Assignment 1 Front Sheet: Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing
Assignment 1 Front Sheet: Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing
Assignment 1 Front Sheet: Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing
Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Student’s signature
Grading grid
P1 P2 P3 M1 M2 D1
Summative Feedback: Resubmission Feedback:
Bibliography ...................................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 1 : Programming Languages? _________________________________________________________________________2
Figure 2: Types of Programming Languages ___________________________________________________________________3
Figure 3: Top 10 Popular Programming Languages _____________________________________________________________5
Figure 4: C++ Language ___________________________________________________________________________________5
Figure 5: C Language _____________________________________________________________________________________6
Figure 6: Pascal Language _________________________________________________________________________________6
Figure 7: Fortran Language ________________________________________________________________________________7
Figure 8: Java Language ___________________________________________________________________________________7
Figure 9: Perl Language ___________________________________________________________________________________8
Figure 10: PHP Language __________________________________________________________________________________8
Figure 11: LISP Language __________________________________________________________________________________9
Figure 12: SCHEME Language ______________________________________________________________________________9
Figure 13: The Python Key words ____________________________________________________________________________9
Figure 14: Example Code _________________________________________________________________________________10
Figure 15: Program Development Process ____________________________________________________________________11
Figure 16: What Is Procesdural Programming? ________________________________________________________________11
Figure 17: Screen example ________________________________________________________________________________12
Figure 18: Code example _________________________________________________________________________________12
Figure 19: Flowchart Example _____________________________________________________________________________13
Figure 20: What Is Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)? _______________________________________________________14
Figure 21: Procedural Programming vs Object-Oriented Programming: Head to Head Comparison ______________________16
Figure 22: Main variable__________________________________________________________________________________17
Figure 23: If Selection ____________________________________________________________________________________17
Figure 24: Iteration constructs while ________________________________________________________________________18
Figure 25: Iteration contructs for ___________________________________________________________________________18
Figure 26: Function inputID _______________________________________________________________________________18
Figure 27: Function inputGrade ____________________________________________________________________________18
Figure 28: Function all student ID together ___________________________________________________________________19
Figure 29: Enter the person with the highest/lowest grade ______________________________________________________19
Figure 30: Hierarchical diagram of the program _______________________________________________________________20
Figure 31: Use-Case Diagram ______________________________________________________________________________20
Figure 32: InputID ______________________________________________________________________________________21
Figure 33: InputGrade ____________________________________________________________________________________22
Figure 34: All my code ___________________________________________________________________________________24
Figure 35: Run my code __________________________________________________________________________________25
Figure 36: If-Else ________________________________________________________________________________________25
Figure 37: Flowchart If – Else ______________________________________________________________________________26
Figure 38: For loop syntax ________________________________________________________________________________26
Figure 39: Example While _________________________________________________________________________________26
1. Scenario:
• A math teacher wants to manage grades of a class. He asks you to help him to write a small
application to do that. He needs to enter student IDs, student’s grades and store these
information into 2 separate arrays (integer array for IDs and float array for grades). Then he
needs to print all student IDs together with their grades. Finally, he needs to know which
student has highest grade and lowest grade. Your program should be menu based with the
options above. When an option is done, the program should go back to the main menu so he
can choose another option. There should be an option to quit program.
2. Report Objectives
• The main purpose of the essay is to provide a basic explanation of procedural programing.
This report will help teachers to manage student ID and gradesfor all students of the class.
In addition, it can help teachers with many options such asadding more student, search for
student informationand find the highest or lowest grade students in the classroom.
Chaper II : Programming languages , Code, and discuss key features of procedural
Computers are like humans. It also has its own language so if we want to approach and exploit it, we have
to learn how to communicate with them in a separate programming language
b) Types of programming languages :
The procedural programming language is used to execute a sequence of statements which lead to a result.
Typically, this type of programming language uses multiple variables, heavy loops and other elements,
which separates them from functional programming languages. Functions of procedural language may
control variables, other than function’s value returns. For example, printing out information.
Functional programming language typically uses stored data, frequently avoiding loops in favor of recursive
functions.The functional programing’s primary focus is on the return values of functions, and side effects
and different suggests that storing state are powerfully discouraged. For example, in an exceedingly pure
useful language, if a function is termed, it’s expected that the function not modify or perform any o/p. It
may, however, build algorithmic calls and alter the parameters of these calls. Functional languages are
usually easier and build it easier to figure on abstract issues, however, they’ll even be “further from the
machine” therein their programming model makes it difficult to know precisely, but the code is decoded
into machine language (which are often problematic for system programming).
This programming language views the world as a group of objects that have internal data and external
accessing parts of that data. The aim this programming language is to think about the fault by separating it
into a collection of objects that offer services which can be used to solve a specific problem. One of the
main principle of object oriented programming language is encapsulation that everything an object will
need must be inside of the object. This language also emphasizes reusability through inheritance and the
capacity to spread current implementations without having to change a great deal of code by using
These programming languages are often procedural and may comprise object-oriented language elements,
but they fall into their own category as they are normally not full-fledged programming languages with
support for development of large systems. For example, they may not have compile-time type checking.
Usually, these languages require tiny syntax to get started.
These types of languages let programmers make declarative statements and then allow the machine to
reason about the consequences of those statements. In a sense, this language doesn’t tell the computer how
to do something, but employing restrictions on what it must consider doing.
To call these groups ” types of language ” is really a bit confusing. It’s easy to program in an object-oriented
style in C language. In truth, most of the languages include ideas and features from various domains, which
only helps to increase the usefulness of these types of languages. Nevertheless, most of the programming
languages do not best in all styles of programming.
c) The Difference Between Different Programming Languages
The C++ language has an object oriented structure which is used in large projects. Programmers can
collaborate one program into different parts or even one individual work on each part of the program. The
structure of object oriented also permit code to be reused many times.This language is an efficient language.
But, many programmers will disagree
The C language is a basic programming language and it is a very popular language, particularly used in
game programming, Because C language includes the additional packing of the C++, Every programmer
uses this language because it makes programs faster . However the value of this language gives the
reusability of C++ to get the slight increase in performance with C language.
Figure 5: C Language
Pascal language is mostly a teaching language and few industries uses this language to write the programs.
This language tends to use keywords instead of symbols and braces in C language. So this language is very
easy for beginners to understand than a programming language like C, C++. Borland is a compiler software
company, which is using Delphi programming language for industrial strength. Delphi is an object oriented
language of Pascal, and presently Borland compilers only use it.
Fortran language is a number crunching language and still it is used by scientists. This language allows
different sizes of variables up to the memory limit in the machine. This language is suitable for engineers,
who have to calculate values with high precision. Program in Fortran is inflexible and sometimes it makes
difficult to read.
Figure 7: Fortran Language
The Java language is a multi platform language that’s particularly helpful in networking. Of course, mostly
this language is used on the web with Java applets. However, this language is used to design cross platform
programs, Since it similar to C++ in structure and syntax. For C++ programmers, Java language is very easy
to learn and it offers some advantages provided by object oriented programming. Like reusability and it can
be difficult to write efficient code in Java. But, nowadays the speed of the Java language has increased and
1.5 version offers some good features for easy program making.
Perl language is a file management language for UNIX. But it is more popular for its common gateway
interface programming (CGI). It is a term for programs that web servers can perform to allow additional
capabilities of web pages. Pearl language is a method for searching text and it is used for useful server
functions and other databases, and it is very easy to pick up the fundamentals if you have any experience in
any language. As a CGi language, web hosting services select Perl language over C++ language. Because,
the web hosts can review Perl script files. Since they are text files, when C++ is compiled.
The PHP language is used to design web pages and sometimes it is also used as scripting language. This
language is designed to develop a rapid website, and as a result comprises features which make it easy
generate HTTP headers and link to databases. As a scripting language, it includes a set of components permit
the programmer to easily get up to speed. However, it has more sophisticated object oriented features.
LISP language is mostly used in computer science research and it stores all data in lists such as arrays. The
syntax of list is very simple and easy to make for developers to implement structures.
Figure 11: LISP Language
The scheme language is an alternate of LISP language, and it has a simpler syntax and features. Any project
under the scheme language will result in the re implementation of most of the LISP language. But, this is
very popular introductory language in the computer science department of MIT’s. This language easily
solves the problems instead of worrying about syntaxes of programming language.
d) So, What is Code?
- Coding is using the programming language to write a program.
Figure 15: Program Development Process
2) Procedural programming.
a) What is Procedural programming?
• Procedural programming is a programming paradigm that uses a linear or top-down
approach. It relies on procedures or subroutines to perform computations.
• Procedural programming is also known as imperative programming.
b) Explains Procedural Programming
• In procedural programming, a program consists of data and modules/procedures that
operate on the data. The two are treated as separate entities. In the object-oriented
programming (OOP) paradigm, however, a program is built from objects. An object
is an instance of a class, which is an encapsulation of data (called fields) and the
procedures (called methods) that manipulate them. In most, but not all, cases, the
fields can only be accessed or modified through the methods. An object therefore is
like a miniature program or a self-contained component, which makes the OOP
approach more modularized and thus easier to maintain and extend.
• Another type of programming paradigm that procedural programming can be
contrasted with is event-driven programming. In this approach, procedures are
called/executed only in response to events, which may include mouse clicks,
keyboard press, attaching or removing a device, arrival of data from an external
source, etc. As these events are unpredictable, the procedures that handle them
cannot be executed linearly as is the case with procedural programming.
c) For Examples :
Figure 19: Flowchart Example
e) Advantages and Disadvantages of Procedural Programming.
Advantages Disadvantages
• Procedural Programming is excellent • The program code is harder to write when
for general-purpose programming Procedural Programming is employed
• The coded simplicity along with ease • The Procedural code is often not reusable,
of implementation of compilers and which may pose the need to recreate the code
interpreters if is needed to use in another application
• A large variety of books and online • Difficult to relate with real-world objects
course material available on tested • The importance is given to the operation
algorithms, making it easier to learn rather than the data, which might pose issues
along the way in some data-sensitive cases
• The source code is portable, therefore, • The data is exposed to the whole program,
it can be used to target a different CPU making it not so much security friendly
as well
• The code can be reused in different
parts of the program, without the need
to copy it
• Through Procedural Programming
technique, the memory requirement
also slashes
• The program flow can be tracked
• OOP is an approach to programming which recognizes life as we know it as a collection
of objects, which work in tandem with each other to solve a particular problem at hand.
The primary thing to know about OOP is encapsulation, which is the idea that each
object which holds the program is self-sustainable, which means that all the
components that make up the object are within the object itself. Now since each module
within this paradigm is self-sustainable, objects can be taken from one program and
used to resolve another problem at hand with little or no alterations.
Advantages Disadvantages
• Due to modularity and • Object-Oriented programs
encapsulation, OOP offers ease of tend to be slower and use up a
management high amount of memory
• OOP mimics the real world, making • Over-generalization
it easier to understand • Programs built using this
• Since objects are whole within paradigm may take longer to
themselves, they are reusable in be created
other programs
Figure 21: Procedural Programming vs Object-Oriented Programming: Head to Head Comparison
a. There are set of rules to be followed while declaring variables and data types in C
• The 1st letter should be alphabet.
• Variables can be combination of alphabets and digits.
• Underscore (_) is the only special character allowed.
• Variables can be written in both Uppercase and Lowercase or combination of both.
• Variables are Case Sensitive.
• No Spaces allowed between Characters.
• Variable name should not make use to the C Reserved Keywords.
• Variable name should not start with a number.
• A sorted list
• Information of Student with finding ID.
• Student who has the highest grade.
• Student who has the lowest grade.
d. Main variables and data types required in the program
a. The iterative structure that I use to apply to it is while and for.
• While
a. Function inputID
b. Function inputGrade
c. Function Enter all Student ID together
E. Design a procedural programming solution for a given problem
b. Use-Case Diagram
- Display List Student: The teacher will print all the student's information onto a
whiteboard and output to the screen for easy control.
- Find Student by ID: The teacher will search for student information bythe student
ID in the search box.
- Find Highest Grade of Student: The teacher will search for student information
who has the highest grade in the class
- Find Lowest Grade of Student: The teacher will search for student information
who has the lowestgrade in the class.
2. InputGrade
4. Algoithm
- Step 1 : Start
- Step 2 : Declare variable int classID[] and num.
- step 3 : Declare variable float classGrade[]
- Step 4 : Read number of students in the class from user.
- Step 5 : Read classID[] and classGrade[]
- Step 6 : Ask user to choose from the menu:
- Step 7 : If user select from 1- allow user enters Students Information
- Step 8 : Ask If user want to continue or stop the program
- Step 9 : If 4/n then stop the program else go to step6
- Step 10 : End
5. Flowchart algoithm
a. All my code
Figure 35: Run my code
c. Evaluation.
- First, write console and enter sequentially
- Insert into array type int: StudentID.
- Insert into array type float : Grade
For example :
StudentID 1 2 3 4 5
Grade 3 5 6 9 10
- Requirement 1: print out all student + grade : Then run “for” loop, because the 2 arrays
are of equal length. So each student's index will correspond to the index of grade. As in
the example: position 0 (index = 0) will be student with id = 1 and grade = 3, position 1
(index = 1) will be student with id = 2 and grade = 5.
d. Evaluate code variant in implementation.
- If – Else :
• If else structure is a component that is used in almost every software program
Figure 37: Flowchart If – Else
- For
• For loops have a more complex syntax, but are more concise than while or do-
while loops when used.
• For loop can completely replace while loop.
• For loops are often used for situations where the number of workload iterations
is known in advance.
• For loop syntax :
a) Pros
In my opinion, this program is designed for teachers, it is easy to use, easy to find students,
enter students, or fill in students. It has everything a teacher needs to get the most out of it. I
have designed for the program a really eye-catching menu and easy to use as easy as possible. I
added to the menu specific options such as: EnterStudentID, EnterStudentGrade, Student have
highest grade, lowest grade. For example: If you want to find the student with the highest
score, simply press 2 on the menu to display it (as shown in Figure 18). In summary, This
program can help teachers or those who need to use it as best as possible.
b) Cons
Everything has pros and cons, although I have done the best I can, there are still some points
that I am still not satisfied, that is I still cannot make the display all the students together. for a
while, and have yet to specifically select a student and display that student's specific scores.
What I regret the most is that I still cannot print out student scores in words. For example: If I
enter the score in words Seven, the system will immediately Exit.
c) Betterment
In the future, I will update the program with new features such as: Enter the number of
students' scores from low to high or high to low, delete students, add students, and special
Especially, to select students with equal scores.
d) Overall Evaluation
In conclusion, this program is really the program that I did the best I could. Although it may
lack the special features but the current ones that I did, it. can be of help to teachers and student
administrators. Although the program still has many bugs, but in the future I will definitely fix
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