Laboratory Exercise No. 5 Rheological Properties
Laboratory Exercise No. 5 Rheological Properties
Laboratory Exercise No. 5 Rheological Properties
College of Engineering
Department of Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering
Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija
Laboratory Report No. 5
Submitted By:
Garcia, Pj Kim, T.
Submitted To:
Sir Ruel Peneyra
Rheology is the science flow and deformation of matter that describes the relationship
between force, deformation, and time. It is the investigation of how materials react to applied
stress or strain. Rheological parameters can be used to forecast how a fluid will behave in a
process and to calculate the energy required to transfer the fluid from one location in a processing
plant to another. These parameters can also be used to define the quality of food products.
Rheological Properties are involved in the occurrence of flow behavior and processes that govern
the specific way of deformation under certain material and material property conditions.
Rheological Properties are manifestations of a material's nature and rate of deformation when
stressed. Thus, it is vital to analyze the features of fluid food products for the development of
transport system which mostly depends on the description and kind of flow characteristics of the
product or material.
At the end of the laboratory exercise, the students should be able to:
For this laboratory experiment, a rheometer and a sample of pudding are used. The following
steps are followed:
6. Analyze the shear viscosity vs. shear rate data to calculate the rheological properties.
In the laboratory experiment, five temperatures were selected and chosen in any temperature
between 5 ° C and 35 ° C. Whereas the shear stress vs. the shear rate are plotted and saved in a
spreadsheet. The five selected temperatures are 10°C, 15°C, 20°C,25°C, and 30°C.
TEMPER 10 Tempera 15 Tempera 20 Tempera 25 Tempera 30
AUTRE( utre(oC) utre(oC) utre(oC) utre(oC)
SHEAR Shear Shear Shear Shear Shear Shear Shear Shear Shear
RATE Stress Rate Stress Rate Stress Rate Stress Rate Stress
(1/S) (Pa) (1/s) (Pa) (1/s) (Pa) (1/s) (Pa) (1/s) (Pa)
1 132.439 1 111.452 1 94.5407 1 80.7974 1 69.5387
4055 4046 5459 395 4762
2 151.005 2 127.368 2 108.254 2 92.6711 2 79.8668
6057 7993 7395 1962 0192
3 164.290 3 138.693 3 117.961 3 101.033 3 87.1065
1681 5762 104 3346 2155
4 175.000 4 147.791 4 125.732 4 107.707 4 92.8674
4776 2272 434 327 3309
5 184.129 5 155.525 5 132.322 5 113.353 5 97.7306
8133 4485 6957 7969 6912
6 192.169 6 162.322 6 138.102 6 118.296 6 101.980
385 121 6439 7986 5653
7 199.402 7 168.426 7 143.285 7 122.722 7 105.780
977 7375 5467 369 0531
8 206.011 8 173.995 8 148.006 8 126.748 8 109.232
3399 3752 7623 3934 2203
9 212.117 9 179.134 9 152.358 9 130.454 9 112.406
6346 2197 247 8487 9151
10 217.810 10 183.919 10 156.405 10 133.898 10 115.353
0514 2041 6763 7875 9094
11 223.154 11 188.406 11 160.197 11 137.122 11 118.110
1929 7468 793 5087 0679
12 228.200 12 192.640 12 163.771 12 140.158 12 120.703
3569 0581 8918 3463 5456
13 232.988 13 196.653 13 167.157 13 143.031 13 123.156
0666 0594 2236 639 389
14 237.549 14 200.472 14 170.377 14 145.762 14 125.486
018 9306 2069 6572 2218
15 241.909 15 204.121 15 173.450 15 148.367 15 127.707
071 8288 9179 9013 3803
16 246.089 16 207.618 16 176.394 16 150.861 16 129.831
6358 0854 1279 0038 7016
17 250.108 17 210.977 17 179.220 17 153.253 17 131.869
6658 0605 0434 3732 0861
18 253.981 18 214.211 18 181.939 18 155.554 18 133.827
3831 7696 8478 6649 908
19 257.720 19 217.333 19 184.563 19 157.773 19 135.715
821 3496 1052 1315 3215
20 261.338 20 220.351 20 187.098 20 159.915 20 137.537
2364 4138 0665 8889 4921
21 264.843 21 223.274 21 189.551 21 161.989 21 139.299
4269 3247 9055 1212 7758
22 268.244 22 226.109 22 191.930 22 163.998 22 141.006
9803 4085 9037 2408 858
23 271.550 23 228.863 23 194.240 23 165.948 23 142.662
4714 1237 5965 0148 8639
24 274.766 24 231.541 24 196.485 24 167.842 24 144.271
6196 1973 8895 6667 4465
25 277.899 25 234.148 25 198.671 25 169.685 25 145.835
4172 7337 1538 9577 8584
26 280.954 26 236.690 26 200.800 26 171.481 26 147.359
2336 305 3025 2542 0089
27 283.935 27 239.170 27 202.876 27 173.231 27 148.843
901 024 8548 5821 5129
28 286.848 28 241.591 28 204.903 28 174.939 28 150.291
7862 6061 9882 6728 7295
29 289.696 29 243.958 29 206.884 29 176.608 29 151.705
8503 42 5828 0012 7958
30 292.483 30 246.273 30 208.821 30 178.238 30 153.087
6986 5309 2582 8177 6543
31 295.212 31 248.539 31 210.716 31 179.834 31 154.439
6237 7368 4052 1752 0766
32 297.886 32 250.759 32 212.572 32 181.395 32 155.761
6415 6 212 9522 6834
33 300.508 33 252.935 33 214.390 33 182.925 33 157.056
5222 4732 6875 873 9616
34 303.080 34 255.069 34 216.173 34 184.425 34 158.326
8173 5225 6807 5237 2791
35 305.605 35 257.163 35 217.922 35 185.896 35 159.570
8829 7476 8978 368 8974
36 308.085 36 259.219 36 219.639 36 187.339 36 160.791
8993 9985 9169 7591 9827
37 310.522 37 261.239 37 221.326 37 188.756 37 161.990
889 9905 2011 9512 6157
38 312.918 38 263.225 38 222.983 38 190.149 38 163.167
7318 3178 1094 1092 7996
39 315.275 39 265.177 39 224.611 39 191.517 39 164.324
1785 4645 9069 3169 468
40 317.593 40 267.097 40 226.213 40 192.862 40 165.461
8628 8152 7735 585 491
41 319.876 41 268.987 41 227.789 41 194.185 41 166.579
3117 6636 8112 8577 6811
42 322.123 42 270.848 42 229.341 42 195.488 42 167.679
9549 2209 0518 018 7985
43 324.338 43 272.680 43 230.868 43 196.769 43 168.762
1335 6227 4621 8938 5554
44 326.520 44 274.485 44 232.372 44 198.032 44 169.828
1069 9351 9499 2619 6201
45 328.671 45 276.265 45 233.855 45 199.275 45 170.878
0599 161 3686 8528 6207
46 330.792 46 278.019 46 235.316 46 200.501 46 171.913
1084 2448 522 3538 1484
47 332.884 47 279.749 47 236.757 47 201.709 47 172.932
3049 0769 1675 4129 7602
48 334.948 48 281.455 48 238.178 48 202.900 48 173.937
6435 4981 0204 6417 9818
49 336.986 49 283.139 49 239.579 49 204.075 49 174.929
0643 3033 7565 6182 31
50 338.997 50 284.801 50 240.963 50 205.234 50 175.907
4568 2448 0155 8891 2144
51 340.983 51 286.442 51 242.328 51 206.378 51 176.872
6645 0354 4033 9722 14
52 342.945 52 288.062 52 243.676 52 207.508 52 177.824
4875 3511 4946 3586 5086
53 344.883 53 289.662 53 245.007 53 208.623 53 178.764
6854 8341 8348 5144 7204
54 346.798 54 291.244 54 246.322 54 209.724 54 179.693
9807 0945 9425 8823 1557
55 348.692 55 292.806 55 247.622 55 210.812 55 180.610
0608 7129 3106 8836 176
56 350.563 56 294.351 56 248.906 56 211.887 56 181.516
5803 242 4088 919 1254
57 352.414 57 295.878 57 250.175 57 212.950 57 182.411
1632 2089 6843 3707 3318
58 354.244 58 297.388 58 251.430 58 214.000 58 183.296
4052 1161 564 6029 1077
59 356.054 59 298.881 59 252.671 59 215.038 59 184.170
8747 4435 4551 9631 7515
60 357.846 60 300.358 60 253.898 60 216.065 60 185.035
1152 6497 7468 7835 5479
61 359.618 61 301.820 61 255.112 61 217.081 61 185.890
6463 173 8111 3815 7692
62 361.372 62 303.266 62 256.314 62 218.086 62 186.736
9654 433 0039 0608 6759
63 363.109 63 304.697 63 257.502 63 219.080 63 187.573
549 8316 6662 112 5172
64 364.828 64 306.114 64 258.679 64 220.063 64 188.401
8537 7537 1243 8136 5319
65 366.531 65 307.517 65 259.843 65 221.037 65 189.220
3173 5685 6914 4326 9489
66 368.217 66 308.906 66 260.996 66 222.001 66 190.031
3602 6305 668 2251 9876
67 369.887 67 310.282 67 262.138 67 222.955 67 190.834
3861 2796 3423 437 8587
68 371.541 68 311.644 68 263.268 68 223.900 68 191.629
7827 8429 9914 3044 7647
69 373.180 69 312.994 69 264.388 69 224.836 69 192.416
9231 6344 8817 0542 8998
70 374.805 70 314.331 70 265.498 70 225.762 70 193.196
1659 9565 2692 9047 4512
71 376.414 71 315.657 71 266.597 71 226.681 71 193.968
8566 1 4004 0658 5986
72 378.010 72 316.970 72 267.686 72 227.590 72 194.733
3277 3451 5125 7397 5152
73 379.591 73 318.271 73 268.765 73 228.492 73 195.491
8998 9617 8342 1211 3677
74 381.159 74 319.562 74 269.835 74 229.385 74 196.242
882 2099 5859 3976 3168
75 382.714 75 320.841 75 270.895 75 230.270 75 196.986
5722 3406 9799 7503 5175
76 384.256 76 322.109 76 271.947 76 231.148 76 197.724
2582 596 2213 3536 1191
77 385.785 77 323.367 77 272.989 77 232.018 77 198.455
2177 2099 5081 376 2658
78 387.301 78 324.614 78 274.023 78 232.880 78 199.180
7191 408 0312 9803 097
79 388.806 79 325.851 79 275.047 79 233.736 79 199.898
0216 4085 9754 3235 747
80 390.298 80 327.078 80 276.064 80 234.584 80 200.611
376 4222 519 5575 3459
81 391.779 81 328.295 81 277.072 81 235.425 81 201.318
0247 6532 8348 8292 0192
82 393.248 82 329.503 82 278.073 82 236.260 82 202.018
2024 2988 0896 2807 8886
83 394.706 83 330.701 83 279.065 83 237.088 83 202.714
1363 5501 4451 0494 0715
84 396.153 84 331.890 84 280.050 84 237.909 84 203.403
0463 5918 0576 2684 6819
85 397.589 85 333.070 85 281.027 85 238.724 85 204.087
1455 6033 0786 0666 8299
86 399.014 86 334.241 86 281.996 86 239.532 86 204.766
6405 7582 6552 5689 6223
87 400.429 87 335.404 87 282.958 87 240.334 87 205.440
7316 2247 9294 8962 1626
88 401.834 88 336.558 88 283.914 88 241.131 88 206.108
6129 1662 0393 1659 5511
89 403.229 89 337.703 89 284.862 89 241.921 89 206.771
473 7408 1189 4918 8851
90 404.614 90 338.841 90 285.803 90 242.705 90 207.430
4947 1023 2978 9843 259
91 405.989 91 339.970 91 286.737 91 243.484 91 208.083
8555 3999 7023 7505 7643
92 407.355 92 341.091 92 287.665 92 244.257 92 208.732
728 7785 4547 8946 49
93 408.712 93 342.205 93 288.586 93 245.025 93 209.376
2796 3786 674 5175 5224
94 410.059 94 343.311 94 289.501 94 245.787 94 210.015
6731 3371 4756 7175 9454
95 411.398 95 344.409 95 290.409 95 246.544 95 210.650
067 7869 9718 5899 8405
96 412.727 96 345.500 96 291.312 96 247.296 96 211.281
6149 8571 2718 2274 2869
97 414.048 97 346.584 97 292.208 97 248.042 97 211.907
4668 6735 4817 7202 3617
98 415.360 98 347.661 98 293.098 98 248.784 98 212.529
7681 3583 7048 1561 1397
99 416.664 99 348.731 99 293.983 99 249.520 99 213.146
6607 0306 0416 6204 6939
100 417.960 100 349.793 100 294.861 100 250.252 100 213.760
2826 8061 5898 1961 0952
In the food sector, rheological parameters are widely tested to design food procedures,
processing equipment, and quality control. There are numerous instruments, each with its own set of
rheological properties and is well suited for Newtonian and non-Newtonian liquids.
The viscosity of a liquid reduces as its temperature rises. Results shows that the relationship
between viscosity and temperature is inversely proportional. It is said that the shear viscosity decreases
as the temperature rises. The shear viscosity of liquids increases as pressure increases and decreases as
temperature rises. And, at sufficiently high stress rates, decreases as shear stress or shear rate increases.
In the laboratory experiment five temperatures were selected and chosen in any temperature
between 5 ° C and 35 ° C. Whereas the shear stress vs. the shear rate are plotted and saved in a
spreadsheet. The five selected temperatures are 10°C, 15°C, 20°C, 25°C, and 30°C.
The graph depicts the behavior of vanilla pudding when subjected to rheometer testing at
various temperatures. The data were collected using a sample of pudding extracted with a syringe
dispenser. The sample pudding was then placed in the cylindrical cup, followed by a rheological
test to obtain the necessary data at various temperatures. The online virtual experiment used five
temperature differences ranging from 0°C to 35°C and was run on a test to obtain the data needed
to create an inference on the effect of temperature in the vanilla pudding shear. The shear stress
generated at different shear rates was then recorded. The shear viscosity and shear rate data which
is needed to calculate the rheological properties of the sample was also analyzed.
The 10°C temperature of vanilla pudding has the greatest shear rate of 417.96. Followed by
the obtained data after running a test and at 15°C it has a shear rate of 349.79. At 20°C it has a rate
of 295.86, at 25°C it has a rate of 250.01, at at 30°C it gained 215.76. Based on the results of the
experiment, it can be concluded that the vanilla pudding had the highest shear pressure esteem at
exceptionally low temperatures compared to the higher temperatures chosen. The shear pressure of
the vanilla pudding decreases as the temperature rises. Similarly, as temperature rises, shear
pressure falls, resulting in their relationship being inversely related and corresponding to one
another. The fluid does not begin to move, higher or lower, from 0. However it requires a yielding
Thermal analysis was used to measure the change in a sample's rheological properties as a
temperature can be gradually altered. The sample is subjected to stressed, and the resulting strain
is measured, or vice versa. The connection between stress and strain indicates the rheological
qualities of the material under test. Depending on the type of information desired, stress can be
properties throughout the test. Large stresses applied to a material may cause structure breakdown,
altering the rheological properties of the material during the test. Rheological thermal analysis
techniques provide useful information about the temperature at which thermal transitions occur,
the rate at which these changes occur and the final rheological properties of the food. To create
foods with better properties and to improve processing settings, this kind of information is
required. Food's texture and quality control can both be improved by knowing its rheological
Singh, R.P. and Heldman, D.R. (2009). "Introduction to Food Engineering," 4th ed.,
Steffe, J.f. (1996) "Rheological Methods in Food Process Engineering," 2nd ed., Freeman Press,
E. Lansing.