Productivity Software Applications
Productivity Software Applications
Productivity Software Applications
Software applications have become the paints and pencils of many of today's
students. They are also the graph paper, sheet music, canvas, and notebook. Many of
today's students are more comfortable drawing with a mouse than drawing with a pencil.
Some prefer to type over handwriting a letter or paper. Many people actually think better
at a keyboard than when staring at a blank piece of paper. All types of software
applications are being utilized to improve and enhance everyday activities including
learning activities.
Function/Examples Description
Allows learners to work problems or answer questions
Drill and Practice
and get feedback on correctness
Acts like a human tutor by providing all the information
Tutorial and instructional activities a learner needs to master a
topic: information summaries, explanation, practice
routines, feedback, and assessment.
Simulation Models real or Imaginary systems to show how those
systems or similar one’s work.
Increases motivation by adding game rules to drills or
Instructional Game
(a) Teachers directly (through explanation and/or
practice) the steps involved in solving
Problem Solving problems or
(b) helps learners acquire problem-solving skills by
giving them opportunities to
solve problems.