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Course Code : MKTE5

Course Description : SALES MANAGEMENT

Lesson No : 8
Topic : Guidelines in Analyzing Business Case Study

Case study approach has developed into a very effective method in improving an individual’s
ability to analyze a situation, establish premises, arrive at valid conclusions, decide on courses
of action and visualize consequences and results. A case usually narrates the development of a
situation and follows the narrated development by identifyingand evaluating the more important
factors and information needed for valid judgments.

Learning Objectives:
1. To make the student become more efficient and accurate in finding the cause and effect of
business problems.
2. To develop his skill in interacting, cooperating and fostering closer working relations with his
group members.
3. To apply his own special experience, and to handle new situation if he has little or no
4. To train the student become more imaginative in formulating effective and efficient solutions.

1. What percentage of managers do you think have a clear understanding of what they are
supposed to do?
2. Discuss the following statement:
“Planning is something managers should do when they have nothing else to do.”
“Policy should always be made at the top management”

Lesson Presentation:


1.It is based on particular situational facts.
2.There is good understanding and identification of the central problem
3.The solution must be highly creative and have the makings of being practical and workable
under the given circumstances

What is Case Study?


Title Page
I.Time Context
III.Statement of the Problem ( at least three problem)
V.Must Objectives /Short Range (at least three objectives)
VI.Want Objectives/Long Range
VII.Areas of Consideration/Analysis
VIII.Alternative Courses of Action ( ACA) Give at least 3 ACAs with 3 Advantages and 3


3 Advantages 3 Advantages 3 Advantages
3 Disadvantages 3 Disadvantages 3 Disadvantages

X.Conclusion/Detailed Action Plan (Gantt Chart)

Time Context – Specify the time context (month and year) if the case fact is explicit about it.
The time context should tell us when the problem was observed or which requires the necessity
of action.

Viewpoint – In solving business problems, the students must specify the viewpoint he is taking.

Statement of the Problem – a problem is a deviation or an imbalance between what should be

and what is actually happening. The imbalance is caused by change of one kind or another.
Specify what the problem is by describing it very accurately in terms of four dimensions: identity,
location, time and extent.

Objectives – are specifications by which alternative courses of action are to be developed

These are statements or functions to be performed or undertaken by the courses of action.

Must or short Range Objectives – This objective sets the limits that cannot be violated
by any alternative course of action. This objective will help the manager recognize the screen
out of the impossible and poorer alternative right at the outset.
Want or Long Range Objectives – This Objective does not have absolute limits but
expresses relative desirability.

Areas of Consideration Analysis – When the student has determined what he considers to be
the central problems and has defined objective, he must proceed to organize the facts around
possible causes of the main problem.
Alternative Courses of Action – These are possible solutions to the problem. Alternative are
collections of what appear to be the moment the best means of meeting the individual objectives.
In some cases, the alternatives are clear; in others; the student must formulate alternatives
appropriate to the problem at hand. Take each alternative and measure it individually against
each of the must and want objectives. If prospective serious areas could not be prevented,
review other alternatives for final action.

Recommendation – This is the final decision or recommended course of action. The student
must be decisive. He must not avoid making a final choice of the alternative which seems best
to him.

Conclusion/DetailedAction Plan – Make a detailed action plan to ensure success of the

decision or recommendation.
The characteristics of a good action plan are:
It is systematic
It is realistic
It is flexible

Elements of an Effective Case Presentation

Planning the Presentation
a. Determining what you expect to accomplish
b. Considering means to secure audience interest
c. Anticipating questions you may asked after presentation
 Gathering facts to answer anticipated questions
 Making the actual presentation and the defense.
 Always begin your presentation with the attitude that you are presenting to a very
important audience.
 Get your audience attention
 Watch your verbal language. Words are your main communication. Use words that
suggest action.
 Watch your body language. Your Posture, your physical attitude, your gestures can often
do more to help you convince persuasively than words.
 Use power point presentation
 Cover the business case completely
 Answer the audience’s questions satisfactorily.



Maria Cruz Gonzales was the founder and president of a publishing company specializing in
collegiate textbooks. Because of her personal ability, expertise, and effective sales and
marketing promotion, the company grew rapidly and its sales of 100,000 in the first year reach
10 million five years later. The publication, production, and sales force also increased.
However the company was faced with a serious problem. New and old employees were making
conflicting decisions. A new publishing house was located near their place. One of Maria Cruz
Gonzales partners suggested that the company needed planning, new marketing strategies and
clear cut policies and program to guide decision making. The president hired a sales consultant
in helping the company in formulating plans and policies today. The president believes it is best
to solve problems and concentrate on new strategy of sales operation and formulate a new
policies, strategy for implementation.
Use case study format in answering your problem. Format: Font-Arial, size-12, Spacing-1.5,
Margin – 1inch all sides, Justify.

Sample of Title Page

Dr. Filemon C. Aguilar Memorial College

Golden Gate Subdivision, Talon III,
Las Piñas, 1747 Metro Manila

A Case Study of
Name of Company (size:14)

In Partial fulfillment of the subject


Presented by:
Your name
Year and Section

Presented to:

December 2021

Inigo, Conrado : Management for Filipinos Principles and Application Revised Edition 2005
Atmosfera, Roberto C. Case Analysis-Guidelines.Manila: Philippine Christian University.

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