Homework 1
Homework 1
Homework 1
Prof. Makhlouf
Homework 1
Ch2: 1, 3, 5, 6, 13, 14, 18, 21, 31, 34, 51, 59, 64, 67, and 76
Ch4: 2, 3, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 22, 24, 31, 32, and 34
2. Describe the events that take place when a specimen undergoes a tension test. Sketch a
plausible stress–strain curve and identify all significant regions and points between them.
Assume that loading continues up to fracture.
- When a specimen undergoes a tension test, it goes through a variety of changes. The
specimen will initially elongate lineally with respect to the load applied to it, which is
known as linear elastic behavior. At this instance, the affect is not permeant, where the
specimen will revert to its original shape once the load is removed. However, if we are
increasing the load beyond a point where the elongation becomes a permanent, plastic
deformation occurs. Where the elongation is no longer exactly proportional to the load
applied to the specimen. This stress level is referred to as the yield stress of the material.
Also, the specimen will eventually reach the maximum stress level after which they begin
to neck and, and then fracture. Breaking or fracturing point is where the test ends.
3. In the equation σ = Kn, which represents the true stress–strain curve for a material, what is
the significance of the exponent n?
The exponent n represents the strain hardening or work hardening exponent, and this
value usually constant. The strain hardening capacity of the material is represented by
this exponent, which expresses the rate of increase in strain for a given stress-strain curve
of a specimen.
4. What is strain-rate sensitivity, and how is it measured?
- Strain-rate sensitivity is the slope of the strain-rate hardening curve. Strain-rate
hardening occurs when increasing the strain rate on a material also increases its strength.
The strain-rate sensitivity exponent is denoted by m, and it’s obtained from a log-log
plots. This relationship can be defined as σ =C ϵ̇ m, where C is the strength coefficient and
ϵ̇ is the true strain. Some typical range of m for metal are up to 0.05 for cold working and
0.05 to 0.4 for hot working.
8. Why does the fatigue strength of a specimen or part depend on its surface finish?
- Fatigue strengths depend on its surface finish, because a good surface finish will reduce
the decarburization surface pits that form due to corrosion and subsequent stress cracking
in a finished product.
9. With a simple sketch, explain whether it is necessary to use the offset method to determine
the yield stress, Y, of a material that has been highly cold worked.
- From the above stress strain diagram, it is clear that offset method is not necessary since
the curve have a diverse change in slope on its stress-strain curve occurring at the yield
10. If a material (such as aluminum) does not have an endurance limit, how then would you
estimate its fatigue life?
- For materials without endurance limits, we can specify a certain number of cycles before
failure occurs. This will give us a good estimate of the material fatigue life, so we will be
able to stop it before reaching the life expectancy. We can perform a cyclic stresses test
to measure the accumulated damage in a part before fracture and identify that cycle
11. A paper clip is made of wire 0.5 mm in diameter. If the original material from which the wire
is made is a rod 25 mm in diameter, calculate the longitudinal engineering and true strains
that the wire has undergone during processing.
Given data, d i=25 mm , d f =0.5 mm
Find, l f , l i ,e eng , ϵ
- We know that as a material undergoes a plastic deformation, the rod volume remains
constate, so
V f =V i
π π
∗l ∗d 2= ∗l ∗d 2
4 f f 4 i i
2 2 l f d 2i 252
l f ∗d =¿ l i∗d
f i => = = =2500
l i d 2f 0.5 2
=2500 => l f =2500 l i
- Engineering strain
∆ l l f −l i 2500 l i−l i
e eng= = = =2500−1=2499
li li li
- True strain
lf 2500l i
ϵ =ln () (
li )
=ln ( 2500 )=7.824
12. You are given the K and n values of two different metals. Is this information sufficient to
determine which metal is tougher? If not, what additional information do you need?
- No, the K and n values aren’t sufficient enough to determine which metal is tougher
because those two values only provide us with rough idea of the curve and information
about the elastic region of the material. To determent the toughness of the material we
need the area under the entire curve, and to determine that we need the fracture point (the
fracture stress and strain point).
13. A metal has the following properties: UTS = 70,000 psi and n = 0.20. Calculate its strength
coefficient, K.
Given data, UTS=70,000 psi , n=0.2
Find, σ , K
P σ A 0 e−0.2 UTS
- Also, to we know that UTS ¿ = =σ e−0.2 => σ = =
A0 A0 e−0.2
- We know that UTS occurs at necking point, and we know that the necking strain is
corresponding to the strain hardening exponent. So,
σ 85498.19
σ =k ϵ n=k nn => k = n= =117964.39 psi
n 0.20.2
14. A metal has a strength coefficient K = 100,000 psi and n = 0.25. Assuming that a tensile-test
specimen made from this metal begins to neck at a true strain of 0.25, show that the ultimate
tensile strength is 59,340 psi.
15. List and explain the desirable mechanical properties of (a) an elevator cable, (b) a paper clip,
(c) a leaf spring for a truck, (d) a bracket for a bookshelf, (e) piano wire, (f) a wire coat
hanger, (g) the clip for a pen, and (h) a staple.
a. An Elevator cables is primarily meant to raise high loads and to support large
weights, so they must be able to withstand a lot of tension. To withstand the
enormous amount of tension, the wires must be constructed to be durable. Therefore,
desirable mechanical properties should be higher modulus Toughness, and higher
fatigue limit.
b. A paper clip is a metal wire bent into a loop with the primary trait of being strong
enough to keep a stack of papers firmly in place. Paper clips are sturdy and robust, as
well as flexible, and can be extended by moving one end. Therefore, paper clip
should be somewhat durable and flexible, and hardness and strength aren't necessary
very important mechanical properties. So higher resilience is desirable.
c. A leaf spring should be strong enough to support a truck's hefty loads. Generally, a
leaf spring is employed as a suspension system as well as to support the truck's jerks
and large loads. As a result, it must be built to withstand enormous weights and
must be extremely robust, flexible, and strong. So it must have a very big tensile
strength and impact Strength
g. A pen clip is often constructed of steel with a low hardness because it is used to hang
a pen inside a pocket. A little Hardness and high Resilience would be sufficient.
h. A staple, like a paper clip, is used to hold a stack of paper together. As a result, it
must have a high degree of plasticity and resilience because the staple must bend and
remain in that state indefinitely.
17. What are the conditions for obtaining (a) substitutional and (b) interstitial solid solutions?
- To form a substitutional solid solution, two metals must satisfy Hume Rothery rule.
Where the two metals must have atomic radii difference less 15% and must have similar
crystal structure.
- To form a interstitial solid solutions the solvent metals must have an atom that has more
than one valence and the atomic radius of the solute to be less 59% of the solvent.
20. What are precipitates? Why are they significant in precipitation hardening?
- A precipitate is an insoluble solid that emerges from a liquid solution. The emergence of
the insoluble solid from solution is called precipitation. This will occur when the solution
contains more solute than its maximum solid solubility in the solvent. And, precipitation
hardening, is a type of heat treatment that is used to for hardening and strengthening of
nonferrous alloys. It is called precipitation hardening as it makes use of solid impurities
or precipitates for the strengthening process. This process is done by either heating it or
keeping it at stored at lower temperatures so that precipitates are formed.
24. Describe the engineering significance of the existence of a eutectic point in phase diagrams.
- The eutectic point in any alloy is the point where the melt temperature is the lowest.
From an engineering perspective, a eutectic point will determine the composition of
particular solders to find the right combination of strength, conductivity, and melting
30. A typical steel for tubing is AISI 1040, and one for music wire is 1085. Considering their
applications, explain the reason for the difference in carbon content.
- AISI 1085 steel has a higher carbon content, than AISI 1040 steel. Having a higher
carbon content give the material a higher yield strength. High yield strength in music
wire is essential so it can be pulled into high tension to obtain pitch. Where in the other
hand lower carbon content material is much more ductile and suited to resistance many
post-manufacture deformation processes. Where tubing undergoes many processes to
configure desirable shape, so low carbon content is much more preferable.