Water Supply and Sewage Assignment1. (10.pts) : Set by A.A.T
Water Supply and Sewage Assignment1. (10.pts) : Set by A.A.T
Water Supply and Sewage Assignment1. (10.pts) : Set by A.A.T
Assignment1. (10.pts)
1. The following data shows the variation in population of a town from 1944 to1994. Estimate
the population of the city in the year 2015 by arithmetic, geometric and decreasing rate of
increase methods.
Year 1944 1954 1964 1974 1984 1994
Population 62000 75000 100500 135000 175000 212000
2. A city with a present population of 58000 persons used a total of 9526500 m3 of water during
the last 12 months. On the maximum day during that period 42000000 liters of water were
used. Estimate the average and maximum daily flows to be expected in 20 years, when the
population is estimated to be 72000.
3. The following data shows the variation in population of a town from 1945 to 2005.
Estimate the population of the city in the year 2015 and 2020by
a. arithmetic increase method
b. Geometric increase method.
c. Incremental increase method
d. Logistic curve method
Year 1945 1955 1965 1975 1985 1995 2005
Population 12000 16500 2680 41500 57500 68000 74100
4. 0 Calculate
the water
requirements for a community that will reach a population of 120000 at the design year.
The estimated municipal water demand for the community is 300 l/c/d. Calculate the fire
flow, design capacity of the water treatment plant, and design capacity of the water
distribution system. Use NBFU formula for fire flow.
5. A city of 40000 residents has an average per capita water demand of 150 l/c/d. The average
size of institutional and commercial areas is 200 ha and that of industrial areas is 100 ha.
The expected unit water demands are 20 m3/ha/d for institutional and commercial areas,
and 15 m3/ha/d for industries. The public water demand and unaccounted for system losses
are estimated to be 5 % and 15% of the total water demand, respectively. Calculate the total
water demand, excluding fire flow.
Set by A.A.T
Submission date July 04/2018
Set by A.A.T