Strain Gage-What
Strain Gage-What
Strain Gage-What
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Strain Gages
Have you ever seen the Birdman Contest, an annual event held at Lake Biwa
near Kyoto? Many people in Japan know the event since it is broadcast every year
on TV. Cleverly designed airplanes and gliders fly several hundred meters on human
power, teaching us a great deal about well-balanced airframes.
However, some airframes have their wings regrettably broken upon flying and
crash into the lake. Such crashes provoke laughter and cause no problem since
airplane failures are common in the Birdman Contest.
Today, every time a new model of an airplane, automobile or railroad vehicle is
introduced, the structure is designed to be lighter to attain faster running speed and
less fuel consumption. It is possible to design a lighter and more efficient product by
selecting lighter materials and making them thinner for use. But the safety of the
product is compromised unless the required strength is maintained. By the same
token, if only the strength is taken into consideration, the weight of the product
increases and the economic feasibility is impaired.
Thus, harmony between safety and economics is an extremely important factor
in designing a structure. To design a structure which ensures the necessary strength
while keeping such harmony, it is significant to know the stress borne by each
material part. However, at the present scientific level, there is no technology which
enables direct measurement and judgment of stress. So, the strain on the surface is
measured in order to know the internal stress. Strain gages are the most common
sensing element to measure surface strain.
Let’s briefly learn about stress and strain and strain gages.
Stress and Strain
Stress is the force an object generates inside by
External force, P
responding to an applied external force, P. See Fig. Fig. 1
1. If an object receives an external force from the
top, it internally generates a repelling force to main-
tain the original shape. The repelling force is called
internal force and the internal force divided by the
cross-sectional area of the object (a column in this
Internal force
example) is called stress, which is expressed as a
unit of Pa (Pascal) or N/m2. Suppose that the cross-
sectional area of the column is A (m2) and the ex-
ternal force is P (N, Newton). Since external force
= internal force, stress, σ (sigma), is: Cross-sectional area, A
σ = P (Pa or N/m2)
Since the direction of the external force is vertical
to the cross-sectional area, A, the stress is called
vertical stress.
d0 – ∆d
ε1 = ∆L (change in length)
L (original length)
Strain in the same tensile (or compressive) direc- L ∆L
tion as the external force is called longitudinal
strain. Since strain is an elongation (or contrac-
tion) ratio, it is an absolute number having no unit.
Usually, the ratio is an extremely small value, and
thus a strain value is expressed by suffixing “x10–6
(parts per million) strain,” “µm/m” or “µε.”
The pulled bar becomes thinner while lengthen-
ing. Suppose that the original diameter, d0, is made
thinner by ∆d. Then, the strain in the diametrical
direction is:
ε2 = –∆d
Strain in the orthogonal direction to the external
force is called lateral strain. Each material has a
certain ratio of lateral strain to longitudinal strain,
with most materials showing a value around 0.3.
This ratio is called Poisson’s ratio, which is
expressed in ν (nu):
ν = ε2 = 0.3
With various materials, the relation between strain Fig. 3
and stress has already been obtained experimen-
Elastic region Plastic region
tally. Fig. 3 graphs a typical relation between stress
and strain on common steel (mild steel). The re- Proportional
gion where stress and strain have a linear relation
Stress, σ
is called the proportional limit, which satisfies the
Hooke’s law.
σ = E . ε or σ
ε =E
The proportional constant, E, between stress and
strain in the equation above is called the modulus
of longitudinal elasticity or Young’s modulus, the Strain, ε
value of which depends on the materials.
Magnitude of Strain
σ = P = 10kN–4(1020kgf) = 10 x 103N
2 2 –4 2
A 1 x 10 m (1cm ) 1 x 10 m
= 100MPa (10.2kgf/mm2)
Substitute this value for σ in the stress-strain rela-
Iron bar (E = 206GPa)
of 1 x10–4m2 (1
tional expression (page 5) to calculate the strain:
Polarity of Strain
There exist tensile strain (elongation) and compres-
sive strain (contraction). To distinguish between
them, a sign is prefixed as follows:
Plus (+) to tensile strain (elongation)
Minus (–) to compressive strain (contraction)
Young’s modulus
Also called modulus of elasticity in tension or modulus of longitudinal elasticity. With materials obeying Hooke’s law,
Young’s modulus stands for a ratio of simple vertical stress to vertical strain occurring in the stress direction within the
proportional limit. Since this modulus was determined first among various coefficients of elasticity, it is generally expressed
in E, the first letter of elasticity. Since the 18th century, it has been known that vertical stress is proportional to vertical
strain, as long as the proportional limit is not exceeded. But the proportional constant, i.e. the value of the modulus of
longitudinal elasticity, had been unknown. Young was first to determine the constant, and thus it was named Young’s
modulus in his honor.
Thomas Young (1773-1829)
English physician, physicist and archaeologist. His genius early asserted itself and he has been known as a pioneer in
reviving the light wave theory. From advocating the theory for several years, he succeeded in discovering interference of
light and in explaining Newton’s ring and diffraction phenomenon in the wave theory. He is especially renowned for
presenting Young’s modulus and giving energy the same scientific connotation as used at the present.
Strain Gages
Structure of Strain Gages
There are many types of strain gages. Among them,
a universal strain gage has a structure such that a
grid-shaped sensing element of thin metallic
resistive foil (3 to 6µm thick) is put on a base of
thin plastic film (15 to 16µm thick) and is laminated
with a thin film.
Laminate film
Principle of Strain Gages
The strain gage is tightly bonded to a measuring
object so that the sensing element (metallic resistive
foil) may elongate or contract according to the strain
borne by the measuring object. When bearing
mechanical elongation or contraction, most metals
undergo a change in electric resistance. The strain
gage applies this principle to strain measurement
through the resistance change. Generally, the
sensing element of the strain gage is made of a
copper-nickel alloy foil. The alloy foil has a rate of
resist-ance change proportional to strain with a
certain constant.
Let’s express the principle as follows:
∆R = K . ε
where, R: Original resistance of strain gage, Ω (ohm)
∆R: Elongation- or contraction-initiated resistance change, Ω (ohm)
K: Proportional constant (called gage factor)
ε: Strain
The gage factor, K, differs depending on the metallic
materials. The copper-nickel alloy (Advance)
provides a gage factor around 2. Thus, a strain
gage using this alloy for the sensing element enables
conversion of mechanical strain to a corresponding
electrical resistance change. However, since strain
is an invisible infinitesimal phenomenon, the
resistance change caused by strain is extremely
For example, let’s calculate the resistance change
on a strain gage caused by 1000 x10–6 strain.
Generally, the resistance of a strain gage is120Ω,
and thus the following equation is established:
∆R = 2 x 1000 x10–6
120 (Ω)
∆R = 120 x 2 x 1000 x10–6 = 0.24Ω
The rate of resistance change is:
∆R = 0.24 = 0.002 = 0.2%
R 120
In fact, it is extremely difficult to accurately meas-
ure such a minute resistance change, which can-
not be measured with a conventional ohmmeter.
Accordingly, minute resistance changes are meas-
ured with a dedicated strain amplifier using an elec-
tric circuit called a Wheatstone bridge.
Wheatstone Bridge
What’s the Wheatstone Bridge?
The Wheatstone bridge is an electric circuit suit- Fig. 5
able for detection of minute resistance changes. It
R1 R2
is therefore used to measure resistance changes of
Output, e
a strain gage. The bridge is configured by combin-
ing four resistors as shown in Fig. 5.
Suppose: R3
R1 = R2 = R3 = R4, or
R1 x R3 = R2 x R4 input, E
e= 1 . ∆R . E
4 R
That is,
e= 1 .K.ε.E
Since values other than ε are known values, strain,
ε, can be determined by measuring the bridge out-
put voltage.
Bridge Structures
• 2-gage system
With the 2-gage system, gages are connected to
the bridge in either of two ways, shown in Fig. 7.
•Output voltage of 4-gage system
The 4-gage system has four gages connected one Fig. 8
each to all four sides of the bridge. While this sys-
R1 R2
tem is rarely used for strain measurement, it is fre-
quently applied to strain-gage transducers.
When the gages at the four sides have their resist-
ance changed to R1 + ∆R1, R2 + ∆R2, R3 + ∆R3
R4 R3
and R4 + ∆R4, respectively, the bridge output volt-
age, e, is:
e= 1
4 ( ∆RR1
1 – ∆R2 + ∆R3 – ∆R4 E
R2 R3 R4 )
If the gages at the four sides are equal in specifica-
tions including the gage factor, K, and receive
strains, ε1, ε2, ε3 and ε4, respectively, the equa-
tion above will be:
e= 1 . K (ε1 – ε2 + ε3 – ε4) E
e= 1 . ∆R1 . E R1
4 R1
e= 1 . K . ε1 . E
In almost all cases, general strain measurement is
performed using the 1-gage system. E
e = 1 ∆R1 – ∆R2 E
( )
4 R1 R2
or, e = 1 K (ε1 – ε2) E E
In the case of Fig. 10 (b), (b)
e = 1 ∆R1 + ∆R3 E
( )
4 R1 R3
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That is to say, the strain borne by the second gage
is subtracted from, or added to, the strain borne
by the first gage, depending on the sides to which
the two gages are inserted, adjacent or opposite.
e = 1 K (ε1 – ε2) E
Since tensile strains on gages 1 and 2 are plus
and the same in magnitude, (ε1 – ε2) in the equa-
tion is 0, thereby making the output, e, zero. E
On the other hand, the bending strain on gage 1
is plus and that on gage 2 is minus. Thus, ε2 is
added to ε1, thereby doubling the output. That is,
the bridge configuration shown in Fig. 12 enables
measurement of the bending strain only.
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Temperature Compensation
One of the problems of strain measurement is
thermal effect. Besides external force, changing
temperatures elongate or contract the measuring
object with a certain linear expansion coefficient.
Accordingly, a strain gage bonded to the object
bears thermally-induced apparent strain. Tempera-
ture compensation solves this problem. Fig. 14
Active-Dummy Method
Output, e
to adjacent sides of the bridge. Since the measur-
ing object and the dummy block are under the same
temperature condition, thermally-induced elonga-
tion or contraction is the same on both of them.
Thus, gages A and B bear the same thermally-in- Input, E
duced strain, which is compensated to let the out-
put, e, be zero because these gages are connected
to adjacent sides.
Self-Temperature-Compensation Method
Theoretically, the active-dummy method described
above is an ideal temperature compensation
method. But the method involves problems in the
form of an extra task to bond two gages and install
the dummy block. To solve these problems, the
self-temperature-compensation gage (SELCOM®
gage) was developed as the method of compensat-
ing temperature with a single gage.
With the self-temperature-compensation gage, the
temperature coefficient of resistance of the sens-
ing element is controlled based on the linear ex-
pansion coefficient of the measuring object. Thus,
the gage enables strain measurement without re-
ceiving any thermal effect if it is matched with the
measuring object. Except for some special models,
all recent KYOWA strain gages apply the self-tem-
perature-compensation method.
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Principle of Self-Temperature-
Compensation Gages
As described in the previous section, except for
some special models, all recent KYOWA strain
gages are self-temperature-compensation gages
(SELCOM® gages). This section briefly describes
the principle by which they work.
Principle of SELCOM® Gages
Suppose that the linear expansion coefficient of
the measuring object is βs and that of the resistive
element of the strain gage is βg. When the strain
gage is bonded to the measuring object as shown
Fig. 15
in Fig. 15, the strain gage bears thermally-induced
apparent strain/°C, εT, as follows: Resistive element of strain gage
(linear expansion coefficient, βg)
εT = α + (βs – βg)
where, α: Temperature coefficient of resistance of
resistive element
Ks: Gage factor of strain gage
The gage factor, Ks, is determined by the material Measuring object
(linear expansion coefficient, βs)
of the resistive element, and the linear expansion
coefficients, βs and βg, are determined by the materials
of the measuring object and the resistive element,
respectively. Thus, controlling the temperature
coefficient of resistance, α, of the resistive element
suffices to make the thermally-induced apparent
strain, εT, zero in the above equation.
α = –Ks (βs – βg)
= Ks (βs – βg)
The temperature coefficient of resistance, α, of the
resistive element can be controlled through heat
treatment in the foil production process. Since it is
adjusted to the linear expansion coefficient of the
intended measuring object, application of the gage
to other than the intended materials not only voids
temperature compensation but also causes large
meas-urement errors.
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Leadwire Temperature Compensation
The use of the self-temperature-compensation gage
(SELCOM® gage) eliminates the thermal effect
from the gage output. But leadwires between the
gage and the strain-gage bridge are also affected
by ambient temperature. This problem too should
be solved.
With the 1-gage 2-wire system shown in Fig. 16,
the resistance of each leadwire is inserted in series
to the gage, and thus leadwires do not generate
any thermal problem if they are short. But if they
are long, leadwires adversely affect measurement.
The copper used for leadwires has a temperature
coefficient of resistance of 3.93 x10–3/°C. For ex-
ample, if leadwires 0.3mm2 and 0.062Ω/m each
are laid to 10m length (reciprocating distance:
20m), a temperature increase by 1°C produces an
output of 20 x10–6 strain when referred to a strain
Fig. 16
Output, e
Gage Leadwires
Fig. 17 r3
Rg r2
Output, e
Gage r1
R4 R3
(3) Decide bonding position. (4) Remove grease from bonding surface and clean.
Using a #2 pencil or a Using an industrial tissue
marking-off pin, mark paper (SILBON paper)
the measuring site in dipped in acetone, clean
the strain direction. the strain-gage bonding
When using a marking- site. Strongly wipe the
off pin, take care not to surface in a single
deeply scratch the direction to collect dust
strain-gage bonding and then remove by
surface. wiping in the same
direction. Reciprocal
wiping causes dust to
move back and forth and
does not ensure cleaning.
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