4880 Myelopoiesis
4880 Myelopoiesis
4880 Myelopoiesis
Myelopoiesis is the process of making new WHITE blood cells (myeloid cells).
There are two major types of myeloid cells: 1- granuloid, and 2- non-granuloid. As
the names imply, granuloid cells have granules (in the cytoplasm) where as non-
Three sub types of granuloid cells are present in BM and peripheral blood (pb):
the pmn in maturation) compromising up to 70% of pb. These cells have very
fine (minute) granules all over the cytoplasm. The color of these granules is
presence of very large dark blue-black granules all over the cell. The
granules are very basophilic hence the color is very dark blue.
3- The eosinophil making up 1-5% of pb. These cells are characterized by the
presence of very large bright red or pink granules all over the cytoplasm.
The granules are very acidophilic, hence the color is very bright red acquired
Two major groups of cells are non-granuloid: 1- the lymphoid cells, and 2- the
cells will not be discussed due to their different stem cell origin. Lymphpoiesis is
The pluripotent stem cell differentiates into a more specialized cell known as the
CFU-GEMM can give rise to only 4 cell lines (granuloid, erythroid, monocytoid, and
Once the CFU-GEMM is exposed to G-CSF and other supporting GF’s, the stem cell
identified, morphologically:
1- Cell size: normal red blood cells have a diameter of about 7 microns (μ). One
should use the RBC as a reference of size. For example, a small resting
however a mature monocyte is about 17 microns (more than twice the size of a
normal RBC).
2- Shape: the shape is evaluated noting criteria such as, shape of nucleus (round,
oval, or irregular), color (of nucleus & cytoplasm), regularity of the cytoplasm,
3- Nucleus: Size and shape of the nucleus must be evaluated noting whether it is
The more condensed the chromatin, the more mature the cell (immature
4- Cytoplasm: color (light blue or gray, dark blue, reddish, etc.), presence or
5- Nucleus to Cytoplasm (N/C, also N:C) ratio: early immature cells are
characterized by extremely large nuclei, that is, their nucleus could occupy
up to 95% off cell size with very little cytoplasm evident. As cells mature,
nucleus size decreases and cytoplasm increases to reach about 50% or even
in detail later).
The first step in myeloid differentiation is the commitment of the pluripotent stem to
become the multipotent stem cell (CFU-GEMM, also known as CFU-mix). The
identified myeloid cell, the Myeloblast. From the myeloblast, five morphologically
different maturation forms are produced (not including the blast itself). Therefore, the
also exist for the basophil and the eosinophil, however, in writing them, the words
markers, molecular, and biological assays can differentiate among these cells.
RBC). The nucleus occupy more than 85% of the cell (i.e., very high N:C
ratio) with very smooth chromatin, and 1 to 3 nucleoli could be seen. The
very scant cytoplasm present is usually light to slightly dark blue in color, with
the total nucleated cells in the BM, and not seen in pb.
2- The promyelocyte (pro's): these cells are very similar to the blast in
This enzyme remains active until the mature neutrophil stage. It is the
bodies, e.g., bacteria). Primary granules are made and lost in this stage
(however the enzyme remains until pmn stage). Other molecules found in
3- The myelocyte (myelo's): the cell has a wide range of size (16-24 μ) with
many different criteria than the previous 2 stages. The nucleus is usually
round but could be oval with slightly condensed chromatin, and no nucleoli.
The N/C ratio is smaller than previous 2 (less than 70%). The cytoplasm is
pale gray to pinkish due to the presence of secondary granules (also known as
specific granules), which are made in this stage but unseen due to their very
hydrolases, lysozymes, and other proteins, but no MPO. The myelocyte is the
last stage capable of mitosis, i.e., cells in the following stages cannot
proliferate (make more of them selves) but only mature (differentiate) to gain
seen in pb.
except that its nucleus is not round or oval anymore, rather the nucleus takes
a kidney, bean, or peanut shape. The cytoplasm is more pinkish than the
previous stage due to presence of the very tiny secondary granules. Meta’s
for instance).
5- The band: the last stage before the fully mature and differentiated neutrophil
“horse shoe” and the filaments which, attach (connect) the different lobes have
not yet, developed. Bands spend about 24 hours in pb to become fully mature
nucleus. Usually 2-3 lobes could be seen, attached to each other by very fine
of RBC’s with very fine tiny granules all over. Neutrophils make up to 65%
of pb differential count.
Two granuloid cells exist in normal pb and BM known as: 1- the basophil, and 2- the
eosinophil. These cells rise from the same CFU-GEMM as the neutrophil. The
stage. In other words, the blast cell of all myeloid cells is exactly the same, and
characteristic granules. That is, the presence of cytoplasmic dark blue to black
granules for basophils, and bright red ones for the eosinophilic lineage.
Similar to mature neutrophil but could be slightly bigger than pmn’s. The very
obvious "hallmark" criterion for its identification is the presence of very large dark
blue-blackish granules all over the cell. Even though, the granules are cytoplasmic,
they might appear as if they are nuclear, as well. Basophils and their tissue
equivalent, the mast cells, are very important mediators of allergic reactions,
Eosinophils have large refractive bright pinkish-red granules that are restricted to the
cytoplasm and do not overlap the nucleus (as was the case with baso’s). Eosinophils
certain skin diseases. Considerably rare eos are found at about 5% of the normal pb
differential count.
The major function of neutrophils is in the defense and killing of foreign invading
1- Motility: also known, as “diapedesis” is the process that allows pmn’s free
migration among tissues and pb. Usually, pmn’s move (migrate) freely in pb,
but in response to chemotactic factors, pmn’s can direct themselves toward the
G antibody, or fibronectin.
as “psuedopods” until it fuses together around the foreign body (surrounds it)
forming a “phagosome”.
4- De-granulation: this is the process where pmn’s granules empty their load
Other lysozymes also, act on degeneration of the bacterial cell by lysing its
cell wall. Finally, the invading cell is gradually lysed and the whole complex
are derived from the same stem cell that granuloid cells (pmn’s, baso’s, and eos) are
maturation, the first identifiable cell morphologically is the blast. However, unlike,
neutrophils, there are only 3 maturational stages (cells) in the monocytic series.
These stages are: 1- the monoblast, 2- the promonocyte, and finally, the mature
1- The monoblast:
a very large cell of up to 20 μ in size (about 3 times the size of a normal RBC). The
nucleus occupy more than 85% of the cell (i.e., very high N:C ratio) with very smooth
chromatin, and 1 to 3 nucleoli could be seen. The very scant cytoplasm present is
usually light to slightly dark blue in color, with no granules or vacuoles of any type.
2- The promonocyte:
This is similar to the promyelocyte in everything, except they don’t have the typical
primary (reddish pink) granules of the promyelocytes. That is, their shape, size,
chromatin quality, and cytoplasm are very much similar to that of promyelocytes.
They also resemble myeloblasts but they might not have nucleoli.
3- The monocyte:
The monocyte ranges in size from 12 to 22 μ but appear large on stained blood films.
They look larger than neutrophils because they strongly adhere to the slide surface.
lobulated, with possible convolutions and/or folding of the chromatin. The cytoplasm
is irregular in shape with dull, faded, grayish-blue color and very fine granules. The
cytoplasm could have some projections (psuedopods) and may contain vacuoles.
they are a little slower and less efficient than neutrophils. Furthermore, monocytes
are involved in T cell mediated immunity. Monocytes can live up to 3 days but tissue
macrophages (i.e., the monocytes that got localized inside the tissues) can live for