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Drug Study Prednisolone

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Generic Name: prednisolone Presumably induces the  Acute lymphoblastic  Systemic fungal infections MS: Loss of muscle mass, 1. Consider the 10 Rights of
killing of hematopoietic leukemia  Known hypersensitivity to muscle weakness, Medication
Brand Name: N/A cancer cells through the  Acute severe asthma components osteoporosis, pathologic Administration before
interaction with  Autoimmune hemolytic  Active untreated fracture of long bones, giving the medication to
Classification: corticosteroids glucocorticoid receptor and anemia infections (may be used aseptic necrosis of femoral the patient.
the induction of apoptosis.  It  Autoimmune hepatitis in patients being treated and humeral heads, vertebral 2. Assess involved systems
Dosage: 10mg 1 tab decreases the immune  B-cell lymphoma & B-cell for some forms of compression fractures, before and periodically
system's response to various leukemia meningitis) steroid myopathy, and during therapy.
Route: PO diseases to reduce symptoms  Chemotherapy regimens  Lactation: avoid chronic spontaneous fractures. 3. Assess for signs of
such as pain, swelling and  Croup use adrenal insufficiency
Frequency: PC lunch allergic-type reactions.  Dermatomyositis  Known alcohol, bisulfite, GI: Ulcerative esophagitis, before and periodically
-Juvenile or tartrazine abdominal distention, during therapy.
 Hodgkin’s lymphoma hypersensitivity or pancreatitis, and peptic ulcer 4. Monitor intake and
 Infantile spasm intolerance with possible perforation and output ratios and daily
 Inflammatory bowel  Administration of live hemorrhage. weights.
disease virus vaccines. 5. Assess for changes in
 Intractable myoclonic Derm: Impaired wound level of consciousness
seizures healing, hyperpigmentation and headache during
 Juvenile idiopathic of the skin and nails, thin therapy.
arthritis (JIA) - life fragile skin, bruising, 6. Assess signs of Crohn’s
threatening subcutaneous fat atrophy, disease and ulcerative
 Nephrotic syndrome purpura, facial erythema, colitis during therapy.
 Non-Hodgkin’s increased sweating, 7. Do not confuse
lymphoma hirsutism, striae, petechiae prednisone with
and ecchymosis, reactions to prednisolone.
 Transplant rejection
skin tests may be suppressed. 8. Administer with meals to
 Uveitis
minimize GI irritation.
 Vasculitis
Neuro: Features of raised 9. Instruct patient on
intracranial pressure such as correct technique of
headache, papilledema, medication
vertigo, and severe mental administration and advise
disturbances and to take medication as
convulsions. directed.
10. Document the
Endo: Development of the administration of the
cushingoid state, secondary prescribed drug given.
adrenocortical and pituitary
unresponsiveness, decreased
carbohydrate tolerance,
manifestations of latent
diabetes mellitus, menstrual
irregularities, suppression of
growth in children, and
increased requirements for
insulin or oral hypoglycemic
agents in diabetics.

EENT: Increased intraocular

pressure, posterior
subcapsular cataracts,
exophthalmos and glaucoma.

Metab: Negative nitrogen

balance due to protein
catabolism, glycosuria, and


Pediatric Oncall. (n.d.). Prednisolone. Retrieved from https://www.pediatriconcall.com/drugs/prednisolone/891

Vallerand, A. H., & Sanoski, C. A. (2020). Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses. FA Davis.

WebMD. (n.d.). Prednisolone - Uses, Side Effects, and More. Retrieved from https://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-6307-2333/prednisolone-oral/prednisolone-liquid-oral/details

Withrow, S. J., Vail, D. M., & Page, R. (2013). Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

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