An Overview of The Ansi Z359 Fall Protection Code: FEBRUARY 16, 2018
An Overview of The Ansi Z359 Fall Protection Code: FEBRUARY 16, 2018
An Overview of The Ansi Z359 Fall Protection Code: FEBRUARY 16, 2018
Z359.0 - 2012 6
Z359.1- 2016 6
Z359.2 - 2017 8
Z359.3 - 2017 9
Z359.4 - 2013 10
Z359.6 - 2009 11
Z359.7 - 2011 12
Z359.11- 2014 13
Z359.12- 2009 14
Z359.13 - 2013 14
Z359.14 - 2014 16
Z359.15 - 2014 17
Z359.16 - 2016 18
Z359.18 - 2017 20
The American National Standards forward nearly a century and ANSI has
Institute (ANSI) was founded in 1918 expanded its reach into the automotive
(originally the American Engineering and aerospace fields, software,
Standards Committee - AESC) to electronics, energy, and a host of other
standardize development of certain industries too numerous to mention
areas of manufacturing, safety, and here. For those in fall protection, ANSI
engineering. Its first major project made its entry into the field in 1992 with
in 1919 focused on pipe thread the introduction of the ANSI/ASSE Z359.1
dimensions, followed shortly thereafter American National Standard for personal
in 1920 by the ambitious American fall arrest systems in non-construction
Standard Safety Code, which sought to occupations. In the 25 years since its
synchronize the disparate and confusing initial release, the ANSI Z359 body of
nationwide safety laws and standards standards have grown considerably, and
that served more as an inhibitor to, rather have become the backbone for design,
than a facilitator of, jobsite safety. Fast- testing, and performance for most of
the products used by workers at height protect workers at height. However,
around the globe. This document serves given the degree of expertise and
as a brief overview of the entire ANSI leadership shown by the ANSI committee,
Z359 standards catalog known as The legally-binding regulatory bodies such
Fall Protection Code, and highlights the as OSHA and CSA frequently refer to
latest revisions of each standard within ANSI standards when creating their own
the code, focusing on product design, regulations. The following information
testing, and performance. Please refer provides only a summary of the latest,
to the full versions of the standard for major components of each standard
complete information. It should be within the Z359 Fall Protection Code. The
noted that adhering to ANSI standards information is not intended to replace the
is voluntary, but the standards reflect full ANSI suite of standards, and is based
the latest findings (via regular revisions) solely on Pure Safety’s understanding of
by engineers and industry professionals the ANSI Z359 Fall Protection Code.
regarding materials and methods to
absorbers, anchorage connectors, standard, and instead must comply
fall arresters, vertical lifelines and self- with the individual standard by which
retracting lanyards.” As might be they are now governed. This does not
expected, to keep contained the entire mean that products marked with the
suite of requirements in a single standard Z359.1 standard are unsafe or need to
would be a difficult task. be removed from service, just that future
products must be marked to the new,
This turned out to be the case, and shortly product-specific standard.
after Z359.1 was revised in 2007, ANSI
began to release individual standards
focused on a narrower scope of the
fall protection code. By 2016, the 2007
revision was all but obsolete, its standards
having been split into smaller individual
standards that provide a greater degree
of clarity and direction than the previous
all-encompassing Z359.1 standard.
generate local policy and procedures The 2017 revision removes harnesses
based on their specific application that from its scope, and leaves them to their
conforms to ANSI standards. Of note is own Z359.11 standard. Note that shock
the necessity of contacting local rescue absorbing lanyards are NOT covered
authorities, determining capability limits, by the Z359.3 standard, even though
and recording and reviewing procedure they may technically be used in travel
with the jobsite competent person restraint applications. For information on
before posting the written report. shock absorbing lanyards, see Z359.13.
or two-person capacity. Personnel hoists structural integrity of an anchor to which
are dedicated lifting/lowering devices an anchorage connector is connected.
and should not be confused with
SRL-Rs, whose rescue capability allows The standard also provides a reminder to
them to raise or lower victims. SRL-Rs engineers that an active fall protection
are governed by the Z359.14-2014 system should be the “…last option
standard. from the hierarchy of fall protection…
other options for employee protection
should be considered prior to the
employer selecting the use of an active
Z359.6-2009 fall protection system.” Essentially, this
Specifications and Design means that solutions that eliminate
Requirements for Active Fall hazards, prevent access to hazards, or
Protection Systems retrain access to hazards should all be
Z359.6 is an engineer-focused standard considered prior to the implementation
that is to be used as a reference during of an active system.
the designing of fall protection systems.
It is not a product standard per se, but a
set of standards that should be met as
engineers solve fall protection problems.
Of note is that the standard does not
address passive fall protection systems
such as guardrails and nets (unless they
are to be used as an anchorage for an
active system), work positioning systems,
or any other equipment that is governed
by another Z359 standard. It also
does not cover how to determine the
Harnesses must include a visible fall
Z359.11-2014 arrest/impact indicator and at least one
lanyard parking attachment.
Safety Requirements for
Full Body Harnesses
Given the many different attachment
Z359.11-2014 is a straightforward element configurations possible with
standard focused on the design, an FBH, the testing requirements are
performance, and testing of full body quite extensive. Each element (dorsal,
harnesses (FHBs). As inferred from the shoulder, sternal, waist, hip) is tested in
title, body belts that are not attached a way commensurate with its approved
to a full body harness are not covered use. In general, attachment elements
by the standard, as they are not used for fall arrest (dorsal, frontal, sternal)
an approved solution for active fall must be subjected to both dynamic
protection systems. Full body harnesses and static tests, and elements used in
that are compliant with this standard fall restraint must be subjected to only
must be used with other fall protection static tests. Dynamic drop tests shall use
equipment that limits maximum arrest a 220 lbs. test torso dropped from a
forces to 1,800 lbs. height necessary to generate 3,600 lbs.
of force (head first test torso is dropped
The standard requires full body harness 24 inches), and 5,000 lb. static strength
be constructed from webbing a tests shall pull at a uniform rate of no
minimum 1 5/8 inches with a minimum greater than 2 inches per minute.
5,000 lbs. breaking strength. It also
requires harnesses to include (at a
minimum) a dorsal attachment point
(D-ring), load bearing sub-pelvic strap,
and webbing assembly that minimizes
the possibility of releasing the torso.
lanyards used in fall protection systems. of a 282 lb. weight from a height equal
Z359.13 classifies personal energy to their approved free fall rating (6-foot
absorbers into two classes: 6-foot free or 12-foot). 6-foot free fall lanyards shall
fall and 12-foot free fall. However, it also have a maximum deployment distance
cautions users that alternate means of 48 inches, an average arrest force
should be considered before allowing of no greater than 900 lbs., and a
any free fall greater than 6 feet, and maximum arrest force of no greater than
that local governing bodies (e.g. OSHA), 1,800 lbs.
may require proof of infeasibility before
allowing falls greater than 6 feet. 12-foot free fall lanyards shall have a
maximum deployment distance of 60
Personal Energy Absorbers shall be inches, an average arrest force of no
made from virgin synthetic material and greater than 1,350 lbs., and a maximum
include a deployment indicator that arrest force of no greater than 1,800 lbs.
clearly shows if the absorber has been
subjected to an impact. Absorbers (as Dual-leg energy absorbing lanyards shall
an individual component or integral be tested with both legs connected,
with a lanyard) must have a minimum and shall have a maximum arrest force
activation force of 450 lbs. and a of no greater than 1,800 lbs. Dual-leg
minimum breaking strength of 5,000 lbs. lanyards shall also be subjected to a
Adjustable-length lanyards shall maintain hip test whereby a sample is tested as
their length while being subjected to above, with the unused leg attached
a load of 2,000 lbs. for a minimum of to a connector on the test weight via
1 minute. Dual-leg energy-absorbing a nylon keeper. If the unused lanyard
lanyards shall be tested in all possible breaks the nylon keeper, the energy
configurations, including as if misused. absorbing lanyard shall include a
Personal energy absorbers and energy warning label noting to properly secure
absorbing lanyards shall arrest the drop the unused lanyard leg.
shall be capable of raising and lowering are addressed by Z359.15, and all
to affect rescue, and offer a minimum have specific testing and performance
of a 3:1 mechanical advantage. They requirements. Rope lifelines must have
additionally shall automatically stop a minimum breaking strength of 5,000
and hold the load in the event rescuer lbs. and must not elongate more than
relinquishes control. 10% when subjected to a force of
1,800 lbs. Ropes must also not have
knots or splices in the strand bundles,
and shall be sufficiently terminated
Z359.15-2014 by a splice, stitch, or swage. Cable
Safety Requirements for Single lifelines, meanwhile, must be a minimum
Anchor Lifelines and Fall Arresters 5/16 inch diameter, have a minimum
for Personal Fall Arrest Systems breaking strength of 6,000 lbs., and shall
be terminated by a spliced eye with
Z359.15 governs the design, one swaged fitting, or a return eye with
performance, and testing requirements a minimum of two swaged fittings. Fall
of single anchor lifelines and fall arresters must automatically lock without
arresters, commonly referred to as any input from the user to engage rope,
vertical lifeline assemblies (VLAs). VLAs and require two consecutive, deliberate
were last addressed by the original actions to open. Lanyards integral to fall
Z359.1-2007 standard. Z359.15 provides arresters must be made from synthetic
more comprehensive guidance for material capable of withstanding a
manufacturers on all aspects of VLAs. 3,600 lb. load, be terminated by a
Window cleaning equipment is not splice or stitch, and include a visible fall
covered by this standard. arrest/load indicator.
or rigid) of a CLFAS must accommodate Static testing is conducting by exposing
a minimum of two workers (the second the system to a minimum 3,600 lb.
to facilitate rescue), include cable load for at least 1 minute. If the carrier
guides at a maximum spacing of 40’, extends above the top of the climbing
and assume a minimum load of 2,700 ladder, a second test is required with
lbs. will be transferred to the carrier in the the carrier sleeve positioned at the
event of a fall. If the CLFAS is designed maximum possible height allowed by
to accommodate more than two the extension. Dynamic testing requires
workers, an additional 310 lbs. of applied the CLFAS system to withstand the drop
load per user shall be added. Carrier of a 282 lb. weight from the maximum
sleeves (also called grabs) shall be auto- height allowed by the carrier linkage,
locking, include an anti-inversion feature with an average arrest force less than
to prevent installing the sleeve upside 1,350 lbs, and a maximum arrest
down, and shall require two separate force of less than 1,800 lbs. Vertical
actions to be installed or removed from displacement of the test weight shall
a carrier component. not exceed 39”.
Anchor Types: which it is attached. Deformation
may be permanent or temporary.
• Type A: An anchorage connector
In some cases, these anchorage
(other than a Type D or T anchorage
connector) designed for an active fall connectors may not be suitable for
protection system. work positioning, rescue, rope access,
and suspended component/tie-back
• Type T: An anchorage connector because of their low serviceability
designed to support a suspended
load rating. Also, travel restraint may be
component/tie-back line or for an
acceptable based on the serviceability
active fall protection system.
rating and deformation limits of the
• Type D: An anchorage connector individual product.
designed to allow deformation
or movement when arresting a fall
with the purpose of absorbing fall
energy and reducing the strength
requirements of the anchorage to
For static strength testing, both For dynamic strength testing, both
Type A and Type T anchors must Type A and Type T anchors must not
withstand a minimum 5,000 lb. load. allow a 282 lb. test
Type D anchors must withstand a weight to impact the
static load between 2,700 lbs. and ground when dropped
5,000 lbs., and their deformation with a 3 ft. free fall, while
must be measured so that it may Type D anchors must do
be accounted for in fall clearance the same but with a 6 ft.
calculations. free fall.
Residual strength
testing is simply a
repetition of the initial
dynamic test for Type
A and Type T anchors.
Dynamic Strength Testing Residual testing for Type
applied at up to 900 lbs. per minute D anchors is also a
a repeat of the dynamic strength test, show evidence of red rust or other
but with a 3 ft. free fall. Serviceability corrosion after two, 24 hour salt spray
load testing is not required for Type A exposures. For Type T anchors, ferrous
anchors, however for Type T anchors components of the anchorage
it is done by applying the greater of connector cannot show evidence of
twice the working load or 2,500 lbs., red rust or other corrosion over more
applied at up to 900 lbs. per minute than 5% of their surface area after a
and maintained for at least 3 minutes. 500-hour salt spray exposure.
For Type D anchors, serviceability
testing is done by applying the greater
of twice the working load or 450 lbs.,
applied gradually over at least 1
minute and maintained for at least
3 minutes. Finally, corrosion testing
is also conducted. For Type A and
Type D anchors, ferrous components
of the anchorage connector cannot