40mm Fact Vs Folklore
40mm Fact Vs Folklore
40mm Fact Vs Folklore
The 40mm M2A1 gun currently used on the AC-130 machined steel and alloy parts. They also discovered the
Gunship has Swedish roots dating back to the 1930s. gun was built in the old world craftsman tradition of
Originally invented by Bofors Ordnance, Karlskoga, machining parts slightly oversized and using “file to fit
Sweden as the Model 1934, you could say the gun was at assembly” production techniques. Unfortunately,
truly in the right place at the right time at the beginning hand-fitted parts are very problematic for mass
of WWII. The outbreak of hostilities caught the United production manufacturing methods. The first US
States and Great Britain woefully unequipped with company contracted to build the naval version of the
Bofors gun was York Safe & Lock, York, Pennsylvania.
A contract was formally awarded in April of 1941 even
though work began months earlier using “acquired”
Dutch machine drawings. The first problem encountered
was conversion of the Dutch drawings to American
measurements which resulted in “uniquely dimensioned
parts” compared to the original Bofors gun. As
production began, many technical problems were
encountered resulting in slow progress and low
production quantities. The final gun produced by York
Safe & Lock was functionally identical, but
dimensionally unique in comparison with the original
Swedish gun. These guns served on US Navy ships
throughout WWII.