Edited Even & Odd Lesson Plan
Edited Even & Odd Lesson Plan
Edited Even & Odd Lesson Plan
Grade Level and Subject: HS Mild Id Class 2
Title: Even and Odd Numbers
Grade Math
Knowledge of Students
Reflect on the entire lesson plan and your knowledge of the students. Clearly describe the learner
support strategies (including differentiation/accommodation) below.
◻ Review your Knowledge of Learners Assignment. What strategies will you use to support and
accommodate learners as they work toward achieving your learning objective?
o Learning styles (process of learning): How will you support students’ visual, auditory, tactile, and
kinesthetic needs?
o Literacy: How will you incorporate literacy skills in your lesson? What will you do to support
students who need assistance with these literacy skills?
o What other needs do students have and how will you support them (differing abilities, rates, physical,
behavior, language, speech, etc.)?
Note: Strategies should be evident in the appropriate area(s) of plan.
Describe learner support strategies for each bullet above.
● Learning styles – Visual: we will be using the interactive whiteboard and throughout the lesson we will
have visual aids on the Promethean. We will also have a worksheet. Auditory: teach the lesson and all
directions will include verbal prompts and administration. Tactile: we will have numbered index cards
they can handle. We are a small group that will work in partners.
● Literacy- We will help the students read the directions on the worksheet and will explain what they are
supposed to do in terms they will understand.
● Other needs- Any further needs will be addressed based on individual IEP requirements.
Standards and Objectives
Write the state standard(s) and objective(s) (measurable, aligned, and observable) that are the focus of this
Obj.: State “Today we are going to look at numbers ● Decide if 3 is an even or odd number
and decide if they are even or odd.” ● Decide if 6 is an even or odd number
● Decide if 9 is an even or odd number
● We just returned from fall break so we’ll start ● Explain why 2 is even
with this as a refresher on even and odd. ● Decide if other numbers are even or odd if the
● Remind students that even numbers can be teacher prompts
divided equally and odd numbers have left overs.
● Draw 3 circles on the board and ask who
remembers if 3 is even or odd.
● There will likely be little response from the class.
Say, "I want to share these “cookies” between
two friends. Will we have an even or odd number
to share?" If that doesn’t generate more
responses tape up the two posters and ask again.
● Draw 6 circles on the board and ask if it is odd or
● Draw 9 circles and ask again.
● Ask students if they can explain why 2 is an even
Instructional Plan for Content Delivery
Time Estimate: 10 minutes
Teacher Will: Student Will:
After reflecting on the questions below, create a After reflecting on the Plan for Content Delivery
sequence of the teacher actions beginning with your section written, consider the questions below and
initial engaging activity. Sufficient detail should be describe how students will be engaged in learning
provided so that someone else could teach the lesson. the content.
◻ How will you pique students’ interest in the lesson ◻ What will students be doing to actively capture
(Initial Engaging Activity)? and process the new material?
◻ Describe the strategies and activities that you will ◻ How will students be engaged?
use to convey the content. How will you ◻ What are expected student responses to include
model/explain/demonstrate all content knowledge common misunderstandings or student errors?
and skills required of the objective?
◻ How will thinking and problem solving be used in
the lesson? (Identify specific types of thinking (2)
and problem solving (2) used from the SCTS 4.0
◻ How will you address common misunderstandings
or student errors?
◻ How will you transition students? (include a
specific plan)
Note: Closing may come before Independent
● Host a quick “shout out.” I call out a random ● Participate in the shout out.
number and they shout even or odd. ● Ask any questions they might still have about
● Ask if there are any questions about today’s odd or even numbers
review. ● Share with the class something they learned
● Ask each student one thing they learned from today.