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Individual Activity 3:

Instruction: (Online Module)

Create a document using Microsoft Word/Google docs to be used in answering the
following questions:

1. Please watch this video from youtube. This is about the Low-Cost and Low-
Tech Resources for the Classroom

Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCKQP7zzYjU

After watching the video clip, how do you develop simple instructional materials as
shown in the video?
1. Begin at the End. Begin by pinpointing, as precisely as possible, what it is that the learner will
know and be able to do when the instruction is completed.

2. Know Your Audience.

3. Develop a Game Plan.

4. Find or Create the Instructional Materials.

5. Evaluate Your Learners.

6. Evaluate Your Instruction.

2. Discuss the importance of the following in the teaching-learning process.

f. Flipchart
Using visual facilitation and pre-drawn flip charts not only helps draw
in learners (so to speak), but makes it easier for them to remember the concepts
they've just learned. The simple pictures and the words about the topic offer an
easy way for people to link the concept to the picture

g. Wall display
Wall displays are an important part of any classroom, as they make the room
appear more inviting and create a better learning environment. A
good display not only engages and informs, it also brightens up the atmosphere
of the classroom - a plain, drab classroom is uninviting and could affect

h. Chalk board
Chalkboard is an important teaching aid because it: Is a mirror through which
students visualize the teacher's mind. e.g. the way of explaining, illustrating
and teaching as a whole, Thus, it stands as a visual testimony of
the teacher's work and expression.

i. Diorama
Dioramas can be used throughout all levels of education. They pinpoint a
moment of learning and show deeper levels of understanding. Dioramas can
also be used in real world setting as problem solvers. Overall, dioramas are a
fun, creative way to create a 3-dimentional project.

j. Nature table
Nature tables are learning centers at home or in the classroom. Nature tables are
common sight in Waldorf and Montessori education at home and in the
classroom. An autumn table is a place in the home dedicated to natural items
that reflect the season, represent nature, or are found in the natural world.

3. Let's test whether your QR Code reader works. Scan the following QR
Codes and provide appropriate responses in the space provided.

Quick Response

b. For organizing Japanese Product

c. A paragraph

As a

4. Gather data from millennials by asking 20 respondents on how they want to

learn. Gather the needed information. Craft a simple questionnaire and gather
information in a manner that suits your preference. The following are options
that you can pursue:
1. Conduct a survey using pen and paper.
2. Personally interview your resource persons.
3. Let them
answer the
following: How
do you want to
 By reading the textbook
 By sur4fing the internet
 By taking down notes
 By listening to the teacher
 Others (please specify)


Present data gathered using an infographic or you may draw it manually if you do
not have access to an internet then attach to your document.

5. Take the Digital Literacy Skills Self-Inventory and find out how confident you
are when working online by putting a tick mark [*] in the corresponding column.
Digital Literacy Skills Finding, Using, Creating Not Somewhat Very
Information and Understanding Digital Practices Confident Confident Confident
Selecting the right tool when you need to locate, use or *
present information
Presenting your digital identity online *
Identifying and communicating with an expert online *
Using online tools and sites to search or share information *
Recognizing owner of ideas and information found online *
through citations
Distinguishing the search engines to get information *
Knowing the information that can be searched in the web *
Using the right key words to search for related online *
Using social networking sites as a source of information *
Scanning or skimming a page of a site or a blog among *
others to get the relevant information quickly
Signing up in pertinent sites having experts and authorities *
in the discipline to be updated with information they can
Using materials in a variety of online media (i.e. videos, *
podcast, sites, among others)
Assessing the credibility of an online resource *
Citing correct reference to other person's work found *
Using bookmarking to organize and legally share files *
Posting comments to online forum, blogs or Vblogs, *
or web pages while observing netiquette
Writing and posting online views or ideas suited to *
the target readership or audiences
Collaborating with others online in creating and *
sharing documents or presentations
Using multimedia to capture the information or message *
(i.e. recording and editing a digital story, video or a
Communicating with others through online modality (e.g. *
Skype, forums, blogs, social networking sites, etc.)

6. Write a personal reflection focusing on what you learned on this chapter. Do not
summarize, instead discuss new ideas and significant insights about the topic.
Write at least 100-150 words.
Education and technology have always been strongly related. This is
demonstrated by the many technologies, old and new, that are used in
classrooms everyday by teachers and students alike. In her book, Teaching as a
Design Science, Dana Laurillard makes the interesting observation that
education does not drive technological invention. Instead, education tends to be
beholden to the inventiveness of other fields such as business and leisure. There
are now a wide array of different “educational” technologies available (laptops,
iPads, projectors, etc.), yet very few have their origins specifically within the

classroom context. Appropriate technology in an educational setting should
therefore be assessed for its potential to meet educational aims. The full
potential of educational technology is only realized when it supports creativity
and critical thinking.  In order to better understand how to evaluate the
appropriateness of educational technology, it is important to identify what
educational aims are, what educational technology is and
how appropriate educational technology should be defined. The current
definition of educational technology from the Association for Education
Communications & Technology (AECT) is as follows: Educational technology
is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving
performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological
processes and resources.  The sheer breadth of what form technology can take
and how it interacts with the learning environment has important implications
for its potential to ‘facilitate learning and improve performance.’  For instance,
both a pencil and a laptop can be seen as different types of technologies for use
in the classroom.  However, this does not mean that either tool is necessarily
appropriate for all classrooms or lessons all of the time.  What facilitates
learning for one context or situation does not necessarily do so for all.

Features 5 4 3 2

Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner

Quality of Very informative Somewhat Gives some new Gives no new
Writing and well- informative and information but information and very
organized. organized. poorly organized. poorly organized.
Grammar, Virtually no Few spelling and A number of So many spelling,
Usage & spelling, punctuation errors, spelling, punctuation and
Mechanics punctuation or minor grammatical punctuation or grammatical errors that
grammatical errors. grammatical interfere with the
errors. errors. meaning.

Online Chapter Quiz 3 (OCQ3): I will be sharing the link to the online-chapter quiz 2 days before the end of the
3- weeks duration for this module. Link can be accessed via Google Classroom. Please reach out to me, through
my mobile number above, if you can’t access the link due to lack of internet connectivity, or other technical
difficulties. I should be able to provide you with an alternative way of taking the Online Chapter Quiz.

Assignment 3 (A3): I will be sharing the link to the assignment 1 day before the end of the 3-weeks duration for
this module. Link can be accessed via Google Classroom. Please reach out to me, through my mobile number
above, if you can’t access the link due to lack of internet connectivity, or other technical difficulties. I should be
able to provide you with an alternative way of taking the Assignment.

Bilbao, et al.(2019). Technology for teaching and learning 1.Quezon City,PH: Lorimar

Publishing, Inc. https://www.slideshare.net/mobile/IraSagu

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