Laboratory Report CHM138 Experiment 1
Laboratory Report CHM138 Experiment 1
Laboratory Report CHM138 Experiment 1
17th October 2022
7th November 2022
Dr. Syed Zhafer Firdaus Bin Syed Putra
a. Objectives:
i. To learn the qualitative and quantitative aspects of common laboratory
ii. To expose student to the factors that affect the accuracy of an experiment.
b. Introduction:
Chemistry is an experimental science. It depends upon careful observation and the
use of good laboratory techniques. Most of the experiments in the chemistry
laboratory involve quantitative analytical procedure. It is involving the use of common
glassware for example burette, pipette, volumetric flask etc. This glassware is used
to measure the volume of solutions at certain temperature. The volume of a liquid
change with temperature, to get the accuracy, apparatus involve to measure the
volume of solutions have to be calibrated before used.
Mistakes and errors can happen during an experiment. A mistake is a blunder or
unintentional action whose consequence is undesirable. Error on the other hand,
account for the range of values obtained from successive measurements of the same
quantity, even though there was no mistake in any of the measurement. Error may be
either systematic or random. A systematic error can happen when an apparatus
which is not calibrated is used. The measurement will always be too large or,
alternatively, too small. A systematic error will influence the accuracy of a
measurement, that is, the agreement between a measured value of a quantity and its
true value. A random error will be the evident when a measuring device, even a very
accurate one, is used a number times to make the same measurement. Both errors
can be reduced by using calibrated apparatus and careful when doing experiment.
a) Volumetric flask
b) Pipette
Pipettes are vessels that are constructed and calibrated so as to deliver a precisely
known volume of liquid at a given temperature. Transfer and Mohr pipette are two
types of common pipette usually found in the laboratory. A transfer pipette is
calibrated to deliver only one volume, whereas a Mohr pipette is graduated so that it
can deliver any volume (usually to nearest tenth of a millilitre) up to maximum
volume. Transfer pipettes come in many sizes but 5mL, 10mL, 20mL, 25mL pipette
are usually found in general chemistry laboratories. Common volume of Mohr pipette
is 1mL, 5mL and 10mL volume. The correct use of a pipette requires considerable
manipulatory skill. Step-by step procedures for correct usage are:
a) Rinse the pipette with the solution to be used.
b) Insert the pipette into the solution and suck using pipette filler (suction bulb). The
solution is about 1 to 2 cm above the etched line on the pipette.
c) Drain the excess into a waste container until the bottom of the meniscus
coincides with etched line.
d) Allow the liquid in the pipette to drain into the flask to be used in the experiment.
Touch off the last drop. (Do not blow the remaining liquid from the pipette. The
pipette was calibrated to deliver the correct volume with this liquid remaining in
The actual volume of solution (pipette volume) can be measured by weighing the
solution that has been transferred using that pipette. From the density of the solution,
we can calculate the volume of solution (pipette volume).
c) Burette
a) Clean and rinse the burette with tap water, then distilled water.
b) Rinse the burette with about 5-10mL of the solution.
c) Fill burette above the zero mark with the stop cork closed. Open the stopcock
fully so that the liquid drains rapidly to flush out air bubble in the tip of the
burette. Drain the burette until the meniscus rest at a certain number, for
example, 1mL marks (or 0mL marks). Read the burette to 2 decimal places
with your eye on the same level as the meniscus.
d) To obtain the volume of the solution (liquid) that you use in titration, subtract
the initial reading from the final reading.
To calibrate the burette, transfer several volumes of solution from the burette and
weigh accurately. From the density of the solution, we can calculate the volume
of volume of solution that has been transferred.
c. Apparatus:
i. Analytical balance
ii. Burette
iii. Pipette (20 mL or 25 mL)
iv. Volumetric flask (25 mL)
v. Beaker (50 mL)
vi. Thermometer
vii. Pipette filler or suction bulb
viii. Retort stand
ix. Burette clamp
x. Dropper
d. Chemical:
i. Distilled water
e. Procedure:
A. Calibration of Volumetric Flask
1. A 25mL volumetric flask was cleaned and dried and weighed accurately using
an analytical balance. The mass of the empty volumetric flask was recorded.
2. Distilled water was added until calibration mark (use a dropper to add the last
few drops of distilled water) and weighed again (use the same balance). The
mass of distilled water and volumetric flask recorded.
3. The temperature of distilled water recorded.
4. From the Table 1, the actual volume of the volumetric flask determined.
B. Calibration of Pipette
1. A 50mL beaker was cleaned and dried and weighed accurately using
analytical balance. The mass of empty beaker recorded.
2. A pipette was cleaned and rinsed with distilled water.
3. The pipette was filled with distilled water using the procedures that have been
discussed in the introduction part.
4. The distilled water was drained into the beaker and weighed again. The mass
of distilled water and beaker recorded.
5. Step 1-4 one more time was repeated and the temperature of the distilled
water recorded.
6. From the Table 1, the actual volume of the pipette determined.
C. Calibration of Burette
1. A 50 mL beaker was cleaned and dried and weighed accurately using an
analytical balance. The mass of the empty beaker was recorded.
2. The burette was cleaned and rinsed using distilled water and filled in the
burette with distilled water until zero mark. (Make sure there are no bubbles in
the tip of burette)
3. The 5 mL of the water were drained from the burette into the beaker and
weighed as soon as possible. Mass recorded.
4. Step 3 repeated by draining water from the burette until the following burette
reading became 10 mL, 15 mL and 20mL. (Each time 5 mL distilled water has
been added from the burette). Mass recorded (distilled water + beaker) every
time after added 5 mL of water.
5. Distilled water temperature recorded
6. From the Table 1, the actual volume for every addition of 5 mL of distilled
water determined.
f. Results:
i) Data:
a. Calibration of Volumetric Flask
Mass of empty volumetric flask (g) 17.6295
Mass of volumetric flask + distilled water (g) 39.4925
Mass of distilled water (g) 21.863
Temperature of distilled water (°C) 30
Density of water (from Table 1) (g/mL) 1.0053
b. Calibration of Pipette
(i) (ii)
Mass of empty beaker (g) 36.9033 36.8186
Mass of beaker + distilled water (g) 61.8289 61.7458
Mass of distilled water (g) 24.9256 24.9272
Temperature of distilled water (°C) 28 30
Density of water (from Table 1) 1.0047 1.0053
c. Calibration of Burette
Mass of empty beaker (g):36.8155
Temperature of distilled water (°C):30
Density of water (from Table 1) (g/mL): 1.0053
After the addition of distilled water:
Reading of Mass of beaker + Mass of distilled Mass of distilled
burette (mL) distilled of water water (g) water for each 5
(g) mL burette
reading (g)
5 41.9590 5.1435 5.1435
10 46.6309 9.8154 4.6719
15 51.8155 15 5.1846
20 56.6920 19.8765 4.8765
ii) Calculations:
a. Determine the actual volume of the volumetric flask based on calculations.
Volume = 𝐷𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦
= 21.863
= 21.7477 mL
b. Determine the actual volume of the pipette based on the calculation for
experiment (i) and experiment (ii).
(i) Volume =
= 24.9256
= 24.8090 mL
(ii) Volume = 𝐷𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦
= 24.9272
= 24.7958 mL
c. Determine the actual volume of distilled water (in mL) for each 5 mL burette
reading based on calculation.
Reading of burette (mL) Volume of water (mL)
0-5 5.1194
5-10 4.6500
10-15 5.1573
15-20 4.8508
g. Discussion:
i) From the experiment calibration of volumetric flask, the result was obtained in
this experiment were different from the theory said. The mass of empty the
volumetric flask was 19.6295g. After added distilled water the mass of the
flask was 39.4925g and the mass of the distilled water after substrate was
21.863g. The temperature was 30°C and the density of water was
From the experiment calibration of pipette, the result was obtained in this
experiment were different compare to the (i) and (ii) attempted. The mass of
empty beaker for attempt (i) was 36.9033g and 36.8186g for (ii) attempt. After
added distilled water it became 61.8289g and 61.7458g and the mass of the
distilled water 24.9256g and 24.9272g. The temperature was 28°C and 30°C
and the density of water were 1.0047g/mL and 1.0053g/mL.
From the experiment calibration of burette, the result was obtained in this
experiment were different each 5mL of the distilled water added. The mass of
the empty beaker was 36.8155g and the temperature was 30°C. The reading
of burette was 5mL, 10mL, 15mL and 20mL. After added distilled water
41.9590g, 46.6309g, 51.8155g and 56.6920g. The mass of the distilled water
after subtracted 5.1435g, 9.8154g, 15.0000g and 19.8765g. The mass of
distilled water for each 5mL burette reading were 5.1435g, 4.6719g, 5.1846g
and 4.8765g.
ii) The reasons result is not satisfactory are the wrong way to read the water
level in flasks and uncontrolled conditions. The correct way to read the water
level is our eyes has to parallel to needle flask.
iii) The experimental factors that may have affected the results are the masses,
the temperature and the subtract to find the mass of the distilled water.
iv) I think the experiment could be better using electronic balance than analytical
balance because the scalar readings will be more accurate than analytical
h. Conclusion
In conclusion of the experiment the common laboratory equipment about the
qualitative and quantitative aspects had been learned. The accuracy of an
experiment will affect the results. By doing the experiment student needs to be
careful and focus to obtain the correct result exposed.
2. In what situation do you use a volumetric flask, conical flask, pipette, and
graduated cylinder? Explain your answer from the accuracy aspects of these
Volumetric flasks are used to make solutions of known concentration by the
dissolution of a known mass of solid or the dilution of a more concentrated
solution. Conical flask is used for titration and suitable for boiling liquids. Pipette
usually used to transport a measured volume of liquid. Graduated cylinder used
to measure the volume of a liquid. This apparatus is not a quantitative but these
apparatuses are important to run the experiments.
3. Explain how to read a burette. What are the factors to be considered while using
the burette?
The factors to be considered while using the burette is our eyes should be
parallel to the buret needle.
Christian, G. (2006). Analytical Chemistry. USA: John Wiley & Sons.