. Something

of a backwater, Ilbris’ major significance is as a

local market and as a staging post for soldiers ILONA, Straits [K10]
and couriers on the main highway to Shorkyne. A narrow waterway separating the island of Ilona
There is also a significant abbey in the town run from the Lythian mainland. At their narrowest
by the Laranian order of Saint Irula. the Ilona Straits are only a few hundred yards
wide. The form a significant bottleneck on the
ILDAR, Keep [E9] main east-west trade route, and see a lot of
A barony in Trabant held by baron Metian Arciol seaborne traffic. In the past, various magnates
from the duke of Trabant. The estates around have imposed a toll on traffic passing through
Ildar produce excellent light red wine of the the straits, but the current Duchess of Zhoren
Rone variety. discourages this.

ILDERES, Keep [G6] ILONA, County [K10]

A keep in Agelos governed by elgara Adele Location: Southern Trierzon
Carumerre for the baron of Vedena. Ruler: Elgar Mederek Harcona
Population: 41,000
ILDIRUM, Fortress [M5]
A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by a single Lying off the southern coast of Trierzon, the
company of the Gorium legion. county of Ilona occupies the island of the same
name. It is part of the county of Zhoren, but the
island remains fiercely independent. The great
ILDUN, Keep [L8] mercantile clans of Ilona have more real power
A barony in Tengela held by baroness Astir than the elgar who nominally rules the island for
Fortan from the pontiff of the Laranian church. the duchess of Zhoren. It is concern about the
The baroness was once a member of the Knights threat posed by the Azeryan navy that ensures
of Avarkiel and remains an advocate of the order the great clans of Ilona continue to meet the
within the pontiff’s court at Tengela. minimum fees and obligations owed to the
ILGONE, Castle [C5]
A castle in Gavas and seat of the earl of Gavas. Fish and olives are the island’s main exports, but
Ilgone is also the largest settlement in Gavas, the real wealth of Ilona lies in its strategic
although it is too close to Mengovik to ever position astride the main trade routes between
develop into a major town. the markets of the Venarian Sea and the raw
materials of the north. Over a quarter of the
county’s population live in the two largest towns
ILIME, Keep [H4] alone. This reflects a long tradition of urban
A barony in Baldeme held by baroness Kasarin civilization dating back to well before the
Pausany from the countess of Baldeme. conquest of Trierzon by the Azeryan Empire.
Settlement Hex Type Clan
ILMENA, Keep [J7]
A barony in Janora held by baroness Ylena Denobes K10 Keep Yvande
Bryene from the duke of Kogamin. Ylena is Keprel K10 Town Freetown
currently unmarried and is reputedly the most
beautiful woman in the duchy of Kogamin. She Kitedes K10 Castle Seriash
is also extremely wealthy through trade, owning Lirgun K10 Town Freetown
three Daks that mostly trade along the coast
Nelomin K10 Castle Dejaran
towards Trabant, or even Emelrene. Ylena
mostly lives in a lavish townhouse in the town of Tuveol K10 Keep Andyrgre
Janora itself and leaves Ilmena to an elgar, Subin
of Dhallis. IMASHES, Keep [J5]
A keep in Mankonia governed by elgar Mirthael
ILOMA, Keep [J7] Delais for the baron of Orgnia.
A barony in Rindi held by baron Homez Churel
from the count of Rindi.

IMEGA, Keep [M2] close friend of Toril Arcona, the count’s oldest
A barony in Anfaldon held by baron Valdaz son. It was while hunting in the Calima hills
Silthael from the count of Anfaldon. with Hernole that Toril met Selana Torkise.
Toril is pressing Hernole to arrange a meeting
for him with Selana at Iriden, but Hernole is
IMEKYM, Keep [K9] wary of crossing Balthis.
A keep in Zhoren governed by elgar Agron
Zarakhel for the baron of Himos.
IRIJEN, Keep [B3]
A barony in Berema held by baron Baswyn
IMNUS, River [N5] Tolve from the Queen of Emelrene.
Ariver in Beronium draining the Korgin
IRINO, Keep [H4]
A barony in Beldeme held by baron Hesar
IMPERIAL WAY, Road Verdon from the countess of Beldeme.
The Imperial Way is so named because it was the
main route linking the Azeryan provincial capital
of Versheme with the route east to Meokolis. IROMA, Keep [I4]
Running from Mankon to Malmen to Versheme A barony in Ilbra held by Toris Iromi from the
and then on to Gelamo, the highway was built duke of Stalfore. The Iromi once ruled a Trierzi
between 315 and 317, once Zonora had been tribal state stretching up the Urven River as far
conquered and was being formally absorbed into as its fork with the Vemise. The baron has been
the Imperium. Although decaying slightly, known to refer to the Galliands as ‘upstarts’
Imperial Way is still impressive as it is lined by when deep in his cups after a meal.
ancient laurel trees along the entire length
between Mankon and Versheme. IRTUS, Keep [L2]
A barony in Nadamia held by elgar Sedrial
INAMAE, Keep [A3] Merovinia for the count of Nadamia. Sedrial is
A keep in Ulama governed by elgar Hures the current count’s cousin, and thinks he is a
Vayden for the Earl of Sonau. fool.

INGRIS, Castle [I5] IRULANE, Keep [H3]

A barony in Baldeme governed by elgar Bulan A keep in Ilbra governed by elgar Dumas Fiesse
Galoresena for the countess of Baldeme. Bulan for the Duke of Stalfore. The keep is old, and in
recently dispossessed one of the local nalori who poor repair. Irulane is better known for Irulane
could not meet his feudal obligations. The Abbey, a Larnaian abbey generally recognized as
young son of the nalori has taken up as a the birthplace of saint Irula.
brigand. Because he shares much of his takings
with the local peasants the brigand is proving The abbey complex at Irulane includes the
very difficult to apprehend. Bulan would like to convent of the Order of Saint Irula, an all-female
resolve the whole issue before the countess hears clerical and lay order of the church of Larani,
of it. along with a shrine to the saint and a sickhouse
in which the priestesses and lay members of the
order treat the afflicted. The abbey is surrounded
INVARNE, Keep [H4] by pleasant gardens in which grow a multitude of
A barony in Senedalo held by baron Ustelo medicinal flora. The turintesa and spiritual
Belverne from the countess of Senedalo. leader of the order is Barida al Farenos, the
Abbess of Irulane.
IREMA, Keep [J4]
A barony in Malagos held by baron Dakelen The central chapel of the abbey is home to the
Kerione from the count of Malagos. greatest treasure of the Order of Saint Irula, a
necklace of gold in which is set fifteen diamonds
IRIDEN, Keep [H7] and five opals. These jewels are known as the
A barony in Halmo held by baron Hernole Tears of Irula, and legend says that they are the
Debrudh from the count of Halmo. Hernole is a very gems created when the saint wept upon
learning of the death of her beloved.

IRYGA, Keep [G7] IZARIO, Keep [I6]

A barony in Arshomes held by elgar Dapardo A keep in Gelamo governed by elgar Torellan
Torkise from the count of Areshomes. Iryga is a Moseau for the baron of Lepoma.
favourite hunting retreat for the count.
IZTEL, Keep [H3]
ISIN, Keep [K1] A barony in Senedalo held by baron Jeryth
A keep in Sabinia in Shorkyne. Powry from the countess of Senedalo. The
Powrys are part Emela.
ISLAR, Keep [E8]
A barony in Tamala held by baron Danve
Vitrossa from the duke of Trabant.

IVAMA, Keep [D4]

A keep in Liguno governed by elgar Dures
JAERON, Keep [I8]
Savondar for the baron of Balyda. A barony in Halmo held by baron Waltier
Touline from the count of Halmo. Waltier’s 14
IVAY, Keep [C3] year-old daughter Karethin is the count’s
A keep in Berema governed by baron Andysen preferred match for his oldest son.
Wesrael for the Baron of Endalin.
JAGIL, Keep [K3]
IVINIAN GUARD A keep in Faldin governed by elgara Ielis
An elite mercenary unit in the Azeryan army Telthael, the niece of the countess of Faldin.
consisting largely of warriors originating from
Ivinia, Harbaal, Orbaal, and Chelemby. A JALADH, Mount [M1]
smaller proportion of the guard come from A peak (6094’) in the Nadami Mountains.
Hurisea, Altland, and even southern Harn. The
guard is organized in 5 cohorts, making it larger
than the traditional Azeryan legion. Although JALEDA, County [J6]
most noted for fighting as medium infantry with Location: Central Trierzon
great axes, the soldiers of the guard are flexible Ruler: Blance Toreo
and are frequently also used as marines. Population: 168,000

The guard is well paid at a shilling a day A county in central Trierzon, lying between the
(including support), and it is not uncommon for a Malgatan highlands and the Degela River.
would be recruit to spend ten pounds on bribes to Jaleda is a prosperous and forgiving county,
purchase a position. Within the treacherous consisting mostly of fertile lowlands. Grain is a
world of Azeryan politics, the Guard is noted for significant export, much of it going to the towns
its loyalty to the current emperor and its of Janora and Ubarian. Fruit and wines are a
aloofness from palace plots. A young Ivinian significant export, and white truffles from the
clansman may travel south to serve in the Guard Malgatan hills are highly prized.
for five or ten years, and then to travel back
home able to take a place on the thrangaad of Blance Toleo, a close friend of the queen mother
their clan. Iniella, currently governs Jaleda. During the
Chaos, this friendship led to Jaleda being
pillaged by the forces of Arthis, and from 690 to
695 Jaleda was governed by an elgar under
Arthis. Currently the county is prospering.
Settlement Hex Type Clan
Altua J6 Keep Glaudane
Antrin K6 Keep Toreo
Boloka J6 Castle Toreo

Celipros J6 Castle Sevrey JANORA, County [K7]

Location: Southern Trierzon
Dalymo J6 Keep Sargines Ruler: Elgar Stefal Pratilian
Farese J6 Keep Mansal Population: 58,000
Garlan K6 Town Freetown
The smallest but wealthiest of the three counties
Hasus J7 Keep Revel that make up the duchy of Kogamin. Janora lies
Jaleda (Keep) J6 Keep Toreo on the eastern side of the mouth of the Degela
River. There is relatively little fertile land in the
Jaleda (Town) J6 Town Toreo county, but the town of Janora is the main
Kelig J6 Keep Berard entrepot to Trierzon and the west for goods from
the Venerian Sea. This makes the county a
Kolsis J6 Keep Sevrey
valuable source of revenue for the Trierzi
Loson J6 Keep Mansal Crown.
Ozele J6 Keep Vilchier Settlement Hex Type Clan
Redirn J6 Keep Toreo Drenol K7 Keep Gualdim
Sarmia J6 Keep Artoin Ilmena J7 Keep Bryene
Shym J6 Castle Toreo Janora J7 Town Andrevin
Telype J6 Keep Balvine Mekarno K6 Castle Andrevin
Thominis J6 Keep Sevrey Nubis K7 Keep Telagius

JALEDA, Keep [J6] JANORA, Town [J7]

A barony in Jaleda governed by elgar Ansalm Population: 28,400. Janora is one of the busiest
Toreo from the countess of Jaleda. The keep of trading centers of the Venerian Sea, and the
Jaleda is the ancestral home of clan Toreo, and is second largest city in Trierzon. The town is
built on the remains of an Azeryan legionary governed by elgar Shimon Lyage with the
fortress. The countess now spends more time assistance of a council of twelve elected
here than at her nominal seat in the town of aldormen. Although Janora is not a freetown,
Jaleda. Ansalm is the countess’ second cousin. Shimon generally leaves most of the day to day
running of the town to the council. Janora is the
JALEDA, Town [J6] seat of the Halean primate for Trierzon,
Population: 4,600. The seat of the countess of supported in part, at least, by a substantial
Jaleda and nominally the principle town of the immigrant community of Karejian traders.
county of Jaleda, although the town of Jaleda has
since been surpassed by Garlan in terms of size.
Jaleda is governed by the countess directly, but
in practice she now leaves the administration of
the town to the Mangai and the castellan of the

JANDEA, Keep [N3]

A barony in Anfaldon held by baron Troysan
Nygari from the count of Anfaldon.

JANDES, Keep [H7]

A barony in Areshomes held by baron Madel
Uryion from the count of Areshomes. The keep
is built on the remains of an Azeryani cohort Janora’s wealth derives from the town’s status as
the primary trans-shipment point for goods
moving between north-western Lythia
(Shorkyne, Ivinia, Harbaal, Trierzon, and Harn),

and the Venarian Sea. While Chedilo is a shorter JERINALA, Shire [D2]
sailing distance from the main Azeryan ports, Location: Emelrene
Janora has the advantage of the Degela River, Shire Moot: Neoma
which provides a trade route into the heart of Population: 111,000
Trierzon. Goods from all over the known world
are traded in the markets of Janora, and the at the The largest shire in Emelrene in terms of land
docks of Janora it is not uncommon to see the area, Jerinala consists almost entirely of heavily
captain of an Ivinian longship negotiating with forested mountain. There is only one permanent
the captain of a Karejian Laru over trade goods settlement of significant size in Jerinala – the
from Mafan. Sheriff’s seat of Neoma. However, there is also
a smaller perment settlement at Abrelyn where
JATIN, Keep [J4] the Dheria-Isvan dwells. The Jerinalian
A barony in Malagos held by baron Kael Mountains are rich in mineral wealth, and there
Dulausine from the count of Malagos. is significant mining activity in the western part
of the shire.
JEDELA, Keep [I6] About 90 percent of the population of Jerinala is
A barony in Devai held by baron Istan Ontecau tribal Emela dwelling either in settled villages or
from the duke of Gelamo. wandering as “free” Emela. The main
administrative purpose of Jerinala appears to be
JEDINE, Keep [I4] to govern the relations between the Emelrene
A barony in Beldeme governed by elgar Solir Crown and its tribal Emela subjects. The Sheriff
Darvane for the baron of Sholir. of Jerinala is always chosen for their ability to
get along with the tribal Emela.
JEGERANOS, Keep [E9] Settlement Hex Type Clan
A barony in Trabant governed by Elgar Rogryn Neoma D1 Castle Sheriff Jerinala
Mafendas for the duke of Trabant. Jegeranos is a
favoured hunting retreat for the duke, and he is
often found here when he wishes to escape the JERINALIAN, Mountains [C4]
politics and bustle of Murshel. A mountain range paralleling the coast of
Emelrene, the Jerinalian Mountains are part of
the same geological structure as the Harbaalese
JELADE, Mountain [L5] Alps. The highest peaks lie in the north of the
A peak (6089’) in the Korgin Mountains.
range. Located to intercept the prevailing winds
off the Gulf of Ederwyn, the western side of the
JELAKA, River [C4] Jerinalian Mountains receives particularly heavy
A fast flowing tributary of the Southern Es. rainfall, while the eastern side of the range is
drier, due to the rain shadow created by the
JELEVUS, Keep [C4] mountains. The Jerinalian Mountains are
A barony in Liguno held by baron Baden Orolan primarily inhabited by nomadic Emela,.
from the earl of Liguno. The Orolans somehow
survived the Ivinian conquest without facing any JESER, Castle [F9]
serious challenge. Local rumour attributes this A barony in Bodima held by baron Xerin
to a family pact with some supernatural power. Fenelosa from the duke of Trabant. Kaheris
Chivara has insulted Xerin on several occasions
JENAF, Keep [B1] and has also compromised the honour of one of
A barony in Algram governed by elgara Imela Xerin’s daughters. The baron is contemplating
Soria for the baron of Panira. rebellion.

JENEO, Keep [B5] JETIS, Fortress [M6]

A barony in Liguno held by baron Taal Gilsenaal A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by five
from the earl of Liguno. company of the Legion of Righteous

JIRENO, Castle [F7]

A barony in Palama held by baron Eryan
Etrandar from the count of Palama. Eryan also
holds the keeps of Staben in Palama and Meluva
in Hedames. Concerned with the vulnerability of
his own lands to searborne raiding, Eryan has
KADEZA, Keep [I4]
often been slow to provide troops to the count A barony in Baldeme held by baron Ival Enlada
for service north of the Pados. from the countess of Baldeme. Ival is a boorish
glutton, and is not popular with his peers.
JIRESE, Castle [M3]
A castle in Melesuma held by the Knights of KADIGEN, Keep [B2]
Avarkiel. The current grandmaster of the A keep in Alwina governed by elgar Stefel
Knights of Avarkiel in Melesuma is Lady Ydela Wethryn for the Baron of Panira. Stefal is
Kolluerdo. Ydela is the youngest sister of the caught in a love triangle that he is unsure of how
current baron of Nastres in Chimas. Although to resolve. He knows his wife is having an affair
beautiful, Ydela is a fanatical follower of Larani with the constable of Kadigen, but the constable
and has never married. She is not tolerant of is his closest friend and he is torn between the
heretics and would like to see Melesuma friendship and revenge.
cleansed of the Tobran heresy by fire and the
sword. KADLA, Keep [D4]
A barony in Liguno held by baron Laren Gall
Jirese castle was heavily damaged when the from the earl of Liguno. Kadla imposes an
Knights of Avarkiel seized it in 619, and it has unpopular toll on merchants traveling too and
since been rebuilt with the order’s funds as one from Antivel.
of the most impressive fortresses in Trierzon.
Currently Ydela is attempting to provoke conflict
with the baron of Orbis by ordering patrols of KALSE, Keep [I8]
knights on destructive searches for ‘brigands’ A keep in Enala governed by elgar Torquel
and ‘witches’ in his domains. Badriac for the count of Enala.


A barony in Nadamia held by baron Tomal A noble Trierzi clan with holdings in Gelamo.
Goasta from the count of Nadamia. The nominal clan head is Korastil Kamalrith,
baron of Oren, a hale man in his late 50s.
Currently, however, the most powerful clan
JORESA, Town [K9] member by fare is Allyn Kamalrith, the count of
Population: 3,700. Joresa is a small walled town Tengela and pontiff of the Laranian church.
in central Zhoren. The seat of the duchess of
Zhoren, the town is in the shadow of Megrain as Allyn is a slender, spiritual man of 43. With
a trading centre. sandy brown hair that tends towards the unkempt
he is not, at first glance, an imposing sight.
JUTOA, Keep [F4] Allyn’s wide brown eyes, however, belie a
A barony in Senedalo held by baroness Ethrana wisdom that exceeds most men of his age. A
Caven from the countess of Senedalo. Ethrana’s competent swordsman, Allyn is a masterful and
husband died in a skirmish with Palithanian intelligent politician. While he administers the
knights in the hills between Jutoa and Alsinon. temporal church with great skill, he pays close
Since that time Ethrana has been relentless in heed to his spiritual duties. Although Allyn has
personally leading her vassals in brutal raids into only been pontiff since 714, it is already clear
Tammanias. that he sees the resolution of a number of thorny
theological issues as the main goal of his
JYNAI, Keep [G9]
A barony in Bodima held by baron Terflis Ordal From his seat in Tengela, Allyn maintains
from the duke of Trabant. contact with a wide circle of correspondents and
contacts. His agents keep him in close contact

with Berema, Areshomes, and Ubarian as well as KAREJIA, Islands

Berone and even Meokolis. A major concern for An archipelago in the eastern Venarian Sea. The
Allyn is the resurgence of Azeri militarism since Karejian city states are important middlemen in
the bulk of the Azeri legions tend to be the trade routes linking the Venarive with
dominated by Agrikans. The conversion of Diramoa and the far east. Karejian convoys of
Palithane and a possible resurgence of the merchant galleys, called Larun, carry much of
Tobran heresy in northern Trierzon are also the most valuable trade between the east and
major concerns. The latter, Allyn would like to west. The galleys travel in convoys, named after
see resolved by reason rather than the sword. He their destination, to avoid piracy. The most
is also concerned by the activities of the fighting significant Larun convoys passing through the
order of the Lady of Paladins, who are Trierzon region are the Larun of Janora, the
conducting a genocidal campaign against the Larun of Alwin, and the Larun of Cherafir.
Solori tribesman of Harn. He has sent several
missions to the Harnic primate.
KARELES, Keep [I7]
Allyn is unmarried and has no children. He is A barony in Rindi held by baron Piersten Tirel
the nephew of Korastil Kamalrith by Korastil’s from the count of Rindi.
younger brother.
KASTRE, Keep [E9]
KAMOLYN, Keep [H1] A barony in Trabant held by the powerful Kastin
A keep in the Shorkyne county of Falimae. family from the duke of Trabant. Kastre is the
ancestral home of the Kastins, and is currently
governed by Elgar Lyzier Kastin, the younger
KAMORIA, Castle [I2] brother of the baron of Neganis.
The traditional seat of the Galliand clan, and the
administrative seat for the county of Ilbra. The
castle is held by elgar Evard Galliand for his KATREN, Keep [H7]
brother, the duke of Stalfore. Kamoria is a A barony in Areshomes held by baron Aathos
wealthy barony, but the castle itself is not strong, Eldasyn from the count of Areshomes. The keep
the Galliands having largely relied on the is known for the ghost of a beautiful woman
mountains to protect their heartland. called the weeping lady of Katren who appears
to some female visitors to the keep.

KANOGA, Town [J7]

Population: 3000. The chief settlement of
KAZYN, Keep [K9]
Kogamin, Kanoga is a chartered freetown at the A barony in Zhoren held by baron Sabilis
mouth of the Kogam River. The site has been Toraste from the duchess of Zhoren.
settled for over a thousand years, and the layout
of the town dates back to the Azeryan Empire, as KEBANI, Castle [E8]
do the town walls. Since the days of the Empire A barony in Hedames held by baron Faradas
Kanoga has dwindled, largely to the benefit of Lapora from the count of Hedames. Although
Janora. Kanoga’s harbout is now too silted up to the castle is well maintained, the stretch of road
take large vessels at low tide. between Kebani and Sindelar is notorious for
KARDIM, Castle [C2]
A castle in Alwina and seat of the powerful Earl KEBIRO, Castle [G8]
of Kardim. Earl Raldryk Harthen has close ties A castle in Ilaska governed by elgar Edan Caplen
with the Free Emela, and often finds himself for the count of Ilaska. Kebiro was once an
their voice at court. The Harthens also control Azeryan fort, and the Azeryan walls form the
the keeps of Forin and Lengis, and the powerful outer bailey of the castle. There are rumours of
castle of Modana as well as receiving homage extensive cellars and dungeons beneath the castle
from the baroness of Ymore and the baron of dating back to the Azeryan Empire.
KEBRE, Keep [H8]
A barony in Korun held by baron Rames
Pramath from the count of Korun.

KEMOSHE, Keep [I8]

KEDEL, Keep [G7] A barony famed for its wines in the Calima hills.
A barony in Areshomes held by baron Tosal The baron, Kasen Pinoir, holds Kemoshe from
Shimon from the count of Areshomes. the count of Halmo.

KEDILES, Keep [M2] KENREI, Castle [D9]

A barony in Anfaldon governed by elgar Durath A barony in Tamala governed by elgar Lancred
Fardaen for the count of Anfaldon. Kediles Mesherel for the duke of Trabant.
controls the Trierzi end of the Feyen pass. In
late Spring the garrison of Kediles swells to three KENTOR, Keep [M7]
or four companies who patrol the Feyen trail as A barony in Magalia held by baron Daman
far as the summit of the pass. Ranyon from the count of Magalia. Daman is
widely believed to have strong links with the
KEDNOL, Keep [A3] Gebrond Lia Kavair.
A barony in Ulama held by baroness Glinde
Chalatine from the Earl of Sonau. Kednol has a KEPREL, Town [K10]
good harbour, and was once a small town until it Population: 5,900. The second largest settlement
was sacked by Ivinian raiders in 513 TR. on the island of Ilona, Keprel is a chartered
Freetown governed by a council elected from the
KEJEDES, Keep [H6] town’s wealthiest clans. Keprel possesses an
A barony in Agelos held by baron Xalo Nyrid excellent harbour, although it loses out to Lirgun
from the countess of Agelos. to some degree due to the latter’s location astride
the Ilona Straights.
KELCHIM, Cape [A2]
A prominent landmark on the coast of Emelrene. KERELYD, Mountain [L1]
The coast north of Cape Kelchim can be A peak in the Nadami Mountains (7335’).
dangerous in a northwesterly gale. Mount Kerelyd marks the eastern boundaries of
the territory regarded by the Nadi as “theirs”.
KELIG, Keep [J6]
A barony in Jaleda held by baron Arbo Berard KERGOS, Castle [B10]
from the countess of Jaleda. A castle in Tarkain governed by prince Gathaar
Kvaldemar for the king of Tarkain. The
extensive shoals at the eastern end of Kergos
KEMALRAS, Title island have claimed many merchants who
The Kemalras is the head of the bureaucracy for mistook the island for Tarkain, which has
a province in the Azeryan Empire. The title is significant shoals off its northwestern coast. One
sometimes translated as provincial governor, well known shoal is said to be the grave of the
although this is in many respects misleading. A Foam Wife, a Nivik that went down with a
Kemalras does not have any military authority. fortune in silver and gold plate from Azeryan.
The Kemalras will have a staff of provincial
secretaries (Markithro) to assist them in
administering the province. A number of KERITAU, Castle [F7]
Vishras (qv) are responsible for administering A castle in Hedames governed by elgar Gavrel
the districts that make up the province. Military Ladoc for the count of Ladoc. Keritau is the
authority is vested in a provincial Seneshelen count’s formal seat. There is a Peonian abbey
(qv). nearby that has profited from several generations
of sponsorship from the Ladocs. The abbey also
produces particularly fine wine.
KEMIS, Keep [J4]
A barony in Faldin held by baron Toumal Fasset
from the countess of Faldin. KEROGE, Keep [G8]
A keep in Ilaska governed by elgar Sabilis
Seriane for the baron of Rilame.

KESEDONE, Keep [M4] The Kibler Bore is the main navigational hazard
A barony in Melesuma held by baron Caharen when approaching the port of Alwin.
Indon from the count of Melesuma.
KIERNUM, Keep [M8]
KETELA, Keep [H6] A barony in Faleo held by baron Xelo Zarian
A barony in Vedin held by baron Josclyn from the duke of Dovalin.
Sherence from the duke of Gelamo.
KIGARI, Keep [M3]
KETHANO, Town [N6] A barony in Anfaldon held by baron Kabol
Population: 8,400. A port in Beronium Televan from the count of Anfaldon. Kabol is a
controlling the mouth of the Imnus River. secretly an adherent of the Tobran heresy. A
Somewhat eclipsed as a trading centre by Tobran priest is currently sheltering in the keep.
Lorimae and Berone, Kethano nonetheless has a
large port as an important Trierzi naval base. KILDAN, Castle [E4]
The town is also headquarters for the 2 nd A castle in Tamanias governed by elgar Naran
Beronium legion, which has 7 companies Chadrel for the count of Athamas. Naran hails
garrisoned in the town. Lorimae is the site of the from Shorkyne, and spent much of his youth
largest Laranian temple in Beronium and the seat traveling from tournament to tournament
of the Rekela of Beronium. The Vishras of throughout western Lythia. Superbly skilled
Kethano district, Semerel Pylen comes from a with the lance and horse, Naran has even visited
Morgathian clan, and uses his authority to harass Harn and won the 698 Royal Chelebin
the temple. This fact is causing some tension Tournament.
with Lanas Vanostra, the Mekelen of the 2 nd
Beronium legion and a devout Laranian.
KILEDA, Castle [G9]
A castle in Bodima governed by elgar Hubril
KETRA, Castle [H8] Dalamin for the duke of Trabant. Kileda was
A barony in Korun held by baron Sedegyr Crasil controlled by the Pedaros prior to the chaos, and
from the count of Korun. The Crasils are of its ongoing control by the Chivaras is a source of
almost pure Azeri descent and are widely tension between the two families.
suspected of being closet followers of one of the
dark gods. In fact, there is little evidence that
this is the case and the Crasils generally behave KINEL, Keep [G3]
in an honourable fashion. A barony in Stalfore held by elgar Horian
Galliand for the duke of Stalfore.

KETRIN, Keep [I6]

A barony in Gelamo held by baron Yandrol KINIRO, Fortress [N5]
Abne from the duke of Gelamo. A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by 2
companies of the 2 nd Beronium legion.

KEVELD, Keep [F3]

A barony in Senedalo held by baron Jerem KINORA, Keep [H4]
Fastrad from the countess of Senedalo. The A barony in Baldeme held by baron Naran
Fastrads held the nearby castle of Alsinon in the Barasil from the countess of Baldeme.
past, but lost it about a century ago to the Clayrs
of Athamas. The reconquest of Alsinon is an KIRGARAS, Town [D10]
article of faith for the Fastrads: ‘Alsinon must Population: 7600. A chartered Freetown in
fall.’ Chimas, Kirgaras is a major entrepot for trade
from Emelrene, Shorkyne, and the north coming
KIBLER, River [B2] via Tarkain. The town is administered by a
A swift river in central Emelrene. A tidal bore council of 34 representatives from the guilds.
on the lower reaches of the river averages 2 feet Koril Chivara, the 28 year old nephew of the
in height, but can reach over twice that height duke holds the citidel of Kirgaras for the duke of
when heavy rains coincide with a spring tide. Trabant.

KIRGENA, Keep [A3]

A barony in Malad held by baron Raeda KIROT, Keep [K9]
Modarien from the Earl of Ornea. A barony in Zhoren held by baron Hodel Cesiro
from the duchess of Zhoren. Kirot is secretly a
KIRIGERION, Fortress [M5] devout worshipper of Agrik, as are most of his
A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by 1 company clan. He passes naval intelligence to the
of the Gorium legion. Azeryan Empire via a number of merchants who
stop at Kirot from time to time.
KIRIN, Castle [J5]
A barony in Ubai held by baroness Berdona KISOVIN, Keep [I4]
Admenteau. Kirin controls the northern end of A barony in Baldeme governed by elgar Porvise
the Tain bridge, and is a significant settlement in Brantaen for the countess of Baldeme.
its own right with a population of about 1500.
KITEDES, Castle [K10]
KIRISO, Keep [K5] A barony in Ilona held by baron Karel Seriash
A barony in Perna held by baron Naran from the duchess of Ilona. The Seriash clan are
Kirisandra from the count of Perna. typical of Ilona’s governing merchant class.
Although they hold land from the duke, most of
their wealth is invested in a fleet of trading
KIRISONE, Town [E4] vessels. Clan Seriash is not above using its fleet
Population: 10,600. Located at the confluence of for piracy when the opportunity presents itself.
the Ypena and Mater rivers, Kirisone controls
the main land route from Palithane into northern
Trierzon and on to Shorkyne. This strategic KITRENDIS, Fort [K2]
location saw an Azeryan fort built here in 312TR A fort and frontier outpost in the Nadami
to monitor traffic over the border with mountains guarding the Trierzi end of the
unconquered Trierzi tribes. Kirisone remained a Besono pass. Kitrendis is located in an isolated
minor settlement during the Imperial period, but valley, with access only across the pass to
flourished as the centre of a small Trierzi Shorkyne or from Nadamia via a secondary pass.
kingdom following the Trierzi conquest. In winter the valley is often entirely
inaccessable. Two companies of soldiers usually
When Bjan Ledrin began the conquest of garrison the fort for clan Merovinia, but in
Palithane in earnest, the lords of Elsiner took the summer this number rises to two hundred or
opportunity to add Kirisone to their domains. more.
The town has since flourished as the most
important settlement in the domains of the KIWEN, Fortress [N6]
counts of Athamas. Although the town is given A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by a single
a lot of leeway by the count in ordering its own company of the 2nd Beronium legion. There are
affairs, the ultimate authority in Kirisone is occasional clashes between patrols from the
Waltaer Clayr, the younger brotherr of the Laranian 2 nd legion based in Kiwen and the
current count. There is a substantial temple of largely Agrikan legionaires of the Stone Hand
the Hyn-Aelori in Kirisone that functions, in legion based in Bondoa.
effect, as the seat of the primate of Save K’nor in
KLAVIS, Keep [B1]
A keep in Algram governed by elgar Choris
KIROPA, Castle [L3] Debrasa for the earl of Nelise.
A castle in Melesuma held by baron Paln Abnay
from the count of Melesuma. The Abnays are
one of the most powerful families in Melesuma, KLERSEN, Passes [D5]
holding the keeps of Agomen, Brontides and A network of passes over the western end of the
Tilede as well as Kiropa. Arebila keep also used Luinde Mountains. The passes see relatively
to be in Abnay hands until it was taken by the little traffic, as it is quicker and cheaper for most
count of Melesuma during the Tobran merchants to bring goods around the western end
inquisition. The Abnays do not forget this slight. of the mountains via the Gaira and Ypena rivers.


Order Location: Southern Trierzon
A fighting order of the curch of Larani, Ruler: Elgar Stefal Pretilian
sponsored by the Order of the Winged Lion. The Population: 106,000
order was instituted in 606 with the primary
intent of providing security for Laranian and A relatively sparsely populated county in
Peonian churches on the coast of the Gulf of southern Trierzon. Sandwiched between Degela
Batana. During the 6th century this area had been Bay and the Korgin mountains, Kogamin is
badly affected by the depredations of Ivinian renown for its independent and ungovernable
raiders. Between 606 and 615 the order lords. Although not a wealthy province, the
accumulated large land holdings in Trierzon Kogama are a fiercely proud people, quick to
from the donations of nobility enamoured with anger but also quick to friendship. Hospitality is
the order, particularly in the south and west of a religion, even to the peasants.
the country. It has also subsequently acquired
significant holdings in the upper Degela valley Kogamin’s main export is fruit, particularly
as a direct result of the Tobran Inquisition. Most citrus fruits. However, most of this fruit is re-
of this, however, was at the expense of the local exported via Janora or Megrain, and as a result
nobility and the order is not popular in the county gets relatively little benefit from the
Melesuma, Anfaldon, or Nadamia. trade that flows up and down Degela Bay.
Settlement Hex Type Clan
The Knights of Avarkiel are generally regarded
as slightly fanatical, even by other adherents of Bijones K8 Castle Varjain
Larani. Since the Tobran Inquisition the church Delge K7 Keep Molay
hierarchy has attempted to direct the order back
Elikon J8 Keep Adhemar
towards the conversion of pagans with only
limited success. In 696 the order established Felgano J8 Keep Blantine
itself in Ivinia, where it has a small presence in Kanoga J7 Town Freetown
Seldenbaal and Jarenmark. The Sebrath remains
concerned about the great secular power of the Ligena J8 Castle Andrevin
order in Trierzon. Monutro J7 Keep Hordau
Nardas J8 Keep Porthello
Neletu J7 Castle Andrevin
Pankinire J8 Keep Andrevin
Quarnon J8 Keep Fantine
Sontumes J8 Keep Grantiere
Soryz K8 Keep Varjain
Thast J7 Keep Evaldyne
Verath J7 Keep Myne
Wenes J7 Keep Ketval

KOGAMIN, Duchy [J8]

The traditional fief of the heir to the Trierzi
throne. Kogamin is a duchy in Trierzon
consisting of the counties of Bomedus, Janora,
and Kogamin. The duchy of Kogamin borders
the duchy of Ubai to the north, and is a core part
of the royal family’s power base. Currently there
KOGAM, River [K8] is no heir to the throne, so the duchy is run as
A river in eastern Trierzon emptying into Degela part of the royal domain. Elgar Stefal Pretilian, a
Bay. close friend of the king, nominally governs the
province. However, he has yet to impose any

real authority on the fractious and independent KOLOM, Keep [F10]

lords of Kogamin. A barony in Bodima held by Shevris Limoden
from the duke of Trabant. The baron’s uncle
KOLABAE, Keep [E6] holds the barony of Dunegal in Trabant.
A barony in Batana held by baron Aneshar
Karenaal from the earl of Batana. KOLSIS, Keep [J6]
A barony in Jaleda held by elgar Tarin Vezelay
KOLAD, Keep [D4] for the baron of Celiros. The Vezelay’s are of
A keep in Athamas governed by elgar Markes Azeryan descent. The family has also been
Eponesta for the baron of Vaden. There is an secretly Agrikan for generations. Periodically
important Peonian shrine just south of Kolad one of them has been discovered, but the family
which attracts pilgrims from across Palithane and has so far managed to keep their secret hidden.
even northern Trierzon.
KONAN, Keep [H6]
KOLERIN, Clan. A keep in Devai governed by elgar Gavrel
The ruling clan of the county of Palama in Indamon for the baron of Anset.
southwestern Trierzon. Palama traditionally
includes all the lands as far west as the Bagre KOPANE, Keep [I4]
River, but clan Kolerin’s holdings have dwindled A keep in Peltane governed by elgar Hubera
over time as Palithane has gradually expanded Equilan for the count of Peltane. Kopane is
east of the Bagre. located within the ruins of an Azeryan auxiliary
Malperd Kolerin, the current count of Palama is
a harried looking 36 year old. A competent
warrior and not unintelligent he has to conted KOREN, Keep [I6]
with the powerful earl of Batana in Palithane, as A barony in Gelamo held by baron Draval
well as piracy from Skagia. Despite the pressure Laronte from the duke of Gelamo. The baron’s
he is under, Malperd has not succeeded in wife vanished six months ago and reappeared
obtaining much support from the king. This without explanation on the last day of Navek.
partly reflects Malperd’s lack of talent at the The baron has recently been contacted by the
complex games of courtly intrigue. Navehan church threatening to take his wife
away for good unless he does three ‘favours’ for
Lyzel, Malperd’s wife is two years his junior and them. They have not yet specified what these
loyal to her husband. While the marriage is favours are to be, nor given any indication of
happy, her family is not powerful and she can why they singled him out.
bring little help to him politically. Malperd’s
three children are Imena (girl, 13), Draval (boy, KORGIN, Mountains [K7]
12), and Liral (girl, 8). A mountain range in southeastern Trierzon. The
Korgin Mountains are not particularly high, but
KOLGETH, Castle [E4] are rugged and present a formidable barrier to
A barony in Athamas held by baron Rogard the passage of any armed force. Largely formed
Materzan from the count of Athamas. The of limestone and marble, the Korgin Mountains
Materzans have traditionally been rivals of the are riddled with caves, said to plumb the heart of
Clayrs, although this fact has had little political Kethira’s bosom. The Mountains are inhabited
significance in recent years given the vast by fiercely independent Beroni clans. Neither
disparity in power between the two families. Trierzon or the Azeryan Empire has succeeded in
extracting much in the way of useful tribute out
of the clans at any point during their rule over
KOLMEDE, Keep [J6] the area.
A barony in Mankonia held by baron Cahars
Lessyn from the Duke of Ubai.
KORLUA, Kingdom
An independent Ivinian kingdom centred on an
island chain lying northwest of Hepekeria.
Korlua is an important entrepot for trade with the

Hepekarian mainland and with tropical Melise H8 Keep Elsirin

Anzeloria. The royal house of Korlua has
marriage ties with the Kveldemars of Tarkain. Oromus H8 Castle Oromil
Quemela G8 Keep Serion
KORONAS, Keep [L9] Serile G9 Keep Gosryl
A barony in Dovalin held by baron Toloen
Richese from the duke of Dovalin. Shurini G9 Castle Delanas
Uleshen H8 Keep Oromil
Population: 4000. The smaller of two walled KOZON, Keep [E9]
towns in Magalia, Korsumis controls the only A barony in Trabant held by baroness Ielis Greve
bridge over the Mageta River. Because of its from the duke of Trabant.
strategic location, Korsumis has been besieged
many times over the centuries. Korsumis is
currently the seat of the count of Magalia. A
The Company of Kurriksor Lashwielder is an
council of twelve aldermen elected by the
Agrikan fighting order sponsored by the order of
Mangai advise the count on commercial matters.
Sedagar the Pitiless. In the 6 th century the order
was one of the more powerful Agrikan fighting
KORUN, County [H8] orders and had a major influence in religious
Location: Southern Trierzon politics. However, in 633 an Ivinian branch of
Ruler: Count Maermyl Elsirin the order broke away, and this was followed by
Population: 125,000 the loss of significant estates near Dovarium
during the Dovalin War. The order is currently
Located in the south of Trierzon, Korlun has hot centred in Beronium, with chapter houses in
summers and mild winters. Like much of Berone, Gorium, and Sadrux.
southern Trierzon wine is a major export. Olive
oil and some semi-precious stones are also
exported in smaller quantities.
KURM, Keep [K9]
A barony in Bomedus held by baron Beraun
Torolla from the duke of Kogamin.
Largely unexceptional in most ways, Korun is
unusual in that the Morgathian church was
particularly prominant in the area under the KUZIME, Keep [B3]
Azeryan Empire. Despite an ongoing campaign A keep in Norimar governed by elgara Gudren
by both the Laranian and Peonian churches to Ledrin for the earl of Norimar. Gudren’s
stamp out the remnants of the worship of husband is a minor Emelan noble and a shenava
Morgath, these efforts have never been wholly of the Lyhavi convocation of the Shek Pvar.
Settlement Hex Type Clan KVALDEMAR, Clan
Originating in the Ivinian kingdom of Rogna, the
Amane G8 Castle Elsirin
Kvaldemars joined Bjan Ledrin in his conquest
Cerde H8 Keep Crasil of Palithane in 514. However, feeling that it was
Gudel H8 Keep Irdryal better to rule their own kingdom than do homage
for part of a larger realm, the Kvaldemars struck
Hernis G8 Keep Naravoste out on their own behalf in 515, conquering the
Himoshin H8 Castle Elsirin archipelago of Tarkain.
Kebre H8 Keep Pramath For the past 200 years the Kvaldemars have
Ketra H8 Castle Crasil ruled Tarkain, successfully playing the larger
Lerequa H9 Keep Coutain powers who claim to rule Tarkain off against
each other, and growing rich on trade. The
Litego H8 Keep Oromil current monarch, Venril Kvaldemar II, is a dark
Lyem H8 Keep Elsirin and brooding man of 47. Although given to
bouts of pessimism and bad temper, Venril is a
Megina G9 Keep Flera thoughtful man and the tiny kingdom has

prospered under his rule. In particular, clan

Kvaldemar has become one of the more
successful merchant houses operating in the
western Venarian Sea and maintains a large and
modern fleet.
LADIS, Keep [D4]
A barony in Liguno held by baron Tomel
Debrole from the earl of Liguno.

The Ladocs are the ruling clan of the county of
Hedames in southwestern Trierzon. A junior
branch of the clan also holds significant land in
Ilaska. This is the cause of some tension
between the Ladocs and the Caplens who rule
Venril’s wife, Miaraal, hails from Korlua, and Ilaska.
has given the king three sons: Gathaar (26),
Sureyn (24), and Burlni (17). Gathaar is married Rodreg Ladoc is the current clan head and count
to Lieri Stafaeld, a daughter of the Earl of Skagia of Hedames. He is an affable old man of 57,
in Palithane, and Venril is seeking similarly perhaps overly given to the locally grown Tero
advantageous matches for his other two sons. wine. His wife, Simara tolerates his drinking but
is not above berating him in front of his vassals
when the mood takes her. Melyn Ladoc,
KWANYS, Earthmaster Site [E1] Rodreg’s eldest daughter has shown little interest
A little known and rarely visited Earthmaster site
in marriage and seems destined for a Peonian
in the centre of the Jerinalian Mountains. The
nunnery. She is highly devout and adored by the
Emela refer to it as the cliff of faces. Unlike
common folk of Hedames. Kastrel Ladoc, at 34
most Earthmaster sites, the entire site is
is likely to inherit the title of count, and is
underground, tunneled into the face of a sheer
currently the elgar of Sindelar. His younger
cliff face. Over the years erosion has covered
brother Juven (29) governs Vondames. Emana
the entrances of a number of the tunnels, and
Ladoc, Rodreg’s youngest daughter is only 22,
weathered the large carvings that adorn the cliff
but married very well. She is the wife of the
face. However, several tunnel entrances are still
current duke of Trabant and has brought her
free of debris, and the interior pseudostone father a very powerful ally.
passages are in good condition.

It is traditional for the Dheria Isvan to enter LAMBEN, Keep [J4]

Kwanys, once upon acceding to the position, and A barony in Faldin held by baron Irmand
again as a final journey when they feel that their Montail for the countess of Faldin. Irmand has
time is up. No Dheria Isvan has ever spoken of little interest in maintaining his fief, and the state
what transpires during their first visit, and none of his lands are poor as a consequence.
return from the last visit. The Emela discourage
other visitors, but do not forbid them, apparently LAMUN, Fortress [N6]
comfortable that Kwanys can look after itself. A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by a single
company of the 2nd Beronium legion.
KYKON, Keep [D6]
A barony in Skagia held by baron Arlek LANGUAGES
Iverybasel from the eal of Skagia. A number of different languages are spoken in
the area covered by the Trierzon regional map.
Ethnic and linguistic boundaries do not
necessarily follow borders, resulting in a
sometimes confusing picture. The following
languages are the most significant:

Azeryani: the language of the Azeryan Lankor has close ties with the counties of
Empire, and some adjoining regions, Anfaldon and Melesuma, including generations
there are two versions of Azeryani. of inter-marriage with the nobility. The
High Azeryani is an idealized version of principality is notorious for the level of intrigue
the language spoken by scholars widely surrounding the throne, and Lankorans have a
across the Trierzon region. Dialects of reputation for deviousness and avarice.
low Azeryani are the main language of
Beronium, the Beroni tribes of the LANRINDAS, Castle [E6]
Korgin Mountains, and the Duchy of A barony in Batana held by baron Wilsrad Uther
Dovalin in Trierzon. from the earl of Batana. The Uthers are related
by marriage to clan Hargal who previously held
Emela: the language of the Emela the title of earl of Batana when the Pelanbys
tribes, and also the kingdom of were earls of Degau only. Wilsrad dreams of
Emelrene. Emela is closely related to ruling Batana himself, and has made discrete
the Jarin languages of Harn. overtures to the count of Palama regarding an
alliance of some sort. He has yet to receive a
Palithanian: a mixture of Ivinian and response.
Trierzi, Palithanian is spoken along the
coast of Palithane.
LANTOL, River [L3]
Shorka: the language of Shorkyne, A river in northeastern Trierzon.
spoken in the northern parts of the
Trierzon region that are under the LARAD, Keep [K5]
control of the kingdom of Shorkyne. A keep in Perna governed by elgar Enre Gamon
for the baron of Chatena. Larad is the site of a
Trierzi: the principal language of shrine to saint Karen, and is popular with
Trierzon, and also of northern Palithane. pilgrims heading to Perna. There is a thriving
There are several dialects of Trierzi, trade in ‘relics’ of spurious value, of which Enre
some of which are quite distinct. The takes a cut.
predominant dialects are Zonargares,
Ubai, Zonarloas, Gaden, and Thanema
(spoken in Palithane). LARBEN, Keep [F4]
A remote barony in Senedalo held by baron
Gavral Yosny from the countess of Senedalo.
LANIRE, Keep [F6] Recently something has been stalking the woods
A keep in Palama governed by elgar Orlan between Larben and Rilyke and travelers have
Gesjarl, an Ivinian warrior who served the count been going missing. Gavral is concerned, but
loyally as a guard for many years before there seems to be little he can do about the
receiving this post. Despite his foreign origins stalker, which leaves no trace.
Orlan has proved to be a good choice for the
post, his past naval experience proving valuable
in ordering the defence of the mouth of the Pados LARYSA, Keep [B3]
River. A keep in Berema governed by elgar Kora
Sheldis for the Queen of Emelrene.

LANISON, Keep [B3]

A keep in Berema governed by elgar Naraen LASENO, Keep [I5]
Mardaith for the Sheriff of Berema. A keep in Peltane governed by elgar Fronde
Equilan for the baron of Ajera.

LANKOR, Principality
A kingdom lying east of Trierzon and north of LATHOR, Keep [B1]
Azeryan, centred around the headwaters of the A keep in Fandalon governed by elgar Pravorn
Degela river system. Lankor was a frontier Firdin for the Earl of Glaron.
march of the Azeryan Empire until it declared
independence in 676. The Empire still regards
Lankor as a rebellious province.

LATIMA, County [I7] the name given to a translucent bright green

Location: Southern Trierzon semi-precious stone found in the vicinity of
Ruler: Elgar Lydin Navastan Lazori. The stone contributes a significant
Population: 134,000 amount to the coffers of the ducal treasury.

Latima occupies a plateau between the Boden LEDENA, Castle [D9]

River and Degela Bay. Although there are A castle in Chimas governed by Elgar Marekin
significant plains around Lindga and in the Urpont for the duke of Trabant. Marekin has a
Boden valley, much of the county is hilly. reputation for hesitancy in dealing with Ivinian
Herding is a significant facet of the economy, raiders, and some rumours brand him a coward.
although olives and lavender are grown
commercially as well.
Up until 694 Latima was ruled by clan Arquet. A keep in Enala governed by elgar Irmond
Between 690 and 694, however, the powerful Badriac for the count of Enala. Lederiel was
duke of Gelamo took advantage of the Chaos and seized from clan Thyzarmon 689.
systematically conquered Latima. In the wake of
the Chaos king Dalhaga has found it politic to LEDET, Keep [G7]
accept the conquest as a fate acompli. A keep in Areshomes held by baron Horatin
Nonetheless, not all of Latima’s nobility accepts Cisoro from the count of Areshomes. The
the conquest, and the Navastan’s grip on the Horatins dislike the Dhimadro’s of Rasora
county is far from secure. intensly.
Settlement Hex Type Clan
Agarith I7 Keep Sureda
LEDIRO, Castle [E9]
A barony in Trabant held by baron Edan Wyclin
Aloma J7 Keep Bloys from the duke of Trabant. The Wyclins are of
Arjel I7 Keep Dutoras Shorkyne origin, and obtained the fief of Lediro
for service to the duke of Trabant during the
Beldosen I7 Keep Halle chaos. A junior branch of the Wyclins still holds
Beluza I7 Keep Touzyn a Naloren in the Shorkyne barony of Darmel.
(Castle) I7 Castle Navastan LEDRIN, Clan
Delimes I7 Keep Navastan Clan Ledrin is the ruling house of the kingdom
of Palithane. Hailing originally from Seldenbaal,
Edora J7 Keep Wyclinet the Ledrins of Palithane are far more powerful
Egrain I7 Keep Naroste than the remnants of the Ivinian parent clan.
Falame I7 Keep Navastan
Clan Ledrin has ruled Palithane since Bjan
Gydon I7 Keep Halle Ledrin proclaimed the kingdom in 519TR. Since
Habala J7 Town Freetown then, the clan’s control of the kingdom has been
patchy as divisions within clan Ledrin have
Hemares I7 Keep Navastan made it difficult for the clan to exert its
Lindga I7 Castle Navastan authority. A legacy of this internecine rivalry is
Nidon I7 Castle Halle that while Braen Ledrin is the notional clan head
and king of Palithane, his uncle Aaren Ledrin
Panega I7 Keep Arpian holds the fief of Liguno in his own right.
Quede J8 Keep Orsyle
Braen Ledrin is a clear headed and determined
Usherus I7 Keep Navastan man of 34. Although his upbringing in the
Wedaso I8 Keep Garmaron ruthless world of clan Ledrin politics has made
him aware of the virtues of pragmatism, he is an
idealist at heart. A devout Laranian, he sees
LAZORI, Keep [K9] securing the church’s postion in Palithane as his
A keep in Zhoren governed by elgar Tyran
role in life, but is also aware that it offers the
Melaron for the duchess of Zhoren. Lazora is
opportunity to significantly strengthen the

position of the king. To this end Braen is that their intentions represent anything other than
planning a pilgrimage to Tengela in the next platonic friendship.
year. It is rumoured that while in Tengela he
plans to personally request the pontiff’s blessing LEGION, 1ST BERONIUM
for the creation of a Palithanian fighting order of Also known as the “Dealers of Sorrow”, the 1 st
Larani. Beronium is a provincial legion in the Azeryan
army. The legion is raised from the district
With fair hair and blue eyes, Braen is short, but around Berone, and comprises the forces most
strong and a skilled knight. He looks younger readily available to the Seneshelen most of the
than he actually is, but this does not make him a time. For this reason the 1st Beronium is better
less effective leader. Currently unmarried, Braen quality than most provincial legions. Nearly half
is seeking a marriage that brings with it a major its troops are full time professionals, meaning
foreign ally. that about 950 soldiers are on duty at any one
time, including reservists. The legion is
Aaren Ledrin looks similar to his nephew – short organized as two cohorts of mixed medium and
and strong with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. light foot, a cohort of light foot, and a cohort of
He too retains the family’s youthful face, looking light archers. The Mekelen of the legion,
much younger than his 59 years. Aaren is Damral Kepalras is a grizzled veteran of 56.
intelligent and ambitious. It is clear that he seeks
the throne, if not for himself then for one of his
heirs. Aaren is, however, acutely aware that the LEGION, 2ND BERONIUM
Ledrin’s position in Palithane could be Based in the districts around Kethano, the 2 nd
jeopardized by civil war, and has looked to the Beronium “Standing Lions” is a provincial
clan thrangaad as a route to power. Currently legion in the Azeryan army, and one of the few
Braen has the support of the thrangaad, but the legions associated with the worship of Larani
majority is not large. rather than Agrik. The Standing Lions are a
fairly typical provincial legion comprising three
Aaren is earl of Liguno, and his wife Fiamante is slightly understrength cohorts of light foot and
the daughter of the count of Athamas. Fiamante one of light archers. There are 16 permanent
is nearly as ambitious as her husband, although companies in the legion, mostly equipped as
in her case this is also tied to Thanema medium foot. In battle, the permanent troops
nationalism. She loves her husband and has born form the front two ranks. Lanas Vanostra, the
him three daughters now aged 29 (Bernynde), 27 legionary Mekelen is from a devout Laranian
(Liset), and 24 (Syvella). Berynde remains family in Lorimae. His religion has prevented
unmarried. his advancement beyond the command of an
unfashionable provincial legion.
LEGAMA, River [B1]
The primary river of central Emelrene, the LEGION, GORIUM
Legama is swift flowing and only navigable A provincial legion based in and around the town
within 20 or 30 leagues of its mouth. The upper of Gorium on Beronium. The Gorium legion is
reaches of the Legama River and its tributaries understrength, and morale is not high.
are the site of a mining boom. There are a Organised as three cohorts of light foot and one
number of valuable silver mines in the area, and of light archers, there are only 12 companies of
increasing amounts of both gold and silver are regular troops in the whole legion. The Mekelen
being found month by month. for the Gorium legion is Julah Senaru, a highly
intelligent and compentent man of 25 from a
relatively low status noble clan. This post is as
LEGEO, Keep [G3] good as he could get, and he plans to make the
A barony in Stalfore held by baroness Jayme best of it.
Melasyth. Jayme inherited the fief from her
father after he died in a boating accident on the
River Staf. She is an attractive woman in her LEGION OF PRESENT DESTINY
early twenties with striking red hair. Several An elite Court Legion of the Azeryan army,
local knights are courting her, but she has shown currently stationed at and around Berone. The
little interest and is, in fact, not really very aware legion arrived in Beronium in 719, and many
believe its arrival marks the start of a build up by

the Azeryan Empire towards war with Trierzon. Under the command of Mekelen Goresh
The Legion of Present Destiny consists of one Amestyl, the Stone Hands are considered the
(undestrength) cohort of heavy cavalry, two second best of Beronium’s provincial legions.
cohorts of medium cavalry (lance and bow The legion has 21 companies of regulars, and is
armed), and one cohort of light cavalry. The organaised entirely as light foot and light
commander of the legion is Mekelen Nykas archers.
Sedegaya, an intelligent but untested commander
of 29 from an influenctial noble clan. LEGORE, Keep [G9]
A keep in Ilaska governed by elgar Ires Caplen
for the count of Ilaska.

LEGURO, Keep [M3]

A barony in Anfaldon held by baron Lendhar
Perigor from the count of Anfaldon.

LEIDRAS, Castle [B2]

A castle in Alwina and seat of the Sheriff of
Alwina. The current Sheriff, Ermand Irlyra is
new to the position, having only been appointed
in the autumn of 719.

LELPUS, Keep [J4]

A barony in Malagos held by baron Parlen
Arpelius from the count of Malagos.

LEMAN, Keep [K5]

LEGION OF RIGHTEOUS MIGHT A keep in Mankonia governed by elgar Conwan
An elite Court Legion of the Azeryan army Quenel for the Duke of Ubai. Conwan is
raised and paid for by the Agrikan church. The actually a runaway serf from Thelshire in Kaldor
Legion of Righteous Might has been stationed in on Harn. He has worked as a mercantyler, a
Beronium since the Dovalin War, when it was mercenary, a harper, and labourer since fleeing
instrumental in driving the Trierzi army back his manor and has risen far. His one fear is that a
from Berone. The legion is organized as one visitor from Harn might identify him.
cohort of heavy cavalry and three cohorts of
medium infantry. Mekelen Ushral Pamesh is
considered by many to be the best sword in LEMNIS, Keep [K6]
Beronium. A harsh and unforgiving man, he is a A barony in Mankonia held by baroness Para
skilled and cunning strategist. Duvage from the Duke of Ubai.


More formally known as the “Legion of the A keep in Alwina governed by elgar Gonred
Immovable Stone Hand of Darimur”, this unit is Fallaon for the Earl of Kardim.
the only surviving component of the Azeryan
garrison of Zonora. At the time of the Trierzi LEPOMA, Keep [I6]
Rebellion the legion was still stationed at its A barony in Gelamo held by baron Renald
traditional base at Darimur. When it became Moseau from the duke of Gelamo. The Moseaus
clear that Zonora was lost, the legion retreated also hold the keeps of Demere and Izario.
over the Dronim pass into Beronium in good
order, where it has been garrisoned ever since.
Although the unit is now a typical provincial LEREDAS, Castle [K2]
legion based in, and recruiting from, the area A barony in Nadamia, and the seat of count
around Lorimae, the unit maintains a proud Rolan Merovinia, count of Nadamia. In 695 the
tradition. castle was besieged by the forces of king Arthis
during the Chaos, but Leredas held and Arthis

died as the result of a fever caught during the LEXERES, Keep [I4]
siege. Leredas remains one of the strongest A barony in Baldeme held by baron Artoren
castles in northern Trierzon. Built on top of a Nadoni from the count of Baldeme. Baron
steep rocky ridge, two circuits of walls surround Artoren is conducting a private war with the
a massive donjon. baron of Vadela over some disputed lands.
Despite mediation by the elgars of Enefen and of
LEREJES, Keep [K8] Baldeme as a whole, the war continues. Several
A barony in Bomedus held by baron Yandrol manors lying between the two keeps have been
Plessien from the duke of Kogamin. Yandrol is sacked, and raids on crops and likestock are
an impious man, given to raiding livestock from commonplace.
the Laranian lands around Gyros. He has been
excommunicated, and there have been a few LIBIN, Castle [D9]
minor skirmishes, but so far Yandrol does not A barony in Chimas held by baron Anri Gervase
seem to take the Laranian’s anger particularly from the duke of Trabant. Libin’s position
seriously. Yandrol is the cousin of the powerful sitting at the junction of four important roads
baron of Riome. makes it the linchpin of Chimas’ coastal
defences. Along with the keep of Torgis, also
LEREQUA, Keep [H9] held by the Gervase family, Libin controls the
A barony in Korun held by baron Karvel Coutain routes between Kirgaras and the rest of Chimas.
from the count of Korun. For this reason Faradan Chivara would very
much like an opportunity to incorporate some of
the Gervase domains into the Chivara holdings.
LERJEM, Keep [H5] To date the strength of Libin and Faradan’s
A keep in Devai governed by elgar Brethil uncertain control over the duchy has prevented
Sabral for the duke of Gelamo. him from acting.

LERKUNIS, Keep [H9] LIBORAE, Keep [I2]

A keep in Manas governed by elgar Parthel A barony in Ilbra held by baron Jerbin Arlathos
Berengar for the baroness of Gelori. from the duke of Stalfore.

LESHONES, Town [D5] LIGENA, Castle [J8]

Population: 6,300. A chartered Freetown in A barony in Kogamin governed by elgar Huris
Luindar, Luindar received its charter when Sevandralo for the duke of Kogamin. Ligena has
Ragnald Ledrin crushed the coalition of earls at a good harbour and a small town of about 1700
Cembion Field in 619. The town elders are has grown up around it. The harbour also serves
actively hostile towards the Raldsens, who rule as one of Trierzon’s most important naval
Luindar, remembering that it was Raldsens who depots.
led the sack of Leshones in 516. The earl’s
officers need to tread carefully when within the
city walls. The town is governed by a council of LIGES, Castle [L7]
twelve aldernen elected by members of the A castle in Magalia held by elgar Yigal Orsilin
Mangai. for the count of Magalia.

LESOLES, Castle [M3] LIGUNO, Bay [C4]

A barony in Anfaldon governed be elgar An arm of the Gulf of Ederwyn, largely bypassed
Malpard Oloryne for the count of Anfaldon. by trading vessels if possible.

LETERE, Keep [H6]

A barony in Vedin held by baron Eran Capolan
from the duke of Gelamo. Eran is currently
absent from Letere on a pilgrimage to Tengela.
He left in the autumn of 719 and is expected to
return in the spring of 720.

LIGUNO, County [C4] LIMAFE, Keep [I5]

Location: Palithane A keep in Peltane governed by elgar Denialo
Ruler: Earl Aaren Ledrin Xavande for the count of Peltane.
Population: 190,000
LIMBEL, Keep [L5]
Occupying the middle reaches of the Ypena A barony in Perna held by baroness Serenima
valley and the north shore of Liguno bay, the Oulan from the count of Perna. Serenima is a
county of Liguno is one of the largest counties in devout Peonian and a close confidant of the
Palithane. Control over Liguno was crucial in pontiff. She spends much of her time in Perna.
Ragnald Ledrin’s reassertion of royal authority
in the early seventh century TR. Since the death
of Rohn Ledrin in 705 TR, however, the county LINDEDH, Castle [F3]
has been under the control of earl Aaren Ledrin, A barony in Tamanias held by baroness Debrena
and a centre of resistence to royal power. Langlyn from the count of Athamas. The
Langlyns also control the nearby keep of Edeme,
Although a considerable amount of trade passes and claim the keep of Higelo in Trierzon. She
through Liguno, the region is not rich in natural has five sons, all of whom are fond of raiding
resources. Some of the larger settlements – Trierzi holdings.
particularly Antivel – have turned to
manufacturing and the region is increasingly LINDGA, Castle [I7]
important as a source of woolen cloth and A castle in Latima and seat of elgar Lydin
ironware. Navastan. Before 694 Lindga was the seat of the
Settlement Hex Type Clan count of Latima. The castle was besieged by
Gavrel Navastan in late 693 and fell in mid 694.
Antivel C4 Town Freetown Since the conquest of Latmia there has been a
Balyda D4 Castle Savondar significant effort to improve the castle’s
Cabra C4 Town Ledrin
Dagael C4 Castle Ledrin
Eston D4 Keep Dowrys A barony in Melesuma held by baron Huras
Faraces D4 Keep Evegny Calori from the count of Melesuma.
Gilvas D4 Keep Savondar
LINIMO, Keep [M2]
Helenon D4 Castle Ledrin A barony in Anfaldon governed by elgar Huris
Ivama D4 Keep Savondar Brovana for the baron of Mingra. Linimo is built
on the site of an old Azeri border fortress. The
Jelevus C4 Keep Orolan
stonework of the lower part of the keep may also
Jeneo B5 Keep Gilsenaal be Azeri work, but the locals claim it is the work
Kadla D4 Keep Gall of Brovager, a giant said to dwell on the nearby
mount Brovand.
Ladis D4 Keep Debrole
Menhaga D4 Keep Haagel LINRI, Keep [G7]
Niloda C4 Keep Ledrin A barony in Areshomes held by baron Lendhar
Melathno from the count of Areshomes.
Otenbras D5 Keep Ledrin
Pursel C4 Keep Aarna LINS, Keep [C1]
Queril C4 Keep Forsenard A barony in Fandalon held by baron Althar
Amond from the Earl of Glaron Lins was sacked
Randir C4 Keep Ledrin
during Sedrial’s Rebellion and there are rumours
Selash D5 Keep Melesyn that the baron of the time had hidden much of his
Swilt D5 Keep Falden personal wealth in the hills south of the keep
before the battle.
Thalimo C4 Keep Ledrin

LINUD, Keep [M3] Legion of the Stone Hand. A full cohort of the
A barony in Melesuma held by baroness Yolinde Legion of Present Destiny is also currently
Mornel from the count of Melesuma. Yolinde is stationed here.
a devout conventional Laranian and a close
friend of the knight commander at Jirese. LORISH, Keep [L3]
A barony in Melesuma held by baron Iras Bissal
LINUGA, Keep [J1] from the count of Melesuma.
A keep in the county of Elavona in Shorkyne.
LIPYL, Keep [A2] The Lorytsa, or Goose Maidens, are a spirit or
A barony in Malad held by baroness Nerelyne entity of some sort said to be associated with the
Dyreste from the Queen of Emelrene. Nerelyne Degela River and its tributaries. On occasion, a
has invested much of her wealth in the linen man wandering along the banks of a river will
trade and is, perhaps, the wealthiest noble in come across a comely young maiden with a
Malad. She is respected by the Mangai, but does gaggle of exceptionally large white geese. Like
not get along with the Earl of Emane. Much of a Dryad, a Goose Maiden will often take a
the land around Lipyl is given over to growing mortal back to her underwater home as a lover.
cash crops using paid labour. The mortal will usually be freed after a year or
so, but many tales recount how the mortal then
wanders the banks of the river, eventually
LIRGUN, Town [K10] throwing themselves back into the river and
Population: 9,200. Lirgun is the largest drowning in an effort to return to their lover.
settlement in Ilona and the site of a Trierzi naval According to some other tales, one of the
depot. The town is wealthy from trade passing Lorytsa’s geese holds her soul. If a canny mortal
through the Ilona Straights, and many clans can capture the right goose, the Lorytsa can be
worship Halea. Lirgun is governed by a council persuaded to leave her river and marry the
of the 18 most powerful merchant clans. mortal. Having such a wife is said to bring good
Rivalries between the clans are fierce, and may luck in all matters relating to water – including
spill over into duels in the streets or piracy at sea agriculture.
given a chance.

LOSIDE, Keep [F9]

LITEGO, Keep [H8] A keep in Bodima governed by Kaslen Fenelosa
A keep in Korun governed by elgar Sabilan for the baron of Jeser.
Oromil for the baron of Oromus. Sabilan is
warped even by the standards of his family and
is a deviant psychopath. His serfs are amongst LOSON, Keep [J6]
the worst treated in Trierzon. A barony in Jaleda governed by elgar Vandor
Mansal for the baron of Farese.
LLENDRYF, Mount [D2]
A peak in the southern Jerinalian Mountains LUDEL, Keep [K5]
(6411’). A barony in Ubai held by baron Tylaen Isylda
from the duke of Ubai. The Isyldas also hold the
keep of Anuba. The baron’s most prized
LOGINES, Town [J1] possession is what is said to be the horn of a
A town in the Shorkyne county of Vadone. unicorn. The horn is displayed whenever the
baron holds a feast.
LORIMAE, Town [M6]
Population: 10,100. A sizeable town and LUDOM, Abbey [F5]
important port in the population of Beronium. A Peonian monastery high in the Luinde
Lorimae is frequently used as a stop over for Mountains. Run by the Irreproachable Order,
merchants not wanting to negotiate Tasha Sound Ludom was founded early on during the Peonian
to reach Berone. The town’s civilian governor is church’s missionary work in the region. Located
Vishras Anesh Kureksel, an ageing man with on the site of an older Emelan shrine to the old
strong connections to the mercantyler’s guild. gods, the monks of Ludom have managed to
The town is garrisoned by 10 companies of the

convince the Emela and successive waves of west of Darshen, the highway is not well
Azeri, Trierzi, and Ivinian overlords of their maintained, having been allowed to deteriorate
holiness through piety and their superb skill at heavily in the century after the founding of
healing. Palithane. Although the kings of Palithane have
subsequently attempted to repair the road (and
Centuries of relative isolation and co-existence have built new roads in Palithane), the quality of
with the Emela, however, have led to distinctly the new roads is not comparable to the original
unorthodox practices among the monks of Azeryan work.
Ludom. Ludom now skirts the dangerous edge
of heresy,and it is possible that the Peonian LUINDE, Mountains [E5]
primate of Palithane will try to reform the A mountain range dividing the Gaden River
monstary in the near future. valley from the coast of Palithane. The Luinde
Mountains have a significant Emelan population,
LUINDAR, County [D5] which is largely ignored by the surrounding
Location: Palithane Trierzi and Palithanian lords.
Ruler: Anselm Raldsen
Population: 84,000 LUMIN, Keep [K9]
A barony in Zhoren held by baron Engeuraan
The least populous county in Palithane, Luindar Martyl from the duchess of Zhoren.
comprises the Gaira river valley and the vales of
the Luinde mountains. Much of the south of the
county is scrub covered hills, suitable for little LUTHEN, Keep [B3]
more than sheep and goat rearing, but the plains A barony in Norimar held by baron Hast Bossen
around the confluence of the Gaire and Ypena from the earl of Norimar.
rivers are fertile.
LUVAR, Keep [L8]
Wool and flax are major exports from Luindar, A barony in Tengela held by baroness Syvalla
both of which go to Emelrene for the cloth trade. Sirnanten from the pontiff of the Laranian
Fruit is also grown in the valleys of the Luinde church.
mountains, and honey is a significant export in
some areas. None of these products, however,
alters the fact that Luindar is a backwater and far LYDON, Keep [L9]
from wealthy. A barony in Dovalin held by baron Eran Toras
from the duke of Dovalin.
Settlement Hex Type Clan
Albodh D5 Keep Landre LYEM, Keep [H8]
Alvis D5 Keep Presjnik A keep in Korun governed be elgar Depard
Elsirin for the count of Korun.
Cembion D5 Keep Ledrin
Gemeth E5 Castle Raldsen LYEN, Keep [M3]
Hemestra D5 Keep Raldsen A barony in Anfaldon governed by elgar Ralon
Travendal for the count of Melesuma. The
Leshones D5 Town Freetown
Travendals gained Lyen after the Tobran
Mengeva D5 Keep Mengevan inquisition at the expense of a Tobran family, an
Sefin D5 Keep Hjaiden act of opportunism that some Tobran families
have yet to forgive the Travendals for. The
Trant D5 Keep Talisaar count of Melesuma owes the count of Anfaldon
Valeka D5 Keep Vaalkart homage for Lyen.


Begun as early as 303, the Luinde highway was A keep in Devai governed by elgar Evard
not completed until 314. The highway runs west Kamalrith for the duke of Gelamo. Evard owes
from Vedin for over 150 leagues to Parahal via his position to the duke’s attempt to ingratiate
Penetha, Palaso, Zuraal, Harigol, and Leshones. himself with the Sebrath.

however, is the fertile Mageta River valley. The

LYZEL, Keep [J5] equally fertile Pagon valley sees too much
A barony in Mankonia held by baron Evastan fighting to realize its full potential.
Sancras from the Duke of Ubai. Evastan’s Settlement Hex Type Clan
young son ended up at the nearby keep of Heltos Bereb L7 Castle Avarkiel
through a series of mischances, and the baron of
Heltos has since held him hostage and Cheaga M7 Castle Orsilin
blackmailed Evastan by threatening the boy’s Gebrond M7 Town Freetown
life. Evastan is seriously considering mounting a
covert raid to sieze Heltos. Genalo L8 Keep Adriedes
Hegoza L7 Keep Orsilin
Kentor M7 Keep Ranyon

MABLA, Keep [M3]
A barony in Anfaldon governed by elgar Sirtus Nyser L8 Castle Orsilin
Ymande for the count of Anfaldon. Udele L7 Keep Alai

MADELES, Keep [N2] MAGEBUR, Keep [B3]

A barony in Anfaldon held by baron Maturo A keep in Ulama governed by elgar Mathas
Capetia from the count of Anfaldon. Eredyste for the Sheriff of Ulama.

MAGALIA, County [L7] MAGETA, River [L8]

Location: Eastern Trierzon A river in Trierzon. The two bridges across the
Ruler: Count Dyco Orsilin river – at Kosumis and Chenas are heavily
Population: 108,000 fortified.
A county in Trierzon and part of the Duchy of
Dovalin. The Pagon River, which marks MAGRIS, Town [L10]
Magalia’s northern border, has also been Population: 6,100. Magris is the largest
Trierzon’s border with the Azeryan Empire since settlement in Omegen and the seat of elgar
the end of the Dovalin war in 640 TR. The Gorthes Beyon. The town has a long tradition of
Dovalin war was started in 638 when the count trade and piracy, and the elgar is struggling to
of Magalia, marched south from Chenas to impose his authority on the settlement. There is
besiege Dovarium. Although Dovarium was a long standing rivalry between the merchants of
taken, Trierzon lost all its remaining holdings Magris and those of Keprel, Lirgun, and Rigeros.
north of the Pagon River. This misjudgment lost
house Orsilin the trust of the King and the MAKOSA, River [H9]
Dorsenes were put in charge of the newly formed A river in Trierzon flowing into the Gelbin
Duchy of Dovalin to secure the border. The Bight.
Orsilins held on to a reduced County of Magalia
as part of the new duchy. The current Count,
Dyco Orsilin is a sensible man in his early
thirties. He is actually a much more reliable
commander than the duke, but his family history
prevents him being considered as a suitable
match for the duke’s youngest daughter.

Much of Magalia is mountainous and

undeveloped. The wilder reaches of the Korgin
Mountains are a source of timber and some
minerals. The wealthiest area of the county,

MALAD, Shire [A2] MALAGOS, Keep [E9]

Location: Emelrene A barony in Trabant held by baron Jaon Durazzo
Shire Moot: Tesdony from the duke of Trabant.
Population: 111,000
MALAGOS, County [J4]
Malad is a shire in Emelrene lying between the Location: Central Trierzon
Gulf of Modan and the Gamena river valley. A Ruler: Count Jaspin Perard
major centre in the Linen trade, Malad has Population: 113,000
prospered over the last few decades, a stark
contrast to the early 6th century when Malad bore Malagos is a thinly settled county occupying a
the brunt of Ivinian raiding. There is some largely rough and hilly area between the Degela
tension between the increasingly commercially and Gaden Rivers. Although close to Trierzon’s
oriented guilds of Malad and the more capital at Ubarian, Malagos is something of a
conservative royal government. To date this has backwater. The main highway between Ubarian
been managed effectively, but the Sheriff of and the Shorkyne border runs through the middle
Malad faces a difficult job. of Malagos, but apart from this much of the
Settlement Hex Type Clan county is thinly settled. Most of the population
Belonim A3 Keep Belona is concentrated along the banks of the Gaden
Emane A2 Castle Byrefin
Feledir A2 Keep Byrefin There is some mining of copper in the eastern
parts of the county, and the hillier parts of the
Hempel A2 Keep Foraelen county are also famous for their ham.
Kirgena A3 Keep Modarien Settlement Hex Type Clan
Lipyl A2 Keep Dyreste Dural I4 Keep Perard
Malad A2 Town Freetown Dyna J5 Castle Jasrelay
Mirefe A2 Keep Saldion Gaeden I4 Keep Perard
Nemono A2 Keep Byrefin Gandes J4 Keep Perard
Orjela A3 Keep Sheriff Malad Irema J4 Keep Kerione
Paregin A2 Keep Goslet Jatin J4 Keep Dulausine
Quethren A2 Keep Sheriff Malad Lelpus J4 Keep Arpelius
Sarna A2 Keep Byrefin Malagos J5 Town Perard
Tesdony A2 Castle Sheriff Malad Malis J5 Keep Jasrelay
Negyn J4 Keep Pausan
MALAD, Town [A2]
Population: 6,300. Malad is the third largest Oseles J4 Keep Gareldau
town in Emelrene after Berema and Alwin, and Remese J4 Keep Remestal
is an important centre in the linen trade. Over
Selfros J4 Keep Yvndal
the past 50 years Malad has grown strongly, and
its population continues to increase. There is a Tidral J4 Castle Perard
significant labour shortage in thr town, and the Zaldor I4 Keep Toraste
town aldermen push the limits of their charter in
welcoming runaway serfs. This has led to
several clashes with the Sheriff. The town is MALAGOS, Town [J5]
governed by a mayor elected from 12 aldermen, Population: 8,500. The largest settlement in the
each representing a district in the town. Malad county of Malagos. The town of Malagos has
provides several ships for the royal fleet as part traditionally owed much of its wealth to traffic
of its charter. on the old highway running north from
Versheme. Recently a new bridge at Dyna has
begun to eat into this position, and the local
Mangai would like to see some action taken.

Count Jaspin has, however, been reluctant to act. MANAS, County [H9]
The town is governed by elgar Hald Perard, the Location: Southern Trierzon
count’s cousin and a man of little imagination. Ruler: Count Bardil Valastre
Population: 177,000
MALER, River [E4]
A river in Palithane draining the western Luinde Lying on the south coast of Trierzon, Manas
Mountains. inherited heavy defences from the Azeryan
Empire. These have been maintained and
upgraded over the years by the counts of Manas.
MALGATAN, Hills [I6] These fortifications, combined with a wide band
Geologically an extension of the Luinde of coastal hills and distance from Ivinian staging
Mountains, the Malgatan Hills are a rough forest grounds largely spared Manas the worst of the
covered highland area in central Trierzon. The Viking years.
Malgatan Hills are famous for hunting, and for
the prized Malgatan white truffle. The hills are Although the hinterland of Manas is fertile, the
also a refuge for brigands and roughnecks of all real wealth of the county comes from trade. The
sorts. town of Chedilo is Trierzon’s second largest port
after Janora. Although Chedilo has not fared
MALINU, Castle [L8] well recently in competition with the larger port,
A barony in Tengela held by baron Torin Eskarel it still prospers from locally grown wine and
from the pontiff of the Laranian church. The fruit, as well as shipping from Azeryan to
lands around Malinu were heavily damaged in a northwestern Lythia that chooses to bypass the
raid by the Azeryan navy in 718, and the fief is ports of Degela Bay.
only just recovering.
Settlement Hex Type Clan
Amoya H9 Castle Valastre
MALIS, Keep [J5]
A keep in Malagos governed by elgar Mendyz Ankaryf H9 Castle Peliaran
Jasrelay for the baron of Dyna. Balon I9 Keep Abolys
Brenu H9 Keep Xavandris
MALMEN, Town [J6]
Population: 5,800. Malmen is the second largest Chedilo H9 Town Freetown
settlement in the county of Mankonia. The town Debishes H9 Castle Loshael
is governed by elgar Mathas Pare for the Duke of
Enape H9 Keep Valastre
Ubai, although he is advised by a council of
seven prominent guild masters. The town is Fabos H9 Keep Tarsanyl
famous for the release of four wild bulls in the Fenes G9 Keep Valastre
town centre on the first of Nolus each year to
celebrate Saint Maermal’s day. It is considered Gelori H10 Castle Berengar
to bring good luck to touch one of the bulls Herdos H9 Keep Colerda
before it leaves the town square.
Lerkunis H9 Keep Berengar

MALUTH, Keep [K8] Masekel H9 Keep Dutouline

A barony in bomedus held by baron Ostal Nelidoth H9 Castle Colerda
Velchiers from the duke of Kogamin. Niledaros I8 Keep Nyledar
Ovana I9 Castle Valastre
MAMESAL, Castle [J9]
A barony in Bomedus governed by elgar Anskar Penlin G9 Castle Valastre
Ledevin for the duke of Kogamin. The castle of Pesende H9 Castle Valastre
Mamesal is built on the site of an Azeri coastal
fortress that was named Mamesalum. Rizuma G9 Town Valastre
Tangaen I8 Keep Pethan
Zyren H9 Keep Ysorlde

MANKON, Town [K5] Lemnis K6 Keep Duvage

Population: 10,200. The largest town in
Mankonia, Mankon guards the only bridge over Lyzel J5 Keep Sancras
the Degela river below Ubarian. Situated close Malmen J6 Town Andrevin
to the Adegin Pass, Mankon is strategically
Mankon K5 Town Freetown
important, but also well positioned to catch trade
coming west along the Adegin highway from the Musin J5 Keep Ebestan
Azeryan Empire. The Azeryan Empire Naxin J5 Keep Ebestan
recognized this, and stationed a legion in the
town when they governed Trierzon. The citadel Necure J5 Keep Gramonel
of Mankon is centred on the old Azeryan Orgnia J5 Castle Delais
legionary fortress which has been well
Pedilones K5 Keep Andrevin
maintained. Mankon is a chartered Freetown
governed by a council of 9 aldermen elected Pelsye J6 Keep Cloutan
from the Mangai and representatives of the Pevenis K6 Keep Belliare
churches of Save Knor, Halea, Larani, and Peoni.
Quantale K5 Keep Andrevin
MANKONIA, County [J5] Sarilen J6 Castle Andrevin
Location: Central Trierzon Ulni K5 Keep Ebestane
Ruler: Elgar Sidan Pare
Population: 276,000 Vunore J5 Keep Ebestan

Mankonia is the largest county in the Duchy of MANORE, Keep [H1]

Ubai. Most of the county lies west of the Degela A keep in the Shorkyne county of Falimae.
River, and the population is largely of Zonarloas
descent. Mankonia is somewhat less MARIS, Castle [A1]
cosmopolitan than Ubai, lacking the
A castle in Quandas governed by elgar Banal
governmental role of Ubarian. Nonetheless, the
Makalse for the earl of Argonel.
county is anything but a backwater.

Large quantities of trade move up and down the MARLISE, Castle [M6]
Degela River, passing through the town of A castle in Beronium
Mankon. Grain is a major export. Indeed, so garrisoned by a cohort
great is Mankonia’s grain harvest that there is a of the Legion of
surplus even after feeding Ubarian and Janora. Righteous
Devastation. Telmen
Settlement Hex Type Clan Xenovya Falsara
Anlide K5 Castle Ebestan commands the
Belinden K5 Keep Pourellan military forces of
Marlise district. A
Blodel K5 Keep Freyl devout Agrikan, her
Deldi K6 Keep Belarde policies towards the tribal Beroni dwelling in the
mountains west of Marlise are likely to result in
Erashes J5 Keep Delais armed conflict in the near future. The district
Fanime J6 Keep Giral Vishras, Gorash Celano is corrupt and
extortionate, which exacerbates the problem.
Ganse K5 Keep Andrevin
Heilger K5 Keep Jossepan
MARNAD, River [D1]
Heltos J5 Keep Heltane A tributary of the Legama River with its source
Hirine K6 Keep Pare in the heart of the Jerinalian Mountains.
Imashes J5 Keep Delais
MARTEN, Keep [K5]
Kolmede J6 Keep Lessyn A keep in Ubai governed by elgar Dumas Arten
Leman K5 Keep Andrevin for the duke of Ubai. Marten is a favourite

retreat for the king. The hills behind Marten are 24 year old nephew of Ysraac. Elvyn is being
a royal hunting preserve. pressured to press his suit by his family, and
does not really wish to marry the older Estir.
MASEKEL, Keep [H9] Also, he is too closely related (even if only by
A barony in Manas held by baron Erybar marriage) to Estir for the Laranian church to
Dutouline from the count of Manas. approve of the marriage.

Estir has two daughters aged 21 and 17. Neither

MAXEN, Keep [I7] daughter is married, nor do they display any
A barony in Rindi held by baron Kabalda talent for government. Estir is concerned for her
Sandael from the count of Rindi. The keep is line.
built on the site of an old Azeryani fort. The
cellars of the keep are quite extensive and
connect up to the cellars of the old Azeryani fort, MEDDRIN, Keep [B1]
many of which have not been ventured into in A barony in Algram held by baron Belsaris
decades. Isfalen from the earl of Nalise.

MAXIR, Town [B1] MEDEN, Keep [L3]

Population: 5,400. A royal town in Algram, and A barony in Faldin held by baron Torithel Kasin
site of the shire moot. Algram has a significant from the countess of Faldin.
agricultural hinterland, but is not a major trading
destination. The sheriff of Algram – Hain MEDYNA, Castle [G9]
Noredais – is a narrow minded man of 46. He A barony in Bodima held by baron Belsaris
does not get along well with the nearby sheriff of Pedaro from the duke of Trabant. Medyna is one
Quandas in Detule, and as a result the stretch of of the strongest castles in southwestern Trierzon,
highway from Maxir to Detule is poorly and shrugged off a siege by the duke of Trabant
patrolled. during the chaos. The castle is built on a low
island surrounded by a broad expanse of
MEBAN, Keep [D6] treacherous tidal mud-flats. Access is only
A keep in Skagia governed by elgar Almo possible over a causeway, which is awash at high
Stafaeld for the earl of Skagia. tide.

MEDARO, Clan MEGINA, Keep [G9]

A Shorkyne clan holding the Telkoren (duchy) A barony in Korun held by baroness Glinde Fera
of Vadone in Shorkyne. Estir Medaro, the from the count of Korun.
current clanhead of clan Medaro, also holds the
county of Senedalo in Trierzon. A mousy MEGLENDRO, Keep [M7]
widow of 43, Estir married count Ysrac Calstian A keep in Tashones governed by elgar Gyan
in 697, but lost him to a hunting accident in 714. Wystal for the town of Tashones. Meglendro is
located on a low hill inland from the coast, with
Since Ysraac’s death, Estir has held Senedalo. a good vantage point over much of the island on
This has caused some tension with members of which it is located. The town maintains two
clan Calstian who would have liked to see the companies of cavalry here to deal with Azeryan
county remain in Calstian hands. Estir’s claim, raiding partires.
however, is very strong and she chooses to spend
much of her time in Senedalo rather than in MEGRAIN, Town [K9]
Shorkyne. Population: 6,800. A chartered Freetown and the
largest settlement in the county of Zhoren.
Despite not being particularly good looking, Megrain prospers as the main entrepot for goods
Estir is one of the most eligible women in from Tengela, Zhoren, and to a lesser degree
Trierzon. She is currently being courted by Bomedus. First settled by the Beroni, Megrain
several gentlemen. The most notable of these is developed into a walled town even before the
the duke of Stalfore, but Estir is disinclined to Azeryan conquest. Currently the town is
marry him since the duke has male heirs and she administed by a council of seven. Three seats
does not. Another suitor is Elvyn Calstian, the

are controlled by the Halean church, two by the MELENDEN, Castle [K4]
Mangai, and one each by the Laranian church A castle in Ubai governed by elgar Tibol Arten
and the church of Save Knor. for the duke of Ubai. Tibol has extensive
experience on the frontier with the Azeryan
MEGYNA, Keep [I5] Empire, but was lamed in a skirmish. His
A keep in Gelamo governed by elgar Stefal current position is something of a retirement
Sabral for the baron of Alsinor. sinecure.

MEKARNO, Castle [K6] MELESUMA, County [L3]

A barony in Janora and seat of the elgar of Location: Northern Trierzon
Janora, Stefal Pretilion, who governs the duchy Ruler: Rolan-Mirgael Travendal
of Kogamin for the king of Trierzon. Mekarno Population: 368,000
itself is an impressive fortress overlooking the
lower Degela River. During the early seventh Melesuma is a wealthy county in the upper
century several Viking attacks were made on Degela valley occupying most of the lands
Mekarno. None were successful. A cohort of around Lake Heligath. Isolated from the
the royal army is now stationed here to protect political centre of Trierzon by a westward
the route to the center of Trierzon along the extension of the Korgin Mountains, Melesuma
Degela River. has always had strong connections with Lankor.

The Dronim pass supports a thriving trade with

MEKELEN, Title the Azeryan province of Beronium, but the width
A Mekelen is a senior commander in the of the pass and rough terrain has always proved a
Azeryan army. The title translates roughly as relatively strong deterrent to military adventures.
“high commander”. A legion will always be While much of the military conflict associated
commanded by a Mekelen, but other forces are with the Tobran inquisition took place in
also sometimes commanded by a Mekelen, Nadamia, Melesuma was the primary centre of
including large bodies of mercenary troops. the Tobran heresy. Sympathy for the heresy
remains strong in Melesuma, and the mainstream
MEKILE, Castle [K3] Laranian church is less popular with Melesuma’s
A castle in Faldin governed by elgar Suban nobles than is the norm elsewhere in Trierzon.
Lecier for the countess of Faldin. Suban is the
younger brother of the baron of Olfe and acts as Melesuma’s principal exports are agricultural,
the constable of Faldin for the countess. The and include wool, hides, and a significant
countess would not be unhappy to see Suban amount of wine (mostly white).
marry her daughter, but Bryna has shown no Settlement Hex Type Clan
Agele M3 Keep Lacare
MELAG, Keep [L9] Agomen L3 Keep Abnay
A barony in Dovalin held by baron Sylath Arebila L3 Keep Travendal
Melagara from the duke of Dovalin. The
Melegaras have held the lands around Melag Balia L3 Keep Arcand
from the fifth century TR, holding onto power Bekedon M4 Keep Fougeret
through adroit political decisions.
Bregemes M4 Castle Travendal
Brontides L3 Keep Abnay
MELAIN, Keep [M7]
A barony in Magalia held by elgar Eaga Ispena Censino M4 Keep Fougeret
for the baron of Elsum. Melain is the original Chedemin L3 Keep Tirard
home of the Ispena clan and the keep is still a
favoured residence of the baron. The hills to the Dantoth L3 Keep Vellese
north of Melain are favoured for boar hunting. Degnos L3 Keep Garmone
Denym N3 Keep Kampne
Dumes M3 Keep Avarkiel

Enivos M4 Keep Fougeret city’s Mangai council. From 616 to 620

Melesuma was the centre of the Tobran
Eriso M4 Keep Marcin Inquisition, a Laranian “rooting-out” of heresy
Estal L3 Keep Pinol which has done much harm to the church’s
reputation in the region.
Figede M4 Keep Charbon
Fisin M3 Keep Travendal
Gersis M4 Keep Gosse
Gofen M3 Keep Soren
Herid M3 Keep Lacare
Ilbenon M3 Keep Naud
Jirese M3 Castle Avarkiel
Kesedone M4 Keep Indon
Kiropa L3 Castle Abnay
Lingerins M4 Keep Calori
Linud M3 Keep Mornel
Lorish L3 Keep Bissal MELGA, Keep [J5]
A barony in Peltane held by baron Sabilis
Melesuma M3 Town Travendal
Talirzand from the count of Peltane.
Nedeles M3 Keep Guittana
Netre L3 Keep Hynay MELGRIM, Keep [J3]
Ogene M3 Keep Selbra A barony in Baldeme held by baron Arain
Trepurian from the countess of Baldeme. An
Orbis M3 Keep Laurend extensive cave system is known to lie behind the
Osnele M3 Keep Travendal cateract on the Welkes River some ten leagues
upstream from Melgrim keep. Some explorers
Pedhin M4 Keep Norve have described carvings of animal-headed men
Polgre M3 Keep Ruanal on the walls of the cave some distance from the
Reganta L3 Castle Travendal main entrance.

Rilethe M3 Keep Byss

MELIFE, Keep [K8]
Sefrede M3 Keep Ruanal A keep in Tengela governed by Cerdin al Alosta
Sonibu M3 Keep Travendal for the Sebrath.
Tilede L3 Keep Abnay
MELISE, Keep [H8]
Usmeren M3 Keep Ruanal A keep in Korun governed by elgar Taren Elsirin
Velefe M3 Keep Travendal for the count of Korun.
Vilo M3 Keep Maguet
MELISOS, Keep [K5]
Zide M4 Keep Vian
A keep in Perna governed by elgar Namis
Toronel for the baron of Quibei.
Population: 11,900. Melesuma is the largest
MELIZA, Keep [I3]
town in the upper Degela valley, and is an
A barony in Ilbra held by baroness Terys Chodin
important regional trading centre for goods
from the duke of Stalfore. Terys is a devoted
coming down the Degela River from Lankor,
Peonian, somewhat to the disgust of her oldest
over the Dronim pass from Azeryan, and over
the Feyen pass from Shorkyne. The city is the
primary seat of the count of Melesuma, but is
administered by 7 alderman drawn from the

MELTRIS, Keep [H6] reserved for them among the aldermen. The
A barony in Agelos held by baron Gonfrel Halean primate for Palithane has her seat in
Cloquen from the countess of Agelos. Mengovik and, although not on the governing
council, is an influential figure in the city.
MELUVA, Keep [F7]
A keep in Hedames governed by elgar Names MENHAGA, Keep [D4]
Etrandar for the baron of Jireno. Although A barony in Liguno held by baron Vabaar
technically in Hedames, the baron of Jireno Haagel from the earl of Liguno.
effectively rules his own independent domain
between Hedames and Palama. MENSAEL, Keep [I6]
A keep in Vedin governed by elgar Korago
MELYGA, Keep[K4] Monteral for the baron of Gilonder.
A barony in Trierzon held by baron Sedrin
Epranel from the count of Perna. MENTIN POINT, Cape [B4]
A hilly heath covered headland on the coast of
MENAW, Keep [E6] Norimar. The Crown of Mentin is a circle of
A barony in Batana held by baron Rougar Ulfes standing stones built on the headland.
from the earl of Batana. The Ulfes clan also
holds the border castle of Hegovyn. MEPARA, Town [D8]
Population: 5,500. The principle settlement of
MENEMA, Kingdom Tamala and the seat of elgar Lygen Chivara, the
A kingdom lying off the coast of Hepekeria, due younger brother of the duke of Trabant. Despite
south of Trierzon. Menema was once a province impressive defences, Mepara’s position on the
of the Azeryan Empire, before rebelling and later north coast of Tamala renders it particularly
falling to an Ivinian ruling class. It is a major vulnerable to Ivinian raiding. The original
link in the Ivinian trade routes east. settlement at Mepara, founded during the
Azeryan Empire, was sacked by Ivinian raiders
in 509 TR. The town was refounded on the ruins
MENGEVA, Keep [D5] of the original one in 583 TR. Despite being
A barony in Luindar held by baroness Ysenthe sacked again in 609 TR, and besieged but
Mengevan from the earl of Luindar. successfully defended in 641 TR, Mepara has
continued to grow. Mepara has a poor harbour,
MENGOVIK, Town [C5] but the gently sloping beaches of the Mepara
Population: 12,600. Mengovik is a chartered region provide excellent terrain for Ivinian
freetown and major port at the mouth of the longships.
Ypena river. Previously known as Ypenres, the
town was renamed Mengovik following its MEREDUS, Mount [F5]
capture by Bjan Ledrin in 512 TR. The great A peak (6422’) in the Luinde Mountains.
bridge of Ypenres was destroyed in the assault,
and no bridge has been rebuilt since.
Nonetheless, Mengovik thrives as a port and has MERINIS, Keep [G7]
one of the largest shipyards in western Lythia. A keep in Ilaska governed by elgar Gavrochel
The shiprights of Mengovik developed some of Ladoc from the count of Hedames. Merinis once
the earliest Karunes, and the city is still produced a particularly fine rose wine, but over
considered one of the best places to build ships the last three years a fungus has slowly been
of this sort. The town provides and crews four destroying the local vineyards.
Karunes of 200 or more tuns gross burthen for
the earl of Skagia. MERIOL, Castle [N5]
A castle in Beronium garrisoned by 2 companies
Since the time of the third earl of Skagia, of the 2nd Beronium legion. A small town of
Mengovik has been a chartered Freetown. 2100 has grown up around Meriol castle.
Twelve aldermen alected by the Mangai appoint
a mayor and govern the city. The shipwright’s,
pilot’s, and seaman’s guilds each have a place MERNAL, Keep [K1]
A keep in Sabinia in Shorkyne.

human remains or bits of rusted arms and armour

MEROVINIA, Clan whn ploughing the fields.
The ruling house of the county of Nadamia in
northern Trierzon. Clan Merovinia is headed by MEVAI, Keep [D8]
count Rolan Merovinia, an honest, but somewhat A barony in Tamala governed by elgar Perar
ineffectual man of 35. Rolan would like to rule Jeglieri for the duke of Trabant. Mevai is the
his county in peace, but has the misfortune to second keep built on the site, the first having
rule one of the most strife torn counties in been taken by Ivinian raiders in 546 TR.
Rolan is aware that he is not an able governer, A barony in Ilbra held by elgar Hald Galliand for
but takes his responsibilities seriously. As a the duke of Stalfore.
result, he often tries to interfere in circumstances
where he would be wiser to take a more cautious
approach. Many of his attempts to bridge the MILGOMIS, Keep [E4]
divides between the noble families of the county A keep in Athamas governed by elgar Allyn
have only succeeded in creating further Elonar for the count of Athamas. Allyn is the
hostilities, and alienating his vassals. Rolan’s younger briother of the baroness of Elonida.
father was one of Iniella’s main supporters in the
north during the Chaos, and when Rolan MINGRA, Keep [N2]
inherited the county the Merovinia’s had strong A barony in Anfaldon held by baron Ganilon
ties to the royal court. In the nine years since he Brovana from the count of Anfaldon. The
became count, Rolan has lost almost all of these. Brovanas were Tobran sympathizers during the
Tobran inquisition and sent troops to the Tobran
Rolan’s wife, Marivel is the younger sister of army that was crushed at the battle of Dumes. It
count Rolan-Mirgael Travendal of Melesuma. is widely suspected that they are Tobran heretics,
Despite sharing a first name and facing similar but the family’s wealth and power has so far
political problems, Rolan and Rolan-Mirgael do deterred any investigation.
not get on particularly well. Rolan is unwilling
to cede leadership to the count of Melesuma
despite the latter’s greater wealth and (arguably) MINOI, Keep [I6]
skills. A barony in Devai held by baron Edan Mildore
from the duke of Gelamo.
Rolan has five children: two girls aged 18 and
15, and three boys aged 17, 12, and 8. Despite MIREFE, Keep [A2]
his other failings, Rolan is a good father and is A barony in Malad held by baron Ranal Saldion
popular with his children. Neither of the two from the Queen of Emelrene. Mirefe Bay was
eldest children show much promise as leaders, the site of a major Emelrene naval victory over
but Varnel (15) takes after his maternal uncle, an Ivinian fleet early in the 6 th century. The
and is very promising. Saldions were awarded the barony of Mirefe as a
reward for Chures Saldion’s command of a ship
MESTEN, Keep [F3] during the battle.
A barony in Tamanias held by baron Gyan
Courianse from the count of Athamas. MIRELEN, Keep [H5]
A barony in Devai held by baron Andrin
METINI, Keep [H7] Dorgosne from the duke of Gelamo.
A barony in Vedin held by baron Clarin Metini
from the duke of Gelamo. Clan Metin are MIRGUS, Keep [I5]
descended from the Zonora tribal chiefs who A barony in Devai held by baroness Kysa
held the area when the Azeryan legions arrived. Lefierc from the duke of Gelamo. Kysa is only
They have ruled the Metini region for the last 18 years old and is both beautiful and naïve. Her
seven centuries at least. The battle of Metini was clan worry that she will make a poor choice of
fought near the keep in 484 TR. It is not husband, and there are several charming knights
uncommon for the local peasants to unearth bachelor at Mirgus keep, intent on wooing her.

count, fearing the consequences of such an

MIROD, Keep [B2] action.
A keep in Alwina governed by elgar Remis
Chomaer for the baron of Besane. MOKUNO, Keep [I7]
A barony in Halmo held by elgar Fraond Arcona
MIRON, Keep [L8] for the count of Halmo. The decisive battle of
A barony in Faleo held by baron Inrian Peliz Mokuno was fought a league east of the keep on
from the duke of Dovalin. Miron keep is partly the plains beside the River Baden. At least one
built out onto the Miron Bridge and commands gold legionary standard was lost at the battle of
not only the road into Chenas, but also access to Mokuno and never recovered.. The keep of
the River Mageta. Mokuno is now somewhat run down, but was the
seat of the Arcona family for nearly a century.

MISLE, Keep [G7]

One of clan Torkise’s holdings in Areshomes. MOLGE, Keep [B3]
The barony is administrated by elgar Byraen A keep in Berema governed by elgar Lanas
Gulensen, an Ivinian knight from Palithane that Caiden for the baron of Sharvon.
the count met while traveling in Emelrene.
Several people of questioned the count’s MOLGOS, Castle [E6]
judgement in putting an Ivinian from Palithane A barony in Batana held by baron Taal
in control of a fief so close to the border, but the Raldenaar from the earl of Batana. The
count seems to have full trust in Byraen. Raldenaars are close allies of the Pelanbys and
have recently acquired the border castle of Daage
MIZUNA, Earthmaster Site [L1] with Pelanby support.
A partially underground earthmaster site in the
Nadami Mountains. Mizuna is the principal MOLON, Keep [H7]
settlement of the Nadi (qv). A barony in Areshomes held by baron Huros
Zarantin from the count of Areshomes.
MODAN, Gulf [A2]
An arm of the Gulf of Ederwyn running in MOLONDA, Keep [H4]
towards the Jerinalian Mountains. Although a A barony in Baldeme governed by elgar Avnis
relatively small body of water, Emelrene’s textile Darvane for the baron of Sholir. Molonda is the
industry has resulted in the Gulf of Modan traditional home of the powerful Darvane family,
becoming increasingly busy with coastal traders. and was the center of a Trierzi tribal kingdom in
the third century TR.
MODANA, Castle [B2]
A strong castle on the shores of the Gulf of MONAGEN, Keep [H7]
Modan owned by the Earl of Kardim. The elgar A barony in Areshomes held by Selana Torkise
is Ysabal Harthen, the Earl’s eldest daughter. A as elgara for her father. Count Clarinis has
minor walled town of about 1700 has grown up entrusted Selana with the government of
around the castle, and is the site of a small but Monagen because he feels that, as his heir, she
well regarded chantry of the Odivshe needs experience of government. What he did
convocation. not count on, however, is that Selana would
meet, and fall in love with, the heir to the county
MODESA, Keep [J7] of Halmo when hunting in the Calima hills to the
A barony in Rindi held by baron Avain Fortenor east of Monagen.
from the count of Rindi. Avain is an
experienced warrior who has earned a fearsome MONIGA, Fortress [M5]
reputation on the Azeryan border. Four years A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by 1 company
ago, while Avain was away on the Azeryan of the Gorium legion.
border, Audrin Velthane seduced Avain’s
youngest daughter. So far Avain’s wife has MONSUS, Keep [G3]
persuaded him not to seek vengence on the A barony in Senedalo held by baron Chamin
Insalo from the countess of Senedalo.

considerable speculation as to who will take her

MONTES, Keep [I7] place when she dies.
A keep in Vedin governed by elgar Piaras
Monteral for the baron of Gilonder. There are MORGWIN, Keep [C3]
valuable marble quarries at Montes. A barony in Norimar held by baron Irnand
Alorinaal from the baron of Erebis. As a family
MONTEVEL, Town [G1] of largely Emelan origin, the loyalty of the
A town in the Shorkyne county of Montivel. Alorinaals to clan Hiln is marginal at best.

MONTIVEL, County [F1] MOSKEMA, Keep [E8]

A county in Shorkyne. A barony in Hedames held by baron Jerles
Damel from the count of Hedames.

MONULES, Castle [I8]

A castle in Enala and traditional home of clan MOSPEN, Castle [G2]
Badriac. The count prefers this castle to Singai, Mospen is a frontier barony in Stalfore held by
but nonetheless finds Monules a little too out of baron Adhone Debrol from the duke of Stalfore.
the way to govern the county from. When he is Mospen castle is one of the strongest
not here the castle is administered by Parel fortifications in northern Trierzon. Adhone is
Yarenal, a trusted retainer of count Petran’s something of a hothead, and is inclined to cross
father. into Shorkyne territory during the Summer
‘spear rattling’.

MONUTRO, Keep [J7]

A barony in Kogamin held by baron Juvan MOUTHS OF K’SRIN, Reef [N8]
Hordau from the duke of Kogamin. An extensive set of reefs lying about 20 leagues
off the coast of the Korgin Peninsular and
stretching in an arc to roughly parallel the coast
MORANE, Clan of Beronium. The Mouths of Ksrin are a known
A clan of commoners, mostly living in the hazard to shipping, and most merchant traffic
county of Peltane. The clan is quite widespread, stays close to the shore to avoid the reefs when
but is not wealthy with most members being passing through this area.
serfs or free farmers. There are a few members
of the clan living in the town Malagos as well. Some cartographers, copying older maps rather
The current clan head is Hanaulk Morane, a than current knowledge, place a large island in
moderately prosperous free farmer living near the Venarian Sea, east of Omegen and south of
the keep of Ajera. The most important member the Mouths of K’Srin. Local legend along the
of the clan, however, is Esla Morane, the current coast of Dovalin, Faleo, and Beronium also
pontiff of the Peonian church. mentions “a fair isle of the wise” located a day’s
sail southeast of Dovarium. According to the
Esla Morane is a dimunitive woman of 67. She legend the island was “sucked down for pride
has no living members of her immediate family, into the gaping maw of K’Srin, who waits below
but several cousins living in Peltane, of whom the waves”. There are a range of local
Hanaulk is one. Although not unintelligent, it is superstitions to placate K’Srin before a sea
Esla’s piety rather than her mind that has seen voyage is made, and even tall tales of hauling up
her rise through the church. She is a kind the demon itself while fishing on the high seas.
woman, although perhaps more inclined to
emphasise the need for purity in ones actions
rather than forgiveness of sins. MOVAI, Keep [J5]
A barony in Ubai held by baron Lydre Pausarin
Esla generally keeps out of politics, and her from the duke of Ubai.
pontificate has been fairly conventional. She has
been unwilling to address the growing power of MOZEN, Keep [J8]
Providencialism within the church, and some A barony in Bomedus held by baron Valdao
senior church members are worried. There is Nerard from the duke of Kogamin. Mozen is
one of the wealthiest baronies in Bomedus, and

the baron owns extensive orchards. He is,

however, a harsh master and is consequently
usually short of labour.

MUADEN, Keep [G3]

A barony in Senedalo held by baron Gereno NADAM, Mount [N1]
Sontel from the countess of Senedalo. A high peak (9413’) in the Nadami Mountains.
Sometimes referred to as Icefang, or Wolftooth,
the mountain is said to resemble the fang of a
MULDINO, Keep [L8] wolf.
A barony in Tengela held by baron Shelir
Muldin from the pontiff of the Laranian church.
NADAMI, Mountains [J2]
A mountain range marking Trierzon’s northern
MURGIRUS, Castle [M5] border with Shorkyne. Other than a few well
A castle in Beronium controlling the Azeryan traveled passes, the Nadami Mountains provide a
side of the Soritu Pass. Murgirus has a large formidable barrier to communications. There are
garrison of 5 companies of the Gorium legion important copper and mineral deposits in the
and, at the orders of Mekelen Julah Shenaru, has Nadamis. Good quality Jacinths are found in
been patrolling the pass regularly over the past some rivers on the sourthern side of the
two years. Vishras Tatia Pelyren is pressuring mountains.
Telmen Marag Shenaru to pursue a more forceful
policy in levying taxes from the mountain

MURSHEL, Town [E9]

Population: 9,700. A town in southwestern
Trierzon and chief urban center for the duchy of
Trabant. The Murshel region is famous for its
orchards and is a significant export center for
fruit and wines. Murshel grew up around an
Azeri legionary fortress located to control the
Asini valley. The walls of the old fortress have
been incorporated into the town, and form the
outer walls of castle Murshel, the primary seat of
the duke of Trabant.

MURTON, Keep [L2]

A barony in Nadamia held by elgar Korego There is a significant Emelan presence in the
Merovinia for the count of Nadamia. mountains that live largely ignoring the national
boundaries between Shorkyne and Trierzon.
MUSERE, Keep [G3] Less prominent are the elusive Nadi, a bipedal
A barony in Stalfore held by baron Firio Orsine intelligent canine species for which the
from the duke of Stalfore. mountains are named.

MUSIN, Keep [J5] NADAMIA, County [J3]

A keep in Mankonia governed by elgar Troys Location: Northern Trierzon
Ebastan for the baron of Anlide. Ruler: Rolan Merovinia
Population: 254,000

MYANA, Keep [D4] Nadamia is a populous county lying on the

A barony in Athamas held by baron Edan southern side of the Nadami mountains. Despite
Demyan from the count of Athamas. lying on the political and economic periphery of
Trierzon, Nadamia has been at the center of the

conflicts that have shaped Trierzon over the past Sanry L3 Keep Fesigo
Spergust K3 Keep Karovin
In the early seventh century Nadamia was torn Syzel L3 Keep Avarkiel
apart by the Tobran inquisition. The county took
several generations to recover from the trauma of Tegate L3 Castle Harnada
the inquisition, and just when it seemed that the Telegoro L3 Keep Bardil
scars might be fading, Nadamia was the scene of
Trand K3 Keep Akarazon
bitter fighting during the Chaos of 684-697.
This has left a deeply divided county, strongly in Ulvenos L3 Keep Merovinia
need of leadership. Unfortunately, the current Urese K3 Keep Deryan
count is an ineffective ruler and has done more to
inflame old hatreds than heal wounds. Vakis K3 Keep Merovinia
Welis K3 Keep Ladaro
Nadamia contains significant copper deposits,
Yeles L3 Keep Harnada
and the county is a major exporter both of
copper, and also of finished bronzewares. The Zardoz K3 Keep Ladaro
region around Besono pass is often the site of
raids between Trierzon and Shorkyne during the NADED, Keep [G8]
summer, but the rough terrain tends to preclude A barony in Ilaska held by baron Koristal
serious campaigning. The local Emela Vettene from the count of Ilaska.
population move freely back and forth over the
NAJA, Keep [K5]
Settlement Hex Type Clan A barony in Ubai held by baron Harle Frasac
Alechin K3 Keep Gafrelay from the duke of Ubai. The baron’s wife is
Halean. As a result the baron’s finances are in
Bortilun L2 Keep Avarkiel
rather better shape than his peers, but he is
Brovai K3 Keep Inigo somewhat looked down on by them.
Chodis L2 Keep Terystal
Dolosti L2 Keep Aduro NAL, Mount [L6]
A peak in the Korgin Mountains (6920’)
Fosuron L2 Keep Larada overlooking the Adegin Pass. There are
Gebrusin K2 Keep Merovinia numerous sinkholes on Mount Nal which, like
much of the southern Korgin Mountains, is
Hulgor K2 Keep Merovinia
predominantly limestone. Some cave systems
Irtus L2 Keep Merovinia are extremely deep, and are even thought to run
Joklir L3 Keep Goasta right under the mountain.

Kitrendis K2 Fort Merovinia

NALISE, Castle [B1]
Leredas K2 Castle Merovinia A barony in Algram held by Earl Daremas
Murton L2 Keep Merovinia Elydene from the queen of Emelrene. A bustling
market town of perhaps 1800 people has grown
Nestel L3 Keep Chesine up around Nalise. The Earl of Nalise also holds
Ospa L3 Keep Erakis the keeps of Cenoma, Klavis, Rustiro, and
Pilant K3 Keep Harnada Tydin, and receives homage from the barons of
Meddrin and Geanda.
Porsa L3 Keep Harnada
Qualnda K3 Town Freetown NAMOR, River [M1]
Resymes K3 Keep Ladaro A tributary of the Feldos Rising high in the
Nadami Mountains. The upper Namor valley
Risto L3 Keep Tatzyl and the upper Feldos valley to the east is avoided
Ruven K3 Keep Andelin by the Emela who claim it is the high domain of
the servants of the old gods.
Ryaren L3 Keep Harnada

NANESHYN, Keep [B4] possessions through marriage and not until 669
A barony in Norimar held by baron Sandal that Vedin was acquired in a similar way.
Maarsin from the earl of Norimar. Latima was added to the Navastan fiefs between
690 and 694 when Gavrel Navastan used his
alliance with Arthis during the Chaos as an
NANTEN, Keep [I6] opportunity to conquer Latima. This conquest
A barony in Gelamo held by baron Ramis earned the Navastans the undying enmity of clan
Brabaise from the duke of Gelamo. Arquet, the prior rulers of Latima.

NANTER, Keep [K5] The current duke of Gelamo is Gavrel II, the son
A barony in Perna held by baron Janasyn of the duke who conquered Latima. An
Gaurepan from the count of Perna. The Nanter intelligent man of average height, Gavrel has
bridge spans the Raimor river in three impressive graying dark hair and a dark beard. He has a
arches. There is a local legend that Djekis built stutter, which he is usually able to keep under
the bridge for the citizens of Nanter in exchange control, but he is less successful with his temper.
for the first soul to cross the bridge. The first When crossed, Gavrel is given to bouts of
lord Gaurepan released his hound across the furious anger. He nonetheless loves his wife,
bridge in place of a person, thus tricking Djekis Yasantha and his two young sons Torichane and
out of his soul, and also explaining the enmity Harasal.
that exists between dogs and cats.
NAXIN, Keep [J5]
NANTUR, Keep [K4] A keep in Mankonia governed by elgara Astir
A keep in Faldin governed by elgar Lancred Ebasten for the baron of Anlide. Astir is 23,
Donathe for the countess of Faldin. unmarried, and considered one of the most
eligible women in Mankonia.
NARDAS, Keep [J8]
A barony in Kogamin held by baron Gonfrel NEALON, Castle [M6]
Pothello from the duke of Kogamin. A large Azeryan fotress on the Zonan River in
Beronium. Five companies of the Legion of the
NARUNE, Castle [N2] Stone Hand are based here, as is the district
A barony in Anfaldon, and the seat of the count Vishras – Krasel Vishendar.
of Anfaldon. Count Kaheris Oloryne is in ill
health, and now seldom leaves Narune. The NECOSTA, Castle [D6]
town of Narune is Anfaldon’s second largest A castle in Skagia and nominal seat of the earl of
urban center with a population of 1900. Skagia. In practice, earl Sweyn travels widely
and is more likely to be found in Seltan, or even
NASTRES, Keep [D9] staying in Harigol and Mengovik than Necosta,
A barony in Chimas held by baron Evasten which he leaves in the care of his son Maaln.
Kolluerdo for the duke of Trabant. Maaln has authorized the construction of a
Laranian temple in the town of Necosta without
his father’s knowledge and has made significant
NAVASTAN, Clan donations in order to get construction started.
Ruling the wealthy and populous duchy of
Gelamo, the Navastans are one of the most
powerful families in Trierzon. Their climb to
NECURE, Keep [J5]
power has, however, been quite recent and they A barony in Mankonia held by baron Korego
are not popular with many of Trierzon’s other Gramonel from the Duke of Ubai.
leading clans. The Chivaras, in particular,
dislike the Navastans and the Badriacs and NEDELES, Keep [M3]
Velthanes are also hostile. A barony in Melesuma held by baron Kunin
Guittana from the count of Melesuma.
Clan Navastan acquired the county of Gelamo in
the aftermath of Torichane’s rebellion as loyal
supporters of the new king. It was not until 553,
however, that Devai was added to the Navastan

NEDIN, Keep [I8] are in debt to several powerful mercantyler clans

A barony in Enala held by baron Saermol in Lirgun.
Xavanda from the count of Enala. The Xavandas
were traditionally friends of the Thyzarmons and NELYM, Keep [G6]
are cool towards their current overlords. A keep in Agelos governed by elgar Torquel
Pelandro, the grandson of the countess.
NEDUR, Fortress [N6]
A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by one NEMONO, Keep [A2]
company of the 2nd Beronium legion. A keep in Malad governed by elgar Althur
Byrefin for the Earl of Emane.
NEGANIS, Castle [E9]
A castle in Trabant and center of the barony of NEOMA, Castle [D1]
Neganis. Neganis is the primary seat of the A castle in Jerinala and seat of the Sheriff of
powerful Kastin family, currently headed by Jerinala. Up until 614 the castle was the seat of
baron Bendis Kastin, an irrascible man in his the Earl of Neoma, who also held the now
mid sixties. Bendis has incurred large debts to defunct keep of Esil some 25 leagues to the
the Halean church in the past and he lobbies hard south. The Earl lost his life and castle in
with the duke to expel the Halean church from Sedrial’s rebellion, and the King saw fit not to
Trabant. To date the duke of Trabant has not create a new Earl. Instead, Neoma became a
been sympathetic. royal keep in the care of the Sheriff of the newly
created shire of Jerinala. The Sheriff’s main job
NEGEROS, Mount [C1] is to manage relations with the tribal Emela and
A peak (6298’) in the Jerinalian Mountains. avoid conflict.

NEGYN, Keep [J4] NEREFA, Keep [F9]

A barony in Malagos held by baroness Melyn A barony in Trabant held by baron Hodin
Pasuan from the count of Malagos. Melyn is a Suredina from the duke of Trabant.
close confidant of Alys Yvndal, the count’s
current lover. NERGRIS, Cape [C6]
A cape marking the northern entrance to the Gulf
NELETU, Castle [J7] of Batana. The cape is moderately hilly, and
A barony in Kogamin governed by elgar Dareld experienced mariners use it as an important
Rivalx for the duke of Kogamin. Neletu is the landmark when sailing for Mengovik or Parahal.
traditional seat of the elgar of the county of
Kogamin, a function that is largely in the hands NERME, Keep [H5]
of Dareld, although Stefal has so far not actually A barony in Devai held by baron Tomael
appointed him to that position. Maivellen from the duke of Gelamo.

NELIDOTH, Castle [H9] NESEL, River [L1]

A barony in Manas held by baron Irnyn Colerda A tributary of the Benamo River in Shorkyne.
from the count of Manas. The Colerdas also
hold the keep of Herdos.
Population: 3,200. The principle town of
NELKOR, River [F8] Bomedus. Nesheles is governed by elgar Tumal
A river draining the hills of the Cheryka Forest Taglioco for the duke of Kogamin. The town
in southwestern Trierzon. has grown up around Nesheles castle, part of the
Bomedus system of coastal defences including
NELOMIN, Castle [K10] Epenon and Mamesal. The town has no good
A barony in Ilona held by baron Bazrek Dejaran harbour, so the only trade is carried in small
from the duchess of Zhoren. The Dejarans Nivik’s and Pinda’s that transport local produce
recently lost most of their trading fleet at sea and to and from Megrain.

NESTEL, Keep [L3] NINES, Keep [H7]

A barony in Nadamia held by baron Harasal A barony in Vedin held by baroness Ameryla
Chesine from the count of Nadamia. Krasunal from the duke of Gelamo.

NETRE, Keep [L3] NINTEN, Castle [K3]

A barony in Melesuma held by baron Tuliath A castle in Faldin and the favoured seat of
Hynay from the count of Melesuma. The nearby countess Delahna Telthael. The castle is
ruined abbey of Netre is a popular destination for currently undergoing renovation and expansion,
devout Save Knorian pilgrims in the Degela largely funded by the sale to Darimur of a
valley. It is situated on a rocky promontory freetown’s charter. Delahna aims to make
looking out over lake Heligath. There are Ninten one of the most luxurious dwellings in
extensive natural caves beneath the remains of Trierzon.
the abbey.
NIOLOS, Castle [F6]
NICHER, Keep [C1] A castle in Batana governed by elgar Coen
A keep in Algram governed by elgar Paril Pelanby for the earl of Batana. Coen is one of
Gervane for the Sheriff of Algram. Rutal’s younger sons and is more interested in
books and study than war. He relies heavily on
NIDON, Castle [I7] his brother, the elgar of Cheryser for advice.
A barony in Latima held by baron Ostal Halle Niolis controls an important bridge over the
from the duke of Gelamo. The Halles also hold Bagre river and was only taken from the Trierzi
the keeps of Beldosen and Gydon. The defection in 686.
of the Halle family to the Navastran side was
decisive in ensuring the conquest of Latima. NIRIO, Keep [H7]
Ostal is 67 years old, but remains an ambitious A barony in Areshomes held by baron Rulio
man and would switch allegiance again if he Havanil from the count of Areshomes.
thought he could increase his clan’s power.
NISUMA, Keep [I3]
NILEDAROS, Keep [I8] A barony in Ilbra held by baron Balthin Rideles
A barony in Manas held by baroness Kasarin from the duke of Stalfore. Nisuma is an
Nyledar from the count of Manas. Niledar is important source of bitumen, which was used to
quite isolated, and maintains many old customs waterproof the tower and walls of the keep.
long passed by elsewhere in Manas. Many of the Over the years the waterproofing has coloured
peasant families still worship Ilvir. the stone of the keep a dark black. Locally the
keep is known as the ‘Black Tower’, a title that
NILIPIN, Keep [H4] has encouraged rumours of sorcery associated
A barony in Senedalo held by baron Rogryn with the Rideles family.
Grantemeril from the countess of Senedalo.
There are extensive early Trierzi burial grounds NITENA, Keep [G2]
to the west of Nilipin. The Grantemeril’s claim A keep in Stalfore held by elgar Betrin Galliand
to be descended from the Trierzi tribal kings of for the duke of Stalfore.
the region.
NOLIRES, Keep [G8]
NILODA, Keep [C4] A barony in Ilaska held by baron Revan Xindak
A keep in Liguno governed by elgar Talis Dalen from the count of Ilaska. The Xindaks are
for the earl of Liguno. descended from Azeri landowners and are
devout Haleans. They are also possibly the
NIMITH, Keep [K8] wealthiest clan in Ilaska, due mostly to extensive
A keep in Tengela governed by Pysena al trading interests.
Duvagen for the Sebrath. Although notionally a
keep, Nimith is more of a fortified abbey than a NOLISI, Keep [B4]
castle. A keep in Norimar governed by elgar Cerdan
Ledrin for the earl of Norimar.

Tivel B4 Keep Thjarna

NORIMAR, County [B4] Tolinis B5 Keep Ryala
Location: Palithane
Ruler: King Braen Ledrin Tyreden B4 Castle Ledrin
Population: 189,000 Velenby B5 Keep Velen

Norimar is a large county in Palithane lying west Vindela B4 Keep Ryala

of the Jerinalian mountains. Much of the centre Zyrinby B4 Castle Ledrin
of the county if hill or mountain, and the bulk of
the population is centred on the Es and Entano
valleys. Norimar has always been a frontier
NORSON, Keep [I5]
A keep in Peltane governed by elgar Lobar
region. At the height of the Azeryan empire,
Depard for the count of Peltane.
Norimar marked the empire’s western boundary.
In the present it is Palithane’s most important
border with Emelrene. Although the two NOSINES, Keep [L8]
countries are currently allies of a sort, the county A barony in Tengela held by baron Toryne
is not secure. There is a large Emela population Langal from the pontiff of the Laranian church.
in the Jerinalian mountains whose loyalty lies
primarily north of the river Es. NOSUNI, Keep [L9]
A keep governed by elgar Kora Brelathion for
Norimar produces a modest agricultural surplus the pontiff of the Laranian church. Kora is a
for export – largely flax which goes north to senior cleric in the Laranian church, and abbot of
Emelrene. Quicksilver is also a significant Nosuni abbey. The keep is part of the abbey,
export from the Es valley, although most of this and is a favourite retreat for the pontiff when he
goes via Berema. Indeed, Norimar is in many feels the need to escape Tengela town.
ways an economic satellite of its wealthy
northern neighbour.
NOTOLEN, Keep [L9]
Settlement Hex Type Clan A barony in Dovalin held by baroness Marne
Amdon B3 Castle Ledrin Jelepano. Marne is a hot headed woman of thirty
five. A devout Laranian, she is a skilled warrior
Bernow B5 Castle Copenhal
despite her small size.
Dalonby A4 Castle Ledrin
Erebis C3 Castle Hiln NUBIS, Keep [K7]
Ethan C4 Keep Kjalban A barony in Janora held by baron Ursal Telagius
from the duke of Kogamin.
Fingelon C3 Keep Hiln
Garnau B4 Keep Halgard NYAN, River [B1]
Gwednor C3 Keep Cerial A river in Emelrene marking the border between
the sparsely populated shire of Quandas and the
Herneld B3 Keep Ledrin more densely populated shire of Algram.
Igedes B3 Keep Galben
Kuzime B3 Keep Ledrin NYRELUM, Keep [G3]
A barony in Senedalo governed by elgar Brunin
Luthen B3 Keep Bossen
Harkau for the countess of Senedalo.
Morgwin C3 Keep Alorinaal
Naneshyn B4 Keep Maarsin NYSER, Castle [L8]
Nolisi B4 Keep Ledrin A castle in Magalia held by elgara Paras
Sumbuco for the count of Magalia. Paras is heir
Parahal B4 Town Ledrin to large estates in Latima, but embarrassed her
Quilime B4 Keep Sirayaud family several times. An exceptionally charming
young woman, she was sent to the frontier to
Ramoreo B4 Keep Sverin
keep her out of trouble and managed to persuade
Serecon B4 Keep Ryala the count to allow her a chance at running a

barony. She has not got into any serious trouble fortified, with a number of major outworks and
so far, but hasn’t been in the job long. hidden sally ports. The town is the seat of the
elgar of Amesuma, and also the base for a cohort
of the royal army.

OJARLEN, Mount [N4]
A peak in the Korgin Mountains (6677’).

An Agrikan clerical order, largely focused on the OLBENDES, Keep [I3]

operation of the Pamesani games. The order of A barony in Ilbra held by elgar Dorilane
the Octagonal Pit sponsors the so-called fighting Galliand for the duke of Stalfore. Dorilane is a
order, Demon Pameshlu the Insatiable, which is poor administrator and not much of a warrior.
also largely focused on thegames. Because of Only a distant relation of the duke, Rogryn is
the role of the ritual combat – such as the Ukhila considering replacing Dorilane as elgar. This
– in Agrikan ritual, the order of the Octagonal Pit would reduce Dorilane’s family to poverty, as
is perhaps the most widespread of all Agrikan Dorilane holds no land in his own right.
clerical orders. The mainstream Azeryani branch
of the Octagonal Pit is somewhat more focused OLD GODS, The
on martial displays and less depraved than its “The whisperers in the hills, high lords of forest
Harnic equivalent. and wood, keepers of the ancient secrets, masters
of the houseless fastnesses, the highborn ones.”
ODELES, Keep [F9]
A barony in Bodima held by baron Kesrin The Old Gods is the
Seshilo from the duke of Trabant. The young name given to the
baron is a good friend of Kaheris Chivara and is group of deities
loathed by the baron of Jeser. worshipped by the
Emela tribes
dwelling in the
OGAELA, Keep [H4] Nadami, Jerinalian,
A barony in Baldeme held by baron Nythen and Luinde
Drevont from the countess of Baldeme. mountains. The
exact number of
OGENE, Keep [M3] Old Gods is not
A barony in Melesuma held by baron Jerlas widely known, and
Selbra from the count of Melesuma. Ogene is indeed it is doubtful
famous for the Heligath Pike, a predatory fish if any Emela know.
growing to 6 feet or more in length. Highly At one extreme, the
sought after for the table in Melesuma, Heligath Old Gods appear to
Pike are also reported to have attacked swimmers include entities
in the lake from time to time. corresponding to Siem and Ilvir from the ten
gods of the pantheon, while at the other extreme
the Old Gods appear to include many local
OGERE, Keep [K5] deities and spirits associated with particular
A barony in Ubai held by baron Ragard Gere geographic places.
from the duke of Ubai. Ragard is handsome and
unmarried, but not particularly bright. A common feature of all the Old Gods is that
they are worshipped largely in natural settings,
OJARION, Town [K6] with mountain shrines being particularly
Population: 4,600. The principal settlement of prominent. Rites include animal sacrifices and
the county of Amesuma, Ojarion is also a critical ritual fasting. There are rumours of human
part of Trierzon’s border defences. Located sacrifice, but then there is widespread ignorance
where the Adegin Pass opens out onto the plains amongst ‘civilized’ folk about the Old Gods in
of the Degela Valley, Ojarion commands the general. This appears to suit the Emela very
route any Azeri army invading across the Korgin well.
Mountains must pass. It is consequently heavily

He is currently elgar of Tike. Unfortunately,

OLDUN, Keep [E10] both the count of Melesuma and the prince of
A barony in Trabant held by baron Irnen Cryas Lankor also have claims to Anfaldon. The
from the duke of Trabant. Irnen has an ongoing count’s is quite a strong claim through his wife’s
dispute with the Knights of Avarkiel over the mother. Kaheris favours Darael, but does not
rights to several Naloren lying between Oldun wish to alienate the count of Melesuma. In
and Vinsol. Several skirmishes have occurred in particular, Kaheris fears both that the count of
the area over the last few years. Malesuma might try to take the county by force
after his death, and that even if he doesn’t go to
war, his hostility might have dire consequences
OLEMI, Keep [H5] for co-operation between Anfaldon and
A keep in Devai governed by elgar Tyren Melesuma in the event of a Tobran crusade.
Maivelle for the duke of Gelamo. Tyren is
secretly siphoning off wealth from Olemi for his
brother, the baron of Regles. OLRAMAE, Castle [N6]
A large fortress in Beronium controlling an
important crossroads in the centre of the
OLFE, Keep [K4] province. Olramae is garrisoned by 3 companies
A keep in Faldin in Shorkyne. of the Legion of the Stone Hand. The district
Vishras, Avila Amestyl is based in the town
OLGENT, Keep [G2] outside the fortress.
A barony in Stalfore held by baron Capala Buche
from the duke of Stalfore. OLSINO, Keep [N2]
A barony in Anfaldon governed by elgar Althir
OLIMEN, Keep [G7] Brovana for the baron of Mingra.
A barony in Areshomes held by Umbero
Valpasian from the count of Areshomes. OMARI, Keep [H7]
Umbero’s family have held the lands around A barony in Vedin held by baron Korasto
Olimen since the Azeryan Empire first Karyne from the duke of Gelamo.
conquered the region in the third century.
OMEGEN, County [K10]
OLIVARE, Keep [L8] Location: Southern Trierzon
A barony in Tengela hled by baron Jaren Gyrelin Ruler: Elgar Gorthes Beyon
from the pontiff of the Laranian church. Population: 18,000

OLIVOR, River [M4] The county of Omegen consists of three main

A river in Trierzon emptying into Lake Heligath. islands lying off the southern coast of Trierzon in
the Venarian Sea. Generally similar in culture to
Ilona, Omegen is somewhat less cosmopolitan
OLORYNE, Clan and poorer. The economy is reliant on fishing,
The ruling clan of Anfaldon, they Olorynes olive oil, and piracy. Omegen is part of the
control what is potentially one of the largest and duchy of Zhoren.
wealthiest counties in Trierzon. Unfortunately,
Anfaldon also has a reputation as one of the least Settlement Hex Type Clan
governable counties in Trierzon. Horbus K10 Castle Yerentur

The current count, Kaheris Oloryne, is 66 years Magris K10 Town Yvande
old and in poor health. A pragmatic and direct Pilasen L10 Castle Kepleras
man, Kaheris has had the misfortune to outlive
all of his children and two wives. He now fears
ONORA, Keep [C5]
for the future of the county and his line.
A barony in Gavas held by baron Levan Daasen
from the earl of Gavas.
The best claim to Anfaldon is probably that of
Kaheris’ nephew by his younger sister, Darael
Oloryne. Darael is a charismatic man of 29 who
has inherited his uncles’ pragmatic good sense.

ONTASIN, Keep [G8] OROMUS, Castle [H8]

A keep in Ilaska governed by elgar Rubran A barony in Korun held by baron Rogin Oromil
Ladoc for the count of Hedames. from the count of Korun. Outwardly the
Oromils are one of the few noble families in
ORAKA, Keep [G6] Korun to follow the Elsirins in their Peonian
A keep in Agelos governed by elgar Rogryn beliefs. However, a number of the Oromils, the
Etrand for the baron of Bilare. baron included, are overt followers of Morgath.

ORBIS, Keep [M3] OSBOS, Keep [K3]

A barony in Melesuma held by baron Shevres A keep in Faldin governed by elgar Daven
Laurend from the count of Melesuma. One of Pethasad for the baroness of Elgira.
Shevres ancestors died at the battle of Dumes,
and the Laurends harbour strong Tobranian OSELES, Keep [J4]
sympathies. The Knights of Avarkiel have been A barony in Malagos held by baron Enre
pushing Shevres towards an open confrontation Gareldau from the count of Malagos.
by ‘patrolling’ in force through ripening crops.
In 719 three serfs were hanged as ‘brigands’ by OSENDA, Keep [N3]
the Knights of Avarkiel and more recently a man A remote barony in Anfaldon governed by elgar
was burned as a ‘witch’. So far the count of Varis Preslan for the count of Anfaldon. Varis
Melesuma has been unwilling to provoke a pays little heed to his supposed liege, the count
confrontation with the Knights of Avarkiel by of Anfaldon, and is being courted by the count of
acting on Sevres complaints, and Sevres himself Melesuma with the promise of a barony.
knows he is not strong enough to risk acting on
his own.
OSIR, Keep [L8]
A barony in Tengela held by baroness Ysenthe
OREN, Keep [I6] Arpolan from the pontiff of the Laranian church.
A barony in Gelamo held by baron Korastil Ysenthe is only 23 and cherishes the Laranian
Kamalrith from the duke of Gelamo. Korastil is ideal of the knight errant. She would far prefer
the uncle of the current Sebrath and keeps in the (as she imagines it) romantic life of a knight
contact with his nephew by letter. He intends to errant to her duties as a baron.
go on a pilgrimage to Tengela and visit his
nephew in the near future.
OSNEGIS, Keep [I8]
A barony in Halmo held by baron Parel Sutonis
ORGNIA, Castle [J5] from the count of Halmo. The Sutonis family
A barony in Mankonia held by baron Leso are of almost pure Azeri descent, and are
Delais from the Duke of Ubai. The Delais clan despised by the count for this reason.
also hold the keeps of Erashes and Imashes.
They are traditionally political rivals of the
Ebastan family. OSNELE, Keep [M3]
A keep in Melesuma governed by elgar Dernar
Selbran for the count of Melesuma.
ORILA, Keep [I6]
A barony in Devai governed by elgar Malpard
Dulaugal for the baron of Begeme. OSPA, Keep [L3]
A barony in Nadamia held by baron Dakel
Erakis from the count of Nadamia. The Erakis
ORJELA, Keep [A3] clan holds the traditional right to trade with the
A keep in Malad governed by elgar Irdan of Nadi every 15th of Kelen and 15th of Larane.
Thardwael for the Sheriff of Malad. Although this tradition is a closely guarded
secret, the Erakis clan has a reputation for
ORNEA, Castle [A3] uncanny acquaintances. The clan managed to
A castle in Ulama and seat of the Sheriff of avoid the Tobran Inquisition, but the Knights of
Ulama, Siden Eredyste. Ornea has a good port Avarkiel remain very hostile towards clan
and is the site of a growing town of 1500 people. Erakis.

OTENBRAS, Keep [D5] loses much of his power and can be forced to
A keep in Liguno governed by elgar Seld grant his captor a boon.
Gilsenaal for the earl of Liguno. The hills south
of Otenbras are the haunt of a number of brigand PAGAMA, Keep [N3]
groups that the elgar has been unable to A barony in Anfaldon held by baron Faradis
suppress. Anagni from the count of Anfaldon. Faradis is a
devout conventional Laranian. His beliefs make
OVANA, Castle [I9] him few friends with the local nobility, including
A castle in Manas governed by elgar Rogyn several of his vassals.
Valastre for the count of Manas.
PAGON, River [L5]
OZELE, Keep [J6] A river draining the central Korgin Mountains
A barony in Jaleda held by baron Gofryn and emptying into Tasha Sound. The Pagon
Vilchier from the countess of Jaleda. Gofryn River marks the current border between Trierzon
was a suitor of Ilene Toreo when she was and the Azeryan Empire, although Azeri control
younger, but Blance refused his suit because she extends over the Pagon River towards the
was holding her daughter’s hand for a more summit of the Adegin Pass. The lower reaches
politically advantageous alliance. Although he is of the river are highly militarized, and see
now married, Gofryn still loves Ilene. frequent patrols by both realms.

PALAMA, County [F7]

Location: Southwestern Trierzon
Ruler: Count Malperd Kolerin
Population: 134,000

PACHEN, Keep [I4] Traditionally comprising the Pados valley and all
A barony in Ilbra held by baron Daseno Laman the lands between the Pados and Bagre Rivers,
from the duke of Stalfore. Palama has borne the brunt of Palithane’s
expansion. Over the past century all of the
PADOS, River [F6] Bagre valley has been lost, and fighting is not
A short river draining the southern Luinde uncommon north of the Pados River during
Mountains and emptying into the Gulf of Batana. summer.

Despite ongoing warfare, Palama is potentially

PAG GWELU wealthy. The plains south of the Pados River
A malevolent produce good red wines, and the southeastern
river spirit (or Luinde mountains are famous for their honey.
type of river Much trade, however, leaves via the Delotus pass
spirit) said to be to Penetha and then down the Ilas River to Pelina
associated with due to the risk of pirates operating from Skagia.
the Degela
River and its Years of fighting, dating back to the Ivinian raids
tributaries. In of the 5th century have left Palama with some of
form, the Pag the most impressive fortifications in Trierzon.
Gwelu is
supposedly Settlement Hex Type Clan
resembles an Darshen F6 Town Kolerin
old man, covered in the slime of the river bottom Glaten G6 Keep Selven
and stinking of rotten fish. Many deep and
treacherous pools are said to be the residence of Helid F6 Castle Maguen
Pag Gwelu, who takes those who walk carelessly Hisario F6 Keep Geral
near the river bank down to his lair and
consumes them. According to some stories, if Jireno F7 Castle Etrandar
Pag Gwelu can be wrestled out of the river, he Lanire F6 Keep Kolerin

Palaso G6 Castle Kolerin is the case for most of western Lythia. There are
small followings for Save Knor, Halea, and Ilvir,
Staben F6 Keep Etrandar largely within specific segments of society.
Tagan F6 Castle Kolerin Worship of Morgath, Agrik, and Naveh has been
punishable by death since 639 TR, but the law is
Toregun F6 Keep Burzat still not enforced consistently.
Zerede F6 Castle Kolerin
Prior to the rise of the Azeryan Empire, Palithane
was settled by Emela and Thanema tribal
peoples. The Thanema, who made up the bulk of
PALASO, Castle [G6] the population were concentrated in the Entano,
A castle in Palama governed by elgar Brethan Ypena, and Bagre river valleys. Between 303
Kolerin for the count of Palama. and 307 TR the Thanema were incorporated into
the Azeryan Empire which held onto the
PALGINILA, Bight [B4] province, despite increasing raiding by Trierzi
A bay off the coast of Palithane into which the tribes, until the Trierzi rebellion of 484.
Entano River flows.
Independent Trierzon held Thanema for only a
few decades before it was wrested from their
PALINUT, Keep [D6]
grasp by Bjan Ledrin, who founded the kingdom
A barony in Gavas held by baron Bjak Colendy
of Palithane. Since that time the Ledrins have
from the earl of Gavas.
ruled Palithane with varying degrees of control
over the kingdom’s independent and fractious
PALITHANE, Kingdom nobility. After a rather anarchic period in the
Palithane is a feudal kingdom conquered by sixth century, the last hundred years has seen the
Ivinians in the early sixth century, and now Palithanian throne strengthen its position relative
largely governed by them. Although the ruling to the nobility. The two centuries since Bjan’s
class is mostly Ivinian in ancestry, they are now conquest have seen Palithane’s largely Ivinian
largely assimilated to the feudal culture of descended nobility adopt a feudal way of life,
Trierzon and Shorkyne. Carved out of Trierzi and despite the ever present threat of Trierzi
territory, the kingdom has kept its independence revanche, Palithane is an increasingly stable
through military excellence, and due to the fact kingdom.
that Trierzon must divide its attention between
Shorkyne and Azeryan as well as Palithane. There have been 11 kings of Palithane.

Compared to Trierzi culture, the Palithanian Clan Ledrin

nobility have a reputation for being less cultured Bjan I 519-532
and refined. They do, however, tend to produce Hajan 532-548
skilled and courageous knights, combining an Osaar 548-553
Ivinian attitude to death in battle with the Bjan II 553-563
traditional skills and arms of a Laranian knight. Redan 563-594
Ranald 594-612
Ragnald I 612-643
Liad 643-654
Rohn 654-705
Ragnald II 705-714
Braen 714-

Braen Ledrin inherited the throne six years ago,

and has since focused his attention on
strengthening the position of the crown and
encouraging the Laranian faith. He considers
Increasingly, much of the nobility is of the these two goals to be interlinked. A short fair
Laranian faith, although there are still some man, Braen looks younger than his actual age.
significant noble families that adhere to the code Nonetheless, he is a clear thinker and is strong
of Sarajin. The peasantry are largely Peonian, as willed. Somewhat idealistic, Braen’s greatest

challenge is persuading those around him to see river, Parahal owes its wealth to trade. With the
his vision of the future. best port in Palithane, the town is a stopping
point for much of the merchant traffic between
Palithane is currently divided into 8 counties, the Venarian Sea and the Gulf of Shorkyne. In
although the current number and configuration particular, the Larun of Cherafir and of Alwin
only dates from the battle of Cembion Field in stop in Parahal on both their north bound and
619 TR. The counties are held by the king, 5 south bound legs.
earls, and a count. The major holdings of the
king and his tenants in chief are: Parahal is governed by elgar Aroste Ledrin for
the king of Palithane. He is advised four times a
Fief Governor Ruling Clan year by a rowdy council comprising all of the
Norimar King of Palithane Ledrin town’s guildmasters meeting in a field outside
Liguno Earl of Liguno Ledrin the town walls. Between meetings a smaller
Athamas Count of Athamas Clayr number of officers appointed by Aroste from the
Tamanias (elgar) Clayr council assist in administration.
Gavas Earl of Gavas Erjolaf
Luindar Earl of Luindar Raldsen Construction has recently begun on a large
Skagia Earl of Skagia Stafaeld Laranian cathedral in Parahal, sponsored by the
Batana Earl of Batana Pelanby king. The Peonian primate of Palithane has her
seat in Parahal.
PAMEDE, Keep [I5]
A barony in Peltane held by baron Anselm Blain PAREBIR, Town [E9]
from the count of Peltane. Population: 3,200. A town in Chimas and the
seat of government for the county of Chimas.
PANATH, Keep [K5] Parebir is governed directly by Elgar Melsinde
A keep in Ubai governed by elgar Edan Frasac Equilan. Although it is smaller than Kirgaras,
for the duke of Ubai. Parebir’s central location makes it a suitable base
for the Elgar as she is able to reinforce all of the
coastal castles in a roughly equal time.
PANEGA, Keep [I7]
A barony in Latima held by baron Margan
Arpian from the duke of Gelamo. PAREGIN, Keep [A2]
A barony in Malad held by baroness Berynda
Goslet from the Queen of Emelrene. Berynde
PANIRA, Castle [A1] trained as a Lyhavi Shek Pvar before becoming
A barony in Algram held by baron Lygen baroness and pursues an ongoing interest in
Doralys from the queen of Emelrene. Baron astronomy and astrology (which she does not
Doralys also holds the keeps of Jenaf and distinguish between).
PARELN, Keep [H5]
PANISA, Keep [F8] A barony in Devai held by baron Mathres
A barony in Ilaska held by baron Evasten Arbius Arlathen from the duke of Gelamo. The
from the count of Ilaska. Arlathens have a bitter feud with the Arlathenets
of Gaviro that has claimed the lives of several
PANKINIRE, Keep [J8] family members over the last decade.
A barony in Kogamin held by elgar Avidan Erael
from the duke of Kogamin. Much of the barony PARNON, Keep [G2]
of Pankinire is steep hillside and would be A barony in Stalfore held by baron Luuc Arlean
virtually valueless had it not been extensively from the duke of Stalfore. Parnon would be a
terraced and planted in orange and lemon trees. wealthy barony were it not for the damage done
each year by both Trierzi and Shorkyne troops
PARAHAL, Town [B4] during the annual ‘spear rattling’ along the
Population: 14,800. Parahal is the capital of border.
Palithane and also the kingdom’s largest
settlement. Located at the mouth of the Entano

PEDALIN, Keep [F9] Batana, the Pelanbys have become, by default,

A barony in Trabant held by baron Morel the earls of Batana. While they remain also the
Lamane from the duke of Trabant. earls of Degau, the Pelanby lands in Palithane
are widely referred to simply as Batana.
PEDHIN, Keep [M4] The present earl of Batana and Degau is Rutal
A barony in Melesuma held by baron Daeale Pelanby, a clever man active both in trade and in
Norve from the count of Melesuma. improving Batana’s defences. In recent years the
fortunes of Batana have been on an upswing at
PEDILONES, Keep [K5] the expense of the Trierzi county of Palama.
A keep in Mankonia governed by elgar Eran However, the duke of Trabant has started to take
Duvalian for the Duke of Ubai. The king often an interest, and the balance of power could easily
visits Pedilones in the autumn to go hunting in swing against the Pelanbys.
the hills to the east.
PEDOTHA, Keep [I8] The Pelandros rule the county of Agelos, centred
A barony in Enala held by baron Jerbon Tyarol on the upper Ilas River. Descended from the
from the count of Enala. The Tyarols also hold Zonora rulers of the petty tribal kingdom of
the keep of Purose. Agelos and Trierzi nobility who have
subsequently married into the clan, the Pelandros
PEGARES, Keep [I8] have controlled the Agelos region for over 600
A keep in Enala governed by elgar Lankalo years.
Badriac for the count of Enala.
The current clan head is Aleth Pelandro, a
dignified woman of 63, renown for her iron will.
PELANBY, Clan Neither beautiful nor of more than average
One of the wealthiest and most powerful clans in intellect, Aleth is none the less a competent ruler.
western Lythia, the Pelanbys have major She adheres rigidly to her ‘principles’, which are
holdings in Harbaal, Chelemby, Shorkyne, and partly shaped by her devout Laranian beliefs but
Palithane. Although the Shorkyne branch of the even more by generations of family tradition. To
Pelanbys is, perhaps the most powerful, the her family Aleth is warm and supportive, but she
Harbaalese branch is considered the most senior holds the honour of her family and its role above
as the Pelanbys are Harbaalese in origin. the interests of individual family members.

The Palithane branch of the clan came to the Aleth’s husband, Piares Pelandro is a distant
country with Bjan Ledrin in 513. By 519, nearly relative of the elgar of Kogamin. He is a narrow
a thousand clansmen and followers were in minded pedant of 66, and not overly bright. His
Palithane. Reflecting the Pelanby contribution to oldest son, Ostel takes after him and is
his victory, Bjan Ledrin made Harvin Pelanby something of a disappointment to his mother.
the earl of Degau. Aleth’s hopes for her dynasty rest on Ostel’s
young son Torquel who is an intelligent young
The Pelanby domains were always precarious, man of 18.
sharing a land border with Trierzon, and within a
relatively short distance of the lands of the The Pelandros take relatively little interest in
powerful duke of Trabant. Perhaps because of high politics. Where she cannot remain
this, the Pelanbys looked as much to internal uninvolved, Aleth tends to follow the lead of the
opportunities to increase their power as to count of Areshomes.
foreign opportunities. Earl Delan Pelanby was
instrumental in forming the coalition of eastern
earls defeated by Ragnald Ledrin in 619. PELINA, Town [G9]
Population: 5,600. Pelina serves as the primary
Ironically, the defeat at Cembion Field provided port for the county of Ilaska and as a trans-
an opportunity for the Pelanbys to enhance their shipment point for goods coming down the Ilas
holdings at the expense of the earl of Batana who River from Areshomes and Agelos. Although
had died without an heir in the battle. Taking not a major port for international trade, Pelina
most of the lands associated with the earl of conducts a thriving trade with Chedilo. Pelna is

a chartered freetown administered by a council Settlement Hex Type Clan

of 13 alderman.
Ajera I5 Keep Equilan
PELISTRE, Keep [E6] Aregol I5 Castle Chivara
A barony in Batana held by baron Pelthas Vaben Benire J5 Keep Xavande
from the earl of Batana. Pelthas lost his only
two sons in a skirmish with Trierzi forces in 719 Caso J5 Keep Berrin
and currently has no heir. He is worried for his Corin J5 Keep Xavande
line as his wife died six years ago.
Hankis I5 Keep Perrax
Kopane I4 Keep Chivara
PELMISUM, River [M5]
A tributary of the Zonan River in Beronium. Laseno I5 Keep Equilan
Limafe I5 Keep Chivara
PELON, Keep [I5] Melga J5 Keep Talirzand
A keep in Gelamo governed by elgar Bjon
Ekestaar for the duke of Gelamo. Bjon is a Norson I5 Keep Chivara
Harbaalese mercenary who served the current Pamede I5 Keep Blain
duke’s father during the Chaos.
Raived I5 Keep Efiann

PELSIS, Keep [E9] Rilen J5 Keep Lacar

A barony in Trabant held by baron Rubren Seraf I5 Keep Reneal
Navasta from the duke of Trabant. Tain J5 Town Freetown
Trequa I5 Keep Rampal
PELSYE, Keep [J6]
A barony in Mankonia held by baron Althar Versheme I5 Town Chivara
Cloutan from the Duke of Ubai. Wesila J5 Keep Chivara
Zhalon J5 Keep Xavande
PELTANE, County [I5]
Location: Central Trierzon
Ruler: Elgara Lyzel Chivara PENETHA, Town [G6]
Population: 138,000 Population: 6,500. A chartered Freetown in
Agelos, and the primary settlement of the
The ancestral home of the powerful Chivara county. The town is governed by a council of
clan, Peltane marks the old Azeri border in eight wealthy ‘patrician’ families. Clan
central Trierzon. Once the site of the capital of Carumerre of Vedena hold one of the council
the Azeryan province of Zonora, Peltane is now seats, while the other clans are more exclusively
something of a political backwater. The mercantile.
Chivaras, although powerful, focus most of their
attention on the duchy of Trabant. PENIVEL, Keep [H4]
A barony in Senedalo governed by elgar Gerag
Peltane is, nonetheless, a wealthy domain. The Dahno for the countess of Senedalo.
plain of Peltane, lying between Malagos and
Versheme, is some of the richest agricultural
land in Trierzon. Peltane produces a significant
PENLIN, Castle [G9]
A castle in Manas governed by elgar Levan
grain surplus, much of which is barged down the
Ryzele for the count of Manas.
Gaden River to feed Ubarian and even Janora.

The region also sees significant trade passing PERARD, Clan

through from other areas. The Gaden River The ruling clan of the county of Malagos. The
serves as the main trade route from northwest Perards can trace their lineage back to the kings
Trierzon to the coast, while Versheme remains of Tidral who ruled the Malaga – a tribe of
an important crossroads. Trierzi heritage when the Azeryan Empire was at
its height. The Malaga controlled much of
modern Malagos as well as eastern Baldeme, and

were a well organized and warlike people. Their Burin K5 Keep Parane
presence was one of the main reasons for the line
of Azeryan forts built between Anlide and Chatena K5 Castle Gramon
Beledar. Cutsem L5 Keep Andrevin

Jaspin Perard is a confidant, even arrogant man Dekete L5 Keep Andrevin

of 36, proud of his family’s long history. Edvin K5 Keep Gramon
Married with three children, Jaspin takes little
Falte K5 Keep Toronel
interest in his wife. Instead, he dallies discretely
with the wife of one of his tenants in chief. Alys Genese K5 Keep Banier
Yvndal is a beautiful woman of 35. Her Horedew K4 Keep Peletyan
husband, the baron of Selfros is aware of the
liaison, but does not know what to do. Kiriso K5 Keep Kirisandra
Larad K5 Keep Gramon
PERNA, County [K5] Limbel L5 Keep Oulan
Location: Central Trierzon
Ruler: Elgar Sanryc Lavian Melisos K5 Keep Toronel
Population: 207,000 Melyga K4 Keep Epranel
Nanter K5 Keep Gaurepan
The county of Perna is traditionally held by the
ruling clan of Trierzon, but is not considered part Perna K5 Town Peonian Church
of the duchy of Ubai. In part, this set of Porsomes K5 Keep Belard
arrangements stems from the role of the Peonian
pontiff at Perna. It is traditional that, after the Rilte K5 Keep Andrevin
King of Trierzon is crowned, he offers the Sirse K5 Castle Andrevin
Peonian pontiff the title of count of Perna. The
Tarus K5 Keep Toronel
pontiff the refuses the
title, and formally Volone K5 Keep Fortyne
requests that the King Yavei K5 Keep Pourmand
accept the position and
also the responsibility
for defending the PERNA, Town [K5]
Peonian church. Population: 14,300. Perna is the principal
Because of this role, settlement of the county of the same name, but
one of the titles of the more importantly it is also the seat of the
King of Trierzon is Peonian pontiff. It is the latter fact that is the
“Protector of the primary reason for the town’s existence and is
Peonian Faith”. also its main business. Pilgrims flood to Perna
from all over western Lythia, and much of the
town’s business is devoted to catering for them.
Perna is a fertile fief, producing a significant
grain surplus. Indeed, the fief is widely believed Although the town is notionally ruled by the
to be specially blessed by Peoni. A limited pontiff, a council of 12 alderman appointed by
amount of trade comes over the Soritu pass from the pontiff actually run the city. The city has a
the Azeryan Empire. The pass also sees some slightly run down feel to it, as over the years
military traffic, although so far neither Trierzon noble patrons have subsidized the construction of
nor Azeryan has actually tried to launch an impressive religious buildings that the church
attack over the pass. Much of Perna is lacks the revenue to maintain.
mountainous and inhabited only by Beroni
tribesmen settled in small mountain villages. PERSEL, Fortress [M5]
Settlement Hex Type Clan A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by five
companies of the Legion of Righteous
Agras K5 Keep Touchard Devastation.
Amnos L5 Castle Andrevin
Bunoly K5 Keep Duben

PERSIM, Keep [H4] come to accept the current state of affairs, but the
A barony in Senedalo held by baron Churels count does not trust him.
Hesdin from the countess of Senedalo.
POGERON, Castle [I6]
PESENDE, Castle [H9] A castle in Gelamo governed by elgar Gereno
A castle in Manas governed by elgar Gorthes Navastan for the duke of Gelamo. The hills
Lymodan for the count of Manas. Pesende was north of Pogernon are the site of valuable silver
built to defend the naval approaches to Chedilo, mines. In the past Pogeron was the subject of
and boasts the remains of a significant Azeryan much contention between the counts of Gelamo
naval base. The Valastres still maintain three and Latima on this count.
smallish Laru here for use as customs vessels
and to patrol the Gelor pass for pirates. POLGRE, Keep [M3]
A keep in Melesuma governed by elgar Irmand
PEVENIS, Keep [K6] Ruanal for the baron of Sefrede.
A barony in Mankonia held by baron Sedran
Belliare from the Duke of Ubai. PONOLA, Keep [J7]
A barony in Rindi held by baron Capalo Dialla
PIDA, Keep [H6] from the count of Rindi.
A keep in Vedin governed by elgar Baden
Monteral for the baron of Gilonder. The keep PORADE, Castle [N6]
tower was built on swampy land which has A major fortress on the coast of Beronium.
subsequently subsided, giving the main tower a Porade guards a good harbour, and is sometimes
distinct slant. used as an anchorage by naval vessels. The
citadel is garrisoned by 4 companies of the
PILANT, Keep [K3] Legion of the Stone Hand. The Vishras of
A barony in Nadamia held by elgar Porvis Porade district, Elthen Zakronasa is also based
Harnada for the baron of Tegate. Porvis is the here.
baron’s cousin and is loyal, but somewhat less
devout than his cousin. PORSA, Keep [L3]
A barony in Nadamia held by elgar Brethil
PILASEN, Castle [L10] Harnada, the eldest son of the baron of Tegate.
A barony in Omegen held by baron Merag
Kepleras from the duchess of Zhoren. PORSOMES, Keep [K5]
A barony in Perna held by baron Tuliath Belard
PIMLEKON, Keep [G4] from the count of Perna.
A barony in Senedalo governed by elgar Ibrin
Lanfrande from the baron of Yemel. Ibrin is the PREGANT, Keep [F3]
baron’s eldest son, and was made elgar of A barony in Tamanias held by baron Toric Wyre
Pimlekon to learn the responsibilities of rule. So from the count of Athamas. The lands around
far he has run the fief down and angered most of Pregant have suffered heavily from Trierzi
his senior tenants. raiding, and the Wyres are not a wealthy family.

PLARIN, Keep [G8] PRENEL, Keep [K1]

A barony in Areshomes held by elgar Subin A keep in the Shorkyne county of Sabinia.
Dhimadro from the baron of Rasora.
PUROSE, Keep [I8]
PLENA, Keep [I8] A keep in Enala governed by elgar Merik Tyarol
A barony in Enala held by baron Gavral Thyzar for the baron of Pedotha. The Tyarols seized
from the count of Enala. The Thyzars are Purose from the count of Latima at the same time
relatives of Enala’s old ruling clan Thyzarmon that Latima was conquered by the duke of
and Gavral’s father died in the siege of Singai Gelamo.
when Gavrel was only 3 years old. Gavral has

PURSEL, Keep [C4] QUANDAS, Shire [A1]

A barony in Liguno held by baron Venral Aarna Location: Northern Emelrene
from the earl of Liguno. Shire Moot: Detule
Population: 82,000
PURVES, Keep [K4]
A barony in Faldin held by baron Mathas The northernmost shire of the kingdom of
Freirien from the countess of Faldin. Mathas is a Emelrene. Much of Quandas lies off the
depraved degenerate, manipulated by the corrupt Trierzon regional map to the north. Densely
priestess of the local Halean Church. forested and hilly, the population of Quandas is
scattered along the coast and the route of the
Alagon highway. Partly because its population
PUSAMA, Keep [E8] is so thinly scattered, much of Quandas is
A barony in Trabant held by baron Althir administered by the sheriff.
Denseley from the duke of Trabant. The hills
east of Pusama are considered haunted and the Settlement Hex Type Clan
locals are reluctant to venture into them. There Argonel sA10 Castle Tiemel
have been several unexplained disappearances in Charones sC10 Castle Edhelen
the area over the years.
Deserid sC10 Town Freetown
PYMOR, Keep [I3] Detule sB10 Castle Edhelen
A barony in Ilbra held by baron Sabilis Xarrano Jeledh sB10 Castle Dhasis
from the duke of Stalfore. The Xarranos are a
family of Azeri descent who lost their lands in Maris A1 Castle Tiemel
southern Trierzon following the Trierzi rebellion Molor sC10 Keep Edhelen
against the Azeryan Empire, but were granted
Nerede sC10 Keep Edhelen
the barony of Ilbra after serving as retainers to
Mirgael in his campaigns in Shorkyne. Perel sB10 Castle Edhelen
Tharen sA10 Keep Edhelen

QUALNDA, Town [K3]
A keep in Mankonia governed by elgar Darael
Trevel for the Duke of Ubai.

Population: 5,200. A chartered freetown in QUANTERE, River [F1]

Nadamia. Qualnda is governed by a council of 9 A river in Shorkyne emptying into the Gulf of
aldormen elected by the town’s citizens. During Shorkyne.
the chaos Qualnda opted for neutrality, and
withheld its support from the count of Nadamia QUARNON, Keep [J8]
when Arthis was campaigning in the county. A barony in Kogamin held by baroness Syvalla
This neutral stance was highly profitable for the Fantine from the duke of Kogamin. Syvalla
town, but the town’s relationship with the counts inherited the barony after both her father,
of Nadamia has been very poor ever since. brother, and husband died in an onging feud with
Several times disagreements over taxes and the the baron of Wenes. A proud and strong woman,
town’s privileges have erupted into violence, Syvalla pursues the feud with vigour.
resulting in the count pillaging the town’s lands.
Qualnda exports significant quantities of
brasswares down River to Ubarian and beyond. QUATRA, River [L4]
A river in Trierzon draining the northwestern
Korgin Mountains.
QUANAL, Keep [E9]
A barony in Tamala held by baron Pyskel
Esteban from the duke of Trabant. QUAVIS, Keep [I5]
A keep in Gelamo governed by elgar Hubar
Armande for the baron of Alsinor.

QUEDE, Keep [J8] Chaos, and Dalhaga has not yet attempted to get
A barony in Latima held by baron Lapael Orsyle the Toronels to dismantle their fortifications.
from the duke of Gelamo. The Orslyles are still
not reconciled to the Navastan conquest and plot QUILIME, Keep [B4]
vengeance. A barony in Norimar held by baron Braent
Sirayaud from the earl of Norimar. The woods
QUEDRI, Keep [K4] to the west of the barony are purportedly the site
A barony in Faldin held by baron Parles of a successful ambush of an Azeri legion during
Bargorilon from the countess of Faldin. the days of the empire. Rumours of the location
of the legion’s pay chest and gold standard
surface from time to time.
A barony in Tamanias held by baron Alden
Queln from the count of Athamas. QUILINADOS, Keep [M3]
A barony in Anfaldon hled by baron Jerlas
Sciarra from the count of Anfaldon.
QUELYMO, Keep [G7]
A barony in Areshomes held by baron Baden
Eivangrial from the count of Areshomes. One of QUODRA, Keep [B2]
the baron’s tenants, the abbey of Quelthan A keep in Alwina governed by elgar Merak Ubel
produces wines to rival those of Shenilo. for the Earl of Glaron.

QUEMELA, Keep [G8]

A barony in Korun held by baron Gyan Serion
from the count of Korun.

QUERIL, Keep [C4]

RAIMOR, River [K5]
A barony in Liguno held by baron Lyden A tributary of the Degela River, flowing through
Forsenard from the earl of Liguno. Lyden is a the centre of the county of Perna. It is customary
gourmand and avid admirer of music. Bards and for Peonian pilgrims to Perna to take a small
troubadours are assured a welcome at his table if bottle of water from the Raimor River back to
they are even modestly competent. bless their fields with on their return home.

QUESELAS, Keep [E9] RAIVED, Keep [I5]

A keep in Trabant governed by Elgara Astir A barony in Peltane held by baron Korasta
Chivara for the duke of Trabant. Astir is the Efiann from the count of Peltane. Raived was
widow of one of the duke’s cousins and was the sight of a major battle between invading
given Queselas to govern after her husband’s Azeryan legions and local Trierzi tribes during
death. Astir has proved an excellent the Azeri conquest of Zonora. It is said that the
administrator and the recen vintages from ghosts of the slain can be seen refighting the
Queselas rival those from Ronde. battle on the night of 7 Navek each year.


A keep in Malad governed by elgar Mare Originating as an offshoot of clan Rald from
Yndarien for the Sheriff of Tesdony. Menglana, the Raldsens were involved in raids
on Palithane well before Bjan Ledrin began the
QUETYL, Keep [F9] conquest of the region in earnest. The Raldsens
A keep in Trabant governed by Elgar Lydin formed a substantial part of the fleet that took
Suredina for the baron of Nerefa. Ypenres, and it was this force that formed the
core of the army that took Leshones in 516. The
Raldsens held onto Leshones and, following the
QUIBEI, Castle [K5] conquest of Palithane, made this the core of a
A barony in Ubai held by baron Gyen Toronel larger domain occupying the Gaira valley. Over
from the duke of Ubai. The Toronels upgraded the years the Raldsens’ power has gradually
the keep of Quibei to a full castle during the

eroded and they are now easily the least

powerful and poorest of the earls of Palithane. REDIRN, Keep [J6]
A barony in Jaleda governed by elgar Vebran
Anselm Raldsen is an easy going man in the Hardrana for the countess of Jaleda. During the
prime of his life. Thirty three years old, he period from 693 to 695 Redirn was the only
stands six foot one tall and is stronger than many fortification in Jaleda held by the Toreo clan.
men of his size. He lives in a grand manner The keep was besieged in 693 and 695, both of
befitting a great noble, and enjoys food, wine, which it survived.
and song as well as fighting, hunting, and
athletics. Anselm is currently unmarried, his
first wife having died in childbirth, along with REFOME, Mount [J2]
the child some seven years ago. He is looking A peak in the Nadami Mountains (8871’). There
for another wife, and is considering an alliance are persistent stories of unusual rock formations
with the youngest daughter of the powerful earl above the snow line showing evidence of having
of Skagia. On a recent trip through Gavas, been carved or built by some civilization. The
however, he met Ameryl Jaida, the baroness of provenence of these constructions, or even if
Grolin and was enchanted. He has yet to press they exist at all, is something of a mystery.
his suit, however.
REGANTA, Castle [L3]
RALETH, Town [C1] A castle in Melesuma governed by elgara
Population: 4,600. Raleth is a royal town and Berdona Travendal for the count of Melesuma.
the shire moot for Fandalon. Oringinally built as Berdona has received several complaints from
a castle to control the lowest crossing point on the baron of Orbis about the Knights of Avarkiel.
the Legama river, Raleth grew into a prosperous She is sympathetic to his plight, but will not
market town. Sedrial’s Rebellion saw the town intervene without her cousin, the count’s
assaulted. Although the citadel held out, the agreement. The old Azeryan legionary fortress
lower town was sacked and Raleth has never of Reganta is located nearby. It is now in a state
really recovered since. of ruins having been quarried for stone to build
the current castle.
RAMOREO, Keep [B4]
A barony in Norimar held by baron Rougar REGLES, Keep [H5]
Sverin from the earl of Norimar. A keep in Devai governed by elgar Tuliath
Maivelle from the duke of Gelamo.
RANDIR, Keep [C4]
A keep in Liguno governed by elgar Petran REGONA, Castle [G1]
Evearkal for the earl of Liguno. A castle in the county of Montivel in Shorkyne.

RANOGA, Keep [G2] REMESE, Keep [J4]

A barony in Stalfore held by the Knights of A barony in Malagos held by baron Belsares
Avarkiel from the King. The knights are charged Remestal from the count of Malagos. A large
with patrolling the Tarvan road, a task that they predator of some sort has moved into the hills
carry out with a degree of zeal that some would northwest of Remese. It has taken eight people
consider excessive. over the last three months, including the baron’s
head forester. So far there are no surviving
witnesses of the beast, only half eaten corpses
RASORA, Keep [G8] and a few large but indistinct clawed prints.
A large barony in Areshomes held by baron
Korastile Dhimadro from the count of
Areshomes. The Dhimadro’s are loyal allies of RESHTAR’S ROAD, Road
the Torkise. Reshtar’s road links Mankon with Melesuma via
Ubarian, Darimur, and Bregones. Constructed
between 386 and 394 during the campaigns of
REDELOM, Keep [G4] the emperor Reshtar in the upper Degela valley,
A barony in Senedalo held by baron Evrin Reshtar’s Road was the last of the Azeryan
Creslon from the countess of Senedalo. highways to be built with the exception of the

Dragon’s Shore. The Road is still in good shape under-resourced constable of Perna when
and is a major trade and communications route necessary.
linking Ubarian with Melesuma.
RILYKE, Keep [G4]
RESYMES, Keep [K3] A barony in Senedalo held by baron Wyvan
A barony in Nadamia held by elgar Sethir Gaubry from the countess of Senedalo. The
Ladaro from the baron of Welis. Resymes has a fords of Rilyke were the site of a battle between
large Emela population who come and go fairly two Trierzi tribes during the second century TR.
much as they please. The battle, fought over the Red Boar of Alsinon,
is immortalized in a favourite Trierzi ballad, the
RHIMAL, Keep [H6] Song of Alsinon. It is said that the ford is
A barony in Vedin held by baron Sedran Bardan haunted, and on the anniversary of the battle the
from the duke of Gelamo. dead warriors can be seen “locked in combat
evermore, ‘till once again there comes the boar”.

RIBID, Keep [A3]

A barony in keep in Ulama governed by elgar RINDI, County [J7]
Tayn Lydrel for the Baron of Buzen. Location: Southern Trierzon
Ruler: Count Audrin Velthane
Population: 180,000
RIGEROS, Town [K9]
Population: 3800. Located near the Ilona straits Rindi is a county in Trierzon lying between
and with a good harbour, Rigeros is a bustling Degela Bay and the Malgatan highlands. The
port. Rigeros is a chartered Freetown and is shores of Degela Bay have been inhabited since
governed by an elected council of nine aldormen. the first humans arrived in Trierzon.
The council hires a constable to see to the Consequently, Rindi is rich in history. Many
defence of the town. current settlements are built on sites that were
significant as far back as 2000 BT.
RIKOLA, Keep [N3]
A barony in Anfaldon held by baron Losaka The county is controlled by clan Velthane, and
Balgatan from the count of Anfaldon. Prior to has managed to avoid the worst consequences of
the Tobran inquisition the Balgatans also held Trierzon’s turmultuous history. Recently, the
the keep of Gelude, a fact that the family has not actions of the young count Audrin Velthane have
forgotten. alienated many of the lesser nobility.

Rindi has a strong agricultural economy

RILAME, Keep [G9] exporting grain, fruit, and some wine, mostly via
A barony in Ilaska held by baroness Elesa the port of Rindiro. Much of the terrain in Rindi
Seriane from the count of Ilaska. The Serianes is hilly, and herding is therefore also important.
are generally counted amongs the strongest allies
of the count of Ilaska. Settlement Hex Type Clan
Baid J7 Castle Velthane
RILEN, Keep [J5] Camon J7 Keep Mantes
A barony in Peltane held by baron Loran Lacar
from the count of Peltane. Cenomes J6 Keep Garledo
Daman J7 Keep Lanfors
RILETHE, Keep [M3] Ebale J7 Castle Velthane
A barony in Melesuma held by baron Haraste
Erola J7 Keep Velthane
Byss from the count of Melesuma.
Garion J6 Keep Mortain
RILTE, Keep [K5] Helgon I7 Keep Clunis
A keep in Perna governed by elgar Gerian Horgela J7 Castle Chebrai
Nemoth for the count of Perna. Gerian maintains
an outsize garrison that he uses to support the Idon I6 Keep Velthane
Iloma J7 Keep Churel

Kareles I7 Keep Tirel

Maxen I7 Keep Sandael
A keep in Faldin governed by elgar Dorilan
Modesa J7 Keep Fortenor Bellame for the baron of Cilgos.
Ponola J7 Keep Dialla
Rindiro J7 Town Freetown ROFTEN, Fortress [M6]
A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by 2
Rolen J7 Keep Bretuel companies of the Gorium legion.
Shegro J7 Keep Matael
Torgin J7 Keep Velthane ROLEN, Keep [J7]
A barony in Rindi held by baron Domjan Bretuel
Veluna J6 Keep Velthane
from the count of Rindi.
Vendis J7 Keep Ansai
Zaride J7 Keep Fitales ROLINED, Keep [N2]
An isolated barony in Anfaldon held by baron
RINDIRO, Town [J7] Lancred Brovana from the count of Anfaldon.
Population: 6,300. A chartered freetown in the The lands around Rolined were only granted to
county of Rindi in southern Trierzon. Rindiro is the Brovanas in 673, and are still being
the principle settlement and port for the county colonized. The Rolined branch of clan Brovana
of Rindi. Although overshadowed by nearby owe fealty directly to the count of Anfaldon, but
Janora, Rindiro is nonetheless a thriving port. still tend to follow the lead of the baron of
Exports from Rindi (mostly fruit, wine, and Mingra.
grain) depart for Ubarian, while it is not
uncommon for ship leaving Janora with unsold ROMAS, Keep [L9]
cargo to stop and offload their surplus at Rindiro. A barony in Dovalin held by baron Nikora Cesi
Strong local tides, however, can make the port from the duke of Dovalin.
hazardous for unwary pilots. Rindiro has a
constable in charge of military affairs, and a RONDE, Castle [E9]
council of seven aldormen under a mayor A barony in Trabant held by baron Natan
responsible for civil affairs. Charond from the duke of Trabant. The red
wines of Ronde are famous for their quality, and
RIOME, Castle [K8] have given their name to the general type of light
A barony in Bomedus held by baron Evernard red wines produced in Trabant. Ronde’s wines
Plessien from the duke of Kogamin. The baron have made the Charond family very wealthy.
is an upright, if proud and independent lord, and
he is concerned by the actions of his cousin, the RONTE, Keep [I6]
baron of Lerejes. So far he has tried to be A barony in Gelamo held by baron Gonred
conciliatory towards the Laranian church, but Chelar from the duke of Gelamo.
this role has wounded his pride, and he may yet
take direct action against the baron of Lerejes in
order to salvage the family honour. ROSAN, Keep [J5]
A barony in Ubai held by baron Nerel Ivelin
from the Duke of Ubai..
RISTO, Keep [L3]
A barony in Nadamia held by baron Kaelo
Tatzyl from the count of Nadamia. ROSTEL, Keep [G2]
A barony in Stalfore held by elgar Geriad
Galliand for the duke of Stalfore.
RIZUMA, Town [G9]
Population: 3,400. A port at the mouth of the
Makosa River in Manas, Rizuma is eclipsed by RUKINOL, Fortress [M6]
Chedilo to the east and Pelina to the west as a A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by five
trading port. The town is governed by elgar companies of the Legion of Righteous
Orsyn Valastre for the count of Manas. Devastation.

RUSINIS, Keep [K1] the temple compound.

A keep in Sabinia in Shorkyne.
The headquarters of the order is located in the
abbey at Irulane in Ilbra. Barida al Farenos is the
RUSTIRO, Keep [A1] abbess of Irulane abbey and the turintesa of the
A keep in Algram governed by elgar Sedrik Order of Saint Irula.
Elydene for the earl of Nalise.

SALUMI, Keep [B1]

RUVEN, Keep [K3] A keep in Algram governed by elgar Orthan
A barony in Nadamia held by baron Favril Afariel for the Sheriff of Algram.
Andelin from the count of Nadamia.

SAMRIS, Castle [M7]

RYAREN, Keep [L3] Seat of the Vishras for Samris district, and
A barony in Nadamia held by elgar Selfiro headquarters for the fourth cohort of the 1 st
Harnada for the baron of Tegate. Selfiro has Beronium legion, Samris is garrisoned by 5
served on the Azeryan border, and has little time companies of the 1st Beronium legion. Ten
for heretics. Travellers who are not sufficiently companies of the Ivinian Guard are also
orthodox in their religious beliefs risk being currently stationed here. Samris is also a minor
dragged off to the dungeons of Ryaren to be put naval base, and there is usually at least one Laru
to the question about their religion. in port. Vishras Phoras Comenne has been
entrapped by a Trierzi spy with whom he has
fallen in love, and has been providing

SABIN, Town [K1]
intelligence to agents of the Count of Magalia.

SANDRIS, Town [D4]

Population: 4,500. Sandris is a walled town in
A town in Sabinia and seat of the countess. Athamas controlling the only bridge over the
Dytem river. Mining further up the Dytem
valley provides much of the town’s wealth.
SABINIA, County [K1] Sandras is governed by elgar Tomal Clayr for the
A county in Shorkyne held by countess Bryna count of Athamas.
SANRY, Keep [L3]
SADRUX, Castle [M6] A barony in Nadamia held by baron Toril Fesigo
A citadel in Beronium garrisoned by 3 from the count of Nadamia. Toril Fesigo is a
companies of the Gorium legion. Sadrux is the close friend and confidant of count Rolan. There
site of a small town of 1500. The town was once is an ongoing dispute between the Fesigos and
larger, but was sacked by a Trierzi raiding force the baron of Tegate regarding some land lying
during the Dovalin war. Vishras Lanys Sedevar between Sanry and Ospa.
is seeking support to invest in rebuilding the
town. The Company of Kurriksor Lashwielder
maintain a sizeable chapter house in Sadrux. SARENER, Mount [N1]
A peak (7879’) in the Nadami Mountains.


An all female Laranian SARILEN, Castle [J6]
clerical and lay order A castle in Mankonia and seat of the elgar of
based in northern Mankonia, Sidan Pare. Sidan is not a very
Trierzon. The order tends effective governor and has failed to effectively
to emphasise compassion control the nobility of the county.
and honour rather than the
more martial side of the SARMIA, Keep [J6]
Laranian faith, and most A barony in Jaleda held by baron Mirgael Artoin
of the order’s temples from the countess of Jaleda.
include a hospice within

SARNA, Keep [A2]

A keep in Malad governed by elgar Gavral SEFREDE, Keep [M3]
Belona for the Earl of Emane. A barony in Melesuma held by baron Ansalm
Ruanal from the count of Melesuma. The
SCRIPTS Ruanals also hold the keeps of Polgre and
Lakise is the dominant script in use throughout Usmeren. Although conventional Laranians in
most of the Trierzon region. In Emelrene some belief, the Ruanals do not trust their powerful
use is made of Selenian by scholars, and Runic is and aggressive neighbours in Jirese.
occasionally used by Ivinian traders in Tarkain
and parts of Palithane. SELASH, Keep [D5]
A barony in Liguno held by baron Araen
After Lakise, Ayaran, the script of the Azeryan Melesyn from the earl of Liguno. Unusually for
Empire is the most commonly used script in the Liguno, the Melesyn clan is Emelan rather than
Trierzon region. Ayaran is the main script in use of Thanema or Ivinian stock.
in Beronium, but is also commonly used by
educated people in southern Trierzon, and by
mercantylers anywhere along the coast as far SELDIA, Keep [G2]
west as Parahal. A barony in Stalfore held by baron Hubere
Boudri from the duke of Stalfore. Seldia is an
isolated barony located right on the border with
SECRET FIRE, Order of Shorkyne. Large Shorkyne foraging parties have
An Agrikan clerical order operating in Beronium launched raids right to the walls of the keep
and (illegally) in eastern Trierzon. The fighting several times within living memory.
order, the Company of the Bloodied Claw is
sponsored by the order of the Secret Fire. Based
in Berone, the main purpose of the order of the SELETOS, Keep [J5]
Secret Fire is to minister to believers in Trierzon. A barony in Ubai held by baroness Ysabella
Priests of the order travel incognito in eastern Seletane from the duke of Ubai. Ysabella was
Trierzon, visiting believers and performing the king’s lover briefly before he married the
religious duties. They are also widely believed current queen. She has yet to marry herself, but
to play an important role in intelligence generally avoids court.
gathering for the Azeryan Empire. All priests of
the Secret Fire can be identified by the brand SELFROS, Keep [J4]
mark of a flame burned into their flesh on some A barony in Malagos held by baron Eredan
part of their body usually kept hidden. Even by Yvndal from the count of Malagos. Eredan’s
Agrikan standards, priests of the Secret Fire tend wife, Alys is a beautiful woman of 35 but
to be somewhat fanatical. although she is fond of her husband she does not
love him. The count has taken her as his lover.
SEDAGAR THE PITILESS, Order of Baron Eredan is in love with his wife, and will
An Agrikan claerical order based in Beronium not contemplate any action that would harm her.
and sponsoring the Company of Kurriksor He plots his vengeance against his liege.
Lashwielder. The priests of the order are highly
conservative, and think of themselves as SELPIREN, Castle [J4]
something of a purist elite among Agrikan A barony in Ubai held by baron Gosperd Borial
factions. In reality, the power of the order has from the duke of Ubai. The Borials were strong
ebbed away somewhat since its high point a little supporters of Arthis during the Chaos, and the
over a century ago. The headquarters of the queen mother Iniella detests Gosperd. Gosperd
order is in Berone. is eager to ingratiate himself to the king.

SEDEMUS, Mount [J2] SELTAN, Castle [C5]

A peak in the Nadami Mountains (6088’). A castle in Skagia governed by elgar Almo
Stafaeld for the earl of Skagia. Seltan has an
SEFIN, Keep [D5] impressive harbour, and is the base for the earl’s
A barony in Luindar held by baron Jaen Hjaiden personal fleet which includes a large Karune as
from the earl of Luindar. its flagship.

Higelo G3 Keep Quebral

SELTURIM, Keep [H6] Invarne H4 Keep Belverne
A barony in Agelos held by baron Berynd
Aservin from the countess of Agelos. Iztel H3 Keep Powry
Jutoa F4 Keep Caven
SEMILA, Keep [M3] Keveld F3 Keep Fastrad
A barony in Anfaldon held by baron Evastin
Peldael from the count of Anfaldon. Larben F4 Keep Yosny
Monsus G3 Keep Insalo
SEMORIS, Keep [H6] Muaden G3 Keep Sontel
A keep in Devai governed by elgar Korego
Nilipin H4 Keep Grantemeril
Serianna for the duke of Gelamo.
Nyrelum G3 Keep Medaro
SENEDALO, County [F4] Penivel H4 Keep Medaro
Location: Northern Trierzon Persim H4 Keep Hesdin
Ruler: Countess Estir Medaro
Population: 233,000 Pimlekon G4 Keep Lanfrande
Redelom G4 Keep Creslon
A large county in northwestern Trierzon,
Senedalo borders Palithane to both the south and Rilyke G4 Keep Gaubry
west. The border to the south is protected by the Sereng G4 Keep Wyrenne
Luinde Mountains, which effectively prevent Sesume G3 Keep Braos
large-scale warfare. The border to the west,
however, lies in the open plains of the Gaden Sunow G3 Keep Lany
valley and has been the site of much fighting Trensun G4 Keep Biname
over the years.
Vegusa H3 Town Medaro
The Luinde Mountains lack the mineral wealth Yemel G4 Keep Lanfrande
of the Nadami and Jerinalian ranges. While
some iron is mined in the foothills, minerals are
not a major export. Indeed, Senedalo is not a
The Seneshelen is the military commander of an
particularly wealthy county in terms of its
Azeryan province. Depending on the size of the
exports. However, a strong agricultural base
province in question, the Seneshelen will have a
supports prosperous naloren, and Senedalo is
number of Mekelen (qv) reporting to them, as
able to field a large force of knights. Proximity
well as a significant support staff. The Kemalras
to both Palithane and the Karetan Plain means
(qv) is the civilian equivalent of a Seneshelen.
that the knights of Senedalo have a high
In addition to command over the armed forces,
reputation throughout Trierzon. Less tends to be
the Seneshelen is responsible for foreign affairs
made of the fact that the Senedalo militia is also
and dealing with cross-border matters, except for
extremely effective.
migration and trade which fall under the
Settlement Hex Type Clan authority of the Kemalras.
Alstir G3 Keep Savond
Amnolen H3 Castle Medaro SEON, Keep [K5]
A barony in Ubai held by baron Anri Elvatane
Azel H4 Keep Painel from the duke of Ubai.
Becony H3 Keep Calstian
Chyla H4 Keep Picot SERAF, Keep [I5]
A barony in Peltane held by baron Ramis Reneal
Drefes H3 Keep Picot from the count of Peltane.
Eljem G4 Castle Medaro
Fakeles H4 Keep Maulvrey SERECON, Keep [B4]
Gulvon G4 Castle Calstian A keep in Norimar governed by elgar Ulf Ryala
for the baron of Tolinis. Ulf is a devout

Sarajinian and maintains a temple to Sarajin in SHELBER, Keep [K6]

the hills east of the keep. A keep in Amesuma governed by elgar Thamis
Dereon for the duke of Ubai.
SERENG, Keep [G4]
A barony in Senedalo held by baron Parvel SHELEGE, Keep [B2]
Wyrenne from the countess of Senedalo. A keep in Alwina governed by elgar Jarban
Plasain for the Baron of Feomer.
SERILE, Keep [G9]
A barony in Korun held by baron Brant Gosryl SHENDADES, Keep [J9]
from the count of Korun. Brant spent time A barony in Bomedus held by baron Denielo
travelling as a harper before he inherited the Solaudin from the duke of Kogamin.
barony from his father and is considered one of
the best troubadours in Trierzon.
SHENILO, Keep [G7]
A barony in Areshomes held by baron Tibol
SERINO, Mount [F5] Uralias from the count of Areshomes. Shenilo
The highest peak in the Luinde Mountains reputedly produces the best wines in Areshomes.
(7260’). Mount Serino is considered sacred to
the Emela tribes of the Luinde Mountains, and it
is considered taboo to set foot on the peak.
A keep in the county of Sabinia in Shorkyne.
SESUME, Keep [G3]
A barony in Senedalo held by baron Ferthil SHEVAL, Keep [G1]
Braos from the countess of Senedalo. Sesume A keep in the county of Montivel in Shorkyne.
Produces a fine plumb spirit that fetches high
prices further down River in Ubai. SHIANDEN, Fortress [L6]
An Azeryan fortress controlling the best crossing
SHANDATRA, Keep [G9] place over the Pagon River on the Adegin
A barony in Ilaska held by baron Banel Highway. The fortress is garrisoned by 10
Chelesean from the count of Ilaska. companies of the 1st Beronium legion. Unlike
many of the smaller Azeryan fortresses,
Shianden is built to defeat a major assault rather
SHANTEN, Keep [J3] than simply divert raiding parties and slow down
A barony in Baldeme held by baron Vandor a major force. The fortress is located on a bluff
Garelare for the countess of Baldeme. overlooking the Pagon River, and is accessible
only up a narrow path from the river side.
SHARVON, Keep [B3]
A barony in Berema held by baron Gorthas SHOLIR, Castle [H4]
Caiden from the Queen of Emelrene. The A barony in Baldeme held by baron Tyren
Caiden’s also hold the keep of Molge. Darvane from the countess of Baldeme. The
Darvanes are descended from the rulers of a
SHEDELI, Keep [H7] Trierzi tribal kingdom in the area, a fact they do
A barony held by baron Mathurio Antholi from not forget.
the count of Areshomes.
SHONOME, Keep [E10]
SHEDHYM, Keep [H7] A keep in Trabant governed by Elgar Neron
A barony in Vedin held by baron Jaro Arcanda Dalazzi for the duke of Trabant.
from the duke of Gelamo.
SHEGRO, Keep [J7] A large feudal kingdom lying to the north of
A barony in Rindi held by baron Torichan Trierzon. During the early 6 th century Shorkyne
Matael from the count of Rindi. was ruled by Trierzon for a decade. War with
Azeryan forced the Trierzi armies to withdraw,
and Shorkyne has since maintained its

independence through three wars with Trierzon. SINGAI, Castle [I8]

The Shorkyne throne is relatively weak, and only A castle in Enala and official seat of the count of
the external threat of Trierzon keeps the kingdom Enala. Singai was besieged by clan Badriac in
intact. Each year both Shorkyne and Trierzon 695 and fell in 696. The castle’s outer defences
mass forces on the Karetan Plains in an annual have been restored, but there are rumoured to be
process of ‘spear rattling’ that sometimes secrets inside the castle that the Badriacs have
escalates into small scale skirmished. A number never discovered.
of powerful Trierzi nobles also hold estates in
SIPOMIN, Peninsular [E7]
A rugged hilly peninsular on the Gulf of Batana,,
SHORNA, Keep [G1] mostly covered in dense Maquis shrubland. The
A keep in Stalfore held by baron Depardu hills of the Sipomin Peninsular are a refuge for
Kolathis from the duke of Stalfore. The baron is numerous bands of brigands.
an ugly man, but affable and quite intelligent.
SHURINI, Castle [G9] A barony in Gelamo held by baron Daman
A barony in Korun held by baroness Ysenthe Galbel from the duke of Gelamo.
Delanas from the count of Korun. The Delanas
are not wealthy and cannot afford to maintain the
whole castle. Its outer defences are now
SIREBIN, Castle [F4]
compromised in several places. A castle in Tamanias governed by elgar Paol
Tahlinsen, a Palithanian knight of Ivinian
heritage. Prior to the conquest of Alsinon,
SHYBA, Keep [G6] Sirebin was the lynchpin of clan Clayr’s northern
A barony in Agelos held by baron Landen defences. It remains a formidable fortress.
Tobard from the countess of Agelos.
SIRSE, Castle [K5]
SHYM, Castle [J6] A castle in Perna governed by elgar Sanryc
A barony in Jaleda governed by elgar Sidan Lavian. Sirse is the official seat of the count of
Albano for the countess of Jaleda. In 691 the Perna. It is traditional for the kings of Trierzon
countess was besieged here by the supporters of to celebrate the Restoration Festival here each
Arthis. When it became clear that the fortress Peonu, regardless of their religion. Following
would fall Blance and a handful of knights fled the festival the Peonian pontiff usually arrives to
via a postern gate and escaped through enemy pay the king feudal dues for Perna, which are
lines to Redirn. In thanks for this near then gifted back to the church by the king.
miraculous escape, Blance has begun the
construction of a massive cathedral to Larani in
the town of Shym. Construction began in 699, SIRSHEN, Keep [M2]
and is still underway. A barony in Anfaldon held by baron Belsaris
Sirsha from the count of Anfaldon. The Sirsha
family are easily the oldest noble family in
SILMER, River [C2] Anfaldon. Azeryan records show the Sirsha
A river in Emelrene and tributary of the Legama. family as holding the lands around Sirshen when
The Silmer, like many rivers in Emelrene, is the Azeryan legions first arrived in the area, and
prone to rising rapidly following heavy rains in there are intriguing Zonora legends that allude to
the Jerinalian Mountains. a much more ancient history.

SINDELAR, Castle [E7]

A castle in Hedames governed by elgar Kastrel
Ladoc, the son and heir of the current count of
Hedames. Kastrel is struggling to control the
brigands that infest the rugged hills lying around

SKAGIA, County [D6]

Location: Palithane SONAU, Castle [B3]
Ruler: Earl Sweyn Stafaeld A castle in Ulama and seat of the Earl of Sonau.
Population: 125,000 Earl Keryn is an acutely intelligent man of 43.
He studied in Melderyn as a youth, and is
Occupying the northern shore of the Gulf of rumoured to be a Savoryan Shek Pvar of some
Batana, the coast of Skagia consists of power and influence. The Earl also holds the
alternating areas of low lying marsh and hilly keeps of Cheiro and Iname, and receives homage
promontories, with many small coves. Although from the Baroness of Kednol.
confusing, and even dangerous for a stranger, the
coast of Skagia holds numerous refuges for local
pilots. Perhaps because of this, and because of
SONIBU, Keep [M3]
the volume of trade passing across the Gulf of A keep in Melesuma governed by elgar Tamis
Batana, the locals have clung to the viking Travendal for the count of Melesuma.
traditions of their Ivinian forebears much more
than other parts of Palithane. SONIDEN, Fortress [N6]
A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by one
Pirates operating from small anchorages prey on company of the Legion of the Stone Hand.
merchant shipping in the Gulf, or even raid
Trierzon, while merchants operating out of SONTUMES, Keep [J8]
Mengovik and Harigol venture as far as Ivinia A barony in Kogamin held by baron Piaras
and Karejia in search of profit. It is said that the Grantiere from the duke of Kogamin. Piaras is
earl of Skagia collects a piece of the profit from something of a drunkard and a womanizer.
all maritime ventures based in the county, both
mercantile and piratical. While undoubtedly an
exaggeration, it is clear that the Stafaelds have a SORITU, Pass [L5]
major interest in maritime matters and are one of A pass of the Korgin Mountains linking the
the dominant naval powers in the Gulf of Trierzi county of Perna with the Azeryan
Ederwyn. Shipwrights from Skagia were among province of Beronium. The pass reaches a high
those who developed the first Karunes. point of 4550 feet between the peaks of Enlim
and Jelade. Although much of the pass is lower,
it runs through steep valleys suitable for ambush.
Settlement Hex Type Clan This has tended to make it unattractive as a route
Begymon D6 Keep Koenar for armies, and has also discouraged trade. The
Dalgenosa D6 Keep Dalgenaart local Beroni have been known to ambush
caravans crossing the pass.
Dwalin D6 Keep Faljarsen
Emata D6 Keep Faljarsen SORYZ, Keep [K8]
Harigol D6 Town Freetown A barony in Kogamin governed by elgar Namis
Jadhere for the baron of Varjain. Namis is an
Kykon D6 Keep Ivyrbasel honourable man and a faithful servant of clan
Meban D6 Keep Stafaeld Varjain. He suspects that the baron is covering
something up in his past and worries that it will
Mengovik C5 Town Freetown
dishonour the clan.
Necosta D6 Castle Stafaeld
Seltan C5 Castle Stafaeld SPEDERA, Castle [K9]
Stalenby D6 Castle Stalen A barony in Dovalin held by baron Mattas
Boscalin from the duke of Dovalin. The baron is
Tolenos D6 Castle Paalin encouraging the development of a major Trierzi
Verothe D6 Keep Arlaas naval base at Spedera.

SOENA, Keep [E9] SPEGIN, Keep [L9]

A keep in Trabant governed by Elgar Charial A barony in Dovalin held by baron Koras Avinto
Kastin for the baron of Neganis. from the duke of Dovalin.

number of pirate ships operating in the Gulf of

SPERGUST, Keep [K3] Batana.
A barony in Nadamia held by baron Peln
Karovin from the count of Nadamia. The STALFORE, County [F2]
grandfather of the current baron was a knight Location: Northern Trierzon
from Hurisea who was granted lands on the far Ruler: Rogryn Galliand
bank of the River Chubre by the count of Population: 228,000
Nadamia before the chaos. Currently the
Karovins are closely aligned with Qualnda. The Sandwiched between the Shorkyne county of
son of the current baron heads Qualnda’s town Falimae to the north, and the Palithane county of
guard. Tammanias to the south and west, the county of
Stalfore is the most exposed holding in Trierzon.
SPORELA, Keep [H7] However, heavy fortifications around Stalfore’s
A keep in Vedin governed by elgar Levan main towns and the concentration of much of the
Toryste for the duke of Gelamo. King’s feudal levy in the county during summer
has tended to make Stalfore more a staging point
for Trierzi attacks on its neighbours than the
STABEN, Keep [F6] target for marauding bands of raiders.
A keep in Palama governed by elgar Sedran
Etrandar for the baron of Jireno. Staben is noted Astride the main trade route between Trierzon
for its light red wines. and Shorkyne, Stalfore is a relatively wealthy
county. While most of this wealth flows from
STAFAELD, Clan trade passing through the county, the lands
The Stafaelds are the ruling clan of Skagia in around the Gaden and Staf Rivers produce a pear
Palithane and, after the Ledrins and the Clayrs, brandy that is highly demanded abroad.
the most powerful noble family in the kingdom.
Clan Stafaeld has strong maritime traditions and, Settlement Hex Type Clan
unlike many of the other Ivinian descended noble
families of Palithane, never really given up their Amnol G3 Keep Jedaro
Viking ways. While the clan have adopted many Avenar G3 Keep Penryla
of the trappings of feudal society, they remain
Borunes G3 Keep Faldinet
worshipers of Sarajin and sponsor both trading
vessels and piracy in the Gulf of Batana and Ceremet G3 Castle Galliand
beyond. Chelt F3 Keep Galliand
The current head of clan Stafaeld is earl Sweyn, Donuma F3 Keep Erlana
a gruff but surprisingly devious man of 62. Engaritane G2 Town Galliand
Despite his age, he is fit and active, and travels
Evalen F2 Keep Valicia
widely throughout his domains, and sometimes
by sea to Parahal. The earl has four wives Galemer G3 Keep Coury
(Lieni, Arka, Iselde, and Gudrun), and fifteen Hevel G3 Castle Arajona
children. The oldest are Maaln (41), Almo (39),
Miarel (38), and Osedar (37). Maaln, the likely Kinel G3 Keep Galliand
heir, had secretly converted to Laranianism. Legeo G3 Keep Melasyth
Mospen G2 Castle Debrol
STALENBY, Castle [D6]
A barony in Skagia held by baron Kaal Stalen Musere G3 Keep Orsine
from the earl of Skagia. The Stalens are a cadet Nitena G2 Keep Galliand
branch of clan Stahlin from Saliom in Harbaal. Olgent G2 Keep Buche
Several generations in Palithane has led to the
pronounciation of the name drifting significantly, Parnon G2 Keep Arlean
and the Stalens have little to do with their Ranoga G2 Keep Avarkiel
northern kin. They do, however, cling to the
ways of their Ivinian forebears, sponsoring a Rostel G2 Keep Galliand
Seldia G2 Keep Boudri

Shorna G1 Keep Kolathis SUMAS, Castle [K6]

A castle in Amesuma commanding the Trierzi
Stoma G3 Keep Arajona terminus of the Adegin Pass. Sumas is one of
Tarvan G2 Keep Astarno the most impressive castles in Trierzon, standing
on a long spur of rock above the Adegin
Verelim G1 Keep Ledeor
highway. A full cohort of the royal army is
Waleden F3 Town Galliand stationed here, along with supplies to withstand a
Zhantyne G1 Keep Felshime long siege. Siege engines on the castle
command the road below for some distance
along the highway in either direction.
STALFORE, Duchy [F2]
The Duchy of Stalfore includes the counties of
Stalfore and Ilbra in northern Trierzon. The
duchy was formed after the First Karetan War,
and much of the Duchy was Shorkyne territory
in the sixth century. Since then, Stalfore has
been the staging point for Trierzi armies during
all three of the Karetan wars, and the northern
hill country of the duchy is something of a
lawless no-mans land.

The southern border of the duchy, the Gaden

River, is an important trade artery. Caravans
from the heartland of Shorkyne make their way
to Engaritane each year via the high road through
Falime, and the goods are then shipped
downRiver from Engaritane. The hill country of
Stalfore, however, has a reputation for feuding
lords and cattle raids.

The current duke of Stalfore is Rogryn Galliand,

a widower in his late 30s, with a reputation as a
generous patron and a chivalrous knight.
Recently, however, Rogryn has largely left the
government of Stalfore to his eldest son while he
courts the Duchess of Vadone in Shorkyne. So SUNOW, Keep [G3]
far she has spurned his advances, but this has not A barony in Senedalo held by baron Olkar Lany
discouraged him. from the countess of Senedalo.

STOMA, Keep [G3] SUREN, River [J6]

A barony in Stalfore held by elgar Shimon A river in Trierzon with its origin in the
Arajona for the baron of Hevel. Malgatan Hills.

STURDES, Point [D8] SURYNE, Castle [E6]

A cape on the coast of the Cheryka Peninsular. A castle in Batana governed by elgar Aarbo
Merchant vessels sailing north from the Venarian Pelanby for the earl of Batana. Aarbo is the
Sea traditionally turn northwest at Point Sturdes earl’s heir and is a competent political schemer
to bypass the Gulf of Batana. although only a mediocre knight.

SUDES, Keep [D4] SWILT, Keep [D5]

A keep in Athamas governed by elgar Cahar A barony in Liguno held by baron Irnan Falden
Clayr for the count of Athamas. from the earl of Liguno. Just west of the keep is
the remains of a temple, built over what is said to
have been considered a holy site by Agrikan

legionaries during the height of the Azeryan from the Mangai, 4 from the Laranian church, 1
empire. from the Halean church, 1 from the Peonian
church, and 1 from the church of Save Knorr.
SYDEN, Castle [F10] The Laranian church inherited the seats that
A castle in Bodima governed by elgar Baden belonged to the churches of Agrik and Morgath
Chivaro for the duke of Trabant. under the Azeryan empire.

SYZEL, Keep [L3] TALEMO, Keep [F9]

A barony in Nadamia held by the Knights of A barony in Trabant held by baron Wyldian
Avarkiel from the king of Trierzon. Syzel was Evechal from the duke of Trabant. A beast, said
the first keep taken by the Knights of Avarkiel to be a boar of monstrous size, has recently
during the Tobral Inquisition. The previous terrorized the peasants of Telemo.
baron of Syzel was a devout Tobranian, and was
one of the 8 burned at Tegate. Later in 618 TALEOM, Keep [N3]
Syzel was the subject of a retaliatory attack by A barony in Anfaldon held by baron Ramis
Tobranian lords from Anfaldon and Melesuma. Osteven from the count of Anfaldon.
The keep was burned down around the garrison
of over 20 knights and 40 common soldiers of TAMALA, County [D8]
the Knights of Avarkiel. Syzel was later retaken Location: Southwest Trierzon
by the Knights of Avarkiel in the aftermath of Ruler: Elgar Lygen Chivara
the battle of Dumes. Syzel has been Population: 137,000
reconstructed entirely in stone and boasts one of
the most impressive towers in northern Trierzon. A sparsely settled county in the Duchy of
The Syzel chapter of the Knights of Avarkiel is Trabant. The elgar, Lygen Chivara, is the
regarded as slightly fanatical even by the rest of younger brother of the current duke of Trabant.
their order. He has his older brother’s quiet charm, but is not
nearly such a competent administrator. Under
his governance the defences of Tamala have

TADIS, Keep [I6]
been allowed to atrophy to a dangerous extent.

Tamala’s economy is built primarily around

fishing, although there is some wine produced in
the upper Farna valley. Much of the country is
A keep in Gelamo governed by elgar Irmand hilly, limiting its agricultural potential. The
Donathar for the duke of Gelamo. dense maquis scrub of the Cheryka forest is a
refuge for brigands and outlaws.
TAGAN, Castle [F6] Settlement Hex Type Clan
A castle in Palama and seat of Malperd Kolerin,
count of Palama. Although Tagan is the count’s Andone D9 Keep Mirael
seat, maintenance of its defences has been Azerume E9 Keep Talefer
neglected in favour of the fortresses
Barshe D8 Keep Caprena
commanding the Pagos River at Zerede, Palaso,
and Darshen. Dinelis D8 Castle Chivara
Emors E9 Keep Firazen
TAGRON, Keep [D4] Faloza E8 Keep Saranta
A barony in Athamas held by baron Merik
Kilsen from the count of Athamas. Gilefan E8 Keep Manasse
Helame E8 Keep Lacabru
TAIN, Town [J5] Heldin D9 Town Caprena
Population: 7,400. A chartered freetown in the
Islar E8 Keep Vitrossa
county of Peltane. Tain has been a prosperous
town since the days of the Azeryan Empire, and Kenrei D9 Castle Chivara
still boasts its original town layout and walls. Mepara D8 Town Chivara
Tain is governed by a council of 13 aldermen – 6

Mevai D8 Keep Chivara TANATON, Keep [H6]

A keep in Vedin and seat of the elgara of Vedin,
Quanal E9 Keep Esteban Etoly Navastan.
Telpyr D8 Castle Avarkiel
Ysore E9 Keep Fantasime TANDBY, Keep [F4]
A barony in Tamanias held by baron Jars
TAMANIAS, County [E2] Tandaar from the count of Athamas. The
Location: Palithane Tandaars took the land around Tandby during the
Ruler: Elgar Arain Clayr the younger Ivinian conquest of Palithane, but were
Population: 111,000 subsequently forced to swear fealty to the Clayrs.

Lying to the north of the Luinde mountains, TANGAEN, Keep [I8]

Tamanias is the largest and least densely A barony in Manas held by baron Sabilis Pethan
populated county in Palithane. Much of the from the count of Manas.
county is mountainous or densely wooded hills,
home only to Emela tribes. Most of the county’s
TANTONES, Fortress [M6]
population is concentrated in the Gaden valley or
A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by one
along the highway linking Tamanias with
company of the 1st Beronium legion.
Athamas and the rest of Palithane.

Tamanias was incorporated into Palithane, not TARKAIN, Kingdom [B10]

by Ivinian conquest, but by the actions of the Location: Gulf of Ederwyn
Clayr clan who took the Ivinian conquest as an Ruler: King Venril Kveldemar II
opportunity to add Tamanias to their already Population: 18,000
extensive holdings in the Ypena valley. Due to
its location on the northern side of the Luinde A prosperous island kingdom lying at the edge of
mountains, Tamanias has the longest and most the Venarian Sea and the Gulf of Ederwyn.
exposed border between Palithane and Trierzon. Consisting of six major inhabited islands, and a
Although full scale war has not broken out over large number of smaller islets and reefs, Tarkain
control of Tamanias, the possibility is always is neither particularly fertile nor populous. It is,
present, and there is considerable rivalry between however, ideally situated for trade, and is a
local noble families in Tamanias and the significant stopover for merchants trading
neighbouring Trierzi counties of Stalfore and between the Sea of Ivae, and Hepekaria and the
Senedalo. eastern Venarian Sea.
Settlement Hex Type Clan
The Tarkain archipelago was first settled by
Alsinon F3 Castle Clayr Jarind tribes in the second millennium BT, who
Brantus F3 Keep Burvell subsisted largely on fishing and never developed
a sophisticated state. In 315 the Azeryan Empire
Cleton F3 Keep Floretan founded a naval base at Tarkain to suppress
Edeme F3 Keep Langlyn piracy, and the islands became a minor part of
the Azeryan Empire. When Trierzon rebelled
Galishenes F3 Town Clayr against the Azeryan Empire, Tarkain opted to go
Gwefyn F3 Castle Burvell with Trierzon, hoping that the latter would have
Kildan E4 Castle Clayr a greater interest in protecting the islands against
the increasingly severe depredations of Ivinian
Lindedh F3 Castle Langlyn raiders. The Kings of Trierzon had other
Mesten F3 Keep Courianse priorities, however, and in 515 a fleet under the
leadership of clan Kveldemar attacked and
Pregant F3 Keep Wyre seized Tarkain.
Quelnhus F3 Keep Queln
The Kveldemars had been assisting Bjan Ledrin
Sirebin F4 Castle Clayr
in the conquest of Palithane, but saw greater
Tandby F4 Keep Tandaar opportunities in a kingdom of their own. In 515
TR, Kaal Kveldemar declared himself the first

king of Tarkain. Since that date the Kveldemars skilled warrior and is prone to leading her vassal
have maintained their independence by playing herself when the need arises.
off various would-be overlords against each
other. These include both Trierzon and Azeryan, TASELIS, Castle [L8]
as well as Rogna , Menglana, and Harbaal. A barony in Faleo held by baron Kabin of
Moress from the duke of Dovalin.
The current ruler, King Venril Kveldemar is a
brooding man in his late 40s. With brown hair
and a dark complexion, he appears anything but TASHA SOUND, Waterway [M7]
the typical Ivinian warlord. He has nonetheless A sheltered waterway lying between the islands
been an effective monarch, strengthening the of Tashones and ainland Beronium. The calm
realm through marriage ties to both the Ivinian waters of the sound proved an early nexus for
state of Korlua in Hepekaria, and also to the Earl trade and fishing, and five major walled towns
of Skagia and Palithane. Venril has also lie on Tasha Sound. Tasha Sound remains an
enriched the royal clan significantly through important route for trade vessels, but is also the
trading investments. The Kveldemars own a site of ongoing naval rivalry between Azeryan
significant fleet, including two new Karunes and Trierzon.
built in Mengovik. Most of the trade passing
through Tarkain is currently in the hands of TASHONES, County [M7]
Ivinian merchants, as the Kerejian Larun tend to Location: Eastern Trierzon
hug the coast of Trierzon. However, under Ruler: Lord Mayor Ansalm Tesero
Venril Tarkain itself is carrying a greater Population: 15,400
proportion of the trade passing through the
archipelago. Prior to the Dovalin war, Tashones was part of
Settlement Hex Type Clan the Azeryan province of Beronium and
administered from Berone. Competition
Kergos B10 Castle Kvaldemar between the merchants of Tashones and those of
Tarkain A10 Town Kvaldemar Berone, had led to a series of particularly corrupt
Vishras being appointed to administer Tashones.
Vuxor B10 Keep Zhulesenaal
In 639 TR, the citizens of Tashones offered to
switch their alliegance to Trierzon in return for
TARKAIN, Town [A10] status as a royal Freetown administering the
Population: 10,700. Despite its relatively small three islands making up Tashones district. King
size, Tarkain is a prosperous trading town. Once Kalhames II accepted with alacrity, counting on
the site of an Azeryan naval base, the town the Tashones islands as a useful barrier to Azeri
boasts a magnificent harbour. Vessels from as naval power.
far away as Vulenheim and Livelis dock at the
wharves of Tarkain to trade goods ranging from Tashones remains loyal to the Trierzi crown,
Walrus ivory to Lashu powder. The town is despite proximity to Azeryan. Although the
overseen by Coen Kveldemar, a huge man and islands suffer from raids by the Azeryan navy
the king’s cousin, but is mostly left to govern from time to time, they have generally prospered
itself. over the past eighty years. Many citizens,
however, fear that the recent Azeryan military
TARUS, Keep [K5] build up in Berone signals an attempt to retake
A keep in Perna governed by elgar Loren the islands.
Toronel for the baron of Quibei. The Toronel’s Settlement Hex Type Clan
seized Tarus from the pretender Arthis during the
Charope M7 Castle Tashones
Chaos. It was previously a possession of the
royal clan. King Dalhaga has not yet pressed for Meglendro M7 Keep Tashones
it to be returned, but nor has he officially granted Tashones N7 Town Freetown
it to the Toronels.


TARVAN, Keep [G2] Population: 7,800. A chartered Freetown in
A barony in Stalfore held by baroness Fiamante Trierzon, Tashones is the largest settlement in
Astarno from the duke of Stalfore. Fiamante is a the county of the same name. Although

Tashones has a good harbour and lies along one carriage had broken down south of Tegam. She
of the Venarian Sea’s main trade routes, the town spent the night at the keep and was the baron’s
has always been to some degree in the shadow of lover. She left the next day, and the baron has
Berone. This competition was behind the town’s been unable to find any information about her, or
defection to Trierzon in 639 and, although even evidence of her passing from the
Tashones prospers, it is still a major limiting surrounding manors. Since that night the baron’s
factor in the town’s growth. financial ventures have been overwhelmingly
successful. The baron believes that the woman
was Halea herself or one of her handmaids and
that the goddess has singled him out for some
reason. However, given the religious climate of
Tengela there is noone he can discuss his
thoughts with.

TEGATE, Castle [L3]

A barony in Nadamia held by the powerful baron
Torqual Harnada. The Harnadas are traditionally
hostile to the counts of Nadamia, and only the
strongest counts have ever been able to fully
obtain their feudal dues from the Haranda clan.
Staunch Laranians, the Harnadas were at the
forefront of the Tobran Inquisition, and recently
Unlike most of Trierzon’s other freetowns, granted their keep at Bortilun to the Knights of
which function effectively as independent Avarkiel. Tegate is a budding town with a
vassals of a count or duke, Tashones is a tenant population of 2,500. Construction of a wall for
in chief of the King, and controls a number of the town has begun in defieance of the count’s
other settlements and fortifications. The town is orders.
governed by a Lord Mayor, elected by a council
of 7 aldermen. All free citizens of Tashones are TEGURIUM, Castle [N5]
entitled to vote for aldermen, although only A citadel in Beronium and headquarters for the
propertied citizens may hold the position. The district of Tegurium. The citadel is garrisoned
lower classes of Tashones received suffrage in by 3 companies of the 2nd Beronium legion, and
recognition of their role in manning the town’s the plains around Tegurium are considered
not insignificant fleet of Laru. As part of its sacred by the legion due to a victory over Trierzi
obligations to the Trierzi Crown, Tashones forces in the vicinity in 497 TR. Vishras Sylud
maintains a fleet of 10 Laru, of which three are Vanostra trained as a member of the Jmorvi
always on duty. convocation of the Shek Pvar.

TEALA, Castle [M7] TELEGORO, Keep [L3]

A castle in Beronium garrisoned by two full A barony in Nadamia held by baron Zhan Bardil
cohorts of the Legion of Righteous Devastation. from the count of Nadamia.
The castle has been the headquarters of the
legions since the end of the Dovalin War.
TELISON, Keep [G7]
One of the holdings of the powerful Dhimadro
TEDELE, Keep [H8] clan in Areshomes. Elgar Gereno Dhimadro
A barony in Areshomes held by baron Bekin governs the barony for the baron of Rasora.
Quamas from the count of Areshomes.
TELPOS, Castle [I8]
TEGAM, Keep [K8] A barony in Enala held by baron Daeal Telpara
A barony in Tengela held by baron Haldan from the count of Enala.
Moressal from the pontiff of the Laranian
church. Haldan is deeply troubled in his
religious beliefs. In 719 he assisted a beautiful
woman traveling with her servants whose

TELPYR, Castle [D8] TELYPE, Keep [J6]

A barony in Tamala held by the Knights of A barony in Jaleda held by baron Althir Balvine
Avarkiel from the king of Trierzon. Isolated, from the countess of Jaleda.
and with gently sloping beaches, the Telpyr
region was particularly vulnerable to Ivinian TELZIN, Keep [I4]
raiding. After the monastery of Teldyr was A barony in Baldeme held by baron Deniel Ijona
sacked by Ivinians in 605 TR, the Serekela of from the countess of Baldeme.
Trierzon instituted a fighting order to protect the
churches of the Trabant region from Ivinian
depredations. The duke of Trabant donated the TENGA, River [K7]
barony of Telpyr to the new fighting order, and A large river draining the southern Korgin
in 606 TR work began on upgrading the keep at Mountains. The river is sacred to Laranians,
Telpyr into a castle. who believe that it healed the wounds of the first
Sebrath when he bathed in the waters of the
Although the headquarters of the Knights of river. A ritual bathing in the Tenga is an
Avarkiel is in Tengela, Telpyr is the order’s important part of most pious Laranians
birthplace. Telpyr castle is one of the strongest undertaking a pilgrimage to Tengela.
fortifications in Trierzon, consisting of a large
keep protected by two complete concetric circles TENGELA, County [K8]
of walls. It has been attacked three times since Location: Southern Trierzon
606 TR. None of the attacks have been Ruler: Count Allyn Kamalrith, Pontiff of Larani
successful. Population: 199,000

TELTHAEL, Clan Centred on the

The ruling house of the counties of Baldeme and Tenga River
Faldin, as well as the Malniren of Sabinia in valley, Tengela is
Shorkyne. Currently, clan Telthael is headed by the spiritual
Delahna Telthael, a strong-willed woman of 53. home of the
As a young woman, Delahna was regarded as Laranian church.
one of the most beautiful women in Trierzon. The Sebrath
Even in her fifties she remains striking. resides at Tengela and also holds the title of
count of Tengela from the Trierzi king.
Delahna inherited Faldin from her father, and Traditionally, the Trierzi king returns all feudal
acquired Baldeme by marriage to the count of duties owed by the count of Tengela to the
Baldeme. When the count of Baldeme died of a Sebrath as the “King’s Tithe”. This leaves the
stroke after only some three years of marriage Laranian church in Tengela effectively free of
Delahna remarried, this time to the count of any feudal duties to the Trierzi Crown and able
Sabinia in Shorkyne. In the end Delahna to pursue a neutral diplomatic course. In
outlived her second husband as well. She has no practice, Sebrath’s have sent contingents to all of
plans to marry again, and her daughter Bryna Trierzon’s wars with Azeryan, but remained
will inherit both Faldin and Baldeme when aloof from all three Karetan Wars. Although the
Delahna dies. Bryna already holds Sabinia in her Knights of Avarkiel were drawn into the Chaos
own right, which she inherited directly from her to some degree, the Sebrath remained neutral
father. throughout the civil war.

Despite the fact that Bryna is Delahna’s only Although the Laranian church has fewer
surviving child, the two do not get along. It has adherents overall than the Peonian church,
been over three years since the two last saw each Larani’s followers tend to be wealthier. As a
other. Where Delahna is strong willed and in her result, Tengela receives nearly as many pilgrims
younger days rode with her first husband when as Perna, and catering to the pilgrims is a
he fought on the Azeryan border, Bryna is more significant part of the county’s economy.
cautious and rules mostly through her talent for
selecting competent ministers. In addition to its religious significance, Tengela
also produces a significant surplus of olives,
citrus fruit, apricots and almonds. Much of this

is exported down the Tenga river. The northern endowments by wealth, Laranian nobles and the
part of the county is inhabited by Beroni tribes investments of the church itself.
living in small villages throughout the Korgin
Mountains. The upper Tenga river contains the The town is a popular destination for noble
highest concentration of Beroni, and these tribes pilgrims, and much of the town’s economy rests
actually pay the tribute owed to Tengela. on this basis. There is a thriving trade in “relics”
of all sorts that is actively discouraged by the
For much of its history Tengela shared a border church but continues nonetheless. Tengela also
with the Azeryan Empire. This has contributed boasts a significant chantry of the Lyhavi
to the religious climate in the county, which is convocation of the Shek Pvar. The mages keep a
not surprisingly comprises strongly orthodox low profile given the religious nature of the
Laranian beliefs. All churches to gods other than town, but some of the masters have contacts in
Larani are proscribed in Tengela, with the the church at very high levels.
exception of the church of Peoni and the church
of Save Knor. TENYE, Keep [J1]
Settlement Hex Type Clan A keep in the county of Vadone in Shorkyne.
Algos K8 Keep Pelletan
Aurindi L8 Keep Cotourel
TEORA, Keep [K8]
A barony in Bomedus held by baron Jaren
Bose K8 Keep Laranian Church Lonnac from the duke of Kogamin. The elgar of
Chenas L8 Town Freetown Kogamin, Stefal Pretilian, maintains a gallows at
the crossroads near the keep, where he is want to
Darinda K9 Keep Blais display brigands and highwayman. There is
Ebineo K8 Keep Laranian Church almost always someone gibbeted on the gallows.
Enil L8 Keep Demers
TERIS, Mount [F5]
Geland L8 Keep Gagnon
A peak (6234’) in the Luinde Mountains.
Gyros K8 Castle Holy Sepulchre
Halken K9 Keep Barenier TERO, River [F7]
Ildun L8 Keep Fortan A river in southern Trierzon, draining the central
highlands of the Cheryka peninsular. The upper
Luvar L8 Keep Sirnanten reaches of the Tero River are swift and difficult
Malinu L8 Castle Eskarel to navigate.
Melife K8 Keep Laranian Church
TESDONY, Castle [A2]
Muldino L8 Keep Muldin A castle and shire moot of Malad Shire.
Nimith K8 Keep Laranian Church Tesdony possesses a good harbour, and a small
town of about 1300 has grown up around it. Sir
Nosines L8 Keep Langal
Tyre Ulmarl, the Sheriff of Malad, is an
Nosuni L9 Keep Laranian Church intelligent man. Much of clan Malad are of
Olivare L8 Keep Gyrelin common birth, and Tyre’s sympathies tend to lie
with the guilded classes. His position, however,
Osir L8 Keep Arpolan has forced him to be the prime agent of the
Tegam K8 Keep Moressal Emelrene Crown in limiting the growing power
of the guilded classes of Malad. Tyre dislikes,
Tengela K8 Town Laranian Church
but respects the Earl of Emane.
Virden L8 Castle Avarkiel
TEVAI, Keep [I7]
TENGELA, Town [K8] A barony in Halmo held by baron Laduce Erma
Population: 14,900. Tengela is the largest from the count of Halmo.
settlement in the county of Tengela and the seat
of the Sebrath. The town is noted for its grand
architechture, the result of generations of

TEZDEL, Keep [H5] TIDRAL, Castle [J4]

A barony in Devai held by baron Sovas Paregord A castle in Malagos and seat of count Jaspin
from the duke of Gelamo. Local legends speak Perard. Malagos was the capital of the kingdom
of the dreadful Tezdelworm, said to dwell in a of Malagos in the 3rd century. The current castle
pool in the nearby Boden River. is built in the corner of the old tribal hill fort.
There are extensive barrows nearby where the
THALIMO, Keep [C4] old kings of Malagos are buried.
A keep in Liguno governed by elgar Jaan
Elendaal for the earl of Liguno. TIKE, Castle [N2]
A barony in Anfaldon governed by elgar Darael
THANEMA, Tribe Oloryne for the count of Anfaldon. Tike guards
Thanema is the name given by the Azeri to those the Trierzi terminus of the Degela highway to
Trierzi tribes that had settled the Ypena valley Lankor. Although eclipsed as a town by Narune,
and interbred extensively with the Emela. At the Tike is nonetheless an important provisioning
time of the Azeryan conquest the Thanema were stop for caravans heading to Lankor. The current
a settled agricultural people, but they built few elgar is favoured by the count as his successor.
large towns and formed no kingdoms of any
significant size. The Thanema worshiped Ilvir, TILDES, Keep [H7]
Peoni, and Save Knor. Following conquest by A barony in Halmo held by Ganilon Jaliero from
the Azeryan Empire, the Trierzi, and the Ivnians, the count of Halmo.
there is relatively little trace left of Thanema
culture. TILEDE, Keep [L3]
A keep in Melesuma governed by elgar Josris
THAST, Keep [J7] Abnay for the baron of Kiropa.
A barony in Kogamin held by baron Valtor
Evaldyne from the duke of Kogamin. TILGREN, Keep [J8]
A barony in Bomedus held by baron Giren
THOLOR, Keep [I5] Sitirion from the duke of Kogamin.
A barony in Devai held by baron Gospard Fesse
from the duke of Gelamo. TILIB, Keep [K5]
A barony in Ubai held by baron Ubral Sydra
THOMINIS, Keep [J6] from the duke of Ubai.
A barony in Jaleda governed by elgar Berynd
Sevrey for the baron of Celiros. Berynd was a TILMOR, Keep [C4]
priest of Save K’nor in the order of the Hyn- A keep in Gavas governed by elgar Korith
Aelori for some years before his brother Erjolaf for the earl of Gavas. Tilmor was
appointed him elgar. During his time in the originally part of Liguno, but was awarded to the
Hyn-Aelori Berynd wrote several tracts on earl of Gavas by Rohn Ledrin in 704.
theology and politics that are quite widely
circulated within the church of Save K’nor, and
even known among some learned Laranians. TINKEL, Castle [K9]
The county seat of Bomedus. Tinkel is currently
governed by elgar Kalhames Plainsen for the
THORSINES, Keep [K4] duke of Kogamin. In practice, Kalhames
A keep in Faldin governed by elgar Lyan answers to Stefal Pretilian, who is currently
Chelese for the countess of Faldin. acting as elgar for the whole duchy. Kalhames is
in his 60s, and intensly dislikes Stefal, whom he
THOYEN, Keep [K9] regards as a callow and arrogant youth. Stefal’s
A barony in Zhoren held by baron Dalhaga dislike of Kalhames is equally strong.
Grenaryl from the duchess of Zhoren.
TIRADH, Keep [H3]
A barony in Ilbra held by baron Tuliath Danna
from the duke of Stalfore. The keep is built on

the site of an old Trierzi hill fort, and is in the early fifth century, and died in 576. At
surrounded by extensive earthworks. An that time Lankor was under the rule of the
important Laranian abbery is located nearby. Azeryan Empire, and the Laranian church of
Lankor was forced to co-exist at close proximity
TIRDHWY, Mount [D1] to Agrikan priests that accompanied the
A peak (6274’) in the Jerinalian Mountains. legionary garrison of the province. While this
co-existence was not always peaceful, it did
allow for more interaction and the exchange of
TIRONAS, Keep [B3] ideas between the two religions than typically
A barony in Alwina held by baron Rulon Gervais took place elsewhere. It was in this environment
from the Queen of Emelrene. Rulon imagines that Tobran developed the main tenets of his
himself well liked by his serfs, but is in fact a creed.
poor adiminstrator and lord.
Essentially, Tobran embraced some traditional
TIVEL, Keep [B4] Laranian virtues – courage, justice, strength,
A barony in Norimar held by baron Allyn compassion – but rejected others – hierarchy,
Thjarna from the earl of Norimar. High bluffs authority, chivalric honour. The version of
overlook the river Entano just to the north of the Laranianism proposed by Tobran was a radically
keep. Some legends associate these with an individualistic and egalitarian doctrine. While it
elmithri or asiri said to guard the “gold of the remained quite consistent with the traditional
Entano”. Laranian themes of compassion and reluctance to
use force, it was also undeniably meritocratic
and socially radical. To many orthodox
TOBRAN HERESY Laranians, Tobran insistence on leadership by
A heretical variant of Laranian beliefs example of the ‘best’ looked a lot like the
originating in Lankor, but most popular in the Agrikan doctrine of ‘might is right’.
counties of Nadamia, Melesuma, and Anfaldon
in Trierzon. From 616 to 620 TR the Laranian Despite two church councils – in Leredas in 612
church attempted to suppress the Tobran Heresy and in Gerefe in 614 – as well as the violence of
through force in the Tobran Inquisition. the Tobran Inquisition, Tobran beliefs still retain
Although the Inquisition largely broke the an attraction to a sizeable minority of Laranians
political power of the heresy, it failed to in the upper Degela valley. While the political
completely eliminate all belief. Recent decades chaos in Trierzon during the past 50 years has
have seen the Tobran Heresy begin to grow in seen the church’s attention focused elsewhere, it
strength again. is likely that another attempt will be made to deal
with the Tobran Heresy again soon.

TOFA, Keep [M3]

A barony in Anfaldon governed by elgar Iras
Vilapen for the count of Anfaldon.

TOGEO, Keep [I7]

A barony in Gelamo held by baron Doril Carotan
from the duke of Gelamo. The Carotans have
marriage connections to clan Arquet, who used
to rule Latima.

TOLENOS, Castle [D6]

A barony in Skagia held by baron Mikel of
Paalin from the earl of Skagia. Mikel traveled
extensively in his youth, and is fond of
recounting his adventures to new acquaintances.

The Tobran Heresy gains its name from a

Laranian monk, Tobran of Whel, who was born

TOLINIS, Keep [B5] and cautious, and has outlived two husbands.
A barony in Norimar held by baron Calan Ryala Outside of Jaleda she is sometimes known as
from the earl of Norimar. Calan is a recent ‘the shrew of Jaleda’.
convert to Laranianism, primarily as a way of
increasing his status at court. This has caused Blance has only one surviving child, her
some tension with his uncle, the elgar of Serecon daughter Ilene who is 35 years old, unmarried,
who refuses to convert. Clan Tolinis also hold and despairs of ever inheriting Jaleda. Despite
the keeps of Serecon and Vindela. her pessimism, Ilene is an intelligent and
competent woman. She currently resides in
Ubarian where she is chancellor of the exchequer
TONDAS, Keep [H7] for the king.
A barony in Areshomes held by baron Mavril
Elasime from the count of Areshomes.
TORGIN, Keep [J7]
A barony in Rindi governed by elgara Ysenthe
TONGANE, Keep [M3] Velthane for the count of Rindi. Ysenthe is the
A barony in Anfaldon held by baron Taralandes count’s younger sister. Somewhat flighty,
Ghevale from the count of Anfaldon. Unknown Ysenthe is often at Ebale attending her brother’s
to the baron, Tongane is the site of a covert parties. Several of the count’s friends are
Navehan temple. courting Ysenthe, and the count has declared that
her hand will go to the victor at a tournament he
TONTEL, Keep [K9] is organizing.
A barony in Dovalin held by baron Prato Onofri
from the duke of Dovalin. Tontel was the site of TORGIN, Keep [K6]
a regionally important Agrikan temple during the A barony in Amesuma held by baron Orsin
period of Azeri rule. Poulan from the duke of Ubai.

TONUDIN, Keep [E9] TORGIS, Keep [D9]

A keep in Trabant governed by Elgar Sedrin A keep in Chimas held by Elgar Turane Gervase
Charond for the baron of Ronde. for her father, the baron of Libin. Torgis has
impressive fortifications for a keep, and the
TOREGUN, Keep [F6] Garvase’s are improving them as fast as they can
A barony in Palama held by baron Hugano afford to.
Burzat from the count of Palama.
TOREO, Clan Clan Torkise is the powerful ruling clan of the
The ruling clan of the Trierzi county of Jaleda. county of Areshomes in south-central Trierzon.
The Toreo’s have always been strong supporters The Torkise family have held Areshomes since
of the Trierzi throne, a position dictated largely the founding of Trierzon, and are descended both
by their proximity to the royal demsne. Largely from the Azeri regional governers of Areshomes
because of their loyalty, as well as the proximity and from the more powerful of the local Zonora
of Jaleda to the capital, clan Toreo has been families.
provided many senior figures to the Trierzi
government. Currently clan Toreo holds the Count Clarinis Torkise is a solemn man of 53.
position of chancellor of the exchequer. Tall, with dark hair graying around the temples,
Clarinis is a commanding figure. He seldom
The current head of clan Toreo is Blance Toreo, shouts, and very rarely shows any emotion at all
a stern woman of 68. Blance was a close friend to his vassals and subjects. To his own family
and confidant of Iniella, and during the Chaos Clarinis is more open, and his rare flashes of
saw Jaleda pillaged by the supporters of Arthis. mirth are treasured.
Twice during the Chaos Blance herself was
forced to flee Jaleda, most notably once escaping Clarinis is a widower, his wife having died in the
from Shym castle by night. Blance’s birth of his only daughter, Selana Torkise, now
experiences in the Chaos have made her a tough an intelligent young woman of 19. Selana’s
and uncompromising woman. She is intelligent mother was the daughter of an Azeri nobleman

who Clarinis met while on a diplomatic mission Elsima E9 Keep Savorote

to Meokolis in 699.
Fiarno E9 Keep Chivara
In addition to Meokolis, Clarinis has also Gedela D9 Keep Derue
traveled to the courts of Shorkyne, Emelrene,
and Melderyn. His travels have left him a man Hador D9 Keep Lafarna
of broad vision, and he has cultivated Areshones’ Hilneos E9 Castle Chivara
reputation as a place of scholarship.
Hirlu E9 Keep Madro
Normally the Torkise’s have pursued a neutral Ibre D9 Keep Gavaar
course in local politics, allying themselves Ildar E9 Keep Arciol
lightly to the King as a balance against the power
of the dukes of Trabant and Gelamo. Recently, Jegeranos E9 Keep Chivara
however, the count has had to deal with Kastre E9 Keep Kastin
heightened tensions with the neighbouring
Kozon E9 Keep Greve
Arcona’s of Halmo. The heir to the county of
Halmo has fallen in love with Selana, and Lediro E9 Castle Wyclin
pursues the suit against his father’s wishes. Malagos E9 Keep Durazzo
Clarinis dislikes count Balthis Arcona
personally, but could probably be persuaded to Murshel E9 Town Chivara
give his blessing to the marriage if he met Neganis E9 Castle Kastin
Balthis’ son.
Nerefa F9 Keep Suredina

TRABANT, County [E9] Oldun E10 Keep Cryas

Location: Southwest Trierzon Pedalin F9 Keep Lamane
Ruler: Duke Fardan Chivara
Pelsis E9 Keep Navasta
Population: 346,000
Pusama E8 Keep Denseley
The county of Trabant is the heart of the greater Queselas E9 Keep Chivara
duchy of the same name. Centered on the fertile
Alsini River valley, Trabant is renown for its Quetyl F9 Keep Suredina
fruit orchards and wines. The northern part of Ronde E9 Castle Charond
Trabant extends into the hills of the Cheryka
Shonome E10 Keep Chivara
Forest, and there are significant hilly areas along
Trabant’s coastal regioins as well. Soena E9 Keep Kastin
Talemo F9 Keep Evechal
Protected by the coastal hills, Trabant suffered
relatively little damage from Ivinian raiding, and Tonudin E9 Keep Charond
consequently is one of the most densly settled Udeni F9 Keep Javan
and wealthy areas in Trierzon. Wine is a major
export, with the best wines being light reds from Urikon D10 Castle Chivara
the Ronde region. The areas around Murshel are Vinsol E10 Castle Arvarkiel
notable for extensive orchards which produce Walda F9 Keep Bouros
much of the fruit for export.
Yadon F9 Keep Charond
Settlement Hex Type Clan
Zurmen F9 Keep Wyclin
Anegor E10 Keep Chivara
Belmos D9 Keep Fioret TRABANT, Duchy
Bukorno E10 Keep Velet Trabant is the largest duchy in Trierzon. Trabant
Cadina E9 Keep Galleane comprises the counties of Bodima, Chimas,
Tamala, and Trabant. Up until 698 TR, Trabant
Dorimes E10 Castle Chivara was controlled by the Andrevin clan. When
Dunegel E10 Keep Limoden Harichel Andrevin became king, the duchy of
Trabant was passed to his cousin Korygo
Egisa E10 Keep Chivara Chivara. The Chivaras have controlled Trabant

since then, and are traditionally close allies of the The current count, Rolan-Mirgael Travendal is
royal clan. an energetic man of 43. He is tall with dark hair
and eyes and walks with a slight limp, the result
The duchy of Trabant was created in 506 TR to of a hunting accident in his youth. Rolan-
coordinate the defence of the Gulf of Batana Mirgael is married to Janyre, the niece of the
against Ivinian raiding from Palithane. While current count of Anfaldon. Chamin (21) is the
the dukes of Trabant have improved on the heir to Melesuma and has two younger brothers
original Azeryani system of coastal defences, the Homez (17) and Gonfal (14).
thinly populated northern regions of the duchy
remain vulnerable to seaborne raiding, and Through his marriage to Janyre, Rolan-Mirgael
population is consequently focused around the has a good claim to the county of Anfladon when
fortifications. Southern Trabant is much more the current count dies. Should he end up
densely settled, and is a prominent fruit growing bringing Anfaldon and Melesuma under his
region, including significant wine production. control, Rolan-Mirgael would become one of the
wealthiest and most powerful nobles in Trierzon.
Politically the dukes of Trabant have This would certainly spell trouble, since Rolan-
traditionally been loyal allies of the royal clan. Mirgael has strong sympathies towards the
The heartland of Trabant, however, lies too far Tobran heresy, and has even been known to
from Ubarian, and the threat of Ivinian raiding is discuss the benefits of Azeri style tolerance of
too significant, for the dukes of Trabant to the Agrikan church.
exercise much interest in national politics. The
chief exception to this rule was the intervention TRENSUN, Keep [G4]
of duke Marego Andrevin in the Chaos. As a A barony in Senedalo held by baron Torithal
direct result of this, Harichel Andrevin Biname from the countess of Senedalo. Torithal
succeeded to the Trierzi throne and established was born with a birth defect that keeps him
the Andrevin dynasty. The current ruling clan, hunched over and that prevents him growing to a
the Chivaras, have largely returned to the normal size. He is widely known as the “dwarf
traditional focus on local issues. of Trensun”, a title that he detests.

TRAN, Keep [K9] TREQUA, Keep [I5]

A barony in Zhoren held by baron Irmande A barony in Peltane held by baron Gonred
Fountenar from the duchess of Zhoren. Rampal from the count of Peltane.

TRAND, Keep [K3] TRIERZI, Tribe

A barony in Nadamia held by baron Parthal The Trierzi were a tribal people closely related to
Akarazon from the count of Nadamia. the Shorka who lived in the upper Gaden valley.
Largely Pharic in origin, the Trierzi had a
TRANT, Keep [D5] slightly greater Jarind influence than the Shorka,
A barony in Luindar held by baron Liad Talisaar largely from intermarriage with Emela from the
from the earl of Luindar. Nadami, Jerinalian, and Luinde Mountains.

TRAVENDAL, Clan Prior to the Azeryan conquest the Trierzi were a

The Travendals have been the ruling house of the primitive people forming no large political units
county of Melesuma since the reign of and subsisting on hunting and slash and burn
Torichane, but trace their ancestry back to the agriculture. Primative cults of Larani and Peoni
Azeri governors of the province of Zonoragares. dominated the culture, although Save Knor made
They have traditionally pursued an independent some inroads along the main trade routes.
course, paying scant heed to the dictates of the
Trierzi throne. In the Tobran inquisition count Contact with the Azeri converted the Trierzi to a
Hamonde Travendal backed down in the face of settled agricultural people and resulted in a
royal threats and let the Laranian church demographic boom, enhanced by a period of
suppress the heresy in Melesuma. benevolent climate in the early fourth century.
When the climate turned worse in the second
half of the fourth century many Trierzi clans
moved into the Azeryan province of Zonora.

Modern Trierzi society is the outcome of the Azeryani put down the revolt, the Imperium
resulting blending of the Trierzi, Zonora, and recognized the distinct problems of the area.
Azeryan cultures that took place as a result of
this migration. A Western Protectorate was created, and several
“loyal” Trierzi were given positions of
TRIERZON, Kingdom importance in the hope that this would stabilize
Trierzon is western Lythia’s strongest feudal the area. This plan failed, however, when
state. Although considerably larger than any of Torichane seceded from the Azeryan Empire in
its neighbours to the west or north, Trierzon 492 and founded the Merevan dynasty. Imperial
shares a disputed border with the Azeryan and Trierzi armies clashed repeatedly for over a
Empire in the east. This has effectively limited decade before the Azeryan Empire accepted the
Trierzon’s considerable potential for expansion. reality of Trierzon’s independence.

Trierzon has a strong tradition of chivalry and

‘knightly virtue’. Traditionally this has been
reflected in the martial prowess of Trierzon’s
knights, but over the past few decades there has
been a growing movement among the nobility
towards emphasizing the non-martial aspects of
chivalry including displays of pageantry and The Kingdom of Trierzon was founded as a
courtly love. Harpers of noble origin known as feudal state as Torichane rewarded his followers
troubadours have played an important part in the with land. Over the years since Torichane
spread of this fashion. Trierzon has emerged as the most powerful
kingdom in western Lythia, although the
authority of the king is counterbalanced by a
number of powerful dukes and counts who often
pursue their own interests rather than those of the

There have been 9 kings and 2 ruling queens

since Trierzon was founded.

Merevan Dynasty
Torichane 502-507
Taralandis 507-518
The Trierzi nobility are almost exclusively Mirgael 518-556
Laranian, while the bulk of the peasant classes Merelaya (Q) 556-589
are Peonian. Trierzon is home to both the Lorgaen 581-611
pontiffs of Larani and Peoni and is publicly Kalhames I 611-636
identified as a model of the ideal Laranian social Kalhames II 636-645
order. The king of Trierzon has the formal title Dalhaga I 645-681
of “Protector of the Peonian Faith”. In practice Iniella (Q) 681-684
the kingdom does not necessarily live up to the
ideal in all respects. Save Knor, Ilvir, and Halea Andrevin Dynasty
have small followings among specific segments Harichel 698-717
of society. Worship of Morgath, Agrik, and Dalhaga II 717-
Naveh is proscribed and is punishable by death,
as is the worship of Sarajin (although the latter The current king, Dalhaga II is a sincere and
ban is not enforced in many areas). intelligent young man, who has yet to impose his
authority on his court. He struggles with the vast
The Trierzon region was conquered by the size of his kingdom and the power of his tenants
Azeryan Empire in the third century and in chief. There are 43 counties in Trierzon held
governed as the province of Zonora. During the by 5 dukes and 19 counts, not including two
fifth century increasing numbers of Trierzi duchies and one county held by the royal clan.
barbarians were peaceably settled in the region. The duke of Trabant and the count of Faldin also
In 484 the Trierzi rebelled and, although the hold an additional county each as tenant in chief

from the king. The major holdings of the king

and his tenants in chief are: TURNIN, Keep [G8]
A keep in Ilaska governed by elgar Kunyn
Fief Governor Ruling Clan Hodak for the count of Ilaska.
Ubai King of Trierzon Andrevin
Mankonia (elgar) Andrevin
Amesuma (elgar) Andrevin TURONES, Keep [D4]
Perna (elgar) Andrevin A barony in Athamas held by baroness Alyssen
Kogamin (elgar) Andrevin Ypenthe from the count of Athamas. The cousin
Bomedus (elgar) Andrevin of the baroness, Nikora Ypenthe believes that he
Janora (elgar) Andrevin should have inherited the barony and has made
Trabant Duke of Trabant Chivara his case to the count, so far without response.
Bodima (elgar) Chivara
Tamala (elgar) Chivara TUVENA, Keep [I4]
Chimas (elgar) Chivara A barony in Baldeme held by baron Brethnil
Peltane (elgar) Chivara Mirvael from the countess of Baldeme.
Stalfore Duke of Stalfore Galliand
Ilbra (elgar) Galliand
Gelamo Duke of Gelamo Navastan TUVEOL, Keep [K10]
Devai (elgar) Navastan A barony in Ilona held by baron Aneshar
Vedin (elgar) Navastan Andygre from the duchess of Zhoren.
Latima (elgar) Navastan
Zhoren Duke of Zhoren Yvande TYDIN, Keep [B1]
Ilona (elgar) Yvande A keep in Fandalon governed by elgar Derel of
Omegen (elgar) Yvande Huldh for the Earl of Nalise.
Dovalin Duke of Dovalin Dorsene
Faleo (elgar) Dorsene TYREDEN, Castle [B4]
Magalia Count of Magalia Orsilin A castle in Norimar governed by elgar Toraste
Senedalo Count of Sendealo Medaro Nalkaar for the earl of Norimar. Toraste is also
Palama Count of Palama Kolerin the Laranian arch-bishop of Palithane, and the
Ilaska Count of Ilaska Caplen castle functions in most respects as a fief of the
Agelos Count of Agelos Pelandro Laranian church. Toraste’s household knights
Areshomes Count of Areshomes Torkise are a Laranian fighting order in all but name and
Faldin Count of Faldin Telthael enjoy the favour of the king.
Baldeme (elgar) Telthael
Halmo Count of Halmo Arcona
Korun Count of Korun Elsirin
Count of Manas
Count of Hedames
Count of Enala
Count of Nadamia
UBAI, County [J5]
Malagos Count of Malagos Perard
Jaleda Count of Jaleda Toreo Location: Central Trierzon
Rindi Count of Rindi Velthane Ruler: King Dalhaga Andrevin
Tengela Count of Tengela Larani Population: 255,000
Melesuma Count of Melesuma Travendal
Anfaldon Count of Anfaldon Oloryne Located in the central lowlands where the Degela
Tashones Lord Mayor Freetown and Gaden rivers meet, Ubai is one of the richest
and most densely settled counties in Trierzon.
Although a large grain surplus is produced by the
TULON, Castle [J1] county’s rural manors, most of this goes to feed
A castle in the county of Vadone in Shorkyne. Ubarian. Beyond this, the region also accrues
significant wealth from trade and from hosting
TURES, Keep [K9] the organs of Trierzon’s central government.
A barony in Bomedus held by baron Daealoz
Farat from the duke of Kogamin.

When Ubai was conquered by the Azeryan The lands around the lower Gaden River are also
Empire, the area was populated by a number of amongst the most fertile in Trierzon, resulting in
Zonargares tribal groups, collectively called the a high population density in all three counties.
Ubai. Since the growth of Ubai as the capital of The population of the duchy is highly
Trierzon the population has taken on a more cosmopolitan, and reflects the make-up of
cosmopolitan feel, and the local culture is now Trierzon.
quite distinct from that of the upper Degela
Valley. Unlike much of Trierzon’s population, the
Settlement Hex Type Clan people of Ubai tend to think of themselves as
Trierzi citizens first, and residents of the manor,
Anuba K4 Keep Isylda town or county second. The Andrevins have
Bolda K4 Keep Andrevin only ruled Ubai since the end of the Chaos, but
the local population view themselves as attached
Deken J4 Keep Moriven to the king rather than to a particular dynasty.
Ebrim J4 Keep Bornial The stability brought by the Andrevins has
generally been welcomed.
Elprin J5 Keep Orsyl
Fiduso J4 Keep Andrevin
UBARIAN, Town [K5]
Gimelt J4 Keep Gerilard Population: 35,900. The principal settlement of
Grenale J5 Keep Bornial the county of Ubai and the traditional seat of the
King of Trierzon. Although Ubarian is not as
Hader J4 Keep Pettoir important to the government of Trierzon as
Kirin J5 Castle Admenteau Quarelin is to the government of Shorkyne, its
position and role as the seat of the King have
Ludel K5 Keep Isylda
made it a wealthy and cosmopolitan town.
Marten K5 Keep Andrevin
Melenden K4 Castle Andrevin In particular, the creation of a Trierzi parliament
has had a great effect on the town. Although the
Movai J5 Keep Pausarin powers of the parliament are rather limited, it
Naja K5 Keep Frasac brings most of the great magnates of Trierzon to
Ubarian for at least a few weeks of the year.
Ogere K5 Keep Gere
Panath K5 Keep Andrevin
Quibei K5 Castle Toronel
Rosan J5 Keep Ivelin
Seletos J5 Keep Seletane
Selpiren J4 Castle Bornial
Seon K5 Keep Elvatane
Tilib K5 Keep Sydra
Ubarian K5 Town Andrevin
Zelbe K5 Castle Andrevin

UBAI, Duchy
The domain of the royal house of Trierzon. The
duchy of Ubai comprises the counties of Ubai,
Mankonia, and Amesuma. Controlling the
junction of the Gaden and Degela rivers as well
as access to the Azeryan Empire via the Adegin
Pass, Ubai occupies the strategic heart of
Trierzon. Ubai suffered extensive damage during the
Chaos, and a priority for the Andrevin kings has
been to rebuild Ubarian in the style befitting the

monarch of Trierzon. Of particular note is the affected by Ivinian raids, and there are a number
new royal palace being constructed to the north of ruined manors along the coast that have never
of the White Citidel, and a new Laranian been rebuilt.
Cathedral being built in the centre of the city.
Settlement Hex Type Clan
The Cathedral will be the new seat of the
Laranian primate of Trierzon. The primate is Aregan B3 Town Freetown
currently located in Versheme, but is expected to Buzen A3 Keep Lydrel
move to Ubarian in the summer of 720. The
investment of royal funds in these projects has Cheiro B3 Keep Ysmorian
also encouraged other great lords to spend on Geninos A3 Keep Penhalier
building new town houses, resulting in a
Gorla B3 Keep Sheriff Ulama
dramatic range of elegant buildings going up in
the centre of the town. Inamae A3 Keep Ysmorian
Kednol A3 Keep Chalatine
There is a large chantry of the guild of arcane
law in Ubarian, as well as the temple of the Magebur B3 Keep Sheriff Ulama
Trierzi primate of Save Knor. Recently a Ornea A3 Castle Sheriff Ulama
number of schools, each run by a “college of
masters” have opened up in association with Ribid A3 Keep Lydrel
these two institutions, and students from across Sonau B3 Castle Ysmorian
Trierzon now come to Ubarian to study.
ULANAE, Keep [I4]
UDELE, Keep [L7] A barony in Ilbra held by elgar Loren Yebaal for
A barony in Magalia held by baron Sovis Alai the duke of Stalfore. Loren’s family has its
for the count of Magalia. origins in Ivinians who settled in Palithane
during the 550s.
UDENI, Keep [F9]
A barony in Trabant held by baron Ordred Javan ULBES, Keep [K3]
from the duke of Trabant. A barony in Faldin held by baron Teleth Deblina
from the countess of Faldin.
UHLA, Cape [A3]
A cape in Emelrene named after the black ULDITE, Keep [H6]
lantern of Save Knor. The name of the cape is A barony in Vedin held by baron Talis Duabne
said by some to be due to a large black rock from the duke of Gelamo.
formation thought to look like the Uhla, and by
others to be a warning about the perils of ULESHEN, Keep [H8]
rounding Cape Uhla without solid knowledge of A keep in Korun governed by elgara Brygid
the navigational hazards. A number of ships Oromil for the baron of Oromus.
have been wrecked off Cape Uhla by southwest
gales off the Gulf of Ederwyn.
ULMESI, Keep [G8]
A barony in Ilaska held by baron Sovas Kydal
ULAMA, Shire [A3] from the count of Ilaska.
Location: Emelrene
Shire Moot: Ornea
Population: 92,000 ULMIS, Keep [N3]
A barony in Anfaldon held by baron Kason
Ulama is the southernmost shire in Emelrene. Navas from the count of Anfaldon.
Much of the south and west of the shire is lightly
wooded hills or heath, and the bulk of the ULNI, Keep [K5]
population lies in the Gamena valley to the A barony in Mankonia held by baron Kabin
north. The southwest of the shire has an Ebestane from the Duke of Ubai. The Ebestanes
uncanny reputation, even by Emelrene’s are an offshoot of the powerful Ebesten clan and
standards, and is avoided by most people. generally follow the lead of the baron of Anlide.
During the Viking years, Ulama was heavily

ULURA, Keep [H8]

A barony in Areshomes held by elgar Jeraf

Nimodhe for the baron of Bisendes. Jeraf is
something of a favourite of his aunt, the

ULVENOS, Keep [L3] VADELA, Keep [I4]

A barony in Nadamia held by elgar Levan Jufral A barony in Baldeme held by baron Uvian
for the count of Nadamia. Erydas from the countess of Baldeme. The
baron of Vadela is engaged in an ongoing private
war with the baron of Lexeres that has already
UREDREN, Castle [M6] claimed the lives of a number of his vassals. So
A castle in Beronium controlling the mouth of far the dispute has proved intractable to
the Zonan River. Uredren is currently garrisoned arbitration.
by a cohort of the Legion of Present Destiny, and
is also a common stopover point for Laru on
their way from Berone to patrol Tasha Sound.
VADEN, Keep [D4]
A barony in Athamas held by baron Jarves
Eponesta from the count of Athamas. The
URESE, Keep [K3] Eponestas also hold the nearby keep of Kolad.
A barony in Nadamia held by baron Ostal
Deryan from the count of Nadamia. Ostal is a
cruel lord who overtaxes his serfs. Several of his VADESO, Keep [G6]
vassals are appalled by his behaviour, but have A keep in Agelos governed by elgar Margen
yet to act. Pelandro for the countess of Agelos.

UREVA, Keep [G7] VAKIS, Keep [K3]

A barony in Areshomes held by baron Faris A barony in Nadamia governed by elgar Talbane
Arconal from the count of Areshomes. Merovinia for the count of Nadamia.

URIKON, Castle [D10] Clan Valastre can trace their descent directly to
A castle in Trabant governed by Elgar Varnis Pardan Valastre, one of Torichane’s household
Ybora for the duke of Trabant. The marshes to knights who was granted Manas as a fief in 506.
the west of Urikon are hazardous to unfamiliar Since then the Valastres have ruled Manas,
sailors, and it is not uncommon for oceangoing usually as close supporters of the king. During
vessels to find themselves beached on the tidal the chaos the Valastres reluctantly sided with
flats that stretch out a considerable distance from Arthis, only after civil war broke out. Relations
shore when the tide changes. Local wreckers are difficult with the Andrevin kings now ruling
take advantage of this, and have even been Trierzon, although the Valastres are loyal.
known to set lights to lure ships onto the shore.
Count Bardil Valastre is a tall thin man of 42
URVEN, River [I3] with a hawkish profile. Something of an ascetic,
A large river in northern Trierzon, and a he is surprisingly both a skilled warrior and a
significant tributary of the Gaden River. The learned scholar. In his youth, Bardil spent time
river has its origins in the snows of mount in the Emerlrene and Melderyn courts, and is
Refome. believed by many to have undertaken study in
the arcane arts while there. Gwynela Valastre,
USHERUS, Keep [I7] the count’s oldest child has spent the last five
A keep in Latima governed by elgar Ermande years in Melderyn. She is currently 21, and is
Fenela for the duke of Gelamo. due to return from Cherafir in the summer of

USMEREN, Keep [M3]

A keep in Melesuma governed by elgar Frande
VALEKA, Keep [D5]
Ruanal for the baron of Sefrede. A barony in Luindar held by baron Parvel
Vaalkart from the earl of Luindar. The Vaalkarts

are struggling with a number of peasant secret quarried in the northern part of Calima. Vedin
societies aimed at their overthrow, a relic of the itself is famous for the skill of its armourers.
brutal rule of the Vaalkarts when they first
conquered the area in the 520s. The elgara of Vedin, Etoly Navastan is the
cousin of duke Gavrel. A small, mousy woman
VALENDA, Keep [G8] of 31, Etoly is unmarried. She studied in
A barony in Ilaska held by baron Ostel Bilyrian Areshomes and Berema when she was younger,
from the count of Ilaska. and is undoubtedly bright. Some suspect that
she may have also dabbled in the arcane arts, as
some of her insights seem to go further than can
VALENSA, Keep [J4] be explained by a good reading of the evidence
A barony in Faldin held by baron Lygan Urand alone.
from the countess of Faldin.
Settlement Hex Type Clan
VAMISE, River [H2] Abegul I7 Keep Monteral
A river in northern Trierzon. There is an Adege H7 Keep Pereselan
impressive cataract on the river, just north of the
Bastra H6 Keep Durampal
keep of Banduni (qv)
Breme H6 Keep Bardan
VANDUZ, Keep [C5] Disa H6 Keep Navastan
A barony in Gavas held by baron Josclyn Elgata I6 Keep Dhimadra
Kaelnig from the earl of Gavas.
Elosam H7 Keep Navastan
VARANE, Keep [G1] Gilonder I7 Castle Monteral
A keep in Montivel in Shorkyne. Hesore I6 Keep Uralla
Ketela H6 Keep Sherence
VARUM, Fortress [M6]
Letere H6 Keep Capolan
A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by one
company of the Legion of the Stone Hand. Mensael I6 Keep Monteral
Metini H7 Keep Metin
VEADE, Keep [I6] Montes I7 Keep Monteral
A barony in Gelamo held by baroness Ysabela
Maladri from the duke of Gelamo. Nines H7 Keep Krasunal
Omari H7 Keep Karyne
VEDENA, Castle [H6] Pida H6 Keep Monteral
A barony in Agelos held by baron Jeves
Carumerre from the countess of Agelos. The Rhimal H6 Keep Bardan
Carumerres also hold the keep of Ilderes and Shedhym H7 Keep Arcanda
have a seat on the governing council of Penetha.
Sporela H7 Keep Navastan
The family is wealthy and has extensive
mercantile interests, including the ownership of Tanaton H6 Keep Navastan
Uldite H6 Keep Duabne
VEDIN, County [H7] Vedin H6 Town Freetown
Location:Southwestern Trierzon three vessels trading between Degela Bay and
Ruler: Elgara Etoly Navastan the Gelbin Bight.
Population: 180,000

Vedin is a county in central Trierzon. It has been VEDIN, Town [H6]

ruled by the Navastan clan since the mid-600s, Population: 8,600. The principle settlement of
and is part of the duchy of Gelamo. Occupying the county of Vedin. At Vedin the Luinde and
the hill country and broad plains to the west of Cheryka Roads built by the Azeryan empire
the Boden River, Vedin’s economy revolves intersect, and Vedin was an important town
around grain and sheep. Some marble is during the days of the empire. Now a chartered

Freetown in the duchy of Gelamo, Vedin

remains an important crossroads. The town is As a young man Audrin caused the clan some
also famous for its weaponcrafters, and Vedin difficulty, getting several young gentlewomen
steel is well regarded throughout western Lythia. into difficulties that required them to spend time
with the Order of the Balm of Joy. Prior to
VEGUSA, Town [H3] becoming count, Audrin was married to Yrena
Population: 7,200. The principle settlement of Chivara, a neice of the Duke of Trabant. This
Senedalo, and an important market on the upper marriage quieted Audrin down for a while, but
Gaden River. Vegusa began as an important since becoming count he has once again taken to
Trierzi tribal settlement, and its central location indulging his whims freely. Other clan members
in the upper Gaden valley has allowed the town are worried by his lack of responsibility and fear
to continue to prosper through to the present, the consequences if the Duke of Trabant takes
despite the fact that it lies off the main highway the treatment of his neice as a slight to his
from Ubarian to Engaritane. Vegusa is an honour.
important river port and market, where goods
from Palithane, Shorkyne, Emelrene, and the VELUNA, Keep [J6]
south are traded. The town is governed by elgar A barony in Rindi governed for the count of
Sorin Belvane for the countess of Senedalo. Ten Rindi by elgar Orsin Legath, a knight hailing
aldormen are appointed by the elgar, subject to originally from the kingdom of Kaldor in Harn.
the countess’s approval. Orsin is always pleased to hear news of his
VELEFE, Keep [M3]
A keep in Melesuma governed by elgar Perar VENARIAN SEA, Sea [K10+]
Travendal from the count of Melesuma. Western Lythia’s central waterway, the Venarian
Sea lies between the northwestern arm of the
VELENBY, Keep [B5] Lythian continent to the north, and Anzeloria to
A barony in Norimar held bar baron Kaal Velen the south. The sea is generally relatively placid,
from the earl of Norimar. although this is less the case for the arm of the
sea west of the Azeryan peninsular.

VELIS, Keep [B3] An important avenue for trade, merchant ships

A barony in Berema held by baron Verlid Morye ply the Venarian Sea exchanging goods from
from the Queen of Emelrene. The Moyres have west and north Lythia with goods from the east.
a long tradition of involvement with the esoteric The whole area bordering on the Venerian Sea is
arts that ended two generations ago when the often referred to as the Venarive, reflecting the
then baron mysteriously disappeared. His family way the Sea acts as a communications route and
believe that he violated some code associated facilitates a certain level of common culture.
with the secret order of which he was part.
Regardless, none of his descendents have ever
been admitted to a chantry to study. VENDIS, Keep [J7]
A barony in Rindi held by baron Parhan Ansai
from the count of Rindi. The keep of Vendis is
VELTHANE, Clan built near the site of an Azeryan beacon. The
The ruling house of the county of Rindi in beacon is said to be haunted as a light from the
Trierzon. Clan Velthane is headed by count summit of the mound can be seen on some
Audrin Velthane, an impetuous young man of nights.
26. Tall and well built with a classically
handsome face and a mop of blonde hair, Audrin
is blessed with both good looks, but also a
VEO, Keep [D9]
charismatic personality. This, however, must be A barony in Chimas held by baron Jevis Ameran
offset against Audrin’s recklessness and his from the duke of Trabant.
thoughtless disregard for the feelings of other
people. While Audrin does not take any pleasure VEPRIA, Keep [N3]
in the discomfort of others, he also does not A barony in Anfaldon held by elgar Yralen
weigh the impact of his actions on others very Meredara for the baron of Edyla. Yralen studies
highly against his own convenience. esoteric lore, and is very able, but lazy in regard

to his administrative duties. So far his ability has Avarkiel. Virden was a minor keep when the
compensated for his lazyness, but his pontiff granted it to the Knights of Avarkiel in
management of the estates is starting to slip. 624. It was intended to serve as a suitably
humble base for the grandmaster of the Knights
VERATH, Keep [J7] when he was summoned to Tengela to attend the
A barony in Kogamin held by baron Huris Myne pontiff. Since 624 the Knights have invested
from the duke of Kogamin. heavily in the fortress, and Virden is now one of
the most impressive and luxuriously appointed
fortifications in southern Trierzon.
VERELIM, Keep [G1]
A barony in Stalfore held by baron Lankelo
Ledeor from the duke of Stalfore. VISHRAS, Title
A Vishras is the head of the Azeryan
bureaucracy for a district within a province. A
VEROTHE, Keep [D6] Vishras will be assisted by a number of district
A barony in Skagia held by baron Hesar Arlaas secretaries (Vishathra) and a larger number of
from the earl of Skagia. clerks. A Vishras reports to the provincial
Population: 12,200. Once capital of the Azeryan VISTIN, Keep [K9]
province of Zonora, Versheme is now only a A barony in Zhoren held by baron Orthas
shell of its old self. The outer wall of the town is Ispendina from the duchess of Zhoren. The
in poor repair and much of the land within the baron’s eldest daughter, Soeli Ispendina is
outer wall is given over to pasture and gardens. engaged to the heir to the baron of Zomilen. She
Nonetheless, Versheme is still a large town and loathes her fiancé and is looking for
remains important due to its location at the opportunities to run away.
crossroads of two of Trierzon’s most important
highways. The Laranian primate of Trierzon has
traditionally been based in Versheme. However, VIVENES, Keep [I5]
in the summer of 720 the primate’s seat is due to A keep in Gelamo governed by elgar Vacherd
be moved to Ubarian. Viberran for the duke of Gelamo.

VILO, Keep [M3] VIXUS, Fortress [N6]

A barony in Melesuma held by baron Lepael A coastal fotress in Beronium garrisoned by one
Maguet from the count of Melesuma. company of the Legion of the Stone Hand.

VINDELA, Keep [B4] VOLONE, Keep [K5]

A keep in Norimar governed by elgar Anre A barony in Perna held by baron Merik Fortyne
Ryala for the baron of Tolinis. from the count of Perna.

VINSOL, Castle [E10] VOLSINE, Keep [H7]

A castle in Trabant held by the Knights of A barony in Areshomes held by baron Urvin
Avarkiel. The Knights of Avarkiel were granted Ilapa from the count of Areshomes. The baron is
the castle in 613 as a gift from the duke of somewhat too fond of his own wine, and his
Trabant. Since that time Vinsol has been estate is in poor shape.
expanded into an impressive fortress. The
current master of Vinsol is Ecalan Desoldo, a VONDAMES, Keep [F7]
pious but ambitious man of 36. He is pursuing a A keep in Hedames governed by elgar Juven
disagreement with the baron of Oldun over Ladoc, one of the count’s sons.
several manors that Ecalan claims were gifted to
the Knights of Avarkiel in 657. VUNORE, Keep [J5]
A keep in Mankonia governed by elgar Nykolis
VIRDEN, Castle [L8] Ebasten for the baron of Anlide. Nykolis
A castle in Tengela governed by elgar Calen considers his cousin, the baron, a vain fool and is
Savaren for the grandmaster of the Knights of

directing much of Vunore’s wealth into his own WELIS, Keep [K3]
purse. A barony in Nadamia held by baron Gerial
Ladaro from the count of Nadamia. The Ladaros
VUXOR, Keep [B10] are a powerful family, also controlling the
A keep in Tarkain held by earl Ragnaar nearby keeps of Resymes and Zardoz. They
Zhulesenaal from the king of Tarkain. Clan steer a neutral course in Nadamia’s stormy
Zhulesenaal are a cadet branch of clan Zhulesen political straits.
from Harbaal. The retain close trading links with
their parent clan. WENES, keep [J7]
A barony in Kogamin held by baron Ramand
Keteval from the duke of Kogamin. The baron is

pursuing a feud against the baron of Quarnon.

WERUN, Keep [N3]

A barony in Anfaldon held by baron Renald
WALDA, Keep [F9] Savila from the count of Anfaldon.
A barony in Trabant held by baroness Ysabol
Bouros from the duke of Trabant. The baroness
is rumoured to have had an affair with the baron WESILA, Keep [J5]
of Ledaro in the past. A keep in Peltane governed by elgar Jorace
Equilana for the count of Peltane.
WALEDEN, Town [F3]
Population: 4,800. A town in Stalfore lying on WINCHEM, Fortress [M6]
the northern bank of the River Gaden. A bridge A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by five
spans the River at this point linking Waleden companies of the Legion of Righteous
with the town of Galishenes in Palithane. The Devastation. A patrol from the fortress was
bridge was the site of the negotiations between recently lost to an attack from Mountain Beroni
Bjan Ledrin and Mirgael of Trierzon that led to tribesmen.
the forming of Palithane. Both ends of the
bridge are heavily fortified, but trade across the WINGED LION, Order of the
River is brisk and the relationship between A Laranian clerical order sponsoring the fighting
Waleden and Galishenes is more one of friendly order of the Knights of Avarkiel. The order was
rivalry than actual hostility. founded in 604 as a response to Ivinian raiding
along the shores of the Gulf of Batana. The
WEDASO, Keep [I8] order takes its name from the Laranian demi-god
A barony in Latima held by baron Tosal Mendiz , the winged lion who serves as the
Gamaron from the duke of Gelamo. Baron Tosal constable of Dolithor and the banner bearer of
is deeply in debt to Halean mercantylers from Larani.
Habala and is known to rant against the
“traitorous dogs who spurned freedom’s call”. Over the years the order has changed its
emphasis several times. Originally the role of
the order was mostly to co-ordinate the activities
WEFYM, Keep [B3] of the Laranian and Peonian churches in Palama,
A barony in Emelrene held by baron Ryle Hedames and the Duchy of Trabant. Realising
Wefym from the Earl of Kardim. that a stronger response to Ivinian raiding was
required, the order of the Winged Lion
WEGEN, Keep [G8] sponsored the creation of the Knights of
A keep in Ilaska governed by elgar Althyr Avarkiel in 606. Within a few years the Knights
Seriane for the count of Ilaska. Wegen produces of Avarkiel became significantly more powerful
excellent wine and the revenue from this source than their parent clerical order, and from 615
is an important component of the count’s through until 694 the order of the Winged Lion
income. largely functioned as an adjunct of the Knights
of Avarkiel. In 694 the Sebrath, concerned about
the great secular power of the fighting order and
its over-involvement in the Chaos directed the

order of the Winged Lion to refocus their efforts far the largest. A good proportion of the
on the conversion of pagans – particularly quicksilver produced at Xertu is used
worshippers of Sarajin. Since 696 the order has domestically in Emelrene, but enough of the
had a small presence in Seldenbaal and metal remains that it is a significant component
Jarenmark in Ivinia and the Knights of Avarkiel in Emelrene’s export market.
have reluctantly followed suit.

WYDEN, Keep [I8]

A barony in Enala held by baron Erian Lepen
from the count of Enala. Y
YADON, Keep [F9]
WYREN, Keep [G8] A keep in Trabant governed by Elgar Murel
A barony in Areshomes held by baron Rogiro Charond for the baron of Charond.
Abryon from the count of Areshomes.

YALIR, Keep [K9]

A barony in Dovalin held by baron Huros Alim

XEOTA, Keep [G1]
from the duke of Dovalin. The Alim’s have
significant Hepekerian blood.

YAVEI, Keep [K5]

A keep in Montivel in Shorkyne. A barony in Perna held by baron Gospard
Pourmand from the count of Perna.
A coastal fortress in Beronium garrisoned by 2 YBANDE, Keep [G6]
companies of the Legion of the Stone Hand. A barony in Agelos held by baron Choris
Galcarne from the countess of Agelos.
XERNIUM, Castle [N5]
A citadel in Beronium garrisoned by 4 YBRAEN, Keep [G8]
companies of the 2 nd Beronium legion. The A barony in Areshomes held by elgar Mirthael
citadel is also headquarters for Agren Taxelde, Torkise for the count of Areshomes.
the Vishras of Xernium district. Telmen Sedegar
Kryoshin is a follower of Agrik. Although not YELES, Keep [L3]
devout, he is not happy in the 2 nd Beronium A barony in Nadamia held by elgar Carambal
legion. Harnada for the baron of Tegate.

XERTU, Mines [C2] YEMEL, Keep [G4]

The valley of the Southern Es contains western A barony in Senedalo held by baron Jorace
Lythia’s largest and most accessible deposits of Lanfrande from the countess of Senedalo. The
Cinnabar – the reddish ore from which baron is getting old, and is disappointed in his
quicksilver (mercury) is extracted. Mercury has only son, the elgar of Pimlekon.
extensive uses in alchemy, being thought of as
the “first” metal, from which all others are
derived. It is widely believed to help heal YEOMA, Keep [F7]
fractures, prolong life, and assist in general good A barony in Hedames held by baron Sabilis
health. The metal is considered important for Taryd from the count of Hedames.
many esoteric purposes, and is highly valued by
the Jmorvi, Fyvria, and Odivshe convocations of YMORE, Keep [B2]
the Shek Pvar. Quicksilver is also important in a A barony in Alwina held by baroness Astyr
more practical sense for refining some silver and Tysol from the Earl of Kardim.
gold ores.

There are a number of small mining camps lying

YPENA, River [C5]
on both sides of the Southern Es, but Xertu is by

The longest river in Palithane, the catchment of

the Ypena River drains both the southern
Jerinalian Mountains and the western end of the
Luinde Mountains. The Ypena valley contains
the most fertile and densely settled regions of
Palithane. ZALAR, Keep [H5]
A barony in Devai held by baron Althir Elosiral
YRAS, Keep [H3] from the duke of Gelamo.
A barony in Ilbra held by baron Erben Salienna
from the duke of Stalfore. ZALDOR, Keep [I4]
A barony in Malagos held by baron Beran
YSORE, Keep [E9] Toraste from the count of Malagos.
A barony in Tamala held by baron Ubral
Fantasime from the duke of Trabant. ZARDOZ, Keep [K3]
A barony in Nadamia held by elgar Parlas
YVANDE, Clan Ladaro for the baron of Welis. Zardoz contains
The Yvandes originally hail from Baldeme an important copper mine which is a source of
where a branch of the clan still holds several ongoing dispute between count Rolan and the
manors. The more important branch of clan baron of Welis.
Yvande, however, was heavily involved in the
wars against the Azeryan Empire in the first half ZARIDE, Keep [J7]
of the sixth century. As a result of service in the A barony in Rindi held by baron Maedar Fitales
wars, Avila Yvande was created count of from the count of Rindi.
Zhoren. Following the Dovalin war of 638 to
640 the islands of Ilona and Omegen were ZATAN, Keep [N3]
brought under the authotity of the count of A barony in Anfaldon governed by elgar Turise
Zhoren to co-ordinate their defence. Since this Melaega for the count of Melesuma. Turise is
time the Yvandes have been dukes of Zhoren. the widow of one of the count’s vassals and the
post of elgar was provided for her by the count
The current as Turise held no lands of her own. Turise is a
head of clan Tobran, and her appointment has sparked some
Yvande is devout Laranians to spread stories about her
duchess seducing the count of Melesuma.
Yvande, a
tough and ZELBE, Castle [K5]
hard bitten A castle in Ubai governed by elgar Kabelde
woman of Vanoren for the duke of Ubai. Zelbe controls the
43. Lysela western approaches to Ubarian and is also a
inherited the duchy, despite a younger brother, significant settlement in its own right with a
because she was a better politician and knight population of 2700.
than her brother. She is still a competent warrior
and keeps herself fit and active. Although not ZERAES, Keep [G7]
unattractive, Lysela is unmarried and has no A barony in Areshomes held by elgar Lepael
children. Her most likely heir is the eldest Cisoro for the baron of Ledet. The chapel at
daughter of her brother, a girl of 14 who hero Zeraes holds a Laranian relic, the shield of saint
worships her aunt. Borlsis, said to have the power to remove curses.

Lysel is concerned about what the Azeryan navy

might accomplish if it achieves naval superiority
ZEREDE, Castle [F6]
off the south coast of Trierzon. She has tried to A castle in Palama governed by elgar Torquel
persuade the king to invest more in the royal Kolerin for the count of Palama. Torquel is
navy, but so far to no avail. somewhat rash and nearly died in 719 when the
band of raiders he was pursuing turned out to be

larger than the forces he had assembled to pursue Megrain K9 Town Freetown
Thoyen K9 Keep Grenaryl
ZHALON, Keep [J5] Tran K9 Keep Fountenar
A keep in Peltane governed by elgar Vandil Vistin K9 Keep Ispendina
Xavande for the baron of Corin.
Zomilen K9 Keep Sancrastel
A barony in Stalfore held by baron Cherle ZHOREN, Duchy [K9]
Felshime from the duke of Stalfore. Consisting of the counties of Zhoren, Ilona, and
Omegen, Zhoren is Trierzon’s most southern
duchy. Most trade between the eastern Venarian
ZHENTIMES, Keep [I1] Sea and Trierzon or northern ports passes
A keep in the county of Elavona in Shorkyne. through the duchy, contributing to a wealthy
mercantile culture. The duchy is, however, also
ZHOREN, County [K9] exposed to raids by the Azeryan navy.
Location: southeastern Trierzon
Ruler: Duchess Lysela Yvande Zhoren was heavily settled by Azeri during the
Population: 161,000 days of the Empire, and still boasts a strong
Azeri feel. This is visible both in the region’s
Zhoren is a densely populated county in southern architecture, but also in the people. Zhoren has a
Trierzon. The Venarian Sea ensures a mild stronger urban culture and a much greater
climate well suited to agriculture and fruit attachment to the worship of Halea than is
growing. Citrus fruits, apricots, almonds, pears, common elsewhere in Trierzon.
and olives are exported, as is a dark red wine
known as Joresan. ZIDE, Keep [M4]
A barony in Melesuma held by baron Toric Vian
Zhoren has a strong Azeryan influence in its from the count of Melesuma. Toric is a brutal
past, and this is reflected in its culture. The thug who works his peasantry hard and enjoys
Zhoren nobility is often engaged in mercantile violence.
activities, and is viewed a somewhat decadent by
nobles from northern Trierzon. The Peonian
church heirarchy’s concern about Halean ZOLTE, Fortress [N5]
influences in the local Peonian church also A fortress in Beronium garrisoned by 1 company
reflects this cultural heritage. of the 2 nd Beronium legion.
Settlement Hex Type Clan
ZOMILEN, Keep [K9]
Banin K9 Keep Veryn A barony in Zhoren held by baron Meryk
Cheleth K9 Keep Alaise Sancrastel from the duchess of Zhoren. Maryk’s
heir, Fraond is a pompous arrogant young man
Demegin K9 Castle Yvande of 22 and the apple of his father’s eye.
Feond K9 Keep Yvande
Fomen K9 Keep Harkona ZONAN, River [M6]
Gelinde J9 Keep Yvande A river in Beronium flowing into Tasha Sound.
Although the Zonan valley is heavily settled,
Himos K9 Castle Zarakhel being the heart of Beronium province, there are
Imekym K9 Keep Zarakhel no bridges across the river. This is a defensive
measure on the part of the Azeryan Empire to
Joresa K9 Town Yvande deter Trierzi aggression.
Kazyn K9 Keep Toraste
Kirot K9 Keep Cesiro ZONORAGARES, Tribe
The Zonoragares were a tribal people occupying
Lazori K9 Keep Yvande
the upper Degela River valley. Most of the
Lumin K9 Keep Martyl population in the region are still largely of

Zonoragares origin, although Azeryan

colonization and two centuries of Trerzi history ZURONES, Keep [K6]
means that they are largely Trierzi in culture. A barony in Amesuma governed by elgara Adale
Jafrenay on behalf of her eight year old son,
The Zonoragares were significantly less settled Reven Jafrelay. Reven’s father died in a
than their Zonoraloas cousins but significantly skirmish with Azeri troops six years ago and his
wealthier and better organized than the Shorka or mother has been acting as regent until Reven
Trierzi tribes further west and north. The attains his majority.
Zonoragares worshipped Ilvir, Peoni, and Larani,
although the cult of Larani was dominant prior to
the Azeryan conquest. The Zonoragares caused ZYMEL, Keep [G8]
significant problems for the Azeryan Empire A barony in Ilaska held by baron Prato Melles
when it conquered Trierzon, and were not from the count of Ilaska. Prato is concerned that
incorporated into the empire until 80 years after Daven Ladoc has set his sights on the Melles
the conquest of the south. lands and may take precipitate action to
demonstrate his “commitment” to a fight in an
effort to deter Daven. Daven would like nothing
ZONORALOAS, Tribe better.
The Zonoraloas were a tribal people living in
southern Trierzon between Degela Bay, the Gulf
of Batana, and the Gaden river. Largely Jarind ZYREN, Keep [H9]
in origin, the Zonoraloas had also peacefully A keep in Manas held by baron Kabelda Ysorlde
absorbed a quantity of Pharic blood in the first from the count of Manas. The ruins of a
and second millenniums BT. The Zonoraloas significant Morgathian temple lie a league north
developed a relatively high level of civilization of the keep.
prior to the Azeryan conquest with strong trading
connections with the Emela and the nascent ZYRINBY, Castle [B4]
kingdom of Melderyn in the west and the A castle in Norimar governed by elgar Coen
cultures of the Venerian Sea in the east. Many of Haidsel for the earl of Norimar.
the larger settlements in southern Trierzon were
founded by the Zonoraloas.

Although no longer a distinct people, the bulk of

the population in southern Trierzon is largely of
Zonoraloas origin. Zonoraloas tend to be shorter
and darker than pure Trierzi or Shorka and many
show traces of Azeri blood. The Zonoraloas
originally worshiped Ilvir, and two other deities
corresponding roughly to Larani and a fusion of
aspects of Peoni and Halea. Most of the
population are now orthodox Peonians or
Laranians, although a substantial Ilviran minority

ZURAAL, Castle [F6]

A castle in Batana controlling the upper crossing
over the Bagre river. Zuraal is governed by
elgara Catlin Raldenaar, the daughter of one of
earl Rutal’s closest advisors. Catlin is a devout
Laranian, but follows the traditions of her shield
maiden ancestors.

ZURMEN, Keep [F9]

A keep in Trabant governed by Elgar Nykolis
Wyclin, the eldest son of the baron of Lediro.

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