Blackbird: Tales From The Wild Blue Yonder: Chapter I
Blackbird: Tales From The Wild Blue Yonder: Chapter I
Blackbird: Tales From The Wild Blue Yonder: Chapter I
version 03.14.10
• The Wild Blue •
Shattered worlds circling a dimming star
the remnants
free worlds
olympia haven
• rules summary •
Rolling the Dice Keys
When you try to overcome an obstacle, you roll dice. Start with one die. When you hit a Key, you can do one of two things:
Add a die if you have a trait that can help you. If that trait has any tags ❖❖ Take an experience point (XP)
that apply, add another die for each tag. Finally, add any number of dice ❖❖ Add a die to your pool (up to a max of 10)
from your personal pool of dice (your pool starts with 7 dice).
If you go into danger because of your key, you get 2 XP or 2 pool dice
Roll all the dice you’ve gathered. Each die that shows 4 or higher is a hit. (or 1 XP and 1 pool die). When you have accumulated 5 XP, you earn an
You need hits equal to the difficulty level (usually 3) to pass the obstacle. advance. You can spend an advance on one of the following:
levels: 2 easy—3 difficult—4 challenging—5 extreme ❖❖ Add a new Trait (based on something you learned during play or
If you pass, discard all the dice you rolled (including any pool dice you on some past experience that has come to light)
used). Don’t worry, you can get your pool dice back. ❖❖ Add a tag to an existing trait
❖❖ Add a new Key (you can never have the same key twice)
If you don’t pass, you don’t yet achieve your goal. But, you get to keep
❖❖ Learn a Secret (if you have the means to)
the pool dice you rolled and add another die to your pool. The GM will
escalate the situation in some way and you might be able to try again. You can hold on to advances if you want, and spend them at any time,
even in the middle of a battle!
Conditions Each key also has a buyoff. If the buyoff condition occurs, you have the
When events warrant or especially when you fail a roll, the GM may
option of removing the Key and earning two advances.
impose a condition on your character: Injured, Dead, Tired, Angry,
Lost, Hunted, or Trapped. When you take a condition, mark its box Refresh
and say how it comes about. [Note: The “dead” condition just means You can refresh your pool back to 7 dice by having a refreshment scene
“presumed dead” unless you say otherwise.] with another character. You may also remove a condition or regain the
use of a Secret, depending on the details of the scene. A refreshment
Helping scene is a good time to ask questions (in character) so the other player
If your character is in a position to help another character, you can give them can show off aspects of his or her PC—“Why did you choose this
a die from your pool. Say what your character does to help. If the roll life?”—“What do you think of the Lady?”—“Why did you take this
fails, you get your pool die back. If it succeeds, your die is lost. job?” etc. Refreshment scenes can be flashbacks, too.
• Naomi Bishop •
Former pit-fighter and bodyguard to Lady Blackbird
TRAITS Key of the Guardian
You are Lady Blackbird’s loyal defender. Hit your key when you
Pit-Fighter make a decision influenced by Lady Blackbird or protect her from
Combat Tested, Brutal, Living Weapon, Fast, Hard, [Strong], harm. Buyoff: Sever your relationship with the Lady.
[Bone-breaking], [Scary Look]
Key of Vengeance
Bodyguard The Empire enslaved you and made you kill for sport. You will have
Awareness, Threats, Defend, Disarm, Restrain, Carry, Delay, your revenge on them and watch their cities burn. Hit your key
[Security], [First Aid] when you strike a blow against the Empire (especially by killing an
Ex-Slave Imperial). Buyoff: Forgive them for what they did to you.
Sneak, Hide, Run, Tough, Endure, Scrounge, Nobles, [Hatred], Key of the Warrior
[Iron Will] You crave the crash and roar of battle, the tougher the better. Hit
Keen your key when you do battle with worthy or superior foes.
Insightful, Aware, Coiled, Liars, Traps, [Danger], [Sense Buyoff: Pass up an opportunity for a good fight.
Motives] Secret of Destruction
You can break things with your bare hands as if you were swinging
a sledgehammer. It’s scary.
• rules summary •
Rolling the Dice Keys
When you try to overcome an obstacle, you roll dice. Start with one die. When you hit a Key, you can do one of two things:
Add a die if you have a trait that can help you. If that trait has any tags ❖❖ Take an experience point (XP)
that apply, add another die for each tag. Finally, add any number of dice ❖❖ Add a die to your pool (up to a max of 10)
from your personal pool of dice (your pool starts with 7 dice).
If you go into danger because of your key, you get 2 XP or 2 pool dice
Roll all the dice you’ve gathered. Each die that shows 4 or higher is a hit. (or 1 XP and 1 pool die). When you have accumulated 5 XP, you earn an
You need hits equal to the difficulty level (usually 3) to pass the obstacle. advance. You can spend an advance on one of the following:
levels: 2 easy—3 difficult—4 challenging—5 extreme ❖❖ Add a new Trait (based on something you learned during play or
If you pass, discard all the dice you rolled (including any pool dice you on some past experience that has come to light)
used). Don’t worry, you can get your pool dice back. ❖❖ Add a tag to an existing trait
❖❖ Add a new Key (you can never have the same key twice)
If you don’t pass, you don’t yet achieve your goal. But, you get to keep
❖❖ Learn a Secret (if you have the means to)
the pool dice you rolled and add another die to your pool. The GM will
escalate the situation in some way and you might be able to try again. You can hold on to advances if you want, and spend them at any time,
even in the middle of a battle!
Conditions Each key also has a buyoff. If the buyoff condition occurs, you have the
When events warrant or especially when you fail a roll, the GM may
option of removing the Key and earning two advances.
impose a condition on your character: Injured, Dead, Tired, Angry,
Lost, Hunted, or Trapped. When you take a condition, mark its box Refresh
and say how it comes about. [Note: The “dead” condition just means You can refresh your pool back to 7 dice by having a refreshment scene
“presumed dead” unless you say otherwise.] with another character. You may also remove a condition or regain the
use of a Secret, depending on the details of the scene. A refreshment
Helping scene is a good time to ask questions (in character) so the other player
If your character is in a position to help another character, you can give them can show off aspects of his or her PC—“Why did you choose this
a die from your pool. Say what your character does to help. If the roll life?”—“What do you think of the Lady?”—“Why did you take this
fails, you get your pool die back. If it succeeds, your die is lost. job?” etc. Refreshment scenes can be flashbacks, too.
• Cyrus Vance •
An ex-Imperial soldier turned smuggler and soldier-of-fortune, Captain of The Owl
TRAITS Key of the Commander
You are accustomed to giving orders and having them obeyed. Hit
Ex-Imperial Soldier your trait when you come up with a plan and give orders to make it
Tactics, Command, Soldiers, Rank, Connections, Maps, Imperial happen. Buyoff: Acknowledge someone else as the leader.
War Ships
Key of Hidden Longing
Smuggler You are completely enthralled by Lady Blackbird, but you don’t
Haggle, Deception, Sneak, Hide, Camouflage, Forgery, Pilot, want her to know it. Hit your key when you make a decision based
Navigation, [Repair], [Gunnery] on this secret affection or when you somehow show it indirectly.
Survivor Buyoff: Give up on your secret desire or make it public.
Tough, Run, Scrounge, Endure, Creepy Stare, Intimidate, [Medic] Key of the Outcast
Warrior You got exiled from the Empire. Hit your key when your outcast
Battle-Hardened, Shooting, Two-Gun Style, Pistol, Fencing, Sword, status causes you trouble or is important in a scene.
[Brawl], [Hail of Lead] Buyoff: Regain your former standing or join a new group.
Secret of Leadership
Once per session, you can give someone else a chance to re-roll a failed
roll, by giving them orders, advice, or setting a good example.
Secret of Warpblood
Tags in [brackets] are qualities you don’t have yet. You can buy them with Once per session, you can teleport yourself or someone you’re
advances. See the Rules Summary below, under Keys. touching.
• rules summary •
Rolling the Dice Keys
When you try to overcome an obstacle, you roll dice. Start with one die. When you hit a Key, you can do one of two things:
Add a die if you have a trait that can help you. If that trait has any tags ❖❖ Take an experience point (XP)
that apply, add another die for each tag. Finally, add any number of dice ❖❖ Add a die to your pool (up to a max of 10)
from your personal pool of dice (your pool starts with 7 dice).
If you go into danger because of your key, you get 2 XP or 2 pool dice
Roll all the dice you’ve gathered. Each die that shows 4 or higher is a hit. (or 1 XP and 1 pool die). When you have accumulated 5 XP, you earn an
You need hits equal to the difficulty level (usually 3) to pass the obstacle. advance. You can spend an advance on one of the following:
levels: 2 easy—3 difficult—4 challenging—5 extreme ❖❖ Add a new Trait (based on something you learned during play or
If you pass, discard all the dice you rolled (including any pool dice you on some past experience that has come to light)
used). Don’t worry, you can get your pool dice back. ❖❖ Add a tag to an existing trait
❖❖ Add a new Key (you can never have the same key twice)
If you don’t pass, you don’t yet achieve your goal. But, you get to keep
❖❖ Learn a Secret (if you have the means to)
the pool dice you rolled and add another die to your pool. The GM will
escalate the situation in some way and you might be able to try again. You can hold on to advances if you want, and spend them at any time,
even in the middle of a battle!
Conditions Each key also has a buyoff. If the buyoff condition occurs, you have the
When events warrant or especially when you fail a roll, the GM may
option of removing the Key and earning two advances.
impose a condition on your character: Injured, Dead, Tired, Angry,
Lost, Hunted, or Trapped. When you take a condition, mark its box Refresh
and say how it comes about. [Note: The “dead” condition just means You can refresh your pool back to 7 dice by having a refreshment scene
“presumed dead” unless you say otherwise.] with another character. You may also remove a condition or regain the
use of a Secret, depending on the details of the scene. A refreshment
Helping scene is a good time to ask questions (in character) so the other player
If your character is in a position to help another character, you can give them can show off aspects of his or her PC—“Why did you choose this
a die from your pool. Say what your character does to help. If the roll life?”—“What do you think of the Lady?”—“Why did you take this
fails, you get your pool die back. If it succeeds, your die is lost. job?” etc. Refreshment scenes can be flashbacks, too.
• Kale Arkam •
A burglar and petty sorcerer, first mate and mechanic of The Owl
TRAITS Key of Greed
You like the shiny things. Hit your key when you steal something
Burglar cool or score a big payoff. Buyoff: Swear off stealing forever.
Quiet, Sneak, Hide, Dextrous, Locks, Perceptive, Traps, Darkness,
[Alarms] , [Distractions] Key of the Mission
You must safely deliver Lady Blackbird to the Pirate King Uriah
Tricky Flint, so she can marry him. Hit your key when you take action to
Quick, Dirty Fighting, Tumbler, Escape, Contortionist, [Sleight of complete the mission. Buyoff: Give up the mission.
Hand], [Acrobatics], [Dagger]
Key of Fraternity
Petty Magic (use one spell tag at a time) You are sworn to Captain Vance in a bond of brotherhood. Hit your
Light spell, Dark spell, Jump spell, Shatter Spell, [Channeling], key when your character is influenced by Vance or when you show
[Spellcaster] how deep your bond is. Buyoff: Sever the relationship
Mechanic Secret of Concealment
Repair, Engines, Efficiency, Spare Parts, Sabotage, [Enhancements], No matter how thoroughly you’re searched, you always have a few
[Ship Weapons] key items with you. You can produce any common, simple item at
a moment’s notice.
Secret of Reflexes
Once per session, you can re-roll a failure when doing anything
Tags in [brackets] are qualities you don’t have yet. You can buy them with involving grace, dexterity, or quick reflexes.
advances. See the Rules Summary below, under Keys.
• rules summary •
Rolling the Dice Keys
When you try to overcome an obstacle, you roll dice. Start with one die. When you hit a Key, you can do one of two things:
Add a die if you have a trait that can help you. If that trait has any tags ❖❖ Take an experience point (XP)
that apply, add another die for each tag. Finally, add any number of dice ❖❖ Add a die to your pool (up to a max of 10)
from your personal pool of dice (your pool starts with 7 dice).
If you go into danger because of your key, you get 2 XP or 2 pool dice
Roll all the dice you’ve gathered. Each die that shows 4 or higher is a hit. (or 1 XP and 1 pool die). When you have accumulated 5 XP, you earn an
You need hits equal to the difficulty level (usually 3) to pass the obstacle. advance. You can spend an advance on one of the following:
levels: 2 easy—3 difficult—4 challenging—5 extreme ❖❖ Add a new Trait (based on something you learned during play or
If you pass, discard all the dice you rolled (including any pool dice you on some past experience that has come to light)
used). Don’t worry, you can get your pool dice back. ❖❖ Add a tag to an existing trait
❖❖ Add a new Key (you can never have the same key twice)
If you don’t pass, you don’t yet achieve your goal. But, you get to keep
❖❖ Learn a Secret (if you have the means to)
the pool dice you rolled and add another die to your pool. The GM will
escalate the situation in some way and you might be able to try again. You can hold on to advances if you want, and spend them at any time,
even in the middle of a battle!
Conditions Each key also has a buyoff. If the buyoff condition occurs, you have the
When events warrant or especially when you fail a roll, the GM may
option of removing the Key and earning two advances.
impose a condition on your character: Injured, Dead, Tired, Angry,
Lost, Hunted, or Trapped. When you take a condition, mark its box Refresh
and say how it comes about. [Note: The “dead” condition just means You can refresh your pool back to 7 dice by having a refreshment scene
“presumed dead” unless you say otherwise.] with another character. You may also remove a condition or regain the
use of a Secret, depending on the details of the scene. A refreshment
Helping scene is a good time to ask questions (in character) so the other player
If your character is in a position to help another character, you can give them can show off aspects of his or her PC—“Why did you choose this
a die from your pool. Say what your character does to help. If the roll life?”—“What do you think of the Lady?”—“Why did you take this
fails, you get your pool die back. If it succeeds, your die is lost. job?” etc. Refreshment scenes can be flashbacks, too.
• Snargle •
A goblin sky-sailor and pilot of The Owl
TRAITS Key of the Daredevil
You thrive in dangerous situations. Hit your key when you do
Pilot something cool that is risky or reckless (especially piloting stunts).
Daring, Steady, Maneuvering, Evasion, Tricky flying, Navigation, Buyoff: Be very very careful.
Maps, Atmospherics. [The Owl], [Battle], [Ramming]
Key of Conscience
Sky Sailor You don’t like to see anyone suffer, even enemies. Hit your key when
Gunnery, Aim, Maintenance, Observation, Signals, Empire, you help someone who is in trouble or when you change someone’s
Pirates, Free Worlds, Haven, [Repair], [Connections] life for the better Buyoff: Ignore a request for help.
Goblin Key of Banter
Warp shape, Glide, Nightvision, Agile, Quick, Tumbler, Teeth & You have a knack for snappy comments. Hit your key when Snargle
Claws, [Mimic Shape], [Reckless], [Connections] says something that makes the other players laugh or when you
Sly explain something using your pilot techno jargon.
Crafty, Sneaky, Distractions, Bluff, Languages, Trade Speak, Buyoff: Everyone groans at one of your comments.
[Sharp], [Disguise] Secret of Shape Warping
As a goblin, you can change your shape, growing shorter, taller,
fatter, thinner, or changing your skin color, at will.
• rules summary •
Rolling the Dice Keys
When you try to overcome an obstacle, you roll dice. Start with one die. When you hit a Key, you can do one of two things:
Add a die if you have a trait that can help you. If that trait has any tags ❖❖ Take an experience point (XP)
that apply, add another die for each tag. Finally, add any number of dice ❖❖ Add a die to your pool (up to a max of 10)
from your personal pool of dice (your pool starts with 7 dice).
If you go into danger because of your key, you get 2 XP or 2 pool dice
Roll all the dice you’ve gathered. Each die that shows 4 or higher is a hit. (or 1 XP and 1 pool die). When you have accumulated 5 XP, you earn an
You need hits equal to the difficulty level (usually 3) to pass the obstacle. advance. You can spend an advance on one of the following:
levels: 2 easy—3 difficult—4 challenging—5 extreme ❖❖ Add a new Trait (based on something you learned during play or
If you pass, discard all the dice you rolled (including any pool dice you on some past experience that has come to light)
used). Don’t worry, you can get your pool dice back. ❖❖ Add a tag to an existing trait
❖❖ Add a new Key (you can never have the same key twice)
If you don’t pass, you don’t yet achieve your goal. But, you get to keep
❖❖ Learn a Secret (if you have the means to)
the pool dice you rolled and add another die to your pool. The GM will
escalate the situation in some way and you might be able to try again. You can hold on to advances if you want, and spend them at any time,
even in the middle of a battle!
Conditions Each key also has a buyoff. If the buyoff condition occurs, you have the
When events warrant or especially when you fail a roll, the GM may
option of removing the Key and earning two advances.
impose a condition on your character: Injured, Dead, Tired, Angry,
Lost, Hunted, or Trapped. When you take a condition, mark its box Refresh
and say how it comes about. [Note: The “dead” condition just means You can refresh your pool back to 7 dice by having a refreshment scene
“presumed dead” unless you say otherwise.] with another character. You may also remove a condition or regain the
use of a Secret, depending on the details of the scene. A refreshment
Helping scene is a good time to ask questions (in character) so the other player
If your character is in a position to help another character, you can give them can show off aspects of his or her PC—“Why did you choose this
a die from your pool. Say what your character does to help. If the roll life?”—“What do you think of the Lady?”—“Why did you take this
fails, you get your pool die back. If it succeeds, your die is lost. job?” etc. Refreshment scenes can be flashbacks, too.
• The Owl •
An old but reliable skyship, outfitted for smuggling
Note: when you buy a new trait, you don’t start with any tags. you need to buy them with advances.
Key of ➻➻ Charisma, Presence, Command, Nobles, Servants
Secret of Stormblood
Secret of Inner Focus ➻➻ Deception, Misdirection, Disguise, Codes
Secret of
Secret of ➻➻
• rules summary •
Rolling the Dice Keys
When you try to overcome an obstacle, you roll dice. Start with one die. When you hit a Key, you can do one of two things:
Add a die if you have a trait that can help you. If that trait has any tags ❖❖ Take an experience point (XP)
that apply, add another die for each tag. Finally, add any number of dice ❖❖ Add a die to your pool (up to a max of 10)
from your personal pool of dice (your pool starts with 7 dice).
If you go into danger because of your key, you get 2 XP or 2 pool dice
Roll all the dice you’ve gathered. Each die that shows 4 or higher is a hit. (or 1 XP and 1 pool die). When you have accumulated 5 XP, you earn an
You need hits equal to the difficulty level (usually 3) to pass the obstacle. advance. You can spend an advance on one of the following:
levels: 2 easy—3 difficult—4 challenging—5 extreme ❖❖ Add a new Trait (based on something you learned during play or
If you pass, discard all the dice you rolled (including any pool dice you on some past experience that has come to light)
used). Don’t worry, you can get your pool dice back. ❖❖ Add a tag to an existing trait
❖❖ Add a new Key (you can never have the same key twice)
If you don’t pass, you don’t yet achieve your goal. But, you get to keep
❖❖ Learn a Secret (if you have the means to)
the pool dice you rolled and add another die to your pool. The GM will
escalate the situation in some way and you might be able to try again. You can hold on to advances if you want, and spend them at any time,
even in the middle of a battle!
Conditions Each key also has a buyoff. If the buyoff condition occurs, you have the
When events warrant or especially when you fail a roll, the GM may
option of removing the Key and earning two advances.
impose a condition on your character: Injured, Dead, Tired, Angry,
Lost, Hunted, or Trapped. When you take a condition, mark its box Refresh
and say how it comes about. [Note: The “dead” condition just means You can refresh your pool back to 7 dice by having a refreshment scene
“presumed dead” unless you say otherwise.] with another character. You may also remove a condition or regain the
use of a Secret, depending on the details of the scene. A refreshment
Helping scene is a good time to ask questions (in character) so the other player
If your character is in a position to help another character, you can give them can show off aspects of his or her PC—“Why did you choose this
a die from your pool. Say what your character does to help. If the roll life?”—“What do you think of the Lady?”—“Why did you take this
fails, you get your pool die back. If it succeeds, your die is lost. job?” etc. Refreshment scenes can be flashbacks, too.
Naomi Bishop unspent
advances Pit-Fighter
Player: ➻➻ Combat Tested, Brutal, Living Weapon, Fast, Hard
Key of the Guardian
➻➻ Awareness, Threats, Defend, Disarm, Restrain, Carry, Delay
Key of Vengeance
Key of ➻➻ Insightful, Aware, Coiled, Liars, Traps
Secret of Destruction
Secret of
Secret of ➻➻
• rules summary •
Rolling the Dice Keys
When you try to overcome an obstacle, you roll dice. Start with one die. When you hit a Key, you can do one of two things:
Add a die if you have a trait that can help you. If that trait has any tags ❖❖ Take an experience point (XP)
that apply, add another die for each tag. Finally, add any number of dice ❖❖ Add a die to your pool (up to a max of 10)
from your personal pool of dice (your pool starts with 7 dice).
If you go into danger because of your key, you get 2 XP or 2 pool dice
Roll all the dice you’ve gathered. Each die that shows 4 or higher is a hit. (or 1 XP and 1 pool die). When you have accumulated 5 XP, you earn an
You need hits equal to the difficulty level (usually 3) to pass the obstacle. advance. You can spend an advance on one of the following:
levels: 2 easy—3 difficult—4 challenging—5 extreme ❖❖ Add a new Trait (based on something you learned during play or
If you pass, discard all the dice you rolled (including any pool dice you on some past experience that has come to light)
used). Don’t worry, you can get your pool dice back. ❖❖ Add a tag to an existing trait
❖❖ Add a new Key (you can never have the same key twice)
If you don’t pass, you don’t yet achieve your goal. But, you get to keep
❖❖ Learn a Secret (if you have the means to)
the pool dice you rolled and add another die to your pool. The GM will
escalate the situation in some way and you might be able to try again. You can hold on to advances if you want, and spend them at any time,
even in the middle of a battle!
Conditions Each key also has a buyoff. If the buyoff condition occurs, you have the
When events warrant or especially when you fail a roll, the GM may
option of removing the Key and earning two advances.
impose a condition on your character: Injured, Dead, Tired, Angry,
Lost, Hunted, or Trapped. When you take a condition, mark its box Refresh
and say how it comes about. [Note: The “dead” condition just means You can refresh your pool back to 7 dice by having a refreshment scene
“presumed dead” unless you say otherwise.] with another character. You may also remove a condition or regain the
use of a Secret, depending on the details of the scene. A refreshment
Helping scene is a good time to ask questions (in character) so the other player
If your character is in a position to help another character, you can give them can show off aspects of his or her PC—“Why did you choose this
a die from your pool. Say what your character does to help. If the roll life?”—“What do you think of the Lady?”—“Why did you take this
fails, you get your pool die back. If it succeeds, your die is lost. job?” etc. Refreshment scenes can be flashbacks, too.
Cyrus Vance unspent
advances Ex-Imperial Soldier
Player: ➻➻ Tactics, Command, Soldiers, Rank, Connections, Imperial War Ships
➻➻ Maps
Key of the Commander
➻➻ Haggle, Deception, Sneak, Hide, Camouflage, Forgery, Pilot, Navigation
Key of Hidden Longing
Key of ➻➻ Battle-Hardened, Shooting, Two-Gun Style, Pistol, Fencing, Sword
Secret of Leadership
Secret of Warpblood ➻➻
Secret of
Secret of ➻➻
• rules summary •
Rolling the Dice Keys
When you try to overcome an obstacle, you roll dice. Start with one die. When you hit a Key, you can do one of two things:
Add a die if you have a trait that can help you. If that trait has any tags ❖❖ Take an experience point (XP)
that apply, add another die for each tag. Finally, add any number of dice ❖❖ Add a die to your pool (up to a max of 10)
from your personal pool of dice (your pool starts with 7 dice).
If you go into danger because of your key, you get 2 XP or 2 pool dice
Roll all the dice you’ve gathered. Each die that shows 4 or higher is a hit. (or 1 XP and 1 pool die). When you have accumulated 5 XP, you earn an
You need hits equal to the difficulty level (usually 3) to pass the obstacle. advance. You can spend an advance on one of the following:
levels: 2 easy—3 difficult—4 challenging—5 extreme ❖❖ Add a new Trait (based on something you learned during play or
If you pass, discard all the dice you rolled (including any pool dice you on some past experience that has come to light)
used). Don’t worry, you can get your pool dice back. ❖❖ Add a tag to an existing trait
❖❖ Add a new Key (you can never have the same key twice)
If you don’t pass, you don’t yet achieve your goal. But, you get to keep
❖❖ Learn a Secret (if you have the means to)
the pool dice you rolled and add another die to your pool. The GM will
escalate the situation in some way and you might be able to try again. You can hold on to advances if you want, and spend them at any time,
even in the middle of a battle!
Conditions Each key also has a buyoff. If the buyoff condition occurs, you have the
When events warrant or especially when you fail a roll, the GM may
option of removing the Key and earning two advances.
impose a condition on your character: Injured, Dead, Tired, Angry,
Lost, Hunted, or Trapped. When you take a condition, mark its box Refresh
and say how it comes about. [Note: The “dead” condition just means You can refresh your pool back to 7 dice by having a refreshment scene
“presumed dead” unless you say otherwise.] with another character. You may also remove a condition or regain the
use of a Secret, depending on the details of the scene. A refreshment
Helping scene is a good time to ask questions (in character) so the other player
If your character is in a position to help another character, you can give them can show off aspects of his or her PC—“Why did you choose this
a die from your pool. Say what your character does to help. If the roll life?”—“What do you think of the Lady?”—“Why did you take this
fails, you get your pool die back. If it succeeds, your die is lost. job?” etc. Refreshment scenes can be flashbacks, too.
Kale Arkam unspent
advances Burglar
Player: ➻➻ Quiet, Sneak, Hide, Dextrous, Locks, Perceptive, Traps, Darkness
Key of Greed
➻➻ Quick, Dirty Fighting, Tumbler, Escape, Contortionist
Key of the Mission
Key of the Fraternity Petty Magic (only one spell tag at a time)
➻➻ Light spell, Dark spell, Jump spell, Shatter Spell
Key of ➻➻
Key of ➻➻ Repair, Engines, Efficiency, Spare Parts, Sabotage
Secret of Concealment
Secret of Reflexes ➻➻
Secret of
Secret of ➻➻
• rules summary •
Rolling the Dice Keys
When you try to overcome an obstacle, you roll dice. Start with one die. When you hit a Key, you can do one of two things:
Add a die if you have a trait that can help you. If that trait has any tags ❖❖ Take an experience point (XP)
that apply, add another die for each tag. Finally, add any number of dice ❖❖ Add a die to your pool (up to a max of 10)
from your personal pool of dice (your pool starts with 7 dice).
If you go into danger because of your key, you get 2 XP or 2 pool dice
Roll all the dice you’ve gathered. Each die that shows 4 or higher is a hit. (or 1 XP and 1 pool die). When you have accumulated 5 XP, you earn an
You need hits equal to the difficulty level (usually 3) to pass the obstacle. advance. You can spend an advance on one of the following:
levels: 2 easy—3 difficult—4 challenging—5 extreme ❖❖ Add a new Trait (based on something you learned during play or
If you pass, discard all the dice you rolled (including any pool dice you on some past experience that has come to light)
used). Don’t worry, you can get your pool dice back. ❖❖ Add a tag to an existing trait
❖❖ Add a new Key (you can never have the same key twice)
If you don’t pass, you don’t yet achieve your goal. But, you get to keep
❖❖ Learn a Secret (if you have the means to)
the pool dice you rolled and add another die to your pool. The GM will
escalate the situation in some way and you might be able to try again. You can hold on to advances if you want, and spend them at any time,
even in the middle of a battle!
Conditions Each key also has a buyoff. If the buyoff condition occurs, you have the
When events warrant or especially when you fail a roll, the GM may
option of removing the Key and earning two advances.
impose a condition on your character: Injured, Dead, Tired, Angry,
Lost, Hunted, or Trapped. When you take a condition, mark its box Refresh
and say how it comes about. [Note: The “dead” condition just means You can refresh your pool back to 7 dice by having a refreshment scene
“presumed dead” unless you say otherwise.] with another character. You may also remove a condition or regain the
use of a Secret, depending on the details of the scene. A refreshment
Helping scene is a good time to ask questions (in character) so the other player
If your character is in a position to help another character, you can give them can show off aspects of his or her PC—“Why did you choose this
a die from your pool. Say what your character does to help. If the roll life?”—“What do you think of the Lady?”—“Why did you take this
fails, you get your pool die back. If it succeeds, your die is lost. job?” etc. Refreshment scenes can be flashbacks, too.
Snargle unspent
advances Pilot
Player: ➻➻ Daring, Steady, Maneuvering, Evasion, Tricky flying, Navigation, Maps
➻➻ Atmospherics
Key of the Daredevil
Sky Sailor
➻➻ Gunnery, Aim, Maintenance, Observation, Signals, Empire, Pirates
Key of Conscience
➻➻ Free Worlds, Haven
Key of ➻➻ Crafty, Sneaky, Distractions, Bluff, Languages, Trade Speak
Secret of Shape Warping
Secret of
Secret of ➻➻
• rules summary •
Rolling the Dice Keys
When you try to overcome an obstacle, you roll dice. Start with one die. When you hit a Key, you can do one of two things:
Add a die if you have a trait that can help you. If that trait has any tags ❖❖ Take an experience point (XP)
that apply, add another die for each tag. Finally, add any number of dice ❖❖ Add a die to your pool (up to a max of 10)
from your personal pool of dice (your pool starts with 7 dice).
If you go into danger because of your key, you get 2 XP or 2 pool dice
Roll all the dice you’ve gathered. Each die that shows 4 or higher is a hit. (or 1 XP and 1 pool die). When you have accumulated 5 XP, you earn an
You need hits equal to the difficulty level (usually 3) to pass the obstacle. advance. You can spend an advance on one of the following:
levels: 2 easy—3 difficult—4 challenging—5 extreme ❖❖ Add a new Trait (based on something you learned during play or
If you pass, discard all the dice you rolled (including any pool dice you on some past experience that has come to light)
used). Don’t worry, you can get your pool dice back. ❖❖ Add a tag to an existing trait
❖❖ Add a new Key (you can never have the same key twice)
If you don’t pass, you don’t yet achieve your goal. But, you get to keep
❖❖ Learn a Secret (if you have the means to)
the pool dice you rolled and add another die to your pool. The GM will
escalate the situation in some way and you might be able to try again. You can hold on to advances if you want, and spend them at any time,
even in the middle of a battle!
Conditions Each key also has a buyoff. If the buyoff condition occurs, you have the
When events warrant or especially when you fail a roll, the GM may
option of removing the Key and earning two advances.
impose a condition on your character: Injured, Dead, Tired, Angry,
Lost, Hunted, or Trapped. When you take a condition, mark its box Refresh
and say how it comes about. [Note: The “dead” condition just means You can refresh your pool back to 7 dice by having a refreshment scene
“presumed dead” unless you say otherwise.] with another character. You may also remove a condition or regain the
use of a Secret, depending on the details of the scene. A refreshment
Helping scene is a good time to ask questions (in character) so the other player
If your character is in a position to help another character, you can give them can show off aspects of his or her PC—“Why did you choose this
a die from your pool. Say what your character does to help. If the roll life?”—“What do you think of the Lady?”—“Why did you take this
fails, you get your pool die back. If it succeeds, your die is lost. job?” etc. Refreshment scenes can be flashbacks, too.
name: advances trait:
Player: ➻➻
Key of
Key of
Key of trait:
Key of ➻➻
Key of ➻➻
Secret of
Secret of
Secret of trait:
Secret of ➻➻
• rules summary •
Rolling the Dice Keys
When you try to overcome an obstacle, you roll dice. Start with one die. When you hit a Key, you can do one of two things:
Add a die if you have a trait that can help you. If that trait has any tags ❖❖ Take an experience point (XP)
that apply, add another die for each tag. Finally, add any number of dice ❖❖ Add a die to your pool (up to a max of 10)
from your personal pool of dice (your pool starts with 7 dice).
If you go into danger because of your key, you get 2 XP or 2 pool dice
Roll all the dice you’ve gathered. Each die that shows 4 or higher is a hit. (or 1 XP and 1 pool die). When you have accumulated 5 XP, you earn an
You need hits equal to the difficulty level (usually 3) to pass the obstacle. advance. You can spend an advance on one of the following:
levels: 2 easy—3 difficult—4 challenging—5 extreme ❖❖ Add a new Trait (based on something you learned during play or
If you pass, discard all the dice you rolled (including any pool dice you on some past experience that has come to light)
used). Don’t worry, you can get your pool dice back. ❖❖ Add a tag to an existing trait
❖❖ Add a new Key (you can never have the same key twice)
If you don’t pass, you don’t yet achieve your goal. But, you get to keep
❖❖ Learn a Secret (if you have the means to)
the pool dice you rolled and add another die to your pool. The GM will
escalate the situation in some way and you might be able to try again. You can hold on to advances if you want, and spend them at any time,
even in the middle of a battle!
Conditions Each key also has a buyoff. If the buyoff condition occurs, you have the
When events warrant or especially when you fail a roll, the GM may
option of removing the Key and earning two advances.
impose a condition on your character: Injured, Dead, Tired, Angry,
Lost, Hunted, or Trapped. When you take a condition, mark its box Refresh
and say how it comes about. [Note: The “dead” condition just means You can refresh your pool back to 7 dice by having a refreshment scene
“presumed dead” unless you say otherwise.] with another character. You may also remove a condition or regain the
use of a Secret, depending on the details of the scene. A refreshment
Helping scene is a good time to ask questions (in character) so the other player
If your character is in a position to help another character, you can give them can show off aspects of his or her PC—“Why did you choose this
a die from your pool. Say what your character does to help. If the roll life?”—“What do you think of the Lady?”—“Why did you take this
fails, you get your pool die back. If it succeeds, your die is lost. job?” etc. Refreshment scenes can be flashbacks, too.