Chapter 8 Hydrology of Ungauged Catchments
Chapter 8 Hydrology of Ungauged Catchments
Chapter 8 Hydrology of Ungauged Catchments
5 Hydrology of Un-gauged catchments................................................................................2
5.1 Synthetic Unit Hydrograph (UH)..............................................................................2
5.2 Snyder’s Method........................................................................................................3
5.3 Dimensionless Unit Hydrograph...............................................................................6
5.4 Extrapolation of flow data to Un-gauged Sites........................................................17
Synthetic unit hydrographs, once developed for a watershed area, can be used with
historical or design rainfalls to produce storm hydrographs at the outlet of the
watershed. As the watershed changes over time, the UH can be updated to better
represent land use and channel alterations. Synthesis UHs developed along two
main lines thought; one assumed that each watershed had a unique UH related to
specific watershed characteristic, and the second assumed that all UHs could be
represented by a single family of curves or a single equation. However, the formulas
all have certain limiting assumptions and should be applied to new areas with
extreme caution. Some calibration to adjacent watersheds where stream flow exists
should be attempted, if possible.
The first line of development was based on the rational method modified to include
the time-area curve for a particular watershed. Clark (1945) assumed that assumed
that watershed response would be given by routing the time-area curve through an
element of linear storage, which tends to attenuate and time-lag the hydrograph.
Each UH would be unique for a watershed, and this method thud represented a
significant improvement over the time-area method.
t p C t LLc
tp =basin lag(hr),
L =length of the main stream from the outlet to the divide (mi),
Lc =length along the main stream to a point nearest the watershed
Ct =coefficient usually ranging from 1.8 to 2.2 (C t has been found to vary
from 0.4 in mountainous area to 8.0 along the Gulf of Mexico),
Q p 640C p A (5.2)
Qp =peak discharge of the unit hydrograph (cfs),
A =drainage area (mi2),
Cp =storage coefficient ranging from 0.4 to 0.8 where the larger values of
Cp are associated with smaller values of Ct
Tb 3 (5.3)
Where Tb is the time base of the hydrograph, in days. For small watersheds, Eq.
(5.3) should be replaced by multiplying t p by a value that varies from 3 to 5 as a
better estimate of Tb. Equations (5.1), (5.2), and (5.3) define points for a unit
Where t´p is the adjusted lag time (hr) for duration D´(hr). Once the three quantities
tp, Qp, and Tb are known, the UH can be sketched so that the area under the curve
represents 1.0in. of direct runoff from the watershed.
Snyder’s method is still one of the most popular methods because of its simplicity.
Caution should be used in applying Snyder’s method to s new area without first
deriving coefficients for gauged streams in general vicinity of the problem basin. The
coefficient Ct and Cp have been found to vary considerably from one region to
Important relationships:
Basin lag tp
CtL and n are basin constants. (n= 0.38 and CtL = 1.715, 1.03, 0.50 for mountainous,
foot-hill and valley drainages of USA) Standard duration of effective rainfall, t r (in hours)
Where t’p = basin lag in hours for an effective duration of t R. Therefore Qp,
This equation gives reasonable estimates of time base for large catchments; it may give
excessively large values of time base for small catchments. Taylor and Schwartz
With tb taken as the next larger integer value divisible by t R i.e. tb is about five times the
time to peak. To assist in the sketching of unit hydrographs,
Cw=1.22 for W75, and 2.14 for W50
W50 = width of unit hydrograph in hour at 50% peak discharge
W75 = width of unit hydrograph in hour at 75% peak discharge
q = Qp/A = peak discharge per unit catchment area in m /s/km3 2
Since the coefficients Ct and Cp vary from region to region, in practical applications it is
advisable that the value of these coefficients are determined from known unit
hydrographs of meteorologically homogeneous catchments and then used in the basin
under study. This way Snyder’s equations are of use in scaling the hydrograph
information from one catchment to another similar catchment.
Recall that the unit hydrograph is the result of 1-inch of excess rainfall (of duration
D) spread uniformly over the basin. Using the geometry of the triangles (area = 1/2
base times height), one can calculate that the unit hydrograph has 37.5% (or 3/8) of
its volume on the rising side and the remaining 62.5% (or 5/8) of the volume on the
recession side.
Using the dimensionless timing values on the x-axis, one can solve for the time base
in terms of the time-to-peak. The following relationships are made and will be useful
in further developing the peak rate relationships.
Again using the geometric relationships (area = 1/2 base times height) of the
triangular unit hydrograph, the total volume under the hydrograph is found by:
The volume, Q, is in inches and the time, T, is in hours. The peak rate, q p, in inches
per hour, is found to be :
The term, qp, in the above equation is converted to cubic feet per second and the
area, A (mi2), is brought into the equation, which results in :
f (the area under the unit hydrograph) from 1-square mile in 1-hour (3600 seconds).
Substituting in relationships developed in equation 1 above, equation 5 is rewritten :
This constant may not be applicable to all watershed types. Steep terrain and urban
areas may tend to produce higher early peaks and thus values of the peaking factor
may tend towards 600. Likewise, flat swampy regions tend to retain and store the
water, causing a delayed, lower peak. In these circumstances values may tend
towards 300 or lower (SCS 1972; Wanielista, et al. 1997). It would be very important
to document any reasons for changing the constant from 484, effectively changing
the shape of the unit hydrograph.
When changing the shape of the unit hydrograph, one must keep in mind the ratios
of the volumes under the rising and falling sides of the original dimensionless unit
hydrograph and the resulting volume under the unit graph must remain at 1 inch.
The table below illustrates possible values for the peaking factor and the associated
ratios of recession limb length to rising limb. The data below does not include a
reference value for swampy regions; however, this would be a rather low value, as
well. Again, it is important to note that experience and judgment are very important
in determining the most appropriate values for a region.
Hydrograph peaking factors and recession limb ratios (Wanielista, et al. 1997)
The peak rate may also be expressed in terms of other timing parameters besides
the time-to-peak. From the previous figures:
where D = the duration of the unit excess rainfall and T lag = the basin lag time, which
is defined as the time between the center of mass of excess rainfall and the time to
peak of the unit hydrograph. The peak flow is now written as:
The SCS (1972) relates the lag time, T lag, to the time of concentration, Tc by:
Time of concentration is the time from the end of excess precipitation to the
inflection point on the recession limb of the hydrograph. Combining this with other
relationships, as
illustrated in the triangular unit hydrograph, the following relationships develop:
The peak flow rate could now be expressed in terms of the time of concentration as :
As a final note, for a unit hydrograph, the volume of runoff, Q, would be equal to 1-
Timing Parameter(s):
There are several methods that may be considered for estimating the timing of the
unit hydrograph.
Tlag = lag time in hours
L = Length of the longest drainage path in feet
S = (1000/CN) - 10 (CN=curve number)
%Slope = average watershed slope in %
The parameter S represents the potential maximum moisture retention of the soil
and is related to soil and cover conditions of the watershed. It is empirically-
determined using an SCS curve number (CN) which can be obtained from tables in
SCS publications. The remaining parameters are the Length, L, and the % Slope.
The length, L is the length of the longest drainage path from the watershed outlet to
the watershed divide, which is generally obvious for most watersheds. The more
difficult parameter is the average slope of the watershed. This is a rather subjective
parameter, as it is highly dependent on the viewpoint of the user. It is generally
insufficient to use the slope of the longest drainage path as this will usually produce
a more mild slope and is not representative of the near-stream areas which may
have considerably higher slopes and cause faster responses.
The impact of a low value for slope is to produce a longer lag time, as can be seen
from equation 14. The longer lag time has the effect of reducing the peak of the unit
hydrograph as can be seen from equations Eq. (5.11) and Eq. (5.12).
Lindsey, Kohler, and Paulhus (1949) provide a means of estimating the average
watershed slope that involves overlaying a grid on the basin, which has been
sketched on a topographic map. The average slope is found by:
N = total number of contour crossings on the grid lines
∆Z = the contour interval
l = the length of all the grid lines
Where N = total number of contour crossings on the grid lines, DZ = the contour
interval and l = the length of all the grid lines. In a geographic information system
(GIS), there is a grid already associated with the digital elevation model (DEM), thus
thus the average slope could be calculated by summing the number of potential
contour crossings on each row and column. The contour interval should be the
expected accuracy of the DEM (i.e 5m in the vertical). There is the potential problem
of the contour lines not being perpendicular to the rows and columns. Horton (1926)
suggested the average slope could be calculated by :
where q = the angle between the contours and the grid lines (rows and columns).
Due to
Segmental Approach
In the segmental velocity or segmental approach, the parameter being estimated is
essentially the time of concentration or longest travel time within the basin. In
general, the longest travel time corresponds to the longest drainage path; however,
there may be situations and basin configurations that allow for some shorter travel
distances to have longer travel times, due to roughness and/or flow type. The flow
path is broken into segments with the flow in each segment being represented by
some type of flow regime. The most common flow representations are overland,
sheet, rill and gully, and channel flow. A number of equations or graphs are available
to estimate the travel velocity of surface flow in each type of condition. The travel
times are then estimated by dividing the segment length by the associated velocity.
The sum of all of the travel times represents the time of concentration.
A common SCS relationship between time of concentration and lag time is given by:
V = velocity
n = Manning roughness coefficient
Rh = hydraulic radius
S = slope in ft/ft
This would require knowledge of the channel parameters and/or shapes for the
basin in question. An equation similar in form to the Manning equation may be
recommended :
Where k is a coefficient based on the flow type. McCuen (1989) and SCS (1972)
provide values of k for several flow situations. The values of K are assuming that
slope is given in
Coefficients of velocity (fps) versus slope (%) relationship for estimating travel
velocities (McCuen 1989; SCS 1972).
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (Sorrell and Hamilton 1991) - Land
and Water Management Division (1991) provide very similar relationships as
illustrated below.
Coefficients of velocity (fps) versus slope (%) relationship for estimating travel
velocities (Sorrell and Hamilton 1991).
Timing Wrap-up
It is essential to have or estimate the "timing" of the unit hydrograph. The timing is
what locks in the time of the peak and helps to define the peak flow. Recall that the
lag time is from the center of mass of excess precipitation to the peak of the unit
hydrograph. Therefore; if we have a duration of 2 hours and we calculate the lag
time of the basin to be 6 hours, then the time to peak would be 6 hours + 1 hour (half
the duration) = 7 hours. As you can see from the equations (particularly 5.11 & 5.12),
the lag time is the desired timing, although we can also use the time of concentration
- which can be related to lag time. We have discussed only a small number of
methods of looking at the timing of a basin. There are many other equations,
although the thought process is generally the same - you must find the lag time of
the basin (or time of concentration) in order to compute the peak flow of Eq. 5.12.
The following items, in no particular order of importance, must be considered when
deriving the SCS unit hydrograph:
1. Slope - The slope is the average slope of the basin. This is somewhat of a
concern as the response time may not be well represented by the average slope, or
the contributing area(s) may be smaller than the overall basin area and may be
associated with a higher value of the average slope.
2. The constant 484 in the equation for peak flow of the unit hydrograph - As
mentioned this may not be applicable for all areas of the country. This will require
input from an experienced hydrologist to determine the most appropriate values for
various basins. A default value of 484 will be used.
3. Duration - The duration of the unit hydrograph plays a role in determining
the peak flow via the time to peak. Equation 5.11 provides guidance for determining
a value of the duration, and hence the computational time step, such that there are
sufficient points on the rising side of the unit hydrograph to adequately represent and
simulate runoff from a precipitation event.
4. Triangular Shape - A triangular unit hydrograph is produced. The triangular
unit hydrograph represents 1-inch of excess precipitation (the volume under the unit
hydrograph). While the curvilinear unit hydrograph is more traditional in shape; there
will be minimal difference in the overall simulation capabilities between the two unit
hydrographs. This is particularly true for single event simulations.
Overview of Computations
Below is a description of the required user inputs for the SCS method.
This could now be altered in the calibration process. Values at hourly intervals may
extracted or interpolated.
All too often the stream flow data that are available from measured gauging stations are
not from location for which a project site analysis is to be made. Methods are required to
develop extrapolation of measured flow data which will be representative of a given site
on a stream. In regions where stream flow does not vary with respect to the contributing
drainage area flow duration curves can be plotted for the gauged sites. From these
developed flow duration curves, a family of parametric flow duration curves can be
developed, in which flow is plotted against the average annual runoff ( R ) or annual
discharge, Q at the respective gages for several exceedence interval percentages. A
separate curve is developed for each exceedence interval used. A correlation analysis is
then performed to obtain the best-fitting curve for the data taken from the measured
records of stream flow.
Utilizing the records of average annual precipitation input to the basins at measured
streams nearby or having similar hydrologic characteristics, a runoff coefficient is
estimated for the drainage basin being studied. The product of this coefficient and the
computed normal annual precipitation input to the basin and the basin area can be used
to calculate the average annual discharge as:
With the average runoff annual discharge estimate it is possible to enter the parametric
flow duration curve and determine values of flow for different exceedence percentages
for which the parametric flow duration curve has been developed.