Strengths Worksheet and List
Strengths Worksheet and List
Strengths Worksheet and List
The purpose of this activity is to:
• Identify and appreciate your strengths
10-15 minutes
• Strengths are the talents and abilities that are essential to who you are.
They are positive traits that come naturally to you. When you use your
strengths you feel energized.
• Our efforts at self-improvement are often centered around improving our
areas of weakness. While there can be great benefit in this, it is equally
important to recognize our strengths and learn how to use them more
• Using your strengths can decrease stress and increase happiness, life-
satisfaction and self-confidence. People who use their strengths at work
experience greater engagement.
1) Hand out the activity worksheet to participants.
2) Using information on page 1, explain what strengths are.
3) Ask participants to select their top 3-5 strengths. They can use the strengths on
the list provided or create their own if they identify a strength that isn’t on the list.
4) If they want, they can ask others for input on their strengths. Other methods to
identify their strengths can include thinking about what they enjoy doing, when
they feel most comfortable, and what energizes them.
5) After they identify a few of their strengths, have them answer the questions on
the worksheet. Instruct them to think about how and where they use their
strengths both at and outside of work.
6) Go around the room - or break into small groups if the group is large- and ask
people to share their strengths.