02A Lesson Proper For Week 1: Physical Education 1
02A Lesson Proper For Week 1: Physical Education 1
02A Lesson Proper For Week 1: Physical Education 1
E as an
education through or by means of physical
02A Lesson Proper for Week 1 activities.
CHAPTER 1: MEANING, OBJECTIVE, VALUES AND ■ Dr. Carmen TabijeAndin (1978) define P.E as
HEALTH BENEFITS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION an integral part of the education program
WHAT IS PHYSICAL EDUCATION? OBJECTIVE OF designed to promote the optimum
development of an individual physically,
emotionally, mentally, and socially through
total body movements on the performance of
■ Physical Education (PE) properly selected physical activities. Further,
she explained that P.E offers unique
■ It is the interdisciplinary study of all areas of
opportunities for the development of the
science relating to the transmission of physical
individual who can easily find himself fit to live
knowledge and skills to an individual or a group,
in the new society, as well as to contribute his
the application of these skills, and their results.
maximum capacity in the service of his
Physical Education is an important segment of
fellowmen, his country and above all, his God.
general education which aims to contribute to
the total development of the learner through ■ Major Goal of Physical Education
participation in selected activities. Thus, it
provides opportunities to acquire lifelong skills ■ Considering these four aspects;
that are essential to his physical, mental, social, ■ Fitness is the ability
and emotional development.
■ To live a healthy
■ Physical Education is an integral part of young
people's education in senior cycle. As a result of ■ Satisfying
their learning in physical education, young ■ Useful life
people can increase their enjoyment,
confidence, and competence in a range of ■ This kind of life is what the education
physical activities. They can learn about health- philosophers and thinkers’ tern as the “good
related fitness and take responsibility for being life”. This is the ultimate goal of education.
physically active now and in the future. Overall,
Objectives of Physical Education
they can develop positive attitudes to physical
activity and its importance in a healthy and The following objectives of Physical Education
fulfilling lifestyle. are viewed and stated in terms of their
contribution to the outcomes of education.
■ Physical education has been defined in many
ways. According to the PE1 workbook for Physical development – Through carefully
tertiary level made by: selected physical education activities, an
individual who participates actively will develop
■ Eviza, et al. (2007), Lumpkin (2002) defined
and maintain good health and high level of
physical education as process through which an
physical activity.
individual obtains optimal mental, social, and
fitness skills through physical activities Social development – Participation in physical
activities give opportunities for the
development of desirable social traits that are
needed for adjustment to the social life in
general. Some worthwhile traits are: to physical education.
⚫ Friendliness ⚫ Interpretive – a type of development which
⚫ Cooperation strengthens the thinking, interpreting, and
⚫ Respect for the right of others problem-solving processes of the individual.
⚫ Good Sportsmanship ⚫ Emotional – the development and maturing
⚫ Honesty in the group activity or competition of impulses and emotions through activities
which gives them expression under natural
Emotional development – The informal nature controls such as officials, rules, traditions, and
of physical education offers opportunities for the person’s desire to stay in the game and play
the development of expression and emotional are inherent in team sports where fear, anger,
traits needed for emotional mastery like: joy, and other powerful emotions are
⚫ Self-confidence experienced.
⚫ Self-control
Health Benefits of Physical Education
⚫ Self-reliance
⚫ Courage and Determination ● Physical Education helps person prevent
acquiring various sickness and diseases.
Mental development – Through participating in ● Physical Education provides information
physical education activities, the individual about the person’s physical condition.
develops his mental capacities as he/she learns ● Physical Education does not only train the
the mechanical principles or underlying students in sports. It teaches them to
movement, as the learner acquire knowledge internalize the value of sports and its related
and understanding of rules and strategies of benefits.
games and sports and the ability to analyze and ● Physical Education basically aims to develop
give judgments. physical fitness and to maintain it.
Values of Physical Education ● Physical Education provides students an
avenue to develop aesthetic inclination like
The value of physical education activities is dancing; it teaches students to be graceful in
found in the resulting development and movements which after all, the basic
adjustment of the individual. Engaging in any requirement to illustrate beauty of dance.
activity stimulates in some degree the 4 types
of development, although different activities ● Reduced risk of heart disease: Physical
emphasize different amounts. Regular exercise education can counteract major risk factors of
and physical activity are extremely important coronary heart disease: obesity, inactivity and
and beneficial for long-term health and well- high blood pressure.
being. ● Improved physical fitness: A good program
Four types of development improves children's muscular strength,
flexibility, muscular endurance, body
⚫ Organic – the development of power and composition (fat-to-muscle ratio) and
endurance of the heart, lungs, heat-regulating cardiovascular endurance.
mechanism, and digestive and eliminating
● Stronger bones: Regular physical activity
increases bone density to create a sturdy
⚫ Neuromuscular – the development of skills
skeleton. ● Weight regulation: A good program
and coordination required in the mastery of
can help children regulate their weight by
life’s varied activities can be directly attributed
burning calories, toning their bodies, and
improving their overall body composition.
Chapter 2:
• Muscular system of the human body
• Body planes
• Synovial joints and movements
Here are more details about the structure and Planes of the Body
function of each type of muscle tissue in the human
muscular system. A plane is an imaginary flat surface often times the
body is section or cut along a surface of plane, which
•Skeletal muscles attach to and move bones by is referred to as a body plane. An unlimited number
contracting and relaxing in response to voluntary of sections can be made along an unlimited number
messages from the nervous system. Skeletal muscle of planes. When a section of the body or an organ is
tissue is composed of long cells called muscle fibers cut, it is named after the plane which it occurs.
that have a striated appearance. Muscle fibers are
organized into bundles supplied by blood vessels and Sagittal Planes – run from the top of the body to
innervated by motor neurons the bottom and run from the front to the back. It
divides the body into left and right sections. If
sagittal planes run down the midline of the body and
divide the body into equal halves, it is called mid
sagittal plane.
The main structural differences between synovial •Plane joint (gliding joint) allows the bones to slide
and fibrous joints are the existence of capsules against each other.
surrounding the articulating surfaces of a synovial •Condyloid joints (ellipsoid joints) allow you to
joint and the presence of lubricating synovial fluid spread your fingers apart and bring them together or
within those capsules (synovial cavities). to move in a medial or lateral direction.
Several movements may be performed by synovial •Saddle joint provides the thumb the ability to
joints. Abduction is the movement away from the move away from the palm of the hand.
midline of the body. Adduction is the movement
toward the middle line of the body. Extension is the MOVEMENTS OF THE BODY
straightening of limbs (increase in angle) at a joint.
Flexion is bending the limbs (reduction of angle) at a •Flexion describes a bending movement that
joint. Rotation is a circular movement around a fixed decreases the angle between a segment and its
point. proximal segment. For example, bending the elbow,
or clenching a hand into a fist, are examples of
flexion. When a person is sitting down, the knees are
Consists of those components of fitness that have The ability to maintain a certain posture or to
a relationship with enhanced performance in athletic move without falling.
activities. Skill related fitness abilities increases one’s
ability to perform in various activities and only has a. Static balance: maintain equilibrium in a
an indirect connection with health. The skill-related stationary position.
components of fitness are considered to be agility,
b. Dynamic balance: maintain equilibrium when
balance, coordination, power, speed, and reaction
time though some people feel that other abilities moving the body.
such as spatial awareness should be included. It is 2.COORDINATION – the ability to integrate the
assumed that kids who have who possess high skill
senses with muscles so as to produce accurate,
related fitness will be more likely to participate in a
smooth, and harmonious body movement. Related
variety of activities and for this reason will also
exemplify a high standard of health-related fitness. to the ability to use the senses, such as sight and
Skill-related fitness components are assessed with hearing, together with body parts in performing
several different tests. Such components as reaction motor tasks smoothly and accurately.
time and speed are considered by some to be more
3. AGILITY – the capacity to change the direction of
related to heredity than healthy lifestyles, especially
in young people. the body quickly and effectively.
MONITORING HEART RATE 4. SPEED – the ability to move one’s body from one
point to another in the shortest possible time.
5. POWER – sometimes confused with strength.
this is the number of pulses beat at rest. The best Speed of contraction, likewise, is the basic ingredient
tome to take the RHR is upon waking up in the which, when combined with strength, provides an
morning. The average RHR is 75 beats for males and explosive type of movement.
80 foe females per minute.
6. REACTION TIME – the time required to respond or
▪ WORKING HEART RATE (WHR) OR EXERCISE HEART initiate a movement as a result of a given stimulus.
- A skill-related physical fitness component that
this is 60-80% of your heart’s maximum capacity relates to the time elapsed between stimulation and
(after deducting age) while exercising. An ordinary the beginning of reaction to it
college freshman should approximately have WHR of
130- 160 pulse beats per minute. This is gradually
attained in the workout phase and sustained by
steady exercises for about 20 minutes.