Accounting is the process of recording, classifying, and summarizing financial transactions to provide useful information to decision makers. The key purposes of accounting are to provide information about a business's resources, obligations, profits and cash flows. This allows users to evaluate the business's financial strength and performance. Accounting standards and principles ensure financial information is communicated clearly between all parties.
Accounting is the process of recording, classifying, and summarizing financial transactions to provide useful information to decision makers. The key purposes of accounting are to provide information about a business's resources, obligations, profits and cash flows. This allows users to evaluate the business's financial strength and performance. Accounting standards and principles ensure financial information is communicated clearly between all parties.
Accounting is the process of recording, classifying, and summarizing financial transactions to provide useful information to decision makers. The key purposes of accounting are to provide information about a business's resources, obligations, profits and cash flows. This allows users to evaluate the business's financial strength and performance. Accounting standards and principles ensure financial information is communicated clearly between all parties.
Accounting is the process of recording, classifying, and summarizing financial transactions to provide useful information to decision makers. The key purposes of accounting are to provide information about a business's resources, obligations, profits and cash flows. This allows users to evaluate the business's financial strength and performance. Accounting standards and principles ensure financial information is communicated clearly between all parties.
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Introduction to Accounting debt/liabilities of the business.
Chapter 1 Cash inflows and outflows
resulting from business operations ACCOUNTING DEFINED Ex: Accounting has been defined in so many -Management analyzes the existing ways: debts/liabilities of the business to check if Accounting is the art of recording, it could still handle additional debt as a classifying and summarizing, in a result of borrowing from the bank. Cash significant manner; and in terms of inflows and outflows are analyzed to see money, transactions and events other possible sources of financing or to which are in part at least of a determine how the business would repay financial character, and interpreting the bank loan, if it ever materializes. the results thereof. (Committee on Accounting Terminology of the American - If the company applies for a loan, Institute of Certified Public Accountants) then the bank's loan officer will then require the company to submit financial Accounting is the process of information to be able to determine identifying, measuring, and whether to approve or reject the loan communicating economic application information to permit informed judgment and decision by users of the information. ACCOUNTING – THE LANGUAGE (American Accounting Association ) OF BUSINESS
Accounting is a service activity. Its -Accounting is the language used
function is to provide quantitative to communicate financial information to information, primarily financial in interested parties such as business owners, nature, about economic entities, management, employees, the government, that is intended to be useful in etc. making economic decisions. Through accounting, different (Accounting Standards Council) users of financial information understand what is happening in the business BASIC PURPOSE OF ACCOUNTING enterprise.
-Is to supply financial information
to users to help them make informed BUSINESS DEFINED judgments and better decisions. Business - (or enterprise or firm) is an Accounting provides the following organization engaged in the trade of goods, information: services, or both to consumers. The resources and obligations of the business Profit-oriented business - goal is to earn profit to increase the wealth of owners. Interest being paid on the current -includes food manufacturers, gas Sari-sari stores stations, bookstores, etc. Bookstores and drugstores Hardware stores Non-profit organization- is an organization that uses surplus revenues to Manufacturing Business - buys goods achieve its goals rather than to distribute called raw materials, then converts them them as profit or dividends. into finished products. -They are permitted to generate -The manufacturing business is the surplus revenues but they must be retained most complex because of the conversion by the organization for its self- of the raw materials into finished goods. preservation, expansion or plans. - Ex: Charitable organizations and Ex: educational are non profit oriented A shoe manufacturing business buys raw materials (leather, rubber, and supplies such as thread, glue, laces and TYPES OF BUSINESS ENTERPRISES ringlets), uses the skills of workmen to ACCORDING TO ACTIVITY convert these raw materials into shoes, and sells the finished shoes to customers at a Service Business - offers services and price higher than the cost of producing typically generate a profit by charging a them. fee. This is the simplest among the three.
Educational institutions charge (BUSINESS ownership) tuition and miscellaneous fees for educational services Sole Proprietorship - has only one owner, Jeepneys, bus lines, airlines and the proprietor. other transportation businesses -The proprietor may operate on charges fares. his/her own, or may employ others as Agencies collect agency fees from business operations expand. clients in exchange for security and -Many successful business janitorial services. undertakings started as sole Accountants, doctors, lawyers, proprietorships because this is the most architects give professional advices basic legal form of business. and earn profit by charging professional fees. Ex: Mobile phone repair services Merchandising Business or Trading Gravel-and-sand enterprises Concern - buys goods and sells them Cottage industries and other small- without any alteration made on their state scale or condition. Advantages: Ex: Easiest to form Less complex business transactions Disadvantages: Minimal regulatory requirements Disagreements regarding ideas and Decisions can be made and management style implemented faster. It may be dissolved by an The proprietor enjoys all the profits agreement, withdrawal, death, or earned by the business. incapacity of a partner. Unlimited liability Disadvantages: Limited ability to raise capital Corporation - an artificial being created o A business only expands in by law. As such, the corporation can sue proportion to the resources and be sued. Is managed mainly by the contributed by the proprietor board of directors and on what the proprietor's -A corporation has standardized expertise is. procedures for its creation, organization, Proprietor does not receive the management and liquidation as specified benefit of a second opinion in the Corporation Code. Proprietor bears the risks and -most complex form of business losses of the enterprise. organization. Unlimited liability Stockholder - a person who invests and becomes an owner of the corporation. Partnership - an association of two or Each share purchased, a stockholder is more persons issued a certificate of stock. -Partners agree on how the -They may transfer their shares business will be managed, the amount of without the need to obtain the consent of capital contributions from each partner, other stockholders. how profits/losses will be divided among them, and the form and mode of settlement Advantages: in case of withdrawal or death of any of Greatest capacity to raise capital, the partners. this is done by selling shares of -Are governed by the Civil Code of stock to the public. the Philippines. Unlimited life. After 50 years then can be renewed. Advantages: Limited liability (the liability of the Easier to organize compared to a stockholders is limited to the corporation. investments). Management of the business is Can easily raise capital usually shared among partners, so more ideas are exchanged and Disadvantages: brainstormed, resulting to better High cost of forming and managing decision- making. Subjected to greater scrutiny, Can raise more capital compared to regulation, control and supervision sole proprietorships. by the government. Complex management management. It processes raw data and converts them into meaningful information Has limited powers, as stated in the that will be useful for decision-making. Corporation Code of the Philippines and its own Articles of Incorporation. Subjected to double taxation.
-Reliable information is needed,
this comes in the form of accounting information. Also requires great skill, timing, and sound professional judgement -Management makes decision as to the proper selling price goods should be sold, and management needs the total cost of these goods and the selling prices of competitors. -Management must decide when to place an order for goods to be acquired. For them to do so they need to know the lead time, from the time of placing an order to the time of the goods are delivered; they likewise need to know the balance of the goods still on hand and the quantity of goods expected to be sold during the lead time, among many others.
FINANCIAL INFORMATION -Decision making process requires financial and non-financial information.
Financial information - a summary of all
the transactions of the business over a period of time.
Bookkeepers/ Accountants - records the
Transactions of the business
Accounting - a service function to
USERS OF FINANCIAL Regulators - interested in the STATEMENTS allocation of resources and the activities of enterprises. They also Investors - The “providers of risk require information in order to capital”. Are concerned with the regulate the activities of risk inherent in and return provided enterprises, determine taxation by, their investments. They need policies and as the basis for information to help them determine national income and similar whether they should buy, hold or statistics. sell their investments, and to assess The public - Enterprises affect the ability of the enterprise to pay members of the public in a variety dividends. of ways. For example, enterprises Owners - need financial may make a substantial information to determine if the contribution to the local economy business is profitable and whether in many ways including the to continue, improve or drop it. number of people they employ and Employees -needs information their patronage of local suppliers. about the stability and profitability Financial statements may assist the of their employers, and so they can public by providing information assess the ability of the enterprise about the trends and developments to provide remuneration, retirement in the prosperity of the enterprise benefits and employment and the range of its activities opportunities. Lenders/Creditors - needs information to determine whether THE ACCOUNTANCY PROFESSION their loans and interest will be paid when due. -While accounting as an Suppliers and other trade information system is not a new concept, creditors - needs information to accountancy as a profession is relatively determine whether amounts owing new. Accounting is a profession because it to them will be paid when due. has the attributes required of a profession, Trade creditors are likely to be as shown below: interested in an enterprise over a -Mastery of a particular shorter period than lenders unless intellectual skill, acquired by training and they are dependent upon the education. Accounting requires a person to continuation of the enterprise as a finish a degree in Bachelor of Science in major customer. Accountancy and to pass a very rigorous Customers - needs information government examination administered by about the continuance of an the Professional Regulatory Board of enterprise especially when they Accountancy. Only then can he/she use the have a long-term involvement with, title “Certified Public Accountant” (CPA). or are dependent on, the enterprise. -Adherence by its members to a Government and their agencies/ common code of values and conduct established by its administrating body, including maintaining an outlook which is and six (6) members, all of whom essentially objective. The Code of Ethics is are appointed by the President of mandatory for all CPAs. It provides the Republic of the Philippines. guidance for CPAs whenever they encounter “what is the right thing to do” CPA BOARD EXAMS situations. -Passing the CPA Board Exams is Acceptance of a duty to society as a requirement in order to join the a whole (usually in return for restrictions accountancy profession. Any person in use of a title or in the granting of a applying for examination shall establish qualification). Investors, creditors, the following requisites to the satisfaction employers and other sectors of the of the Board that he/she: business community, as well as the is a Filipino citizen; government and the public at large rely on is of good moral character; CPAs for sound financial accounting and is a holder of the degree of reporting, effective financial management Bachelor of Science in and competent advice on a variety of Accountancy conferred by a business and taxation matters. school, college, academy or institute duly recognized and/or accredited by the CHED or other THE PHILIPPINE ACCOUNTANCY authorized government offices; and ACT OF 2004 Has not been convicted of any -The accountancy profession is criminal offense involving moral governed by law. Republic Act No. 9298, turpitude. the Philippine Accountancy Act of 2004, The licensure examination for was signed into law with the following certified public accountants shall objectives: cover, but are not limited to, the The standardization and regulation following subjects: of accounting education; o Management Services The examination for registration of o Regulatory Framework for certified public accountants; Business Transactions (RFBT) The supervision, control, and o Auditing regulation of the practice of o Financial Accounting and accountancy in the Philippines Reporting (FAR) Article II of the Republic Act No. o Advance Financial 9298 creates the Professional Accounting and Reporting Regulatory Board of Accountancy, (AFAR) the agency tasked to enforce the o Taxation provisions of the Philippine Accountancy Act. It is also granted To be qualified as having passed the right to issue, suspend, revoke, the licensure examination for or reinstate CPA certificates for the accountants, a candidate must practice of the profession. The obtain a general average of Board is composed of a chairman seventy-five percent (75%), with no grades lower than sixty-five professional accounting services to the percent (65%) in any given subject. public. CPAs charge professional fees for In the event a candidate obtains the these services. Examples of services rating of seventy-five percent provided by CPAs are: (75%) and above in at least a majority of subjects as provided for Auditing – this is the most in this Act, he/she shall receive a common service being provided by conditional credit for the subjects CPAs. It involves the independent passed. Such candidate shall take examination of financial statements an examination in the remaining for the purpose of expressing an subjects within two years from the opinion on the fairness of these preceding examination, and if the statements. Users of audited candidate fails to obtain at least a financial statements have general average of seventy-five reasonable assurance that the percent (75%) and a rating of at information they are using are free least sixty-five percent (65%) in from material misstatements due to each of the subjects reexamined, fraud or error. he/she shall be considered as failed Tax services – this includes the in the entire examination. preparation of tax returns for Candidates who fail two (2) various clients, provision of advice complete examinations shall be on tax matters, and representation disqualified from taking another set of clients in tax cases. CPAs have a of examinations unless he/she reputation of being experts in submits evidence to the satisfaction accounting and taxation. of the Board that he/she enrolled in Management consulting services and completed at least twenty-four – involves providing advisory/ (24) units of subject given in the consulting services to clients on licensure examination. matters of accounting, finance, business policies, organization SECTORS OF ACCOUNTING procedures, budgeting, product PRACTICE costing and the conduct of CPAs generally practice their profession in operations. four sectors: public practice, COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY commerce and industry, Accountants are employed in various education or the academe, and the positions, such as: government. vice-presidents for finance, chief accountant (controller), PUBLIC PRACTICE cost accountant, This sector includes individual internal auditor, or practitioners, small accounting firms, budget officer. medium sized and multinational accounting firms that render independent The highest accounting officer in a involves the set-up, update and business organization is known as the maintenance of accounting records. controller (or comptroller). Accountants in commerce and Accounting is conceptual and goes industry (or private accountants) assist beyond bookkeeping. management in planning and controlling a company’s operations. Accounting includes the interpretation of information recorded EDUCATION under bookkeeping. Bookkeeping may be This area employs accountants as done even by properly trained non- professors, reviewers, or accountants, while the practice of researchers. accountancy can only be done by certified They take steps to clarify and public accountants. address emerging accounting issues encountered by accountants in BRIEF HISTORY OF ACCOUNTING other sectors. They share the results of discussion -Accounting traces its roots to the and research with colleagues in Middle East region, where as early as 8500 other sectors. BC, tradesmen use clay objects to Educators also prepare aspiring represent commodities such as flocks of CPAs for the Licensure sheep, jars of spices and oil, bolts of Examinations. clothing and other goods. -Some archaeologists later GOVERNMENT unearthed clay tablets marred with Accountants may be hired as: symbols and other writings – and staff interpreted them to mean records of goods sold and other statistics kept at that time. auditor -The ancient civilizations of budget officer Babylon, Greece and Egypt also used clay consultant in government units tablets (in later years, papyri were used as like: the medium for record-keeping). These o Commission on Audit, records document wage payments, o Bureau of Internal Revenue, material requisitions and costs of labor, o Department of Finance, which only show that accounting is o Department of Budget and already in use even during Biblical times. Management, and the In the 13th to 15th centuries, with o Securities and Exchange the growth of trade and commerce, more Commission. systematic record-keeping methods were developed. Florentine, Venetian and ACCOUNTING AND BOOKKEEPING Genoan merchants used these methods to DISTINGUISHED keep track of their business. Double- entry records first appeared in Genoa in 1340 Bookkeeping - the procedural or AD. mechanical aspect of accounting. It manage the business to periodically LUCA PACIOLI AND THE SUMMA account for the performance of the In 1494, Friar Luca Pacioli wrote a corporation. book which contains discussions on the Between management and the double-entry bookkeeping system. The shareholders, a potential conflict of book was entitled Summa de Arithmetica, interest exists – management may be too Geometria, Proportioni et Proportionalita optimistic in the way they report the (Everything about Arithmetic, Geometry, financial condition and results of Proportions and Proportionality), a operations of the business; owners, on the summary of the existing mathematical other hand, want a true and fair view of the knowledge at the time. Because of the status of the business. This conflict of Summa, Friar Pacioli was considered the interest led to the demand for financial Father of Double-Entry Bookkeeping. statement audits.
In the mid-18th to the mid-19th More complex accounting policies centuries, the Industrial Revolution altered and procedures were developed to suit the the way goods are produced: from the changing needs of users of financial artisan/craftsman method to the assembly- information. Standards were developed to line method. Large volumes of promote uniformity in the selection and commodities were produced in factories application of accounting policies and and commerce boomed. With this procedures. Different fields of accounting development came the problem of emerged, each one addressing a different accounting for the costs involved in particular need: assembly-line manufacturing, particularly Financial accounting - focuses on overhead costs. Cost accounting, the the preparation and presentation of specialized field of accounting which deals general-purpose financial with the allocation of costs to products, statements with the aim of meeting was developed to address this problem. most of the needs of external users. The corporate form of business Management accounting - organization was created to accommodate concerned with financial reporting the need for increasingly large amounts of for internal users, such as funds which are required to finance the management. These users have expansion of business during this period. control over the accounting system The funds accumulated were used mainly and can specify precisely the type to acquire machinery, build factories, and of reports needed for use in streamline manufacturing methods and decision-making. processes. Cost accounting - measures a With the birth of corporations, a business’s costs to help business can have many owners. The management in controlling owners are gradually separated from the expenses. Cost accounting records business operations, and other people are guide managers in setting prices for hired to manage the enterprise. Because of their products and services to this, there was a need for those who achieve greater profits. CHAPTER SUMMARY Tax accounting - has two aims: compliance with the tax laws and Accounting - is an information system minimizing the company’s tax bill that provides quantitative information for through legal means. Accountants use by decision-makers. provide tax planning and tax -is the process of identifying, consultancy services, such as measuring and communicating economic giving advice to clients on what information to permit informed judgment type of investments to make and on and decision by users of the information. how to structure business transactions Basic purpose of accounting - is to Government accounting - supply financial information to users of the encompasses the process of information to help them make informed analyzing, classifying, judgments and better (economic) summarizing and communicating decisions. all transactions involving the receipt and disposition of Accounting as a language - used to government funds and property and communicate financial information to interpreting the results thereof. In interested parties such as business owners, other words, the focus of management, employees, the government, government accounting is the etc. proper custody, disposition and accounting for public funds. Bookkeeping - is the procedural or Accounting and Information mechanical aspect of accounting. Technology - The advent of Accounting is broader compared to Information Technology (I.T.) bookkeeping. revolutionized accounting and gave it a big boost in terms of efficiency -Businesses aim to earn income or profit and timeliness. Accounting by providing services or selling goods. procedures that used to be time- consuming can now be performed Nature of businesses- either service with speed and accuracy by businesses, merchandising businesses, or computers. Accounting manufacturing businesses. applications have been written to suit different kinds of business Legal form of businesses - classified organizations. It is comforting to according to the ownership of a business: note that computers can take over as either sole proprietorships, partnerships, most of the clerical aspects of or corporations. accounting, but they can never Accounting as a profession: replace the professional judgment Mastery of a particular intellectual of an accountant. skill Adoption of a common code of values or conduct Acceptance of a duty or responsibility to society.
CPAs generally practice their profession in
four sectors: Public practice Commerce and industry Education or the academe Government.