Asm1 Bi Group3 1ST Ngothikhanhchi BH00182
Asm1 Bi Group3 1ST Ngothikhanhchi BH00182
Asm1 Bi Group3 1ST Ngothikhanhchi BH00182
Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
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P1 P2 M1 M2 D1 D2
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Table of Contents
I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 5
II. TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................... 6
P1 Examine, using examples, the terms "Business Process" and "Supporting Processes" ................................ 6
1. What is BI?.............................................................................................................................................. 6
1.1. Definition of BI ................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2. Explain ................................................................................................................................................ 7
1.3. Benefits of Business Intelligence........................................................................................................ 7
Example of Business Intelligence .............................................................................................................. 8
2. Business processes................................................................................................................................. 9
2.1. Business processes definition ........................................................................................................ 9
2.2. Business processes explanation ................................................................................................... 11
2.3. Business processes examples. ...................................................................................................... 12
3. Decision support processes ................................................................................................................. 13
P2 Compare the types of support available for business decision making at varying levels within an
organisation ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
1. Some tools for BI .................................................................................................................................. 15
1.1. Microsoft Power BI ....................................................................................................................... 15
1.2. Tableau: ........................................................................................................................................ 17
1.3. Sisense .......................................................................................................................................... 19
2. Data visualization ................................................................................................................................. 20
2.1. Definition of Data visualization .................................................................................................... 20
2.2. Benefits of data visualization ....................................................................................................... 21
2.3. Tools for visualizing data ............................................................................................................. 22
2.4. Data visualization examples ......................................................................................................... 23
2.5. Types of data visualization ........................................................................................................... 23
3. Type of decision operational, tactical and strategic ............................................................................ 24
3.1. Operational decision..................................................................................................................... 24
3.2. Tactical decision ........................................................................................................................... 24
3.3. Strategic decision ......................................................................................................................... 24
4. Compare the types of support available for business in your scenario .............................................. 25
III.CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................................... 26
IV. SLIDE .............................................................................................................................................................. 27
V. REFERENCES.................................................................................................................................................... 38
List of Figures
Figure 1: BI ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
Figure 2: Business process .................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 3: Business Process Lifecycle ................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 4: Decision support process ..................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 5: Microsoft Power BI .............................................................................................................................. 15
Figure 6: Tableau ................................................................................................................................................. 17
Figure 7: Sisense .................................................................................................................................................. 19
Figure 8: Data visualization ................................................................................................................................. 20
Figure 9: Benefits of data visualization ............................................................................................................... 21
Figure 10: Slide 1 ................................................................................................................................................. 27
Figure 11: Slide 2 ................................................................................................................................................. 27
Figure 12: Slide 4 ................................................................................................................................................. 28
Figure 13: Slide 3 ................................................................................................................................................. 28
Figure 14: Slide 6 ................................................................................................................................................. 29
Figure 15: Slide 5 ................................................................................................................................................. 29
Figure 16: Slide 7 ................................................................................................................................................. 30
Figure 17: Slide 8 ................................................................................................................................................. 30
Figure 18: Slide 9 ................................................................................................................................................. 31
Figure 19: Slide 10 ............................................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 20: Slide 11 ............................................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 21: Slide 12 ............................................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 22: Slide 14 ............................................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 23: Slide 13 ............................................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 24: Slide 15 ............................................................................................................................................... 34
Figure 25: Slide 16 ............................................................................................................................................... 34
Figure 26: Slide 17 ............................................................................................................................................... 35
Figure 27: Slide 18 ............................................................................................................................................... 35
Figure 28: Slide 19 ............................................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 29: Slide 20 ............................................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 30: Slide 21 ............................................................................................................................................... 37
Our company has been working in an FPT shop for 2 years. FPT shop is an online sales platform. For
a new, young company, the competition in the market is very high. Therefore, the Board of Directors
has decided to apply Business Intelligence to improve the company business process by making
better decisions.
The Board of Directors tasked us with researching business processes and decision support processes
within the company and identifying data types (unstructured, semi-structured or structured). We will
also study current software used in business or decision support processes and evaluate these uses
(including benefits and drawbacks).
Next we will understand the types of support for decision-making at different levels (operational,
tactical and strategic) within the company and study which business intelligence features can help on
that type of support. Study the information systems or technologies (of BI) that can be used in this
case, compare and contrast them to conclude which should be used.
P1 Examine, using examples, the terms "Business Process" and "Supporting Processes"
1. What is BI?
1.1. Definition of BI
Figure 1: BI
Business Intelligence refers to the process of collecting, analyzing, and transforming raw data into
meaningful insights and actionable information for businesses to make informed decisions. It
involves the use of technology, tools, and methodologies to gather data from various sources, organize
it, and present it in a format that can be easily understood and utilized by decision-makers.
The primary goal of business intelligence is to support data-driven decision-making at all levels of an
organization, from operational to strategic. By leveraging BI, companies can gain a comprehensive
understanding of their business operations, identify trends, patterns, and correlations in data, and
uncover valuable insights that can drive improvements, optimize performance, and achieve
competitive advantage.
Business Intelligence encompasses a range of activities and processes, including data collection, data
integration, data modeling, data analysis, and data visualization. It involves the use of advanced
analytics techniques, such as data mining, statistical analysis, predictive modeling, and machine
learning, to extract insights and discover meaningful patterns from large and complex datasets.
1.2. Explain
The role of business intelligence is to improve an organization's business through the use of relevant
data. Companies that effectively use BI tools and techniques can translate their collected data into
valuable insights into their business processes and strategies. Such insights can then be used to make
better business decisions that increase productivity and revenue, leading to faster business growth
and higher profits.
Without BI, organizations cannot easily take advantage of data-driven decision making. Instead,
executives and workers are essentially making key business decisions based on other factors, such as
accumulated knowledge, previous experience, intuition, and feelings. flesh contact. Although such
methods can lead to sound decisions, they are also prone to errors and confusion due to lack of data
on which to base them.
Example of Business Intelligence
Example 1:
A hotel owner uses BI analytical applications to gather statistical information regarding average
occupancy and room rate. It helps to find aggregate revenue generated per room.It also collects
statistics on market share and data from customer surveys from each hotel to decide its competitive
position in various markets.By analyzing these trends year by year, month by month and day by day
helps management to offer discounts on room rentals.
Example in company:
Applying Business Intelligence (BI) on an online sales platform can bring many benefits and provide
important information to optimize business operations. Here is an example of applying BI on an
online sales platform:
- User Behavior Analysis: Using BI tools, you can collect, analyze, and better understand
customer behavior on an online sales platform. By tracking data like visits, time on site,
frequency of purchases, and other activities, you can identify buying trends, preferred
products, and target audiences.
- Website Routing and Optimization: Based on collected data, BI can help identify areas for
improvement on an online sales website. For example, by analyzing the steps in the buying
process and identifying drop points, you can optimize your web masquerade to improve
conversion rates and user experience.
- Inventory management and forecasting: Using BI, you can effectively track and manage your
inventory online. By analyzing information about inventory levels, sales trends, and
forecasting models, you can make decisions about inventory loading, manage orders, and
optimize delivery processes.
- Customer and interaction analysis: BI provides detailed analysis of customers and interactions
with them on the online sales platform. By reviewing purchase history, customer information,
and customer feedback, you can create personalized marketing campaigns, increase customer
engagement, and enhance customer engagement your branded goods.
2. Business processes
2.1.Business processes definition
A business process is a sequence of actions taken by a group of stakeholders to accomplish a certain
goal. Each stage of a business process represents a task assigned to a participant. It serves as the
foundation for other related concepts such as business process management and process automation,
etc. A business process includes at least one of, but not limited to, the following elements:
- Task/ Activity
- System
- Employee(s)
- Workflow
- Data
The 7 Steps of the Business Process Lifecycle:
Step 2 - Plan and Map Your Process: What are the strategies needed to achieve the goals? This is the
broad roadmap for the process.
Step 3 - Set Actions and Assign Stakeholders: Identify the individual tasks your teams and machines
need to do in order to execute the plan.
Step 4 - Test the Process: Run the process on a small scale to see how it performs. Observe any gaps
and make adjustments.
Step 5 - Implement the Process: Start running the process in a live environment. Properly
communicate and train all stakeholders.
Step 6 - Monitor the Results: Review the process and analyze its patterns. Document the process
Step 7 – Repeat: If the process is able to achieve the goals set for it, replicate it for future processes.
2.2. Business processes explanation
Business processes refer to a series of interrelated activities and tasks performed within an
organization to achieve a specific goal or outcome. They represent the systematic way in which work
is carried out to deliver products, services, or achieve desired results. Business processes typically
involve the flow of inputs, information, and resources through various stages or steps, leading to the
production of outputs.
Business processes can vary widely depending on the nature of the organization and its industry.
They can be simple or complex, involving a few steps or spanning across multiple departments or
functions. Examples of business processes include sales and marketing processes, customer support
processes, procurement processes, financial processes, and production processes.
- Inputs: Business processes start with inputs, which can be physical materials, data,
information, or resources required to initiate and execute the process. Inputs serve as the
starting point for the process.
- Activities and Tasks: Business processes consist of a series of activities and tasks that need to
be performed in a specific sequence to achieve the desired outcome. These activities can be
manual, automated, or a combination of both.
- Workflow and Sequencing: The activities within a business process are typically organized in
a logical sequence or workflow. Each activity may depend on the completion of previous
activities and contribute to the successful completion of subsequent activities.
- Roles and Responsibilities: Business processes involve the participation of individuals or roles
responsible for performing specific tasks. Each role has defined responsibilities and
contributes to the overall execution of the process.
- Outputs: The outputs of a business process are the desired results or deliverables produced as
a result of completing the process. Outputs can be physical products, services, reports,
documents, or any other tangible or intangible outcomes.
- Performance Measurement: Business processes are often measured and evaluated to assess
their effectiveness, efficiency, and quality. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are used to
monitor and evaluate process performance and identify areas for improvement.
- Continuous Improvement: Business processes are subject to continuous improvement efforts
to optimize efficiency, reduce waste, and enhance overall performance. Techniques such as
process mapping, analysis, and reengineering are commonly employed to identify bottlenecks,
streamline operations, and enhance process effectiveness.
By effectively managing and improving business processes, organizations can enhance operational
efficiency, customer satisfaction, and overall performance. Various methodologies and frameworks,
such as Business Process Management (BPM) and Lean Six Sigma, are used to analyze, design,
implement, and optimize business processes to drive organizational success.
2.3. Business processes examples.
Processes vary depending on the kind, industry, location, and so on of a business, however there are
a handful that are applied globally across all of these business divisions. To assist you comprehend,
we shall look at examples of such operations.
These are repeating steps, and the workflow and structure of the process are business-dependent.
b. Customer care:
Customer service is another critical component of global business operations. It entails the following
- Recruitment process
- Invoicing process
- Order processing
- Customer onboarding process
- Accounting process
3. Decision support processes
A decision support system is a software system that interacts and collects all relevant information
from a variety of sources such as operations, income, costs, markets, trends, business models. Then,
DSS sifts and analyzes this data, synthesizing it into comprehensive information that can be used to
aid in decision making. DSS can be controlled manually by humans or fully computerized. In some
cases, DSS may combine both methods. The ideal DSS system will analyze data and synthesize
information to increase accuracy and speed in decision making. The three common components in
decision support systems are database, models and UI:
Database: The database is usually the primary aspect of the decision support system that makes it
useful for an organization, as the program can examine large stores of data when supporting decisions
much faster than a single person or team could. The database's information depends on the category
of system and industry the system is for. Some databases may contain statistics, while others may be
more document-focused.
Models: Decision support systems also create models to support professionals in taking action that
positively affects their situation. The models within the decision support system are the predictions
or trajectories the program determines are plausible. These models inform the professionals about
how their decisions can impact their situation, client or organization. The decision support system
relies on the database to produce accurate models. These models can represent variables within the
organization's business plan, competitor's actions or professional relationships.
User interface: The user interface is the access point for those who use the decision support system.
Successful decision support systems use flexible and intuitive user interfaces that allow professionals
to access the information they need and operate the system without extensive technological
- Industry: Organizations specialize their decision support systems to support their specific
standards and operations. Example: For the healthcare industry, this may mean accessing
previous medical records to examine the results of previous decisions, and for marketing, it may
mean creating predictions based on current market trends.
- Support: Depending on the needs of the company, decision support systems can offer varying
levels of support. Some decision support systems offer predictions and trajectories, while others
provide specific details for decisions, planning and implementation.
- Intelligence: The information within a decision support system varies in structure depending on
the company using it. In some industries, a decision support system relies on document and case
files, while in others, vast databases of individual figures are more useful.
- Category: There are many types of decision support systems, from communication systems to
model-focused versions. The specific structure of the system depends on the company using it.
P2 Compare the types of support available for business decision making at varying levels within an
1. Some tools for BI
Business intelligence tools collect, process, and analyze large amounts of structured and unstructured
data from both internal and external systems. Data sources might include documents, images, email,
videos, journals, books, social media posts, files, and more. BI tools employ queries to retrieve this
data, which can then be shown as reports, dashboards, charts, and graphs for ease of use.
The tools are capable of carrying out many different tasks, including text mining, predictive analytics,
performance management, analytics, and reporting. So that employees can harness this information
to make better decisions based on predictions, market trends, and key performance indicators.
Currently, there are many BI tools aimed at assisting people in many activities. Here, I will mention 3
BI tools: Microsoft Power BI, Tableau and Dundas BI.
Apps. This is Power BI in the form of an app that can be used on platforms like Android or iOS. Next
is the Power BI Service (Power BI Online) Cloud Service. This data storage service will allow users to
store reports and dashboards anywhere, anytime. Finally, Power BI Report Server. Users can publish
the report after completion to the company's Power BI Server system.
- Although connected in real-time, the data source with reports and dashboards is quite small.
- Files larger than 250MB or compressed data will not be accepted.
- To be able to share dashboards and reports with each other you must use the same email domain.
1.2. Tableau:
Figure 6: Tableau
Tableau is a software that supports Data Analyst and Data Visualization. Tableau is based on a
combination of business analytics, data mining, data analytics, and the tools and infrastructure to help
organizations make decisions based on real data. It helps synthesize data from a series of numbers
into visual images, charts, build dashboards and analytics.
Advantages of Tableau:
Disadvantages of Tableau:
1.3. Sisense
Figure 7: Sisense
Sisense has an intuitive interface, operating according to the drag-and-drop mechanism. The online
community is large, although not as crowded as Tableau, the resources here are enough for
newcomers to get acquainted and use.
Advantages of Sisense:
- Fast Speed: Ask any question and get instant answers without going back to the drawing board
for new queries thanks to the in-chip engine software
- Flexible Integration: Easily integrates with third-party applications such as Google Adwords,
Excel, Zendesk, and Salesforce
Disadvantages of Sisense:
- Limited number of charts: The reporting and visualization features are somewhat basic compared
to other tools
- Inconvenience for teamwork: Admins cannot currently edit dashboards, only the owners of the
folders and dashboards can publish changes.
2. Data visualization
2.1. Definition of Data visualization
Data Visualization is translated as data visualization, which is a way of representing data under visual
images, charts, and tables.
Data visualization also presents data to the general public or specific audience without technical
knowledge in an accessible manner. For example, a health agency within a government (in the US,
that would be the CDC) can provide a histogram of the population with the highest number of COVID-
19 cases or a map of a country colored in different colors. vaccinated area.
2.2. Benefits of data visualization
Data visualization can be used in many contexts in nearly every field, like public policy, finance,
marketing, retail, education, sports, history, and more. Here are the benefits of data visualization:
- Storytelling: People are drawn to colors and patterns in clothing, arts and culture, architecture,
and more. Data is no different—colors and patterns allow us to visualize the story within the
- Accessibility: Information is shared in an accessible, easy-to-understand manner for a variety
of audiences.
- Visualize relationships: It’s easier to spot the relationships and patterns within a data set when
the information is presented in a graph or chart.
- Exploration: More accessible data means more opportunities to explore, collaborate, and
inform actionable decisions.
2.3. Tools for visualizing data
There are plenty of data visualization tools out there to suit your needs. Before committing to one,
consider researching whether you need an open source site or simply to create a graph using Excel
or Google Charts. The following are common data visualization tools that could suit your needs.
- Tableau:
Tableau is an excellent data visualization and business intelligence tool used for reporting and
analyzing vast volumes of data. It is an American company that started in 2003—in June 2019,
Salesforce acquired Tableau. It helps users create different charts, graphs, maps, dashboards, and
stories for visualizing and analyzing data, to help in making business decisions.
Tableau Features: Firstly, Tableau supports powerful data discovery and exploration that enables
users to answer important questions in seconds. Next, no prior programming knowledge is needed;
users without relevant experience can start immediately with creating visualizations using Tableau.
Thirdly, it can connect to several data sources that other BI tools do not support. Tableau enables
users to create reports by joining and blending different datasets. Finally, Tableau Server supports a
centralized location to manage all published data sources within an organization.
- Google Charts
Google Charts is a pure JavaScript based charting library meant to enhance web applications by
adding interactive charting capability. It supports a wide range of charts. Charts are drawn using SVG
in standard browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer (IE). In legacy IE 6, VML is used
to draw the graphics. Following are the salient features of Google Charts library:
Compatability − Works seemlessly on all major browsers and mobile platforms like android
and iOS.
Multitouch Support − Supports multitouch on touch screen based platforms like android and
iOS. Ideal for iPhone/iPad and android based smart phones/ tablets.
Free to Use − Open source and is free to use for non-commercial purpose.
Lightweight − loader.js core library, is extremely lightweight library.
Simple Configurations − Uses json to define various configuration of the charts and very easy
to learn and use.
Dynamic − Allows to modify chart even after chart generation.
Multiple axes − Not restricted to x, y axis. Supports multiple axis on the charts.
Configurable tooltips − Tooltip comes when a user hover over any point on a charts.
Googlecharts provides tooltip inbuilt formatter or callback formatter to control the tooltip
In addition to the tools mentioned above, there are some other useful tools that can be mentioned
- Dundas BI
- Power BI
- JupyteR
- Infogram
- ChartBlocks
- D3.js
- FusionCharts
- Grafana
- Geospatial visualization: Data is depicted in map form with shapes and colors that illustrate
the relationship between specific locations, such as a choropleth or heat map.
- Dashboard: Data and visualizations are displayed, usually for business purposes, to help
analysts understand and present data.
They may involve major departures from practices and procedures being followed earlier. Generally,
strategic decision is unstructured and thus, a manager has to apply his business judgment, evaluation,
and intuition to the definition of the problem. These decisions are based on partial knowledge of the
environmental factors which are uncertain and dynamic. Such decisions are taken at the higher level
of management.
4. Compare the types of support available for business in your scenario
Data-driven DSS:
Model-driven DSS:
- Focus: Model-driven DSS use mathematical and analytical models to simulate and predict
- Modeling Techniques: These systems employ optimization, simulation, and forecasting models
to generate insights.
- Examples: Financial planning models, supply chain optimization tools, and risk assessment
Intelligent DSS:
- Focus: Intelligent DSS leverage advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and
machine learning to enhance decision-making.
- Cognitive Capabilities: These systems can understand, learn, and reason based on data inputs
and historical patterns.
- Examples: Chatbots, virtual assistants, recommendation engines, and predictive analytics
Document-driven DSS:
- Focus: Document-driven DSS provide decision support through documents and knowledge
- Information Retrieval: These systems organize, store, and retrieve relevant documents,
reports, and knowledge bases.
- Examples: Content management systems, document repositories, and knowledge bases.
- Data Usage: Data-driven DSS focus on data analysis, Model-driven DSS use mathematical
models, Intelligent DSS incorporate advanced technologies like AI, and Document-driven DSS
rely on organizing and retrieving relevant documents.
- Decision Support: Data-driven DSS provide insights from data analysis, Model-driven DSS
simulate and predict outcomes, Intelligent DSS offer intelligent recommendations, and
Document-driven DSS provide access to relevant documents and knowledge.
- Complexity: Data-driven DSS involve data analysis and visualization, Model-driven DSS use
complex mathematical models, Intelligent DSS leverage AI algorithms, and Document-driven
DSS focus on organizing and retrieving documents.
- Decision Types: Data-driven DSS are suitable for operational and tactical decisions, Model-
driven DSS support tactical and strategic decisions, Intelligent DSS assist in various decision
levels, and Document-driven DSS provide support across decision levels through knowledge
It's important to note that these types of DSS are not mutually exclusive, and organizations may
combine different approaches to create a comprehensive decision support system that meets their
specific needs and requirements.
Overall, we have provided all the necessary information in this report. We have provided information
on BI, with explanations and examples of how it is applied in the company and other areas. Not only
that, we have also provided explanations and examples of Business Process as well as knowledge of
Decision support process. We also provide necessary information about the definition, benefits and
some tools in Data visualization. In this report, we also introduced the strengths and weaknesses of
some tools for BI. Finally, we introduced the type of decision operational, tactical, strategic and
compared the types of support available for business in our company.
Here are the slides in P1:
Figure 15: Slide 5
Figure 16: Slide 7
Figure 18: Slide 9
Figure 20: Slide 11
Figure 23: Slide 13
Here are the slides in P2:
Figure 26: Slide 17
Figure 28: Slide 19
Figure 30: Slide 21
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Stedman, C. and Burns, E. (2023) What is Business Intelligence (BI)?: Definition from TechTarget ,
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(Accessed: 07 June 2023).
Bhat, A. (2023) Business intelligence: Definition, methods, types and examples, QuestionPro.
Available at: (Accessed: 06 June 2023).
(No date) Decision support system (DDS): Definition, benefits and types. Available at: (Accessed:
06 June 2023).
Burns, E. and Brush, K. (2023) What is a decision-making process?, Business Analytics. Available at:
(Accessed: 06 June 2023).
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