1 API 653 Exam Mar 2015 Memory
1 API 653 Exam Mar 2015 Memory
1 API 653 Exam Mar 2015 Memory
Sweet Memories
API 650
Peripheral seals
H.4.4.3 All peripheral seals and their attachment to the floating roof shall be designed to accommodate
±100 mm(±4 in.) of local deviation between the floating roof and the shell.
G.4.4 The authorized inspection agency is responsible for training each scanning operator they employ.
Each scanning operator should receive a minimum of 40 hours of training. This training should include .
Asking about the minimum hour .
One sketch as shown below and the question was … Is this a mistake ( must be 3” )
All arc-gouged areas of the tank shell-to-bottom weld shall be magnetic particle examined, and defective
areas repaired and re-examined.
Hot taps are not permitted on the roof of a tank or within the gas/vapor space of the tank.
Figure 9.12—Details for Installing a New Bottom Through an Existing Tombstone Reinforcing
13.2 Recordkeeping
d) radiographs (radiographs shall be retained for at least one year)
h) jacking a tank shell. ::> considers a major repair
Any work on a tank that changes its physical dimensions or configuration.
Annular plate
Table 4.5—Annular Bottom Plate Thicknesses (in.) (Product Specific Gravity < 1.0)
Tip: the material was not given but the information of tank dia , G<1,height and thickness were
given to calculate the stress from the equation at the below of the table
Other question asking about the minimum thickness for annular plate , no G
value was given , so I decided to go for 0.1” as per Due to strength requirements, the minimum thickness of annular plate ring is usually greater than
0.10 in. Isolated pitting will not appreciably affect the strength of the plate. Unless a stress analysis is
performed,the annular plate thickness shall be in accordance with or, as applicable.
Annex B
Evaluation of Tank Bottom Settlement
D=100ft , R=5 … what is the acceptable settlement for edge settlement type .
API 571
MIC Appearance or Morphology of Damage .
a) MIC corrosion is usually observed as:
It looks the same!! first attempt , I thought they might write the answer two times by mistake ☹ when I read
carefully again and again I found that ( thinning and Pitting ) when I compared with book the proper answer was
with pitting >>> in exam one of them was A and the second was D .
Brittle fraction Critical Factors
a) For a material containing a flaw, brittle fracture can occur. Following are three important factors:
1) The Material fracture toughness (resistance to crack like flaws) as measured in a Charpy
Impact test;
2) The size, shape and stress concentration effect of a flaw;
3) The amount of residual and applied stresses on the flaw.
API 577.
3 Definitions
An interruption of the typical structure of a material, such as a lack of homogeneity in its mechanical,
metallurgical, or physical characteristics is:
a- Imperfection b- defect c- discontinuity d- flaw
Which one do you think .ans API 577 3.1.22 it was close book .
The question was > which of these types of electrode will give a deep penetration characteristics:
It was E 6010 . this is a common CSWIP question so it was open book but I didn’t need to search for
answer .
API 575
Crack-like flaws can occur in the shell plate. Usually, close visual inspection is
sufficient when checking for crack-like flaws but for increased detection capability, liquid penetrant or magnetic
particle examination should be used.
“On a fixed roof planks long enough to span at least two roof rafters should be
laid and used as walkways, at least until the safety of the roof
is determined.
API Std 653 uses the generic meaning for atmospheric pressure to
describe tanks designed to withstand an internal pressure up
to, but not exceeding 21/2lbf/in.2(18 kPa) gauge.
a-atmospheric presuure
b-21/2lbf/in.2(18 kPa) gauge.
They were given both ,so what the is the most correct answer .
API 651 A negative (cathodic) potential of at least 850 mV with the cathodic protection current applied. This potential
shall be measured with respect to a saturated copper/copper sulfate reference electrode (CSE) contacting the
electrolyte. Voltage drops other than those across the tank bottom-to-electrolyte boundary shall be considered for
valid interpretation of this voltage measurement.
11.1.2 Care should be exercised in selecting the location, number, and type of electrical measurements used to
determine the adequacy of cathodic protection. If tanks are empty, there may be large areas of the bottoms which are
not in contact with the underlying soil. Potential surveys, in this case, may give misleading information. (asking
about causes of misleading info )
API 652
7 Surface Preparation
190F & crude were given and you should select either from Table 1 or 2 .
Inshallah he passed!!!
API 650 Table 4.5 Minimum Impact Test Requirements for Plates (Transverse Value)
API 650 Shell-to-Bottom Fillet Welds (Minimum Size of Fillet Weld)
API 650 table 5.7b (Size of fillet weld between nozzle neck and reinforcement plate) answer was 15/16
API 650 (b) corrosion and abrasion protection (nominal thickness of not less than ¼” shall be
welded to the tank bottom with 1/4” minimum fillet weld)
API 650 Attachments that will be welded to the pressure boundary shall not have zinc or
cadmium coating in the weld area within ½” of the weld.
API 650 8.6.11 (a) tracer gas testing is approved by Purchaser = “owner operator”
API 650 9.4 identification mark of welders at intervals not exceeding 3 ft.
API 650 Annex AL 1.3 or Annex G 1.1 maximum design temperatures of Aluminum Storage Tanks or
Structurally-supported Aluminum Dome roofs is 200 deg C (closed book)
API 650 Annex H. only austenitic stainless steel hardware used to join aluminum components
API 650 Annex M (what annex is used for requirements for tanks operating at elevated temperatures
above 200 F.)
API 653 1.1.2 conflict rule 1, “in the case of apparent conflict b/w API 650 AND 653, 653 shall govern for
tanks placed in service.
API 653 1.1.5 When design and construction details are not given, current edition of 650 must be used.
API 653 1.2 owner operator has ultimate responsibility to comply with this standard.
API 653 3.2.5 repair is work necessary to maintain or restore a tank to condition suitable for (safe
operation), not API 650 or 653 requirements. (closed book) methods for determining minimum shell thickness suitable for continued operation. riveted tanks: corroded or damaged areas shall be repaired or liquid level reduced. tmin calculations, bottom shell is generally corroded, make sure to use the (H-1) equation…
Y, specified minimum yield strength of plate is 30,000 psi if material is not known hydrostatic test height calculation, no information was given regarding when the tank was
constructed, therefore there was no way to get E, assume E=1 !
5.2.3 closed book question hydrotest to demonstrate fitness for a new more severe service.
Figure 5.2 up to what thickness is a tank operating @ 20 degrees F safe for use for unknown material
Table 6.1 Initial internal inspection interval (2 to 3 questions about this table)
API 653 Section 12 in addition to API 650 RT requirements, what is API 653 RT requirement for a
repaired shell plate
API 653 how many required settlement measure points for 155 diameter tank, answer is 16
API 571 (MIC) question contained two answer with “tubercles”, the correct answer was a direct quote of a
API 571 (Sulfuric Acid) question was for 80% sulfuric acid and 125 deg F, and answer was 50 mils per
year. There was no ranges of corrosion as shown in Figure 5-21.
API 651 what is advantage of galvanic system, answer was no external power supply required.
ASME V T-284 what is cause for film rejection? Answer is light image of B
T-276 IQI selection, make sure to include the reinforcement as per API 650 Para.
Densitometer is acceptable if the density readings do not vary by more than + or – 0.05 density units