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Brozola, Farahmae Work Module 2&3

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TASK 1.2
Prepare an essay on how you will demonstrate and help yourself and educators to make the
education successful in time of crisis.

Many people were pushed back and experienced financial issues as a

result of the Covid 19 disclosure, and they are all adapting to the new
normal in practically every industry. Regrettably, even the education
industry has been changed and forced to switch to flexible learning, where
the method of teaching is totally dependent on the circumstances of its
As a student, I will help myself and educators to make education
successful in times of crisis are to communicate them in any activities that
they give us and to cooperate to them in giving task, also to giving respect to each other. It is
important to have time to yourself for the reason if you drown you on school activities, there is a
possibility to have an feeling anxiety and pressure. We have an opportunity to use our teaching
personas, philosophies and practices to both help our students understand and manage the gravity
of this current crisis and reassure them that we have some control, even in this uncertain
situation, to create positive personal and professional experiences through our continuing
academic connections. In time of crisis, we should have a long patience because some of the
students may encounter some internet malfunctions and some financial problem. Communication
is the best solution in this time of crisis because this is the best way to give the modules and
activities to the educator to give in to the students. Also it is the best way to talk them one by one
and explain clearly the activities. So that the student will understand what module is giving to
I'd like to emphasize the necessity of comprehending that we're all in this together, even
if it means putting ourselves in danger of a pandemic. We never know what to expect from the
world, especially in this enlightened modern day, and one thing is certain: we must always keep
going forward.
Work ethics
Listed below are the characteristics needed in acquiring good work ethics. Choose the letter that
corresponds to the characteristics related to the scenario happening in the workplace.
A. Commitment to excellence F. Professionalism
B. Cooperation G. Punctuality
C. Honesty H. Reliability
D. Integrity and Loyalty I. Right Attitude
E. Productivity J. Teamwork

_H_1. A boss or an employer trusted his/ her employee to do this works because he/she believes
that the employee works even without his employer’s supervision.
_G_2. An employee has never been late nor absent from his work.
_J_3. The employee helps other colleagues because he/she believes in the saying that “Two
heads are better than one”
_A_4. Being considered as an employee of work immersion training, you have to do your work/
job beyond instruction.
_I_5. An employee who happens to be given another responsibility reacted positively and he still
accepted the additional work given to him.

Activity 1: work ethics on go!

A. If you start your Work Immersion or even culminating Activity, you will be told your
exact schedule and time you are in the workplace and time when you are to be out. How
will you keep good record of attendance considering that attendance matters?

As much as I have been considerate at school from over the years, I must ensure that I
maintain the same, if not an increased, level of time management in the workplace.
Personally, I would mist definitely create an everyday schedule. So that, I know when I
would be going to and out of work at all times.

B. Two scenarios below happen in the real world. How would you apply your Work Ethics
in the following situation?
1. There might be times your boss allows you to work from home. Having the
permission to work from home, you just took some office supplies, anyway you are
using it for work from home.
Before I took some office supplies, I need an approval to my manager or boss. If
he/she said yes, I will bring the office supplies to my home with care.
2. There are companies or other workplaces that allow trainees like Work Immersion
students to just finish the work for the day and they can go home. The scenario
happens to you, so you can go home already as per instruction. But you see other
trainees like you are still working.
If I can see other trainees that are still working and my work is finally done. The
first thing should do id help them to become easily for them to don their job. Because
if I see other people who need a helping hand I can feel it even at all. Working
together is much better than working alone with no one that you can call for a help.

Activity 2: work ethics with me

Among the different work ethics we hve studied, which among them do you oftwn practice at
home, in school, or anywhere? In five sentence, write instances you practiced.

1 Honesty
Whenever I find myself in a situation where I have to choose between to do what is right and
doing what is wrong. I frequently demonstrate honesty and choose the right thing to do
regardless of the consequences that will follow.

During this flexible learning, I finished answering my module in a short period of time because, I
don’t want to waste my time doing nonsense things.

3 Integrity and Loyalty

If someone of my friend told me his/her secret, I will keep it myself only and never tell to others
because I am a trustworthy person.

4 Cooperation
I believe myself that I have a cooperation, especially when it comes to my workplace also in
school. I can help them the way I can.

Having a good attitude to others are most important because people will respect you the way how
you treat them.
Wrap- up

One of the curriculum exits of K to 12 Basic Education Program is employment. It is

good that you develop a certain discipline to uphold good work ethics because it will make you a
better employee.
Below is a segmented pyramid where you will list all the basic characteristics that will
help you develop good work ethics.



focus respect

confide Kindnes
Time coopera Appeara
manage. tion nce

Is it good to be always transferring from one company to another? If all the employees or
workers are in are good relationship with one another, they might stay longer because they are
happy and satisfied because of exercising right character and attitude in workplace.
Write an essay on how you envision yourself as a part of the industry’s or company’s workforce.
How will the work ethics be helpful in maintaining good work relationship?
I envision myself as a part of industry’s or company’s when it more productive and progressive
in any work that we will do. Also, it will have done correct and clean as we do it as a team and
we must cooperative in any work. Work ethics will work by doing team work, cooperation,
unity, and have an peaceful mind doing our work in any field.
As a member of industry’s or company’s workplace, I see myself as a versatile and well-
rounded team member. Work ethics is a beneficial in fostering increased productivity and
teamwork among your employees thus maintaining positive working relationship. I will be
dominant in every work that I’ll do and know some knowledge to apply in my workplace and
also I will be the one who will give a motivational word in every situation that we will encounter
and it will give as a strength in everyone.
Eventually, I assume that in the coming years, I will also be able to demonstrate the
previously mentioned quality of a successful team player and employee to my firm, because this
topic will assist me in planning myself by visualizing a workplace environment in which I can
acquire them and gain enough knowledge to learn from. I envision myself as a successful
employee that my business will recognize and be proud of one day as a result of these and future
collegiate projects.
Task 2.2
Prepare an essay on the how to conduct oneself inside the company /business establishment/
working environment during immersion period.
The curriculum K to 12 recently began to roll into the current educational system of the
country. The additional secondary level two years, which thus gave way to the secondary
division, now having so-called high school junior and senior, were one of the most recent course
features. This only means that new subjects will be offered, especially in high school with the
emergence and implementation of the K to 12 curriculums. Work immersion is one subject. Pre-
requirement for graduation and preparedness for potential post-graduate job applications.
Whether you agree or not, immersion in work is an excellent platform to show you yourself, your
skills, your talents and everything you can do. You can absorb from it post-graduation as a
regular employee, during work immersion you are enlisted in the same company.
I consider that how you show yourself when you first join a company determines how
most people will remember you. As a result, how a person behaves himself or herself inside the
firm or business establishment during the immersion time is critical. You must act professionally
and arrive on time, if not earlier. You must wear a clean, ironed shirt and jeans, as well as a pair
of gleaming shoes to impress people. To learn, you must show enthusiasm. Be humble; not only
will this virtue earn you the friendship of good people within the company, but it will also have a
positive effect on your own family. Don't be afraid to ask questions; you can do so in a polite
manner. Act naturally; faking it sends out subtle hints that some people can pick up on. It is
always a good idea to show your true self.
In conclusion, conducting oneself while in immersion period at a certain business
establishment or anew company is considered to be the one of the most important part in the
internship. Immersion is the one of the many factors wherein the ability to appreciate essential
and profitable business processes will be measured. Moreover, this is also the period wherein
you are given the chance to apply the skills and necessary attitudes that you have learned from
Safety in the Workplace
Pre- test
Write the letter of the correct answer on a sheet of paper.
1. What is being referred to by this statement? It refers to the physical or environmental
conditions of work or employment, which sustains ally comply with the provisions of this
a. Safety
b. Workplace
c. PPE
d. Health
2. What is unplanned o expected event in the workplace that results in injury or damage
a. Recognized
b. Risks
c. Work accident
d. Work safety hazards
3. Why do you need to work safety on the perspective of the management?
a. For the most important people in our lives
b. To earn more for the family
c. To be more productive
d. To protect ourselves
4. What shall you do when a potential hazard is discovered?
a. Make sure that everyone else in your workplace is aware of the problem.
b. Just keep quiet and avoid it.
c. Notify your supervisor
d. Stay calm
e. Both a & c
5. What agency has the mandate to protect an employee if he encounters problem with his
b. DOH
Workplace Readiness Skills – Positive Work Ethics

1. Efficiency
2. Positive attitude
3. Integrity at work
4. Honesty
5. Initiative
6. Positive work
7. Leadership
8. Respect
9. Trust
10. Positive work

Activity 1: Spot the Hazard

A. Home Danger

Spot the Hazards Assessment Make the changes

List the hazards Describe the risk Suggest ways to control risk
1. Oven left open Biological Hazard Close the oven after using.
2. Knife on edge Physical Hazard Never place the knives on the
edge of the tables.
3. Child in the kitchen Physical Hazard Ask to the children that don’t
play at kitchen.
4. Toys around the Physical Hazard Clean all the toys over in
kitchen kitchen to avoid risks.
5. Open sink faucet Physical Hazards Close the sink faucet after
B. Warehouse Danger
Spot the Hazards Assessment Make the Changes
List the hazards Describe the risks Suggest ways to control risks
1. Using phone at work Physical Hazards Avoid using phone at work.
2. Faulty wiring Physical Hazards Fixed the wire immediately.
3. Posture in lifting Physical Hazards Educate my co-worker of
objects how proper way of lifting
4. Passing vehicles Physical Hazards Don’t block the passageways
of vehicles.
5. Falling boxes Physical Hazards Inform other to watch out in

C. Office Dangers
Spot the Hazards Assessment Make the changes
List the Hazards Describe the risks Suggest way to control risks
1. Wire near at chair Physical Hazards Find the safe area for the
2. Drawer left open Physical Hazards Always close the drawer after
get some things.
3. Coffee mug near at Physical Hazards Avoid coffee mugs from
devices devices to avoid
4. Improper hung at the Physical Hazards Hang it in somewhere
clothes appropriate or wear it.
5. Posture of working Physical Hazards Sit properly.

Activity 2: Risky Experience

Think of the riskiest activity you have already
experienced either at home, in school, barangay or any place you have visited. Shortly
narrate your experiences on how you discovered and dealt with I or how you resolved it.
When my litter sister does their module with my older sister. My older sister shout it
loud, pinch it and slap it at the head. So, I decide to tell my older sister that stop their doing
because she is crying out loud. My cousins and my aunt saw and heard what they’re doing
and what I’ve saying to her (older sister). That’s why she triggered to do that what I saying
earlier and scratch the module and output of my little sister.
So I decide on my own that I will teach her to answer their module and to avoid that
circumstances. After 1 week my older sisterWrap- upit again to my little sister.
never do
Fill the graphic organizer below.

Old things I know New things I’ve leaned How it makes sense

 I know that Dole is  The Department of  As a result, all persons

nationally willing to Labor and Employment involved in a job
take responsibility for is also responsible for should be held
Filipino workers. the safety of Filipino responsible for any
workers, including potential hazards that
those requiring may arise.
training, such as work
immersion students.

 Hazards are recognized  There is a risk,

into particular types. particularly with regard  These factors
to stress (mental) and contribute to staff
body posture. inefficiency and
exhaustion, both of
which are fairly
widespread nowadays.

Valuing React on the quotation below.

“One earnest worker can do more by personal suggestion to

prevent accidents than a car food of safety signs” – Making
paper, E.R, Brown

I believe that each of us has a role to play in improving workplace safety. Actually, it's
not just at work; it's wherever we go. Promoting safety is not only for our own benefit, but
also for the benefit of others. When we recognize possible hazards in our environment, we
reduce the chances of someone being injured by the looming danger.
The quote's main argument is that cardboard safety signs are a good approach to promote
safety. However, being a person who persistently finds dangers and warns people about what
can happen if we don't take safety procedures is a more effective means of eliminating
danger. Be someone who is concerned about other people's safety. When necessary, speak

Task 3.1
Prepare ways on how hazards prevented.

A hazard is a source or situation that has the potential to cause harm in the form of human
injury or illness, property damage, environmental damage, or a mixture of these. Workplace
hazards may include noisy machinery, a moveable forklift, substances, electric power, working
at heights, a repetitive job, or inappropriate behavior that threatens a worker's safety and health.
Staying alert at all times is one of the most important habits that everyone should develop
when going out in public. Because hazards do not only occur in workplaces, everybody is
potentially vulnerable to any troubles that occur. If you distract yourself from the risk of causing
a commotion that will ultimately disrupt everyone else's actions. Similarly, in the workplace, the
same rule applies. It is very popular in today's world to see a young employee browsing through
his/her phone while working, and this particular habit raises the possibility of risks. If you cause
hazards as a result of your actions, you will not only face the pressure of being held responsible
for what has occurred, but you will also face the burden of disturbing your colleagues' focus on
their work, which in the worst-case scenario may result in the closing, which no one wants.
Besides that, it is also recommended to stay positive and avoid or minimize conflict with others
as much as possible. Around each other, these routines are very effective in preventing
dangerous events from occurring, while also bringing balance and tranquility to the community.
If people realized how greedy they are and have been towards one another, and became
aware of the impact these routines could have if they were implemented, the global community
would most probably be a happier country for everybody to live in.

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